Nazi Mooners

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Nazi Mooners

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer posted this 19-year-old article about Nazi flying saucers going to the moon and strangely enough others have picked it up and run with it (e.g MacHaffie at the RAP-NESARA forum). One simple question arises from these claims, if the Nazis had such technology, why didn't they use it in the war? You know, to attack the US directly or something? Or did they win the war and that's being covered up also?



The Germans landed on the Moon as early as probably 1942, utilizing their larger exoatmospheric rocket saucers of the Miethe and Schriever type. The Miethe rocket craft was built in diameters if 15 and 50 meters, and the Schriever Walter turbine powered craft was designed as an interplanetary exploration vehicle. It had a diameter of 60 meters, had 10 stories of crew compartments, and stood 45 meters high.

In my extensive research of dissident American theories about the physical conditions on the Moon I have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon, and that man does not need a space suit to walk on the Moon. A pair of jeans, a pullover and sneakers are just about enough. Everything NASA has told the world about the Moon is a lie and it was done to keep the exclusivity of the club from joinings by the third world countries. All these physical conditions make it a lot more easier to build a Moon base.

Ever since their first day of landing on the Moon, the Germans started boring and tunnelling under the surface, and by the end of the war there was a small Nazi research base on the Moon. The free energy tachyon drive craft of the Haunebu-1 and 2 type were used after 1944 to haul people," materiel and the first robots to the construction site on the Moon. When Russians and Americans secretly landed jointly on the Moon in the early fifties with their own saucers, they spent their first night there as guests of the .... Nazi underground base. In the sixties a massive Russian - American base had been built on the Moon, that now has a population of 40,000 people, as the rumour goes. After the end of the war in May 1945, the Germans continued their space effort from their south polar colony of Neu Schwabenland. I have discovered a photograph of their underground space control centre there.

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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by rogfulton »

And to think, there are actual human beings who believe this bunk! Those in the know are well aware that Neu Schwabenland is the north polar colony. :naughty:

Or did someone forget to tell me it was moved? :oops: :naughty: :naughty:
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Cathulhu »

Let's take him to the moon and let him go outside in his jeans and sneakers. Explosive decompression should make a terrific youtube...
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Nikki »

Interesting -- Why does a 'photograph' clearly show both brush strokes and an artist's signature?

Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by bmielke »

When I saw the thread title I pictured skinheads dropping their pants. This is just strange. Everyone knows the secret Russian-American base is on Mars not the moon.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Deep Knight »

This material actually comes from Ernst Zundel's conspiracy theories, whose imprissonment for agressive Holocost denial was a cause celebre with Muhlhausen, er, Bellringer. Which is why it's easy to get confused about this, because Zundel was all over the map with his claims and counter-claims (except of course his unvarying anti-Semitism).

Neu Schwabenland was/is a portion of Antarctica and Zundel said there was a secret submarine and/or UFO base somewhere on the coast. He later claimed it included an entrance to the hollow earth, but was vague on how this was supposed to work. He also talked about UFOs and a hollow earth entrance at the North Pole, which means Santa Claus must be involved. He advertized an expedition to find this for $9,999.00 (Nazi UFO Frisbees were somewhat cheeper).


Others have tried the same scam for a voyage to the northern entrance (see ... erary.html ) and Bellringer himself has posted lots of this material on his website recently. My favorite is the "Smokey God" writings (this is supposed to be the inner-earth sun, not to be confused with the Little Smokies God, a cocktail weenie deity).

Since there's material referencing the North Pole and the South Pole, and because these guys pull their "facts" from their butts, these locations frequently get confused.

Is it possible that the earth is hollow? Not a chance in hell. Will that stop the pseudoscience and conspiracy theories? I believe the chance of that is even lower.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

One of the funniest ever "hollow earth" posts was one in which a person posted a picture of the earth with a big black spot centered on the North Pole. "SEE?", the fool proclaimed. "Here is proof POSITIVE that the earth is hollow!" It turned out that the picture was of the earth during either early fall or late spring -- when there is 24-hour night in parts of the Arctic Circle; and a satellite was able to take a picture of the Earth which showed all of it illuminatd by the sun except for the part I mentioned.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Brandybuck »

I love the optimism in their itinerary:
Days 9-11 Start the search for the North Polar Opening to the Inner Continent.
Days 12-14 Once found, travel up Hiddekel River to City of Jehu. *
Days 15-16 Take a monorail trip to City of Eden to visit Palace of the King of the Inner World.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:One of the funniest ever "hollow earth" posts was one in which a person posted a picture of the earth with a big black spot centered on the North Pole. "SEE?", the fool proclaimed. "Here is proof POSITIVE that the earth is hollow!" It turned out that the picture was of the earth during either early fall or late spring -- when there is 24-hour night in parts of the Arctic Circle; and a satellite was able to take a picture of the Earth which showed all of it illuminatd by the sun except for the part I mentioned.
I've seen two types of satellite photos, one as you describe (often a link to near-real-time NASA photos during the fall or winter) and ones that just have a hole in the clouds roughly around the North Pole. To find the second they would need to go through a mess of photos that didn't show any "hole," which is what's meant by "cherry picking." If they do it in politics, why not science?

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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by fortinbras »

Apart from this story about Nazi superiority in space travel, the Fourwinds Bellringer stuff includes messages from God Atonn (who seems to have trouble expressing himself in English) which include some really unkind comments about Jews. In fact, about the only earthlings that Atonn disapproves of are Jews. Makes me wonder if the Jews have already encountered the NESARA flying saucer people out in space.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Apart from this story about Nazi superiority in space travel, the Fourwinds Bellringer stuff includes messages from God Atonn (who seems to have trouble expressing himself in English) which include some really unkind comments about Jews. In fact, about the only earthlings that Atonn disapproves of are Jews. Makes me wonder if the Jews have already encountered the NESARA flying saucer people out in space.
Could it be that the reason Bellringer and the other anti-Semitic UFO & conspiracy theorists hate Jews is that they're jealous of their space-travel skills? Think about it for a minute, is it coincidence that a yarmulke looks like the top of a space helmet and Torah scrolls like dual rocket engines?


As for Aton & Hatonn (HE IS THAT HE IS) is he one creator god or two? Bellringer tells us these are simply different spellings from different planets or planes of existence, does that mean that space aliens use Roman letters? Makes sense, they seem to speak English in all those movies. If so, why does Aton/Hatonn have trouble expressing himself in his native tongue? Is it because he doesn't have a tongue but instead a tube-like proboscis for sucking out human brains?

So many questions, so few answers.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Deep Knight »

RE: Early Secret Bases and Air on the Moon.

In the early 60's one of my favorite comics was Dick Tracy. To juice up the strip the artist had been adding technological wonders (such as the two-way wrist radio) made by Tracy's good friend, industrialist Diet Smith. In 1962, at the height of early space-race fever, Diet Smith invented the Space Coupe, which was initially used for going into orbit and chasing crooks.

In 1964 Dick and Diet went to the moon to discover - deep moon valleys with air, plants and people! They kind of looked like us but with big eyes and giraffe horns.
Junior marries Moon Maid (above, daughter of the moon king, don'tcha know) and the "space" theme continued for a few years until it was dropped for being too silly and Dick came back to stopping garden-variety earth criminals with funny looking faces. And Diet Smith? He became "Jenny Craig" after he invented the sex change.

Jump to the 21st Century and Mark Huber and Beth Trutwin telling us about the planets they visited while out-of-body (or is that out-of-mind?). Their description of the moon was EXACTLY like that in the Dick Tracy comics, deep hidden valleys with tropical foliage and a civilization ruled by a king. They even had horns like Moon Maid. I figure that Beth Tushwind is too young to remember this (or even be around if you believe her bio), but Mark Huber would have. Too silly for the comic strips, but just right for the NESARA crowd.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Green Lantern »

Ah,'s easy to make cults around secret Mars and Moon bases, multi-dimensions and parallel universes and the after-life because no one can prove you wrong. Nevertheless, the vast majority of American do believe in one of the aforementioned cults, they vote, have children, donate money (or have it directed by third parties).
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Deep Knight »


If you can't believe your own eyes, what can you believe? Pay no attention to the PhotoShop behind the curtain.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Thule »

Deep Knight wrote:This material actually comes from Ernst Zundel's conspiracy theories, whose imprissonment for agressive Holocost denial was a cause celebre with Muhlhausen, er, Bellringer. Which is why it's easy to get confused about this, because Zundel was all over the map with his claims and counter-claims (except of course his unvarying anti-Semitism).
Hollow earth theories and nazism go back a long way. Several key members of the NSDAP, including the founder, were members of the (ahem) Thule Society. Among their nutty ideas were hollow earth, with openings at the poles and, for some reason, Tibet. But I think Himmler were the only one who stayed with the idea.
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Re: Nazi Mooners

Post by Deep Knight »

Thule wrote:Hollow earth theories and nazism go back a long way. Several key members of the NSDAP, including the founder, were members of the (ahem) Thule Society. Among their nutty ideas were hollow earth, with openings at the poles and, for some reason, Tibet. But I think Himmler were the only one who stayed with the idea.
A lot of this is from Theosophy and Madame Blavatsky. It was not only the occult aspects of Theosophy but its racial theories that attracted big-time Nazis (some say Hitler had read "The Secret Doctrine," some say it was at his bedside and he read it nightly but if you read the rest of their stuff you start to doubt their veracity). There are so many rumors surrounding Nazi's and the occult it's to sort it out, but it definitely was a thread running through their madness.

Madame Blavatsky wrote about tunnels under Tibet that led to "lost lands" inside of the earth. This later meshed into hollow earth theories with entrances at the poles. Many peoples have folk tales about underground regions, and no doubt the Tibetans do also, but I believe that the source of Tibet (and the poles) as the locations of these things has more to do with their extreme remoteness than anything else. If you can't go there, you can't prove it wrong.

Since their demise, Nazi's and flying saucers and the hollow earth have gotten lumped together by conspiracy theorists. I knew a new wave band named "Joe Normal and the Regulars," who put out an album on an unknown indie label in the late 70's called "Nazi Flying Saucers from the Hollow Earth." Their lead singer told me that this was the "ultimate conspiracy theory" and so they adopted it as some sort of punk statement. I told him that albums with swastikas on the cover weren't likely to sell well.

"Aryan superiority" and anti-Semitism flowed through Blavatsky's work (who better to blame your predictions not coming true on than the Jews?) and into the modern New Age movement. Strange to think of from "love and light" folks, but you see it in its most naked form on Bellringer's site. Which is how this thread started.
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