What do the good people of NH think of the Browns?

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Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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What do the good people of NH think of the Browns?

Post by Demosthenes »

From the Concord Monitor
Joe Fiala, Weare

June 21. 2007 8:00AM

Brave Americans, from Henry David Thoreau to Dr. Jack Kevorkian, have faced prison as an act of defiance against what they believed was government oppression.

Were the Browns of such courageous stock, they would honorably do their time as an act of rebellion. It is neither patriotic nor heroic to hole up and make lethal threats against fellow citizens. The thinly veiled suggestion that they prefer suicide by cop is downright cowardly.


Pay up, Ed Brown
Steve Leavenworth, Concord

June 21. 2007 8:00AM

Ed Brown asks: "Where does it say I must pay an income tax? Show me the law."

I looked and what did my wondering eyes behold but the 16th Amendment:

"The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Just what part of the above leads you to believe you are an exception to the law? Voluntary? You've got to be kidding. When in the history of the world have taxes been voluntary?

Frankly, you are a Johnny-come-lately as far as legal excuses to avoid taxation. The courts long ago shot down all your complaints and excuses.

I am just as disgusted with the shenanigans of Congress as you are, but I stand firm that we are a nation of laws. If I don't like them, I must object within the law!

Your ridiculous stance has caused my taxes to increase just so that we may avoid a violent solution. I certainly do not want you to die in some shoot-out, and I resent your trying to force a violent confrontation so that you can be a martyr.

Face it, while the rest of us lived by the laws of the land and meekly paid our taxes, you refused to pay, thus breaking the law. You have been heard in a court of law and you have been given far more leniency than you would have received in many countries. Time to pay up.

William Charles Tinker, Northfield

June 21. 2007 8:00AM

Regarding "Marshals cut power to Brown home; authorities say they have no raid planned" (Monitor, June 13):

Stephen Monier, you're nothing but a illogical, ungodly man. You're not capable of being anything but a lackey for your demonic bosses!

The whole world is watching your inane bantering and divisive actions toward the Browns, who should be left alone to enjoy their twilight years in peace - not harassed or intimidated by men hiding behind unjust dictatorial man's laws (not God's laws)that our country sought to break the chains from when we originally came here from England in 1600s.

You have already committed the ultimate Judas type of sin by your pretense at being a friend while you sell your brothers out for money. You do not have the backing of the U.S. Supreme Court or the international world community or legal right under any law to invade Ed Brown's home.

Do not harm or shed one innocent person's blood at the Browns' home, Marshal Monier, or you will awaken the real patriots of this country and you will become the ultimate fall guy or stooge.

Where isthe outrage?
Herb Cameron, Canterbury

June 21. 2007 8:00AM

There are camouflaged snipers in trees, armored vehicles and roadblocks. They have cut power, phone and internet and have arrested or threatened supporters. An unarmed man walking his dog was Tasered, cuffed, arrested and interrogated.

Is it a scene of insurgent chaos in Baghdad? It is an attack on an al- Qaida cell in Kabul? No, it's an otherwise pastoral area of rural New Hampshire called Plainfield, at the home of a peaceful, older couple accused and convicted of tax evasion.

I see little to no outrage that storm troopers for the IRS or the feds are acting without any oversight. U.S. Marshal Steve Monier has said his office does not "intend to engage in a violent standoff with the Browns." Why the display of firepower?

Where is our own chief executive, Gov. Lynch? Why are there federal tanks in New Hampshire? Is it because the government really, really needs that money? Have the Browns have injured or murdered someone? Do they pose an "imminent threat" to the community they live in?

I could write for days about the waste of our tax dollars, but it's not about the money. It's about control. It's about precedence. You see, it would be an awful precedent to let a tax protester alone to live in peace. Their power comes not from the ballot box but our willingness to hand over our earnings with no accountability.

The only effective protest of corporate or federal power left is to hold onto your wallet. Those who condemn the Browns' actions do so strictly as a reflection of their own lack of courage.

Browns should surrender now
Patrick Payette, Dunbarton

June 21. 2007 8:00AM

While I do not like paying income tax any more than the next person, the Browns' argument that there is no law or requirement to pay income tax is ridiculous.

What part of the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, adopted in 1913, do they not understand: "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration." It seems pretty clear to me.

The Monitor, WMUR and every other media outlet should drop the continuing coverage of this story, as ongoing reporting only serves to escalate the situation.

The Browns were tried and, knowing they would be convicted as a result of frivolous arguments, skipped court to avoid arrest. Now we have Randy Weaver in New Hampshire as a Brown advocate. I would think that Randy Weaver would be the one person to advise the Browns to surrender, as bad things might happen the longer this drags on.

The Browns have a reported $1.9 million estate, have not paid taxes and had access to, and most likely used, services provided by our tax dollars. I hope someone will talk the Browns into surrendering. Their intent to die rather than be arrested would only mean a waste of two lives for an unfounded belief that will be shortly forgotten. And the government will get the money owed anyway.

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Post by Demosthenes »

From The Union Leader:

The law is simple: We all must pay taxes above certain income thresholds. If you are a millionaire, like the Browns, there is no excuse. Especially when plenty of non-millionaires manage to pay their share. Your standoff will end in your own demises, and your unwise decisions to launch upon this course only imply that you care nothing about tax law REALLY, but are genuinely interested in becoming a martyr. You don't want to end up in jail. And because of that "taxes" has become your shoulder to cry on. Well you're still gonna land in the federal pen, so you might as well hurry up and get it over with.
- John Kansana, Dover, NH

US Constitution, Article 1, Section Eight, combined with the 16th Ammendment, as ratified BY THE STATE OF NH in 1913. Give it up, people. Pay the taxes, already. "Live Free or Die" is not referring to money.
- Shyre Lancia, Salem, NH

These people have chosen to be citizens when convenient for them. This tax protest stuff is nonsense. If you choose to be a member of a society, you have benefits AND responsibilities to that society. That means: the ambulance when you are not well; highway department to pave your roads; and taxes to pay the bills of the community.
- sam mcguire, peterborough

Enough is enough with the Brownes getting all this attention. The fact that they are being lauded by anyone for tax evasion is unAmerican. We all pay taxes, its time for them to do the same. Who do they think is paying for our soldiers overseas? who protect our country with their lives each and every day. They reap the benefits of living in this great country, but give nothing back. Really American folks. Sorry everyone, but these people do not deserve anyones support. They are criminals and are findiing ridiculous arguements to defend themselves. Give it up Browne's. Pay your taxes, shut your mouth, and stop forcing your way into the media. You are making NH look like a joke. And some of us real Americans, real NH folk, WHO PAY OUR TAXES are sick of having people like you represent us. ENOUGH.
- Jeremy Funk, Boulder CO

People should do the research into these issues ,as did the Browns and maybe they will see that this is news worthy. There is no law requiring taxes on wages. If there is then why won't the goverment show them the law? The Browns have agreed to pay the taxes if someone can do this.Won't it be easier than sending an army of armed assaisins? These people are Patriots not loonies. Take time to think of how you would feel if your house was surrounded by an army willing to kill you over a law that does not exist or that no one can produce. I thank the Union Leader and WMUR for ongoing coverage of this event it may be what has kept Ed and Elaine alive! I'm glad I know the truth and who the "loonies" really are!
- Michael McLaughlin, Manchester

These Brown's are crazy... why are our tax paid US Marshals allowing these loonies to even have a press conference! Stop the phones, stop the electricity, shoot out their solar panels, do not allow people onto their property to bring food, or to visit, and put these nuts in such dire straits that they will come out peacefully or rot in their beds. I am proud of my NH, but these guys are embarrasing us. AND to the Browns... get out of my state and get out of my country... if you don't want to pay taxes, I will gladly buy you a one way ticket to Iraq or Sudan... you will fit in there!
- Marc Payeur, Weare

"...raid that killed his wife, son and dog." I can't decide what's more offensive: hiding actors behind the passive voice, using "killed" for "murdered," or throwing humans and animals in the same literary mass grave. But it's a concise insult, I grant you.
- Doug FitzGerald, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

The Brown's have had their 15 minutes of fame. They've had their day in court. Must the media continue to fuel their lame attempts at attracting attention? I don't want the Marshall's to wait them out, and I think the time is long past reaching a peaceful solution. The law has decreed that they should be taken into custody, and serve their time. Considering my taxes being wasted right now, I wouldn't be upset if I didn't have to support them while they're in prison. How about we just send them to Iraq, and tell our troops there that these two people don't beleive they have a civil responsibility to pay for the military...I don't think they'd last too long.
- Rob Duval, Bow

As an ex-Charlestownian (41 years removed), I can appreciate the sentiment of those who might feel that their taxes are being misused, but that is not justification for refusing to pay them altogether. Romans 13:1-7 clearly indicates that "superior authorities" should be respected and supported, not that Paul endorses the state, but that the state (any state or nation) is allowed to exist until such time as Jehovah chooses to intervene.
- Anthony Reese, Peekskill, NY 10566

I am confused - this is anti-tax New Hampshire, isn't it? I've never seen such love for the IRS and taxes before. I think everyone is envious of the Browns - everyone complains about taxes but no one has the guts to actually do something about it. Doesn't anyone wonder why the government's response is so out of proportion to the crime? Is it perhaps fear that other people may start to stand up for themselves?
- Colin Principe, Manchester, NH

These people are the very reason we must have taxes. Who pays for the the US Marshals? Who pays for the federal courts? If they, and others like them, would abide by the laws, we may be able to reduce taxes, or at the very least, put the tax dollars to the use for which they are intended. I say build a fence around the house and electrify it with their solar panels and wind mill and send everybody home.
- Kevin Thomas, Manchester

They should take the Browns peacefully then auction their house right in front of them. If they hate taxes send much send them to a place where there are none, Cuba. Deport the Browns, because they offer nothing of real value to the State of New Hampshire or any other state in this country.
- Jay Melanson, Manchester, nh

there is NO law that says you MUST pay an income tax. if you think there is, SHOW it to us all........ to the Browns, LIVE FREE OR DIE.......
- David G. Smith, Tampa Florida, Former Nashua resident

Well, I was going to make a few comments too, but I see that all the previous commenters have pretty much said what I was going to say. This isn't news... it's sensationalism. Whose press conference shall we cover next? O.J.'s?
- Brian Jennison, Newmarket

The Browns are nothing more than tax-evaders, wrapping themselves in a bogus pseudo-legalistic argument, as the first poster pointed out. That said, if the feds really do intend to wait them out, it is totally unnecessary to have a small army out there, and patrolling the woods in camoflauge. Unfortunately, potential for violence seems to be very high here. Ed Brown seems a bit paranoid, and might be easily provoked into taking a shot at one of the marshalls.
- Ditmar, Hollis

The power of congress to impose taxes is laid out in the Constitution of the United States, expanded upon in relation to income taxes in the 16th Amendment, and the specifc laws regarding income tax are spelled out in title 26 of the United States Code. It's not terribly hard information to find, unless the Browns don't actually want to find it. I can only imagine that their paranoid delusions of shootouts with the Feds are going to climax with a stunning example of natural selection at work. I just hope that nobody else will lose their life in the Brown's loonie militia-like standoff fantasy.
- Adam Wells, Manchester

Does anyone have an ounce of sympathy for these two? Not only do they get fat cash out of a dental practice, they refuse to pay taxes on it and then expect me to cheer them on while they go Jeremiah Johnson with the other deadbeat from Ruby Ridge? Now, on top of the people of this country not getting that revenue we have to shell out mad cash to surround these criminals until they decide to vacate their bunker? Two words: Tear gas.
- Craig Davis, Manchester

To the Browns: If you don't want to pay taxes to this great nation of ours, just leave. We have the best country and government in the world. It is not perfect by any means, but it is the best. If you can't support your government and address your problems in a court of law, then just leave and save everyone a lot of aggrivation. God forbid an innocent bystander is injured or killed due to your insane refusal to pay taxes. You should be thankful you're American citizens, because in most nations, your actions would be met with your death, torture, and/or imprisonment without due process.
- Bill Maynard, Manchester, NH


Brown is an idiot. He lives in this country, yet he claimed that he's not a citizen. So, Brownie, leave. Go, get out. We don't want you here anyway. You are a selfish person, and you are no different than David Koresh, Weaver, or McVeigh. WE all pay, we may not like it, but it's better than living in a country where you would be shot in the damn head for saying what you think is wrong.
- russ scott, chichester

I am sick and tired of hearing the empty rhetoric that these anti-tax anti-government protesters spew daily. They claim to be patriotic and defending the Constitution. This is absurd. They are snubbing their nose at every single American who performs their civic responsibility and pays their taxes. Taxes are not optional and their argument is a joke. I fully support the IRS (which by the way is a very professional agency) and the US Marshals Office. I believe that Marshal Monier is doing a wonderful job. I don't care about past incidents that have turn deadly or violent. Loss of life is tragic but in every single one of those past situations if the person wanted by the government had peacefully turned themselves in (Ruby Ridge included....) there would have been no bloodshed. I believe the government in this situation *should* forcefully take the Browns into custody as they are not above the law. If anything violent happens and the Browns get injured its no ones fault but their own.
- Bradley Jardis, Hooksett, NH

Can a government employee or a lawyer please inform the Brown's and the rest of us and cite the law about paying federal taxes income taxes? Are these people whacked or do they have an real and honest point they are trying to make? Regardless, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, how do you expect this country to remain free and safe without paying federal taxes? How do you rebuild a state after devastating natural disaster without the governments help? How do you keep our military in their top form without paying federal income taxes? Would you not like to pay federal taxes and live in a country like Palestine and the west bank? How do you think it would feel to constantly live in fear? The kind of fear you cannot control because at anytime the militia could come into your home and do whatever they wanted including killing you? Maybe for one second you could think about this country as a whole, and think about the good that giving your taxes does? And if you really wanted change, and the laws to be fixed, you would spend your time fighting politically for what is right, instead of babbling like a bunch of buffoons? Obviously its too late and you are going to hold your ground. And for what? To be remembered as the couple that stood up for their rights while the rest of the idiots pay to the system? Ya, you or smarter then us Mr. and Mrs. Brown, but your rhetoric and your ignorance is getting old.
- Chris Levesque, Manchester

You should stop giving these loonies publicity - its all their after. The only news in their "Press Conference" is that govt. offials are shirking their duties by letting fellow-loonies onto that property. I didn't say go in "guns blazing", but at a minimum cut these guys off from the world. Maybe even use snipers to take out their windmill and solar panels.
- Peter bealo, Plaistow
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Post by webhick »

at the home of a peaceful, older couple accused and convicted of tax evasion.
This person must be living under a rock.
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Post by LPC »

Nobody cited my FAQ?

I'm crushed.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:Nobody cited my FAQ?

I'm crushed.
I did, but they didn't post it. It wasn't the only thing I said either. I had some substance in there about how Jay tried to take up Ed's offer but Ed specified that he didn't really want to see the law.

But I didn't put my phone number and email address down (don't really feel comfortable giving that stuff to a newspaper).
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie