
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

The person who is really Deep Knight loves to read history and his friends know it, so I got a book named “Vikings in America” for Christmas. I started then stopped reading it this week, the latter because it wasn’t at all objective and insulted my intelligence – the author really wants Norse exploration of the new world to be extensive and shows his bias in every chapter. There are many disputed artifacts pertaining to pre-Columbian Europeans in America, most of them labeled hoaxes for a list of good reasons. The author cuts through this with a simple argument, “why would anyone fake this evidence, what possible motive would they have?” I had a Norwegian uncle in North Dakota and can answer that quite simply – national pride. More generally, if someone wants something to be thought of as “true” badly enough, they can find any number of rationalizations to fabricate lies.

What does this have to do with the topic at hand? Well, you get the same argument on a lot of the NESARA-friendly websites. Why would Dove, Lord Rama, John MacHaffie or Sorcha Faal lie about something like this? The obvious answer is money and attention, but it may be more than that. Deep Knight has a short and absolutely true story about an incident he was involved where the motivation was simply a practical joke, or as we said at the time, to “renew people’s faith in the mystery of life” (paraphrased from “Magic Christian,” a movie I can recommend highly).

In 1988 a friend returned to our hometown to visit and stayed at my place. It was early December, Friday night, starting to snow heavily, and I didn’t allow smoking in my apartment, so my friend was stepping outside in the cold for his cigarettes. Feeling kinda bad banishing him like this, at about 9:00 PM I suggested a walk together over to our old high school (very close). The snowflakes were so big and falling so thickly that he didn’t light up until we had climbed to a small announcer’s and radio broadcast shed at the top of the football field’s bleachers. In the light of his lighter I saw a bunch of numbered envelopes hanging from a piece of pink yarn hanging from the ceiling. I pointed this out and my friend took them down, ripped one open, and read it using his lighter for illumination.

The envelopes were clues to a scavenger hunt and from a local university’s sorority (which was very near this high school). I suggested simply returning them, but my friend wanted to play a practical joke on the participants, and while some of his ideas were needlessly cruel, I came up with a compromise. We would copy the clues, not changing the next destination, but adding something that would confuse the organizers. We stopped by a local supermarket to get identical envelopes, noticed pineapples on sale, and since it was snowing this appealed to me as something really out of place. So, my friend who turned out to be a somewhat talented forger (although it was easy as they were all in block letters, he just copied the style) copied them word for word, but added “go to (the specific supermarket), buy a pineapple, and bring it with you to the final location.” We carefully dummied everything up to look genuine, and put them back where we found them.

Two of the clues were identical and told the participant(s) that this was the final clue and they should come to celebrate at a Mexican restaurant, “Garcia’s of Scottsdale.” We figured that this was likely to be the next day (Saturday) and made plans to go there for dinner on the off chance we could view the ladies and their pineapples. But, when I stopped by work the next afternoon to check on a couple of things, I ended up staying for longer than I thought and didn’t get back until about 5:00 PM. I stopped by the bleachers before I went home to find all the clues opened (with the envelopes and yarn pieces littering the floor of the shed). When I got home I immediately called Garcia’s of Scottsdale and gave the receptionist this story about being late to meet a group of young women and wondered if they were still there. I told her that they could easily be identified because they would have walked in with pineapples. She knew immediately what I was talking about, and told me that they had just left a half hour before. I thanked her and before I hung up she asked me about the pineapples, saying that she was curious because everyone laughed when a new group had come in carrying one. I told her that it was the “fruit mascot” of their particular sorority, and that “their house is the one with the big pineapple in front.” She said something like, “I know the one you mean,” even though there is no such house, sorority or otherwise, in town.

No doubt a topic of conversation at that table was, “who did this and why?” The obvious answer was another sorority or fraternity playing a practical joke. I have often wondered if the story got spread around campus as they tried to figure out which one. They probably never suspected it was people with a strange sense of humor but no link to them. A year latter I started seeing the woman who’s now my wife (20th anniversary in May) and she lived next door to a different sorority and a couple of fraternities. This was during a time when they had many extremely loud parties on Thursday nights (“only fools take classes that meet on Friday”), and after a few run-ins with these folks I stopped having even the slightest qualms about my bad behavior with the scavenger hunt clues. After all, I was simply teaching them a lesson in the mysteries of life.
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Re: Why?

Post by LaVidaRoja »

I agree with Deep Knight. I think attention is the over-riding motivation. You never revealed your part in the practical joke. You felt no need to draw attention to yourself or your cleverness.
The people involved in these modern myths have an overwhelming need to feel important.
It helps compensate for the smallness of their lives. By claiming contacts "38 levels above the President", they are making themselves feel important, even when they know that what they are saying is made up.
Besides, look at how superior they can feel to their "followers" All together too, too many people on this planet measure themselves by how many people they feel superior to. Create a myth that someone believes, and you are superior to that person.
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
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Re: Why?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I've also heard it referred to as "History as Therapy". You see it a lot in peoples who have suffered oppression over the years, and seek to compensate for that oppression by claiming that they are REALLY the ones behind various significant historical events or discoveries. The old Soviet attempts to claim that the Soviet peoples were the true inventors of things like airplanes, radio and even baseball, is but one example.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Green Lantern

Re: Why?

Post by Green Lantern »

LaVidaRoja wrote:Besides, look at how superior they can feel to their "followers" All together too, too many people on this planet measure themselves by how many people they feel superior to. Create a myth that someone believes, and you are superior to that person.
This was probably the machinery behind the Council of Nicea in 325 c.e., as Constantine sought an amalgamation of Roman State Religion (Zeus & Apollo worship), Mithraism (blood sacrifice washing away the sins of the world, a sun god & son, Dec. 25th birthday and much more), and Paul's Jesus cult. The monarchs and priesthood were free to manipulate the official myths to their mutual advantage once the story was agreed upon, conflicting texts/accounts burned, and heretics burned (Cathars, Vandals, Huguenots, etc.).

The authors of the myth at one point might know it's concocted, but either don't care or convince themselves it must be true (The Emperor's New Clothes) whilst going about gaining new converts. Gov. Bentley certainly wanted us to know he was superior (i.e. "saved") in relation to his non-Christian citizens as a recent example.
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Re: Why?

Post by Gregg »

Columbus Ohio and Columbia South Carolina were both actually founded by Vikings, everyone knows that.....
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