NESARA Update - Mush Read

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by Deep Knight »

From MacHaffie's RAP-NESARA forum, my comments in blue.

Nesara Details

The NESARA global prosperity programmes are on the cusp of being announced and activated.

One of the protected funds involved is called The Saint Germain World Trust. This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion USA dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. It means ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Or $1 with forty noughts after it.

Dove started this nonsense, which is covered in depth here last fall (see viewtopic.php?t=6288 ). And the quatrodecillion is 1 with 45 zeros, not 40 (see link and response below), both are impossibly large. I have 2 theories as to how Dove got this number: 1) She was listening to old 45 RPM singles at the time, and 2) She was halfway through her 4th quart of Colt 45 Malt Liquor.

Amongst other projects, this money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels. And it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide.

The NESARA money was originally scheduled to be released in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking and legal conspirators worldwide prevented the disbursement. And through corporate pan-global control of mainstream media outlets, nearly all knowledge of NESARA's existence was suppressed. This is now changing.

Bush didn't become president until 2001, the person who blocked the release of this impossibly-big amount of money in 2000 was President Clinton's clone.

When the NESARA global prosperity programmes are openly and publicly announced, perhaps during January or February 2011, they will permanently change human civilisation in every money-related way.

The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound. NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly. And NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organisation anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.

A GBP millionaire? Why not tell it like it really is? A quatrodecillion dollars ($US) distributed to the world's population of 6,897,700,000 (accurate to the last figure, I just counted 'em) is $144,975,861,519,057,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ($145 Decillion) US or just under 100 Decillion pounds sterling. On this basis, a million pounds is chump change, you could spend a million pounds per second for 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years and still have enough for a night out on the town.

NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the revenue stream for national governments. There will be increased benefits for senior citizens. In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and the constitutionally illegal cabal which pulls their strings will be removed from office with immediate effect, and long before the end of their present term. So will all members of Congress and their Khazar Zionist bosses. They will be replaced with constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates, thought to be Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Democrat - Ohio) and Congressman Ron Paul (Republican - Texas). There will be new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA's announcement. These elections will be carefully monitored to prevent vote theft and other illegal election activities by special interest groups.

A new USA Treasury rainbow currency will come into being, backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals. A new USA Treasury Bank System will be initiated in alignment with Constitutional Law. The Federal Reserve Board System will be abolished. Personal financial privacy will be restored. All judges and attorneys will be retrained in Constitutional Law. All aggressive USA government military actions worldwide will cease and global peace will be established. Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years, but the Farmers' claims will be paid first. Here, the settlements will include debt forgiveness of $300,000 (including mortgages, credit cards and loans) for each farming family. Similar reforms will take place in every country in the world. Enormous sums of money will be made available for humanitarian purposes. New hitherto suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup equipment and sonic healing machines will be released for the use of all.

With all this money floating around, the $13,200,000 you would get ($100,000 for 132 months) wouldn't even buy you a cup of coffee.

Further background details and links about the NESARA global prosperity programmes and their history can be found further down this present blog page, and from James Rink here, from Patrick Bellringer here and from Mark Clarke here. In response to a critical interlocutor, Patrick Bellringer explains the legal history of the NESARA funding processes here (16/17.06.08). And there is a useful compilation of NESARA-related material at here.

Some information about USA White House corruption which intersects with America's blocking of the global NESARA reforms can be found on other pages of this blog here (Citibank scandal), here (Bush White House begins to disintegrate) and here (The crucifixion of Chief Justice John Glover Roberts).

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:16 AM


Anonymous said...
More pipe dreams and disinfo. There is no St Germain World Trust and no new US Treasury gold backed currency. What do you think the elites are talking about in Davos? They want another 100 trillion dollars to back the World nations and a world wide currency established. Suggest you tell the people the real truth, but I'm sure you don't have the guts to post this!

It doesn't take "guts," when you're crazy, you're willing to post most anything.

February 1, 2011 5:51 AM
Anonymous said...
The American Heritage Dictionary

quat·tu·or·de·cil·lion (kwt-ôr-d-slyn, kwty-), or
quattu·or·di·cillion (also spelled as)
1. The cardinal number equal to 10 to the 45th.
2. Chiefly British The cardinal number equal to 10 to the 84th.

[Latin quattuordecim, fourteen (quattuor, four; see kwetwer- in Indo-European roots + decem, ten; see deci-) + (m)illion.]

PS - the text says "worth upwards of 1 quattuordecillion", and the online American Heritage English dictionary says that is a 1 with 45 zeros following.
Therefore, 45 zeros divided by 3, means "(15)thousand dollars," preceeded by a one,
or "(14) thousand, million dollars" preceeded by a one,
or "(13) thousand, billion dollars" preceeded by a one.

St. Germains Trust would appear to be substantially larger than the supposed 200 Trillion dollar wealth of the Rothschilds piggy bank.
It therefore follows that when it comes to "creating things out of thin air", the dark forces anywhere, like Lucifer, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, et al, are not even in the same game as those that are co-workers with the Creator itself!


February 1, 2011 6:33 AM
Anonymous said...
This is what I have been talking about!
This is the Galacxtic Federation of Light at off world event.
To the comments above (February 1, 2011 5:51 AM) you should google St. Germain and do some research.
The concept of so much money for everybody on earth is to remove the control of others over you & will lead to the end of currency as everything you need will be available without money. (which is the way most other worlds function)
The St. Germain Global Funding will make all the other Prosperity Programs look like peanuts in comparison.
Some of you have a lot of surprises coming.
NESARA was to be announced when 9/11 happened...which was a distraction to prevent it from being announced.
It can not & will not be stopped this time as time has run out for the controllers.
The money is the least important thing the GFL is bringing but is necessary only because that is the way this world functions currently. (which will soon change)
For the GFL (using replicator technology) they can produce untold amounts of gold just as easy as making mountains of popcorn if they so why would anyone doubt their ability to fund the world?
If you seriously want to learn more about the events about to take place I suggest spending a little time on youtube with Sheldan Nidle. (ignorance is bliss) Mr.Ed

February 1, 2011 1:29 PM
Anonymous said...
To Mr. Ed: If you want to learn about the events about to take place then I suggest you read the Bible. (ignorance is bliss). Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, climate changes, pestilence, diseases, etc. The GFL will not save you nor pundit Sheldan Nidle. Better watch out for false prophets! If the socalled GFL can replicate gold, then it is as worthless as the fiat currency we have now. Since you believe in the GFL, then they better get a handle on things now or it's all over.

February 2, 2011 5:29 AM
Anonymous said...
The Galacztic Federation is responsible for tell the prophets what to write in the Bible. Some of it anyway....The Vatican erased what they did not want us to see. And the rest is a lie. Do a google search for the book of Enoch. Your eyes will be open. The events that are talked about in the Bible did happen in the old testement but not the way the Bible says it did. Religian as we know it was put inplace by Man to control us the masses.Once the GF lands and it will come soon they will lift the veil that has been put inplace to blind us to the past so we would not remember. The book of enoch will let you know some of the truth...Look at the other videos that surround that set of vids. You will be amazed. If you are capable of viewing these with an open mind you will get an education money can not by. If not...If you can not release your dogma you will set up your own furture...Things in this world are not as they appear. Ignorance is NOT bliss it is dangerous. Even if you don't beleive what you will learn, Keep it in you mind. You will see things that you will learn about in the very near future. No one will pressure you to learn this things...The earth is going through a change and if you hold on to your dogma's you will not change with Mother earth. This is not a bad thing...You will be relocated to a 3D planet where you can live out the rest of your life as a 3D person...This planet we call earth will change to 5D and if you can not change with it you will not remain on earth. It is that simple...I know this sounds far feched to most of you and that is OK. Time will be the truth teller...And until time goes by we do not know...Remember all the things in life we thought were true are not...So what makes you think the Bible is any different....BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE IT'S A LIE... and not all of it is... ask yourself why are there over 300 denominations on the planet...we have one Bible....Things are not as they appear...Love and light be with every one. Pray to the Creator God... go straight to the source of Power...

February 2, 2011 12:16 PM

I am less familiar with the Book of Enoch than with the Book of Gnocchi, a lost book of the potato pasta bible.
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Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by Deep Knight »

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
- Voltaire
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Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by fortinbras »

First, I would appreciate a citation to the source for the Voltaire quote. I have used a very similar form of it for half-a-century but don't know where it comes from nor Voltaire's precise wording.

Second, the reference to the Book of Enoch is to one of two (possibly three) books of Biblical or near-Biblical antiquity. The first (also called First Enoch) is known as the Ethiopic Enoch, because an 18th century British expedition to the source of the Nile brought a Geez manuscript of this back from Ethiopia (where it evidently had been treated by the Coptics as though canonical scripture). Apparently the text, or some of it, goes back to Apostolic times or earlier because (1) one verse of it is quoted by name in the New Testament Epistle of Jude and (2) an Aramaic version of at least a chunk of it has been found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is a very bulky, very detailed retelling of Creation plus a detailed description of the Heavenly Host and various celestial goings-on.
The second (and also called the Second Enoch, altho it is not a continuation nor a companion of the First) version is known as the Slavonic Enoch, and dates from Asia Minor, perhaps a bit later than Apostolic times although one writer, with absolutely no evidence, tried to attribute it to Jesus. I have heard something of a third version but can recall no details.

Anyway the First (Ethiopic) Enoch is crowded with stories and descriptions of angels and what they were doing during various Biblical or extra-Biblical events. This book serves as a source for some of those modern catalogues of angels, although a dozen or so of the angels mentioned therein are also mentioned in Talmudic and Midrashic stories. The book, in a Victorian English edition, had been popular with a number of late 19th & 20th century Theosophists and the like.
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Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:First, I would appreciate a citation to the source for the Voltaire quote. I have used a very similar form of it for half-a-century but don't know where it comes from nor Voltaire's precise wording.
"Il y a eu des gens qui ont dit autrefois: Vous croyez des choses incompréhensibles, contradictoires, impossibles, parce que nous vous l’avons ordonné; faites donc des choses injustes parce que nous vous l’ordonnons. Ces gens-là raisonnaient à merveille. Certainement qui est en droit de vous rendre absurde est en droit de vous rendre injuste. Si vous n’opposez point aux ordres de croire l’impossible l’intelligence que Dieu a mise dans votre esprit, vous ne devez point opposer aux ordres de malfaire la justice que Dieu a mise dans votre coeur. Une faculté de votre âme étant une fois tyrannisée, toutes les autres facultés doivent l’être également. Et c’est là ce qui a produit tous les crimes religieux dont la terre a été inondée."

Voltaire, Questions sur les miracles, 1765

A literal translation is something like,

"Formerly there were those who said: You believe things that are incomprehensible, inconsistent, impossible because we have commanded you to believe them; go then and do what is unjust because we command it. Such people show admirable reasoning. Truly, whoever is able to make you absurd is able to make you unjust. If the God-given understanding of your mind does not resist a demand to believe what is impossible, then you will not resist a demand to do wrong to that God-given sense of justice in your heart. As soon as one faculty of your soul has been dominated, other faculties will follow as well. And from this derives all those crimes of religion which have overrun the world."

The common "more pithy" stand-alone translation of the highlighted passage is,

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."

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Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by fortinbras »

A thousand blessings on you.

Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by Nikki »

Let's play along with this pipe dream.

Everyone in the world gets more money than they can spend in a lifetime.

No one, anywhere has the need to work anymore.

In a very short time, the supply of goods and services shrinks to a trickle since no one is working to grow, process or manufacture anything or to keep the supply chain moving to get the goods to the consumers. Even the fast-food restaurants will close since no one will have any need to work for minimum wage.

In the standard supply-and-demand response to this global shortage of everything, prices will rise exponentially. At some point during the ensuing disorder and chaos, (assuming there's still a functional government and military somewhere), a massive socialistic structure will emerge to feed house, clothe, medicate, etc, the surviving population. Said population will be conscripted into the socialistic machine since no one would volunteer to work unless the world-wide currency devalues to the level somewhat in excess of a trillion dollars for a slice of bread.

NESARAns don't look beyond the pie in the sky. They don't see it hitting them in the face.
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Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by Deep Knight »

Nikki wrote:Let's play along with this pipe dream.
Everyone in the world gets more money than they can spend in a lifetime.
No one, anywhere has the need to work anymore.

One of my favorite Dove of Oneness quotes, often ridiculed here, is that everyone in the US would be so rich they would have mansions, abundant possessions and servants. She also talked about "people only doing the things they loved, like raising horses or painting." I assume this large population of servants would be those people who loved waiting on selfish idiots and cleaning toilets.
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Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by fortinbras »

Obviously there are distinct advantages to getting your packet of money before most other people get their packets. If you give Bellringer or Casper a bribe, will they assure you that you'll get your packet ahead of the whopping inflation that will occur when everyone else gets theirs??
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Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by Deep Knight »

Illucid as all get out, but with MacHaffie that's normal. What does it say about people when they look for hidden messages during the Super Bowl?

"The deprogramming will start during the big game."
Is a message being sent? A couple interesting tidbits from out there:

Did Anyone Else Hear the Message in the Fringe Commercial?
The message said:

"The deprogramming will start during the big game."

My take on everything that is going on... from the crises in the middle east... to Bernanke finally feeling the heavy boot of the American congress who are refusing to give him the right to keep printing worthless month... to the unusual weather... add a few other things that I know but can't say... and I believe we are finally seeing the end of the new world order.
And as you know... when a people have been lied to for hundreds if not thousands of years.. it takes a bit to wake them up... deprogramming the masses at a superbowl is a great idea.
Next: ... van-mcnabb

"VIDEO: Joe Gibbs, Donovan McNabb Read Declaration Of Independence Before Super Bowl XLV
The running joke (well, maybe that's not the right word) is that the NFL is essentially an extension of the military, given the violent nature of the sport and all. In an attempt to feed this perception, the NFL just ran a long advertisement that featured a reading of the Declaration of Independence.
The men leading the charge? None other than our own Joe Gibbs and Donovan McNabb. Gibbs is a legend around these parts for his work as the Redskins' head coach, and McNabb is, at least for now, a member of the current Redskins. I suppose it makes a tiny bit of sense to have them leading the charge, since they are associated with our nation's capital, but it's still not the two people you probably expected.
The segment as a whole, for what it's worth, was just awkward. I guess I understand the connection between football and our American heritage, but was an entire reading of the Declaration really necessary? Did it really provide anyone with a sense of American pride, or did it really just reinforce that we're a country that cares way too much about a violent game?"

OK now. Watch the video. What a message. Super Bowl – biggest media event, able to connect with more Americans at one time than any other option in the media (New record 111 million watched). NFL does 6:38 commercial with all kinds of stars and military personnel reading the Declaration of Independence (at $3,000,000 for 30 seconds = $39,000,000 tv spot! Largest spot ever????). A spot this big, in this biggest media event ever, kinda out of place for such a thing. What does it mean. Is the US Military communicating to the American people? What do you think?

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:36 AM 0 comments
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Re: NESARA Update - Mush Read

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
Nikki wrote:Let's play along with this pipe dream.
Everyone in the world gets more money than they can spend in a lifetime.
No one, anywhere has the need to work anymore.

One of my favorite Dove of Oneness quotes, often ridiculed here, is that everyone in the US would be so rich they would have mansions, abundant possessions and servants. She also talked about "people only doing the things they loved, like raising horses or painting." I assume this large population of servants would be those people who loved waiting on selfish idiots and cleaning toilets.
Gee -- since the "large populations of servants" would have their packies as well, why on earth would they bother working of ranyone else, when they could afford "mansions, abundant possessions and servants" of their own?

Just wondering, lovey-Dovey.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools