WTP on its knees, grovelng


WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by Nikki »

Bob, in his latest posting seems to be saying farewell.

The message is definitely worth reading.

WTP is up to its ears in two Tax Court cases (mainly because Bob missed a couple of key filing dates) and doesn't seem to have the cash to keep the doors open.

Although Bob doesn't seem to be heading to Club Fed (yet) this may be the death knell for WTP.

Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by Nikki »

BTW: Take a look at the financial statements for the two organizations.

Just to gloat a bit, my investments, for 2009, earned more than WTP took in as income.

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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by littleroundman »

Schulz wrote:It is fair to say that as an organization we have no like or equal.
He's certainly got that nailed.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by LPC »

Nikki wrote:WTP is up to its ears in two Tax Court cases (mainly because Bob missed a couple of key filing dates)[...]
The two cases I found (020999-10L for We The People Congress, Inc. and 020998-10L for We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.) both list the petitioner as "pro se," but that's not possible because corporations can't appear "pro se," so eventually Bob will have to start paying a lawyer or the petitions will be dismissed.

I'm also curious as to what ever happened to the IRS actions to revoke the tax exempt (and tax deductible) status of the We the People Foundation. Back in March of last year, it was reported that the IRS was revoking the exempt status retroactively, and Schulz was reportedly going to fight the action in the DC district court. But I can't find any action filed by Schulz, or any public notice of revocation by the IRS. So what happened?

Maybe the petition in 020998-10L will tell us.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by Famspear »

From the aforementioned January 29, 2011 post by Bob Schulz:
Bred as non-conformists and activists, We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, We The People Congress and their predecessor organizations have made our civic actions subservient only to the Cause of Truth.
So, it's a breeding problem of some sort......
Due to commotion from a multiplicity of objects crowding on the mind and drawing the attention different ways, including economic choices, we must unfortunately report that the level of WTP’s financial support has fallen precipitously. We are finding it most difficult to meet our monthly business expenses and pay our debts due and owing.

This lack of funding has affected our ability to maintain our business operation and valuable information and technology assets. It is also threatening to slow the advance of our plans, our work and our ability to communicate our messages at a time when we need to accelerate – whether in the Judiciary, the avenues of public opinion or across the vast reach of the Internet.
(bolding added).

http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org/UP ... -01-29.htm

Oh......(gulp..... sob......)

......Please stay with us in our efforts. The finish line is in sight. For the first time, it appears that enough of the People may be awake to the problem, and even some in office are showing signs of wanting to steer us back towards the Constitution. With adequate funding we can fulfil the Purpose which so many of you have supported. It is time now to bring home the bacon.
Yeah, so the finish line is in sight, eh Bob? May I suggest that your view of the finish line may be somewhat impaired? May I suggest that what's waiting for you at the finish line is not what you're hoping for?
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by fortinbras »

Yes, one of many oddities is that Schulz has to bring these two recent lawsuits in Whee The People's name as pro se, even though this is not possible for a corporation. We may well ask, What happened to any or all of the lawyers that were supposedly on your side? What happened to publicity hound Mark Lane, who had been hired at an outrageous rate to bring that doomed right to petition lawsuit?
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by notorial dissent »

Just as a point of curiosity, what state or states are We The People Congress, Inc. and We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc. incorporated in, and are the incorporations still in effect?

And can I state for the record how NOT surprised I am at the current state of affairs!!!! I'm just surprised that it took so long.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by LPC »

notorial dissent wrote:Just as a point of curiosity, what state or states are We The People Congress, Inc. and We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc. incorporated in, and are the incorporations still in effect?
Both were incorporated in 1997 in New York, and both are "active," meaning that the corporations have not dissolved or been revoked.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by notorial dissent »

I had wondered. Knowing how Bob likes to play shall we say fast and loose with the truth, that I wouldn't have put it past him to have forgotten those little steps or to have kept them up.

Somehow I don't think his lawyer pal Lane is going to bail him out this time since he is out of money, and as I remember, Lane doesn't work for free, and since his last effort didn't get them anywhere I'm not sure this would go any further.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by fortinbras »

About Mark Lane: It's not just that Lane doesn't work for free and/or that "his last effort didn't get them anywhere". Lane is one of the least ethical lawyers I ever encountered - and that's saying something! Besides making his name originally with liberal causes (civil rights), then hearse-chasing to obfuscate the JFK and MLK assassinations, then leftwing causes ("Interviews with Americans"), and then - astonishingly - neo-nazi causes like Liberty Lobby, Lane wants money. This last, by itself, is not bad but to handle the "right to petition" case for Schulz, Lane demanded, up front, the equivalent of a year's salary or more .... and this despite the fact (concealed by Schulz and presumably also by Lane) that the case was doomed because the same issue had already been repeatedly decided against them in a number of Supreme Court cases. (If Schulz's position had any potential or merit, I would expect a number of better lawyers would have volunteered their services for a discount or even for free.) So it's not that Lane's "last effort didn't get them anywhere" -- Lane KNEW it wouldn't go anywhere and his efforts were very superficial ... and spectacularly overpaid.

Having looted WTP, Lane presumably will move on to new pickings.

That Schulz cannot attract even one lawyer to offer affordable rates for carrying the case forward indicates something.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by notorial dissent »

I think “everyone” but maybe Schultz “knew” that the case wasn’t going to go anywhere, and I agree, I think Lane saw a ready made sucker and took him for everything he could get, and it certainly looks like he got just about everything. The plain fact of the matter is that the case didn’t “get them anywhere” for the simple reason that there was never any possibility that it would “get them anywhere”. It was DOA long before the SCT put the final stamp on it, it was just Schultz trying to milk some more donations, and I think he got taken for a ride by Lane. I still can’t decide if Schultz really believes the crap he is peddling or if he is just running a con, either way, he is about to crash and burn, and the Feds haven’t even gotten around to him yet.

And I do agree wholeheartedly with your summation of where Schultz is sitting.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by The Operative »

Revenues: Legal Defense Fund: $114,181
Assets: Cash and Notes Receivable: $30,194
Expenses: Legal: $2,228

Seems a bit off to me. If I was one of Bob's morons, er, I mean, followers, that had contributed to his legal defense fund, and Bob had spent it flying around the country and conducting his constipational congress, I would be a tad upset.

I would also be interested in seeing the receipts and other documentation for the $248 thousand that he spent on conferences, conventions and meetings.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by Joey Smith »

Blah, blah, blah, send money.

Same message, higher pitch.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by notorial dissent »

My suspicion are that should real audits ever be done of Bob’s cash cows, that it will be seen that the majority of what he has been taking in all these years has gone directly or indirectly into his pockets or for his personal expenses, and that very little has actually gone where it was allocated to. Just my suspicions mind, but considering he has no other source of income at this point the math isn’t hard to do, and it voids his non-profit tax exempt status all to pieces.

Not that Bob's followers aren't more mathematically challenged than he is, but still even the really dumb ones eventually twig to it, or at least you would think they would, but then again they believe his bilge and think he is serious, so maybe not!!!!!!
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by Number Six »

I once met a realtor who used his "method" of tax avoidance. It was a mystery to me how a businessman handling large sums and transactions and presumably licensed could do so as a tax non-filer, especially in the Empire State. I guess every one has a grace period in the good old USA and then judgment can fall suddenly and without warning or as increasingly alarming letters.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by Nikki »

Don't be so harsh on Bob. According to the two forms 990 for 2009 (One each for Congress and Foundation) which are available via this page, Bob averaged 40 hours per week as Chairman of the Congress PLUS 40 hours per week as Chairman of the Foundation.

For working 80 hours per week, he deserves something.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Schulz wrote:It is fair to say that as an organization we have no like or equal.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by LPC »

Nikki wrote:Don't be so harsh on Bob. According to the two forms 990 for 2009 (One each for Congress and Foundation) which are available via this page, Bob averaged 40 hours per week as Chairman of the Congress PLUS 40 hours per week as Chairman of the Foundation.

For working 80 hours per week, he deserves something.
For those who might not realize it, 80 hours/week is about 11.5 hours a day for seven days a week.

If he takes Sunday off, then he's working 13.3 hours a day, which means he's working from 7 am to 8:20 pm Monday through Saturday, with no break for lunch.
Dan Evans
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:
Nikki wrote:Don't be so harsh on Bob. According to the two forms 990 for 2009 (One each for Congress and Foundation) which are available via this page, Bob averaged 40 hours per week as Chairman of the Congress PLUS 40 hours per week as Chairman of the Foundation.

For working 80 hours per week, he deserves something.
For those who might not realize it, 80 hours/week is about 11.5 hours a day for seven days a week.

If he takes Sunday off, then he's working 13.3 hours a day, which means he's working from 7 am to 8:20 pm Monday through Saturday, with no break for lunch.
Pffft. That's nothing. I work 154 hours a week. And by all rights, I should include my naps in that figure because, as we all know, I can't sleep without my nuclear warfare button.

Pray I don't get night terrors.
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Re: WTP on its knees, grovelng

Post by LPC »

The two new (September 2010) Tax Court cases have the "L" designation, which means that they are collection due process cases, which suggests that the IRS followed through on its threat/plan to revoke the tax-exempt status of both corporations and assess corporate taxes against them.

And I still can't find any evidence (other than Schulz's own vague and unverifiable assertions) that Schulz ever filed a declaratory judgment action on the exempt status issue.

If Schulz didn't contest the exempt status revocation in court, and didn't file a Tax Court petition to contest the assessment of corporate taxes, isn't he SOL now, because he can't challenge the tax liabilities in a collection due process hearing if he had a previous opportunity to contest them?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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