Coller Roaster

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

Moderator: Deep Knight

Deep Knight
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Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

John MacHaffie – HIS humble servant, runs RAP-NESARA which believes in both the Restored Republics and huge financial deliveries to people who invested in a prime bank scam years ago. But wait, that's not all, you get more with the Dinar revaluation (all those worthless Iraqi banknotes you bought online will be worth $billions!) and CMKX, the Canadian diamond mining company that never mined any diamonds but has to be worth $trillions because, well because they're DIAMONDS!

Mix 'em all together and and you get taken on one hell of a roller coaster ride. John and his cleaning ladies (don't ask what of his they clean, you'll never get the image out of your head) take you up and down!

Friday, February 11, 2011
INTEL 2/11 10:00 am
WARNING - Discernment advised.


Now appears that this roller coaster ride is coming to an end
I wish to thank several of my ‘Cleaning Ladies’ surfacing and saying what they know on the GET Conference Calls. Contact 2 is a good friend and a confident. He is a patriot of the highest character and integrity. This is an example of the Real Intel which Our LORD has blessed me with connecting to.
I have been having continuous intel conference calls from all over the world thanks to Skype. I have been extremely busy lately and fully focused to get her done.
Also would like to thank Poofness and his efforts over the years. We all realize that he is but a messenger and like myself get bum info from time to time. But he is a good soul and that is what counts.
Per Intel gathering towards I am headed towards my personal goal of reaching the prosperity programs distribution and the republic announcement.
I will be shortly stepping off this roller coaster and moving on to the OP COMPASSION, OP PROJECTS and OP JUSTICE Operations.
Not leaving yet as a few twists and turns are still left in the last run to to the station – but we are getting there. I hate roller coasters!

I have received several reports of confirmed deliveries of the program envelopes. Stop and Go, Stop and Go, Stop and Go! Still to volatile and dangerous to reveal the details.
Trustees have been compromised by the Dark Cabal and being weeded out as discovered. White Knights are doing a super job!
I have been informed that there are 23000 envelopes in the Omega Program alone. 87,000 total for North America in over 60 programs.
All should be done by now per the Chinese directions. IF NOT – The Trustees who were appointed by Bush are directly accountable! They are the only ones authorized to stop it now!
Trustees were called into Richmond VA BOA this morning for the status reviews after deliveries. Waiting to hear the news.
The Chinese have what we use to have – determination!

CMKX Program
E/R Economic Receipt (Or Release Of Funds) to follow the deliveries of the envelopes per protocol. Cottrell was funded and the amounts are showing up on their computer screens – and he is only awaiting a phone call for access to these funds.
Government and the private Federal Reserve bank has been continuously lying to the CMKX shareholders and should also be held accountable.

Was hearing R/V Announcement and cash-in this morning. The question remains which morning? The only possible blockage now are due to the actions of the private federal reserve bank and there dark cabal operatives. Remember -- PP deliveries first and then Dinar RV (Revalue).
The Forex which contains currencies world wide valuations has the dinar Frozen for the last 5 days. The guideline was max 24 hrs hold which has been violated by the private Federal Reserve bank and it’s operatives.

It can STILL AGAIN be confirmed by Tim Turner’s response (or lack thereof) that
Tim Turner DOES NOT have Military Support
Tim Turner DOES NOT have Financial Support
Tim Turner – PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
His team says the presentation of the Independence video before the Super Bowl was proof of the military support of the republic. On this I agree. But then TT supporters claim that it also shows that the military supports TT.
My response is Nonsense. There was NO connection neither defined nor implied for support to TT in that presentation.
Per TT’s claim of Financial Support – the only support on record is from an Asian who is rumored under arrest for financial misdeeds. TT support from the Mormons has also evaporated.
And also a certain Central American law firm actively supported TT is rumored to be money launderer for a certain alphabet agency involved in drug running.
To repeat again – I support the REPUBLIC of the people which has already been established by the military and recognized by the World Court. The Republics and there governors are in control for the future.

John MacHaffie – HIS humble servant
Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:57 AM


Anonymous said...

TT is ALL about Alphabet Agencies and money. He has attempted with the help of that certain Asian and another well known international criminal to high jack a trust containing massive funds stolen from multiple countries and failed. That kind of desperation will likely render him horizontal but what else is he going to do when all legitimate sources of funding have been permanently closed off?

People all over the country and many in his own state are waking up and demanding proof. He has put the blame for that squarely on the shoulders of a close friend he has betrayed but guess what Timmy, he has had nothing to do with it. It's put up or shut up time. Make no mistake, he is not going to Europe but he may well attempt to cross the Mexican border where he thinks he can HIDE out as the feds close in. Too bad they are already aware of the plan.

I wonder how everyone feels about the fact that the Turner Fantasy Republic has been INCORPORATED, under a Nevada Corp. Yep a nice little de facto corporate clone. That is the reason for using Paypal and refusing to accept money orders and checks for the ID's or donations.

TT has about as much to do with the Super Bowl Independence spot as he has had with mortgage foreclosure stoppage... ZERO! The only thing his little scam operation has been good at so far is taking credit for the work of others... it's pitiful and pathetic how full grown adults haven't enough discernment to recognize a snow job when they see one.
February 11, 2011 7:53 AM

Anonymous said...

Sure hope the trustees have good explanation as to why the pp haven't been delivered yet
February 11, 2011 8:07 AM

What a difference a day makes. Going down!

Saturday, February 12, 2011
INTEL 2/12 9:15 am
WARNING - Discernment advised.

This shall be the last month for my intel reports as all should be done and it is time for moving on to the actual restoration works. Our focus shall be on Op Compassion, Op Projects and Op Justice Operations.

It was my wish and hope that this intel report did help reveal what was really going on behind the doors. I wish to again thank the tireless efforts of my 20 intel cleaning ladies located all over the world. I am a real person with a heart & soul who does care.

No reported deliveries or access hits on the radar screens as of this hr.
To clarify yesterday’s statement. The deliveries which were confirmed deliveries were a small number which were sent out to test the Reset Of the computers. These were delivered 2 weeks ago.
According to all sources, there is nothing to block deliveries and everyone is surprised they have not been delivered yet. ‘What is blocking now?’ is the common exhortation.
To repeat from last week ---
All should be done by now per the Chinese directions. IF NOT – The Trustees who were appointed by Bush are directly accountable! They are the only ones authorized to stop it now!
Enjoy your silver doubloons fellows – karma is a bitch!

CMKX Program
Cottrell is still awaiting the phone call to access the funds. Still no E/R.

Now hearing R/V Announcement Sunday and cash-in Monday morning with the lastest Tuesday Morning.
Claimed hold up was the situation in Egypt as they held a huge amount of dinars.
More likely is the awaited announcement of the Treasury Bank.
The private federal reserve bank does not want to go down!

It can STILL AGAIN be confirmed by Tim Turner’s response (or lack thereof) that
Tim Turner DOES NOT have Military Support
Tim Turner DOES NOT have Financial Support
Tim Turner – PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
Guess we need to ask TT
Are you still on a “No Fly” list since you were not allowed to fly to a California or Florida meetings in past weeks?
Do you have KKK and Nazis supporters in your organization?
Now being told that he is planning to go to Europe. Whatever!
TT Where is the beef?

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:10 AM
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

For those of you who have never known the excitement of a bunch of idiots making up rumors and passing them on, here's a Dinar chat room that MacHaffie posted on Sunday. Holy Cola Roasting! Revaluation Sunday, er, Monday (today!) for SURE. 100%. Or maybe Tuesday.

Dinar Intel Update
Submitted by Dick - Thanks [yeah, thanks, Dick]

[athena] Hello all
[athena] did you all notice that Mubarak supposedly stepped down today, well he did not, he was forced out by the military for a reason
[athena] i knew last night he was going to be gone, fox gave a small hint that their may have been a coup
[athena] The people of Egypt were told that the vice president was to take over, this did not work, so the military had to take over and to keep the peace and keep the people happy with the military they moved him out and they pass out food
[athena] worked great, the military is happy and so are the people
[athena] now we go to Megan Kelly on Fox saying that the King of Saudia Arabia had a call with Obama and was given a ear full, yes he was and I was also told this last night
[athena] The rv was delayed because they had to get mubarak out as Egypt holds lots of dinar, govt, and they did not want these to fall in to the hands of Muslim brotherhood, Iran
[athena] Mubarak accounts Swiss froze also, he is moved to his summer home in a resort and being guarded also confirmed on fox news
[athena] 70 billion
[athena] the rate was to go live on Thursday but we had this delay because of Egypt problem
[athena] also there was a delay with the transmission of the signal as you have heard, you have to understand that this has to go live to all the world in a instant or a country can be wiped out or someone can make a fortune by the lag time

[athena] the problem with the programming has been corrected as of this morning
[athena] It was a 3 step plan to implament the rv, first step shows up on bank screens a couple months ago, swift codes, back screens etc
[athena] second step was it showing on Forex a few weeks ago, shows a managed float
[athena] third and final step is in play now, we heard the signal went out and their was a problem which is fixed, now we wait for the live signal to come out and we have the rv
[athena] so sit back and relax as all is done now
[athena] My source was correct as all I was told has been 100% true
[athena] It showed up on Fox News just as I was told, listen to the small things said not the long explanation they want you too believe

[athena] I have more but am not able to share yet, but you all know we are here now, any minute it can show
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] M will be replaced by allawai and he will form his own gov within 48 hours
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] the iraq gov will handle its own problems without un intervention--they are soverign
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] i will leave the country and go over there and kick their you know what [OKIE_OIL_MAN] he is forced this time--its called job security
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] i talk with athena daily and his intel is impeccable--proven fact [OKIE_OIL_MAN] 2 trillion now frozen in switzerland--yes it had an effect
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] hi tom--no next--done now
[cameron1432] question: listening to
[lilrayboutte] They said two days ago lady called in and they flipped the switch, but the Antenna didnt work
[skysthelimit] thats the PD call she is talkin about
[cameron1432] Now they are saying servers don't work

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] thats right they did have a glitch--solved same day--
[cameron1432] Now they are pinging again
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] ask them--alreadly done--what don't you understand--expound on your statement
[kaycee] TamRon400 he was
[kaycee] TamRon400 don't believe everything you read
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] it is done--period
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] france always stick their nose in international affairs and has no effect on iraq or the r/v
[cameron1432] Question: wants to know - works offshore in Mexico, Can he pack his bags and come home
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] today is the day before d-day
[cameron1432] OKIE_OIL_MAN THank you so much

[cameron1432] Question: would he consider being his Godfather?
[dallas] he is our Godfather
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] i want to be adopted also by a rich old old old sick rich ole lady
[cameron1432] Question: Wants to know Sunday morning or evening
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] hi bill--sunday late afternoon probably

[cameron1432] They are saying Maliki is under orders to pull the trigger or he looses his job
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] he has no choice at this time---that is right
[cameron1432] Question: Can okie comment on news about protests in Iraq?
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] area code 907--protests are increasing--pressure makes r/v more immenent
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] no need for further calls--all is settled and done--redundant question
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] 435-no new vote--the new gov under allawai will take effect in 48 hours after maliki gone
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] good scenario---papers concluded yesterday with imf--budget passed--watch tomorrow not tuesday
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] riots has expedited r/v
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] enjoyed guys--god bless you all and godspeed the r/v--bbl be a tri-fecta announcement.
[buckwheat] 4:20 PM PST Feb 12
[poppy2] Ok here is my latest the contact from TX called last night and stated Rev Dan we got this thing whipped Sunday. We should hear the rate and the announcement and by no later than Tuesday it should be activated and ready for our cash in process to start That's it guys and he has never been wrong POPPY2
[buckwheat] From PD - DonnieR - Hey Eagle - Thank you for Confirming! I'm now waiting on confirming some very exciting news we've just received in the last hour. If i can confirm from one of my CEO's contacts in Iraq, none of us are going to sleep tonight! As soon as I hear back that this intel is confirmed, I will post again tonight. Pray for the Iraqi people this is finally over! Donnie
[CAGEtrucker] well my intel is saying by monday

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:10 AM 0 comments
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

Dinar Intel - 2/20
Submitted by Dick - Thanks Again

* Athena Update 2/20/11

Remember Athena, who told us last Monday it was then for sure - her sources had always been 100% right? Iraqi Dinars now going for $0.0001 will be $5.00 on Tuesday.

February 20th, 2011 06:03 pm · Posted in RUMORS (Dinar Revaluation)

[athena] Here is some info I just got, there were amendments to the budget that were passed and this will show the rate and date is what I am being told. This could show when the Forex opens but the most likely time is Tuesday, this goes with what my other source has said. Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
[athena] The rate I was given is just under $5.00 again near what I was given but have not shared
[athena] Maliki and Alawi are in full agreement on everything at this time
[athena] the Ministers are voted and approved
[athena] Now we wait between now and Tuesday
[athena] Tuesday is cash in
[athena] Ok have to go as I am on my buddy’s computer and don’t have time to chat, that is why I am not around mods
[hanna] athena ~ I’m loving the $5 +number – would be great!
[athena] hanna I was told below 5 from two sources
[athena] we wait and see
[athena] I am told it will be a rv, not a RI
[athena] OK all I have to go, we will see if the information I was given will be

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:35 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday
Jagger/Richards wrote:She would never say where she came from
Yesterday don't matter if it's gone
While the sun is bright or in the darkest night
No one knows
She comes and goes
Goodbye Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you

Don't question why she needs to be so free
She'll tell you it's the only way to be
She just can't be chained to a
life where nothing's gained and nothing's lost at such a cost
Goodbye Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you

There's no time to lose I heard her say
Catch your dreams before they slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind
Ain't life unkind
Goodbye Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you
Goodbye Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Location: Washington DC

Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday came and went, but MacHaffie's still here and posting Poofness!

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Poofness 2/27 ---- AT LAST!
From: 2godown
To: 2goup
Subject: At Last!!!!!
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 17:07:27 -0500

Etta James
Songwriters: Gordon, Mack; Warren, Harry

At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song

Oh yeah, yeah
At last the skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you

I found a dream that I could speak
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known

Oh yeah, you smile, you smile
Oh, and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine at last

Greetings and Salutations,

After years of hearing, the frenchman hasn't been paid yet and knowing weren't going to see nothing until he was, I finally heard the magic words, He swiped his card for the 3rd and final time. His money was from some gold certificates that had been stolen and given to citi to recoup their losses. It took somebody with deeper pockets than anyone over here to make them give up and return his certificate to him. Nothing like a threat with teeth behind it from someone who'll use them.

I gotta admit, there's nothing like teeth in your behind to get things moving.

As the old myths go, dragons live in caves and sleep on their treasures, from what's coming at me, they've all woke up and have come out of their caves. Rather cross too. Don't think I'd wanna be in anybody's shoes who was the source of irritation to them. The east has risen and here comes the sun. Not one cent that goes to the programs or the f&p was used to handle the lien money, to pay the 3 countries. People have been taught to believe in finite amounts, not enough for this and that I assure you that is inaccurate, there's plenty for everyone. Just from my own research I've totaled 100 zeros that back up this world banking change with precious metal to boot.

From my own research I've concluded that "zeros" are all that back up Poofness's claims! He says 100, I think that's just the tip of the iceberg.

There's an infrastucture problem all over right now, that problem is the first thing being addressed and along with it these hungry and diseased children. The middle east will be a different place. The problems have nothing to do with Islam, it has to with greed. BTW obama can't be a moslem he loves ribs..can't be moslem and tear the ribs up, pigs are 'unclean' and orthodox jews don't mess with pork either. Surprised some of these christians haven't figured that out yet. They aren't like catholics with no meat fridays, a somtimesy thing in my neighborhood, some didn't like fish. As I was saying, the middle east is going to shift a lot faster than anyone thinks money can be frozen quickly and be transferred into more needy hands.

Money, a decent living will bring calm a whole lot faster than speeches about good intentions. Ever notice how jesus was always feeding people? It's the fastest way to get somebody's attention...jeeze how many men got lassoed after church and an invite to the house for dinner?

There's been no further mention of the announcements but you can rest assured they are coming quickly, you all have to be made aware of the new banking system which is global. That is why all this revaluing of currencies has been going on. It may drive you crazy but all events have timing involved. Since Jan of 09, everything has moved forward, there's been no backwards movement. Now the time has come to begin explaining to you what's up in your world. What'll be the new Normal? Well that's what an adventure is all about isn't it? exploration, finding out. Let's remember our brothers and sisters down in New Zealand in Christchurch as they deal with the earth runnings down there.

That pretty much does it for me, the person at the bank can answer how to handle being in a trust. And this applies all across the planet. I want to thank you for your support and I even thank my detractors for making me even stronger as the head wind blew. I want to thank all these octogenarians for seeing this plan to it's logical conclusion, knowing there was plenty opportunity to throw the towel in, and reasons to believe you would never see this day and the finish of your hard work, yet you persevered and Lived to see it. Bless you all. I will complete the consultations on the list and anyone else who can reach me before that nd makes me shut my mouth. See you out 'there' some where.

Love and Kisses;

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:58 PM 0 comments

So, the time was then, which means the time is now, until the ND (North Dakota) makes me shut my trap.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Poofless 2/27 ---- AT LAST!
From: 2gonorth
To: 2gosouth
Subject: At Last!!!!!
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 17:07:27 -0500

At last my packie has come along
My reading Bellringer days are over
And life is like an off-key song

Oh yeah, yeah
At last the skies above are blue
No longer filled with chemtrails too
The night I got delivery from you

I had a dream that I could buy
A country I could call my own
Make up all the laws myself
A thrill that I have never known

Oh yeah, you smile, you smile
And say I’m crazy as a loon
But I’ll soon be in heaven
The delivery’s been promised before noon.

Greetings and Salivations,

After years of hearing that the Frenchman hasn't been paid yet and knowing we weren't going to see nothing until he was, I finally heard the magic words, “Zoot Alures!” Suddenly bras and panties were coming off all over the stage! He swiped his card for the 3rd and final time, entered his PIN, and after years of delay, finally figured out how to use “self checkout” at the grocery store. It took somebody with deeper pockets and roomier pants than anyone over here to make them give up and return his certificate to him. Nothing like a threat with teeth in your behind.

As the old myths go, dragons live in caves and sleep on their treasures, from what's coming at me, they've all been dragged out of their caves for sleeping in the heather. Heather is rather cross too. Don't think I'd wanna be in anybody's shoes who was the source of irritation to her, especially if her bedroom was messed up by a scaly green reptile. The east has risen and here comes the sun setting in the west. Not one cent that goes to the programs or the A&P was used to handle the luau money, to pay for the 3 tiki torches. People have been taught to believe in finite amounts, not enough for this and that I assure you that is inaccurate, there's plenty of what I’m selling for everyone, just go scrape it out of the stables. Just from my own research I've totaled 100 zeros that back up this world banking change, and all these zeros are wearing boots (24/7, even to bed, like they do in Texas).

There's an infrastucture problem all over right now, but that problem is all over. The Middle East will be a different place, no longer in the middle and not as east as it used to be. The problems have nothing to do with Islam, it has to with geography. BTW obama can't be a Moslem because he loves ribs..topless dancers that are so skinny and flat-chested that their ribs stick out all over. Too skinny for a real man, who likes some meat on the bones he’s planning to bone. Surprised some of these Christians haven't figured that out yet. They aren't like Catholics with no-meat Fridays, in fact, even Catholics don’t have no-meat Fridays anymore unless they’re husbands are impotent. Money will bring those bored housewives calm a whole lot faster than speeches about good intentions. Just wait until they drop 6 figures on an escort service. It's the fastest way to get somebody's attention...jeeze how many men got lassoed and hogtied after an invite to the house for dinner? Or was it just me?

There's been no further mention of the announcements but you can rest assured this is a sure sign they are coming quickly. Since Jan of 09, everything has moved forward, there's been no backwards movement, except for that short interval from Feb 09 until Feb 11. Now the time has come to begin explaining to you what's up in your world. What'll be the new Normal? Well, I have no idea, being so far from normal for so many years I don’t even remember what it looks like.

That pretty much does it for me, the person at the bank can answer how to handle being overdrawn. I want to thank you for your support and I even thank my detractors for making me even stronger as the wind blew through my head. Bless you all. I will complete the consultations on the list and anyone else who can reach me before reason and logic makes me shut my mouth. See you out 'there' ‘cause I’m way out 'there!'

Love and Kisses;

Not posted by John MacHaffie at 3:58 PM, but he should have
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Location: Washington DC

Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
INTEL 3/1 6:40 pm

WARNING - Discernment advised.


These Intel reports were to end last month as it is time to move on to the ‘Restoration Process’ --- but an update has been requested by the people who want truth, not more BS.


The following is confirmed from multiple intel sources.

350 Bush Connected Bankers from the private Federal Reserve Bank have within the last few days have been arrested and removed in the programs. They were planning to steal the funds from the Prosperity Programs Participants as they arrive at the banks.

Over 40T of Funds which were transferred from Europe to USA for access by the Global Settlements were stolen by Bush Connected Bankers several weeks ago. They were allegedly diverted at the Morgan Stanley Bank, a favored bank of the Bushes. This is what is causing the delay in access to the Global Settlement funds. This is common knowledge on the street. These funds were recovered and security tightened to avoid a repeat. This is how the recent 350 Connected Bankers were caught.

All the programs paymasters have been fired by the Chinese as reported last time. It has now has been revealed that there were ALL connected to the Bushes and the Private Federal Reserve Bank.

Trustees are being monitored like a hawk. Any diversions or blockages and they will be arrested, removed and replaced. They are suspect to say the least because of their Bush & Fed Reserve Connections. Some trustees are actually locked out of operations during critical operations – the Chinese are fully aware of their activities.

Level I and II deliveries have already happened and are confirmed. Level III deliveries of P/F (Penalties & Fines) are in process of delivery again – for the 200th time – yea I know!

The amount of P/F have increased big time from earlier estimates due to the increasing recoveries of ill-gotten goods by the Bush Cabal.


Wachovia, BOA and my 5/3rd bank in Florida have been calling Dinar owners today to be on an alert status for a call to come to the bank for cashing in, today, Tuesday, 3/1/11. This is from multiple sources.

As of now 6:30 pm – no phone call. Rate being quoted on the phone was 6.18.

I am bummed out but will be at the bank again tomorrow. The RV is imminent!

WARNING – If no Banking announcement for the demise of the Private Federal Reserve Bank is out before the Dinar, your cash-in funds are susceptible to removal by the Private Federal Reserve. Be cautious!


Check out the New Passport being issued. The Constitution is imprinted throughout the pages. Interesting – First the constitution is read before congress, the Declaration of Independence before the Super Bowl and now the new passport. Coincidence – me thinks not.

The 3 prime contenders for administrators of the Republic has been revealed to me. They will run the Restored Republic during the 6 months interim before our elections by the people. I cannot reveal them at present ---- BUT YOU WILL LIKE THEM – THEY ARE HONORABLE!

We do have a bright future folks!


John MacHaffie A patriot and HIS humble servant

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:41 PM
Anonymous said...
> Check out the New Passport being issued. The
> Constitution is imprinted throughout the pages.

John, which new passport?
From the TT restored Republic?
From some other Republic?
From the Dept. of State Corporation?
Which Republic?

God bless you, John.

March 2, 2011 1:06 AM

The "new" passport with the preamble to the Consitution on the front page (next to an eagle) has been issued since 2007.

When MacHaffie started talking about Iraqi Dinars it was "up to $1 each" revaluation, and very soon if not already. Didn't happen, no matter what people with funny names said on a chat board. What to do? Up the ante! The revaluation quoted last week was "just under $5" and in this one $6.18. Not $6.17 or $6.19, but $6.18.

Dove used to do this, respond to missed deadlines by talkin about more and more money (all those prime bank rolls, don't cha know). Poofness' last post talks about a fund with "100 zeros," obviously meaning $1 with 100 zeros after it, and this is after showing that $1 with 40 or 45 zeros after it was such a huge quantity it could't fit on earth, or for that matter, in the solar system. It's like the advice any casino would give to a manic gambler, if you lose, simply double down. I'm personally waiting for Iraqi Dinars to be revalued a $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.18 each.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
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Location: Washington DC

Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

Not stiff enough? MacHaffie can help!

Friday, March 4, 2011
Dinar Intel Updates Phone Numbers

Dinar - Update Phone Number

Hi All this is a number where you will get a daily current update re the dinar. David who provides the update is very informative The length of the update is usually 10-15 minutes

760-569-7699 pin 708388# You can listen to it anytime during the day. It is the Midnight Think Tank update line

The regular number for the Midnight Think Tank is 760-569-7676 pin number 708388. They are live at 10 am California time, to 12 midninght California time.

ps. For those of you wavering in your belief regarding the RV, this will help to stiffen your resolve.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:46 AM 0 comments

I gave up on the update line after a few minutes, slow and boring doesn't begin to describe it. Worse than the old NESARA update line.

By the way, the drop dead deadline passed without any dropping dead because it makes sense to wait. That way, you'll enjoy your riches that much more when they finally come, sometime early next week.
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Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Gregg »

Of course, if the Dinar revalues to $3.22 the price of gas in the US will be about $3600 a gallon, so it'll be cheaper to buy a new Ford Explorer than fill one up, especially when you consider the dealer almost always fills it up when you buy one!
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David Merrill

Re: Coller Roaster

Post by David Merrill »

I was worried that would eventually happen to Gregg. It is because NESARA is actually a Bill that under the CLINTON Administration never even made it to the Floor - National Economic Stability (or Security maybe) and Recovery Act. Once you fabricate a mental fog, all else sounds like Gregg's post there.

RAP/RuSA as I call it also depends on a Guatamala-based fog generator (server) called Panamalaw.

I have been meeting with the Colorado fog generator (the guy who bought and donated the server). I toured him through the federal repository to feel him up a bit. We were going to go up to the Mason Museum and Library (they do a lot of that up there according to a few obscure authors) but I decided I wanted to remain welcome there. He got all that Colorado History from Eric W. MADSEN at Team Law. Eric was the former governor of the Colorado Republic and is now a senator, apparently, according to that fog generator. So I wondered why the Colorado Spokesman wanted to hook a sinking ship's anchor to one that has been on the bottom for about two decades? He said; Exactly, that is what I am saying! We should all unite!

Go figure!

It is difficult to convince those off the map that they are. I hope nobody brings RAP/RuSA around our new fog generator. That would be like having tits - I would be playing with them all the time! I just don't have time for that!


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Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

David Merrill wrote:I was worried that would eventually happen to Gregg. It is because NESARA is actually a Bill that under the CLINTON Administration never even made it to the Floor - National Economic Stability (or Security maybe) and Recovery Act. Once you fabricate a mental fog, all else sounds like Gregg's post there.
NESARA (all caps, Nesara is a genus of Moth in the family Lasiocampidae) was the brainchild of Harvey Barnard who believed that compound interest was the cause of all our economic problems. He sent copies of his proposal to eliminate it to members of congress in '96 but no one bit, not even the crazy ones and certainly not President Clinton (only the first letter cap'd, CLINTON is the Composite Lifting Index of the National Traveling Ornithologist Network). The problems with his proposal were many, but came down to a single issue, it costs money to borrow money, and that rate isn't set by how interest is calculated but by what the market will bear. Anyway, a deluded lady calling herself "Dove of Oneness" got told of this by a con artist calling himself Lord Rama and the rest is history. As for your association of Gregg, his post, and "mental fog," I suggest anyone thinking NESARA was a real bill simply because someone with the name "Dove of Oneness" said so on the internet should take care of business at home first.
David Merrill wrote:I toured him through the federal repository to feel him up a bit.
David Merrill wrote:That would be like having tits - I would be playing with them all the time! I just don't have time for that!
And take a cold shower.
"Follow the Money"
David Merrill

Re: Coller Roaster

Post by David Merrill »

My cold shower was in response to accusations of comedy.

I spoke with the NESARA people in Washington. You are partially correct. They actually did write up a bill but never submitted it to Congress. They detested the Dove of Oneness though, for all the garbage generated in the name NESARA.
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Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It's not an "accusation" of comedy, David; it's a realization that your posts are essentially one ongoing comedy sketch and that you're not serious about what you post.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
David Merrill

Re: Coller Roaster

Post by David Merrill »

Yet I can do it with a very serious look on my face!

Careful Poppycock;

Keep it up and Wesley will shut you down for making this fine thread all about me.

Here's some more standup by Tim.
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Re: Coller Roaster

Post by Deep Knight »

A confusing mess, they would tell us more but then the "bashers" would make fun of them.

Dinar Intel Update 3/5/2011
* Okie chat: GET 3/4/11 @ 7:30pm

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] I am going to be on here for only a short while ... my patience is worn thin with some of the people on this forum ...
to those who have enough interest in the r/v ... here is what I just received ... don’t pound me to death with questions ... use a little tact.
I was informed just now that next week is going to be our highest chances ever for the r/v to occur ... no, i am not specifying which day or the exact rate ... only that for the first time that we should be happy this time by next week-end ... murphy’s law not intervening again ...
now back to idle talk to some

[cobra] OKIE, thanks so much. I respect you and the purpose of this forum which is Dinar RV info and nothing else.
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] cobra ... well said ...
after Sunday all bench marks, needed before now, will have been met ... thus ... an r/v shortly thereafter
hopefully after this time next week ... Intel will no longer be needed

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] Greg ... Intel from highest source ... understand? ... yes you guessed who i was referring too ... talked with him a while ago for the first time in several months ... he sounded really bad but took my call anyway ... if he don’t know ... no one does
he is in consult with Hillary also ... didn’t know that till a while ago ... said he would not do anything for pres. or vp ... he is very resentful of them ... said Hillary has better head on her shoulders than present oval office holder ... think bill is involved in this up to his ears also and helps Hillary out with sec of state decisions and the pres has no use for Bill ...
hope you made your last hop ... you know who ... hope my last day in the oil patch was last week also ... do not respond and reveal your identity to the room
hope that slip turns into a carnival cruiser ... no need to respond
if you have another 4 days hope it’s your last ... keep the blue side up ... over and out

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] inform tom of latest Intel ...

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] be back later ... adios amigos

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] this next week will seem to pass too slow for some of us
also this Intel about Allawi supporting maliki gov 100% ... is false
watch closely after Sunday ... the Kuwait rate ... if it escalates ... there’s your r/v less a few cents ... then rate will be apparent
as per imf ... Iraq ... and Kuwait previous agreement

[masterblaster] OKIE, you think Kuwait is going to be a few pennies over the IQD
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] blaster, ...yes
last agreement with Kuwait was signed off last week when Maliki went to Kuwait and met with the emir of Kuwait ...
he promised ... he delivered to a certain extent with payment last week ... Kuwait will release chapter 7 immediately if not already released
expect Kuwait to exceed 4 dollars next week ... watch forex ... there is your answer...
Sunday will spell chaos or success to us investors ... period ... Selah
you cannot un-ring a bell ... and the bell has been already rung
watch ... when I leave ... in about 10 minutes all the doubters and naysayers will appear ... bet my Stetson on that
lady ... outcome of parliament meeting

[vanders] This is another bank rumour from friend take it for what it is.
My cousin from Greece called. He has a friend who works at Akbank in Ankara.
Said that as of Monday 7 March they will be trading 1 IQD for 2.67 EUD to corporate clients

The exchange rate is 2.67 EUD = $3.73.

Mar 5 8:45 PM [alexdc] divateam Ok fresh out of the other are telling me that the 3 have ben seated.. and WILLL be ? Is when will they anounce.... seams biden took his boy"M" and give him a. Paddlen..told him to fly right or don't fly at all that he had his own budget to tend with.I still do not understand y he would of left in the middle of working on the US budget and headed to irack...does that make any cents to any thinking is that owre budget shold be on the # 1 list..for him to do and not be out sight seeing in irack...don't

Mar 5 8:47 PM [Doc McCoy] [Multi-Millionaire2011] Because of all of the bashers on this site all i will say concerning the IQD RV to this PD Family is to get ready, get ready, get ready. I received a call from my neice that been in Iraq since 2008. Then hours later i received a call from one of my Congressional contacts who still works for US House of Reps. where i use to work and the time is very, very near. They both confirmed some news that backs up the last PD call with Dan, Tony and the other Mods as well as info received some Okie today. Its hurting me not to say exact details but i cannot deal with childest adults and the bashers, but to those of who are positive thinkers and soon to me Millionaire's hope you got your financial plan toget because you don't have much time left if you don't. God Bless You All

[alexdc] [poppy2] rich friends think all goi finished dont listen to they need another vote and other minister and other law passed. GEEZE they paid out 21 billion this week iin RV money on previous negotiated war debt. This couldnt be done without the GOI. Next think I told everyone over two weeks ago Mr Cheney negotiated a better deal for America than the other countries. WE lost more stayed longer for their liberation than anyone. Guess hat we havent America been paid yet we should be next> our RV will be more than the $3.10 the others where paid. ALSO they where paid out of a suprise account from a swiss bank where they have money stashed drawing interest since before the war. GLORY GLORY get ready poppy2

[sparkofitaly] Hot off the Press from CAGE!! ::::CAGEtrucker--ok here is what I have gotten off the call. CAGEtrucker--Maliki WILL NOT allow a no confidence vote, from what I was told he asked to be able to resign and leave with dignity and his pride, word is he will go to Kuwait get his family and disappear to an unitentified location, he said citizens are in what appears to be good moods shabibi and allawi have been on TV several times making small annoucements it appears they are trying to keep the locals under control CAGEtrucker--he said his contact said they someone got an old copy of a draft and it shows a rate that equaled 3.7345 CAGEtrucker--And once Allawi takes his place he has guaranteed to RV in 48 hours Maliki to step down CAGEtrucker--once Maliki steps down or receives a no confidence vote Allawi must be voted in so it will be a few days ::::

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:17 AM 0 comments
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