Casper has an Opinion

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Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »


· Did you watch Ronald Reagan’s speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this morning on national television? It was on the teleprompter in front of Obama.

· Dated May of last year but posted on RMN right now, ‘Communist Party sues Democratic Party’ for stealing their platform and re-labeling it ‘progressive’. Now isn’t that a hoot? How many times have I said every thing they are doing is pure Communism? It’s straight out of the Karl Marx handbook and a reflection of Obama’s upbringing under the tutelage of Frank Marshall.

Casper apparently doesn't realize that this was an April Fool's "joke" FROM LAST YEAR.

· Our country is rebelling against Obama’s Communist Big Government Police State Policies so he reads a Reagan speech and would have us believe he has suddenly ‘seen the light’ ? Bunko Spaghettio’s, pasta for the kool-aid drinkers.

When it comes to drinking the Kool Aid, Casper's in the front of the line.

· ObamaCare, a monstrous new entitlement program, besides destroying the world’s greatest healthcare system, besides destroying Medicare and Medicaid, besides being unconstitutional on its face, is a financial wrecking ball for the States and the Country. When/if Obama and the Democrats reverse themselves on this policy, and the Bank Bailout Policies at taxpayer expense, then and only then will they have any credibility in the Business Community . It ain’t gonna happen. They will remain the Party that stole the Communist Party’s Platform.

· Obama returned the White House bust of Winston Churchill to England. Then he gave the Queen an I-Pod containing his speeches, a really big insult. Today we learn from reliable newspapers abroad and Wiki Leaks that Obama has given to Russia a variety of British Nuclear Secrets. The Brits are livid. Obama has destroyed the ‘Special Relationship’ the U.S. has always had with England.

The bust was loaned to Geo. W. Bush and slated for return regardless of who won the election. See but then again, why let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory?

· A teenager is facing criminal charges for throwing spitballs. Others for saying negative things on Facebook and/or Twitter. The absurd abominations are coming fast and furious, another almost every day. Government Bureaucrats run amuck. They are following the ‘lead’ of their superiors, ‘control freaks’ in every key position, in other words---COMMUNISM. ‘Direction’ is coming from the top down.

Um, not spitwads but plastic projectiles used in a small blowgun. They caused welts on one of the 3 people he was harassing and he refused to stop when asked. Not exactly what Casper is reporting...

· Our ‘wait’ intensifies daily it seems. While waiting all these other attacks on Freedom continue and appear to be increasing. One way to stop this nonsense is to cut the budget, to slash Government payrolls, to get rid of these overpaid self-important control freaks. Notice that the Republicans, most of them, are unwilling to do that proving that the Political Parties are simply two heads of the same beast.

"I wouldn't call waiting for deliveries "intensifying" but "futile."

· Throughout history those on ‘the left’, the far left, have been responsible for the murder of millions, tens of millions of people. Today a Sarah Palin function was cancelled due to ‘security concerns’. And talk radio. And the Internet. And ? You do realize don’t you, that the far left is insane?

Casper calling others insane?

· ‘Leftist’ always disarm their populations first as it makes their slaughter easier. Obama has appointed Andrew Traver head of BATF (from Chicago of course), an anti Second Amendment Fanatic while simultaneously (there’s that word again) using U.N. ‘Treaties’ as an excuse for disarming the American people.

Exactly how many have been disarmed?

· Simultaneously the unconstitutional ‘Patriot Act’ (handcuffs and leg irons for the public- legislation) is up for re-authorization tomorrow.

· Ten times this morning Obama said we are going to ‘invest’ in this, that and the other, which means he is going to continue to SPEND like a drunken sailor, using borrowed money, thereby destroying the purchasing power of the people via inflation. One and one half Trillion Dollar ANNUAL Deficits BEFORE he does all that ‘investing’.

Regarding White Hat Report #10 posted last night and their call for the Supreme Court to stand up and do right, in case you are unaware fellow Patriots, THEY ALL HAVE SECRET BANK ACCOUNTS IN THE VATICAN BANK. What’s more, if you want to know just how filthy they actually are read previous casper updates from 3 or 4 years ago dealing with their visits to ‘The Ranch”.

(p.s. fellow Patriots, the Provost, the JAG and several of the Joint Chiefs also have secret accounts. All of them work for the Corporation which is in partnership with the Printing Press which provides them whatever price they place upon their souls.)

Is that the same ranch where they make the ranch-style salad dressing?

When you, fellow Patriots/White Hats, close your report #10 with “if Obama has a shred of Honor left” he will "Do This and That" you are surely joking.

He never had a shred of honor in the first place so there is none left to call upon.

Do you not realize the massive criminality of mind necessary to run for and accept the Presidency knowing full well every step of the way that you are lying to the entire nation, even to your own supporters? It is TREASON plain and simple and the Supremes are now equally guilty.

Casper complaining about lying every step of the way?

Biden and Boehner also have secret accounts so who we gonna turn to next?

Also, you folks appear to be at a point from which WE graduated long ago, believing the S.C. the last hope for our country.

If you keep on following the money you will learn that the printing press has been used to ‘purchase’ (bribe) foreign leaders, especially in China, which was supposedly going to impose the justice the TRAITORS at the Supreme Court failed to impose.

It’s amazing what you can do when you can ‘print’ unlimited funds from thin air, bribe the world and charge all of it to the taxpayers, the only innocent ‘players’ in this whole sorry saga.

Funding the Prosperity Programs and the Global Settlements is not a sufficient outcome.

Unless the Satanist ruling this country and the world are removed from power no one will be safe, least of all recipients.

Another excuse for the deliveries never coming?

Exposing Washington D.C. for the tragedy it has become is essential if we are to retrieve the Constitution and our National Dignity.

Remember friends, ‘they’ are not us.

They are parasites living off their host which is the American people.

Casper calling others parasites?

Casper 2-7-11 opinion
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by VinnyZ »

Well.....they do have the best interest rates on CDs.
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

VinnyZ wrote:
Well.....they do have the best interest rates on CDs.
Bah! The Bank of the Illuminati can buy and sell the Vatican many times over. Not only do we have the best rates -- we don't just give you a new toaster when you set up an account with our bank; we send over a young and very attractive delivery person to -- among other things -- unbox the toaster for you.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
VinnyZ wrote:
Well.....they do have the best interest rates on CDs.
Bah! The Bank of the Illuminati can buy and sell the Vatican many times over. Not only do we have the best rates -- we don't just give you a new toaster when you set up an account with our bank; we send over a young and very attractive delivery person to -- among other things -- unbox the toaster for you.
Or you can ipt instead for a free beltfed machine gun, I don't need to tell you which I took. Woman may be fun, but machine guns require less maintenance.
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by rogfulton »

My mom had one (opinion) like that but my dad finally convinced her to see a doctor. Cleared right up, or so I've been told. My mom doesn't like to talk about it.

:oops: oh, sorry, I got it confused with a boil.
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

bmielke wrote:
...bah! The Bank of the Illuminati can buy and sell the Vatican many times over. Not only do we have the best rates -- we don't just give you a new toaster when you set up an account with our bank; we send over a young and very attractive delivery person to -- among other things -- unbox the toaster for you.
Or you can opt instead for a free beltfed machine gun, I don't need to tell you which I took. Woman may be fun, but machine guns require less maintenance.[/quote]

If the deliveryperson was a dead ringer for Zooey Deschanel, as mine was, you may feel differently.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »


Casper’s opinion pieces seem to be a re-hash of the chain e-mails that attack the current government and liberals in general.

In his interview with Bill O’Reilly Sunday night, in defense of his ObamaCare Law, Obama said the American people are evenly split regarding ObamaCare. This is not true as two thirds of Americans want it repealed.
…Only 25 percent of people polled now support repealing the health care law, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll out Monday, … the country remains divided on the legislation, according to the results, with 40 percent supporting the health care reform and 41 percent opposing it.
A recent ‘W.H. Insider Report’ describes Obama as clueless, completely clueless.

Is he clueless, or is he an accomplished liar?

This is another example of the fantasy world in which he lives where the attitude is ‘if I say it, it is therefore true because I am the ruler of the world’.

My point has nothing to do with ObamaCare this time.

It is that our President has no grasp of reality.

It does not matter whether this is caused by his own blind ideology or because he is ‘brain washed’ by the Liberals/Communist he has surrounded himself with, the outcome is the same, decisions are made, decisions even bigger than ObamaCare, based on a completely false and bogus ‘mind set’.

Another example of this factually false ‘craziness’ of thought?

Obama declares, “The United States is no longer a Christian Nation”.
Obama, June 28, 2006 (prepared remarks): Given the increasing diversity of America's population, the dangers of sectarianism have never been greater. Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.

There are indications that the inaccurate version – omitting the word "just" – has been spread in an organized effort to discredit Obama.
Do you think this is an accurate statement?

An outright lie?

Or a reflection of his clueless factually false ‘craziness of thought’?

Or maybe the truth because, as ‘Ruler of the World’ he declares it to be so?

Try this one; Obama cancels the ‘National Day of Prayer’ because he ‘doesn’t want to offend anyone’. Then he defends and supports a Muslim National Day of Prayer adjoining the White House with 50,000 Muslims in attendance. Normal Liberal hypocrisy? Or symptomatic of a ‘craziness of mind’ on a scale difficult to comprehend?
President Obama has not, in fact, canceled the National Day of Prayer. Per a 1988 Act of Congress setting the observance on the first Thursday of every May, the U.S. National Day of Prayer will take place as usual on May 6, 2010.
The event took place as scheduled last year as well, though newly-elected President Obama broke with George W. Bush's practice of holding a White House ceremony on the occasion. Neither Obama nor any other White House entity stated that it was canceled so as "not to offend anybody."
IMO it is all the above. He is an accomplished liar on a par with Clinton.

He is a Liberal Extremist , a Communist in heart and mind.

He is surrounded by ‘International Socialist’, avowed Communist and ‘The Money Interest’ feeding him false info from which bogus conclusions are drawn. He is ‘clueless’.

He is an extreme narcissist believing himself to be ‘Ruler of the World’.

He is foreign born and works for the Money Interest.

IMO, he is a ‘in the closet’ Muslim now reflecting as President those beliefs acquired as a young Muslim in Indonesia.

Obama perceives himself to be, and actually is, a Dictator.

A Communist Dictator.

Example after example could be given, I don’t have the patience to repeat what you can read elsewhere on the Net every day.

Yes, you can read these, just search for "Urban legends false" and you come up with hundreds!

He is by-passing the Congress and the Courts with all manner of decisions, ruling by Fiat and Presidential Dictate and under ‘Color of Law’.

Most Americans do not realize or recognize what is happening and by the time they do catch on it will be all over except the shouting.

Most Americans do not realize that their Country is at the edge of the precipice, that the lives of their children and grandchildren are at stake.

It is not a matter of the ‘Left’ vs the ‘Right’, Politics as usual. It is far more profound and can be summarized as Freedom vs Slavery.

Until we have deliveries followed by announcements followed by exposures the Octopuses remain in control. They continue the attempts to stop the retrieval of the Republic and the Constitution, to stop the demise of The Corporation and their own N.W.O. plans for complete control.

They continue to try to access and steal the funds. They are still selling 60+ Billion $$ in Treasury Instruments at the auction every Monday.

What is being done about this continuation of the Status Quo? A ‘Good Guy’ Intell Agent told us long ago “they don’t care what you know so long as you don’t try to do anything about it”.

Why this subject today when so many others are available? Do I just enjoy ‘picking on’ Obama? ….. NO…..

It’s because the combination of corruption and incompetence at the ‘Executive’ which is acting in a Dictatorial capacity, when coupled with such matters as the passage of several obviously unconstitutional laws, his refusal to produce his birth certificate or college records, the secret bank accounts previously reported, his control of John Roberts and the Supreme Court with Vatican Bank Accounts, and many other things, so many other things, proves beyond any doubt that the President and the Corporation are not subject to the Law, any Law, and operate as a Criminal Enterprise which is above the Law. Somehow this ‘understanding’ must be grasped by the majority of Americans and not just Program Recipients who are more closely attuned to these realities. Items as simple and straightforward as those discussed above and others such as Chemtrails, GMO Foods, etc. are ‘comprehensible’ for uninformed Americans whereas other more complicated subjects such as the Partnership of International Socialist, Communism and Radical Islam being engaged in the common goal to ‘bring down’ America are difficult to explain to people who don’t understand the basics of what is happening much less these far more complicated realities.

Today Napolitano, the Nazi in charge of HLS issued a statement saying the risk of terrorism in America is greater right this minute than any time since 9-11. ‘Simultaneously’ Congressman Peter King announces his committee will undertake an investigation of the recruitment of young Muslim Men in America by

Al -Qaeda. David Cameron issues a statement in England saying ‘multi-culturalism’ has failed. Uprisings in several Muslim Countries to overthrow American Partners/Pawns. Do you think all of this is a coincidence? The WAR for future control of the planet is bigger, more intense and complicated than usually discussed in casper updates. The attempts to establish a Caliphate and World Government under Sharia Law is just as real as the attempts to establish the more well known N.W.O. by the Western Elites/Oligarchs.

Then there are the Communist.

In the middle of all these simultaneous goings on we have the likes of Soros who intends to use the resulting chaos for which he and his ilk are primarily responsible, to ‘take over the world’ using radicals of every stripe as ‘bullet catchers’. Soros and Obama are joined at the hip.

Emphasizing the more easily understood issues such as the ‘Birther Issue’ or the D.C. Corruption Issue provides a better chance of awakening the people against the wishes of the Corporation and its pawns in the MSM. You see friends, Our republic, WE THE PEOPLE, are also ‘combatants’ in this battle for our future. Shall we roll over and play dead? Shall we allow those who are fighting for control of the world to settle matters then meekly offer ourselves to the victor?


Obama ‘personally’ is not the issue.

Obama as the current ‘President’ of the Corporation (and the Resident of the WH) and pawn of the Money Interest and Briber and Blackmailer of the World is the issue. He and they are acting no more in the interest of We The People than are the other power centers seeking ‘control’.

WE continue to believe ‘the force’ is with us, that the Republic, the Constitution and We The People will be victorious. All things bad are highly visible, good things not so visible. We as individuals have not yet been called to ‘pick up the flag’. We have waited a very long time for good to defeat evil as we remain, for the most part, ‘spectators’. And there remains every reason to believe those fighting the battle for us will win for us. If not, then what?

I am aware the above remarks regarding Obama do not jive with those of various ‘spiritual messengers’ and web-sites and that concerns me and likely some of you as well. I can not explain what they have to say, only what WE know the ‘facts on the ground’ to be. Many years ago I wrote a lengthy piece asking ‘them’ to explain Intell discrepancies of that era. No answer. More recently I publicly asked them to explain Obama’s actions in blocking deliveries and his and his family members secret accounts in the Vatican Bank. Again, no answers.

Since they profess to be ‘all knowing’ I must assume they do know of all the items relayed to you in these updates as such knowledge is certainly not unique to us.

Their conflicting position and their unwillingness to address the most basic of questions is something you will have to decipher for yourselves.

Casper 2-9-11 opinion
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by texino »

There isn't any name that I can't rhyme, so let's do Casper!

Casper Casper bo baster banana fana fo fasper me my moe masper= Casper
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »


Can’t talk right now EXCEPT to say---
To those who are ‘running with’ the Intell regarding 900T in Mubarak’s name
It is not true.
The funds were in the names of "Those in D.C.".

Casper 2-11-11

Casper can't talk right now? If only it were true! Of course Mubarak doesn't have 900 trillion because that would be chump change! Using the pyramid's pyramid power and the sphinx's sphincter's stargate he brought home all the gold and gold-pressed latinum he could eat!


The trigger packs remain in D.C. AND Obama continues to block deliveries.

Casper 2-11-11 #2

So, what else is new?

That darn Obama! He keeps people from getting billions of dollars they haven't earned but deserve because of years of international banking. They're in packies, which keep coming and going in and out and in and out until they're coming all over but never going to you. And the people doing this? They breathlessly call Casper to give him the news so he can post it a Patrick Bellringer's site!
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie must be on the same chain e-mail mailing list as Casper.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Obama and his true belief

In 1952 President Truman established one day a year as a "National Day of Prayer."

In 1988 President Reagan designated the First Thursday in May of each year as the National Day of Prayer.

In June 2007 (then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA "Was no longer a Christian nation."

This year President Obama canceled the 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony
at the White House under the ruse Of "not wanting to offend anyone"

BUT... on September 25, 2009 from 4 AM until 7 PM, a National Day of Prayer FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION was Held on Capitol Hill, Beside the White House. There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day.


I guess it Doesn't matter if "Christians" Are offended by this event - We obviously Don't count as "anyone" Anymore.

The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated.

This is not a Rumor - Go to the website To confirm this info:

Send this to ten people and the person who sent it to you! let them know that indeed, it was sent out to many more.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:28 AM 0 comments

Yes, if you go to this link you get a confirmation that there was another one of these planned for October 15, 2010. "Several thousand" showed up for the first, a couple of hundred at the second (reported widely on conservative blogs as a "fail"). It took place on public land west of the Capitol, which is NOT "beside" the White House, and the president didn't attend. The rest is similarly accurate.

If you ever listen to Glenn Beck, he makes a big deal out of "I tell my listeners to confirm everything for themselves, to search for it on the Internet." Of course, a cursory Internet search brings up the popular sites first, and these are as likely to just be spreading rumors as anything. For example, if I search for "Glenn Beck is a communist," I get:

Glenn Beck is a Neoconservative...
Glenn Beck is more of a Communist than any Democrat..
Don't take my word for it..
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »


Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: RO
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:54 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

1. I can't believe you are still peddling Casper's crap.

2. I can't believe we are this close and you are still devoted to the dark money (Patrick & Anne) and still with all of the proof from so many sources that Abundanthope and OITC are CM's Mission, that you have such messed up Ego's that you are still peddling your vision. Amazing what the dark has done to you.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 16, 2011

Dear RO:

You make foolish statements, my sister, because you have fallen under the spell of disinformation and lies, without the ability to discern Truth. You error in thinking that CM (Christ Michael) is of any importance, other than a concocted name by the writers of The Urantia Book, and later pedaled on the Internet by disinformation agent Candace Frieze.

You error in calling Casper's updates, "crap", because you do not understand this information is not for the general public, but for the Farm Claim and Prosperity Program recipients, and for certain targeted people. If you are not one of these persons, then these updates are really none of your business and should be of no concern to you. If you are one of these people and consider these updates to be "crap", then you are a fool and do not deserve any of the forthcoming funds.

You error in calling the money held by Creator God Aton of Light and the Forces of Light for use by the Lightworkers in these "End Times", "dark money". Anne and I understand your frustration and bitterness, if you are not in the receiving of these funds for Goodness. They are to be used by people of good intent for the purposes of good intent.

Again, you error in thinking there is proof of Goodness and Truth in OITC and in Abundant Hope (lessness?) The proof is quite the opposite. Years ago Global Family demoted Dr. Ray C. Dam for his inappropriate behavior in committing fraud in Thailand. Now, recently, there is a repeat of such behavior. Secondly, charges have been made by several countries of corruption by OITC in their relations with this Global Family low level funding entity. OITC has misled many people with disinformation.

You error in thinking that Abundant Hope really offers hope and Truth to the world. Jupiter was supposedly to have blown up years ago and formed a second sun, but for some strange changes in Candace Frieze's imagination, that event is always delayed. The same is true for this so-called "stasis event".

We live on a planet of freewill, where we live under the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention. We would not have freewill, if outside forces and entities usurped that freewill. Yet, we are to believe that we are to be put to sleep (stasis), against our freeewill, and the Angels will clean up our mess and make everything right, before we wake up and live happily ever after? Cosmic Law says, "we reap what we sow", we have consequences (Karma) for what we do, and we are held accountable for our actions. In other words, we must clean up our own mess.

This same theme runs through the Christian Cult. Some "Man-God" was killed and his magic blood makes everything alright. Bolderdash! And you say I have a "messed up Ego", and Casper writes "crap"?

I suggest you get a second outside opinion, preferably from a higher source to know Truth. I repeat your closing statemnt, "Amazing what the dark has done to you". This is not a threat but only a statement of Truth. Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth we present has gone far, far away! Ponder that carefully.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

You can always get a second opinion from Deep Knight (as in the joke: Doctor, "You need to have an operation." Patient, "I'd like a second opinion." Doctor, "OK, you're ugly too."). In my opinion, Casper and Bellringer are crazy, but then again so are Candace and OITC. Yes, Jupiter was supposed to have become a second sun as Candace said, but this pales in comparison to the many predictions by Casper and Bellringer, none of which has ever come true either. As for "Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth we present has gone far, far away!" how does he explain that Deep Knight is still here?
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Gregg »

Jupiter did become a second sun, called 'Lucifer' in 2010 Odyssey 2 but it was Saturn in the book, Jupiter in the movie, or something like that.

These people realize that movies aren't real, don't they? I mean, really, how many of their story lines are the plots of mediocre movies?
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »


Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: RO
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:54 AM
Subject: Bitebum Contact Request from Foulwinds10

1. Casper told me I could borrow his car, but that you were using it at your place. I came by earlier but nobody answered the door. I saw what must have been you and Anne peeking out the windows, but since you didn’t answer I decided to help myself.

2. When I found Casper’s car, its condition and the chickens living in were an issue, but not as much as the crap on the pedals. And I mean real crap, it looked like someone had been using the driver’s floor as a toilet. I can't believe we are this close and you (Patrick & Anne) still have this feces fetish! The smell was bad enough, and there are hygiene issues here too. Think of the diseases that spread through Abundantdopes and OITC, I know that you have such messed up Ego's that you are still peddling bowel movements as gold, but gold doesn’t smell anything like that! Amazing what the dark has done to you. In fact, given the small space and steering wheel, I’m amazed you could even squat there to do your business!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 16, 2011

Dear RO:

You make foolish statements, my sister, because you have fallen under the spell of disinformation and lies, without the ability to discern Truth. You error in thinking that the way things smell is of any importance, other than that which comes from your Urantia, and later pedaled on the Internet by disinformation agent Candace Frieze.

You error in calling my crap, "crap", because you do not understand this is not for the general public, but for the Farm Claim and Prosperity Program recipients, and for certain targeted people. If you are not one of these persons, then doing my business is really none of your business and you should mind your own business. If you didn’t like the smell of this "crap", then you are a fool and do not deserve any of the forthcoming funds, which will basically smell the same.

You error in calling this gift from Creator God Aton of Light and the Forces of Light for use by the Lightworkers in these "End Times", "crap". Anne and I understand your frustration and bitterness if your bowel movements aren’t as magnificent, few are. They are to be used by people of good intent for the purposes of good intent even if the intent is bad.

Again, you error in thinking there is proof of Goodness and Truth in things that are good and true. The proof is quite the opposite. Years ago Global Family demoted Dr. Ray C. Dam for his inappropriate behavior in flushing away his prosperity deliveries. Secondly, charges have been made by several countries of corruption by OITC in their relations with their relations. OITC has misled many people by misleading them.

You error in thinking that Abundant Hope really offers hope abundantly. Jupiter was supposedly to have blown up years ago and formed a second sun, but for some strange changes in Candace Frieze's imagination, that event is always delayed. This never happens with my predictions, well, except for the prosperity deliveries, first contact, pole reversal, and basically everything I post on Foulwinds. Candace should be ashamed!

We live on a planet of freewill, where we live under the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention. We would not have freewill, if outside forces and entities usurped that freewill. In other words, the all-powerful forces here to help us can’t use their powers to help us. Cosmic Law says, "we reap what we sow", we have consequences (Karma) for what we do, and we are held accountable for our actions. In other words, Creator God is there to help us and this is manifested by our being on our own.

This same theme runs through the Christian Cult. They believe “cleanliness is next to godliness”? Bolderdash! And you say I have "been using the driver’s floor as a toilet", and Casper’s car has "crap on the pedals"? Look in the mirror, especially if that mirror is a rearview one!

I suggest you get a second outside opinion, preferably from a higher source to know Truth. I repeat your closing statemnt, "I’m amazed you could even squat there to do your business". With creator god Haltoon’s help, I can do anything and squat anywhere! This is not a threat but only a statement of Truth. Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth have had to replace all the floor pads in the fronts of their automobiles! Especially those sick puppies at Quatloos. Ponder that carefully.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:Jupiter did become a second sun, called 'Lucifer' in 2010 Odyssey 2 but it was Saturn in the book, Jupiter in the movie, or something like that.

These people realize that movies aren't real, don't they? I mean, really, how many of their story lines are the plots of mediocre movies?
If it was Uranus that was on fire, I suggest using Preparation H.

Don't you know that all movies are based on reality? It's actually a clever ploy by the Illuminati. You see, when some diligent Lightworker finds the truth and blabs, people hearing it will remember the movie and think they're some psycho who can't distinguish between fantasy and reality, thus preventing the truth from being spread! This is why the Kingdom of Oz has been able to exist all these years without anybody busting them for Munchkin abuse.
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Omne »


You error in thinking that Abundant Hope really offers hope and Truth to the world. Jupiter was supposedly to have blown up years ago and formed a second sun, but for some strange changes in Candace Frieze's imagination, that event is always delayed.

Much like packie deliveries.
Deep Knight
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer Got Updates on Casper's Crap!

#1 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: A&CM
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 5:35 PM
Subject: RESPONSE: Hello Central/Casper's Crap

Dear Patrick,

We appreciate your educational approach in this reply to RO and support the stance in Truth you take concerning all the areas covered.

Educational approach?

Every moment offers teaching/learning experiences in this classroom Planet Earth, and it appears at the crossroads of these moments that RO has projected upon you and Anne the Lie of her own dark night, which becomes a painful reckoning.

Not "dark night" but "Deep Knight!"

This exchange reminds us of some words of Wisdom from Hatonn written in a Wisdom of The Rays article from 06/07/01:

"As with any and all ones who try to help awaken humanity, you will have critics along the way. This is natural and to be expected. Learn to allow each their own path and freedom to express as they see fit. Send these critical ones Light and Love in return for their compulsion to attack. This will help you to avoid any unnecessary karmic baggage.

Bellringer's threats were "Light and Love?"

Most often the ones who attack do so out of jealousy, mores than actual animosity or anger. These ones are also frightened that you may be moving ahead without them, and so they often get frustrated that they have chosen a different path. Deep down inside they wish they could turn back the clock and choose differently. Their attacks upon you only affirm their own insecurities and inner emotional state of unbalance and unrest".

I'm jealous of Bellringer?

In this Light, May RO find Peace and Truth Within,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 17, 2011

Dear Anton and Cynthia Miller:

Thank you, dear friends. You are loved and appreciated for your wisdom.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

Who is Anton Miller? According to many in their online community, it's really Emil Anton Muhlhausen, er, Patrick H. Bellringer (Muhlhausen = millhouse in English)! See ... 3993.shtml

#2 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RO
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 8:58 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


I love your threat Patrick: "Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth we present has gone far, far away! Ponder that carefully" dark are you dude Patrick? CM & Esu speak to me everyday (well most days as they are very busy getting ready) Your website will be taken down soon also. I used to speak with Germain alot, now it's just CM and can just tell by your energy signature that the channeling's that you and Anne display are not pure. Take care.

Wow! I would love to be a fly on the wall when these two meet person-to-person. The crazy would be as thick as something really, really thick!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Robin Olson

Bellringer must be pissed, he's giving her real name! I wonder when he'll use his real name?

DATE: Feb. 17, 2011


Dear Robin Olson:

Again you error in your thinking. The Truth from the Phoenix Journals that we present is not channelled anything, but direct communication via short wave radio from the Pleiadian commandship, The Phoenix, from Esu Immanuel Sananda, Creator God Aton (Hatonn) and the Ascended Masters. This method was used to avoid human error in mental translation and interpretation, as is common in channellings such as you receive.

Not "channelling" but "what appears to be channelling but we claim it's really a shortwave radio in someone's head." A rose by any other name would smell as sweet ... although I don't think any of this smells like roses!

What part of "this is not a threat" do you not understand? This was a factual statement for your edification. You need to learn to appreciate facts and rely less on your opinion.

Sounded like a threat to me. If I said, "I'm gonna kill you if you don't give me all your money, and by the way, this is not a threat," would the disclaimer change anything?

I find it interesting that you continue to attack the messenger to avoid dealing with the Truth Our mission is to present Truth freely to the world, and you can do with it what you so choose. Hopefully,you will listen to your God Spirit within crying out for you to wake up before it is too late to do so. Creator God Aton of Light is never too "busy" to hear your call. Your so-called Christ Michael god must be quite limited in his abilities, if he is unable to communicate at all times with his creations.

Fourwinds is not going anywhere, for we have complete and permanent Divine Protection, and the mission to present Truth one last time to the "four corners of the earth". If that were not so, we would have been gone years ago from attacks by the Adversary. Fourwinds shall be here until our Mission has been completed.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer

#3 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:07 PM
Subject: Response to RO.....

From: RO
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 8:58 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


I love your threat Patrick: "Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth we present has gone far, far away! Ponder that carefully" dark are you dude Patrick? CM & Esu speak to me everyday (well most days as they are very busy getting ready) Your website will be taken down soon also. I used to speak with Germain alot, now it's just CM and can just tell by your energy signature that the channeling's that you and Anne display are not pure. Take care.



I would rather listen to Casper and Patrick and Anne any day, than your weak posturing and incessant lies. Do you have any idea how many things 'abundant hope' has told the people that have not come to pass? And I'm not putting them down to say this. I'm just stating a fact.

Do you have any idea how many things Bellringer has told the people that have not come to pass? In fact, "many" is a gross understatement! And I AM putting them down as well as just stating a fact.

Plans change, thing happen beyond our control, and just plain sh*t happens. No one person is to blame for any of this that has held things up the past ten years! We didn't want this mission to go on for so long. It just couldn't be helped. And Esu, St Germain and Hatonn/Aton would be the first to tell you this, if you were listening!!! So just back off, take a deep breath, and stop putting the blame on Patrick and Anne. They are just the messengers, and you are trying to shoot the messenger.

"Things happen beyond our control," is a good excuse once, maybe twice, probably not ten times. In this case we're talking many hundreds, if not thousands, of times. And, if someone is making something up, how can they be the "messenger?"

Chill out. Everything is going pretty much as planned. No one ever told you this was going to be easy. Trust me, I know very well it hasn't been. None of us, worth our salt, has had an easy time of it. And the closer we get to the end, the harder the lessons get. That is just the way this works. From your childish rebuffs, I'd venture to say you might flunk, and have to go back to school again, wherever it ends up being.

Yes, they did tell us this would be easy. And if everything is going as planned, why is it so different that what was promised by Bellringer and others?

The definition of Messenger is Angel. Think about it. They have already earned their wings. They don't have to be here, they chose to be here. And clearly, nothing you say will change their minds about this, not after all they have been through already. Angels will continue doing their jobs to the end, quietly, not trying to draw attention to themselves. They are a million times stronger than any Energizer Bunny!!! I can guarantee that. They just keep going, and going, and going!!! Watch and learn. That's how you get the job done. (NOT wasting your time putting others down and acting superior!)

In this case, the definition of "messenger" is "A-hole." I can't say how much stronger or weaker they are than the Energizer Bunny, but they do seem to keep going and going, except for Dove of Oneness and Christopher Story and Jennifer Lee and Mark Huber and Lord Rama and Lady Tara and Beth Tushwind and Kau’ila Pele...

I'd rather listen to Casper any day!!! He womps all over you.


Is that "womps" or "wimps?" I keep hearing cars on the street with subwoffers playing hip-hop or whatever-it's-called-now music where all you can hear is a "womp, womp, womp" from the baseline, no doubt that's what "T" is referring to. Perhaps they're playing Casper...
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Deep Knight
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Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »

#2 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RO
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 8:58 PM
Subject: Biteme Contact Request from Fourwinds10


I love your threat Patrick: "Over these many years anyone who has come against Anne and me and the Truth have had to replace all the floor pads in the fronts of their automobiles! Especially those sick puppies at Quatloos. Ponder that carefully"....what you must be doing in the dark, dude. BMs & Esu speak to me everyday (well most days as they max our their minutes at the end of the month). Your pants will be taken down soon also. I used to speak with Germain alot, but since he got the World Court restraining order it's just BMs and can just tell that the underwear that you and Anne display are not pure. Take care.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Robin Olson
DATE: Feb. 17, 2011
SUBJECT: Die, die, die!!!!

Dear Robin Olson:

Again you error in your thinking. The Truth from the Phoenix Journals that we present is not channelled anything, but direct communication via short wave radio from the Pleiadian commandcloudship, The Phoenix, from Esu Immanuel Sanandapanda, Creator God Anton (Hartoon) and the Ascendable Masters. My twin flame Anne or Cynthia has this installed in her butt, and she pulls the messages from there. This method was used to avoid human error in mental translation and interpretation, as is common in channellings such as you receive. It also gets me frisky just thinking about it.

What part of "this is not a threat" do you not understand? This was a factual statement for your edification. You need to learn to appreciate facts and rely less on your opinion. If you don’t, I will come over to your house and kill you in horrible, unspeakable ways. This is not a threat.

I find it interesting that you continue to attack the messenger to avoid dealing with the Truth Our mission is to present Truth freely to the world, and you can do with it what you so choose. As messengers, we are never responsible for the content of the messages, especially if they’re wrong, so buzz off. Hopefully, you will listen to your God Spirit within crying out for you to wake up before it is too late to do so, which will be in 5 minutes or so. Your Christ Michael God must be quite limited in his abilities, if he is unable to communicate at all times with his creations. My Christ Michael God talks to me all the time, in fact, it’s difficult to get him to shut up!

My pants are not going anywhere, for we have complete and permanent Divine Protection, and the mission to present Truth one last time to the "four corners of the flat earth". If that were not so, we would have been stripped naked years ago from attacks by the Adversary. And even when we were, our underwear were pure, no fudge stripes anywhere! Fourwinds shall be here until our Mission has been completed, which means we’re not going away ever!

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
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Location: Washington DC

Re: Casper has an Opinion

Post by Deep Knight »

More on Casper's Crap, #s 4, 5 & 6!

#4 (Reply)

From: AM

To: Bellringer
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 1:26 AM
Subject: Re : Messages transmission

Dear Patrick ;

In your yesterday’s reply to RO about “STILL PEDDLING CASPER'S CRAP”, you told him that the messages that you present are not channeled anything, but direct communication via short wave radio from the Pleiadian commandship, The Phoenix, from Esu Immanuel Sananda, Creator God Aton (Hatonn) and the Ascended Masters and that this method was used to avoid human error in mental translation and interpretation as it is also mentioned in the Foreward of Journal N° 3 by God Aton.

For my understanding, how was the process for receiving the messages?

Does that mean that God Aton Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters were speaking and the receiver was hearing their voice through a radio device?

Or were the messages recorded in a voice recorder and later the receiver was typing the messages on a computer?

Sorry to annoy you with this technical question but if one day I will have to stand in front of a public audience and would be asked, I’ve better know the reply.

Many thanks for your help.

In Love and Light.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 18, 2011

Dear AM

As you know, Doris Ekker was Dharma, the receiver for most of the Phoenix Journals. Hatonn placed a radio receiver in her head/brain by which she heard the messges being transmitted, like having a "third ear". By this short wave radio method Doris heard live, direct speaking to her, which she instantly typed on her computer. If she made an error, she was corrected in real time by the speaker of the message.

Thus, there was no interpretation or other influence by Doris that would have altered the message in any way.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

I've seen pictures of Doris and it does look like she has a third ear.

#5 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: RP

To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 7:07 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Hello Patrick,

yesterday i read this-

The Truth from the Phoenix Journals that we present is not channelled anything, but direct communication via short wave radio from the Pleiadian commandship, The Phoenix, from Esu Immanuel Sananda, Creator God Aton (Hatonn) and the Ascended Masters. This method was used to avoid human error in mental translation and interpretation, as is common in channellings such as you receive.

and Today -post/Korton

this- - -... \" However, it is necessary to have scribes that can receive that kind of information with complete openness and those are difficult to find already prepared, thusly we spend many hours, the sender and the receiver, practicing and working to open the receiving abilities in order to achieve that goal. Dharma is a most adept and proficient receiver.> Would that we had more of that ability, and we strive to come to that goal as quickly as possible. This receiver is most anxious to reach that point now that she sees that, that kind of clarity is possible. It does require a dedicated being that is willing to have their entire life disrupted and reformatted to be available almost constantly and that is not an easy decision to make for it leaves little of personal life and interaction for friends and family. It is indeed a serious decision to come to that point. Human beings of that caliber are few and far between and this receiver has long resisted this commitmen! t because of seeing a lack of the point of it. Time will tell if she is there now or not.






R P.

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 19, 2011

Dear RP:

Thank you for your question. Please read the "Foreword" to Phoenix Journal #3 by Hatonn/Aton. From day one Doris Ekker received messages via short-wave radio, but to do so, she had to be "a most adept and proficient receiver". She had to practice focusing her attention on what she was hearing and not allow any distractions to cause error in her listening ability and accuracy in typing on her computer what she was hearing.

To receive messages by short-wave radio is not a mechanical process, for one must be totally focused to maintain accuracy. Clear channeling requires this same integrity, which few have the ability to do.

What I said was a repeat of what Hatonn/Aton said in the "Foreword" to Phoenix Journal #3, and which properly understood, does not clash with Korton's statement.

I trust this answers your question.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


THOMAS MAASU KORTON - ... 1298052030

Bellringer needs to take reading lessons because, yes, these two messages from Acendable Masters contradict each other. Read them for yourself. It is only one of many contradictions in the Hatonn/Aton messages, the kind you naturally get when folks are making things up as they go along.

#6 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: Candace Frieze
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 6:12 PM
Subject: your published letter

Hi Patrick, what did I ever do to you to deserve this crap your post about me? Now Jupiter did happen, and NASa even took it's baby pictures shortly thereafter. SOHO Pick of The Week Take care, Candace


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
TO: Candace Frieze
DATE: Feb. 19, 2011

Dear Candace Frieze:

The Truth does hurt, even when you shrug it off as "crap". My years of teaching science and study of astronomy tells me that your imaginings that Jupiter has blown up and formed a second sun is definitely "crap". The NASA data and picture to which you refer show a corneal mass ejection and the moons of Jupiter in time lapse photography.

Both common sense and the words of Creator God Aton of Light tell us that should Jupiter blow up, as you claim, and form a second sun, the various forces and gravitational vacuum created would destroy our entire solar system. As the greatest planet in our solar system, Jupiter's gravitational "pull" keeps our solar system in balance. Without it, the system would disintegrate, and the planets, and our earth included, would be flung into space.

Creator God does not destroy! He creates! People are laughing at your foolishness. May you learn wisdom.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

Miller, er, Muhlhausen, er, Bellringer really must be a scientist 38 levels above the president because few have heard about gravitational vacuum being created. The math alone takes advanced biochemical calculus.
"Follow the Money"