Hello Central, Your Silly Story Doesn't Make Sense

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Hello Central, Your Silly Story Doesn't Make Sense

Post by Deep Knight »

Patrick H. Bellringer

----- Original Message -----
From: "RD
To: <bellringer@foulwinds10.com>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 6:58 PM
Subject: Biteme Contact Request from Fourwinds10


hi patrick and anne. thank-you once again for your hard work. i guess it\'s been a couple of months since i was led to your site. better late than never. my question-if the earth is going to "shift" at any time and people will be air lifted or perish, why are the "money packets" of any matter.please forgive me if this imfo is already somewhere on your site.thanks again, you are truly my earth heros. RD

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Feb. 19,2011

Dear RD:

Thank you for writing, and for your kind words. Yes, I have answered your question many times, but here is my answer again.

There are three reasons the funding needs to be done. First, the Darkside operates on greed and power with money as their tool, which they have stolen from the masses. They need to know clearly that they have been defeated and have lost their power by their stolen money being taken from them and returned to the people.

Secondly, the Lightworkers have worked and suffered and endured much to stand against the Darkside. The Lightworkers need to know they have won, to have closure prior to leaving Shan, to know that Goodness has been victorious, and thirdly, should there be time between funding and departure, these funds can do much good in helping the many, who are ill, hungry, without shelter or clean water, etc. "As you have done it unto the least of these my brethren,you have done it unto me (Sananda)." There is much soul growth in caring for the needy.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
"Follow the Money"

Re: Hello Central, Your Silly Story Doesn't Make Sense

Post by Trippy »

Dingdong wrote:DATE: Feb. 19,2011
Dear RD:

Thank you for writing, and for your kind words. Yes, I have answered your question many times, but here is my answer again.

There are three reasons the funding needs to be done. First, the Darkside operates on greed and power with money as their tool, which they have stolen from the masses. They need to know clearly that they have been defeated and have lost their power by their stolen money being taken from them and returned to the people.

Secondly, the Lightworkers have worked and suffered and endured much to stand against the Darkside. The Lightworkers need to know they have won, to have closure prior to leaving Shan, to know that Goodness has been victorious, and thirdly, should there be time between funding and departure, these funds can do much good in helping the many, who are ill, hungry, without shelter or clean water, etc. "
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... won't the "Ascension" itself provide closure to the Lightworkers, by proving their weirdest fantasy is indeed real? Once they step into the light and are beamed aboard (by the way, said departure will be nearly instantaneous, according to Bellringer), they'll have no need of supplies of food, money, water, or sex -- it'll all be provided! Okay, I don't know about the sex, but no one will need to load up on anything -- it'll all be on board ship. At least, that's what Bellringer has said many times in the past.
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Re: Hello Central, Your Silly Story Doesn't Make Sense

Post by Cathulhu »

Anyone who believes any of this crap is by definition self-deluded. And in sad need of a reality check.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
Deep Knight
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Re: Hello Central, Your Silly Story Doesn't Make Sense

Post by Deep Knight »

Trippy wrote:Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... won't the "Ascension" itself provide closure to the Lightworkers, by proving their weirdest fantasy is indeed real? Once they step into the light and are beamed aboard (by the way, said departure will be nearly instantaneous, according to Bellringer), they'll have no need of supplies of food, money, water, or sex -- it'll all be provided! Okay, I don't know about the sex, but no one will need to load up on anything -- it'll all be on board ship. At least, that's what Bellringer has said many times in the past.
I believe that the original timeline was: NESARA announcement, which freed the prosperity packages, which in turn would fund the humanitarian projects, which would raise the vibrations of the world, which would heal the earth and allow ascension. By the way, the government reorganization mandated by NESARA would reveal the UFO files which would allow first contact with superior alien cultures. Since this has been so long delayed (more than 10 years), two things have happened, 1) the earth needs to go into cleaning mode, which means total destruction, but those with souls get beamed up by The Forces in Starships above our heads, the good part of the aliens I talked about, until earth ascension to 5D, and 2) The other events, get stacked together, in fact the time from prosperity deliveries to end of the world might be a few days to a week. Bummer to all of those getting $billions. Also, Bellringer says we get united with our twin flames and that twin flame couples don't need sex, so bummer about that too.
Cathulhu wrote:Anyone who believes any of this crap is by definition self-deluded. And in sad need of a reality check.
Yes, but on the other hand, at least some of them have access to funds they can send Bellringer & Co. and are so far out there they won't go to the authorities when the scam's promises don't come true. They are also willing to put up with lame excuses from week to week to week to week to week.
"Follow the Money"