Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

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Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Famspear »

Tim Whitney ("databrain") over at losthorizons has started a new losthorizons thread and has provided a link to a weblog called:

"Justice 4 Hendrickson Family".



There is a reference on the linked page to "Sarah Waltner." Was she the one who is alleged to have conspired with Doreen Hendrickson to try to get someone to sign a false affidavit regarding Peter Hendrickson's situation?
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Famspear »

From that weblog:
One Man Doing Time for ALL of Us

Hendrickson’s family friend and confidant SARAH WALTNER provides information on Pete’s current dilemma as he has been made to serve a three-year prison term (by basic trickery on the part of a Midwestern judge by the name of Rosen) as punishment for alerting Americans to the true meaning of “income tax”. Most startling is what this Judge, along with an over-zealous U.S. Attorney, is now doing to Pete’s family. DOREEN HENDRICKSON will join this broadcast to share her fears and plea for help to expose cartel-type syndicate tactics being applied to her – to force Pete into submission for THEIR willful and now necessary compliance to justify how they (unfairly) handled Pete.
TPH: Honestly, what is taking place today on this case would make the Soprano, or “Don” Vito Corleone, families blush with embarrassment.
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Dezcad »

Famspear wrote: There is a reference on the linked page to "Sarah Waltner." Was she the one who is alleged to have conspired with Doreen Hendrickson to try to get someone to sign a false affidavit regarding Peter Hendrickson's situation?
Yes, from Paragraph 2 of the Declaration filed by the government:
I have attached as Exhibit A to this declaration a true and correct copy of an
unsigned affidavit and attached exhibits that Doreen Hendrickson and Sarah Waltner provided to
Sheldon Rose for his signature. I obtained the affidavit and attached documents fi'om Sheldon
Rose on January 5, 20 II.
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by wserra »

Famspear wrote:From that weblog:
One Man Doing Time for ALL of Us

Hendrickson’s family friend and confidant SARAH WALTNER provides information on Pete’s current dilemma as he has been made to serve a three-year prison term (by basic trickery on the part of a Midwestern judge by the name of Rosen)
Now, I wonder why the judge's name might matter?
Could the same thing happen to you & your family?
Actually, no.
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Olsenfin »

"Cracking The Code" is a book worth the serious study of every American who wishes to understand how the Federal government is abusing the Constitution and its citizens. My dog-eared copy is on my bookshelf, right next to "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Unidyne »

Olsenfin wrote:"Cracking The Code" is a book worth the serious study of every American who wishes to understand how the Federal government is abusing the Constitution and its citizens. My dog-eared copy is on my bookshelf, right next to "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".

I keep mine next to my copy next to "Report From Iron Mountain". :whistle:
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Cathulhu »

If I had one I'd put it next to the collected Journal of Irreproducible Results. But bookshelf space is at a premium here, and I can't waste it.
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by LPC »

Databrain wrote:Warriors,

Please visit the blog, signup, post, etc., etc.

Encourage others to visit and please support this great American Family.



Here's what puzzles me: How does having a second blog/website (other than losthorizons.com) help Hendrickson or his family?

And the blog itself seems to be oriented towards promoting "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley," with several links to her show/website, including a link to her "Power Mall," where you can pay money to *buy* Hendrickson's book even though it is still free to download.

So, does Databrain expect to get a cut of Joyce Riley's action? Or is he just a well meaning idiot?
Dan Evans
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Famspear »

I don't know, but there is a link on that page to the third hour of a "Joyce Riley" radio show today (Thursday, Feb. 24) where Doreen Hendrickson (and presumably whats-her-name as well, I haven't listened to it yet) are interviewed regarding the Trials and Tribulations of Patriotic Blowhard Pete. You can download it as an mp3 file, I believe.


EDIT: There are three links -- one for each hour of the three hour program. I checked, and the Hendrickson material actually starts in hour #2.
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by notorial dissent »

All those poor electrons, senselessly wasted!!!!!!!!!!! I just don't have two, let alone three hours I would want to waste on something like that.

LPC, I am inclined to go with "well meaning idiot" as far as databrain is concerned. I do think that should be modified as clueless well meaning idiot, though, as he certainly is that.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Olsenfin »

Appropos of what is one one's bookshelf,

I think I still have one issue of "The Rat Race: The Journal of American Rodentricks".

It had a great cover story - "How To Turn Your Skinner Box Into A Nifty Ice Crusher For $9.95".

Another informative article was "Superstitious Behavior in 347 Leprechauns".

I, myself, contributed to that issue, submitting "Olsen's Corollary to Murphy's 14th Principle:

It goes like this: "The probability of publication of any negative replication is inversely proportional to the reputation of the author of the replicated study".
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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Famspear »

The sense of gloom over at losthorizons dot com is palpable. In response to a posting of yet another link to another useless web site with yet another useless tax protester theory, user "earthshake" writes:
No offense, but I'm not sure what to make of this. He's talking about how we created a contract by getting a SSN. I don't have the time to sift through it and compare it to CtC. Or are we no longer of the opinion that CtC has the answers because PH is behind bars? I am not being contentious, I'm asking because, well, because I have to figure this out or take a significant financial hit that will put a real hurting on my family. I can't see the truth anymore...or it seems the truth doesn't matter, or only matters in one court but not the other (insert hysterical laughter here)! ...
(emphasis added)

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 7956#27298

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Re: Let's play "Help the Hendricksons"

Post by Thule »

Or are we no longer of the opinion that CtC has the answers because PH is behind bars? [...] I can't see the truth anymore
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