justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by SB?

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justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by SB?

Post by Quixote »

justinprime has read sinister import into an IRS mail clerk's slackness.
So I just got my USPS "Domestic Return Receipt" back. Problem is, it's not signed. Is this normal? There's some sort of orange lines in Box #2, over the Article Number, which were not there when I sent it. It's obviously processed and the tracking number showed it was sent to the destination. But what's the deal? How can they receive it an not sign it? What is this setting up for them? Deniability of having received it? Yet I have the Return Receipt and Certified Mail Receipt. Does this mean anything? Has it happened to anyone else?
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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by grixit »

Cue hysterical music as he clutches his head and spins around, screaming.
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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by notorial dissent »

CKB, I have I have to agree with on the LostHorizontals, reality is a total stranger there so it is no surprise when the come up with some, well actually all, of the nonsense they deal in, and I think twaddle is a very good description of most of it.

I do not think it is so much that they willingly embrace the stupidity as much as they wallow in it.
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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Quixote wrote:justinprime has read sinister import into an IRS mail clerk's slackness.
So I just got my USPS "Domestic Return Receipt" back. Problem is, it's not signed. Is this normal? There's some sort of orange lines in Box #2, over the Article Number, which were not there when I sent it. It's obviously processed and the tracking number showed it was sent to the destination. But what's the deal? How can they receive it an not sign it? What is this setting up for them? Deniability of having received it? Yet I have the Return Receipt and Certified Mail Receipt. Does this mean anything? Has it happened to anyone else?
Doesn't he realize that it's a coded message from the local chapter of the Illuminati, warning him that he is being Watched?
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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by Gregg »

And think, it was only a few months ago Justin was a fresh faced naive kid, working for a federally funded non-profit who just wanted to know the troof. First, he was working for a non profit, but that's not taxable privilege, right? Then, well, some percentage of their funding is from the federal government, a bit more from the state, but that wasn't the part they paid HIM with, right? He wrote letters to the higher ups, had meetings, wrote follow up letters etc.. He was a fairly persistent idiot about it and they started withholding at S-0 on him.
Now just one filing season later, he's as rabid an idiot as they come, gathering evidence of how to sue the non-profit (hint there, Sparky: suing the employer over tax matters is almost never a good idea) because they were taking his property by fraud. He filed his first CTC uneducated return a few weeks ago (see the return receipt conspiracy evidence above).

I get the impression he's just a kid, in his early 20s, first real job etc.. and look, he's already screwed up his life. Eventually the IRS will catch up to him and he'll have tax problems that take a 20 something working for a non profit a decade or more to pay off, when he gets fired from the job for being a PITA do you think he's gonna get a good reference from them? how about when he tries to negotiate into the next job that he's a private sector worker who doesn't pay income tax so he's not gonna fill out his W4? Yep, 12 years of school, 4-5 years of college and he's screwed himself up for life in just a few years. Good job, Justin.
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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by . »

Gregg wrote:do you think he's gonna get a good reference from them?
He may be a total moron, but he has nothing to fear from references. Nobody with any awareness of the pitiful state of employment law will give them for fear of being sued. At all. Not even a wink and nod to his idiocy.

Having employed maybe 100 people in various businesses over a period of many years, 30 years ago I would give an accurate reference. 25 years ago, I would hedge and maybe wink a little. 20 years ago I stopped giving them altogether. Then I retired.

The poor, stupid slob will try to inflict himself on his future potential employers, refusing to fill out a W-4 and then be left wondering why he was never allowed to begin working. In the alternative, he'll be left wondering why he was fired after he objects to the withholding from his first paycheck.

Such is life when you're a delusional CrackHead.
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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by webhick »

Gregg wrote:And think, it was only a few months ago Justin was a fresh faced naive kid, working for a federally funded non-profit who just wanted to know the troof. First, he was working for a non profit, but that's not taxable privilege, right? Then, well, some percentage of their funding is from the federal government, a bit more from the state, but that wasn't the part they paid HIM with, right? He wrote letters to the higher ups, had meetings, wrote follow up letters etc.. He was a fairly persistent idiot about it and they started withholding at S-0 on him.
In my non-profit, one warning and then he's fired. Non-profits are playing with other people's money and there are more responsible things we can be doing with our time besides entertaining people like Justin.
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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by Gregg »

Did you read what he wrote he was doing when he tried to get them to stop withholding? He wrote letters, got a meeting with the controller, had the controller consult with an attorney, wrote " I know you spent 12 years learning all this stuff and I'm a stupid kid, but you're wrong" letters to the attorney and tried to get the controller to sign a 'Doreen Agreement"* I'm positive I would have fired him. My side business has last I was told 114 employees, and I pretty much have very little to do with it at all and nothing to do with the HR side of things, except I have made it plain the the very first hint of some idiot tax protester wanting us to stop withholding or writing letters is fired, I can deal with the threats of him saying he's going to sue me, but I won't play some stupid game trying explain to the guy why I'm not gonna argue about it.

* A Doreen Agreement is a document that tries to word trick an employer into some construct whereby the employee is declared by the employer to not be federally connected or privileged. Works best on retired owners who have not had day to day involvement in operations for a few years.

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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by Duke2Earl »

Why is anyone surprised by this stuff? Delusion and belief without benefit of facts is common throughout our society. People believe George Bush blew up the Twin Towers. People believe Obama is a muslim. Men believe that the reason Jennifer Anniston isn't with someone is because she hasn't found their sorry butt. Fantasy is in the air. We're all wackos... it's simply a matter of degree.
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Re: justinprime, already paranoid or sent round the bend by

Post by Gregg »

Well, the reason Jennifer Anniston isn't with anybody IS because she's never found me. But your point is taken. :mrgreen:
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