Tim Turner

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Tim Turner

Post by ashlynne39 »

I wasn't sure of the best place to put this so feel free to move it if it belongs elsewhere. I hopped on Panama Law today and was stunned to hear this:

"It appears the military is onboard with Tim and Restore America Plan. Yeah. Apparently there was an attempt to kill Tim about two months ago. A mercenary hit team of six was hired apparently by the de facto government to assassinate Tim. Typical of the thugs operating under color of government. The military got wind of the threat, secreted Tim away until the threat and I expect other potential threats could be removed and/or contained. The unverified rumors we picked up were navy seals were watching over Tim during this time. I think Navy seals are an excellent choice. Tim is now out in the open apparently watched over by the military and I expect in the immediate future the secret service if they are not already involved, they soon will be."

Clearly Tim is on to something if "they're" out to get him. Nice to see that our military is protecting him. I also found it sort of funny that they're playing Hail to the Chief over Tim Turner's bio.

Re: Tim Turner

Post by Harvester »

Ashlynne! Didn't think you had any interest in the American Restoration. I think that panamalaw page you discovered is one of Manny's old ones. But yes, why haven't they got Tim yet? You don't suppose ... no . . . he would never . .
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by fortinbras »

This is not very recent. This story about a 6 man hit squad goes back about four months. So does the story that Turner has (unnamed) generals and admirals in his corner. My only response is terrible disappointment that the CIA or the White House or whatever cannot find competent hitmen.

About a month or so ago, Turner was claiming that he, or ReUSA which he leads, took possession of something like a zillion dollars worth of gold - I forget if it was 30 tons or 300 tons but it was more than most countries possess. Yet he still tells his followers that they must throw money at him because he's buying equipment on credit....

The big question, of course, is How many people still take him seriously. Some Ph.D. candidate might write a dissertation on this. He clearly has a following but I can't guess if it's only in the dozens or in the thousands. Of course, some of these people also think they talk to God and/or flying saucers, so .....

Re: Tim Turner

Post by littleroundman »

AFAIK, The WHOLE truth of the matter is still being concealed.

I have it on very good authority that the Illuminati thugs behind this dastardly deed have manouvered the situation so that next time they don't fail.

As I hear it, they've arranged to have the Navy S.E.A.L.S replaced with the genuine article, Navy seals. as in: seagoing cute little black beflippered creatures fond of going "arf"

Next time a one man hit squad armed with a bucket of fish is all that will be required to bypass the security team.
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Just for laughs, I spent a litle of time, just now, on the Turner web site. To say that the site is full of idiocy is to say that Lindsay Lohan has had some problems in her life; but one item stood out (stinks out) of the rest for me.

The site asserts that we now have two national governments -- one under the Constitution, and one under the "United States Corporation". As "proof", they cite an opinion of Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (actually John Marshall Harlan; but when you are the Savior of the Restored Republic, you [You?] are entitled to make a mistake here and there) in the 1901 case of Downes v. Bidwell.

The "opinion" so cited is... a DISSENTING opinion. Dissenting opinions have no force of law, kiddies. You could have a dissenting opinion which says that the president is a Living God -- or the Spawn of Satan -- and it would have absolutely no legal meaning. However, when one's method of (ahahaha) legal "research" involves strip-mining quotes, out of context, to support his hypotheses, I guess that this little distinction matters no in the least.
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by fortinbras »

Turner, besides claiming fabulous amounts of gold, also claims considerable debt which he expects his followers to pay for him, and he also claims to have Generals and Admirals on his side ready to overthrow the government.

Now, it's no secret at all that for many many years millions of dollars have somehow gone unaccounted for in the Pentagon. So you'd think that some of those Generals and Admirals could have siphoned a bit of that money to Turner ... a mere half-million would seem to be enough to pay his bills. So why isn't that happening?

I have been reading The Mythology of the Secret Societies by historian John Morris Roberts (1972), a very serious study of the rumors and influence of various alleged conspiracies and secretive organizations in Europe over the past six centuries. It's not an easy read but it's a very good book. Anyway, Roberts mentions Karl Gotthelf, the Baron Hund (1722-1776), who introduced (circa 1755) Scottish rite Masonic practice to Germany - this was an addition to several older forms of Freemasonry that were already in use there. Included in his set up were the "Unknown Superiors", anonymous elders and rulers of Masonry who communicated exclusively via Gotthelf. Gotthelf claimed that his version of Masonry was part of an enormous conspiracy to return the Stuarts to the English At one point, Gotthelf was approached by a mountebank (unnamed in Roberts's book, but elsewhere given various names: Johnson, Becker, Leucht) who claimed to have the entire English fleet in his pay, and on the basis of this bare claim wanted a piece of the action. Gotthelf scared him off, and this mountebank was arrested in 1765 and kept locked up at Masonic expense until his death in 1775.
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by Gregg »

fortinbras wrote:This is not very recent. This story about a 6 man hit squad goes back about four months. So does the story that Turner has (unnamed) generals and admirals in his corner. My only response is terrible disappointment that the CIA or the White House or whatever cannot find competent hitmen.
Honestly, it goes back to he first of several attempts on The Dove of Oneness before she finally assumed room temperature. (I guess we finally got her, though. Maybe this guy should be worried)
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by Gregg »

CaptainKickback wrote:It's not often you hear of someone of Tim Turner's mental acumen mistaking a group of Girl Scouts selling cookies for a "death squad." out to kill him.

Although with enough Samoas and Thin Mints....... :twisted:

Black clad adults with guns, giggling little girls......I can understand why Timmy would be confused. :roll:


It the one on the left Harvester?
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by ashlynne39 »

Harvester wrote:Ashlynne! Didn't think you had any interest in the American Restoration. I think that panamalaw page you discovered is one of Manny's old ones. But yes, why haven't they got Tim yet? You don't suppose ... no . . . he would never . .

Of course Harvester. I find it good for a laugh considering that it is nothing more than a joke.
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by GlimDropper »

CaptainKickback wrote:It's not often you hear of someone of Tim Turner's mental acumen mistaking a group of Girl Scouts selling cookies for a "death squad." out to kill him.

Although with enough Samoas and Thin Mints....... :twisted:

Black clad adults with guns, giggling little girls......I can understand why Timmy would be confused. :roll:

But then again:


Tim Turner has been stringing the Free-Dumb movement along for almost a year with RAP/RuSA and it never ceases to amaze me how many people enjoy being lied to by him. He currently claims to be touring the European Union signing "Compacts" (which are much stronger than treaties) with 31 of it's member nations. Personally I'd love to see this happen, it isn't so much that I'm skeptical of Tim's ability to negotiate so much as his ability to count. Last I checked the EU had 27 members, but I guess he's talking with Croatia and Macedonia just in case he needs even more help having his republic recognized by the World Court in the Hague. Yea, I guess I'm just one of the people who enjoys being lied to by Tim Turner but in my case the humor is deliberate.
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Turner's efforts remind me of the leftist radical group at my college, in the early 70s, which as one of its first acts decided that it was necessary to conduct a search for groups and causes around the world with whom/which they could proclaim their solidarity. Of course, the group never accomplished anything of substance; and eventually it fell apart due to ideological squabbles.
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by GlimDropper »

While I do find it amusing to observe Tim's delusions and deceptions when you get past the mythology I do have a lingering question about his motivations. I frequently wonder if he believes the crap he spews or if he's just another scamming seminar salesman. A year ago he plainly was touring the country one hotel conference room at a time teaching his expensive "negative averment" classes and pocketing a decent amount of cash (and at least one pre 1964 silver dollar per customer). But if there's any positive outcome of the whole RAP/RuSA fiasco it's that he did put his seminars on hold, he has a $19.95/month subscription site with videos of his old seminars and audio recordings of his once free to access TalkShoe shows but it's hard to know how much money he clears off that.

But outside of his $125 sovereign ID cards he really isn't "marketing" all that much. I had assumed that RAP was just a publicity stunt to scare up more seminar customers and it still may turn out that way but he's either near or past the tipping point when being the "President of the Restored Republic" makes him more of an "expert" to even his benighted followers. He's alienated several of his previous cohorts in the seminar business and many of the other gurus are starting to do the laugh and point at good old Tim.

It's probably too much to expect a sovereign guru to act rationally, but Tim isn't monetizing the republic or his role in it very effectively. I don't know if that's to his credit or not but there has to be a point where being president of the restored republic becomes a paying position or maybe Tim will need to find a day job.
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

GlimDropper wrote:... maybe Tim will need to find a day job.
I'd love to see what he puts on an application as "work experience." :Axe:
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Re: Tim Turner

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
GlimDropper wrote:... maybe Tim will need to find a day job.
I'd love to see what he puts on an application as "work experience." :Axe:
What's the over/under on him listing "President of the Republic for the united States of America" (or however those idiots like to style their castle in the air, and the titles stemming therefrom)?
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David Merrill

Re: Tim Turner

Post by David Merrill »

RAP/RuSA does not exist on Planet Merrill;

Here we detest Tim for pushing his form of Christianity upon us (me). I am already here. Nobody can file an amicus curiae without consent of both parties and leave of the court except territory/states. If you want to explore the links read this rendition. I am where RAP/RuSA thinks it is.

RAP/RuSA is not on the map. - No surveyed boundaries. It is nothing but a mental fog generated by a few servers - like Planet Merrill.


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Re: Tim Turner

Post by The Observer »

David Merrill wrote:It is nothing but a mental fog generated by a few servers - like Planet Merrill.
You are relying on misnomer in referring to savingtosuitorsclub.net as Planet Merrill. We see through your attempt to create a commercial debt for this entity by purposely misidentifying it in an effort to create a strawman with the typical debt account. You need to cease and desist in this activity immediately or we will file with our clerk a UCC-3 filing curing your lien against savingtosuitorsclub.net and will follow with suit for $25 million against you, the motorscooter and the Sanhedrin if you insist on this misnomer.
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David Merrill

Re: Tim Turner

Post by David Merrill »

David Merrill

Re: Tim Turner

Post by David Merrill »

Tim TURNER terminated his imposing liens a year ago!!