Who is Hatonn/Aton?

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Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Deep Knight »

Bellringer has had this up for a few days. It's from a 1993 and according to the cult, the actual transcribed words of Hatonn as transmitted by shortwave to a receiver in the brain of Doris Ekker.


6/24/93 #1 HATONN


Do you patriots and Godly citizens seeking freedom and righteousness have it harder than the fathers who, for instance, signed the Declaration of Independence? Let us share a bit of history and see.


Have you ever wondered what happened to those men who signed the Declaration Of Independence?

This following is shared with us from The Trumpet, January 1991. We have offered this before but it stands as a good reminder.

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the Continental Army. Another had two sons captured. Nine of the fifty-six signers fought and died from wounds or the hardships of the American Revolution.

What kind of men were they? Twenty five were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants. Nine were farmers or large plantation owners. These were men of means and education. Yet they signed the Declaration of Independence, knowing full well that the penalty could be death if they were captured.

When these courageous men signed, they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the cause of freedom and independence.

Carton Braxton was a wealthy planter and trader. On by one his ships were captured by the British navy. He was forced to sell his plantation and mortgage his properties to pay his mounting debts. His remaining estate was finally seized by his creditors.

Thomas McKean was so hounded by the British that he had to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Continental Congress without pay, and kept his family in hiding.

Vandals or soldiers or both looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the Battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr. noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the family home for his headquarters. Nelson urged General George Washington to open fire on his own home. This was done, and the home was destroyed. Nelson later died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis also had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

"Honest John" Hart was driven from his wife's bedside when she was near death. Their thirteen children fled for their lives. Hart's fields and his grist mill were laid waste. While eluding capture, he never knew where his bed would be the next night. He often slept in forests and caves. When he returned home in December of 1777, he found that his wife had died, and his children had vanished.

Such are the stories and sacrifices typical of those who risked everything to sign The Declaration of Independence. These men were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: "For the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

They gave us an independent America--can we keep it?

Source: CONTACT - THE PHOENIX PROJECT, June 29, 1993, Volume 2, Number 1.

"The Price They Paid" is actually a common e-mailing and before that was often put into patriotic Fourth of July and Boy Scout publications. It has been corrected by Snopes and others (many of the events are misstated), and it's authorship has been claimed by many. Lucky for us, Jim Elbrecht went looking for the author (as blogged by JL Bell), see - http://boston1775.blogspot.com/2008/08/ ... -from.html

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Where Did “The Price They Paid” Come From?

Yesterday I listed several websites providing comprehensive debunkings of the essay usually titled “The Price They Paid,” which circulates by email every Independence Day. It offers numerous misstatements about how members of the Second Continental Congress had suffered physically and financially for signing the Declaration of Independence.

In 1999 Jim Elbrecht got interested in the source of that essay and started tracking down different versions. His findings through 2003 are posted on his “Signer’s Index” website. The essay’s style makes it clear that it was created in the 20th century for a popular audience. But there are different versions, sharing the same mistaken facts but not the same phrasing. While keyword searching has made it much easier to find specific phrases these days, it’s still a chore to track misstatements phrased in different ways to their original sources.

The earliest printed form of the essay that Elbrecht found was in radio commentator Paul Harvey’s 1956 collection The Rest of the Story. At other times Harvey published it under the titles “We Mutually Pledge” and “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor.” (And he published other Rest of the Story collections, to confuse matters further.)

Another version with different language was published by Texas author T. R. Fehrenbach in American Legion magazine in 1965, and later inserted into the Congressional Record by Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. Those two versions have different language, but share enough false information to indicate that either Fehrenbach used Harvey’s essay as a source, or the two authors relied on the same erroneous sources.

“The Price They Paid” appears to combine statements from those two articles and perhaps a few others. The name “Gary Hildreth of Erie, Pennsylvania,” is often attached to the essay as it circulates on the internet, but no one seems to know who that is. I suspect he might have passed on the article at some point after the author’s credit had drop off, and his name became attached to it.

In 1997 radio commentator Rush Limbaugh published a version which followed the Fehrenbach essay very closely in both facts and wording. The title of this version was “The Americans Who Risked Everything,” and Limbaugh featured it on his website as recently as this summer. He claimed that his father had written it many years before:

My father, Rush H. Limbaugh, Jr., delivered this oft-requested address locally a number of times, but it had never before appeared in print until it appeared in The Limbaugh Letter. My dad was renowned for his oratory skills and for his original mind; this speech is, I think, a superb demonstration of both.

Limbaugh offered no evidence of his father’s authorship, or explanation of how the previously unpublished essay matched Fehrenbach’s so closely. Elbrecht has written:

As of April 2001 [nine months after his public request], I still haven’t heard from anyone who heard the speech given, nor has Mr. Limbaugh answered several emails from this researcher, or phone calls from at least 2 journalists.

As I’ve said before, when a person has grown up with a certain understanding of one’s family, whether recent or distant, it’s very hard to acknowledge that that understanding might be wrong. That sort of family lore is the basis of a lot of Revolutionary myths, and it seems to be the basis of Limbaugh’s belief that “The Price They Paid” showed his father’s “original mind.”

Other journalists borrowed from the internet essay in 1999-2000: Jonah Goldberg in the National Review online, Oliver North on M.S.N.B.C., advice columnist Ann Landers, and Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby in a piece headlined “56 Great Risk-takers.”

The latter two were especially notable since their pieces both appeared in the Boston Globe at the same time in July 2000. The paper was already reeling from having to fire its most prominent columnist for copying material from emails. When called to explain himself, Jacoby said that he’d wanted to correct the internet version’s errors, and had even acknowledged that source when he’d emailed a draft of “56 Great Risk-takers” to select friends before filing it with the Globe. This statement didn’t help his cause because it revealed that he had the habit of sharing his work with folks at the Globe’s cross-town rival before showing it to his own editors. Jacoby returned to the newspaper after four months. At the time, Timothy Noah at Slate noted how “Jacoby’s suspension has the right engaging in what, under different circumstances, it might characterize as victimology.”

The publicity surrounding Jacoby’s misstep caught journalists’ attention, and Noah reported no new sightings of “The Price They Paid” on newsprint in 2001. However, it continues to appear on websites big and small, and to circulate by email. In 2002, the Pentagon issued a statement credited to Gen. Richard B. Myers, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, repeating some of the errors. Google counts appearances on about fifty blogs this summer. Watch for it in your in-box next year.

Jacoby’s “56 Great Risk-takers” managed to avoid most of the errors in “The Price They Paid,” and he made a couple of further corrections in the following weeks. Those changes made the signers’ fates seem less dire, of course, but Jacoby maintained the tone of awestruck reverence for their sacrifices. So is there anything wrong with circulating that essay instead (aside from the fact that it’s under copyright, and in the Globe’s paid archive), or another version with the same corrections? I think there is, because focusing on the Declaration’s signers misses vitally important aspects of American society in 1776 and of the Revolutionary struggle.

So, let's review. Bellringer claims that this was written by Creator God Hatonn who also goes by the name Aton. Rush Limbaugh insists that it was written by his father, and that he's never wrong. So, logically, Creator God Hatonn is Rush Limbaugh's father. The implications of this are staggering, both for politics and religion! I wonder what Big Daddy would say?
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by fortinbras »

On the earliest refs to Hatonn, from the Dallas Observer, Feb 13, 1997:

http://www.dallasobserver.com/1997-02-1 ... rom-plano/

I also recall, vaguely, reading, even earlier, of a Nevada-based scam that supposedly used an extraterrestial named Hatonn to pick its investments. I have been trying to roust up that clipping and will keep trying.

Follow-up: Found this from 1991:

July 18, 1991, Thursday , FINAL

LENGTH: 1594 words


BY: Ellis E. Conklin P-I Reporter

The solar eclipse was in full retreat when millionaire investment banker George W. Green strode into an elegant hotel lobby bar in Kirkland to convey the frank political conversations he's been having with a bald-headed, 91/2-foot-tall alien from the constellation Taurus.

Green had come last week from Southern California - about 500 million light years from Taurus - and looked natty in his blue linen suit and white silk shirt, which slid nicely over his Rolex. Not a hair out of place. He poured into a sofa chair, relaxed and smiling as his steel-blue eyes surveyed the still afternoon waters of Lake Washington.

"There is much to impart," Green, 52, blurted. "Time is short. The world is doomed."

A tangle of conspiracies has been unloosed, Green said. Rings of fire will be everywhere. Mount Rainier could blow any day. In the year 2000, the planet is going to flip over on its axis and most everyone will die.

Also, the AIDS virus was concocted in an East Berlin laboratory by evil forces hoping to reduce world population. The same evil forces killed John F. Kennedy in Dallas and turned Jimmy Carter into a robot.

He heard it all through the cosmic grapevine.

Worsening matters, Green added with random fire, is the fact that George Bush earlier this year was turned into a robot by a wicked cartel of enormously powerful Earthlings. Mikhail Gorbachev and Saddam Hussein had the same thing happen to them.

Come now, Mr. Green.

"I am not making this up," he protested. "This is what I'm being told from daily transmissions with the Pleiadian commander, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, who has come to warn us. Hatonn says the Pleiadians are our space brothers. We are like their children."

On the matter of President Bush, Green said earnestly, "Hatonn has told me that we can differentiate him from a human because his replicate face mask tatters after long periods of exertion.

"Next time he gives a speech on TV, watch his face at the end for signs of a tattering mask."

Green only chuckled when asked if the Democrats might try to make an issue of this in '92.

The Pleiadian spacecraft, by the way, is called the Phoenix and is hundreds of miles wide, hovering 15 degrees above the west-northwest horizon.

"You can't miss it," Green said calmly. "On a clear night you'll see it strobing red, blue and green."

Cmdr. Hatonn is about 1,000 years old and doesn't eat. And he looks human - albeit a very tall one. Matter-of-factly, Green added, "Hatonn has told me he's very handsome. But he won't come down physically because he says our government has orders to shoot him."

Green explained that he recently tapped into Hatonn via short wave during a radio talk show in Palm Beach, Fla.

"He got very insulted, though, when the host asked him, "How's your sex life?"'

A young couple sipping Bloody Marys at a nearby table overheard a snatch of the conversation and glanced over at Green, and then discreetly looked away.

"Fascinating, isn't it?," Green whispered, seemingly thrilled with the dire revelations.

LATER, GREEN WOULD enthrall a starry-eyed audience with the same sobering stories inside a conference room at the Woodmark Hotel. Everyone listened carefully. Some took notes. Many tape-recorded the three-hour seminar that cost $20.

"I'm quite interested in the political information the Pleiadians have to give us," said Virginia Greenwood, a Seattle artist and one of 60 people who attended the seminar.

"I think there are Pleiadians among us," said William Bryson, a Bellevue electrician. "I'm not sure about Bush being a robot, but I think he (Green) makes a lot of sense."

Sporting an "Aliens Make Great Lovers" button, Donna James, a nursing student at the University of Washington, remembered, "I saw a flying saucer when I was a little kid. I was with my parents. Since then, I guess, I've always believed something was out there."

Among the UFO crowd, the Doomsday set and the conspiracy-minded, Green is regarded as a legitimate authority on the subject of extraterrestrials. It helps, no doubt, to be on a first-name basis with alien forms of life.

For the past 20 months - or ever since the Pleiadians first came a-calling - Green and his wife, Desiree, have been traveling the country, relaying the grim details of these extraterrestrial messages. Green said Desiree is in "continuous contact" with Hatonn.

Earlier this year, the Greens got top billing at a UFO expo in Los Angeles. It was there, before more than 800 UFO buffs, that Green first revealed his conversation with Hatonn about Bush's tattered mask.

JOHN LANDRUM , a Los Angeles teacher who attended the expo, recalled, "Green had everyone going. He says this stuff about the Pleiadians with such sincerity. You almost find yourself believing it."

Another featured speaker, John Lear, son of the creator of the Lear jet and legendary among UFO enthusiasts, informed his standing-room audience that:

Some 40 flying saucers have been recovered by the U.S. military and that several have been reconstructed and flown by Navy pilots.

Mars is populated by an advanced underground civilization of beings who look like us.

More than 70 alien species are already visiting Earth, among them a reptilian race.

The government is holding an alien at a secret site in Nevada.

William Brawley, whose "The Gods of Eden" has sold nearly 10,000 copies, told the Los Angeles crowd that his research indicates aliens first arrived several thousand years ago to mine Earth's riches. After they found the work too arduous, however, the aliens genetically re-engineered a native species - early Homo sapiens - into a slave race.

ALL IN ALL, pretty tame stuff compared to George Green's heady discussions with Hatonn.

Green does not exactly match the supposed stereotype of a man who speaks to creatures from other galaxies.

He was born in Denver. His father was a wealthy meat contractor. He attended various universities, finally getting a degree in engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. He has three children, one of whom is getting his Ph.D. in genetics.

It was the Air Force that changed him forever. In 1958, working as a missile guidance and computer specialist, Green said he was doing a post-flight inspection on the X-15 experimental plane. "I went to this hangar and went inside, and that's where I saw a flying saucer," Green recalled.

He said he told his commanding officer about it, who reportedly explained that the metallic circular craft was designed by Sikorsky Aircraft for flight in outer space.

But Green says the base photographer confided that it really was an alien spacecraft, and that he took photographs of two dead aliens.

"I saw the photos. They were each 39 inches tall, no hair, and they were lying there naked on a slab."

Green claimed that when he confronted his CO about the alien evidence, he was quickly dispatched to a base in Japan, and later to an installation in Mississippi.

After leaving the Air Force in 1961, Green - by now a firm believer - said he became a securities consultant, then a financial planner, a bank director and later a major builder-developer, putting together multimillion-dollar projects, mostly in Southern California.

While working on a project in Aspen, Colo., in 1984, Green saw on a friend's coffee table a copy of a book titled "UFO Contact From the Pleiades." In astronomy, the Pleiades (pronounced PLEE-uh-deez or PLY-uh-deez) is a conspicuous cluster of stars in the Taurus constellation. The book made quite an impression.

Then on the morning of Oct. 18, 1989, Green, who was living in a wealthy community north of San Diego, says he received in the mail a 100-page letter titled "Space Gate." The author was Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn - Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet, Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition.

"He told me that aliens had been in contact with government leaders as far back as Truman and Eisenhower. He told me the world was being controlled by a few families. He said the movie 'Star Trek' was taken right off of government documents and that Americans had first landed on the moon in the 1950s.

"He told me the Pleiadians wanted to wake us up - that they engineered this planet to sustain only 500 million people. No more. And that we have broken all the laws of the universe.

"HE TOLD ME that there are 175 billion planets in our galaxy that have some kind of humanoid life forms on them, and that if we are able to see the light we will someday be beamed, by the Pleiadians, to one of these planets to start over again. That's our only hope - to get beamed up."

It was quite a gut-punching letter, and Green took it all to heart. Since that day, Green says he has received nearly 7,000 pages with various exhortations from the all-knowing Hatonn. The material is now available in a series of paperbacks through Green's newly created publishing company, American West Publishers. The complete set of Hatonn's musings cost about $100.

Green said his mission now is to spread the word of Hatonn. He has never met him personally but apparently the short-wave transmissions are working out fine.

Still, it's a lot to carry around in one's head. A most heavy burden.

"I am protected by Hatonn," Green said as he gazed out at a sailboat pulling into the small marina at the Woodmark. "I have an invisible shield around me. Someday, I will be beamed aboard."

MIKE URBAN/P-I -- George and Desiree Green say they are in contact with a Pleiadian commander whose ship hovers above Earth.
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Deep Knight »

Hatonn is a product of the Ashtar "contacts" that started with George Van Tassel in 1952 and got picked up by the "Valley of Radiance" Tehachapi NV UFO Cult that Bellringer subscribed to. This split up in 1997 when the Ekkers split to the Philippines one step ahead of the law). I don't know the exact derivation, but believe he was either made up or picked up by the Ekkers who liked him better than Ashtar because he was virulently anti-Semitic (as were the people in this supposed UFO cult).

Ashtar appeared on the scene in 1952 to George Van Tassel who was influential in bringing the flying saucer and 'space brothers' phenomena to public awareness.

Ashtar also communicated with scientist Trevor James Constable.

He appeared to a minister's wife in her living room, is "picked up" via electronic equipment or is simply heard telepathically in people's minds.

Dozens of people have reported contacts from Ashtar.

The Many Faces of Ashtar

"But there are Ashtars and there are Ashtars, dear ones. And that you can tell your people. There are Ashtars and there are Ashtars.... Many space beings can be Ashtar."

(message from "K.H." to a contactee in "MYSTERIOUS SIGNS IN THE SKY "by Israel Norkin, 1984.)

I laughed out loud upon reading the above quote in Ashtar - God, Man or Machine. It can be fun to read material by the "crackpot fringe", but I was beginning to feel more like the victim of a brainwashing experiment. If you expose a person to enough bamboozling, lies, distortion and insane confusion they just might embrace any philosophy that seems real, in order to regain a feeling of sanity.

But despite it's seeming absurdity, this particular quote stood out like a gem of truth amidst all the Ashtar blather I'd been reading.

"Ashtar" produces endless know-it-all diatribes about love, the United States government, Jesus, the draconian empire and destroyed planets.

After skimming through several volumes, I concluded that the only consistent thing about Ashtar is the inconsistency. The tone and content range from ingratiating flatteries to dire threats, from prophecies of Armageddon to inspiring cosmic visions and creation myths (albeit crazy ones).

Ashtar is the fearless mighty leader of the Galactic Federation to whom all should offer tribute. Ashtar will be coming soon to save the chosen ones from the onslaught of death and despair. The end of the world is always coming soon. (It should have happened long ago, according to most of these predictions!) Ashtar can also be a patient and loving paternal figure with encouraging advice.

I was trying to make sense of Ashtar because many years ago, I, too, had an experience of telepathically hearing the voice of "Ashtar". (Now, please don't think I'm crazy. It's amazing how many regular folks have had similar paranormal experiences.)

This occurred after I tried directing a loving meditation to the "Galactic Federation" back in the days when I was still a true believer in the UFO mythology.

Some 20-30 minutes later I was surprised to hear this voice in my head explaining why they were coming to Earth at this time. The message included an obscure and personal detail matching my personal belief system. This made the Ashtar connection seem pretty impressive and authentic at the time. Nothing quite like this had occurred to me before. So I always wondered about this Ashtar. When I came across his name in connection with Trevor James Constable, a respected scientist, I finally had to check it out.

After perusing the literature, I decided that Ashtar must either be a multiple personality or there are a troupe of different characters pretending to be him. Now I understand that the latter is correct and those different characters are all jinn.

Here are some examples of the many Ashtar personalities:

(1) His best shtick: Planning for Global Evacuation. When the planet convulses and everything goes completely to hell, all his chosen people will need to do is: "Be unafraid! Step into the Beam! " and gigantic motherships will care for these precious survivors until they can return to begin our world anew. This is a science fiction version of the reborn Christian "rapture' scenario.

(2) Hyper-vigilant interventionist: Ashtar is controlling earthlings in order to create a safe and peaceful planet right now:

"Atomic warfare will not be tolerated upon your planet. A strike by any nation designed to involve another nation will be immediately thwarted by our technology. Efforts to accelerate a build-up of arms will be hindered and plans to increase world armament will be sabotaged by our intervention. (Trevor James quoted in " Ashtar - a Tribute" compiled by Tuella)

(3)He is assisted by a sidekick and a group of dangerous crazies:

It seems that it would be lovely if big daddy Ashtar made everything safe for earthlings, but getting Ashtar also means getting the "Collective" and a guy named "HATONN":

"One of the leaders and spokesmen for this Collective is a being that goes by the name of HATONN. HATONN, according to some sources, is a 9 ft Pleidean with severe fascist leanings who claims to be a reptilian 'defector' from the Unholy Six Orion-Draconian Empire. Other sources claim that the Ashtar Collective, or at least a large segment of the collective that was infiltrated and assimilated by Draco-Orion agents posing as ascended masters, is now in direct collaboration with the reptilian Grays and the 'Unholy Six'."
(from David Icke E-magazine)

YIKES! It sounds kinda like our home planet-- only far worse! These adolescent cloak-and-dagger antics are the kind of mischief that some Jinn appear to revel in.

(4) Sarcastic and merciless

In the book "Survival Is Only Ten Feet From Hell", Ashtar reverses himself and says we need to build underground shelters to survive the coming nuclear holocaust:

"So much has previously been covered by Hatonn regarding earth changes and probable shifts, along with personal shockwaves, that I hesitate to be the one to dump nuclear war probability on your pretty heads….

"Friends, there are only two kinds of cordwood after an atomic attack: stacked-up cordwood (living) or blasted and irradiated cordwood (dead). This, of course, is a variation on: "But people will be jammed together like sardines; without showers or deodorant or breath mints--oh, perish the thought!". O.K.--so just perish. Bad news though--burnt bodies smell really unpleasant. But, you won't have to worry about bad breath!** "

According to merciless Ashtar we won't be getting any help from anyone, so we'd better start digging those shelters NOW!

(5) Ultra- American Patriot and Omniscient Judge

In the book "New World Order-- Prophecies from Space", Ashtar tells us that:

"The way you treat your fellow man is beyond our comprehension or understanding. Why must one fight for their freedom, when all men by their nature must be free? Did not your great leaders, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln say so? They were guided and inspired by us. They sit on the throne next to God. Your civilization is a blasphemy against the Creator. Woe to mankind for the trouble it has caused."

And so it goes, ad nauseum. Ashtar makes a good case for the existence of jinn, and is a good example of how some of them operate. The objective in this case seems to be to influence and create a following, perhaps as much for the delight of bamboozling, as for achieving a tangible result. We should avoid oversimplification, however. There are all kinds of jinns. The particular "Ashtar" that contacted James Trevor Constable suggested that he try using infrared film, which resulted in remarkable photos of previously unseen, other dimensional sorts of critters resembling giant airborne amoebas. (see Trevor James Constable's 1957 Amoeboid Bioform 'Critter')

It may be significant that historically we find Semitic pagan gods named Ishtar, (associated with the planet Venus), Ashtarte and Astarte who evolved into Ashtoreth and finally Ashtoroth. Ashtoroth was one of Satan's top henchmen during the middle ages. Like Ashtar, he was very big on foretelling doomsday (and was also said to have bad breath). It sounds like the work of those bad jinn again, giving rise to these characters as well.

There are Jinns and there are Jinns, dear ones. And that you can tell your people. There are jinns and there are jinns.... Many jinns can be Ashtar.


My theory, people are really "picking up" old cigarette ads from the Pleiades and hearing this garbled Ashtar brand jingle.

They got ash
They got tar
Smoke a pack
And you'll go far
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Gregg »

Nope, they're reading way too much into it.

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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by JamesVincent »

So.... which one is Colleen banging?
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Deep Knight »

JamesVincent wrote:So.... which one is Colleen banging?

On Nov. 14th of last year Colleen Thomas wrote in response to a detractor:

You are unjust in your assessment, money is charged only for consulting on physics and letting people see my rocking nude bod, everything else is free. DO NOT DARE JUDGE ME, you will not like the karma of judging a Pleiadian Princess of the Royal Hebrew family. I was the twin flame of JAH, what some call Jahova, it is pronounced as JAK, all 3 are consonants in Hebrew, adding vowels and inflections is a purely local choice, no right or wrong way to make the A sound, all require a glottal stop before sound can be made like any consonant. My twin flame cares very much for me, he is known in our time as Archangel Michael. Tread lightly child, you are judging what you know not and pissing off some very powerful people who could rescue you from your karma but will not until you beg to be forgiven for your insolence before a Royal Queen who later became a Royal princess in the same family. Joshua/Jesus is my big brother, he's a very nice guy but my other brothers may not be so patient with you doing the right thing by me.

So, JAH is her twin flame, but he's known as Archangel Michael in our time. I can't tell you if she's actually "banging" him, either in a corporeal or spiritual sense - on one hand she's got a "rocking nude bod" but on the other Jesus is her big brother and you know how they are when it comes to little sisters getting banged, so I figure it's a toss up.

Unfortunately she doesn't mention how she's related to Hatonn or Rush, so it doesn't help with this particular mystery.
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Deep Knight »


"I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me "Hatonn".

God Aton created a fragment of Himself called, "Hatonn" a 9-foot tall humanoid who oversees intergalactic affairs throughout this Universe.
Hatonn is well known throughout the Universe.
Hatonn, has one of the most advanced computer systems in this Universe.
Hatonn has current up-to-date information available in realtime.
****Hatonn has co-authored the Phoenix Journals.****

God Aton is the Creator of this Universe.
Yes God Aton is everywhere even when you deny His existance.
God Aton has given each of us consciousness so that we can be aware of Him.
God has given each of us part of His will, so that can experience Him.
Everyone on earth must learn to experience and accept their entire being.
To deny self is to deny God Aton.
To know God Aton, is to know self.
Each must have total self-acceptance, and selfLove in order to remain on planet earth.
Can you see why it's important to know God Aton?

Why does God Aton seem silent on planet earth?
God Aton communicates with us in unlimited ways...if we deny this, then who are we to limit God? Nonetheless, many humans do limit God all the time, in favour of their human false idols like politicans, actors, ceos etc.... Now most humans are no longer able to communicate directly with God Aton, due to denial of All that He Is...however God still speaks directly to few individuals (more all the time)...some of these humans share these messages online, and also many Aton messages can be found at the Phoenix Journals.

Confused? Don't be embarrassed, if you're not confused by this it means you're not paying attention! Luckily, we have this "Godlike Productions" post by tava6655 to clear things up.

Re: Christ Micheal = Jesus incarnation = Hatonn/Aton = Ashtar?!?!

Christ Michael is the creator of our Universe. He is a creator son of God, the source.

Jesus is not Christ Michael, they however came together in the same body about 2000 years ago.

Ashtar is not Jesus or Christ Michael. He is a separate individual and it is not his real name either.

Hatonn/Aton is Christ Michael deguised as a commander of the Ashtar Command.

Believe what you will. Everyone has the freewill to believe or not. Use your instuition. If you dont believe then go someplace else that fits with your beliefs. So be it.

That's right, use your instuition!
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by The Observer »

Hatonn, has one of the most advanced computer systems in this Universe.
Why does God need a computer?
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Deep Knight »

Like Hatonn, MacHaffie's news sources seem to be chain e-mails he gets and passes along without vetting.


Wow, she must have been really good at her job.

At the top right hand corner of page 17 of the New York Post, January 24, 2009, was
a column entitled, "Replacing Michelle" in the National Review, The Week.

Here it is as it appeared:
"Some employees are simply irreplaceable. Take Michelle Obama: The University of Chicago Medical center hired her in 2002 to run 'programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting'.

In 2005 the hospital raised her salary from $120,000 to $317,000 - nearly twice what her husband made as a Senator.

Her husband, Barak Obama, had just become a U.S. Senator. He requested a $1
million "Earmark" for the UC Medical Center. Way to network, Michelle!

Now that Mrs. Obama has resigned, the hospital says her position will remain
unfilled. How can that be, if the work she did was vital enough to be worth $317,000?

Let me add that Michelle's position was a part-time, 20-hours-a-week job.

My thoughts: How did this bit of "quid pro quo" (scratch my back - i'll scratch yours) corruption escape the sharp reporters that dug through Sarah Palin's garbage and kindergarten files?

I hope this is forwarded so many times that the media will HAVE to cover it.
Recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
Depression is when you lose your job.
Recovery is when Obama loses his job!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:44 AM 0 comments

Where to begin? "How did this bit of quid pro quo corruption escape the sharp reporters that dug through Sarah Palin's garbage and kindergarten files?" Um, because they knew how to do a Google search?
It's a simple trick..... watch the left hand while the right hand sneaks into your back pocket.... The anonymous author of this chain e-mail expands upon an opinion piece from the conservative National Review and gets the facts wrong in the process.

On Jan. 9, 2009, the University of Chicago Medical Center officially announced that Michelle Obama had resigned from her post as vice president for community and external affairs to join her husband, then-President-elect Barack Obama, in the White House as the new first lady of the United States.

Michelle Obama had been promoted in 2005 to vice president for community and external affairs after three years as the executive director for community affairs. It's true, as the e-mail (and National Review column) says, that she received a sizable pay raise that year. She went from earning $121,910 in 2004 as an executive director at the hospital to making $316,962 in 2005 as a vice president, according to tax returns filed by the Obamas for those years. But the suggestion made by the email's author – and not made by the National Review – that she was being paid more than $300,000 for a "20 hour a week job" is not true.

University of Chicago Medical Center spokesman John Easton said Mrs. Obama didn't reduce her work schedule from full time to part time until 2007 when it became clear that her husband would run for president. "As she reduced her hours, beginning early in 2007, her salary decreased proportionately," Easton told us in an e-mail. "She switched to half time shortly before her husband formally announced his campaign, then to 20% later that year and to 0% in 2008."

In fact, Mrs. Obama's income in 2006, a year after her promotion, had decreased to $273,618. And for 2007 (the year she actually started working part-time), her income was $103,633, according to the couple's tax return for that year. She took an "unpaid leave of absence to work on her husband's presidential campaign" in 2008, but still received $62,709 from the hospital. However, Easton noted that her final reported salary "consists of accumulated but unused vacation time plus the final payout from a supplemental executive retirement plan."

Easton said the nearly $317,000 figure is "misleading" anyway because it includes more than just her salary. He said the figure "also includes a performance bonus, a one-time signing bonus (she had other, competing offers at the time), and a one-time mandatory payout from a terminated retirement plan." This is reflected in the fact that her 2006 earnings were less than in 2005.

The first lady, a graduate of both Princeton University and Harvard Law School, was quite accomplished before she joined the University of Chicago in 1996 and ultimately the medical center in 2002. Her prior work experience included stints as an associate with the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin LLP, assistant commissioner of planning and development in Chicago's City Hall and executive director of the Chicago chapter of Public Allies.
Others have a problem doing just that. One comment I found on a blog that posted this (from a question about sources):
I am continuously told to “go to Snopes.com” but I feel that it is a liberal controlled source.
I frequently see this attitude on NESARA conspiracy sites also, only Snopes is an Illuminati-controlled source instead. Even stranger, I've seen lots of stuff, especially on MacHaffie's site, that gives links to Snopes to "prove" some point or other, and when you go to them you'll find they say exactly the opposite thing. I guess they're either bluffing, or simply have problems with reading comprehension.

This reminds me of an incident with the comic strip "Mallard Fillmore" in 2007. He referenced an article that analyzed a post about arctic ice and got it wrong (his point, there must be no global warming if the ice is getting thicker). However, the article he read got it wrong, the problem being an awkward title and not reading the text of the article. When a bunch of people e-mailed him about his mistake, he put up another comic strip complaining that people weren’t very smart and that they could find his “proof” with a simple search (that, gratifyingly, brought up the criticisms of the original article and his comic, pointing out their error). Then again, I’m sure almost none of his fans looked this up.
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Hatonn, has one of the most advanced computer systems in this Universe.
Why does God need a computer?
Hey, he may be creator god and omnipotent and everything, but he still needs to keep track of his Facebook friends and see the latest videos. And, when you're god you don't like waiting for slow downloads and such, hence the "most advanced computer systems in this Universe."
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by fortinbras »

Let's see ....
Hatonn [- the god who created everything ], has one of the most advanced computer systems in this Universe.
What's his computer missing??

Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by littleroundman »

fortinbras wrote:Let's see ....
Hatonn [- the god who created everything ], has one of the most advanced computer systems in this Universe.
What's his computer missing??
It will be THE most advanced computer system in the universe just as soon as his earthly representatives work out where to store the 42,000,000,000 mile long extension lead.
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Let's see ....
Hatonn [- the god who created everything ], has one of the most advanced computer systems in this Universe.
What's his computer missing??
Your puny earth computer probably looks something like this


While Hatonn's magnificent system looks like this


As my girlfriends always say, "bigger is better."
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by fortinbras »

I couldn't make this stuff up:


Twit actually believes that NESARA is brought to us by the saucer people but says it is just a trojan horse for extraterrestrial invasion and conquest.
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:I couldn't make this stuff up:


Twit actually believes that NESARA is brought to us by the saucer people but says it is just a trojan horse for extraterrestrial invasion and conquest.
I see you've found Sherry Shriner, who believes in NESARA and Hatonn and such but that they're the work of Satan. She talks to god, who she calls "Yah" on a regular basis, and has even told the story of arguing with god in a store and people looking at her like she was crazy. Scary Sherry has instructions for making "orgone blasters" from quartz crystals, copper wire coils, and aluminum shavings (she used to have special magnets as part of the recipe but I guess Yah changed his mind), all potted in Bondo fiberglass resin in a muffin tin.
With vegetable oil or non-stick cooking spray grease or spray the pan or glass molds you are using.

To keep the resin from drying to quick just add your ingredients into your pan or molds first then pour resin over the top of it all at once. I spray the pan, put all the ingredients in each muffin hole, and then pour the resin over the top all at once over the holes.

If you're using pennies for extra copper then put the penny in the center of muffin hole and add some metal shavings on top of it, add the coil on top of it and put crystals inside the coil, then put a little more shaving on top of that.. (If you're using a gallon at a time mixed up you might want to prepare the muffin tins first, the resin can dry and harden before you get to it otherwise).

For the coil cut off about 6-8 inches of the Copper wire and wrap it around a PVC pipe (or something similar) clockwise and slide off placing the coil in center of muffin. Place some copper shavings around the coil and add 2-3 crystals inside the coil (depends on size of crystal here). Looser, wider coils give more power than tightly wound coils.

I prefer the larger 1 inch crystals and I just place one or two inside the coil.
Fill to 1/3 of top of muffin pan with the ingredients.
Pour resin over. Let it absorb, then pour more resin over it to fill it.
Let it dry. Probably about one hour. Then take out of pan let them dry longer.
Make in a well ventilated area, outside or in a garage.

If you're mailing them, wrap them in foil if you don't want the postal workers to see what you're mailing.

A 12 pack will cover inside your home and yard. If you want to keep them completely out of your area then orgone your neighborhood and surrounding areas. If you want to eliminate chemtrails then saturate your area/town/ with orgone blasters. I have about 30 orgone blasters around my town and chemtrails can't stick in the air. The more areas you get orgone into, the more they'll be protected from chemtrails as well.

What distances do they cover - city and country areas differ. In a populated area I just put orgone everywhere I feel led to. The more orgone the better. In the country or even per road/highway miles one 3oz. will cover one to two miles, a 5oz. will cover 3-5 miles, and a 10oz. will cover 6-10 miles in open areas. In crowded, metropolitan areas you will need more orgone to cover the areas, one every half mile or city block etc..

What's the difference between a orgone blaster and a home orgone generator - the only difference is the amount of power produced. The larger the piece of orgone, the larger amount of crystals, coil, shavings and resin used.

Put Orgone in every room of your house or apartment. On top of your computer, tv, refrigerator…and especially under your bed, helps you sleep like a baby.

Put it in your yard in bushes, flower beds, on top of your roof, or in your gutters. Get the front and back of your house or apartment building. You want the Orgone to be able to assimilate into the atmosphere above your home.

Gift your neighborhoods, towns and cities with Orgone. Throw it in trees, ditches, bushes, on top of buildings, anywhere it won’t be found by other people.

Once you get your own home and immediate area covered with orgone, drive out about 3-5 miles and get a radius (north, south, east, west) outside of your immediate area.

The more Orgone the better and chemtrails won’t stick in your area.

If you have water sources in your area get Orgone into them…lakes, rivers, ponds.

Yes you can plant/bury orgone. Just deep enough to where a lawn mower won’t destroy it or get a hold of it and it won’t be found.
She used to post regularly to a blog, but it's quite spotty now. http://sherryshriner.blogspot.com/ My all-time favorite of her crazy posts, the heartwarming Easy Cheesy Hasbrown Potato Casserole Thanksgiving Story.
Monday, November 29, 2004

On Thanksgiving morning I was up early and cooking, getting ready to head to the family get together. I had previously bought at the store everything I needed for all the food I was going to make and take with me. Yet that morning, I couldn't find the can of cream of chicken I had bought for one of the casseroles I was going to make.

I searched everywhere, tore the kitchen apart and couldn't find it, started walking through the house looking and couldn't find it..I even tore the kids toy box apart and couldn't find it. And yes, for even the strangest of reasons only a parent would be familiar with, I looked under the couch and couldn't find it.

It wasn't anywhere. I was frustrated. I sent the troops (kids) out to look for it, it was a family event just trying to find my can of cream of chicken. It was simply nowhere to be found.

So I decided to just take a shower and get ready to leave, minus one of my favorite casseroles, easy cheesy hasbrown potato casserole mind you. So while I'm getting ready the brilliant idea hit me to ask Yahweh where it was. After all, the creator of the Universe would know where a can of cream of chicken disappeared to.

So I asked Him, thinking I still have time to hurry up and make it if I can find where 'they' put it. At this point, I knew something was up with that thing. I'm way to familiar with the crap that flies when you're a servant of Yahweh's and taking a stand against the New World Order and the minions and forces that worship it. So I'm just standing in the bathroom at the sink and I asked Yahweh, "Ok where is it? What did they do to my cream of chicken?" And Yah said to me, "a government remote viewer has it." And I said, "Ok where did he put it?" At this point thinking I could still get it and make the casserole before I leave..but no..Yah says, "He's (remote viewer) holding it, and he's laughing."

Well, so much for that. I gathered all the ingredients I needed, threw them in a bowl and stopped at Drug Mart on the way out of town and bought another can. I was amazed they had it. And I made the casserole anyway, at my relatives house.

Just another day in the life of me..Sherry Shriner..
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Re: Who is Hatonn/Aton?

Post by Gregg »

It may be significant that historically we find Semitic pagan gods named Ishtar, (associated with the planet Venus), Ashtarte and Astarte who evolved into Ashtoreth and finally Ashtoroth. Ashtoroth was one of Satan's top henchmen during the middle ages.
I get it! It's the history of Aerosmith!

You have to admit that saying this lot is from another planet and one of them is 1,000 years old and doesn't eat is hardly a hard sell.

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