SkankBeat at losthorizons has his troubles

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SkankBeat at losthorizons has his troubles

Post by Famspear »

SkankBeat at losthorizons is feeling bad lately. Nobody likes his gibberish any more. Here's one of his recent posts in response to comments by other losthorizons regulars:
A few observations:

1) You folks have made a number of claims with questionable basis.
2) When requested you folks refuse to substantiate the claims in a meaningful way.
3) You folks continue to make claims with questionable basis.

What is your agenda? This is the EXACT behavior that Pablo Rodriguez exhibited when confronted about his disinformation, prior to being banned from the forum over a year ago. I was there, i confronted him. The only difference between then and now is that there are multiples of you, over a dozen and counting. You folks are not fooling anyone. ... 262b#27144

(bolding added)

"Paranoia strikes deep".........

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Re: SkankBeat at losthorizons has his troubles

Post by The Observer »

I can't help but point out that skankbeat is guilty of the same 3 behaviors that he is accusing the other CtCers about. He has been repeatedly questioned about his various theories, asked for specifics and/or proof, has sidestepped/evaded/ answering those questions, and then keeps on repeating his absurd opinions.

So I guess what skankie is really saying is that there is only room for one King Kook at CtC and that he isn't interested in giving up the office at the moment.
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