Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended returns

notorial dissent
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by notorial dissent »

LPC wrote:
The Harpy Hendricksons wrote:Fact evidence to support the third-party allegations upon which Plaintiffs suit relies, the production of which is mandatory per 26 U.S.C. §6201(d) and §7491 due to our having rebutted those allegations, was never produced (see Washington ex reI. Shaw v. Comm'r (2001, WD Wash) 2001-1 USTC para. 50389, 87 AFTR 2d 2191 and Steffen v. United States (In re Steffen) (2206 MD Fla.) 349 BR 734);
The thing I keep seeing throughout all this, is that they seem to think that simply because they have claimed something, in court or on paper, that is contrary to reality, that that has somehow "rebutted" it and that it no longer exists. They don't seem to get the concept that in rebutting something you have to show it didn't happen, not just really really wish it hadn't. As was pointed out, they haven't really claimed they didn't receive money from the job, just that they want to redefine it as not "wages" by saying it wasn't wages. Doesn't work that way. The company paid him, he accepted the money, the company verified that they paid him, and a fish a cow doesn't mean it will give milk, and no matter how many affidavits or documents he signs swearing he didn't get paid "wages" will change the fact that he did.
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by ashlynne39 »

At some point is the judge going to say enough is enough and toss Doreen in jail for contempt? This is getting old and she really needs to spend some time behind bars. Not that thinking about what she's done will help but it might make me feel better knowing that the idiotic actually do get their comeuppance.
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by notorial dissent »

I think in some ways that Doreen may be further down the rabbit hole than her guru hubby. Or, she may just be so completely clueless that she really doesn't realize that he is full of it. I really don't know enough about her to make an educated or even a WA guess. Not that it really matters, what her excuses are, she has made a mess of her life, and it is getting on to time for her to start getting to have some fun as well. I don't know if a vacation in Federal custody will actually wake her up, but it just might, you just never know.
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by Gregg »

It makes perfect sense to me if Doreen wears the tax denier pants in the family, didn't Pete's first trip to prison involve a deal that kept her out?
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by notorial dissent »

Could be, since I have nothing to base my judgments on, it is as likely a supposition as any, but I do think it is time she got to share in the rewards of "their" actions, being a firm believer in equality and all that, I think it is her turn now. Besides, she is even more boring than ole palavein' Pete
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by LPC »

notorial dissent wrote:I think in some ways that Doreen may be further down the rabbit hole than her guru hubby. Or, she may just be so completely clueless that she really doesn't realize that he is full of it. [...] I don't know if a vacation in Federal custody will actually wake her up, but it just might, you just never know.
Even though her husband in in prison, I have the sense that Doreen does not understand that, the next time she walks into federal court, she might not walk out.

I've seen it happen. People walk into court, they say things that the judge doesn't want to hear, and they walk out wearing steel bracelets en route to free lodging at the gray bar hotel.

It's a power that judges have. And they use it, particularly when they think they're being jerked around or that the person standing in front of them (a) is violating the court's orders, (b) doesn't get it, (c) needs an attitude adjustment, and (d) pisses them off.

The latest filing by Doreen satisfies all four criteria.

Judge Edmunds has been very patient. I don't know how much longer that patience will last and, when it ends, it could come quite suddenly, because Doreen has already received all the notice and due process to which she is entitled.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree as far as Doreen is concerned, with nothing else to base it on, I am personally going with "totally clueless". I don't think she gets even the least scintilla of just how serious this all is, how big of a mess her loving hubby has made of their life, or just how badly this is all eventually going to end, but I think that day of reckoning is fast coming. I agree, I can't believe how patient the judge has been, and I keep wondering when that patience will finally expire, and why it hasn't yet, the latest filing is flat out contempt on all fronts to my view, and I don't see how the court will be able to look at it in any other fashion. I guess we'll find out when she is next in court, which I thought should be fairly soon.
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by wserra »

I just read for the first time that 35 pages of tripe the Hendricksons filed a couple of weeks ago. I think I have it figured out - although I only made it to page 6, and those who struggled through it farther may prove me wrong.

Y'know how some TPs see themselves as Neo, others as Galileo, others as Gandhi? Well, Pete and Doreen see themselves as Sir and Mrs. Thomas More.

I say behead 'em.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Pete and Doreen may have not filed correct amended retur

Post by notorial dissent »

Not that I disagree with you in the least. Pete is certainly convinced that he is a martyr for the "cause", and I think Doreen is certainly playing the part to the hilt, but which particular piece or tripe are we talking about now? There have been so many.

i do like your thinking.
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