Hatch is at it again

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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Famspear »

That wiley celebrity Hatch
Has some money -- and ego to match.
But the Court ain't impressed:
"Back to jail!" As we guessed,
His new TV career is a scratch.
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by webhick »

So...I guess he won't be making an appearance in the live season finale (assuming Trump is doing that again this year).
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Gregg »

I'm beginning the think the guy is such an attention whore that he violates himself just to read about himself in the papers.
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by grixit »

Oh, he'll be all right. He'll get his own reality show where he advises people to get their act together through ordeals and bonding exercises. The show will be called Naked Redemption.
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by LPC »

Gregg wrote:I'm beginning the think the guy is such an attention whore that he violates himself just to read about himself in the papers.
I'm not beginning to think about the guy.

I never did think about the guy.

I never watched "Survivor" and so I didn't think about him when he was on the show. I didn't care about him afterwards, either.

I am involved in mankind (to quote John Donne), but I am not involved with him for the simple reason that he is not involved in mankind.

When (and if) Richard Hatch evidences a relationship with mankind, then I will evidence a relationship with him.

Until then, don't care. Not interested.

I've got other things to do. Can't be bothered.
Dan Evans
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Thule »

How did that guy manage to get accepted at West Point?
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by webhick »

Hatch wore a dress this week (for a presentation of a children's book). Mostly kept his head down and I nearly forgot he was even there.
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Demosthenes »

INJUSTICE unfolding....
by Richard Hatch II on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 7:25am

I filed 2000 and 2001 tax returns as directed in writing by the IRS and prepared by my accountant. I believed them to be accurate. The IRS began conversations with my accountant and tax attorney about how they could be made more accurate. Those conversations (for which I was paying) lasted nearly two years before RI's corrupt former Attorney General Robert Clark Corrente converted that civil inquiry into a criminal prosecution - WITHOUT THE IRS EVER HAVING COMPLETED ITS ASSESSMENT OF THOSE RETURNS. They tried to plea bargain with me and I refused. Then they dropped the tax evasion charges and months later brought 10 counts: bank fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, charity fraud and attempting to evade taxes. I still refused to plea and was acquitted of everything except "attempting to evade taxes" that still hadn't (AND STILL HAVE NOT) been determined to be due. The original judge gave me more time for the concocted amounts prosecutors claimed I would eventually owe than anyone in US history. He also added two special conditions: 1) get mental health counseling and 2) amend those tax returns and pay all taxes due. Notice Judge Torres didn't order a mental health evaluation. His biases were evident throughout. Probation ordered the evaluation and counseling was not indicated... so probation considered me to have met Torres' first condition. Torres could never have known (and certainly didn't care) that the IRS' audit of my returns would still be ongoing (through no fault or delay on my part) this many years later, but that is the case. My case is currently before the US Tax Court awaiting resolution. I have done EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE WORKING TOWARD THE DETERMINATION REQUIRED TO AMEND THOSE RETURNS. IN THE MEANTIME, IT IS SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME NOR WILL MAY ACCOUNT PREPARE AMENDED RETURNS WITHOUT THE DETERMINATION FROM TAX COURT OF WHAT FIGURES ARE ACCURATE. Additionally, I have done everything else ever asked of me by probation and followed all rules without exception. All this, by the way, after having already served my entire 51-month prison sentence for that did not occur, never mind that I did not commit. And all this was communicated in detailed emails with probation between Oct 2009 (when I was released) and now. I am happy to share all of those emails with anyone. Still, out of the blue one day, after I'd been doing everything asked and after I'd been all along asking probation for guidance as to how I could possible do any more to be in compliance, probation decided to "violate" me for not having amended the returns. Judge Smith held a hearing on Jan 10 at which he heard expert testimony that I do not now owe nor have I ever owed any taxes I have not paid. (And I've recently received three IRS refund checks totally thousands of dollars) Expert testimony also explained how I am not able to amend at this time. Regardless, Judge Smith (apparently overwhelmed with other case work) appeared not to have researched the case nor understood the facts and accepted prosecutors' lies sentencing me to 9 months in prison while citing example after example of my comments (free speech) in pursuit of exoneration and in complete disregard of my FULL compliance. I am VERY SAD.

Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by bmielke »

Demosthenes wrote:
INJUSTICE unfolding....
by Richard Hatch II on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 7:25am

before RI's corrupt former Attorney General Robert Clark Corrente converted that civil inquiry into a criminal prosecution -
He means US Attorney, what an idiot. PAY YOUR DAMN TAXES.
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by grixit »

Naked Richard Hatch wrote:
...except, you know, pay up.
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Gregg »

Naked Richard Hatch wrote:
That should really read something more like:
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by LPC »

Richard Hatch wrote:I filed 2000 and 2001 tax returns as directed in writing by the IRS [...] The IRS began conversations with my accountant and tax attorney about how they could be made more accurate. [....] converted that civil inquiry into a criminal prosecution - WITHOUT THE IRS EVER HAVING COMPLETED ITS ASSESSMENT OF THOSE RETURNS. [....] was acquitted of everything except "attempting to evade taxes" that still hadn't (AND STILL HAVE NOT) been determined to be due. [...] the IRS' audit of my returns would still be ongoing (through no fault or delay on my part) this many years later, but that is the case. My case is currently before the US Tax Court awaiting resolution. [...] IT IS SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME NOR WILL MAY ACCOUNT PREPARE AMENDED RETURNS WITHOUT THE DETERMINATION FROM TAX COURT OF WHAT FIGURES ARE ACCURATE.[...] probation decided to "violate" me for not having amended the returns. [...] expert testimony that I do not now owe nor have I ever owed any taxes I have not paid. [...] Expert testimony also explained how I am not able to amend at this time. [...]
I checked the Tax Court docket, and couldn't find any pending case involving any Richard Hatch.

Regardless, the excerpts above add up to nothing but a big stream of BS. There is a legal obligation to file returns and pay taxes regardless of whether the IRS is auditing a return and whether an assessment has been made. And a taxpayer can file an amended return at any time during any audit or even a Tax Court proceeding.

The fact that Hatch doesn't want to file amended returns doesn't mean he can't. But he can (and will) lie about what's happening.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Nikki »

USTC 12573-10 Richard Holman Hatch v. Commissioner
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by LPC »

Nikki wrote:USTC 12573-10 Richard Holman Hatch v. Commissioner
Actually, Richard Holman Hatch, Jr. v. Commissioner.

But the fact of the matter is that the Tax Court docket search engine is frelled.

A search for last name: "Hatch" first name" Richard" turns up three docket entries, none of which are for "Richard Holman Hatch, Jr." The only way to find "Richard Holman Hatch" is to search for last name: "Hatch" and first name: "Richard Holman".

A similar problem exists for Patrick Mooney. Searching for last name "Mooney" first name "Patrick" does not turn up the case filing for "Patrick Michael Mooney" (whom we all love and admire).

Once the middle name is entered as though it is part of the first name, searches for the first name alone don't work.

Which to me means that some low-level drones in the Tax Court are screwing up the docket entries, or don't understand how the search engine works (or, more precisely, doesn't work).

Which to me means that there is a screw-up at the management level, who don't understand that what the low-level drones are doing is screwing up the way the system is supposed to work (or who don't care how the system is supposed to work, or whether it works).

There, I've done it. I've broken ranks with the powers that be and destroyed the myth of a monolithic system of government-lawyer unity. I'm sure that my thunderbolt will arrive in tomorrow's mail.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Gregg »

LPC wrote:
There, I've done it. I've broken ranks with the powers that be and destroyed the myth of a monolithic system of government-lawyer unity. I'm sure that my thunderbolt will arrive in tomorrow's mail.
We've already dispatched interns to come and process you. Best to stock up on Bactine, dog treats and petroleum jelly. Remember, the more you resist, the harder this is gonna be for everyone involved.... :mrgreen:
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by LPC »

Gregg wrote:
LPC wrote:There, I've done it. I've broken ranks with the powers that be and destroyed the myth of a monolithic system of government-lawyer unity. I'm sure that my thunderbolt will arrive in tomorrow's mail.
We've already dispatched interns to come and process you. Best to stock up on Bactine, dog treats and petroleum jelly. Remember, the more you resist, the harder this is gonna be for everyone involved....
Assuming you can find me. I'm not at my usual undisclosed location, but at the alternate undisclosed location, and had to trudge through about 18 inches of snow, carrying food and provisions (mostly wine and bourbon, but also four cats) to get here. We've been promised snow plows tomorrow.

Demo will undoubtedly be able to trace me through my alternate IP address, but she's a tough nut to crack (literally, both in terms of the nut and the cracking, as well as the crack about the cracking), and so, between the tracing problems and the snow trudging problems, I think I'm relatively safe.

(For the "record": The above posting is factually correct. I'm in upstate New York, surrounded by several inches of snow, and had to carry wine, bourbon, and cats to get in here.)
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Gregg »

Ah, alternate bunker eh? If you're on a vacation, hunker down, be safe and have a good time. If you're there on business, call in because of the snow, drink the liqueur and watch basketball all day!
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by Cathulhu »

If they're anything like my cats, the furfaces want you to build a fire. Now.
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by webhick »

Hatch was booted from CA last night. He actually looked like he may cry at one point. It was a fundraising task and it really came down to who raised the least money (which in this program means who has the poorest friends), which was Hatch. Trump hand-fed him the excuse that Hatch had been in prison for four years and therefore would have a harder time raising money. Hatch agreed. Trump then told him that he'd won Survivor, won a million dollars, and then didn't pay taxes on them. Hatch responded that he would be exonerated soon. Then Trump dismissively agreed and pretty much fired him right then. It was quick. Hatch contested his firing by saying something like, "Mr. Trump if you'd let me, I have a whole list of reasons of why you should let me stay." Cue the walk out of the building and the "I think Trump made a mistake" speech in the back of the car. Oddly enough, he looked like he was going to cry. It made me think for a second whether or not he had some way to dip his fingers into the money that would have gone to his charity. It would have gone a long way to paying off his tax debt.

Hatch thought he knew how to play the game and for a while there it looked like he did. But this whole thing came full-circle for him. Although he was PM on a fundraising task, it wasn't really his fault for losing - the women's team just did better - he managed to deflect blame for the loss off onto the lowest earner: David Cassidy. Now, on another fundraising task where the men lost simply because the women's team did better, Hatch goes home because he was the lowest earner.
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Re: Hatch is at it again

Post by webhick »

Oh, I forgot, that fundraising thing required them to make their own artwork and create a baseball cap. Hatch did a painting which said some variation on the word "obfuscate." Don't ask me what the rest of the painting looked like, the word was all I saw. His cap had roses on it, which Lil Jon remarked was a "gay-ass cap." I thought it was funny because it made me think about that time Ed Brown when drew a smiley face or something on one of his letters.
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