Liberty Dollar Update

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Quixote »

Famspear wrote: I think the German word for "gold" is "geld."

How do you say "gold" in Yiddish?
The German word for money in geld, pronounced gelt. But, as Nikki pointed out, the Yiddish cognate of the word is spelled gelt.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Quixote »

Nikki wrote:
Quixote wrote:I've never heard of a woman flashing for Chanukkah geld gelt (geld is what is done to horses). I'm obviously hanging with the wrong jews.
Obviously, you haven't been present when the Hanukkah gelt was presented in little blue boxes.
All the women I know are smart enough to open the little blue box, and notice that all it contains is a piece of chocolate wrapped in gold colored foil, before they show their appreciation.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

January 2011 Vol. 13 No. 01
LD4-3 Trial Starts on March 7, 2011!
My apologies for this delayed Newsletter. There is a lot happening as the trial looms ever closer. In fact, trial is now scheduled for March 7, 2011 and I have little time to write a Newsletter!
Thanks for all the response to the last newsletter: "Ron Paul and the Liberty Dollar!" I was amazed to receive 50 times the number of replies. Unfortunately, I simply do not have time to reply. Here is all the latest news.
Table of Contents:
1. LD4-3 Trial Starts on March 7, 2011
2. BVNH Was Almost Thrown in Jail!
3. Ron Paul and the Liberty Dollar
4. New Year / New Currency
5. Director of US Mint Resigns
6. Four Small Important Books
7. Missing Position Papers
8. US Mint Increases Prices
9. SMI vs. Virginia Currency Bill
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
1. LD4-3 Trial Starts on March 7, 2011
In the closing days of January 2011, a flurry of legal activities set the stage for the Liberty Dollar Four trial minus three co-defendants, Kevin Innes, Sarah Bledsoe and Rachelle Moseley. You hear it right. BVNH has been severed and will definitely be tried separately in Statesville, North Carolina.
Judge Voorhees has also ordered a very tight schedule for both the Prosecution and Defense to file their Pretrial Motions, Lists of Exhibits and Witnesses. All this was beset with a firestorm of ex parte motions that were limited to only the one side filing the motions. To say that the charges and counter charges of open distrust within the Defense Group has been exciting, would be an understatement. Now, it is time to buckle-up for the main act!
So why LD4-3? Because Bernard von NotHaus (BVNH) the lead defendant will be tried separately and the three co-defendants (Kevin, Sarah and Rachelle) are to be tried two months later in May. Of course, so goes his trial / so goes the three co-defendant's trial.
But it all makes perfect sense… that is… if you can make any sense out of our federal judicial system. The bottom line is that the BVNH defense team has worked very hard to develop several Defense Strategies and is preparing for trial. This is in stark comparison to the co-defendants counsels for Kevin, Sarah and Rachelle who will be tried in May.
Meanwhile, the LD4 case has grown to be one of the largest trials in the current federal judicial system! So if you really want to witness monetary history unfold with dozens of noted monetary experts, come to Statesville, North Carolina. The Prosecution is projecting their case will take about a week. So with jury selection scheduled to start on Tuesday, March 8, prosecution could conclude by Friday, March 14. Defense must start immediately after prosecution concludes. So Defense could open on Monday, March 15 and the trial could conclude around April 15 :).
Fortunately, BVNH is blessed with two well experienced and dedicated attorneys, dozens of witnesses that include many VIPs, 8-10 attorneys, 6-8 CPAs, dozens of key people from the NORFED organization, plus the country's top numismatic/counterfeit attorney David L. Ganz and hundreds of exhibits. Trial could take weeks with its 75 to 80 witnesses and the massive amount of NORFED info that is relevant to win the case. Actual time will depend on length of cross-examinations by the prosecution and then re-direct by the Defense team. If you want to see a full-blown federal trial, set in the hills of a small North Carolina town of 23,000 people… this is the one to attend!
2. BVNH Was Almost Thrown in Jail!
As you may recall, BVNH was incarcerated in July 2010 for violating the terms of his Appearance Bond. His attorney, Aaron Michel, appealed the Magistrate's Order to Circuit Court Judge Voorhees who reversed the Order and released BVNH after five days in jail.
On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, I was again ordered to appear before Judge Voorhees for another Appearance Bond violation hearing involving a "Liberty Dollar" site that was not even mine! Thanks to the outstanding work of my attorneys, supporters who acknowledged that I was not responsible for the site and removed the site, my Appearance Bond was reinstated!
This was an important win because if I had lost, I would have been jailed and barred from working on my case, less than 30 days before my trial was to begin on March 7th.
3. Ron Paul and the Liberty Dollar
My God! What an outpouring of comments regarding my article on Ron Paul! I had always thought that Ron was the patron saint of hard money people. Not the case. Email after email defamed Paul for a wide variety of shortcomings. Quite frankly I was shocked. And while I tried my best to state my case with a fair and honest presentation about what he had not done for the Liberty Dollar, I was amazed that he had generated so much resentment. Please note that your comments and info, be them pro or con, are greatly appreciated, even though I don't have time to reply.
4. New Year / New Currency
As you have may have seen, there is mounting evidence that a new currency is in the works to replace the USD as the world reserve currency. And that the new currency may well include gold in some way. All this is good, except it is hard to believe that the very !@#$#@!s who created the terrible monetary mess we have, are the right people to actually correct the mess. If you believe these !@#$#@! can do what is right, then I have some ocean front property in Kansas for you. Best to sit on the sidelines and see how the new monetary order really develops. I just hope I will get the opportunity to participate in the fun. But that will only happen after I am acquitted.
5. Director of US Mint Resigns
Edmund C. Moy, the Director of the US Mint and the person who issued the warning that the USE of the Liberty Dollar was illegal has resigned to take a position in the private sector.
Press Release from Washington, DC: Director of the United States Mint Edmund C. Moy announced today that he has submitted his resignation to President Barack Obama. He also informed Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner and Treasurer of the United States Rosie Rios of his resignation, effective January 9, 2011.
Moy was sworn in as 38th Director of the United States Mint in September 2006 after being appointed by President George W. Bush for a five-year term. Prior to assuming his duties as Director of the Mint, Moy was a Special Assistant to President Bush for Presidential Personnel.
In his remarks to all Mint employees about his departure, Moy praised their performance during his tenure. "I'm proud of the progress we've made over four and a half years. The Mint is a better place and delivering more value to the American taxpayers. The foundation has been rebuilt and the work is now in your capable hands," he said. "Please know that I will always remember my being Director of the United States Mint as a special time in my life." ... se&ID=1190
6. Four Small Important Books
If you have never read Denationalisation of Money by Friedrich von Hayek, the Noble laureate who called for non-government value based currency, and have always wanted to read it, here are four very small (50-60 pages) books that bristle with similar amazing info that contributed to the R&D of the Liberty Dollar:
Private Money - The Path to Monetary Stability by Kevin Dowd
Choice in Currency - A way to Stop Inflation by Friedrich von Hayek
Gold, Peace and Prosperity - The Birth of a New Currency by Ron Paul
Fiat Money Inflation in France by Andrew Dickson White
All are available for a song on
7. Missing Position Papers
Part of developing a Defense Strategy has been to review a lot of the NORFED and Liberty Dollar material. It is really amazing how much we did in 10 years. In comparison to all the BS, talk/talk and papers from orgs like Cato, etc who accomplish nothing… the Liberty Dollar org really produced an amazing amount of material. Plus, via discovery we have now learned that, if all the Liberty Dollar were revalued to the current $50 base, over $100 MILLION LIBERTY DOLLARS have been issued! Simply amazing!!! And given the prices (!!!) on eBay for Liberty Dollars, it would be much more than the amazing $100 MILLION LIBERTY DOLLARS!!! WOW and congratulations to all of you who actually did this. Thank you for all your support and for actually doing what every citizen of a Republic is suppose to do… and that is lead so the gov can follow the will of the people! Well-done Liberty Dollar supporters!!!
So as part of the researching for the trial, I re-discovered these "missing" two early docs that were listed in the December Newsletter but not linked. Please check them out as they are only a page each.:
Click HERE for NORFED's position paper on a Free Market Currency.
Click HERE for NORFED's position paper on a Free Money Movement.
8. US Mint Increases Prices
Just as the price of silver is up, so is the "premium" for minting and distribution. I have mentioned this several times and it is now a fact. The premium on the one ounce 2011 Silver Eagle by the US Mint is now over $4.00 plus the price of silver! If this keeps up, the Mint will be well positioned to adopt the national version of the State Monetary Initiative (SMI) model that NORFED introduced in 2006!
As noted in the numismatic press: "Pricing for many of the United States Mint's 2011 numismatic products will be higher than for equivalent products in 2010 and other recent years, information released Jan. 4 reveals." Please read the January 24 issue of Coin World for all your precious metals and numismatic news.
9. Virginia Currency Bill vs. SMI
And even the States want to get into the currency business. Hell there could be open rebellion from the States that are currently facing bankruptcy!
In what may one day be heralded as the formal proposal that proverbially started it all, the Commonwealth of Virginia introduced House Resolution No. 557 to establish a joint subcommittee to "to study whether the Commonwealth should adopt a currency to serve as an alternative to the currency distributed by the Federal Reserve System in the event of a major breakdown of the Federal Reserve System." In other words, Virginia will study the fall back plan of a "timely adoption of an alternative sound currency that the Commonwealth's government and citizens may employ without delay in the event of the destruction of the Federal Reserve System's currency" and avoid or "at least mitigate many of the economic, social, and political shocks to be expected to arise from hyperinflation, depression, or other economic calamity related to the breakdown of the Federal Reserve System."
Most importantly that pertain to the currency in question, "Americans may employ whatever currency they choose to stipulate as the medium for payment of their private debts, including gold or silver, or both, to the exclusion of a currency not redeemable in gold or silver that Congress may have designated 'legal tender'." Whether this resolution will ever get off the ground, and actually find that the world is at great risk should gold not be instituted as a backstop currency, is irrelevant. The mere fact that it is out there should provide sufficient impetus to other states to consider the ultimate Plan B.
We urge all legislators to carefully read this resolution at: ... +ful+HJ557
LDN received this news report from Tyler Durden on 01/10/2011 19:29-0500
If you are interested in state currencies, please click HERE for Liberty Dollar's SMI proposal for New Hampshire.
Closing Remarks:
These are WILD times and they are going to become wilder. The good news is that the stage has been set, the lead defendant will have his say about his currency and intent to save American from a hyperinflationary scenario ala Germany, France, China and so many other countries.
I hope America still has the resolve it did after the Battle of Yorktown and we resolve the fiat empire peacefully. You have taken the Liberty Dollar currency model for a private voluntary barter currency (PVBC) further than any other monetary effort and had a lot of fun doing it! Now it is up to the jury to decide.
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" we will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!
Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by . »

VonNutBall wrote:ex parte motions that were limited to only the one side filing the motions.
That's a surprise, eh?

The poor guy has been smoking too much dope.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Cathulhu »

There isn't enough dope in the universe to help this idiot.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

LD4-3 Trial Starts on March 7, 2011!
4-3? Isn't that 1? LD1 not sound good enough to you? Hey, interesting coincidence: Marcel's Quantum Kitchen, starring Marcel Vigneron from Top Chef infamy, will be premiering that night on SyFy. Please record the trial and have it delivered to my TV. I wish to watch you tank yourself and then watch Marcel tank himself. I bet you'll both do a foam that looks like cat spit. I don't think you'll be allowed to have the proper equipment in the room to do an actual foam, so you might just get stuck blowing raspberries at the jury. Marcel might do well to do the same.
My apologies for this delayed Newsletter.
No worries. I wasn't planning on reading it to the end anyway.
There is a lot happening as the trial looms ever closer.
Well, yeah. You have to practice your raspberry skills.
In fact, trial is now scheduled for March 7, 2011 and I have little time to write a Newsletter!
Well, it's a good thing you just did it.
Thanks for all the response to the last newsletter: "Ron Paul and the Liberty Dollar!" I was amazed to receive 50 times the number of replies.
Look, the postmaster letting you know that your email was returned for being undeliverable is not a "reply." It's called a bounce-back. Also, people emailing you to demand refunds is not a reply.
Unfortunately, I simply do not have time to reply.
That. That right there sums up your philosophy on customer service. Of course, I find it funny that it amounts to, "I can't be bothered with your bleating, I've got all these criminal charges to deal with."
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
Holla, suckahs!
In the closing days of January 2011, a flurry of legal activities set the stage for the Liberty Dollar Four trial minus three co-defendants, Kevin Innes, Sarah Bledsoe and Rachelle Moseley. You hear it right. BVNH has been severed and will definitely be tried separately in Statesville, North Carolina.
If you were really severed, you'd be typing with a bloody stump. Then it would make even more sense for you to be typing LD1, rather than LD4-3. Less keystrokes, stump-master. Less keystrokes.
Judge Voorhees has also ordered a very tight schedule for both the Prosecution and Defense to file their Pretrial Motions, Lists of Exhibits and Witnesses. All this was beset with a firestorm of ex parte motions that were limited to only the one side filing the motions.
I think you're implying that it was filed by the Prosecution. Yes, everything must have gone their way because they're being held to the same tight schedule you are. Also, you whine a lot about stuff I seriously think only exists in your brain, so unless you can train a dodo to file an ex-parte motion I'm not going to believe that there were a firestorm of them. Dodos are good at firestorms.

Dodo! Firestorm.....NOW!

Sonuvabitch! I wanted a firestorm, all I got was more newsletter. You know, sometimes I confuse my dodo with a pokemon. Pikachu is cute though. Why couldn't I get a little constipated Pikachu?
So why LD4-3?
Because your calculator is broken?
Because Bernard von NotHaus (BVNH) the lead defendant will be tried separately and the three co-defendants (Kevin, Sarah and Rachelle) are to be tried two months later in May. Of course, so goes his trial / so goes the three co-defendant's trial.
It's more like you've chained yourself to a sinking ship and the rest of the crew have fled for the life-boats.
But it all makes perfect sense… that is… if you can make any sense out of our federal judicial system.
I don't know. I think I just got mind-f***ked by a bankruptcy case.
The bottom line is that the BVNH defense team has worked very hard to develop several Defense Strategies and is preparing for trial. This is in stark comparison to the co-defendants counsels for Kevin, Sarah and Rachelle who will be tried in May.
Well, their case is probably a lot easier without you attached.
Meanwhile, the LD4 case has grown to be one of the largest trials in the current federal judicial system!
Wow, no ego on you, huh?
So if you really want to witness monetary history unfold with dozens of noted monetary experts, come to Statesville, North Carolina. The Prosecution is projecting their case will take about a week. So with jury selection scheduled to start on Tuesday, March 8, prosecution could conclude by Friday, March 14. Defense must start immediately after prosecution concludes. So Defense could open on Monday, March 15 and the trial could conclude around April 15 :).
I sometimes wonder if lawyers sit around and play their version of name that tune. "I can present the case in 14 days!" "Yeah, well, I can present that case in 8 days!"
Fortunately, BVNH is blessed with two well experienced and dedicated attorneys, dozens of witnesses that include many VIPs, 8-10 attorneys, 6-8 CPAs, dozens of key people from the NORFED organization, plus the country's top numismatic/counterfeit attorney David L. Ganz and hundreds of exhibits.
OMG! BVNH is making counterfeit attorneys! Will the horror ever end?!
Trial could take weeks with its 75 to 80 witnesses and the massive amount of NORFED info that is relevant to win the case. Actual time will depend on length of cross-examinations by the prosecution and then re-direct by the Defense team. If you want to see a full-blown federal trial, set in the hills of a small North Carolina town of 23,000 people… this is the one to attend!
So, if I miss this, I have to find a hilly North Carolina town of approximately 23,000 people which also has a federal court house. And you know, just show up there any time they've got a federal trial going on. But who knows when that's going to be? I mean it's a FEDERAL COURTHOUSE, it's not like they have actual trials going on. Most of the time it's parties. Parties all day and all night. Why else do you think law offices sprout up like weeds around a federal courthouse? IT'S THE PARTIES, MAN! So, I guess my point is that I should probably attend BVNH's trial, because it'll be really hard to find a federal courthouse...with a federal a North Carolina...with hills...and 23,000 people. Also, I promised to bring cupcakes.
BVNH Was Almost Thrown in Jail!
As you may recall, BVNH was incarcerated in July 2010 for violating the terms of his Appearance Bond. His attorney, Aaron Michel, appealed the Magistrate's Order to Circuit Court Judge Voorhees who reversed the Order and released BVNH after five days in jail.
I repeat: Almost? Also, they should have thrown harder.
On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, I was again ordered to appear before Judge Voorhees for another Appearance Bond violation hearing involving a "Liberty Dollar" site that was not even mine! Thanks to the outstanding work of my attorneys, supporters who acknowledged that I was not responsible for the site and removed the site, my Appearance Bond was reinstated!
Wait, back the donkey cart up. You were jailed over a site that was under the control of your supporters? Did you direct your supporters to put content up there for you? Because that's the only way I see the court holding you responsible.
This was an important win because if I had lost, I would have been jailed and barred from working on my case, less than 30 days before my trial was to begin on March 7th.
They don't make a smiley that can roll its eyes back far enough to truly express the extent to which I have gone blind. You would not have been barred from working on your case. Being in prison doesn't stop you from working on your case.
My God! What an outpouring of comments regarding my article on Ron Paul!
"Mail returned undeliverable"
I had always thought that Ron was the patron saint of hard money people.
Unlike the Patron Saint of Soft Money, who has to take a little blue pill to become the Patron Saint of Hard Money. Also, more aggressive. And lets not forget the Patron Saint of Ready When You're Ready Money or the bastard half-cousin twice removed who thinks he's the "cool" one: ExtenZe. Misspelling a word and throwing capital z in it to cover it up doesn't make you cool! It makes you the moron with horrible spelling skills and a capital z in your name!
Not the case. Email after email defamed Paul for a wide variety of shortcomings. Quite frankly I was shocked. And while I tried my best to state my case with a fair and honest presentation about what he had not done for the Liberty Dollar, I was amazed that he had generated so much resentment. Please note that your comments and info, be them pro or con, are greatly appreciated, even though I don't have time to reply.
I'm no fan of Paul, but let me go over the things Paul hasn't done to Liberty Dollar:
  1. Paul could have, but did not sue LD for not asking permission prior to minting and selling coins with his likeness.
  2. Paul could have, but did not sue LD for not asking permission prior to selling things with his name on it.
  3. Paul could have, but did not sue LD for not compensating him for making money off his likeness.
  4. Paul could have, but did not slap LD's ass with a cease and desist for any of the above items.
  5. Paul's staff could have, but did not laugh at you every time you pestered them. Well, they probably did, but you were out of earshot so it doesn't count.
Paul's been pretty reasonable about the whole thing, if you ask me.

[...snipped some new world currency blah blah blah...]
7. Missing Position Papers
Now presenting, BVNH's complaints on the Karma Sutra!
Part of developing a Defense Strategy has been to review a lot of the NORFED and Liberty Dollar material. It is really amazing how much we did in 10 years. In comparison to all the BS, talk/talk and papers from orgs like Cato, etc who accomplish nothing… the Liberty Dollar org really produced an amazing amount of material.
Elephants produce a lot of material, too. None of which makes them look good. You and Dumbo have something in common.


Plus, via discovery we have now learned that, if all the Liberty Dollar were revalued to the current $50 base, over $100 MILLION LIBERTY DOLLARS have been issued!
Okay, for the sake of argument, I'll buy that. Now, how many were actually delivered to customers?
Simply amazing!!! And given the prices (!!!) on eBay for Liberty Dollars, it would be much more than the amazing $100 MILLION LIBERTY DOLLARS!!!
Nothing like admitting that the $100 million currency that you initially put out in $10s and $20s are still only worth money as collector's items.
WOW and congratulations to all of you who actually did this. Thank you for all your support and for actually doing what every citizen of a Republic is suppose to do…
Purchase product that never gets delivered?
[...snipped more currency ranting...]
If you are interested in state currencies, please click HERE for Liberty Dollar's SMI proposal for New Hampshire.
Great, half the people up here are still getting used to those new-fandangled quarters and are still shocked that something fell apart that was being held together for last forty years by wire, duct tape and crazy glue. Yes. The Old Man. They still haven't gotten over that. His face fell off, deal with it. A state currency will still be "new" in sixty years. You hear me? In sixty years there's going to be a sixty year old quoted in the paper saying "It been 'round as long as me and I still ain't makin' change wit it! It look too fuuuneee!"
These are WILD times and they are going to become wilder. The good news is that the stage has been set, the lead defendant will have his say about his currency and intent to save American from a hyperinflationary scenario ala Germany, France, China and so many other countries.
Aw, it's so cute that you've confused the witness box with a soap box.
I hope America still has the resolve it did after the Battle of Yorktown and we resolve the fiat empire peacefully. You have taken the Liberty Dollar currency model for a private voluntary barter currency (PVBC) further than any other monetary effort and had a lot of fun doing it!
Don't tell me what I've had fun doing. YOU HAVE NO IDEA.
Now it is up to the jury to decide.
Well, not technically yet. That's still like a month away.
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" we will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Hey, when the dollar totally collapses and the price of silver in the US Dollar is $0, how much is your LD worth then?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Harvester »

webhick wrote:Hey, when the dollar totally collapses and the price of silver in the US Dollar is $0, how much is your LD worth then?
At least a steak dinner for two. But probably much more.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Joey Smith »

Since we in the Illuminate hold the true, final title to the gold and silver reserves, and not just the fractional interests or future interests, we'll be doing just fine whatever happens.

Say, when do you start getting the pool ready for summer, i.e., taking the tarps off and adding chlorine, etc.?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Gregg »

Harvester wrote:
webhick wrote:Hey, when the dollar totally collapses and the price of silver in the US Dollar is $0, how much is your LD worth then?
At least a steak dinner for two. But probably much more.
I don't know what kind of run down truckstops you go to for a steak dinner, it wouldn't cover the tip where I eat.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Harvester wrote:
webhick wrote:Hey, when the dollar totally collapses and the price of silver in the US Dollar is $0, how much is your LD worth then?
At least a steak dinner for two. But probably much more.
No. It'll be worth zero because it's got US Dollars written all over it, from the word dollar to the $. When the dollar collapses and is worth nothing if someone hands me something that's got the $ or any indication that it's valued in USD, it's worth nothing.

Of course, you may still find some vendors who will use the "manufacturers suggested retail price" as they would have before the collapse. But I guarantee you, because this is human nature, vendors will start posting their own exchange rate ($1 LDUSD = $0.10) for when customers use Libbies. And lets say you try to spend one of the $10 Libbies that were supposed to move up to the $20...sorry, the exchange rate is based on the MSRP, you get $0.10 for that sucker.

You may think that exchange rate is absurd. Well I do too. But there was a conversation here one time about the costs to melt down the Libbies into a form of silver that could be traded more readily and IIRC the costs outweighed any benefits.

OH! And the counterfeiters! As pretty as BVNH's coins are, I'm sure there are plenty of counterfeit experts who could duplicate it in their sleep with far cheaper materials. So now we've got phony Libbies running around. Do you really think Bernie's going to take anti-counterfeiting measures? What do you think will happen to the exchange rate on the coins once vendors keep getting duped with the phony ones?

Wait! Are we even sure Libbies contain the ounce of silver they say they do?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Gregg wrote:
Harvester wrote:
webhick wrote:Hey, when the dollar totally collapses and the price of silver in the US Dollar is $0, how much is your LD worth then?
At least a steak dinner for two. But probably much more.
I don't know what kind of run down truckstops you go to for a steak dinner, it wouldn't cover the tip where I eat.
My grandparents once took me out to eat at their favorite "steak house." It was a buffet and you could get a steak dinner for like $7.99 each. It was like they took the worst cut of steak out of a cow who no longer had the will to live, beat it with an aluminum bat coated in salt, and then ran it under the back tires of a dump truck before slamming it on the grill for so long that I wasn't sure if I was about to snap into a slim jim or just snap my jaw.

But to be fair, Harvey could be thinking of the coins labeled $50.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

webhick wrote: But to be fair, Harvey could be thinking of the coins labeled $50.
Why, thinking and Harvey just don't seem to have any commonality at all.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

This is a week of FAIL. Hatch on Apprentice last night and Bernie's trial starts today! Anyone managed to find a hilly North Carolina town with approximately 23,000 people in it and with a federal courthouse and a federal trial? Did they get my cupcakes?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

February 2011 Vol. 13 No. 02
US v. BVNH Case # 5:09-CR-00027
Tomorrow, March 7, 2011, an epic battle begins in Federal District Court. BVNH - one lone stubborn individual American vs. the might and fright of the US government - was charged with counterfeiting (Sec 485 and 486) after the FBI confiscated over 9 TONS of gold, silver, platinum and copper over three years ago. The lines are clearly drawn between an individual's freedom, to come up with creative ways, such as barter to deal with government mismanagement of our economy and its continued nullification of our Constitution. Verdict expected within 30 days.
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
Table of Contents:
1. LD4 Trial Commences
2. Everything is UP!
3. Freedom's Phoenix Article
4. Ron Paul Declines to Testify
5. Greenspan Supports Gold Standard…
6. Monetary Revolution
7. Chilling Cartoon from 1934!
8. Unofficial Historical Article on LD
9. Link to Subscribe to LDN
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
1. LD4 Trial Commences
BVNH contends that he has invented a new monetary device that is not prohibited by the law and that an individual can issue his own private voluntary barter currency (PVBC). Of course the gov disagrees. Unfortunately for the gov, it has no basis for its case. The truth is that the gov simply does not like the politically active national NORFED organization and its patriotic mission to "return America to a value based currency - one Liberty Dollar at a time" and has done everything possible, including arresting its principals to try and kill the Liberty Dollar.
But the gov has not stopped the Free Dollar Movement. A couple of dozen different currencies have already sprung up from the NORFED seeds. People have taken the issuance of money into their own hands because they are not happy with the failing non-Federal non-Reserve IOU Note and want something better. Something with value! While the gov assumed that the NORFED arrestees would cop a plea like the 95% of all people arrested. NO! That did not happen. Now the gov must prove beyond a reasonable doubt to the satisfaction of twelve jurors in the Statesville Division of the Western District of North Carolina that BVNH counterfeited US coins.
If the charges were not so serious, it would be laughable that anybody could confuse the one ounce Silver Liberty with a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar or an Ike dollar! But that is the basis of the gov case! But it is even more bizarre. The gov would have the jury believe that a whopping 2-1/2 inch diameter Silver Liberty could be confused with the "current money." Think that is incredibly dumb? Well they also "think" that the statue of King Kamehameha on the Hawaii Dala looks like a US coin and it is counterfeit too!
This gov has some very serious problems and it should solve those problems. It should not waste taxpayers' money on such a wrong-headed trial. Unfortunately, the gov is not very bright and what they will do and have done since NORFED introduced the Liberty Dollar on October 1, 1998 is inadvertently popularize alternate currencies as the US dollar tanks. It almost seems like a plan to secretly support a value based currency but that would give the gov more credit than it deserves.
One thing is for sure. This landmark monetary case of the century will be decided one way or the other. Either the jury will cherish the American individualistic spirit or BVNH will mistakenly go to prison. It is an all or nothing. BVNH feels morally bound as a citizen of a Republic to do what he thinks is best for the country. He "thinks" that our country deserves a better money than the gov is providing. Hope you can stop by the Federal District Court in Statesville, North Carolina, as the trial will not be televised. Running time is approx. one month.
PS: I am very pleased to hear that some people are coming from as far away as California for the trial! Please remember that you have a 30 day window to attend.
2. Everything is UP!
Metals are up. Commodities are up. Premiums are up. Sales are up. Stock market is up. Oil is up. Jobless claims are up. Margins are up. Food Stamps are up. Deficit is UP! And to no surprise, inflation is UP! Meanwhile, YOUR money is tanking unless you are holding value.
APMEX premiums are up. The premium over spot on a single one ounce house-brand silver round has risen from $1.50 a year ago to $2.69 a few months ago and is now $2.99. DOUBLE. Premium on US Mint Silver Eagles was less than $2.00 a year ago. A few months ago it went to $4.19 and is now $4.39! Hell, when NORFED started, silver was UNDER $5.00 an ounce and that was just a few years ago. Silver is still a tremendous buy… even at $30 or $40 or more!
US Mint Sells Record 6.4 Million Ounces Of Silver In January 2011
Stock Market Up, Up and Away
Comex gold, silver margins raised 50%

The Global Commodity Equity Index Hits 27 Month High
World Gold Council
Treasury says Fed deficit is EXPLODING!
Food Stamps Hits an All Time High
Hyperinflation Momentum Picking Up by James Turk

3. Freedom's Phoenix Article
On Thursday, February 24, 2011 the Freedom's Phoenix Global Edition featured the upcoming LD4 Trial.
The Liberty Dollar 4 - Criminal Trial Starts on March 7, 2011
Written by Sierra Hancock
"Ambushed, attacked and robbed in 2007, indicted in 2009, re-indicted in 2010, by the vile despicable bastiches of the DOJ/FBI/IRS, the Liberty Dollar 4, now the Liberty Dollar 1, will be tried criminally in federal court in Statesville, North Carolina on March 7th, 2011. Statesville is the county seat of Iredell County, North Carolina and is in the center of the western part of the state." Please click HERE for the whole article.
4. Ron Paul Declines to Testify
Not worthy of comment.
5. Greenspan Supports Gold Standard…
Gold Standard Fully Supported By.... Alan Greenspan!?
By Tyler Durden on 01/21/2011 - 11:58
You read that right. After such establishment "luminaries" as World Bank president Robert Zoellick [1], Warren Buffett's father Howard [2], Jim Grant [3], and, most recently, Kansas City Fed president Thomas Hoenig [4], all voiced their support for a return to a gold standard, the most recent addition to the motley group of contrite voodoo shamans is none other than the man who is single handedly responsible for America's addiction to cheap toxic credit, who spawned such destroyers of the middle class as the current Chair Creature, and who currently is the chief advisor in John Paulson's crusade to gobble up every ounce of deliverable physical in the world: former Fed Chairman - Alan Greenspan!
In an interview with Fox Business, the man who refuses to go away into that good night: "We have at this particular stage a fiat money which is essentially money printed by a government and it's usually a central bank which is authorized to do so. Some mechanism has got to be in place that restricts the amount of money which is produced, either a gold standard or a currency board, because unless you do that all of history suggest that inflation will take hold with very deleterious effects on economic activity... "There are numbers of us, myself included, who strongly believe that we did very well in the 1870 to 1914 period with an international gold standard."
And a further stunner: Greenspan himself wonders if we really need a central bank. Now our only question: why couldn't the maestro speak as clearly and coherently during his tenure that resulted in our current near-terminal financial state. And as a reminder, courtesy of Dylan Grice [5], if and when we do get a return to a gold standard there would be a need to reindex the monetary base to a real time equivalent price of gold, putting the price of the precious metal at about $6,300: "The US owns nearly 263m troy ounces of gold (the world's biggest holder) while the Fed's monetary base is $1.7 trillion. So the price of gold at which the US dollars would be fully gold-backed is currently around $6,300." Click HERE for the article.
Please note I am opposed to any "Gold Standard" operated by the government. As noted economist Dr. Richard H. Timberlake said:
Gold standards were put in place by governments, and, in all but a very few cases, they have been managed by governments. A gold standard, especially "the" gold standard administered by a Treasury or central bank, is an illusory solution to monetary mischief. It would be just as subject to government tampering as any other institution managed by the state. Many statist central bankers, in fact, embrace a "gold standard" because it serves as a respectable cover for their traditional hands-on control. No, no "gold standard," please.
I prefer the new "Organic Gold Standard" owned by the people. Please click HERE for more info.
6. How to Abolish the Fed and Convert to Gold as Money
David Redick, a businessman and president of Forward-USA, has launched his own "Monetary Revolution." Please click HERE for your invitation.
7. Chilling Cartoon from 1934!
Click HERE
8. Unofficial Historical Article on Liberty Dollar
Federal Government Closes down Liberty Dollar
By Michael Webster: Syndicated Investigative Reporter
9. Link to Subscribe to LDN
Please use this link to subscribe or unsubscribe to the Liberty Dollar Newsletter. ... scribe.php
Closing Remarks:
This will be the last Newsletter until after the trial. When the trial is over you will get an announcement. Either We the People will win and I will immediately make plans to redeem any paper or digital currency you are holding. Or that I lost and will go to prison. Either way the bullion and numismatic value of your Liberty Dollars will continue to appreciate until your wrongfully seized property is returned by another court action. Of course, I prefer the former and hope that all Americans' money will appreciate. Time will tell very shortly. My fate is in the hands of the jury.
I continue to believe that it is only by adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Thank you for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Number Six »

Coin World, a weekly numismatic publication, has an article on the trial today. I cannot link to that subscription-based publication.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Number Six wrote:Coin World, a weekly numismatic publication, has an article on the trial today. I cannot link to that subscription-based publication.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Number Six »

There is usually more information on the coin-related frauds here than at "Coin World". A few of their advertisers are what I would call "ethical", but not many. It is a cause of endless amusement for seasoned collectors to see the newbies ripped off. "Buy the book" before you buy the coin is a good rule.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

Try this: ... 10328.aspx

Don't know if this is identical to what Coin World has in hardcopy.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The following von Nuthouse quote just jumped out at me:

"I continue to believe that it is only by adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society."

I've just finished some interesting reading about the history of money in America, one of them being "The Moneymakers", which focuses on the problem of counterfeiting of paper money up through the Civil War. The themes running through what I've read is that when there is too little money available, as in British North America and then the United States for much of the time before the Civil War, the economy suffers because there is no practical medium of exchange aside from paper money. Conversely, the availablility of too much precious metal, as when all that California gold became available in the 1850s, can depress prices and cause a general recession or depression. I seem to recall that all that silver coming from central and south American mines had a similar effect on Spain.

Von Nuthouse likes to pretend that going back to a precious metal-based monetary system is the ticket to safety, security and economic prosperity; but a moment's thought can make on realize that countries which are major precious metal producers could easily manipulate the market by withholding or dumping supplies. Speculators are notorious market manipulators, as well. On top of that, if we suddenly demand that we tie up our gold and silver supplies as money, it's not hard to think of the impact on, to name but two, the jewelry and electronics industries.

Of course, von Nuthouse isn't going to let that bother him. He gets such a warm, fuzzy feeling when he lets his delusions take over.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by evenhand »

Just like the Mint Act of 1792 set the grains for a dollar and other denominations in gold and silver too a Government can increase the money supply or decrease it by lawfully adjusting the amount of grains in the dollar or other denominations. It is their legal mandate to execise such authority.

The salient point being to keep money tied to something tangible. And not created from interest or debt.

If our Government had done followed the path suggested above and our government increased the money supply in porportion to the increase in population, with our current holdings of gold today, a dollar would be worth about .005 grains of gold instead of the approximate 24 grains of gold it started out as in 1792. Now, I don't know if that is even visible; however, it is tangible, and our debts could be paid with it.