Planet X March 15

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Planet X March 15

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The only "shake" I felt this week was the vanilla one (known as a "frappe", in Boston-speak) going down my throat at Friendly's (our local ice cream chain).
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Planet X March 15

Post by Deep Knight »

Thule wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Would anyone out there like to tell me how a physical event everyone was supposed to feel got covered up?
No problem. We set up the HAARP-array to produce a counter shake, cancelling out the anticipated shake. Of course this means that NESARA won't happen this time either, since "really REALLY big earthquake" would trigger the Shake-clause in the NESARA-bill.
You're half right, the earthquake shaking would trigger a NESARA clause, but only if it's followed by an unprecedented heatwave. Hence its title as the "Shake and Bake Clause."
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Re: Planet X March 15

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:Would anyone out there like to tell me how a physical event everyone was supposed to feel got covered up?
No problem. We set up the HAARP-array to produce a counter shake, cancelling out the anticipated shake. Of course this means that NESARA won't happen this time either, since "really REALLY big earthquake" would trigger the Shake-clause in the NESARA-bill.[/quote]

You're half right, the earthquake shaking would trigger a NESARA clause, but only if it's followed by an unprecedented heatwave. Hence its title as the "Shake and Bake Clause."

... and that would bring people out into the streets dancing. That's the "Shake Your Booty" corollary to that clause.
Last edited by Gregg on Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: corrected some quotes and color tags
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Planet X March 15

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:The only "shake" I felt this week was the vanilla one (known as a "frappe", in Boston-speak) going down my throat at Friendly's (our local ice cream chain).
I miss Friendly's, speaking of Ice Cream I also miss Peaceful Meadow's they had three stores in Plymouth, Middleboro, and one in Whitman. The best ice cream ever.

(sorry for a small hijack there back to your regularly scheduied thread)

GO NESERA! When's my packie coming?
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Re: Planet X March 15

Post by Deep Knight »

A whole different look at pole shifts. And I mean different. As they say, you can't make this stuff up, but they can.

When we create our pole shift from the upper cerebellum of the mortal mind's world of beliefs into the lower cerebellum of the immortal mind where we attach consciousness deep into the zero point of Primary Consciousness in the activity of creation of a brand new idea projected into Secondary Consciousness, we are then shifting into the brand new reality of the kingdom of heaven on Earth.

The upper cerebellum holds all of the world's beliefs. The mortal mind would like to tell you that there are many good things in those pictures of mortal beliefs. The mortal mind would like to tell you to keep the good ones and get rid of the bad ones. I received a link to a You Tube video yesterday telling this beautiful story of how the world was going to get so much better in 2011 because there would be transparency of truth from the government and we would all realize that there is Christ in everyone. Wake up! These are not NEW IDEAS. I heard that story last year and the year before that and the year before that.

There are zero new ideas in anything related to the government, religious beliefs, financial systems, blah, blah, blah. These beliefs are all still world beliefs and they are all still in the mortal mind of world beliefs in the upper cerebellum. The last war of Armageddon isn't when the government admits that they have been hiding the secret knowledge given to them by aliens. The last war of Armageddon is when all of the world beliefs are melted away and dissolved completely to be transmuted into the highest frequencies of Omni particles. The wisdom left within those Omni particles is already in the Mind of God.

There are three parts of the brain that are involved in the last war of Armageddon. First, we have the upper cerebellum that holds the world's beliefs and creates its realities through the bonding of negative and positive responses of self aggrandizement and personality. Second, we have the Mid Brain, which has no opinion - it is frequency specific. Third, we have the seat of the Mind of God in the Lower Cerebellum.

If we look at the idea of the Pole Shift as being a shifting of consciousness within the brain, we can see that it has nothing to do with the left brain and right brain. Those ideas of cognitive and creative are just the polarized aspects of the mortal mind of world beliefs in the upper cerebellum. As a matter of fact, the educator's only reason to incorporate the aspect of left brain and right brain thinking is to promote more conflict within the upper cerebellum. This is because the only reason the education process exists is to create soldiers. The education and religious aspects of the mortal mind concepts do not exist for the purpose of helping us find God's Mind.

The process of connecting to God's Mind and to create the pole shift of consciousness begins with the neutralizing process of the Mid Brain. Education gives very low scores to the indigos, rainbow children, crystal children and any other children with the Mind of God who seem to have attention deficiency disorder or a low REACTIVE potential. Once a child or adult achieves the focus of the mid brain and shifts into neutrality they are no longer interested in the competitive, argumentative structures within the education system. This is why they have ADD. What is there to be interested in within a structure that promotes the use of an outdated upper cerebellum full of world belief systems, when the child knows that in the Mind of God there are multidimensional realities of light cities, star systems, entities from great civilizations, space ships, a body that can orb far beyond the speed of light. Why would a child with the Mind of God be interested in anything being taught in a classroom that is only created for the purpose of keeping the war of Armageddon going in the brain?

Let's look at North and South Poles in this manner. The upper cerebellum is the north pole of the mind. The mid brain is the neutralizer that will allow the pole shift to happen. The upper cerebellum contains the world's beliefs -- all of the world's beliefs. It doesn't matter if it is a creative world belief or a scientific world belief. All world beliefs are in the little box of the upper cerebellum. There isn't anything in the upper cerebellum that allows thinking outside of the box.

When we bring in an idea from the mind of God - from the still small voices of the angels bringing in the secrets of knowledge of the infinite unknown, we speak and the environment becomes neutral. There is no negative and positive response or analytical reasoning. There is just a beautiful secret that is breathed into the atmosphere.

When that idea from the consciousness and energy of the great unknown is given, it is allowed to sit in the mid brain as a frequency. That idea shifts the entire electromagnetic field into NEUTRAL. Once there is a shift into neutral, and the mind becomes frequency specific, the third part of the brain can begin to enter into the conversation. The third aspect - the south pole - is in the lower cerebellum. This is the seat of the mind of God entering in through zero point frequency where the new idea is formed as an Omni particle.

The mind of God takes the neutralized idea into the highest frequency - the zero point. The Primary Consciousness creates secondary consciousness to look at the idea. The idea is in No Form. The particles of the idea shift into the shimmering, iridescent light of the gamma wave, shift into x-ray, ultra violet, visible light, and finally infra red. The idea is formed in the Mind of God and then lowered into a frequency wave that can be experienced in infra red.

This new idea from the infinite unknown could not be created in the upper cerebellum world belief factory of mortal mind. It needed to be created from NEUTRALITY - where there is no negative and positive charge.

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Re: Planet X March 15

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:These are not NEW IDEAS. I heard that story last year and the year before that and the year before that.
Well, I'm glad that we cleared that up. So now I can put relegate all those stories about "my NESARA packie coming tomorrow" to the upper cerebellum category, therefore a worldy thought and not a Mind of God thought.
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Re: Planet X March 15

Post by Cathulhu »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Would anyone out there like to tell me how a physical event everyone was supposed to feel got covered up?
No problem. We set up the HAARP-array to produce a counter shake, cancelling out the anticipated shake. Of course this means that NESARA won't happen this time either, since "really REALLY big earthquake" would trigger the Shake-clause in the NESARA-bill.
You're half right, the earthquake shaking would trigger a NESARA clause, but only if it's followed by an unprecedented heatwave. Hence its title as the "Shake and Bake Clause."

... and that would bring people out into the streets dancing. That's the "Shake Your Booty" corollary to that clause.[/quote]

And the sandstorms in the Sahara desert activated the Sandy Clause. All the packies are diverted to the North Pole now!
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Re: Planet X March 15

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Meanwhile, at your favorite casino's craps tables, the "shake, rattle and roll" clause is providing fleeting hope to most of the players and wads of cash to the casino owners.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Planet X March 15

Post by Deep Knight »

After reading a RAP-NESARA post by "Colonel Billie Faye Woodard" (who writes both on the hollow earth and pole shifts) I realized that people posting about this such as Bellringer, Icke & Niddle both believe in the hollow earth and a model of pole shift based on an earth model with core and magma.

If the earth is hollow, how can it be full of hot magma? Anyone? Buhler?

Some call believing two mutually contradictory ideas cognitive dissonance, but I prefer the technical term, Batsh*t Crazy.

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