Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam


Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by chmtrls »

Hello, my name is chmtrls, and I AM a recovering "patriot."

I need to know if any one can help me in reporting a particular con-artist operating out of Southern California to the proper authorities, and hopefully put him out of the con-man game?

He runs multiple scams, and collects mucho $$$$$ "donations," (unreported to the IRS), from many victims, most of whom are in mortgage forclosure, credit card debt, etc., and are grasping at straws.


"UCC-1 Secured Party"/UCC Contract Trust Account via SS#, Birth Certificate, phony BOE: $500--$1500 "donation" per person (done in 3-6 "steps")

Secured Party/Land Patent/"Pure Trust"/LLC "Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention" Ring: $1000 +++ per person (various "packages" offered).
See articles: ... tent-scams ... close.html
The scam is similar to these, but with a few new and somewhat unique wrinkles).

IRS Form 4852 "zero taxes" Con: $500+ (Yes, I drank the kool-ade----why why why!!! stupid stupid stupid!!!) He used his own mother to "test" this and other schemes costing her her home, and HUGE IRS penalties---his mother still is part of his ring, and operates a money-laundering mail-drop.

IRS "OID" scam (he himself got stung by his own poison and boasts that he got his penalties put into "uncollectable" claiming to be un-employed/homeless).

BOE's for "discharge" of Credit Card and other debt: $250+ per

Money laundering schemes including phony Pure Trust and "LLC" "shell-game" tax-shelters:

Personal money laundering/hiding through mail drops, "trusts," accomplices, etc.

He is pushing the "Land Patent" scheme really hard nation-wide through "referrals" from an organized Ring of "front-men," internet email "referrals," "seminars" in the Foothills area of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties in the LA/So-Cal area.

He "inherited" from a very prominent (and now in Federal Prison) "UCC Redemption Guru," a "working with" list of hundreds of people whose information---social security numbers, color copies of the actual Social Security Cards, Certified Birth Certificates etc., which is stored---along with ALL of his "Ministry" info---on his large computer system.

He has a police record of Domestic Violence, in two states, and I have personally witnessed extremely violent manic Bi-Polar psychotic epidodes, (I have proper credentials to make acceptable observational assessment, and professional experience in doing so), as well as having recently, myself, been stalked and assaulted by automobile---public record, California Superior Court, Rancho Cucamonga.

I feel strongly that he should not be allowed to prey on desperate people---he is a silver-tongued con-man----with phony schemes.

None of his "ministering" outlined above "works."

None of it.

I know-----now.

When victims complain that his "administrative law" "paper-work," DOESN"T WORK, they are told that they "didn't do it right," didn't stick to the paper-work long enough, don't understand, "I am not going to hold your hand and baby-sit you any longer, you need to follow-up and learn figure things out for yourself based on what I have shown you," and similar other things.

Oddly enough, many of the "flock" he "ministers" to CONTINUE to BELIEVE.

His computers, as well as the computers of the ring's various front men---to include even his own mother---will yield a wealth of information if the proper law enforcement agencies were able to examine them.

I have names, addresses, phone numbers, roles, etc.

If this is a useless rant, and no one here can or is willing to respond so be it.

I will be personally pursuing this anyway for as long as it takes---any assistance will be gravy.

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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by Quixote »

It would appear that the proper authorities are already aware of his activities; according to your first link, he was sentenced to 20 years in February.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by wserra »

chmtrls wrote:Hello, my name is chmtrls, and I AM a recovering "patriot."
Board, in unison: "Hi, chmtrls!"

Whom are you describing? If you don't want to divulge that info: go to law enforcement. I'd start with either your state AG or a local office of the FBI. It gets more complicated if you have done anything (false docs, such as tax returns, come to mind) that might get you in trouble. Then you need to get your own house in order first, something that quite possibly requires professional help.

BTW, don't feel too bad about falling for the guy's BS. Lots of people get scammed. The important lesson is to understand how it happened, and to resolve not to let it happen again. Welcome to Quatloos.
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by wserra »

Quixote wrote:It would appear that the proper authorities are already aware of his activities; according to your first link, he was sentenced to 20 years in February.
chmtrls wrote:The scam is similar to these, but with a few new and somewhat unique wrinkles).
I assume that chmtrls means that his scammer is not one of those in the links.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by chmtrls »

Quixote wrote:It would appear that the proper authorities are already aware of his activities; according to your first link, he was sentenced to 20 years in February.
No this is another person doing something similar to what the person you are referring to was just sentenced for.

I included the links to the other story as an example of just one of the kinds of scams the person I am interested in stopping IS running right now.
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by LPC »

wserra wrote:Who are you describing? If you don't want to divulge that info: go to law enforcement.
I would think that the best way to "out" a scammer is to *out* him, meaning names, MO's, and other identifying information.

If you don't want to go public, then you need to go private and talk to an enforcement agency.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by chmtrls »

wserra wrote:
chmtrls wrote:Hello, my name is chmtrls, and I AM a recovering "patriot."
Board, in unison: "Hi, chmtrls!"
Thank you.
Who are you describing? If you don't want to divulge that info: go to law enforcement.

I would be more than happy to "divulge that info."

Is it OK to do that here?

Would inquiring people like to know the guy's name?

Would that contribute anything as far as helping to stop this disaster?

There is a whole ring of people dispensing (among other exotica), a very potent blend of the "Land Patent" kool-ade, they are HQ'd and operating in the So Cal LA/Foothills area of San Bernardino County.

The operation is also nation-wide via telephone, skype, email, and snail mail (for the "donation").

People are sending thousands in cash and Postal MO's to this guy's various mail drops and through front-men who take a commission, and end up with reams (pun intended) of worthless crap in a vain attempt to avoid home foreclosure, property tax liens, etc.

None of this stuff works.

I have been quietly (in a sense) studying and dissecting this stuff for years.

It is ALL BS.

This particular kind of stuff that involves genuinely desperate and vulnerable people being fleeced by professional con-men probably needs to stop if possible, or at least to the extent possible.

The economic situation, especially as it affects housing and credit, is a boon to this type of con-artist.

California seems particularly ripe for mortgage fraud rip-offs, which is why the guy re-located here.
I'd start with either your state AG or a local office of the FBI.

I intend to inform the FBI, and am hoping that the IRS might be particularly interested as he fits this bill pretty well:,, ... 93,00.html
I know the link is from 2006.
It gets more complicated if you have done anything (false docs, such as tax returns, come to mind) that might get you in trouble.

I only ("only..." he said) drank some of the "Secured Party" kool-ade, (pure BS), and then (drumroll please) quaffed deeply of the "Form 4852" kool-ade (much much nastier stuff), and was (of course...duh...), nailed by the IRS and am paying for it now (in more than money).

As far as I know IRS (or anyone else) is not investigating me further.

As far as I know my frivolous affair with the IRS is settled when my Civil Penalties are paid.

Guilt by mere association?
BTW, don't feel too bad about falling for the guy's BS. Lots of people get scammed. The important lesson is to understand how it happened, and to resolve not to let it happen again.

Yes, I know.


As far as understanding how it happened, I have now spent several years dissecting "the patriot movement" BS from a very very unique vantage point.

I would like to see that this guy and his pals get put out of business because it is hurting others right now far worse than I was hurt ("...a mere flesh wound..." he said).
Welcome to Quatloos.
Thanks, but I have to be very careful with that as well because I really cannot afford to spend a lot of time blogging--that ends up becoming a huge problem too.

Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by Drjud »

Are you perhaps referring to Brandon A. Adams from Huntington Beach? There are quite a few so called gurus and "coaches" that surround him and teach his "creditor" seminars. Some are already deeply ensnared and the subject of extensive civil litigation in the District Courts. It is my understanding that criminal charges are forthcoming.

I also heard that this Brandon Adams is the "Secretary of State" in Tim Turner's restore the republic nonsense. :shock:
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by wserra »

chmtrls wrote:I would be more than happy to "divulge that info."

Is it OK to do that here?
Would that contribute anything as far as helping to stop this disaster?
Quatloos does very well on Google.
None of this stuff works.
Yeah, we know.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by chmtrls »

Drjud wrote: I also heard that this Brandon Adams is the "Secretary of State" in Tim Turner's restore the republic nonsense. :shock:
That business is either just outright insanity, or some kind of helter-skelter.

The guy I am talking about is a very below-the radar bona fide grifter.
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Welcome to Quatloos.

Yes, you are allowed to, and are encouraged to post real names and addresses for these people. However, on some of the other fora, scammers are posting the names of other scammers without giving specifics. Please give verifiable specifics.

I'm not accusing you of being a scammer. It's just that's important to distinguish yourself from those scammers using the board to malign the "good" name of other scammers.
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: add clarification, clarify contact information > addresses
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by chmtrls »

Arthur Rubin wrote:Welcome to Quatloos.
Please give verifiable specifics.
Give me some examples of what would be verifiable specifics.

If I don't have anything that fits that bill I will probably stop posting about this.
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by LaVidaRoja »

First - DOCUMENTS. If you were taking this information to the IRS or the FBI, what DOCUMENTATION would you have? Do you have material that this individual has provided to his 'customers' (or marks, as you prefer) that is CLEARLY intended to lead or deceive people into either illegal action or action that serves to do nothing but line the promoter's pockets?

Federal criminal investigators as a general rule do not want to have to do a lot of the initial work on an investigation. They want someone else to provide them with a solid foundation as well as the leads to build upon.

If you can say, "On Januayr 5th, Mr. X held a seminar attended by 20 people who each paid $50. At this seminar, Mr. X stated that by following his methods, you could legally, effectively and forever remove yourself from the US income tax system and earn as much income as you like, tax free." AND you have a tape of the conference and the names and home addresses of the attendees, IRS CI would probably kiss you. (and some of the female agents are quite good-looking) That is the equivalent of giving them the cake when all they have to do is put it in the oven. Unlikely that you have that degree of specific information.

BUT, if you have the date of the conference, the title of the conference, the approximate number of attendees and the amount they each paid, IRS CI might just send a wired agent to the next conference.

Do you have SPECIFIC INFORMATION? For example, Mr. X formerly owned 15 pieces of real property. In 2008, he deeded all of these properties to Corporation Y. Corporation Y is owned by the daugher and son-in-law of Mr. X. Mr. X is stil collecting all of the rents from the properties and is not reporting them on his personal income tax return.

IRS Criminal Investigations will want Mr. X's full name and address (plus any other addresses he may use) IF you have his social security number, they will of course want that as well.

Evidence is based on what you know as yourself and how you know it. It is not based on what someone has told you. You may "KNOW" someone is a crook and a low-life, but without independent, verifiable evidence, all you have is an unsupported opinion.
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by Gregg »

chmtrls wrote:
Arthur Rubin wrote:Welcome to Quatloos.
Please give verifiable specifics.
Give me some examples of what would be verifiable specifics.

If I don't have anything that fits that bill I will probably stop posting about this.

Welcom to Quatloos! I've been thinking all day about giving you what I call the "Lorne" treatment, a term you will not recognize but many others will. The brief explanation, and it has happened many times but this is the one I remember most, is about a year ago, a poster started a new thread, said he was a tax preparer who had a crazy client and how could we help him convince this nutball not to fold up his corporation, quit withholding on the employees and basically going down the path to ruin.
The first thing is, the guy described a scenario that if true, means he wasn't a guy doing a few tax returns in the basement for $50 a pop, as involved as he described himself as being with this client, he would have had to have been a practicing book keeper at least, or a CPA. In short, someone who knew better.
Within a week, maybe two, our mild mannered tax preparer who was only looking for the truth was full retard tax denier. He not only helped the client (if one had actually existed) do things that if true (I doubt) would have destroyed the lives not only of idiot client, but idiot client's employees, and if he was really a CPA or Tax Preparer (again, I doubt) destroyed his own life. He went within 30 days from looking how to tell the client he was crazy, to being the second dumbest poster we had behind a narcissitic 14 year old with bad manners.

You can go read it yourself if you're interested. I won't push the point. But the point is, if you're looking for answers, I think I can speak for many here who will be glad to help you find them, understand them, whatever you need. As a group you won't find a better free knowledge base for this kind of stuff anywhere. But if you're just trying to set up some way to make it look like you pulled a "gotcha" and play goofy word games and ask cryptic questions thinking you can steer it in such a way that we say it's all a big illuminati scam and the Retarded Monkey Marching Band is in fact right, well, you won't have a lot of friends here.
But I suspect a lot of those people don't have a lot of friends, anywhere.

I'm the resident cynical bastard, so if you're really looking for answers, please accept my apology for being, well, me. I can't speak for everyone but I'm betting I'm not the only one who was thinking it.

Best advice from me, tell us everything you know about the guy, links, any press he's gotten, a victim with a blog maybe... the research skills on this forum are scary good, we gots a cat in a helmet who scares the hell out of Dick Cheney, a little sweet innocent girl who runs a food pantry and rules an empire of long suffering interns and trained killer gerbils, vicious attack miniature dachshunds and a Georgia Redneck Lawyer who is almost as charming as me but knows the law pretty damn good.
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by LPC »

chmtrls wrote:Give me some examples of what would be verifiable specifics.
How about a name? You know, the thing that would allow us to verify who you're talking about.

I have to say that Gregg speaks my mind, because you claim to want to expose someone and yet you don't seem to want to disclose his name.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by Nikki »

Gregg wrote:Best advice from me, tell us everything you know about the guy, links, any press he's gotten, a victim with a blog maybe... the research skills on this forum are scary good, we gots a cat in a helmet who scares the hell out of Dick Cheney, a little sweet innocent girl who runs a food pantry and rules an empire of long suffering interns and trained killer gerbils, vicious attack miniature dachshunds and a Georgia Redneck Lawyer who is almost as charming as me but knows the law pretty damn good.
You forgot to include the collection of members and readers from a LARGE number of three-letter agencies.
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by Gregg »

Nikki wrote:
Gregg wrote:Best advice from me, tell us everything you know about the guy, links, any press he's gotten, a victim with a blog maybe... the research skills on this forum are scary good, we gots a cat in a helmet who scares the hell out of Dick Cheney, a little sweet innocent girl who runs a food pantry and rules an empire of long suffering interns and trained killer gerbils, vicious attack miniature dachshunds and a Georgia Redneck Lawyer who is almost as charming as me but knows the law pretty damn good.
You forgot to include the collection of members and readers from a LARGE number of three-letter agencies.
We don't like to brag.

You ever notice the movie Jaws hardly ever shows the shark?
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by Pangea »

Gregg wrote: I'm the resident cynical bastard, so if you're really looking for answers, please accept my apology for being, well, me. I can't speak for everyone but I'm betting I'm not the only one who was thinking it.
Nope, you were not the only one thinking that. I haven't been around long enough or spent enough time around here to be familiar with the "Lorne" thing, but the cynic in me was saying that something just doesn't feel quite right. The original poster uses all the right words. Not one wrong word there.

If I'm wrong, I apologize too.

Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by Pangea »

chmtrls wrote:He "inherited" from a very prominent (and now in Federal Prison) "UCC Redemption Guru," a "working with" list of hundreds of people whose information---social security numbers, color copies of the actual Social Security Cards, Certified Birth Certificates etc., which is stored---along with ALL of his "Ministry" info---on his large computer system.
If, as you say, this guy is violent, I wouldn't post a darned thing here. Take everything you know to whoever put away your above-referenced "UCC Redemption Guru." They'll start work on Baby Guru lickety-split.
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Re: Secured Party/Land Patent/Pure Trust/IRS etc Scam

Post by . »

Now MIA for the better part of 3 days in the face of serious questions.

Likelihood of troll? Approaching 100%.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.