
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

They are illegal to have here, but there is some kind of loophole because BofA and 5/3 Bank both will get them for you if you ask. I suspect there is some exception for people who are traveling to Iraq.
Another level of the scam is a lot of the "dealers" fill out the federal paperwork to become "money service business" which is a registration only and not some kind of license, although they then point to the fact that they are "Registered with the US Treasury" as a false legitimacy. Kids, anyone can be registered with the US Treasury, just go online and fill out the form. It's like early HYIP scams would legally register a corporation with a Sec of State and the rubes thought it meant the state had checked them out somehow, not knowing the only check for that is if the check clears and no one else has the name already.
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
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notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

True, but then they would have to show that they actually were going to Iraq, and that isn't real likely currently.

I'm kind of surprised, and yet not so surprised that BoA is selling them, but I know when I checked with the currency dept at WF to just check on the exchange rate, that they just sort of laughed, well snickered really, and said they don't handle them at all. Could be a real easy way to end up with a drawer full of worthless paper the way things are going.

As you say, the rubes are getting taken coming and going on this one.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:
As you say, the rubes are getting taken coming and going on this one.

More comings and goings, from the RAP-NESARA forum.

Saturday, April 2, 2011
Dinar Intel Update - 4-1-11

2:06 PM [ILOVEMYLIFE] [Robinredhed]

11:12 AM [Robinredhed] HEY

11:13 AM [XXX] hey lady... so I'll make this short... never ever have I had intel to provide.... take it for what it's worth... but I DO NOW. My best friend who got me into this investment. He is very very well connected.. and heavily invested. He texted me today.. 11:14 AM [XXX] His source in iraq..... and his source at the us treasury say that it's on... and we're just waiting for it to show up. He said a rate of 5.27... and he said that the IRS (one of his sources) said there will be a 15% flat fee for the dinar... just 15%

11:14 AM [XXX] please feel free to share with the other mods but please don't reveal my name to the public

11:14 AM [XXX] super duper good news

11:14 AM [XXX] never ever would I expect to have intel

11:15 AM [XXX]

11:15 AM [Robinredhed] TODAY?


11:15 AM [XXX] no... he said it's finished and will be released within the week

11:15 AM [Robinredhed] THANK YOU SO MUCH

11:15 AM [XXX] so you know...

5:55 PM [ILOVEMYLIFE] mtnmike] [sing4u2] It's Official...at 5:20p Est 3/31/11 Thomson Reuters system: Lock in all RV rates on Friday at 10p Pacific. They are released on Sunday at 5pm Eastern. Seen in US on Monday 9am Eastern. At 5:30 tonight Shabibi locked in he rates with the Thomson Reuters It's Official...at 5:20p Est 3/31/11 Thomson Reuters system: Lock in all RV rates on Friday at 10p Pacific. They are released on Sunday at 5pm Eastern. Seen in US on Monday 9am Eastern. At 5:30 tonight Shabibi locked in he rates with the Thomson R vipbuddies you are welcome....thomson reuters is the OFFICIAL bank screen company....THEY actually load the numbers...only fifteen people in the world have the key

5:56 PM [sunshine] [Mikki-RN] One of the largest banks within the US has received a wire (document) that shows the rate of the revaluation. I will not give any dates or rates, but I can say that US banks are receiving the information we have been waiting on. It was shared with me that this is not the first time that banks have been notified, so obviously things change, but I feel this time it will not. Hope this will bring you all much joy...we are on the verge of a hug blessing! Much Love!


6:07 PM [palm3tree] ptr call still on: guy got a call from someone from World Bank, who said that the RV occured today.... fresh off the phone press!


Definition - World Bank
1. U.N. bank: a specialized agency of the United Nations, established in 1944, that guarantees loans to member nations for the purpose of reconstruction and development.
Official name International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:21 AM

Anonymous said...


Iran's currency to shed three zeros

April 2, 2011 11:36 AM
Anonymous said...

This is it, this is it?!
Let's hope this comes to pass. this has been long overdue for the world stage.
April 2, 2011 1:50 PM
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Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Dinar Intel Update 4-3-11
> > 3:43:31 PM] Dreamworks: Folks...we are getting confirmations everywhere that the RV is done. They are coming in the form of documents being seen (and confirmed) at major banks in the US that came from the World Bank. The documents stated a rate but we weren't told what it was. Rumor has it that it was signed off on the 31st and we will see it probably Sunday night. Banks in the process of being informed. I have a friend "in the know" and he says there is allot of high level activity going on in Baghdad... I.e. Dignitaries
> >
> > [nvidaloca] and foreign officials arriving. This is driving us all crazy but have to tell you...the rumored rate is VERY high. More interesting news. It was stated on Fox news yesterday that something huge was going to be announced in the next 96 hours re: our budget. It looked like those reporting it were smiling from ear to ear and like their faces were going to crack.
> > [nvidaloca] I believe that this may be part of the "bigger than the RV thing" that I have been talking about. Just a tidbit on this......I know of someone that owes the IRS and pays them monthly. He just received a letter telling them not to make his checks out to the IRS any more...but the US Treasury. This could be a positive sign. We understand that by Monday the RV will be behind us. Have a great weekend. RB More later.
> > [nvidaloca] from another site
> >
> >
> > .9:39 PM [t2010] By the way, when the DB rep answered the phone today he appoligized if they were not answering the phone in a timely manner. Then he said there was a big manager meeting this morning. I said to him, you all must have been getting briefed on the RV this weekend. Then he said "yeah, but that's all I can say about it."
course we are. We will be happy to help you once this is released." There you go, not rumor, a fact. Go RV!!!
> >
> >
> > 4-1-11 Rich Queen Night Chat – PlanetDinar.com
> > 9:51 PM [sunshine] Hello ..just on...please re post R Queen 's intels please
> > 9:52 PM [Rich Queen] sunshine It's done. Cash in Monday 9 am EST
> > 9:52 PM [mjwagg] Rich Queen thanks .... I am scared
> > 9:52 PM [Rich Queen] mjwagg Scared feels just like excited. It's all about perspective
> > 9:53 PM [jwb] Rich Queen how do we know that?? 9 anywhere or just banks? When can we make our apt??
> > 9:53 PM [jwd] Rich Queen Do you think there will be some type of announcement on Saturday?? I have some reserves that expire on Saturday that I don't want to lose.
> > 9:54 PM [Rich Queen] jwb banks. Unless they take a little while to get it together. But they all will know Monday
> > 9:54 PM [Rich Queen] jwd Your reserves can't expire on a non-business day, as far as I know. Send an email to confirm to where you bought them from
> > 9:54 PM [Rich Queen] sunshine no idea how they'll time them
> > 9:57 PM [Soul Searcher] Rich Queen Do you concur with all the recent data??
> > 9:58 PM [Rich Queen] Soul Searcher 100% concur
> > 9:59 PM [Soul Searcher] Rich Queen Music to my ears...
> > 10:03 PM [Rich Queen] Soul Searcher Somebody got a question?
> > 10:04 PM [bobarom] richqueen have any Intel or confirmation?
> > 10:04 PM [Soul Searcher] Rich Queen Someone was asking for the Currency conversions
> > 10:04 PM [Rich Queen] DonnieDinar Sounds right to me. 3.87, if that is the GBP rate, x 1.60 +$6.19. Banks may give us $5.27
> > 10:04 PM [Hotshot] So I got a question, if the government is gunna tax us 15%+ on our trade in because it's dinars, what if we trade it to euros first then to usd?
> > 10:05 PM [Rich Queen] 3.87 GBP = $6.19 USD. $5.27 would logically be the bank rate
> > 10:06 PM [jwd] sarah2023 Both Dinar Trade and Dinar Banker are giving the CBI rate.
> > 10:06 PM [Rich Queen] Hotshot Good question. But you'd have to find someone willing to change a large amount of Euro
> > 10:06 PM [sarah2023] And the cash in date is Monday?
> > 10:06 PM [Rich Queen] sarah2023 Looks like it
> > 10:06 PM [bobarom] Rich Queen do you think it is done?
> > 10:06 PM [Rich Queen] bobarom I do
> > 10:07 PM [Rich Queen] DonnieDinar DT - 150 per 1,000,000. DB - 150 per transaction
> > 10:07 PM [bobarom] Did you get intel on it or just what you feel? That is so exciting
> > 10:07 PM [Rich Queen] bobarom Intel out the ying-yang
> > 10:07 PM [norskee7] Rich Queen: are you saying our bank rate is $5.27 and the CBI rate is $6.19
> > 10:07 PM [donna1224] Rich Queen will we see sunday cbi?
> > 10:07 PM [jwd] DonnieDinar Yes, that is correct. Dinar Banker is $150 per transaction, no matter how many you trade in.
> > 10:08 PM [Rich Queen] norskee7 This is what I am guessing from the different rates being bandied about
> > 10:08 PM [Rich Queen] donna1224 Dunno. I think so, but could be wrong
> > 10:08 PM [hawkeye] Rich Queen why did tony get a spanking from whomever , that he mentioned concerning intel they give out ?
> > 10:08 PM [jm44] Just remember, if you decide to work with a bank and they charge the full spread and the rate is 6.19/5.27 and DT and DB give the cbi rate....you loose 920,000 per million. Now that's a sobering thought.
> > 10:09 PM [Rich Queen] hawkeye Because it was obviously sensitive from a security standpoint. Oops!
> > 10:09 PM [Rich Queen] hawkeye No one was supposed to know some of this stuff. Super hush-hush
> > 10:09 PM [hawkeye] Rich Queen so these people must have monitored the site at ptr ?
> > 10:10 PM [Rich Queen] hawkeye ALL of these sites are being monitored. And the calls especially
> > 10:10 PM [myblifeguard] Rich Queen ...some think a secret is something you tell one person at a time..
> > 10:10 PM [myblifeguard] Rich Queen You know I am right..
> > 10:11 PM [Rich Queen] myblifeguard I do!
> > 10:14 PM [GTO] Rich Queen do you know if we have to deal with the fed.reserve or the treasury
> > 10:15 PM [Rich Queen] GTO I do know. Not saying in open chat. You're gonna be just fine
> > 10:16 PM [wdavid99] Rich Queen just your guess but will the irs be gone too
> > 10:16 PM [zuker3] hey RQ how are ya?
> > 10:16 PM [Rich Queen] wdavid99 Watch the news . . .
> > 10:16 PM [Rich Queen] zuker3 Great!
> > 10:19 PM [seeker] Lojack6T <. heres somethin from Txag13
> > 10:20 PM [Rich Queen] Taggert Evening citizen
> > 10:21 PM [Esther2011] Rich Queen I've been reading for the last few minutes and I just want to say I admire your patience and your graciousness. You Rock!
> > 10:22 PM [Rich Queen] Esther2011 Thanks!
> > 10:22 PM [Cheerio] nanamomma6051 I'm hearing both that we might see it tonight or this weekend.
> > 10:22 PM [Rich Queen] Cheerio probably not tonight. Not publicly posted tonight IMO
> > 10:23 PM [Cheerio] Rich Queen I received some emails today that said rv tonight. Didn't repost, because they are very vague
> > 10:24 PM [Rich Queen] Cheerio Reuters posts internally at 10pm PST
> > 10:24 PM [norskee7] Rich Queen: Did some one mention before our obligation to the irs would be 15% instead of 35% on short term capital gains?
> > 10:25 PM [Rich Queen] norskee7 I have heard that yes
> > 10:25 PM [palmer08] they going crazy on bond lady chat room
> > 10:26 PM [Cheerio] palmer08 what are they saying?
> > 10:26 PM [patriot1490] Where is the bond lady chat room?
> > 10:26 PM [Rich Queen] palmer08 What's happening there?
> > 10:27 PM [Rich Queen] I'm gonna go vist BL's site. BBL
> > 10:28 PM [nmb] 760-569-7699 766702# - that is the number for the PTR call that was at 6 est
> >
> > ------------------
> > [12:36:11 PM] Tee: Peoples Talk Radio
> >
> > Apr 2 11:34 AM [CAP1] ALREADYBLESSED elsie: [Mikki-RN] One of the largest banks within the US has received a wire (document) that shows the rate of the revaluation (BoA). I will not give any dates or rates, but I can say that US banks are receiving the information we have been waiting on. It was shared with me that this is not the first time that banks have been notified, so obviously things change, but I feel this time it will not. Hope this will bring you all much joy...we are on the verge of a HUGE blessing! Much Love! UPDATE!!!!!! SATURDAY MORNING [Mikki-RN] I shared some information on the call yesterday that I felt was completely accurate...I trust this person completely. Like all of you, I always feel better when I can confirm things with additional sources. I received a call a few minutes ago from someone who confirmed that these notifications did indeed go out to the banks...this came from someone much higher up the food chain. The words that were spoken were, "This can not be stopped now."
> -----------------
> 12:08 AM [Taggert] here's the Reuters rumor that was emailed to me, :
> Got this via email a few minutes ago. Original source is unknown, so
> TIFWIW: "It's official, on the THOMSON RUETERS SYSTEM (the backup
> screens to the Forex): - Shabibi locked in all RV rates on Thursday,
> March 31st at 5:30pm EST. They will be released on Sunday, April 3rd,
> at 5pm EST
when Forex opens and will be seen in the US on Monday the
> 4th of April at 9am EST when US banks open
> In 2008 The Thomson Corporation and Reuters Group PLC combined to form
> Thomson Reuters. http://thomsonreuter...ompany_history/
> In November 2009 Thomson Reuters announced that the Trade Bank of Iraq
> (TBI) became the first bank in the country to connect to the
> international foreign exchange and money market community using the
> Thomson Reuters Dealing trading service.
> http://www.ameinfo.com/217295.html
> On April 1, 2011 the following has been circulating the internet:
> "It's Official...at 5:20p Est 3/31/11 Thomson Reuters system: Lock in
> all RV rates on Friday at 10p Pacific. They are released on Sunday at
> 5pm Eastern. Seen in US on Monday 9am Eastern. At 5:30 tonight Shabibi
> locked in he rates with the Thomson Reuters It's Official...at 5:20p
> Est 3/31/11 Thomson Reuters system: Lock in all RV rates on Friday at
> 10p Pacific. They are released on Sunday at 5pm Eastern. Seen in US on
> Monday 9am Eastern."

> [CAGEtrucker] ok my banker lady here in WA whom I have spoke about
> many times called me around 8 last night to say they had received that
> memo. She did give me a rate of $.$$, she said they were told to be
> ready for this to go live and set appointments for Tuesday
> ------------
> Dinar Vets BofA Info: Dinar Vets 4/2/11
> Last week, my good friend Deb, to whom I exposed this investment,
> wanted to help her sister buy more dinars somewhere near her home. So
> she phoned a particular branch of BOA in NH. She asked for Wealth
> Management. When a young man answered, she asked if they were selling
> the Iraqi dinar. He replied that they weren’t selling them, that he
> didn’t have any himself but that many of the bank’s customers did,
> that all he knew about it was that they weren’t worth much of anything
> now but they would be soon, and that his manager told him they’d be
> cashing in presently because the RV was going to happen very soon. I
> don’t want to name the branch, because I don’t want this sweet but
> clueless guy to get into trouble over this revelation. Deb phoned me
> as soon as she hung up the phone with him and, needless to say, there
> was a certain heightened level of excitement during our chat! Then
> this week he phoned her to ask if she was going to be the point person
> for her extended family’s wealth management! This cinched it for me.
> ---------------
> Posted Today March 2, 02:10 PM
> I just got off the phone with Dinar Banker.....they will be opening up
> various locations.....he just can't advertise it until after the
> RV....I guess it is a new law from Treasury....anyway if you look
> below this is what it says at his site and the last sentence tells
> what he plans to do......don't worry....the rumor is NOT true about
> him closing down the locations.....
> 1. Schedule an appointment
> To schedule an appointment, you can call 1-888-346-2771 or e-mail
> exchange@dinarbanker.com This e-mail address is being protected from
> spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
> You can now lock in the rate for exchanging your Iraqi Dinar at the
> time you schedule your appointment!
> We expect to open locations anywhere in the U.S. That there is
> sufficient demand.
> ___________________________________________________
> It is Saturday morning and I just received an email from a very
> trusted source, so I know that what I am about to share will excite
> you greatly concerning the completion of the IQD RV...here goes:
> Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 8:09 AM
> Subject: Cautiously stated: We are there!
> After so many false starts, I have become more than a bit cautious
> regarding sending emails saying "it's over!"
> However, if any of you have been following the various sources of
> Dinar Intel, you will have noticed that they are all stating the same
> good thing: We are there - and we are only waiting for a "personal
> sighting" where we can verify it for ourselves.

> The majority of the Intel sources have become quite guarded about how
> much they will say and definitely about saying anything that would
> "out" their sources and cause problems for them. They are doing this,
> in part, because they have also gotten grief for saying it's done,
> only to have things change (This is, after all, Iraq). And because
> they claim that they had visits from men in suits telling them that
> they were saying too much, that they were harming the process by
> putting out Intel that was too accurate and that they were to
> (basically) shut up.
> So, that said, we have been told by the majority the following (they
> have also said that there is more that they would like to say, but
> can't):
> The RV was officially done on Thursday. Rate not given and only
> speculated on. $3.22-6.19. We will see.
> That the Treasury people who were over there helping get this set up,
> and who said they wouldn't come home until it was done, have come
> home. Only the IT Techs remain to make sure that the process flows
> smoothly.
> Shabibi (head of the CBI) signed off on the RV rate on Thursday PM and
> it was loaded into Thomsen Reuters. Which is huge and apparently not
> stoppable. It was said that we were just waiting for it to show up.
> When would depend on where. Perhaps tonight our time, when it is
> morning in Iraq and CBI opens for business. Perhaps tomorrow afternoon
> when Forex updates its rates. Perhaps tomorrow night when the CBI
> opens for business on Monday. Or (most likely) Monday morning when our
> banks open. This has been confirmed by many trusted sources, even if
> we can't yet see this.
> That all US banks have received a memo from the U.S. Treasury Dept.
> Telling them that they will accept IQD and to be prepared because the
> RV was rapidly coming down the pike. This has also been confirmed by
> many trusted sources, but not seen by us.
> Attached below is a copy of an e-mail I received this morning from our
> good friend xxx xxx, a naturopath in nearby Shoreline, WA. When I
> called her very early this AM, she was in tears. The essence of her
> email is that her partner, who lives in Bermuda, and who is connected
> to one of the major chat rooms, has gotten a personal verification
> regarding the Bank memo from the U.S. Treasury Dept, further verifying
> that the RV is taking place. Not quite the same as seeing it
> ourselves. But almost, for it is someone we know. And we also know
> that she has no investment in anything other than letting us know the
> good news. We are very, very close to seeing it for ourselves. And, by
> implication, to the end of this ride and cashing in! Time to
> celebrate!
> Well if that's not juicy enough, my partner who lives in Bermuda was
> called by her cousin here, she turned onto the IQD. He was at that
> same bank that calls themselves "the world's local bank". He told the
> banker about the IQD and the banker said "I know about the IQD cause
> I've been receiving emails for the last 2 days stating they revalued
> on Thursday. But I've been deleting them cause I didn't think it was
> relevant to Bermuda". He didn't know there's at least a hundred peep
> that own IQD in Bermuda!!!
> Holy cow folks. We are finally here!!!
> It should only take a couple days to move onto all the bank screens
> then we can claim our blessing. Will keep u posted.
> --
> Make it a great day and God bless,
> Kerry, <><

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:14 AM
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Once again, from MacHaffie's RAP-NESARA forum.

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Dinar - I was challenged to post this
This is what one reader challenged me to post - I disagree but will abide by the blog guidelines to post it.

Hi John,

I note you say on your website that you support freedom of speech and both sides of the issues that appear on your website. Your website implies that you hold Christian values and since I keep seeing updates on the Dinar RV on your blog I though that you might want to give the viewers of your blog the alternative information which is that the Dinar RV is a very very well documented scam used by hard currency dealers to offload soon to be worthless paper on people for profit. Unless of course you are part of it and wish to deceive and defraud your readership.

This scam is list by many law enforcement agencies internationally. The fact that the Dinar is about to be revalued has been a rumour since 2006 with no supporting evidence that stands up to careful scrutiny. There are many excuses used by people as to why this is no longer a scam and might be a reality, but these are based on false economics. The Dinar is not going to be revalued and if it was it would never be on a '1 old dinar' for '1 new dinar basis', that is not how currencies have been revalued in the last 10 years, they are revalued using a ratio so that the relative purchasing power of individual old notes is not the same as new ones, so you may get 1 new dinar for 1000 old ones depending on the ratio they decide to use.

Please publish a link to this Youtube video that explains it very well:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fB0RDum ... re=related

If you don't then it will become clear what your true intention is and that contrary to your claim you do not give both sides and are happy for your blog viewers to be defrauded, which is clearly not a Christian value.

Kind regards

Robert Groom

Robert Groom [acerzw@msn.com]
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:43 AM

Sounds simple enough. I wonder what MacHaffie's readers think.

Anonymous said...

and who is robert groom? does he come with credentials?
April 3, 2011 10:21 AM

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right. There are literally thousands of people from all walks of life, including Al Hodges of Hodges & Associates in Pasadena, CA - a well known law firm which has nothing to gain from the IQD in any way shape or form lying their heads off about this revaluation. This would have to be the best orchestrated "scam' in the history of the world in order to even come close to what Groom is trying to convince us about. Sorry Groom - your out to lunch. Go do some serious research rather than just viewing a couple of videos.
April 3, 2011 10:28 AM

Anonymous said...

Will he be willing to eat crow tomorrow?
April 3, 2011 10:40 AM

MrsCK said...

OMG!!! Here is my freedom of speech!!!

Robert Groom is a UNeducated Dumbass!!!

He does a couple of google search's and slaps a few Youtube video saying it a scam!!! Gosh I hope this idiot doesn't live in the USA, be he probably does and has the same IQ as a redneck jimbob!!

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the Post John...needed a gut laughing moment!!
April 3, 2011 11:14 AM

Anonymous said...

"Kudos"I get my INTEL from DINAR DADDY http://theiraqidinar.com/ All the rumors and more sober synopsis posted daily. Also a signup for real time live RV sent to your email or SMS. I have a mil dinar. Doubt if I would buy more.Silver has doubled for me in the past several months.
April 3, 2011 11:28 AM

Anonymous said...

Here is this guys web page.


Personally, I am not in line with his opinions and beliefs.
April 3, 2011 12:31 PM

Anonymous said...

Wow...it's amazing what people will say when they have the freedom to do so....how about doing a little bit of your own research and, talk to some folks who have studied this from an historical standpoint...as in...BrettonWoods Agreement, Marshall Plan, and, how about the International Compact for Iraq that was signed several years ago? When you have done that...come back and tell us how foolish you feel.
April 3, 2011 1:37 PM

Anonymous said...

Bob should go smoke some more mushrooms and stick to creating that psychedelic digi-art ...lol
April 3, 2011 2:21 PM

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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

Gonna be a lot of disappointed lemmings in the morning, eh?

I especially like this gutless wonder
Anonymous said...

Will he be willing to eat crow tomorrow?
April 3, 2011 10:40 AM
He gave his real name and website, Sparky, the real question is will you?
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.

Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Harvester »

The fact that so many of you Quatlosers are mocking this is interesting.

So a $10 investment could payoff about $30,000? That's a longshot.

Where can I buy some? :mrgreen:
Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Harvester wrote:The fact that so many of you Quatlosers are mocking this is interesting.
The fact that you are mocking Quatloos by calling us "Quatlosers" is interesting. Exactly what have we "lost" by not signing on to these online scams? Billions of dollars from Prosperity Programs (which I understand will pay out either right before or right after NESARA is announced, which will be any day now)? Millions of dollars from some guy in Nigeria? Tens of thousands from worthless bank notes? Please be specific!

As for us being "mockers" I think you're using the wrong term here. While I and others use humor to try and lead the gullable who might stumble on this site through a search away from losing their money, "mocking" implies other things. Then again, I have no problem mocking scammers who would rather cheat people out of money than get a real job.

Harvester wrote:So a $10 investment could payoff about $30,000? That's a longshot.
"Longshot" doesn't go far enough. I would prefer "financial impossibility."
Harvester wrote:Where can I buy some? :mrgreen:

I would suggest the guy in South Dakota, but he's in jail now.

By the way, you had promised us a retraction post if RAP wasn't the new government by July of last year(actually sooner than that, but I was being generous). We're still waiting.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by The Observer »

Harvester wrote:Where can I buy some? :mrgreen:
It would figure that Harvester is so far out of the loop that he failed to get in on this scam and lose even more money.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

The Observer wrote:
Harvester wrote:Where can I buy some? :mrgreen:
It would figure that Harvester is so far out of the loop that he failed to get in on this scam and lose even more money.

He's a frycook at a flea market, how much can he lose?
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

I will further mock the Dinar RVers by posting their words verbatim. I know, I'm nasty and cruel, but everybody needs a hobby.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Dinar Intel Updates - 4 - 5 - 11

Submitted by Dick - Thanks Again

Ok, From my 2nd Call to my Tax Collector Friend which had Lunch Today with member of US Treasury team that was in Iraq, but now home in the U.S. He Stated- Be Patient, Rate is already posted on CBI. I REPLIED!! WHAT, i dont see it... HE Laughed and said You Won't see it, Your looking at original CBI website. There is a NEW CBI Website they built with much more technology to handle what it needs to handle to communicate within the Banking Industry on a global basis. New site is Built but only avaliable to the IT Teams, and other entities directly related to the release of RV, and stepping onto the global platform. The New Site HAS NOT BEEN made LIVE or Published to the public. That will not happen until things are in full swing and running smoothly. They ( IT Teams) are monitoring things and will publish site when ready. Which old site will disapear at that time. OK My thoughts , WOW, OMG, makes sense. I guess there really is no need to be going to the cbi website..

A friend of all of ours from this site handle is abrahamlincoln went down to the WTC in Los Angeles to purchase more dinar this AM. Abe got to the location and there was a line--not sure if everyone was purchasing Dinar but the individual in front was. Abe has purchased at this location before but has never seen a line this long an. Abe got in line, got to the window placed the order for dinar which they were sold out. Got the receipt and asked if it revalues before she gets the dinar would it be honored. She was told yes!!! The best part is there was gentleman behind Abe who was a serviceman and was in dire need of funds and there to sell 2 million Dinar. Abe told this man not to at least for a day of two. The teller at the window confirmed that it would not be a wise decision to sell the dinar today.

[BGG] Lets start with a recap....I'm going to recover Fridays info, then a couple of sources, then BigBucks info from last nite - after that I'll add some late breaking intel (late last nite). Go ahead and copy this and "repost" so I know I won't have to type it over and over. Thanks

[BGG] I have post a couple of times about various sources - this info on Friday came from one of my guys. There was such a bulk of intel - I arrange a cc with a couple of mods so they would get it correct and straight from the guy...no “he said-she said.”

Regarding the US Treasury info - They were over there assisting the CBI on about the 13th of Feb. They had all of their work pretty much done for the RV in about two weeks. So roughly the end of the month we were hearing it could happen any time. They were going to stay until it had happened (RV). They told us they were on an hr-by-hr watch since the end of Feb(ish). You see why I have been saying it could happen at just about any time? They were looking to come home. We got word late last Friday afternoon that the Treasury team was coming home. They were only leaving the IT team to help with any infrastructure problem - still saying good to go anytime. They had also said - plainly all the political stuff was agreed to and ready, just waiting for the "announcement". We were told a couple of times they could not believe it hadn't been done yet - it had been long ready.

[BGG] Now for the good stuff, more recently (Robin told me to share this - last nite info). The Secret Service sent 128 agents over to Iraq. They landed last nite. It appears they are there to gaurd dignitaries....and (in my opinion) guard the money. We had this conversatation last nite....there aren't that many dignitaries to gaurd. Secret Service are used to guard currencies also. My guess is they may very well be there to oversee the "transfer of funds" not an atypical assignment for them. All of the Secret Service intel was veified via phone and background check. It's good.

[BGG] One final contact was working "in the CBI" working on technical infrastructure issues - this person is no longer needed and has changed assignments. The job is done. P.S. This person said they could no longer get dinars - as of late last week.

Here's my last request, not all of this is my intel, I don't know everything about it - but it is the best of the stuff I hear regularly. Some of it I was first hand to and some not. Much of it was research and some not. Do not use this information in any future decisions of any kind...other than my comment to "stay safe". Further, don't blend it and mix it with other info - leave it as is. Thanks. That's it....

[BGG] Now - I know this is coming - what do I think? I think today, tomorrow, the next day - maybe next week. I'm not absolutely sure....this I am sure of, we are close so hang in there....and for Heavens sake - quit buying reserves you can't afford!!! I didn't share this so you could go make some gigantic gamble.

bluwolf] Protocol its all about protocol
[solidgold]Am I correct in assuming that it is just working its way through the system?
[bluwolf] Yes that is correct
[bluwolf] All I could say is that there is alot of buttons being pulled--alot of banks involved
[msjeta1] bluwolf would the main hub in Switzerland be the main location for this?
[bluwolf] 900 banks and yes sr
[JeffM] bluwolf with all these people/banks involved, you don't think there is any way this would have leaked into the mainstream media by now?
[bluwolf] Gag order
[solidgold] bluwolf So do you have any estimate of time frame?
[bluwolf] Around 12 to 2 tommorow
[solidgold] bluwolf That sounds wonderful-- 12 AM to 2 AM ??
[josepi] bluewolf AM or PM?
[bluwolf] Pm sorry big fingers small cel
[solidgold] bluwolf So just clarifying - you're saying around noon or early afternoon tomorrow EST?
[bluwolf] Yes I am
[bluwolf] Look to much data--everyone must be in the same page, and then is a go
[bluwolf] This is time consuming
[bluwolf] I wish the best for all
[bluwolf] Well a sign at 5 pm est it will be 12 am in Iraq things could happen
[bluwolf] Wto all voted yes yesterday
[solidgold] bluwolf Ok - so are you saying it is possible we might see something yet today?
[bluwolf] Exactly. see ya. must work

[Cessie] scribe Everyone This RV process is and has been out of human hands for a couple of days. No one person is responsible. The name of the procedure in the last part of the RV program is called "Optimal Time Insertion of Data" and that is what I was just told by a contact. It is in the last phase of the RV portion of this computer program. ************** The title says it all. It means the best and most effective time to insert the code that activates the global RV. When the optimal program completes then the RV of the IQD with new rate will show on every financial screen within 6 to 8 hours.
[wycoffjul] Cessie Did that come from your sources?
[Cessie] wycoffjul Yes

From Dinar Daddy... Skype Chat: 4/4/11 (Tony Blair Announced Iraq Part of WTO?) April 4, 2011 02:31 pm · Posted in CHATS & POSTS (Iraqi Dinar Info) · Comments Off Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 6:13 AM Subject: This is from Skype – Iraq saratucson: 4/3/11: 9:39 PM just got IM that Tony Blair announced Iraq is part of WTO 9:39 PM Tony Blair announced an hour ago that Iraq was accepted into the WTO 100 *** 10:05 PM Q: CNBC showing Iran dropping 3 zero’s from it’s currency 10:06 PM preannouncement – just one of the other countries RV’ing tomorrow 10:07 PM spilled the beans 20 hours early saratucson:

[4:46:23 PM] Rob Myles: [nvidaloca] Mikki-Rn hey girl I have just had two calls back to back one was treasury info person the other IMF and both stated the same thing RV in process and will be released as soon as Iraq banking system is ready to go. what was thought to be ready was not . The hold up has nothing to do with a minister period that is smoke . They have built a new web site and entire I T system throughout the banking industry in Iraq and when it is finally fully functional the release will be released . THIS IS WHY OUR TREASURY I T TEAM HAD STAYED BEHIND. REMEMBER? POPPY2 Rest easy friends I am very encouraged before the TO meeting we will be cashing in or at least be making our appointments

[jolyn6896] solidgold Thanks for sharing. My husband went to work yesterday and a guy he turned on to the dinar told him that he met up with an old friend who is assistant brach manager at Regions here locally. He said she told him they had been receiving memo wires all week to get ready because people will be exchanging alot of foreign currency this week. She told my husband's coworker that she didn't know what that was all about because she doesn't know he has dinar and doesn't know about the dinar. But my husband and his friend knew what that meant.

Date: Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 8:07 AM
Subject: FW: Last of the Dinar Rumors for the Day!! from Monday nite - 4-4-11

Hello Guys!
Well, we have had a ton of intel out today! I know everyone is disappointed that the RV did not show up today but I really feel we will see it within hours or the worst case, later this week. There is just too much conformation that it is done and has not been actually released yet. Just so you know, I will be gone most of tomorrow, so I will not be able to send out updates until I get back. But if the RV happens in the morning, I will ask my sister to send out a notice. I am taking a note with me tomorrow as where I am going, there is branch of the bank that I am using. How is that for optimism?? Just don't get down and out, this thing is about over guys!! Have a Wonderful Tuesday and Go RV!!

[cameron1432] more rumors! wow there was alot out today... hope they are true....ILOVEMYLIFE] [Esther2011] New intel from a friend. He just told me his parents went into a US Bank in Springfield, MO today 4-4 11, to open a non-interest bearing account and they were told the IQD had just revalued. It has RV’d!!! I’m just too excited!!!! Esther2011 [Esther2011] I think they have reserves. They just went in to get their account ready for it [Esther2011] payitforward It was at a bank. My friend heard from his parents. US Bank [Esther2011] Sorry that's all I have. just had to share real quick. I'll try to get more details [4:46:59 PM] Pam: [Esther2011] OK I just called my friend to get more details. It was his aunt and uncle, at US Bank in Springfield, MO. Went into open a non-interest bearing account. They were speaking with a VP at that branch and they were told the bank had been notified that the rate had been revalued. They were still waiting on a rate. That's all I have, but it is exciting to hear from someone I actually know!!!

OKIE Late Afternoon 4/4/11
« on: Today at 05:36:02 PM »

[okie_oil_man] good afternoon america and ships at sea. Normally i do only 1 post a day and then answer a few questions then whish--i'm gone. 2 or 3 days ago i decided to share with you some private e-mail's since we're all family and should have no secrets from each other. I have received all the rumor e-mail's floating around that i am sure you have read the same thing. Well--i will share my e-mail's on the basis of it not being my personal intel but rather information furnished me by others. 1 of the most interesting e-mail from bagdad today was that 2 of the 3 ministers was presented and accepted in parliment today and the remaining minister will be approved tommorow (tuesday)--even tho i have been told many times before the gov was seated--evidentially it was not--this seems to be in conjunction with iraq's need for a gov to be formed previous to the wto meeting on the 7th or 8th (i have heard both as being dates--i am not sure of exact date). And yes it now appears the iqd will be compared with the euro instead of or in conjunction with the usd. I have been furnished a new and higher rate today than was furnished me for the last 10 days. It appears that kurdistan has been a problem until today when concessions were made to get them on board as far as new laws proposed on revenue sharing and ministeral seats.contrary to popular opinion---no---shabbi is not locked in the mens room without toilet paper. (i knew you would laugh) seriously tho--it is furnished me that we are only days if not hours away from the r/v and watching the cbi website will be of no use since a new and private web-site for the cbi will only be viewable by a select few and that is on a subscription basis. The information i am posting is from those in the position to know what they are saying and not just idle rumors that seem to be flying fast and furious at this time. If anymore intel that has substance and is confirmable--i will share--remember--i am only a messenger--nothing more--i share as it is given unto me--god bless you all and godspeed the RV

Blaino April 4th, 7:00 PM CST update
« on: Today at 07:17:47 PM »

As the day has progressed much has happened, trickled in: US Federal Reserve Team member, now home from Iraq after being there since November or so, and having arrived home several days ago states that Government Corruption has been a leading reason for delays, etc... so they learn fast! ( LOL ) All the massive amount of cabling, wiring, training and so on has at last been accomplished. The Fed team is mostly all back home now. The compiled intel is that: The IQD is RV'ed, has been done for awhile now, new CBI website is up... (I got a VERY quick peek at what 'appears' to be a part of it... & no I don't think 12,000 Dinarians trying to get into it NOW would be a good thing, so do not ask) .... There are WAAYYY too many stories to even begin to recount here about Banks ( I spoke with the Springfield, MO Branch minutes before closing myself and should have some confirmations tomorrow... make or break the intel), and on the UBS Bank in Zurich ... .... and much more. SO... either some of this stuff is true, or there is a huge conspiracy to convince us that it's true for... ? what possible reason??? Remember that if just 1 of thes stories is true... just 1..... we HAVE an RV! I'm just sayin.....
My own thoughts on rate is as follows, feel free to quote me. I believe that we will see an RV rate of $5.72 give or take $.42 sooo.... the "range" would then be: $5.30 to $6.14 [Blaino] At that time the IQD would eclipse the KWD (Kuwaiti Dinar) in value, failing a mutual RV, and I think the KWD might then jump to some figure slightly ahead of the IQD to retain it's superior value (pride?) resulting in a "Double Pop" RV in the region, anyway. So if the IQD goes and the KWD doesn't... a few $ into KWD might be a safe bet and a reasonable shot to take for a short and enjoyable ride! (Methinks) The intrinsic worth of the KWD is good insurance that there could be no sustantial loss ($) as that currency has always maintained a gradual climb since it's reintroduction some years ago.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:38 PM 0 comments
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by ClemIsBack »

I'm waiting to hear that Bush Sr wiped out the dinar with his HAARP machine.

Bush Sr is pretty old .. do you suppose he used it on Atlantis ?
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

At that time the IQD would eclipse the KWD (Kuwaiti Dinar) in value, failing a mutual RV, and I think the KWD might then jump to some figure slightly ahead of the IQD to retain it's superior value (pride?) resulting in a "Double Pop" RV in the region. blah blah blah..fap fap fap fap...
As laughable as that is if it were true and the Kuwaiti Dinar was circulating in a like quantity, but when you figure that there are 27,000 IRD for every single KWD in circulation, it only takes a little arithmatic to conclude that when the IRD revalues to $6.14 a share, 94% of all the money in the world will be IRD.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:Gonna be a lot of disappointed lemmings in the morning, eh?

I especially like this gutless wonder
Anonymous said...

Will he be willing to eat crow tomorrow?
April 3, 2011 10:40 AM
He gave his real name and website, Sparky, the real question is will you?
Anonymous (I agree that it's unlikely to be his real name) might want to review his recipes for crow, especially given that "tomorrow" was last Monday. Since the Iraqi Dinar thing is a real crock, I offer this recipe I got from the web:

Crock Pot Crow

12 - 16 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) (6 - 8 crows)
2 cups barbecue sauce
1 cup water
1/3 cup of brown sugar
1/3 cup of chopped onions
1/3 cup of chopped green peppers
salt and black pepper to taste

Shred crow breasts into as small pieces as possible. Add to crock pot with all other ingredients. Cook in crock pot for 6 hours on low. Serve over rolls or bread. Makes 4 servings.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by GlimDropper »

There are a pair of names I want remembered in the Dinar RV context, two guys really going out of their way to sell this "deal." Bradford Huebner of Toledo Ohio and Rudolph Coenen of Jacksonville Florida. I've just started doing a little digging and both these are starting to look like a very questionable investment of our collective oxygen supply.

Bradford Huebner runs the BH Group website selling not only the Iraqi Dinar but such MLM favorites like Xango, iZigg and Talk Fusion. From his website you can purchase 100,000 Dinar for only $170, or a bit better than 588 Dinar to the Dollar, but that does include shipping. I could have sworn the fair price was closer to 1,200 Dinar to the dollar but I'm not spending my days on podcasts telling people how much the Dinar will appreciate.

Rudolph Coenen has a string of companies which Sunbiz.org describe as "ADMIN DISSOLUTION FOR ANNUAL REPORT" but one active one, BAYSHORE CAPITAL INVESTMENTS LLC. Brad's BH group website tells us a bit more about Rudolf"s financial offerings, he's running a hedge Fund:
Investment Requirements and Eligibility

Any potential investor with Bayshore Capital Investments, LLC and the Iraqi Hedge Fund, LP I and II must be a Registered Member of The BH Group: http://www.thebhgroup.org (Free Sign-up). The BH Group is the exclusive marketing agent and will solely determine the eligibility of every participant in the initial two Hedge Funds, which have a total of 1000 seats.

All communication for these seats will be through the following E-mail: hedgefund@thebhgroup.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and not Rudy Coenen, CEO of Bayshore Capital Investments. Rudy will be communicating with individual investors once their eligibility to partcipate in the fund has been determined.

Due to the overwhelming response for this initial offering, the only fair way to allocate Seat Positions for the Iraqi Hedge Fund, LP I and II is to base it on the total amount of Iraqi Dinars purchased DIRECTLY from The BH Group up until this subscription is closed.

All BH Group members will receive a questionnaire asking you to confirm the total amount of Dinars you’ve purchased from The BH Group and if you’re interested in participating in the Iraqi Hedge Fund I or II. Please complete and return the following document immediately to determine eligibility.

Most people will NOT be able to meet the Qualifications required by the Security and Exchange Commission until AFTER the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. To accommodate those individuals, the inception date of the Hedge Fund will not start until 21 days after the Revaluation.
I know hedge funds aren't regulated the way mutual funds are, but can I just go out and set one up myself? I mean if I get a few hundred drooling morons on a Blog Talk Radio show and tell them I'm a hedge fund manager, can I solicit investors? Is there any required licensing or registration?

I really don't want to listen to another one of their podcasts, I heard one last night and used it as an insomnia cure but as I was drifting off I could have sworn I heard Rudolf telling people about a $750 membership fee, which I guess is why I started doing a little digging today.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

I finally got fed up so i went to dinar vets . com and registered, posted about 5 times, wrote a pretty long post in a new topic and got banned in a few hours. Funny how they seek the truth, as long as it doesn't upset their fapping...
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

I know hedge funds aren't regulated the way mutual funds are, but can I just go out and set one up myself? I mean if I get a few hundred drooling morons on a Blog Talk Radio show and tell them I'm a hedge fund manager, can I solicit investors? Is there any required licensing or registration?

there is some, not much, and I'm pretty sure this guy didn't get it. His bigger problem just on that post is it's illegal for hedge funds to advertise or solicit investors in any way. Another it hedge fund investors have to be "Qualified Investors" or "Sophisticated Investors" which is a strict set of criteria about net worth, income etc.... Is this bozo in Ohio? I got peeps in Ohio I can that investigation going before the next RV rumor.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by GlimDropper »

Rudolph "Rudy" Coenen is the guy pretending to run the hedge fund and he's in the sunshine state. Bradford Huebner is in Ohio and seem to be acting as a feeder to the fund. I was aware of the "sophisticated investor" stipulations and I'd love to see Rudy claim his Dinar scam victims were in any way "sophisticated."

As far as how much advertising the guy's doing, feed Rudy Coenen and Dinar Daddy into Google, and add hedge fund to pair down the 50,000+ results. Kinda hard to claim it was a private offering when you have YouTube links.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

Well hell. That one is easy, he's gonna get a visit from someone from the Ohio Department of Commerce and get a chance to explain how a private offering is done with a webpage.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

I just made a quick call on the batphone, we got people on it.
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