
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie posted this on his anti-Obama RAP-NESARA forum.

Barack Obama Is Not Real
Rumormill News

STUNNING PHOTO EVIDENCE: Barack Obama Is Not Real Wonkette|Jack Stuef

Posted By: watcher51445 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 12-Apr-2011 06:24:38 ... 8b7d758e32

Wonkette|Jack Stuef

Sure, this may look like a photo of Barack Obama hanging out with his visiting grandparents while he was in college at Columbia, but how about this other photo WorldNetDaily’s Jack Cashill “found” that looks like a bad Photoshop job realer than the first one? “The bench is real. The grandparents are real. The wall behind them is real. Barack Obama is not.” Uh oh!
see: ... oshop_fail

Alex Pareene gets to the real story:

But unmentioned by Cashill is the single most insidious part of this deception: While Barack Obama is nowhere to be found in the unretouched version of this photo, his knee is still in between in grandparents.

What was Barack Obama’s knee doing in New York, while the rest of him was in Pakistan, and Indonesia? Dealing drugs? Why are mainstream journalists afraid to ask tough questions about the president’s detachable knee? The people have a right to know!

Nice try, but incorrect! Obama’s knee was actually stopping in New York to meet with a cell of Marxists to give them terrorism supplies it illegally brought back from Kenya (if all of Obama tried to go through customs, they would have noticed he was an illegal without a passport). The knee then flew to Chicago to meet with Bill Ayers, who detached HIS knee and sent it to Barack Obama, who by then was teaching gym class at a madrassa in the Kremlin. That’s the same knee that Obama had when he took the oath of office and is the same knee he uses today, which is in violation of the Constitution, which says only one individual can be elected president, not a combination of body parts of two individuals.

We assume the impeachment will be wrapped up by Tuesday. [Salon]

MORE: ... oshop_fail

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:54 AM 0 comments

Somebody at World Net Daily took a photo of the President and his grandparents and Photoshopped a young Obama out of it. Photoshopped it poorly (no excuse for being this lazy, but I guess when you're busy...). Anyway, the Photoshopped image was offered as "proof" the original was photoshopped, which only goes to prove Obama is a Moslem born on Mars or something. Wonkette thought this was funny, especially since Obama's knee is still in the Photoshopped WND version, and put up a post dripping with sarcasm, which went right over MacHaffie's head. Click the links, it's too funny for me to do it justice here.

Also see this in Media Matters (with photos you don't need to play a long, boring video to see).

Jack Cashill: Take A Knee
April 07, 2011 9:36 am ET by Simon Maloy

Jack Cashill, author of the charmingly insane book Deconstructing Obama, claims to have unearthed yet another shocking bombshell about Barack Obama's past. According to Cashill's WorldNetDaily column this morning, this photo of young Barack Obama and his grandparents in New York is a forgery into which Obama has been photoshopped:

Cashill writes: "The bench is real. The grandparents are real. The wall behind them is real. Barack Obama is not. He has been conspicuously photoshopped in. Who did this and why remains as much a mystery as Obama's extended stay in New York." He embeds a YouTube video that claims to have uncovered the "real" photo, seen below, in which Obama is nowhere to be seen:

Actually, to say Obama is "nowhere to be seen" isn't quite accurate, given that the young future president's right knee is still somehow visible in the "real" photo:

So yeah: Jack Cashill is a clownish buffoon. Be sure to tell that to the hosts of Fox & Friends the next time they have him on national television. Also, drop a line to Andrew Breitbart, who is quite enamored of Cashill's "convincing work."
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Re: Clueless

Post by Deep Knight »

The Media Matters article has a link to the original story, but strangely enough this part has been removed. 5 days ago. These rabid "we're willing to believe anything anti-Obama" folks figured it out, but MacHaffie can't. Nor can Watcher51445, who posted this on Rumormill Newz, as he did with this which MacHaffie posted right after the stuff above.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A brand new, in-depth investigation into the background of Barack Obama
Rumormill News

A brand new, in-depth investigation into the background of Barack Obama

Posted By: watcher51445 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 12-Apr-2011 06:51:17 Also, WHAT was the 1st executive order-seal all his records-so much for that open & transparency thingy

A brand new, in-depth investigation into the background of Barack Obama may spell big trouble ahead regarding the issue of Presidential eligibility.
The investigation was conducted by Northeast Intelligence Network “a team of experienced, professional private investigators whose services have been utilized by Fortune-500 companies. The director, Douglas J. Hagmann, is a 23-year veteran in high-level investigations and is a member of the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association.
Hagmann's investigation into the background and Constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to serve as President of the United States is extensive and thorough. His conclusions are stunning.

Barry Soetoro aka Obama : Going Down Faster Than A Two Bit Hooker! ... ble-ahead/

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:56 AM 0 comments

Some of this insanity just might be explained by their using "two bit hookers." Not an industry where you want to go for extreme deep discounting.
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Re: Clueless

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Decapitation succession talk behind doors on Capitol Hill
(John, I have permission from Wayne)
[Yes, but do you have pemission from John Wayne?]

Demise of Federal Government is starting and it will be quick.

The following reporting just came out on "The Wayne Madsen Report" on what is happening on the hill behind closed doors and with urgency.

April 12-13, 2011 -- Decapitation succession talk behind doors on Capitol Hill

For the first time since the weeks and months after 9/11, Congressional leaders and staff are, once again, discussing presidential line-of-succession. The focus is on the Senate President pro tem position, which, according to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, places the Senate President third in line of succession to the President after the Vice President and Speaker of the House of Representatives. Also being discussed in the re-constitution of the U.S. Congress in the event that a major "catastrophe" wipes out a number of senators and representatives.

Increasingly, lawmakers are concerned about the fact that due to seniority, the current and last Senate Presidents pro tem have been aging octogenarians. The current president, Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, is 86. Inouye replaced Senator Robert Byrd last year. Byrd was 92.

In the cases of Byrd, had the top leadership, the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House, been lost in a major catastrophic event, the duties of the presidency would have fallen, for all practical purposes, on Byrd's senior staff. The same situation now exists with the aging Inouye.

Although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has been reluctant to talk about proposals to change the Senate rules to ensure that someone more able-bodied and -minded is in the Senate President pro tem position, the seniority achieved by senators like Byrd and Inouye make it virtually impossible to force them to give up the prestigious position with all its perks.

Another term being used by Congressional staffers concerned about line-of-succession is "decapitation," a term not heard much since the days after 9/11. Decapitation refers to the sudden elimination of the top leadership of the U.S. government as the result of a catastrophic event, which could include a surprise nuclear attack on Washington, a major terrorist attack, or a Armageddon-level natural disaster.

It is not known what has prompted Congress's renewed interest in the line-of-succession debate.

This is evidence that there are white hat insiders that are in the know that the Fed Gov is going to be "decapitated".

They are looking at traditional catastrophes, however, this is more like someone knows that Obama is going to be exposed for being ilegit. A terrorist or nuclear attack wouldn't do nearly the decapitation job as going into a constitutional crisis because the president is null and void. This crisis would nullify the legitimacy of Biden, executive appointees, 2 Supreme Court judges, and Federal Judge appointees. This situation is fraud and treason. It is an overthrow of the government by an imposter - this act is treason. The domino effect reaches into both the Senate and Congress to anyone who participated in the cover-up - they have committed Misprision of Treason making them equally culpable.

Neither an act of terrorism, or natural disaster (e.g. Japan), can guarantee the "decapitation" of the Federal government. Deeming Obama inelligible to be president guarantees that the Fed government will be decapitated. This constitutional crisis effectively wipes out the Executive Branch, large chunks of the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch (Supreme Court and Federal Court). I'd say it is truly a decapitation in the truest sense. By virtue of them talking about making constitutional changes in the Line of Succession (using that lame smoke screen of the age of the President of the Senate) is a good indication that the tradtional line of succession would not be legit either or would have to go so far down that there are no longer any consitutional parameters.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Can you spell Republic for the united States?

April 12, 2011 1:40 PM
David Mosher said...
This "constitutional crisis" should be dealt with with the imprisonment of most of the government leaders who have said nothing about the fraud.
Let's clean house and promote the Constitutional Republic that was re-inhabited in Utah in 2010.

April 12, 2011 2:08 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree this needs to be dealt with but I want NOTHING to do with RuSA/RAP or anything associated with it! Thanks but NO THANKS! WE the people will decide how it's handled, not a religious cult.

April 12, 2011 8:48 PM

It's not the decapitation, but the de-knee-ification of the President that's at issue here! Once the public realizes the President has no knee, there'll be heck to pay!
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Re: Clueless

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I just LOVE the way that self-appointed Constitutional experts like this are willing to share their wisdom with us... but can't quite seem to grasp just how the Constitution defines "treason" (see Article III, Section 3 for details). As for the reason why Congress is considering this change -- if indeed it is -- I suspect that they wish to, in the words of the Boy Scout Motto, "be prepared". The funny thing about this is that the reason for the discussion -- which I have heard before, for quite some time -- is staring them right in the face, when they discuss octogenarian Senators who may not be up to stepping into the top job.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools