FBI tells me the $10,000 I won will cost me ONLY $350

A forum for posting "You have one the lottery" letters, and for asking whether the e-mail that your received is real (it isn't). Real lotteries do NOT advise winners by e-mail, and they do NOT require the payment of any fees up-front.
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FBI tells me the $10,000 I won will cost me ONLY $350

Post by rogfulton »

Has fewer than normal mispellings. Bonus - official seal used twice and 'official signature' of
the FBI Public Affairs Director - Robert Mueller
None of the pics pasted. I wasn't able to find out much on lenovodo.net in my brief attempt to dig. WHOIS.net says it was registered by Adam lee Snuffer through Apptix, Inc.

Mon, April 4, 2011 7:14:21 AMFBI- MAIL ALERT (TREAT CONFIDENCIAL) REF: US/28028/8A28/11
From: Federal Bureau of Investigation <recruit@lenovodo.net>Add to Contacts
To: Recipients <recruit@lenovodo.net>


FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

REF: US/28028/8A28/11



This is to officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you legally won the sum of $10,000.00 USD. from a Lottery Company outside the United States of America. During our investigation we discovered that your e-mail won the money from an Online Balloting System and we have authorized this winning to be paid to you via a Certified Cashier's Check.

Normally, it will take up to 10 business days for an International Check to be cashed by your local banks. We have successfully notified this company on your behalf that funds are to be drawn from a registered bank within the United States of America so as to enable you cash the check instantly without any delay, henceforth the stated amount of $10,000.00 USD. has been deposited with Bank Of America.

We have completed this investigation and you are hereby approved to receive the winning prize as we have verified the entire transaction to be Safe and 100% risk free, due to the fact that the funds have been deposited at Bank Of America you will be required to settle the following bills directly to the Lottery Agent in-charge of this transaction whom is located in Lagos, Nigeria. According to our discoveries, you were required to pay for the following -

Deposit Fee's (Fee's paid by the company for the deposit into an American Bank which is - Bank of America)
Cashier's Check Conversion Fee (Fee for converting the Wire Transfer payment into a Certified Cashier's Check)
The total amount for everything is $350.00 (Three Hundred and Fifty USD.) We have tried our possible best to indicate that this $350.00 should be deducted from your winning prize but we found out that the funds have already been deposited at Bank Of America and cannot be accessed by anyone except the legal owner (you), the winner; therefore you will be required to pay the required fee's to the Agent in-charge of this transaction via Western Union Money Transfer Or Money Gram.

In order to proceed with this transaction, you will be required to contact the agent in-charge (CHARLES KENNEDY) via e-mail. Kindly look below to find appropriate contact information:


E-MAIL ADDRESS: charles01@blumail.org

You will be required to e-mail him with the following information:

You will also be required to request Western Union details on how to send the required $350.00 in order to immediately ship your prize of $10,000.00 USD via Certified Cashier's Check drawn from Bank of America, and also include the following Fund Reference Identification : EA2948-910.

This letter will serve as proof that the Federal Bureau Of Investigation is authorizing you to pay the required $350.00 ONLY to Mr. CHARLES KENNEDY via information in which he shall send to you, if you do not receive your winning prize of $10,000.00 we shall be held responsible for the loss and this shall invite a penalty of $3,000 which will be made PAYABLE ONLY to you (The Winner).

Please find below an authorized signature which has been signed by the FBI Public Affairs Director - Robert Mueller

Robert Mueller
Public Affairs Director - FBI. NSB SEAL ABOVE


NOTE: In order to ensure rapid response for the Fund won, contact Mr. CHARLES KENNEDY as soon as possible providing the required information needed from you above
I am sure the FBI has been "invited" to pay lots of these $3000 penalties. :whistle: :lol:

I wonder how many people don't realize blumail.org isn't the official FBI domain.
"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
- President Theodore Roosevelt