TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

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TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by LPC »

The 11th Circuit has upheld the Tax Court dismissal of a petition and sanctions imposed. The tax protesters primary grounds for appeal was that she had paid the tax (which oddly enough doesn't really seem relevant).

Tayra De La Caridad Antolick v. Commissioner, No. 10-13446 (11th Cir. 4/11/2011).



Non-Argument Calendar

Agency No. 21635-08L

Petition for Review of a Decision of the
United States Tax Court

(April 11, 2011)

Before MARCUS, MARTIN and KRAVITCH, Circuit Judges.


Tayra de la Caridad Antolick pro se petitions for review of the U.S. Tax Court's denial of her motion to dismiss, grant of penalties under 26 U.S.C. § 6673, and grant of summary judgment in favor of the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service ("Commissioner") on her petition for redetermination of deficiency. On appeal, Antolick argues that: (1) the Tax Court erred in granting the Commissioner's motion for summary judgment because there was still a dispute over whether she had paid her liability for the 1999 tax year; (2) the Tax Court should have granted her motion to dismiss after she paid her tax liability shortly before a court hearing on the Commissioner's motions for summary judgment and for penalties because her payment rendered the case moot; and (3) the Tax Court abused its discretion by granting the Commissioner's motion for penalties under 26 U.S.C. § 6673(a)(1)(A) and (B) because she did not file her petition for purposes of delay and her arguments were not frivolous. After careful review, we deny the petition.

"We review the Tax Court's factual findings for clear error and its legal conclusions de novo." Creel v. Commissioner, 419 F.3d 1135, 1139 (11th Cir. 2005). We review de novo the Tax Court's grant of summary judgment. Roberts v. Commissioner, 329 F.3d 1224, 1227 (11th Cir. 2003). Summary judgment is proper if the evidence before the court establishes that "there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that a decision may be rendered as a matter of law." Id. (quotation omitted). "In deciding whether to grant summary judgment, the court examines the facts in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party." Id. We review the Tax Court's imposition of penalties under § 6673(a)(1) for abuse of discretion. Id. at 1229.

First, we find no merit in Antolick's claim that the Tax Court erred in denying Antolick's motion to dismiss and granting the Commissioner's motion for summary judgment. The Tax Court has promulgated Rules of Practice and Procedure governing the conduct of proceedings in that court. See 26 U.S.C. § 7453 (providing that Tax Court proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with procedural rules promulgated by that court). Under Rule 53, "[a] case may be dismissed for cause upon motion of a party or upon the Court's initiative." Tax Court Rule 53.

The doctrine of mootness derives from the case or controversy limitation of Article III of the Constitution. Soliman v. United States, 296 F.3d 1237, 1242 (11th Cir. 2002). "[A] case is moot when the issues presented are no longer 'live' or the parties lack a legally cognizable interest in the outcome." Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486, 496 (1969). The question of mootness asks whether "events that occur subsequent to the filing of a lawsuit or an appeal deprive the court of the ability to give the plaintiff or appellant meaningful relief." Al Najjar v. Ashcroft, 273 F.3d 1330, 1336 (11th Cir. 2001).

Here, the Tax Court did not err in denying Antolick's motion to dismiss and in granting the Commissioner's motion for summary judgment. As the record shows, Antolick told the court at the hearing that she was willing to pay her liability, but she did not want to pay a penalty. Based on Antolick's own statements, then, the court did not err in finding that Antolick's motive for moving to dismiss was not to concede her case, but rather to avoid the § 6673 penalties, and Antolick failed to show cause for granting the motion to dismiss. Furthermore, contrary to Antolick's argument, even if she had paid her liability before the hearing, the case was not moot because the court still had to rule on the Commissioner's motion for § 6673 penalties. Bullock v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2006-139 (granting § 6673 penalties even after petitioner tried to voluntarily dismiss her frivolous petition). Because the issue of penalties was still "live," the court did not err in denying Antolick's motion for dismissal. Powell, 395 U.S. at 496.

Moreover, despite Antolick's claim the issue of whether her payment completely covered her liability remained unresolved, she has not shown that summary judgment was inappropriate. Regardless of whether Antolick's payment fully covered her liability, by tendering payment, Antolick conceded that she owed the liability, and there were therefore no genuine issues of material fact regarding Antolick's 1999 tax liability. The Tax Court properly granted summary judgment in the Commissioner's favor. See Roberts, 329 F.3d at 1227.

We also reject Antolick's claim that the Tax Court abused its discretion in imposing sanctions. The Tax Court may impose sanctions on a taxpayer if "(A) proceedings before it have been instituted or maintained by the taxpayer primarily for delay," or "(B) the taxpayer's position in such proceeding is frivolous or groundless." 26 U.S.C. § 6673(a)(1)(A)-(B). In the context of an in forma pauperis application, we have held that a claim is frivolous if "it lacks an arguable basis either in law or in fact." Miller v. Donald, 541 F.3d 1091, 1100 (11th Cir. 2008).

The Tax Court did not abuse its discretion in imposing a penalty under § 6673 because Antolick's petition was both filed primarily for delay and frivolous. As the record shows, Antolick's assertion that she maintained the proceedings because she had not received a notice of deficiency is disingenuous -- she did not mention it in her original Tax Court petition, and did not squarely raise it until she filed her amended objection to the motion for summary judgment. Moreover, Antolick told the court that she maintained the proceedings to have her questions answered, but Antolick provides no explanation as to why she needed these questions answered to pay her liability. Additionally, she waited until February 2010, less than a month before the March 1 hearing, to submit payment to the Commissioner. This was a year and a half after filing her petition in the Tax Court and six years after the IRS mailed the notice of deficiency. Thus, the record supports the conclusion that Antolick maintained the proceedings for purposes of delay. See Roberts, 329 F.3d at 1229 (holding that the Tax Court did not abuse its discretion by imposing a sanction because the record supported the conclusion that the petitioner had instituted the proceedings primarily for delay).

The record also shows that Antolick was aware that her arguments were frivolous -- Antolick had at least two warnings from the Commissioner that her arguments were frivolous before she filed her petition with the Tax Court -- and indeed, all three of her arguments were in fact frivolous. At the time of her petition, we had already identified Antolick's "income" definition argument as frivolous. Biermann v. Commissioner, 769 F.2d 707, 708 (11th Cir. 1985) (holding that an argument that the tax code does not define "income" is frivolous and noting that this argument has been "rejected by courts at all levels of the judiciary"). Further, Antolick's Paperwork Reduction Act ("PRA") argument was foreclosed by our prior precedent. See United States v. Neff, 954 F.2d 698, 700 (11th Cir. 1992) (holding that the PRA provides "no refuge from [the] statutorily-imposed duty to file income tax returns"). Finally, Antolick's argument that there was inconsistency in caselaw as to which section of the tax code imposed the duty to file a return is frivolous because she has failed to explain why it was necessary for the duty to file a return to arise from only one section of the tax code, why this inconsistency affected the collection of her tax deficiency, or why she could not rely on the statute itself instead of looking to caselaw to determine the origin of the duty. See 26 U.S.C. § 6012 (stating that "[r]eturns with respect to income taxes under subtitle A shall be made by the following," and proceeding to list the individuals who must file a tax return). Accordingly, the Tax Court did not abuse its discretion by granting sanctions against Antolick under 26 U.S.C. § 6673(a)(1)(A), (B).

Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by LPC »

The Tax Court order from which the appeal was taken:


Docket No. 21635-08L.


This case was called from the calendar in Columbia, South Carolina, on March 1, 2010, for hearing on respondent's motion for summary judgment and motion for a penalty under Internal Revenue Code section 6673 filed October 7, 2009. Also heard was petitioner's motion for dismissal filed February 26, 2010.

This case was commenced in response to a notice of determination concerning collection action, which sustained a proposed levy to collect taxes and additions to tax for 1999. The petition, the amendments to petition, petitioner's November 5, 2009, opposition to respondent's motions, and other documents submitted by petitioner contain many earmarks of frivolous tax protest. In setting respondent's motions for hearing by an order dated November 30, 2009, the Court identified the cases showing merit to respondent's motions and gave petitioner an opportunity to abandon her course of conduct and to resolve her outstanding tax liabilities without the necessity of enforced collection.

At the time of the hearing, petitioner continued to pursue long rejected arguments based on the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). See, e.g., United States v. Neff, 954 F.2d 698 (11th Cir. 1992); see also United States v. Patridge , 507 F.3d 1092, 1094 (7th Cir. 2008) (holding that the 1995 amendments to the PRA do not alter the conclusion). Petitioner represented that she is a paralegal and had found 75 cases on the subject, contending that one case created a "conflict". In no case, however, has a taxpayer prevailed on the contention that the PRA excuses a taxpayer's failure to file a return.

Petitioner's primary contention at the time of the hearing, however, was that she had paid the liabilities and that the case should be dismissed as moot. Respondent did not agree that the outstanding amounts were paid and noted petitioner's attempt to make payment conditional on acknowledgment that all claims between petitioner and the Federal government were satisfied. Petitioner had waited almost two months from the time of the Court's November 30 Order to propose payment, but she refused to execute a stipulation for decision and continued to make frivolous arguments.

In addition to the frivolous arguments, the unavoidable inference is that petitioner commenced and maintained this action primarily for delay. She has failed to show any abuse of discretion with respect to the notice of determination, and the history of frivolous arguments confirms the correctness of the determination. As a paralegal who claimed to have conducted research, she must have known better than to pursue the arguments rejected by the many applicable authorities, including those set forth in our November 30 Order. Her belated and incomplete attempt to avoid the consequences should be rejected. Even without frivolous arguments, a taxpayer's procrastination that unnecessarily increases the cost of litigation may justify an award under section 6673. See Suri v . Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2004-71, affd. (2d Cir. 2005); Griest v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1995-165.

Upon due consideration of the entire record and for cause, it is hereby

ORDERED that petitioner's motion to dismiss filed February 26, 2010, is denied. It is further

ORDERED that respondent's motions for summary judgment and for a penalty under Internal Revenue Code section 6673 filed October 7, 2009, are granted. It is further

ORDERED AND DECIDED that the determination set forth in the notice of determination that is the basis of this case is sustained, and petitioner shall pay a penalty to the United
States in the amount of $500.00.

(Signed ) Mary Ann Cohen

ENTERED : APR 20 2010
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by ASITStands »

The "Antolick" name sounds familiar to me.

Here's a profile of her background.

There's no previous discussions on Quatloos regarding her. I "sort of" remember her name from some of the other tax protester forums going back to the Yahoo! Groups. Not sure.

Here's a Scribd article by her, and here's a discussion on Bob Hurt's Lawmen Group

I haven't read her article, but it appears she doesn't like the Fair Tax proposal, and we all know it's probably because she thinks it violates the constitutional provisions of taxation.

Just more tax protester language more than likely.
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by Demosthenes »

From the 2009 Hard Drive o' Demo:

dezert's Reply : Free America Radio Network / Please See "Original Message" Below First :

Thank You Richard, for Your Excellent Letter of Support ! May You Live Forever !
Yes, To Date: Last week, they (The Local Establishment) tried to kill me by running me over with an automobile, coming directly out of their local Discount Tobacco and Liquor hang-out on State Route 20, but I was Quick to see them coming from behind in the dark and got out of their way. The next day, the threatening phone calls started, and then at about 3 AM in the morning the began to electronically blast me. I am losing my health very quickly and my body is now in constant pain with ears ringing EXTREMELY loud. All of this is the result of the local "Establishment" and "secret" handshake club, trying to take the property from my associate unlawfully. He is NOW winning and kicking their buts in the court, so the only thing that they have left is to be the very criminals that we already knew them to be. I need to relocate ASAP in order to save My Life and My Radio Network. The local Masons (Klan) in the post office have "tampered" with my mail in the past, so I highly recommend that people use Priority with .70 Cent "Delivery Confirmation." (Masonic literally means: "The Mothers Sons of Darkness! ) Perhaps this time "The People" will respond.
dezert-owl / The Real Public Radio .Net

P.S. I had to "Escape To Interlachen" after "Exposing" the corruption and "Ritual" of "Child Kidnapping" in East Texas by Eastern-Star CPS workers, in collaboration with the local Masonic Courts; where they, Our American Babies, ended up "dead," ritually abused, sacrificed, or sold into slavery outside of the U.S. The BATF were doing fly-overs above our cabin in the woods at the local establishments behest (After I Exposed them), and were going to take me out. Now, ironically, I have to "Escape From Interlachen FLORIDA." Please See The Zip Attachment that I produced back then, Called: The Criminal "Ritual" of Kidnapping in Upshur County, TEXAS... and spread the word !

In closing; If anything more should happen to me, the world should know, that the chief of police of Interlachen Florida has stalked me from the beginning and is therefore evidenced and in on the crimes against the "the people" and property owner here, namely Charlie and Tayra Antolick, Great Americans who are about to make History for Property Rights in de facto, America. I am leaving the area, and can't wait to go!

Thanks For Listening !!
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by . »

He is NOW winning and kicking their buts in the court
It doesn't count unless you also kick their ifs and ands.
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Demosthenes wrote:From the 2009 Hard Drive o' Demo:

dezert's Reply : Free America Radio Network / Please See "Original Message" Below First :

Thank You Richard, for Your Excellent Letter of Support ! May You Live Forever !
Yes, To Date: Last week, they (The Local Establishment) tried to kill me by running me over with an automobile, coming directly out of their local Discount Tobacco and Liquor hang-out on State Route 20, but I was Quick to see them coming from behind in the dark and got out of their way. The next day, the threatening phone calls started, and then at about 3 AM in the morning the began to electronically blast me. I am losing my health very quickly and my body is now in constant pain with ears ringing EXTREMELY loud. All of this is the result of the local "Establishment" and "secret" handshake club, trying to take the property from my associate unlawfully. He is NOW winning and kicking their buts in the court, so the only thing that they have left is to be the very criminals that we already knew them to be. I need to relocate ASAP in order to save My Life and My Radio Network. The local Masons (Klan) in the post office have "tampered" with my mail in the past, so I highly recommend that people use Priority with .70 Cent "Delivery Confirmation." (Masonic literally means: "The Mothers Sons of Darkness! ) Perhaps this time "The People" will respond.
dezert-owl / The Real Public Radio .Net

P.S. I had to "Escape To Interlachen" after "Exposing" the corruption and "Ritual" of "Child Kidnapping" in East Texas by Eastern-Star CPS workers, in collaboration with the local Masonic Courts; where they, Our American Babies, ended up "dead," ritually abused, sacrificed, or sold into slavery outside of the U.S. The BATF were doing fly-overs above our cabin in the woods at the local establishments behest (After I Exposed them), and were going to take me out. Now, ironically, I have to "Escape From Interlachen FLORIDA." Please See The Zip Attachment that I produced back then, Called: The Criminal "Ritual" of Kidnapping in Upshur County, TEXAS... and spread the word !

In closing; If anything more should happen to me, the world should know, that the chief of police of Interlachen Florida has stalked me from the beginning and is therefore evidenced and in on the crimes against the "the people" and property owner here, namely Charlie and Tayra Antolick, Great Americans who are about to make History for Property Rights in de facto, America. I am leaving the area, and can't wait to go!

Thanks For Listening !!
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Pass the, "Vitamin T".

If you're gonna drink, drink the good stuff.
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by grixit »

On transexual forums, "vitamin T" means testosterone.
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by Gregg »

grixit wrote:On transexual forums, "vitamin T" means testosterone.
I could have gone my whole life not knowing that and still be happy.

And why do YOU know that?
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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by grixit »

Sometimes something piques my interest so i go hang out on relevant forums to find out what people are saying. For several years i was a regular on some pretty hot religious venues, for instance. And a for about 5 months i read ts venues. The only constants i have are gaming, certain webcomics, and of course, here.

Anyway, on those forums there were a lot of personal stories on the order of "when i was 10 i wanted a toy bulldozer but they gave me an ez bake oven, that's when i knew i needed a penis". How about what you needed were broader minded parents? Got a little tiresome, actually, jumping from you don't feel the way you think people expect you to feel to deciding that you must be in the wrong body.

I say, you want to change your parts, hey go change your parts. But to feel that you need to do it because your mental outlook doesn't match the checklist of some social construct means you are no kind of rebel, you are not proclaiming your "identity", you are merely the ultimate conformist.

Anyway besides that, there was a lot of discussion of "binding" and especially "packing". because, you know, you've gotta have THE BULGE. And for those getting ready for surgery, a lot of triumphant declarations about how it felt to be "powered by Vitamin T". Which is why i have that association stuck in my head.

But it's ok, i'm out of that phase now and on to something i hope won't squick you: alternate history fiction. I'm currently working on a story in which Samuel Adams builds the Sons of Liberty into a mass movement, leading to a rejection of the federalists' plans. Instead, the Articles of Confederation are replaced by a unitary republic called Washingtonia, after the conveniently martyred war hero, and the establishment of the first leftwing regime.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: TP Pays Tax, then Appeals TC Dismissal, Sanction

Post by wserra »

grixit wrote:Which is why i have that association stuck in my head.
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