Librevester the Taxist makes more sense than normal


Librevester the Taxist makes more sense than normal

Post by LOBO »

In response to:
I need to be able to simply and convincingly demonstrate to a particular organization, not the IRS, that the "income" tax applies only to federally privileged receipt of money and that I am in compliance with the IRS codes.

Any suggestions?

Our resident rodent of clulessness offers thje following:
No, no, I say, I say, you're going about it all wrong son. Like saying, where in the Sears Employee Handbook it says the 10-min break rule only applies to Sears-granted privilege? It doesn't say that. Not in so many words.

The 10-min break rule, or any other Sears rule, doesn't apply to me. I'm outside Sears jurisdiction. I'm not a Sears employee, I haven't signed a contract with them, and I'm not under agreement or in a trust relationship. And if someone says that I am, I demand the contract/agreement be placed into evidence.

PS. show me how you were paid "receipt of money" and I'll tell you if you've contracted with The Federal Reserve
To which freeme (from being accepted for a loan or something apparently) replies:
Hello Libre,

Thank you for your response.

I have only a very partial understanding of what you wrote, not enough to be certain of the degree of truth in it.

I need something simple and relatively incontrovertible.

Neither I nor the organization I wish to convince are government entities or necessarily very educated in law.

He was in such awe of Libre the Wonder Hampster's response, he didn't even address this reply from Mooney:
The answer to that question is found within yourself. How were you convinced that CTC was the truth?

That's the way you convince others. For me, once I read CTC, I knew it was at least worth investigating. That investigation led me to file presentments with the IRS that reflected this new found understanding of the law. such as that loss in tax court

Since 2003, the IRS has done everything to prove that CTC is CORRECT...hands down. As Peter made clear in a recently directed screed against the "Pablo Rodriguez" crowd, the only thing stopping this country from enjoying the full satisfaction of that knowledge is the inherent and determined corruption of the Federal slave-making machine.

Others will only be convinced of the truth when their moral courage is summoned into action. Most Americans remain conflicted about CTC because they don't want to accept the FACT that their own government would deliberaltely engage in such wide-spread, evil behavior.

Yet our own history books (even the official and popularly accepted versions) show time and again that Federal Government routinely treats the people under its care and protection with abuse and disregard for their legal rights.

If people are not morally outraged at what is going on right now, then NOTHING will convince them to act in a CTC educated way.

For my part, I'm glad it was there when I found it. It gave me hope that their were some clear thinking and freedom-minded individuals still alive in this country, as well as reinforced the notion that COURAGE is required to be FREE. It also convinced me of the thorough lawlessness of our Federal Government, which to me is now no government at all, but a facade for the housing of some of humanity's worst criminals.

CTC gives you the choice...if there is a rule of law, then the law must rule....or there is no rule of law...then where are we really at with regards to the situation of human freedom in this country?

When people are ready to change...give them CTC before they get exposed to all the other garbage out there. If they are not ready, let them know you'll be there when (if) they become so.

Creating a culture of communication about these issues is paramount, which is where all of us warriors need to remain vigilant and positive in our efforts to disseminate this powerful information.

Keep it up!
Use the farce, Luke!

Re: Librevester the Taxist makes more sense than normal

Post by TheSaint »

Others will only be convinced of the truth when their moral courage is summoned into action.

Most Americans remain conflicted about CTC because they don't want to accept the FACT that their own government would deliberately engage in such wide-spread, evil behavior.

If people are not morally outraged at what is going on right now, then NOTHING will convince them to act in a CTC educated way.

When people are ready to change...give them CTC
You know, it's funny how much energy the tax protestor experts spend trying to get other people to do the actual protesting.

They're so sure of their own rightness you'd think they'd have no difficulty doing it themselves. But they don't, do they? They're always stressing the importance of "waking people up", while they sit on the sidelines and wait for one of their guinea pigs to get a favorable verdict. And if you get federal time for taking their advice, well, the cause needs martyrs, son. There's always someone new on the Internet who's never heard "there is no law requiring you to pay income tax."

I'm sorry if I'm being Captain Obvious here, but I'm butting heads with a friend who's getting sucked into the TP nonsense, and I guess I never noticed this cowardly aspect before.
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Re: Librevester the Taxist makes more sense than normal

Post by Famspear »

Patrick Michael Mooney wrote:
.....Since 2003, the IRS has done everything to prove that CTC is CORRECT...hands down.........

Yep, you just can't make up stuff like this. Pete Hendrickson, the creator of CTC, is in prison for using CTC on his own tax returns, and Mooney has lost two cases in U.S. Tax Court using the scheme.

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Re: Librevester the Taxist makes more sense than normal

Post by LPC »

Patrick Mooney wrote:Since 2003, the IRS has done everything to prove that CTC is CORRECT...hands down. As Peter made clear in a recently directed screed against the "Pablo Rodriguez" crowd, the only thing stopping this country from enjoying the full satisfaction of that knowledge is the inherent and determined corruption of the Federal slave-making machine.
Color me confused.

Is the IRS no longer part of the "Federal slave-making machine"? If not, why did the IRS do "everything to prove that CTC is CORRECT"?

And why is the IRS now assessing frivolous return penalties against CTC-educated returns?

And why was Peter ordered to repay his refund, and file "correct" tax returns if that's not what the IRS wants? And why is Peter in jail?

Mooney makes it sound like the government is at war with itself, and yet the only ones losing are at Lost Horizons.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Librevester the Taxist makes more sense than normal

Post by . »

Looney Mooney inadvertently stumbled across a nugget of truth when he wrote:give them CTC before they get exposed to all the other garbage out there
CTC being merely one type of garbage, I'm not sure that there's any advantage to being exposed to it first, but at least he got the generic classification right.
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