Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

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Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Dezcad »

Hendrickson has filed a Motion to Disqualify Judge Rosen with Exhibit (and to not have it reassigned to Judge Edmunds - the judge in his refund collection case) since clearly both judges are biased since they have ruled against the logic and clear legal analysis that Hendrickson demonstrates. Why woudl he want to have these judges disqualified after the trial and during the appeal?

Well, Hendrickson has filed another Motion to Vacate his conviction. In addition to the usual argument about Hendrickson not being a "person" and his other arguments he has made ad naseum, he adds another claim regarding Mark Lane.
the manifestly ineffective performance of Mr. Hendrickson's trial counsel, who
appears to have suffered from a stroke during trial.
Relevant Exhibits to Motion are below::

Exhibit C Affidavit of PH
Exhibit D Affidavif of Jack Hendrickson

The question that leaps to my mind first - Why is the issue of ineffective assistance of counsel being brought up now at this late stagel?

Two items from PH's affidavit:
11. Friday morning, Lane displayed to each of us on the defense team his blood-filled right eye, likely the effect, I am told by a doctor, of a stroke.
12. After I testified on Friday morning, I left the courtroom for a brief period. When I returned, Ms. Shauna Henline took the stand as a government "rebuttal" witness. Afterward, Mr. Lane declared that the defense rested. Court was adjourned for lunch; the jury was dismissed for
the weekend; and a post-evidence jury instruction colloquy was scheduled for later that
afternoon. At lunch, I learned that defense exhibits prepared for publication to the jury, and
which I had imagined must have been introduced while I was absent from the courtroom, had
been overlooked or forgotten by Mr. Lane. I expressed grave concern and dismay, but Mr. Lane,
after thinking about it for a few moments, said it was too late to do anything about it now, and
not to worry, it would “be okay.” Mark Cedrone later proposed re-opening the defense case as a
means of rectifying this massively-harmful mistake, but Mr. Lane irritably replied that it was too
late to do this.

From Jack's affidavit:
While Mr Lane's grave, noticeable health decline, reflected in slurred words, his bulging eyes and his facial pallor, were ultimately the cause of mismanagement of and failure to introduce these key exculpatory exhibits when required by the case, another contributing factor was the repeated urging, nay demands, of Judge Rosen that the trial be rushed to
conclusion, so that he might travel to Thailand for a vacation.

Judge Rosen saw Mr Lane noticeably declining, watched him doggedly retain control of the case despite the urgent whisperings of Mr Cedrone and me, and yet did everything in his considerable power to truncate the Defense case presentation.
Last edited by Dezcad on Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Cathulhu »

Might be more convincing had they any medical opinion regarding this "stroke". Oh, I forgot, Petey knows Everything, so he's no doubt every bit as qualified to give a medical opinion as he is to give a legal one. :roll:
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Cathulhu wrote:Might be more convincing had they any medical opinion regarding this "stroke". Oh, I forgot, Petey knows Everything, so he's no doubt every bit as qualified to give a medical opinion as he is to give a legal one. :roll:
Quack, quack.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Cathulhu »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:Might be more convincing had they any medical opinion regarding this "stroke". Oh, I forgot, Petey knows Everything, so he's no doubt every bit as qualified to give a medical opinion as he is to give a legal one. :roll:
Quackity, quack.(fixed it)
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by fortinbras »

I almost feel sorry for Hendrickson. Once upon a time I handled the appeal of a young man who had been convicted of taking part in the armed robbery of an urban gas station. The only prosecution evidence was that one of the gas station attendants knew the defendant slightly from having lived on the same block some years ago, and told the police "The second guy looked a bit like Eddie." So the cops scooped up Eddie and stopped looking altogether. But the height, hair, clothes, etc., in the witness description didn't come close to Eddie. Evidently both the cops and the prosecution knew they had the wrong guy because they never tried to bargain with Eddie to give up his accomplice or the missing money. In court the judge did one of those quickie lawyer appointments where he picks a lawyer who is in the courtroom (when most lawyers see that coming, they run for the door, but this guy was was too creaky), and assigned Eddie a very elderly semi-retired lawyer who had been quite a hot-shot twenty years ago. I had to interview him in prep for the appeal and he had trouble finishing sentences and remembering what we were talking about. For the trial he made no effort to contact witnesses (including some very solid alibi witnesses) named for him by Eddie, or check the scene of the crime, or Eddie's very convincing alibi, and when some of these alibi witnesses showed up (uninvited by the lawyer), he didn't prepare them in any way to recall the events of 6 months earlier, did very desultory questioning, and let the prosecution tear them apart over entirely natural memory lapses. His jury summation seemed to be about an entirely different crime.

I tried as best I could to get Eddie a new trial but I failed. About 18 months later the newspaper had the obit for the trial lawyer -- he had died of complications of Alzheimers!

Mark Lane, on the other hand, was never a good lawyer, and seems to have been specially recruited by Hendrickson since no sensible lawyer would defend CtC. He may have made these glowing promises to the jury on the basis of the Hendrickson's own website ads.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by wserra »

Dezcad wrote:The question that leaps to my mind first - Why is the issue of ineffective assistance of counsel being brought up now at this late stagel?
I'd go further.

Despite being the defendant's brother, Jack Hendrickson is a lawyer. Mark Cedrone of course is as well. If they saw Lane being ineffective due to health issues, and if they raised the subject with him and he refused to step aside, they had an obligation to the client to bring it to the court's attention. Failure to do so is a clear dereliction of their duty to any client, let alone a brother.

Personally, though - I think things like blood-filled eyes, slurred words and pallor are simply karma for twenty-five years of representing Willis Carto.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Cathulhu »

wserra wrote:
Personally, though - I think things like blood-filled eyes, slurred words and pallor are simply karma for twenty-five years of representing Willis Carto.
Actually sounds like a serious hangover.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by fortinbras »

Mark Lane was born in 1927, so he was 83 or thereabouts during this trial.

I have never heard of Lane winning a trial, but if Hendrickson gets a new trial, at least a few of Lane's recent clients (such as Bob Schulz) may also demand a recount.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Mark Lane was ineffective because... he was Mark Lane.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Joey Smith »

Sounds more like Pete isn't enjoying prison very much and wants out anyway, anyhow.

Probably need to pass the word to him that his CtC "Warriors" have dwindled to less than a half-dozen mostly pathetic souls.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Joey Smith wrote:Sounds more like Pete isn't enjoying prison very much and wants out anyway, anyhow.

Probably need to pass the word to him that his CtC "Warriors" have dwindled to less than a half-dozen mostly pathetic souls.
It's got to be a huge come-down when you imagine that you are a General leading an army of Warriors, and then turn around and find that you are a Corporal leading a squad composed of the worst f*ckups you could ever hope not to find.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Dezcad wrote:Hendrickson has filed a Motion to Disqualify Judge Friot with Exhibit (and to not have it reassigned to Judge Edmunds - the judge in his refund collection case) since clearly both judges are biased since they have ruled against the logic and clear legal analysis that Hendrickson demonstrates. Why woudl he want to have these judges disqualified after the trial and during the appeal?
Because he doesn't understand appellate practice any more than he does the tax code.
Dezcad wrote:Well, Hendrickson has filed another Motion to Vacate his conviction. In addition to the usual argument about Hendrickson not being a "person" and his other arguments he has made ad naseum, he adds another claim regarding Mark Lane.
the manifestly ineffective performance of Mr. Hendrickson's trial counsel, who
appears to have suffered from a stroke during trial.
Relevant Exhibits to Motion are below::

Exhibit C Affidavit of PH
Exhibit D Affidavif of Jack Hendrickson

The question that leaps to my mind first - Why is the issue of ineffective assistance of counsel being brought up now at this late stagel?
I would offer the old adage: If you don't have the facts, pound the law, if you don't have the law, pound the facts; if you have neither, pound the table.

IMHO, had Lane's alleged incapacitation been that obvious, the rest of the defense team erred by not immediately asking the judge for a continuance.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Joey Smith »

Because he doesn't understand appellate practice any more than he does the tax code.
Exactly. Pete can't show that anything that he has alleged would have possibly made a difference at trial, and so the totality of his filings are about to be confined to the bin of "harmless error" (if any error at all, which is highly doubtful).
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by LPC »

wserra wrote:Despite being the defendant's brother, Jack Hendrickson is a lawyer. Mark Cedrone of course is as well. If they saw Lane being ineffective due to health issues, and if they raised the subject with him and he refused to step aside, they had an obligation to the client to bring it to the court's attention. Failure to do so is a clear dereliction of their duty to any client, let alone a brother.
Good point.

So where's the affidavit from Mark Cedrone in which he (a) confirms that Mark Lane was ineffective and (b) admits that he himself was also ineffective for not taking steps to correct the problems created by Lane's "stroke"/ineffectiveness?

I suspect that Jack Hendrickson is willing to back his brother on this because he (Jack) doesn't actually practice law and so doesn't care about his reputation (or perhaps even his integrity). Cedrone may have different priorities.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by LPC »

fortinbras wrote:I almost feel sorry for Hendrickson. Once upon a time I handled the appeal of a young man who had been convicted of taking part in the armed robbery of an urban gas station. The only prosecution evidence was that one of the gas station attendants knew the defendant slightly from having lived on the same block some years ago, and told the police "The second guy looked a bit like Eddie." So the cops scooped up Eddie and stopped looking altogether. But the height, hair, clothes, etc., in the witness description didn't come close to Eddie. Evidently both the cops and the prosecution knew they had the wrong guy because they never tried to bargain with Eddie to give up his accomplice or the missing money. In court the judge did one of those quickie lawyer appointments where he picks a lawyer who is in the courtroom (when most lawyers see that coming, they run for the door, but this guy was was too creaky), and assigned Eddie a very elderly semi-retired lawyer who had been quite a hot-shot twenty years ago.
Hendrickson, by contrast, went out of his way to recruit (and pay) the very elderly semi-retired lawyer.

It's one thing to get screwed by the system. It's another to screw yourself. As discussed before (I think), Hendrickson is a schlemiel, not a schlimazel.
Dan Evans
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Demosthenes »

Jack Hendrickson wrote:
Both of these elements -- Peter Hendrickson's intent and his rigorous conformance with teh requirements of all relevant governing statutes -- were fully explicated in chapters of his book "Cracking the Code".

One of the key exhibits prepared by the Defense Team under Mr Lane's direction consisted of several chapters of Mr Hendrickson's book. Simple. Obvious. Comprehensive. Telling.

Mr Lane's confusion at a key moment with Mr Hendrickson on the stand resulted in his failure to introduce this exhibit.
Self. Serving. Hearsay. No?

Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Nikki »

One would think that a prosecutor at a significant, highly visible trial, would take note of a doddering or otherwise incapicated defense attorney and raise the issue to the presiding judge.

No prosecutor wants to have to retry a case for any reason, much less because the defense attorney was demonstrably in the early stages of incompetence.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Nikki wrote:One would think that a prosecutor at a significant, highly visible trial, would take note of a doddering or otherwise incapicated defense attorney and raise the issue to the presiding judge.

No prosecutor wants to have to retry a case for any reason, much less because the defense attorney was demonstrably in the early stages of incompetence.
I find it implausible that a prosecutor would suggest in open court that defense counsel is impaired. It seems that would be a minefield of unpredictable proportions.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by Nikki »

I didn't say "in open court". I meant an in-chambers, private discussion.

However, I believe your objection might not be sustained regarding courts in England. From my extremely limited experience there (as a spectator), their rules of civility seem to boil down to: You can say almost anything as long as you are polite and use proper grammar.
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Re: Hendrickson claims Mark Lane ineffective due to stroke

Post by ashlynne39 »

I can't believe I wasted my time reading all that stuff but I did get a snicker every time the phrase "my million hits per day website" was used. Million hits per day? Things have certainly gone down hill if Petey was a one time getting that many visitors to his website.

On his ineffective assistance of counsel claim . . . can you really claim ineffective assistance of one counsel when you had two other counsel at the table?