The Masters are on the Case

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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The Masters are on the Case

Post by Deep Knight »

Most of you know that I've been rather cynical about the prosperity packies, not their being delivered, but their being real. However, if the Ascendant Masters are on the case, then it's a whole new ballgame. For example, there's Koot Hoomi, the master who is tens of thousands of years old and whose power is to channel those energies others call insanity - that's right, Crazy Old Koot.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
2 Akbal, 1 Moan, 7 Ik (MAY 3, 2011)

Selamat Jarin! We return! Much is happening! The Ascended Masters are working on finalizing the prosperity payouts. These payments are to commence shortly. Saint Germaine is having his World Trust finish up the accounting and disbursement of your prosperity funds even as we now speak to you. Further, our Earth allies are in a position of power regarding several of the required government changes. What remains to be done is for the leftover custodial tasks to be fully completed. With these done, our Earth allies can quickly implement the new financial system. This new system is to be based upon a sound number of selected hard currencies that are already in place at several designated depositories and ready to be distributed globally. The activation of this system depends on the prosperity payouts and Saint Germaine is currently seeing to it that these funds are released. These funds form the legal underpinning of the various scenarios that our Earth allies have in place. We also expect Disclosure to be announced by your new leadership no later than the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

The new governments are to come to power with several common objectives. The first is to begin a complete reform of government. The former masters of your world were given to corruption, lies, and outright deceit. The countering steps are to abolish political parties and open up government to the general public. This is where we need your active support rather than mere lip service. We intend to ask you to learn about fluid group dynamics and to apply it to this cause. Rebuilding your governments requires an active relationship between citizens and their representatives. This can be the first goal of your new reality in which all of you can have a hand. It is an opportunity for you as a collective to forge an intermediary between the present types of governance and a fully functioning galactic society. The coming times are truly about contact with your spiritual and space families and the wondrous ride to full consciousness. This process is behind all that is now beginning to happen around you.

We the Ascended Masters of Mother Earth salute you, dear Brothers and Sisters! We come to inform you that the next brief period of your history is to be marked by the distribution of many different prosperity funds. These monies are being given to a variety of specially selected individuals who had the foresight to participate in programs conceived by us and administrated by individuals chosen at random by a number of secret societies dedicated to the Light. These programs, as they pay out to these selected individuals, have a divine purpose behind them. These monies are first of all being given to start a chain of events which create a legion of organizations focused on bringing to humanity the sacred message of Heaven. You are going to be returning to full consciousness. We have been instructing various Light-Workers on how to employ these funds to convey Heaven's desires to you. Our deepest wish is for these changes in your world to happen easily and swiftly!

As we have stated, the Divine Will of Heaven has decreed that your present reality collective be altered to a fully conscious one. This implies that those who now "control" you need to let go, and we have set up the framework to bring this about. We have received the necessary dispensation from Earth's heavenly tribunals to use our abilities to remove these dark ones from power. This is to be done once the funds, now held by our Brother St. Germain, are primed and then released by him. Long ago, we all agreed that indeed a time would come when an Age of Light was to appear again on Earth. This is that time! We are therefore prepared to do all that is necessary for your success! We have instructed many Light-Workers on these matters. The time comes for many of these same Light-Workers to reveal what we have been telling them. We are committed to the victory of the Light! This triumph is here! We stand with our allies in the Light and welcome them all in joy!

We the Galactic Federation stand, as well, with the sacred edicts of Heaven! The Ascended Masters of Earth are fully dedicated to your return to full consciousness. Our fleet has worked with these amazing Souls since we first came here over two decades ago. The present scenarios for contact were originally conceived by them and immediately adopted by us. We have been in contact with your governments in one form or another since the late 1940s. These numerous exchanges until recently were largely ceremonial in nature and quite unproductive. Now we have their full attention. They listen closely and are quick to comment officially on what we offer them. Our intent is to follow the excellent lead of your Ascended Masters, and it is within this context that our Liaisons and Ambassadors are offering a means by which to effect government transition and a new political reality. We expect this new situation to manifest swiftly! The time for your destined freedom has arrived!

As you can see, much is transpiring to forge a new world for you. We expect you to participate in this process. Many of you have been privy to our messages for a while, and we wish a favor from you. Use your knowledge along with your innate and learned abilities to make your communities aware of what is going on around them. Come together to form a group. This can be either one or two, or many. Use the like-minded among you to create programs which bring these subjects to your community's attention. Here, 'community' can refer to a town or city, or even a much larger area. Whatever the case, be creative. Start by simply doing a service for the community, and then use this as a starting forum for the information you wish your community member, be creative. An art display or brief video can be very effective. The key is to express your joy!

The recent headway made toward transformation, dear ones, has got to a point where it requires you to come together and help each other. Each of you has some knowledge of how you are to morph into galactic humans. Share this with each other. Create a milieu conducive to talking about these subjects openly and freely. It is one thing to hear this information coming out of a television set, but it is quite another to hear it with the Love and caring that emanates from someone you know. There is no substitute for the personal touch, of hearing it from a friend or neighbor. We intend for this sacred transition to full consciousness to be filled with a touch of the Divine! This work is a sacred task. It is one that began nearly 13 millennia ago and we are now doing what is needed to bring Heaven back to you all. We are your Ascended Masters!

Today, we explained to you how close you are to your long-sought victory! The Ascended Masters (such as Count St. Germain, Hilarion, and Paul the Venetian) are completing sacred tasks that are to ensure your freedom and prosperity. The time is upon you for celebration, and for the requisite for you to take on a whole new level of personal and collective responsibilities. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Jarin! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:55 AM 0 comments
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by Olsenfin »

Thanks, Masters, for keeping me abreast of these wonderous developments. I can't wait to get my new body. But I've thought it over and I believe that I'd prefer the LL Cool J model to the Schwartzenegger one. I'm not African-American, so you'll need to make some modifications.

And the prospect of being able to speak the language of every culture on this planet is truly exciting! Rosetta Stone just wasn't doing the job.

When may I expect my hundred million bucks? I don't want to sound picky, but I've got bills to pay and I don't want to lose my rent-to-own TV and home theatre system.

Oh yes, if Katrina Bowden calls, tell her to wait. It will be worth it.

Your devoted acolyte,

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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by fortinbras »

The prospect of the Ascended Masters conferring the power to speak every language on earth is intriguing.

Why don't we ask them for a demo right now??! Ask them to translate their latest message into a variety of languages including (but not limited to) Yiddish, Esperanto, Mandarin, Basque, Portuguese and some others. After that it shouldn't be too difficult to verify if their claims are bona fide.
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Most of you know that I've been rather cynical about the prosperity packies, not their being delivered, but their being real.
You, cynical???? and dubious?????, say it ain't so!!!!!

So now we have "Ascended Masters" as well as the Galactic whatevers and the Whitelighters or whatever, along with every other variety of meddler thrown into the stew, and yet the "packies" still are sitting "somewhere", going to be delivered "RSN", "trust us on this", yeah right!!!!!!

What I want to know is what happened to their sacred doctrine of non-interference and why they don't go non-interfere somewhere else before someone reports them to the Galactic Super Tribunal for violation of the sacred doctrines?
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by texino »

Understand all languages? Hell, now we can finish building that tower to the heavens!
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by Gregg »

fortinbras wrote:The prospect of the Ascended Masters conferring the power to speak every language on earth is intriguing.

Why don't we ask them for a demo right now??! Ask them to translate their latest message into a variety of languages including (but not limited to) Yiddish, Esperanto, Mandarin, Basque, Portuguese and some others. After that it shouldn't be too difficult to verify if their claims are bona fide.
Good idea! Okay, nutbags, the ball is in your court now, I want all the updates translated into Chinese, and if you can't do it, you admit you're just making this stuff up.
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by Deep Knight »

Wow! This must be happening! Yesterday (May 5, 2011) Bellringer posted this Alert which seems to confirm that it's right around the corner too! I'm not sure if Sananda is a god, demi-god, ascendant guy, the real Jesus, or all 4, but he's obviously on the spiritual board of directors so he should know what's going on.


Esu present in the Light of Holy God. Those in distant lands who gaze upon my words, and those locally who read with an unquenchable thirst, must come to realize the necessity of "Sequence of Events".

In this ending/beginning cycle, the "dark forces", if you will, are making their final attempt at ultimate control of the world’s population. And you can see from the many years of advanced knowledge acquired about the human psyche that they may program any one for any purpose at any time.

The Soul, however, remains the wild card in the deck, for as you have so beautifully witnessed with Cathy O’Brien, if a person be souled, of God, that Lighted Fragment which burns within the breast of man will be the watchtower that sends the beacon leading you ever to safe harbor.

The attacks against Hatonn and Dharma are the adversary’s way of lashing out in his tantrum because the dark forces are WELL AWARE that God wins—and that, by definition, means that God’s people win. Do not get too distracted on dwelling on the attacks, but always counter, action for action, IN TRUTH, and you shall all be fine.

It is long past time that the general populace use the judicial system the way it is intended, for the prosecution of criminals—but it is as you have stated, Rick: this legal system and the grand jury system remain a mystery to the average citizen. Ah! But contained within that mystery lie wondrous Solutions. [Editor’s note: See Rick’s excellent articles on juries, especially the remarkable powers of grand juries, both in last week’s and also elsewhere in this week’s CONTACT.]

(NOTE: "Oklahoma Grand Juror Issues Wake-Up Call" by Rick Martin, Contact Newspaper, October 31, 1995, p. 10 -15

Let us take, as an example which all of our readers will readily understand, the persecution of the Ekkers and the political, behind-the-scenes arrangements concerning the theft of their home by Santa Barbara Savings & Loan, and ultimately, the RTC. Do you not think that, with the non-sale by a Savings & Loan, the involvement of a municipal court judge in furthering the cover-up of actual events, and the wide range of illegal activities concerning the Ekkers’ persecution, that the grand jury in Kern County would not have something upon which to act?

Let us take another example. What of the theft of Institute gold by George Green? Interstate flight?! Do you not think the grand theft within Kern County, which the local sheriff did NOT respond to, is cause for a grand jury investigation?

And, so, beloved readers, do you not see that, even within your own local community, there are likely to be legal issues which, if unresolved, can and should be brought to justice via the grand jury system.

And what of the state and federal grand jury systems?

Ah, beloved, the answers to so many things are right in front of you if you will but look. Seek the answers and they shall reveal themselves unto you!

Ah! You say, "fraud, phoney!" Sananda would not speak of such earthly matters and particularly not such "local" matters. "Sananda has the world on his mind," you say. Ah so, and so I do! So I do! But I also respond when called upon and you ones continually ask for solutions and you are being given solutions if you will but attend them!

We are bound by cosmic law not to interfere in your affairs, but I may offer direct input when asked and I may tell you ones that the judicial system may be turned around via the jury and the grand jury systems if you will but take an informed and active role! So be it!

Thomas, you know the old saying, and it is so: "You can lead a camel to water but you can’t make him drink."

Ah, but the true adventure of this journey is just beginning for you of the Lighted Hosts. Our ground crew mostly grow restless and uncertain as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Long has it been said that the radiation belt may be ignited. Long has it been said that the economy will fold, bringing America to its knees. And yet to those "out there" it seems that nothing ever happens!

Ah, beloved, things are happening every day and if you need a miracle to hang your hat upon, remember the recent two-million-man march in Washington, District of Criminals, that was peaceful and magnificent!

Hold firmly to the Light, chelas; hold firmly.

Remember to keep your spaces CLEAR. This is probably the biggest difficulty facing our ground crew—KEEPING THOSE SHIELDS INTACT AND STAYING "CLEAR".

I know it is difficult for you ones. I know that place is hard. Ah, but the glory shall be without measure. Won’t you just hold your faith a while longer? God’s delays are NOT God’s denials.

And I know my people. You are not forsaken! I say it again: my people are not forsaken!

Hold the Light and trust in me. I will not lead you astray.

If you need help, you must ask. The call Compels the answer! Hold It In Your Hearts.

I Am Sananda. Salu.

Source: Phoenix Journal #156, Chapter 17.

Oops, it appears that this was about to happen, but in 1995! However, if someone with the proven track record of Bellringer posts it now, he must know something, or something like that. Know it! Salu!
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by fortinbras »

Why is anyone concerned about the foreclosures on the Ekkers (or on anyone else), since the Ascended Master or whoever will be showering us with money by the end of the week?
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by The Observer »

Perhaps because a week usually takes 10 or more years? Or more likely never?
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by Omne »

Long has it been said that the radiation belt may be ignited.
That the plot for the 1961 film "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea".

I guess they were ahead of their time. I wonder if Walter Pidgeon is going to show up with the Masters.
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by Deep Knight »

Omne wrote:
Long has it been said that the radiation belt may be ignited.
That the plot for the 1961 film "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea".

I guess they were ahead of their time. I wonder if Walter Pidgeon is going to show up with the Masters.
Everything in Sci Fi movies is true, they do this on purpose so when you discover their conspiracies and tell people, they think you're some nut spewing the plot to a bad movie instead of a lightworker whistleblower saving the world! The meanies.
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by Deep Knight »

A post from today by MacHaffie on why he posts this Ascentant Masters stuff while professing to be a born again Christian.

Why do I post these Galactic vs Scriptual messages?
Been getting several inquiries from some good intentional readers as to why I continue to post this Galactic stuff alongside the Christian biblical messages.

To answer your question on a personal basis first. I am a reborn Christian who follows the Loving Awareness of Our LORD, JESUS CHRIST. I believe in Facts and HIS existence some 2000 years ago has been proven with physical evidence (The shroud for example) plus numerous documentation from numerous different sources that has confirmed this.

HIS entire message has been of Love and Compassion --- and this cannot be denied.

This Blog has also been one of Awareness to bring out the stuff that has been purposely hidden from the people. One of these hidden FACTS has been these UFO's which again cannot be denied. The evidence is that they exist and about to make first contact.

I am also blessed in having worked with NASA and having my designs on the moon at present.
They are many good people in the space industry who love the LORD and also waiting for 1st contact.

The incredulous Catholic Church claims 'Channeling is Demonic' ---- gee wonder why? Do you not try to channel to GOD when praying? And when the FACTS of the Catholic Church hoarding trillions of wealth for the bad cabal and the Nazis ---- need I say more.

Have you all notice the trend of science fiction movies lately per the 'evil' aliens. Definitely the aliens have been shown to be demonic and ready to eat you up. Check out the TV show V for example. Yea man --- those aliens are evil. There is an obvious agenda supported by the bad cabal, who controls most of the media.

My answer to all this alien crap is Bullshit! If our star family had an evil intent - they would have done it decades ago when our technology was primitive. It would have been a piece of cake to take over the world. Why would they wait until our awareness and technology has risen. THE ONLY LOGICAL AND SANE ANSWER IS A PEACEFUL AND FRIENDLY ONE. And these numerous messages that we have been receiving lately show the LOVE and COMPASSION of our star families. Perhaps in the "Christlike Manner" from some 2000 years ago.

To answer the critics per these Galactic messages being posted, be aware, do your homework and join our adventure.

GOD Bless You and Yours

John MacHaffie - a humble lightworker with Our LOVING LORD

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:50 AM 0 comments

Oops, MacHaffie says Sci Fi movies are false, not real. Ignore my previous post.
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by texino »

By the same token, if our star friends were going to help us out, wouldn't they have done so decades ago?
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Re: The Masters are on the Case

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
9 Oc, 8 Moan, 7 Ik Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

Selamat Jarin! We return! The Ascended Masters continue to assert themselves on your world! Our Earth allies, with their divine help, are readying for the grand transformations that are shortly to follow. We are preparing our personnel for a more direct series of interactions with your new governments. These interactions include the formal disclosure process and a to-be-announced program of technology transfers from us to you. We are also assessing what is most urgently needed to sustain Mother Earth and her diverse ecosystems. A number of her life webs are now critical, and we have set up the preliminary means to resolve these dire situations. Examples of these are the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic. The unabated actions of your last dark cabal have substantially exacerbated the gravity of the conditions in these two regions, and there are others just as sensitive. We are ready to do our part in temporarily balancing Gaia. We are also putting the finishing touches to the initial presentations that our spokespersons are to make to you. These shocking announcements require the right blend of truth and sincerity.

At the same time we are meeting with our Earth allies to decide where to put the last members of the dark cabal, and we have picked out several places where they can be kept during the trials that are to swiftly follow their mass arrests. This is being done to validate the legitimacy of the new caretaker governments. A large number of announcements will mark the first few days of these new administrations, among them, the revelation of vast, unreported funds which are to serve as a foundation for resolving governmental debt and for restoring many essential services, such as the education of your children. Other funds are to be used to modernize and prepare these regimes for the transfer of their secret technology to the public domain. In addition, there are huge debt-forgiveness programs and public-transparency policies to be instituted. A great deal of responsibility is to be handed to you. Be ready, dear Ones, to support these vital changes and help your societies in their push toward full consciousness.

Blessings! We are the Ascended Masters! We come today, dear brothers and sisters, to discuss some aspects of the new financial system that have not yet been talked about. First of all, let us look at the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China). Our Earth allies know the importance of these four to monetary reform and have secretly assigned them a series of key tasks. Brazil is a crucial nation for two reasons: first, it is essential that the Amazon Basin be restored to its former, ecologically fully functioning capacity; second, Brazil needs to provide a prosperous lifestyle for her large population. Monetary reform and debt forgiveness gives her the resources to accomplish both tasks. The same goes for India and China. Here, great spiritual legacies need preserving and billion-plus populations moved into a state of prosperity. Again, monetary reform and debt forgiveness will be the foundations upon which the new regimes can institute the policies addressing these colossal challenges. A great spiritual renaissance is to be centered here!

This brings us to Russia. Russia has been instrumental in forging new monetary policy for Europe. Her vast gold reserves and geographic position (sitting astride both the Urals and the Caucasus) give her a special role to play as a major mediator in bringing this new monetary program into being. We have worked with her in positioning several major gold depositories and in protecting them from harm. In addition, we have used the special energies of the outer Caucasus region to protect the rest of our global gold depository system from destruction by the dark. These activities have been made possible by a special group that we have been encouraging over time inside Russia. This group is destined to form special caretaker governance with the wholehearted assistance of our Earth allies. Russia is using her new economic position in the world to assist the other BRIC nations in their drive to enlist others to adopt a new global monetary system.

Progress toward regime change continues, my brothers and sisters! We are overseeing the last series of legal hoops. These include: a massive signing-on to the new economic system by a majority of nations that agree with the formal BRIC nations' proposals; and, the completion of documents setting in motion a 'changing-of-the-guard' in a number of nations. These final legal documents contain the provisions to end the long rule of the US Corporation and to return America to her original constitutional governance. These developments dovetail with the last detailed accounting of your prosperity funds. The goal is to bring both processes to completion concurrently. Then we can conclude the final step of our prosperity programs and begin, together with the Galactic Federation, to ready the new governments for disclosure. Then our task is to inform you fully about the next steps on your divine march to full consciousness.

Your march to full consciousness has been our prime mission over the millennia. All of us have, in our own unique ways, concerned ourselves daily with humanity's spiritual enlightenment. We have used the good offices of Gaia's Spiritual Hierarchy to spread the wisdom and knowledge that you require to advance in consciousness. Our messages and guidance are making you day by day more aware of who you really are. Your advance in consciousness is a necessary preliminary to what is next planned for you by Heaven. In Agartha lies your final destination. Here, the well-trained, personal mentor assigned to you by the Galactic Federation and by Heaven is to merge you back into full consciousness. Then we will greet you and welcome you to our midst! We, all of us, have the responsibility of specific tasks to maintain Gaia and to spread the Light throughout Creation!

The First Contact mission has been concentrating on Mother Earth. We have been monitoring, especially, the ever-increasing number of seaquakes in the southern Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. These quakes are beginning to alter the traditional ab- and subduction patterns of the South Pacific, Central Indian, and mid-Atlantic Ocean plates. This most certainly portends that major quakes are to happen shortly either near Asia or in the North Pacific Basin. A series of deep resonances of a specific type are echoing through these regions. We are working with several interested parties to scale down what now promise to be truly colossal shakes and some massive long-traveling tsunamis. These phenomena are merely Gaia's warning that all of you need to wake up and become conscious of the dawning of a new era.

Do what is necessary to prepare and accept that you are not alone! Accept that we are here and ready to disclose a number of vital facts to you. The Ascended Masters are nearly ready to change your reality in the twinkling of an eye! This new world is about consciousness, and about bringing in the galaxy to finally greet you and compliment you on the New You! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:25 PM

Anonymous said...
Articles In This Thread, 5 texts from BOB:
The earth's going to stop rotating for 3 days, then start again! Space ships will rescue us from all this! HOGWASH!! (views: 424) Bob -- Tuesday, 10-May-2011 23:26:13 ... ead=204277 ///
"The Armageddon looms. Take a look!" Gaia and the Rumors of Old . . . . It's time for spiritual responsibility. (views: 208) Bob -- Tuesday, 10-May-2011 23:30:10 ... ead=204278 ///
One of the worst things that ever happened to the Illuminati? The European Union! It took away the 'Money Changers' (views: 156) Bob -- Tuesday, 10-May-2011 23:44:29 ... ead=204282 ///
Change the temperature of the waters of the planet, it changes the life cycle of the ocean, it eventually renews itself! (views: 78) Bob -- Wednesday, 11-May-2011 00:03:58 ... ead=204288 ///
What has happened in the last 50 years? Go to South America with me: how many dictators were there, then? ..... Only ONE, now!! (views: 54) Bob,Wed,11-May- 00:39:01 ... ead=204290 ///

May 10, 2011 10:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Finally! A declaration that a ‘changing-of-the-guard’ is very soon.
This time the light at the end of the tunnel is not a speeding locomotive piloted by a representative of the Dark cabals aiming to run over anyone in their way,
but a spark of light that comes from a new doorway into a brighter future for all.
See BRIC proposals ... lar-2011-4

May 10, 2011 10:29 PM
"Follow the Money"