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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Dinar Investment --- From Your LOVING LORD
Found posted in the Dinar Intel Room

This post is for all my brothers and sisters in the Lord and also in the dinar. I think that this investment is truly one of a kind. It is by God’s GRACE (un-earned, un-deserved, un-merited, free favour from God) that this opportunity has come to me and my family. This wealth that will soon be made manifested is going to fulfill scripture for the believers in Christ to fund the end time harvest. Did you know that the number two definition to the word ‘recession’ means a return of ownership to a former possessor? Doesn’t our Lord own the cattle on a thousand hills? Everything in the universe belongs to Him.
No one can come against what has been written. Since the beginning of time God always has used dark times or financial crisis (famine) to lift up his people. Remember the story of Joseph when God took care of his people in seven years of famine. God took Joseph from the pit to the palace! His people had more than enough provisions with food to spare.
I think that it’s so amazing that so many believers have opened their ears and their eyes to this investment. One interesting thing that I wanted to share with everyone is in Revelations it talks about the end time currency referring to it being dinar. This reference is in John’s vision when he sees a pair of scales and hears a voice saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius” Rev 6:6 This scripture references the coming famine. Also looking into Revelations some more it talks about Babylon which is Iraq’s original name. Read Revelations chapter 18. I won’t go into great detail about what will happen to Iraq in the future, but I would like to highlight that it calls Iraq “Babylon the great!” Rev. 18:2 and it also states in Rev. 18:3, “…and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.” That scripture references you and me and the rest of the world. Rev 18:9 says, “...the great city, Babylon, the strong city!” Also in chapter 12 list all the wealth that is found in Iraq which is “cargoes of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet, and every kind of citron wood and every article of ivory and every article made from very costly wood and bronze and iron and marble, and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume and frankincense and wine and olive oil and fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep, and cargoes of horses and chariots and slaves and human lives.” It’s no wonder all the Kings of the earth want to do business with her. Did you know that the Garden of Eden is to be located somewhere in Iraq? I can only imagine it being a prime location if that is where God placed Adam and Eve.
Did you know that the Tower of Babel mention in Genesis 11 was in Babylon (Iraq)? That storey is when the people tried to use all their human effort to build a great tower to reach the heavens. Because their motives represented works or otherwise known as human effort, God scrambled their language so no one could understand each other. That is why it got its name Babylon in reference to babel. If you look up the word Babel it means a scene of noise and confusion. If you take a look at the past people of Iraq they have had a hard time getting out of confusion. Because of corruption and poor leadership the people have been oppressed for hundreds of years or maybe thousands of years. But Today God is leading the people out of Confusion. And for the first time in a long time the people are empowered to this new found freedom. I also believe just like the people of Iraq that the church has been in confusion too and that God is also leading us out of confusion and into the blessing. Amen
In closing I want to encourage you all to be good stewards of what Christ has entrusted to you, remember that this money belongs to our Lord. But just like we give our kids everything that they want, our Heavenly Father wants to do the same to us. So don’t feel guilty buying that car or that house! Have fun and be blessed.
Command those who are rich ... to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life (1 Timothy 6:17-19).
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25).
This promise is for all of us who are in Christ
Deuteronomy 6:10-12
10"And when the LORD your God brings you into the land that he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you—with great and good cities that you did not build,and houses full of all good things that you did not fill, and cisterns that you did not dig, and vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant—and when you eat and are full,then take care lest you forget the LORD, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

Thanks for taking the time to read my intel from God and remember that you are deeply blessed, highly favoured and deeply Loved. GO RV!!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:16 AM


Anonymous said...

WOW THAT WAS GREAT THANK YOU JESUS!!! THAT GOT MY SPIRIT MAN ON FIRE!!!! john we need more stuff like this.... NOT stuff like okies stuuff lol but you got to love okie because he really believes his own lies::::: BUT WE SHALL BELIEVE WHAT THE LORD SAYS AMENNNNNNN........

April 30, 2011 10:55 AM
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »


Good News! We're all gonna be richer 'n Davey Crockett!

Bad News. We're gonna get rich the day the world ends. (or soon thereafter)
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:Summary?

Good News! We're all gonna be richer 'n Davey Crockett!

Bad News. We're gonna get rich the day the world ends. (or soon thereafter)
Coonskin caps all around?

The name "Dinar" comes from the gold dinar, an early Islamic coin corresponding to the Byzantine "denarius auri" or "gold denarius". The denarius (plural: denarii) was a small Roman silver coin, denarius being derived from the Latin "deni" meaning "containing ten" as it was originally one tenth of an "Asses" (obviously the Romans had small asses, no wonder their empire fell, no padding when they sat on those marble benches in the Senate). Actually, an Asses was a large bronze coin 1/6 of a Roman pound in weight. The name comes to us in "dime." The denarius was the most common trade coin in the Roman world, thus its use in the bible (although the common people used copper coins for buying most things, a denarius being a day's wage for a skilled worker).

Good news! We're gonna be paid in denarii!
Bad new! We gotta go back to ancient Rome to spend 'em.

Radix omnium malorum est cupiditas. (Money is the root of all evil)
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by texino »

The abbreviation d for Denarius was used for the English penny before decimalization of their currency. It also is the reason that a 10d nail is called a ten penny. At one time the d
might have has something to do with price, but today it just represents the size. As far as the Dinar thing goes, those folks should invest in nail futures, as it will take a lot of nails to rebuild Iraq.
Siga el dinero
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:The abbreviation d for Denarius was used for the English penny before decimalization of their currency. It also is the reason that a 10d nail is called a ten penny. At one time the d
might have has something to do with price, but today it just represents the size. As far as the Dinar thing goes, those folks should invest in nail futures, as it will take a lot of nails to rebuild Iraq.
Long ago the price per hundred, or so they say, but later became a standard by size, especially length.
Wikipedia wrote: £sd (sometimes pronounced, and occasionally written, L.s.d.) was the popular name for the pre-decimal currencies (sterling) used in the Kingdom of England, later the United Kingdom, and ultimately in much of the British Empire. This abbreviation meant "pounds, shillings, and pence", and was usually pronounced that way, having originated from the Latin words "librae, solidi, denarii". Under this system, there were 12 pence in a shilling and 20 shillings, or 240 pence, in a pound. A penny was, until 1960, further subdivided into four farthings.

The advantage of such a system was its use in mental arithmetic, as it afforded many factors and hence fractions of a pound such as tenths, eighths, sixths and even sevenths if the guinea of 21 shillings was used. When dealing with items in dozens, multiplication and division are straightforward; for example, if a dozen eggs cost four shillings, then each egg was four pence.

Lysergic acid diethylamide was sometimes called “pounds, shillings and pence” during the 1960s, because of the abbreviation LSD

Decimal Day (15 February 1971) was the day the United Kingdom and Ireland decimalised their currencies.
Thus, the intel from "Your LOVING LORD" was referring to pre-decimal British currency and the prosperity deliveries were 2/15/71, over 40 years ago, and channeled by someone on L.s.d. They just haven't actually been delivered yet, but once NESARA is announced Obama and the Queen will be forced to give them to you, although these days a fiver (5 pound note) doesn't go as far as it used to...
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

In between a flurry of posts about how either Osama Bin Laden died in 2001, is still alive, or something else that doesn't give any credit to the American military and our President, are a few more Rah-Rah (or should that be Raw-Raw) posts about how its just around the corner...

Dinar Intel Update 5/2/11

[Yep, you can trust that OKIE OIL GUY 'cause he's always been spot on with his predictions]

[Longfellow] 1biz4u I have heard of 2 different delays but I was never able to confirm either
[Longfellow] Well things got heated last night in a meeting with the powers that be in Iraq. S and M apperently Got into a heated exchange and S basically let M know that he could break it to the US and the world that the RV was off because he was unable to hold up his end of the deal. M began to storm out then turned back and told S to get it done. I'm hearing several things as far as rate. Everything I'm hearing is over $3, so that works for me. I know that S had planned a party for tuesday night at his home and it's quite the impressive guest list. I'm still waiting on mine but I am still hopeful. LOL. There is another meeting with IMF officials in about 2:40 from now now. (1PM est) Things look very positive. Have a great week.

[So, this is all about S&M?]

[Longfellow] all I heard from IMF was greenlight
[hanna] Longfellow ~ so what's the earliest they could RV - IYO?
[Longfellow] hanna About 6 weeks ago
[Longfellow] R&R My intel tells me they were seated last week, just not annouced. I will stick with them. I know the press doesn't say that but they really have no control as to what they put out .................. desert lady] Longfellow , please do not take this wrong, because I do appreciate all the intel posted... but if it is true that Iraq has people watching our posts, if I was M or S, I would be firing everyone in that meeting last night that could have leaked that info out.
[Longfellow] desert lady Good point but there was over 60 people in that room.
[1biz4u] Longfellow will we see it on the old cbi site?
[Longfellow] 1biz4u Probably but I'm not positive ....................................................................................
[R&R] Longfellow In your opinion, what did Maliki mean when he told Shabbs to "get it done"? I would think that Shabbs would be telling Maliki to "get it done" (i.e., ministers) not the other way around? Just want to hear you take on it.
[Longfellow] R&R I've thought about that alot last night. I'm trying to get more info on that to clarify
[R&R] Longfellow The only thing I would surmise, is that the IMF would be willing to allow everything to be executed without Ministers, but at a lower rate? Or is that not possible -- i.e., we have to have ministers to RV (which seems to be 100% of what everyone believes must happen)?
[Longfellow] R&R My intel tells me they were seated last week, just not annouced. I will stick with them. I know the press doesn't say that but they really have no control as to what they put out

Excerpts from the GET team call transcript by Agent 007 and TamRon400
For the whole thing go to --- G.E.T. Team CC Transcript :: Monday Evening May 2, 2011

[Agent 007] Al---- l aso on the as far as Intel - several have come and said tomorrow is our day
[Agent 007] several other people have said the same thing
[Agent 007] or as late as Thursday
[Agent 007] rate - all over the place
[Agent 007] $4.68 on back screen of Thomsen Reuters - but this can change
[Agent 007] as soon as it changes it will be an RV
[Agent 007] it is on its last step
[Agent 007] Bin Laden some relevance to it
[TamRon400] debts are going to be paid in next 24 hours then RV by Wed/Thurs, there will be more info coming out before
[Agent 007] some correlation there
[Agent 007] 3 big int'l currencies that will be put in place
[Agent 007] US Treasury notes already in banks
[Agent 007] understood what was going on with pinging, IMF
[Agent 007] US Treasury note, Euro and Chinese Yuan
[TamRon400] pinging with the banks & IMF, he agreed with significance, US Treasury notes is for US
[Agent 007] backed by gold and precious metals
[TamRon400] 120 different revals of currencies
[Agent 007] France and others may bring back their currency
[Agent 007] the Euro will be used as an int'l currency incase as a country you don't want to have your own currency
[Agent 007] a devalue of a currency is necessary
[Agent 007] the dinar by Wed/Thu at the latest between $4.50 and $6
[Agent 007] that is pretty much it on my part
[Agent 007] thanks Rodney
[Agent 007] Steve:
[Agent 007] Here is my take on this whole thing
[Agent 007] the news is so far out there
[Agent 007] the GOI done, Ministers done, 3 zero passed
[Agent 007] and then you read the exact opposite
[Agent 007] Maliki disbanding the entire parliament
[Agent 007] no confidence vote to Maliki
[TamRon400] the news is so far out there
[Agent 007] no minister nominated
[Agent 007] then Delta on Frank's call translating dinar coming out at 86 cents
[Agent 007] Here is Steve's take:
[Agent 007] it is a waste of time
[Agent 007] all we have to say
[Agent 007] Shabibi said RV currency
[Agent 007] they are still on track with that
[Agent 007] and just waiting
[Agent 007] that is all I got
[Agent 007] Thanks Steve
[Agent 007] TK is in the house
[Agent 007] Thanks all for waiting for me
[Agent 007] Let's go ahead and talk about the gag order that we had out there
[Agent 007] Contrary to what some of what some of you have heard:
[Agent 007] 15% tax on long/short term
[Agent 007] they would have more people paying their taxes that way
[Agent 007] hoping people would cash-in in the banks
[Agent 007] and get the 15% upfront (withheld)
[Agent 007] tried to do that with Ty and Ali and heard it wasn't going to work
[Agent 007] trying to work it out in the banking system
[Agent 007] banks to have a green screen
[Agent 007] have pinging and received notifications
[Agent 007] don't have the rate yet
[Agent 007] if they did 15% flat tax
[Agent 007] banks aren't prepared of large amounts of cash
[Agent 007] in process of changing to US Treasury notes ($100 bills)
[Agent 007] can't handle that change out and handle the cash-in of dinar
[Agent 007] so what sources are telling me is that the Fed Reserve is wanting to do XYZ - banks said they can't do a cash-in - run on the banks
[Agent 007] let's look at them taking out 10k in cash
[Agent 007] don't know if that has been worked out or not
[Agent 007] yeah green screen out there
[Agent 007] yeah RV
[Agent 007] yeah 15% flat tax on currency cash-in
[Agent 007] don't know if they passed the 15% or not
[Agent 007] don't know if they actually unloaded the pallets of new $100 US Treasury notes
[Agent 007] did receive a call today that certain things didn't happen that should have
[Agent 007] I appreciate everyone about not discussing the Iraqi currency
[Agent 007] I want to apologize athena and ask him if he would come back … it was my fault for the misunderstanding and I am was sorry.
[Agent 007] not talking about any currencies
[Agent 007] should only have been dinar
[Agent 007] a lot of things are going on
[Agent 007] tons of articles out there today
[Agent 007] lot of phone calls
[Agent 007] lots of rumors out there
[Agent 007] high probability of tomorrow, Thurs latest
[Agent 007] dates out there
[Agent 007] not hopeless
[Agent 007] I have been in this for 7 and ½ yrs.
[Agent 007] I wanted to share this with you all last night
[Agent 007] it is sensitive
[Agent 007] high ranking offices people call and ask that we hold off on discussions
[Agent 007] on the flip side - gives us an appreciation about talking about other things
[Agent 007] thanks for staying on the site and staying cool about it
[Agent 007] TK - was hoping that Ty would be on the call tonight
[Agent 007] Ty changed banks and wiring instructions
[Agent 007] Dinar Banker
[Agent 007] reason being rate discrepancies
[Agent 007] they were charging him more for wires
[Agent 007] he's going to a new bank and wiring instructions
[TamRon400] finally
[Agent 007] Ray - hoping for layaway balance procedures clarification
[Agent 007] Terry will try to get Ty on the next call
[TamRon400] When Ty gets on we will get clarification on the layaway payoff procedures
[TamRon400] TK will get clarification and post it on the site
[Agent 007] He will phone him tomorrow and find out
[Agent 007] Rodney - wanted to make certain (I think Steve and all will agree with this)
[Agent 007] every time there is a new article out there
[TamRon400] we are not getting into a large LOP question
[Agent 007] I know there are a lot of new people that bring up the lop question, redenomination, some terms, etc. that we talk about
[Agent 007] reinstatement
[Agent 007] revaluation
[Agent 007] it is important that we answer that question(s) for you
[Agent 007] if you don't understand things
[Agent 007] especially in chat rooms
[Agent 007] we will be glad to answer any questions you may have
[Agent 007] Q: for Steve - made a passing comment about Delta's spiel about the .86 cent RV
[Agent 007] his take on it please
[TamRon400] Steve was a little cryptic as he didn't remember the exact phrase, he thought Delta was saying removing the zeros and coming up with .86
[Agent 007] nature that it would benefit the average Iraqi - ??
[TamRon400] Iraq is one of the best educated countries in the world
[TamRon400] if they were wrong about that what else are they wrong about? (Frank and Delta)
[Agent 007] Q: After the RV occurs, will there be specific banks that will allow you to convert your dinar locally?
[TamRon400] A. any bank that deals with foreign currencies will be able to do this. Branch banks might not but big cities are going to be able to. Not a mom and pop bank
[Agent 007] Q: are these banks concerned about having a run on them?
[TamRon400] I doubt it, it is an electronic transfer
[TamRon400] Steve plans on using Ty or most of his funds
[TamRon400] call bank and find out which branch has a De La Rue machine
[Agent 007] Before the last caller...
[Agent 007] run on the bank and collapse the bank
[Agent 007] most banks don't carry a ton of cash at any given time
[Agent 007] they would have to close their doors
[Agent 007] if they actually run out of cash
[Agent 007] if you take out more than 100k - could bring the branch system down
[Agent 007] so they will probably limit to 10k cash out
[Agent 007] smart to all by wire or cashier's check
[Agent 007] just a problem with physical currency
[Agent 007] that has always been the policy
[Agent 007] if you want more than 10k in cash just let your bank know ahead of time so that they can order it and have it ready for you
[Agent 007] by law they probably don't have to give you more than $10,000 a day
[Agent 007] why would you want that much cash in your person
[Agent 007] Q: for Ray - about LLC and IRS audit as far as an individual - if I cash in with Ty and wire to my personal acct - would that trigger an IRS audit?
[Agent 007] A: It will depend upon your personal situation - call your personal CPA about his info about the IRS software
[Agent 007] if you make $50k and now you show $100K within one quarter - who knows
[Agent 007] Ray is not trying to scare anyone but you just need to educated yourselves
[Agent 007] have a safety net
[Agent 007] Q: you had mentioned earlier about the lop, RI, RV, etc. - could you tell me what you mean what is a lop?
[TamRon400] Steve has an entire chapter regarding this on the homepage
[TamRon400] when you remove 3 zeros a 1000 peso is not a 1 peso so they lop of 3 zeros
[TamRon400] in the case of Iraq they have no hyper inflation
[TamRon400] they have it at 5 or 6 percent and the only reason it is so high is they have pulled in the large notes
[Agent 007] Thank you Steve
[TamRon400] the removal o the 3 notes is pulling in the large notes with 3 zeros on them
[Agent 007] http://www.thegetteam.com/forum/index.p ... 701.0.html
[Agent 007] Steve's post in the forum
[Agent 007] Q: on the 3 zero notes - they are just talking about the 25K and 10K notes?
[Agent 007] 1, 5, 10, 25 k notes coming out
[TamRon400] no they are going to take 5000, 10000, 1000 all of them
[Agent 007] Q: You talked about transfers and cashier’s checks from Ty - can you clarify it for me please. [TamRon400] a. Ty is telling TK that he has never had a problem with the wires going through, you need to have an established relationship with the bank, let Ty know how many dinar you are bringing in so they can write you a cashier's check
[TamRon400] no TK did not ask the amount
[TamRon400] Once you have the opportunity to become a trustee they will allow the courts to go after the trust
[TamRon400] must be an irrevocable trust
[Agent 007] Q: In regards to the line of credit with banks and dinars, I went to several different banks before the RV (B of A, Chase and TD Bank). They said no way.

[Agent 007] Guest on
[Agent 007] Athena
[TamRon400] Tony on
[Agent 007] Juice
[Agent 007] IMF and treasury are on complete blackout
[Agent 007] huge news
[Agent 007] on blackout since last night
[Agent 007] updating every 3 hours
[Agent 007] if nothing changes, this is very good news
[Agent 007] apologies between TK and Athena on a miscommunication problem
[Agent 007] Athena is here to stay
[TamRon400] as long as nothing changes this is very very good news for us
[Agent 007] hearing late our night tonight (Tues Iraq)
[Agent 007] all done
[TamRon400] Late tonight, Tuesday Iraq
[Agent 007] just agreeing on the rate
[Agent 007] world implications
[TamRon400] they were just trying to agree upon the rate
[Agent 007] haven't been able to decide on the best rate to come out at
[Agent 007] plus $5 he has been hearing
[Agent 007] $3.86 still is good
[Agent 007] pretty sure we will be happy
[Agent 007] Steve - we get numbers from $3.22 to $6.18 all of the time
[Agent 007] trying to figure out the best entry point
[Agent 007] jockeying for position
[Agent 007] lower rate contractors won't be happy
[Agent 007] too high a rate they would have to support a lot
[Agent 007] can't destroy Iraq in the process
[Agent 007] IMF blackout is a good indicator that it has been taken care of
[Agent 007] should see it tomorrow
[Agent 007] Rodney wants to know why Athena hasn't been on our calls before.
[Agent 007] He was - Rodney was gone
[TamRon400] he has
[Agent 007] someone said Iraq/Kuwait borders closed down
[TamRon400] hopefully this might be the last call
[Agent 007] there is some discrepancies on some financial payment due
[Agent 007] for currency transfers
[Agent 007] only
[Agent 007] heard US Treasury dept.
[Agent 007] speaking about Osama bin Laden and Geraldo Rivera last evening on Fox News last night
[Agent 007] discussing Bin Laden death and surrounding circumstances
[TamRon400] if this goes down we will have 2 more calls, a post RV call, and the drawing on 150K dinar
[Agent 007] Q: question of holding a 25k note and you cash in after the RV - if they were to drop the 3 zeros - does that mean I have no value?
[TamRon400] Shabibi said the money was going to be good
[TamRon400] you have time to cash them in
[Agent 007] Q: wondering will Ali or Ty still give us gold for our dinar?
[TamRon400] most of the high currencies are already out of circulation in Iraq
[TamRon400] our large denominations will be traded for oil
[Agent 007] Q: how about off site cash-in? airports - still intact?
[Agent 007] the locations that were on Ty's map for cash-in will still be valid - Ty was just told to remove them
[TamRon400] the information will be sent out via e-mails and is on the website under Dinar Banker/Ty which explains the locations and has Ali
[Agent 007] under Dinar Banker on our home page and Dinar Trade - tabs on our site
[TamRon400] Ali's stuff also
[Agent 007] Q: for Athena - what is your take on what Delta said about 85 cent RV
[TamRon400] if they come out too high there is a lot of pressure on Iraq and if they come out to low it does not boot the economy
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:39 AM 0 comments
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Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Dinar Intel Update - 5-3-11
We are getting some good intel. I think we need to start packing our bags! (thinking out loud) God bless! ~~s.

[PaPaJack1952] Hey everyone Athena Just got a call that everything is still a go for today they call him back at 11:30 pst to up date him that we should see the RV at that time he said it will Just show up in the Banks and forex at that time athena just said it would be today

[9:34:10 AM] [athena] If anything changes I will let you all know
[bluwolf] So far we wait but all involve state that today is the day
[athena] but as of last night everything still says today
[bluwolf] My people are gathering info I will inform
[bjj (Barb)] Maybe around 2 pm EST today??? just thinking outloud.
[bluwolf] Bj yes

[Longfellow] I'm working on verifying a few things this morning. Long night last night. Lots of good things and everything is very positive
9:41 AM [duckyboy] Longfellow so, with the lowest auction, the 000s gone, a party tonight.....it looks pretty good!
9:42 AM [Longfellow] ILOVEMYLIFE Great questions to finalize a few minor details
9:43 AM [ILOVEMYLIFE] Athena and Bluwolf are suggesting this afternoon for an RV....would you agree?
9:43 AM [Longfellow] duckyboy Things look very good but this thing is very complex so I go in with cautious optimism
9:43 AM [dinarmakethrich] Longfellow so Shabibi party is still a GO no cancellations?
9:44 AM [Longfellow] dinarmakethrich Working to verify that now, but haven't heard it's off. So we wait and see

11:52 AM [Longfellow] Folks I will be heading to Italy for few weeks. You won't be hearing much from me and I wanted to wish you all the best. Enjoy the ride. I received some very good advice from a very wealthy man. He told me to write down the type of person I wanted to be once I had money and to read it every day. I would encourage all of you to the same. Remember that money is not the answer to happiness and where much is given, much is expected. I would hope we all will decide right now that when this blessing comes that we will use it for good and for helping others who are less fortunate than we are. God Speed Friends. Go Big or Go Home, Go RV!

[POPPY2] oneview u r w and i think we are in store for much more encouraging words very soon i have made two midnight drives this week where i go out and praise god and for everyone here and on all the chats and all that we hear of in bad situations from the people involved. We are chosen for some purpose to be here and to be blessed my prayer are that we can decern what that purpose is and be prepared to fullfill that purpose. I for the health happiness joy prosperity and the leadership of iraq to make good decisions for their people. They will become the financial mecca of the world poppy2

12:12 PM [peachee] [POPPY2] elsie I HAVE A THEORY given to me last week when the auctions dropped this was supplied by a couple of financial annalist . they think the number of banks stayed the same which was true ? they said the ammount dropped to 1/3rd the norm then they said ok what if they are distributing the loer denoms and the banks are paying with larger denoms and reciving the lower denom in return at the new rv'ed bank rate and all being done internally in country that same 1/3 has continued for 5 auctions now. It would apeer if theis is right then as low as it was today all the banks must be stocked up at this point and the RV could be implemented and released today ith no in country negative impact. Poppy2 now i am just delivering their theory not mine but it does have the right figures for this to be true if just over the $3.00 rate ?? Poppy2

[POPPY2] skyhawk i dont think that is a huge influence on the rv dr. Shabibi said he needed one thing to start the rv and that was the vote to reclaim the 3 zero money and according to reports yesterday he got that so the next step was for him to contact the imf and the bis and tell them to impliment the rv process which will be logistically released by the bis along with all the other currencies and the auctions are just preparation for the release that has been placed in process as all intel shows. The auctions are just a indicator poppy2

[POPPY2] bobbyb YOU GUYS CAN KEEP INCLUDING AND CALLING FOR THE MINISTERS BUT THEY HAVE ZERO TO DO WITH THE RV ???? DR SHABIBI THE ONLY person in iraq that has not ever lied to us stated that 3 time that they have zero to do with him rving . I have absolute personal contact that they have all been set and voted n since feb2. and also have confirmed personal contact direct from the minister of security from last month so all that is smoke the rv lies with the vote of approval from parliment and the relkease from dr shabibi to the imf and bis to turn it loose poppy

[R&R] Here's my take on the auctions. The auctions are the CBI's way of raising capital and putting currency in circulation. The auctions are now anemic. This, IMHO, mean one of two things: (a) they have no more currency to distribute (large denoms), or (b) they are stopping the sale of large denoms in anticipation of being giving authorization to auction the lower denoms. If Shabibi knows that the RV is coming, there is no reason for him to keep selling the country's currency only to have to buy it back at a 3,000% markup in a day or two. That makes no sense. Instead, sell a small float to day-to-day and keep reducing it until authorization comes to release small denoms. This is why Frank alluded to the auctions decreasing in size to be so significant.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:53 AM 0 comments
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

a Dinar Dimwit wrote:[R&R] Here's my take on the auctions. The auctions are the CBI's way of raising capital and putting currency in circulation. The auctions are now anemic. This, IMHO, mean one of two things: (a) they have no more currency to distribute (large denoms), or (b) they are stopping the sale of large denoms in anticipation of being giving authorization to auction the lower denoms. If Shabibi knows that the RV is coming, there is no reason for him to keep selling the country's currency only to have to buy it back at a 3,000% markup in a day or two. That makes no sense. Instead, sell a small float to day-to-day and keep reducing it until authorization comes to release small denoms. This is why Frank alluded to the auctions decreasing in size to be so significant.
Or, the more likely and certainly more realistic answer, is that NO ONE is interested in buying what is basically a worthless, and going to stay that way, currency.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

I believe these folks have been beyond "the point of no return" for a while.

Monday, May 9, 2011
Dinar Intel Update 5-7-11
[Rich Queen] Monday. Cash in. High rate. Period
11:47 PM [Rich Queen] For the record, I have had word that things passed the point of no return for thel last time Wednesday. Do with that what you will.
11:48 PM [Rich Queen] I got some of the best intel today that I have had for MONTHS. Be comforted, people.

12:13 AM riskybuss] MTT (Midnight Think Tank) announced that a gentleman who knows a Board Member of the CBI said the RV took place on Thursday and will show up on Forex on Sunday. Will NOT show up on CBI site as they are still working on new CBI site. This just on MTT five minutes ago. The rate quoted by the CBI Board Member was $3.71.........example : $3.71 X $ 1.65 = $ 6.12


3:47 PM (Frank V. transcriber on conference call)... wooooooooo. Okay listen up Ministers have been sworn in and will be officially announced before the media and Iraq in the Morning!!! Might see rate tonight but not sure! This is not a drill!!!!.... debtarheelgirl

RICH QUEEN 6:31 PM OK, I know one time that the US Treasury was holding our for $2 more than all the other countries because of the war expenditures. They didn't get it. Another time pure technical issues with transmission had to be fixed. Actually that happened more than once. As well as the sheer logistical aspect of coordinating all of the basket of currencies that will update simultaneously. Also many banks weren't able to become Basel III compliant in a timely fashion - some were dragging their heels because they didn't want to have to comply with increased transparency. Plus there's a huge part underlying all of this. Those who control the world's money have been fighting tooth and nail to retain control. Because once the RV is triggered, their reign of terror will officially be over. Huge transference of wealth coming. The biggest in history in fact. 6:34 PM ****** There has been a power struggle going on the world has never seen under all of this. But I think it's finally over. Got some calls in the last week that support this. RICH QUEEN

May 8 7:54 PM [Rich Queen] Any phone calls I needed to get I already got yesterday, so today I can coast!

May 8 7:54 PM [sunshine] Rich Queen Great..now ready for tomorrow...Hopefully..our blessing day is still on plan.... pray

May 8 7:54 PM [Rich Queen] sunshine I am!

May 8 7:54 PM [builderwife] Rich queen I take it you liked the sound of these calls????

May 8 7:54 PM [dman] Rich Queen coast right into the rv tomorrow

May 8 7:55 PM [Rich Queen] builderwife You have NO idea!!!!!

May 8 7:55 PM [Rich Queen] dman Exactly!

May 8 7:55 PM [petra161] Rich Queen are you saying that we are still on ?

May 8 7:55 PM [Rich Queen] petra161 yup!

May 8 7:56 PM [GrannieAnnie] Rich Queen do you think it will show up on Forex when London does thier updating at 2am tonight?

May 8 7:56 PM [live4him] Rich Queen can you share? what was on these calls?

May 8 7:56 PM [Rich Queen] Tuesday is my 3rd wedding anniversary with my husband. I expect we will have the BEST anniversary EVER!!!

May 8 7:57 PM [Rich Queen] live4him >No I can't but they were EXTREMELY good!!!

7:59 PM [nvidaloca] happy mothers day to all out there and Hi Rich Queen, any idea with Dinar Banker when will they say the RV officially occurred as many are saying it probably happened on thursday or will they say it happened on the day it shows up in forex ?

7:59 PM [Rich Queen] nvidaloca> Once it shows up on Forex

7:59 PM [elaine schembre] nvidaloca ... the official day will be the day it shows up on CBI and Forex

8:00 PM [Rich Queen] elaine schembre> It will probably show up on the new CBI site. Don't know how to find it yet - don't think it's live

OKIE on Get Team chat 5-8-11
[Enorrste] I firmly believe we are within only a few days now of our blessing
[Enorrste] sort of quiet today, as expected; Mom's day and all
[Enorrste] plus I think there is an essential blackout in Iraq
[Enorrste] just waiting for them to let the world in on their little secret (RV)
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] hi al--back on--just received call about the london exchange---hope it has leg's
[Enorrste] OKIE_OIL_MAN , "legs", you mean like a good quality cabernet?
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] call just received gave credence to tommorows announcement--maybe that is the catylst needed to get the r'v
[Enorrste] OKIE_OIL_MAN , I just posted a "retranslation" of a "remove the 3 zeros" article that specifically says $3.33 in it for the new value; written T
[Enorrste] TODAY
[janicemulvaney] OKIE_OIL_MAN do you know what time theyll have their press conference ive a link for iraq Tv
[Agent 007] here is the shortcut for it: http://www.thegetteam.co ••• 2.0.html
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] ennorrste---still personally getting the 4.40 rate---can't prove it---just hope it's true
[Enorrste] OKIE_OIL_MAN , I believe the $3.33 was put there to tie in with older articles from 2005 and 2007 to show that the plan is now complete; rate could well be higher, IMO
[Enorrste] In any case the article is specific that Parliament now has the draft law and should be passing it at any time (RV law)
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] i found out today all the oil contracts that has been in a suspended animation is now honored and is to be honored
[Enorrste] cool!
[Enorrste] Almost home free!!!!!
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] the actual r/v occured last thurs night--
[Enorrste] I believe the recent drop in gold and silver is in reaction to the hidden knowledge that the massive RVs are about to be announced
[Enorrste] I predicted a drop in metals for the short term, but not dramatic
[amadden] Okie that is the same info I got also on Last Thrusday it actually happened
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] notice Geitner announcing a massive inflow of taxes is to be expected immenently?
[Enorrste] OKIE_OIL_MAN , hmmmm; I wonder where he'll get that?
[amadden] ge???
swampyjackpot] The Professor It seems to me that the "hidden knowledge" is pretty well known... expect that silver will go up with the demand
3:19 PM [Enorrste] swampyjackpot , I think it will go up later with the demand, but will fall initially as all of the world's currencies get some sort of backing
3:20 PM [Enorrste] freedom4all , thx; needed to take a break from HOUSEWORK!
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] it will be interesting to see what is on irs form 1040 next year for our elected officials
[swampyjackpot] The Professor Maybe you are correct.. hope so... cause I have been buying silver in small lots, but plan in bigger lots
Enorrste] swampyjackpot , remember if you dollar-cost average you can't lose
Enorrste] swampyjackpot , remember if you dollar-cost average you can't lose
happytrails] OKIE_OIL_MAN; ha ha........if they cashed in bagdad they won't have to declare!
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] happytrails-exactly
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] cya later--gonna feed harvey and nuff
[Enorrste] OKIE_OIL_MAN , do you know something about an IRS ruling? How could they single out elected officials? Isn't that illegal? Oh, wait this is the O admin.
[swampyjackpot] The Professor Yep! That is why I follow what you offer up to us.. You have been a great teacher and mentor !!
[amadden] Take care Okie, and always good to see you
[OKIE_OIL_MAN] The Professor--THEY will have a way around taxes that you and i are not privied too
[Enorrste] Al, my break is over also. Back to the grind (I mean "spa"). Later all!
[Enorrste] Probably, no definitely right, OKIE
[amadden] okay Steve, thank for doing that for me
Enorrste] Later dudes!
[Enorrste] and dudettes
OKIE_OIL_MAN] swampy-hope is all we have
[amadden] Bye Okie

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:40 AM 0 comments
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

According to www.coinmill.com, 10,000 Iraqi dinars will get you... USD $8.49. I suppose, though, that the fantasy of revaluation is much more comforting for these people.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

I am curious, how does something “ pass(ed) the point of no return for thel last time Wednesday”, I was not aware that one could pass the point of no return more than once. Now going around the bend is something that can be done multiple times and these folks seem to have mastered that bit pretty well.

As to the “Do with that what you will. ” comment, I think continued snickering would be in order at this point.

If the dinar is still worth nothing, does that mean the real for sure reval DIDN'T happen on Thurs like all the inmates are claiming??? Just asking...
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Dinar Intel Updates 5-9-11

PTR CALL IS OVER – PLAYBACK AT 760-569-7699 – 242249#


From People's Dinar (please don't ban me- this is something everyone should hear)
Moke, on 09 May 2011 - 06:22 PM, said:
thinks Steve doesn't want to start any rumors but, you're gonna be gone HOW MANY days, or am I reading into it too much?

I am. I was scheduled to leave this morning but changed it to Wednesday because of the events taking place.

I really did not want to get stuck on a plane and have the RV take place because I have so much to do to help you all cash out with a Zero spread


Frank'ly i am out of answers----Posted by Eagleone Today at 4:22 pm

OK – Lets look at what we have without emotion. . . . because there is much to look at. . . Anything you have to offer is appreciated. . . because I am . . . puzzled

1.0 Earlier this morning, Iraq was to have a major press conference. . . the conjecture was that this was the announcement that we have been waiting for. . .

2.0 This conference has been postponed until 5/11/11 according to a press release from Iraq.

3.0 Geitner has gone on record stating that the debt ceiling does not need adjusting because of a “Major influx of revenue” into the US Treasury [taxes from this investment?]

4.0 John McCain and Nancy Pelosi among others are in Iraq , as are all the major networks and newsies – not only the USA but Globally. . . and I don’t believe they are there for a picnic.

5,0 We have evidence of the fact that the remaining ministers HAVE been approved unanimously by parliament – in three separate articles from three separate sources.

6.0 We have evidence that Basil, the Bank of International Settlements and the IMF have approved the Iraqi RI/RV

7.0 We have three separate announcements from the CBI stating a “removal of 3 zeros” from circulation.

8.0 We have CBI auctions in the last week or so, dwindle in amount to the point of ridiculous –the country cannot exist on the pittance of profit from the auctions. Rather they seem to be paving the way for Lower Denoms. . .

9.0 We know that oil contracts are being let, contractors are being paid and that the cards have been charged in-country.

10.0 We know that in accordance with previous dictates, Maliki is out of time. . . he was given 100 days 100 days ago to sit a government and RV

11.0 We know that the US Treas is pushing for this to conclude as is Shabibi

12.0 We know that Globally, there are 57 immediate and over100 countries waiting or in the same basket to revaluate their currencies along with Iraq. . . waiting to fend off bankruptcy. . . that includes the USA.

13.0 We know that Iraq has used the term “sterilization” heavily in the last week, when referring to their currency and economy. Sterilization is the process in which monetary authorities ensure that foreign exchange interventions do not affect the domestic monetary base, which is one component of the overall money supply... . Particularly when they are closing books on a failed or dying economy and opening a new economic chapter and want to preserve the sanctity of their economic balance. This is particularly so if issuance of the infamous lower denominations is forthcoming.

14.0 We have plenty of RUMOR that an experimental in-country RV has happened effective last week at a rate that we all would enjoy

15.0 We know that there have been rolling blackouts on quite a few of the major forums, whether self imposed or imposed by “Others”.

16.0 We know that Ali from Dinar Trade has ceased selling and buying both Iraqi Dinar and NV Dong in his California operation, effective middle of last week. His Tennessee operation, under a different name is still dealing though.

17.0 We know that the source of Dinar has all but dried up. . . most banks, including 5/3 have stopped selling Dinar and most of the small dealers have stopped selling.

18.0 We know that there is a Major Arab/Muslim conference in Iraq starting on the 12th.

19.0 We know that at this point, President Obama has rescinded GWB’s Presidential Order 13303, allowing for the purchase of IQD effective the 12th of this month.

20.0 We suspect major issues with the Federal Reserve and a strengthening of the US Treasury, visible in the last couple of weeks.

21.0 We have seen the price of crude well over $100/bbl, Gold at $1550/oz and Silver in the same all time high and yet they are falling now.

22.0 Earlier this morning, one of the major gurus, Stevel, tended his “Last Post” citing a couple of reasons, but, in my opinion, it is HUGE that he has issued what amounts to be an emotional withdrawal.

23.0 Moments ago, the famous Okie issued HIS last post – “due to business involvement and physical problems” . . . we pray for them both.

24.0 We have fresh articles indicating that additional contracts are being let by the GOI [which still has not been formally announced]to oil contractors, utility contractors and the like.

25.0 We have Shabibi stating again, that a recognized GOI would precipitate the release of the RI/RV and that seems to be done.

26.0 We have proof that the Kurds have received partial payment from Iraqi oil profits which indicates a resolution of the HCL and Resolution141for the Kurds and that Kuwait is very happy.

I do not want to prejudice my own thinking in this, nor do I wish to prejudice yours but it seems that there is something still missing in this long time puzzle that we have been dealing with. . .

Either that, or Tuesday through Thursday of this week really seems to be it. . . What, if anything, am I missing. . . Because like you, I really want to see closure. . . Now!

Posted Today, 02:14 PM
Date: Monday, 09-05-11 09: 00

Baghdad (News) ...Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki with John McCain and his party, the political and security situation in Iraq. Maliki demanded the introduction of the strategic framework agreement governing cooperation between Iraq and the United States. Maliki said: "the prospects of cooperation between Iraq and the United States", stressing the need to expand cooperation between the two countries, including economic, industrial, commercial and scientific. The delegation of the United States Congress is willing to increase cooperation within the framework of strategic cooperation, convergence of views on developments in the region.


Posted Today, 02:22 PM

The RV is coming dow the pipe.....patiance is trying me...Godspeed
The proof is everywhere

Posted Today, 12:01 PM

[okie_oil_man] good morning america and ships at sea and all our world wide friends. From all intel received within the past 24 hour's it appears we are approaching the end of our journey to utopia. The end is so near you can feel it. Due to business involvement and also physical problems i have decided that now will be the optimum time for me to retire from the intel furnishing status that i have maintained for several years. I hope you understand my decision. I have enjoyed most of the time being able to share what i had with each of you that may not have had the opportunity and exposure to sources that i have. I god's richest blessing's on you all and have only wanted to be a messenger and a vessel to be used by the lord. I hope i have served that purpose--i may drop by occasionally to say hello but it had gotten to the point that the pressure and questions has taken a final toll on my mind, my body, and my spirit.--god bless you all and godspeed the r/v--goodbye

Posted Today, 08:30 AM
Could not find any news on the expected meeting today...but found this one.....
Invitation to the media

Hold Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki told a news conference on the morning of Wednesday, corresponding to 05/11/2011 at the presidential palace.

The media wishing to attend the conference call the following telephone numbers for facilities required for entry into: -07801984990 (Anyone thinking RV?)

Posted Today, 04:42 PM

Longfellow's latest (from planet dinar):
Iraq is done. Just waiting on US to get there issues wrapped up. Could be a couple of days but it could be a good as they are trying to get the rate up even more. Ciao! Go Big or Go Home, Go RV!

View PostCheckMate, on 09 May 2011 - 03:02 PM, said:

Hello everyone,....
We wanted to have a short, live call with a few updates.

The 100K contest, the AGL webdinar for tomorrow, the fact that many top Guru's are saying it's over, done, some are even saying their good byes.

What do you think,.....what are your thoughts post them here, if you would like to hear what we think will see you on the call at 7:30PM EST

Main CC phone number for every PTR call
760-569-7676 the pin code 242249#

Back-Up# for every PTR CC
805-360-1075 type in main cc # 760-569-7676 and then code 242249#

Recorded CC PTR# for every recording(available within a few minutes of the end of the call)
760-569-7699 pin code 242249#

Posted Today, 07:25 PM - PTR cc transcript
PTR CCall 5 9 11
Please excuse typos!

Dan, Tony, Wendy, Radtodd, Simon, ButchB and Special Guest - Okie

Dan: A lot happening around the boards. Will discuss our thoughts. This will be a short call. Somethings better explained on the call re the contests, changes on the site and intel for the day. Not a lot.

Dan: Bob G had a good suggestion of how to count the votes on the contests. One Tony made one up of taking my avatar and disrespecting it. We will be voting on that.

Tony: I really only had 4 people submit those. They are really great. We'll put them up on the board and let everyone vote on those.

Dan: The contest I had done was something fun for the weekend. Your thoughts off this journey. What has your journey been like? 3 - 7 lines. We are going to let it be judged by you guys - put a positive markers on there today and tomorrow. Will take the top 5 and have you guys vote on them. Best way to figure out how to do that.

Do have another contest today and will do one everyday.

I made a post - re the Anderson Law Group. Their website. We had so many people get left out of the last webinar. Their link is already posted. I am really impressed with them They are getting back to everyone pretty quick. I enjoyed the webinar. Will be on there tomorrow to introduce Clint. That is between you and them. Ask them ?'s on their site as we are not involved.

Simon: I learned a lot from just being on that seminar. A lot of people think that the SF event is closed... Started from the old site... we should be promoting that event cause it will help people's future for a long time in a positive way.

Dan: It got responded because of the Anderson Law Group. They are gearing up. We wanted to know how many people where coming. We did extend it because Clint Coons said they will accommodate as many people as come. A lot of things planned. The event costs nothing. The meetings with the attorneys costs nothing. Clint said they would do it in classes.

We won't be doing much. This is the Anderson Law Group Event. The more people that come out the better. It will be fun.

Tony: Can you clarify the costs nothing part?

Dan: Yes if you are one of them! The $25 deposit is refundable at the event.
We do have some stuff that is interesting besides that. Everything is on you when you get there. The event costs nothing. We will give you a list of hotels that are around the event and you will pay for everything you will be doing when you are there... food, room, car etc. This is not a profitable event for us. The expense to you is what you do there. There is a post up on the board about things that Tony and I have already arranged. We're just talking about having fun and trying to get people thinking about post rv so not so much thinking about pre rv. The hard part is the emotional attachment to the rv happening today everyday. We said let's rationalize on some of this intel, dispel some of this stuff that shouldn't be talked about...

Tony: A bunch of ? on the board? What is going on today? What do I seen happening on the crystal ball. Got a call from Okie and told him I couldn't talk about it cause of this call.....

Dan - One ? is Do you feel we are at the end that the RV is done? Is that why the gurus are leaving?

Tony: I still feel we are there. I did get some other information. Let's look at this. 13303 expires on the 15th or 17th. It hasn't been renewed yet. One of 2 things will happen - we'll see the rv by then or they will renew it and we'll know we are a ways out. Today is the 9th. One way of the other your answer will be on the table. If it is extended... we area ways out. The other people you are referring to - ones I have talked to feels we are there. Intel has not changed. Last week almost every board saying the same thing. Today the same.

Saying this thing has come to an end and you will see it this week. Could be what I said or that all people saying that it is this week.

Dan: I am looking at these ?'s and a lot are redundant. We keep hearing about this 3 tiered thing - I don't think that is possible. Don't know if we will ever know. Might be something that happens but we can't answer. I don't think today or tomorrow but I also don't think it can go much longer. You get to a point that you are at a wall and I start over analyzing this stuff.. People saying why can't we just take it the way it is., We want to produce the news that we are seeing through out the internet - what we are seeing in the bis., imf, the govt and parliament... that has a little bit of a tell to it. The other side is part of put intel... sometimes good or bad.

We start hearing that information is coming from the fed or the Treasury... we've all fallen for that one and at times may be true. But do you think that the people at the secretarial level etc... really know about this. Or is it the top 4 -5 people who know. One thing that got me excited is this is multiple trillion dollars and I think it will be hushed up of the last day/hour. Most of people who understand banking day they don't think that will be the exposure to the largest shift of wealth. Very difficult for one of those agencies to tell us the day or hour. Getting multiple people saying we are close. It is almost over. Problem is coming on these boards and with our own enthusiasm we get everyone pumped up and then people buy reserves. That's what bothers me - don't want people to lose that. Trying to as a group start cautioning ourselves. I am not being negative thinking it will go longer and longer... just want to decipher this. We got a call from another agency that pointed to this week being very plausible for this happening. That's about as positive ans I can put this week and the up and coming days. Not packing my bags and saying it is over. We haven't heard that yet.

Tony: The intel we got this am was that they were meeting. some kind of announcement of things made tomorrow. Doesn't mean its the rv. means an announcement about something. may be it is I don't know. I try to look at the whole picture... looking at our site,,, other sites... the whole thing. Are people just like us who have information they shouldn't have... got it in a passing way and it continues down to us.. In big picture we shouldn't know anything about it but here we are. Information continues to grow. For same reaason it is wrong could be right. Have been having this conversation a lot. With all honestly - we will do the roght thing. Bring you the best information but I am not going to feel guilty if you buy reserves or more. You are adults and you should know that already. I respsect you and love you but I am not going to feel guilty. I am giving you the information as it comes.

Dan: Why do you think all the people saying they are leaving? Okie is someone who has a love/hate relationship with a lot of people. We talk to him daily. Why would he be saying he is gone?

Tony: I talked to him yesterday. I hope he doesn't mind this. Feels he has been giving 100% of what he has been getting and it has been unappreciated. Said he is tired. At same time - I am hearing the same thing you are hearing Tony - that it is over. He is looking for it to happen tomorrow or Wednesday cause that is the information they got last nite. I got the same information. Don't know. A lot of people out there getting tired. We are hearing the goi will be announced and expect the rv to be right after it. Know people have flown over there to make some announcement. heard they tried to do it on Thursday and then again on Saturday.

The contracts are supposed to be coming out this week is what we are being told again. You see the newspaper articles as do we. Talking about removing 000's how the plan is completed, announcing their representatives... enough information or evidence or pieces of the puzzle to start completing this picture and that is the majority of the people receiving the information are saying. We don't claim to be gurus. We are getting information and we are giving information. Only talking about Okie not the rest of them He is 77 years old - has a reason to be tired.

Dan: That's basically what the?'s are. Wanted to bring something up here and talk about but lost that thread. A lot of people saying that even the timelines and the dates going on... want to know if we know why people are leaving at this moment. The truth about Ali and his office, I believe are family related. A couple of offices being run by his backing. Lends itself to that he has shut down the so cal area, where he is.

Talked to Ty - there is no clearing house person. He doesn't know about that. A rumor as well. A lot of rumors right now. Nothing going on with Ali except for that. Ty already gearing up for increased business. As people got to know Ty he became more trusting. In beginning only saw ali only and saw him on cnbc etc...

I told TY I needed to see someone - he became my dealer of choice. All the stuff you are hearing about Ali should be put to bed. Just doing what he needs to do for himself.

Tony: I agree with you. We researched the information about Ali ourselves. The thing about Ali in Kansas is nothing. Didn't have a license in KS and so for $20k now he does. You as individuals and what makes sense in that respect to be controversial. No controversy there. Shouldn't have been posted site to site. You have some responsibility. I know Check saying we want to do things better. You have some responsibility too.

Dan: Think you should always hold yourselves to a level of responsibility to make things better.

Tony: We get good intel. Just cause it's not the rv at 2 tomorrow... Still pieces of the puzzle. Things you wouldn't hear any other way. If I was on the other side I would appreciate that.

Dan : Actually goo. Positive affirmation. keep hearing we are in that timeline. Said that about Ty cause he had something about a lawsuit in AR but the mods pulled that down. Make sure you are getting your information from a credible source. If you knew the background - it is stupid, They settled cause it was just a hassle. Would be frustrating got people to find things without know in the whole thing. Careful what we post. Keep it to yourself unless we all want to see it..

Tony: As usual I think it will be an interesting night and day tomorrow. Don't stay up all night. I never do., Have never done iy and never will. The intel and the reason those guys saying goodbye is cause it is saying tonight and tomorrow. Other than that they wouldn't be saying that.

Dan: We are going to start foing on every conference call - a morning show early or late morning - a radio show of everything we can opull together on the phsyical noesws intel news and will discuss it with everyone we have on our calls. Every morning. News and rumors on that show. To do somehting mind of fun.

Every time we do a call, including tonight... kind of a race. On a radio show they will ask a ? and then they take the first 100 calls and take the 99th caller... in the subject line put the date of the call. Email is 25k@peoplestalkradio.com

At end of the broadcast we'll tell you what to put in that email.

Send it then. The 100th email - we'll send 25k to that person. We'll do that on everyone of our calls.

Dan - A guy doing the counting of this who has no agenda. Trying to keep this thing fresh. Part of this is camaraderie. Fact we get to do this with people we get ti to know is part of the fun. A building of something here I hope. We'll send out the 100k contest when that is done.

Today's email send to 25k@peoplestalkradio.com./ Subject line is today's date and message -
Just RV me.

Tony: The guys who entered the dartboard cosntest - I did get the 4 at support@ peoplestalkradio.com....

Dan: Tony - there are more than 4 on our boards. We'll have them all posted and then vote on them. I want no part of our contest.

Tony - You are a big part of it it is your picture.

? A lot of ?? on the board re the 13303 having nothing to do with the rv...

Tony: - Getting a call from Iraq so give me a minute.

Dan - I hate dead air time on a call. Simon - how did your call work out?

Simon - basically totally different sources from you and Tony - not people on the sites. Both said the same thing that Tony is referencing - that we are at the door and will see it soon. Some one posted on the chat while on the call - I hope Dan doesn't turn the firehouse on the call..... I know not what you are doing.

I am giving you as much as I've got. heard that we a re right here. Confirming what Tony said. Said for a year the closer we got the less information and the more confusing information is.

Dan: A little bit of confusion out there. I know that if you want to hear every piece of information we get. Is there something wrong with trying to see what is good bad or just made up. 3 or 4 weeks ago - I got upset that it was put out there that Shabbibi said it was going to rv and the date and time. I said that I don't believe they would telegraph to the world that their money was about to go up and would be up three thousand times. I don't see that is ever going to happen. Will fall in our lap. I am on that with you guys. I just don't believe these merchants are changing the tags in the stores. For intel - should we as intelligent people say - this is exciting intel or this makes no sense to me...

We can have that conversation if you guys think they will put it out there in advance so that we can go buy it by the billions tell me why. For the first time in history tell me why that would be. Can't see it happening that way. I don't like people thinking I am that stupid.

Don't think that was the point Dan. My point was that we've heard stories about other rv's int he past and how the news wasw the opposite till the day it happened. And misinformation designed to sit up the post to that people didn't get a grasp on what was happening.

Dan: - I just clicked off to call the guy that has been trying to reach me. One of the reasons I wanted him on here was cause of his understanding or the Kuwait rv. I am very pro of this dinar rv.

Tony: This call is already longer than we though. 13303 - someone says it expired last year in 2010. Originally it did yes. There was an extension put in until the 15th or 17th this year.

Read it carefully 0 it was giving us every right that an iraqi citizen has including owning dinar. Remember it was on the terrorist list., It just came off the list in December for us. In Canada in January. That is why that was put there. Prior to that we could not own the dinar. What happens when it expires? I don't really know. We got ours during that time. Maybe after that we can't get more? Maybe them plan was that there would be no need for it once it is a tradeable currency like every other one. If it wasn't going to be done by then - they don't usually wait till the last second.... We have 9 days to know and see how far out it is going to go. We'll know come the 17th.

Chat saying only having to do with the dinar when under the UN. Not now. Saying 13303 was in place so that we could invest in the country. Now that no longer listed as a terrorist currency why a need to extend it? If out in place while sanctions in place and no longer listed why a need for that?

Tony: Can you go to the bank and turn it in? Are some banks still saying they can't take it cause not on their list? It would be on every bank's list of the y could.

Wendy - It is not a true currency value for the country. My point is that if order was put in place while under the terrorist list and under sanctions that have been lifted - why do we need the order?

Tony- That is what I was saying. If it rv';s now it is tradeable.

Wendy - I am saying it is not tradeable. cause it doesn't reflect the true gdp of Iraq. Rate was mandated by imf. Thought main reason we couldn't purchase it was cause it was listed as a terrorist currency. If not listed that way anymore why do we have to hvae that order?

Would you agree that if we don't see an rv before that expires is that really a big deal? Even though not tradeable... we can own it but can't cash in cause it has no value.

Dan: That ? you just asked is easy to answer. If they don't extend the order then it doesn't mean anything. They aren't going to do everything they did, loss of life. all the $ for the investment etc... to have it over. That makes no sense. If it doesn't get extended it doesn't matter. If it does get extended then it does matter.

Tony: If it gets extended for a year or 6 months then we will know. It will be after the date they extend it.

Dan: The time line doesn't mean anything could be an rv the day after. Can;t go on much longer. The U S is in worse financial shape than Rome when it fell. Have done so much worldwide for other countries they are supported. Not going anywhere. This was meant to be one of the fixes. That fix isn't going away. Anying better to put money back in?

Wendy: Don't want people to freak out about the expiration date whatever it is... if it comes and goes and we don't see an extension don't want people to freak out. I believe in this 1000%. Don't believe this is about iraq. Think they are being made the scapegoat by the powers that be. If we knew everything we'd know the exact date. The unknowns are the hold up every week when ti was supposed to happen. The PTB did something and has nothing to do with Iraq.

Tony: Don't have to worry about it. Don't think they would tell us it was no good, after we went to Iraq we didn't trade with them cause we didn't agree with the rate. When this rv takes place will be different. Other countries did yes - we did not. Not as big a deal as others are making it. We are protected.

ButchB - another? here - Can every country in the world trade the iqd at this time? If not then 13303 does have something to do with it.

Tony - This was set up by the UN and the US - to have other countries buy it through dealers in the US. Governments would anywhere. That 1303 meant they could do that as citizens.

Got a brand new contact whose brother is in Iraq who will go down to the square everyday to see what is going on.

Dan - just so you know we have 4 -5 people like that.

Asked Tony to 3-way in Okie...

Okie is here Live and in person!

Okie - I am going to correct Tony - I am not 77 - yes Tony 69. Feel older than sand and rocks anyhow don't make me any more. Are you guys getting an implication of Wednesday that I am hearing? I have not elaborated and I kind of retired from the scene today. Heard that won't be much intel other than it has rv'd or will be. All these contributing little tidbits don't mean a hill of beans. These people that want every little tidbit let them go tot he library. I got up this morning and thought today would be a good day for me to start a new life. I am very satisfied that this is the week.

Tony; Me too.

Wendy - We have thousands of people listening to this call right now. We greatly appreciate all that you have done and endured and your intelligence and all you have done for us.

Okie - I've gone around the globe and met a lot of people in iraq, kuwait and that has been the primary source of my intel. Thank you I appreciate it so much.

Tony - That should make a lot you people happy

Okie - at least you know Okie isn't as old as Methusala as Tony said., going to get even with Tony and kidnap his dog or something.

Okie - I have really enjoyed the time I have listened to PTR - Tony and I have formed a bond of being very close friends. I have always been kind of on Tony's side. Know I shouldn't pick and choose but Tony and I are good friends.

Wendy - Come join us in SF.

Oki -According to scheduling I would really enjoy that. Thank you for having me and thank you Tony.

Tony - Got to go. It was great. Tomorrow am the radio show - different format.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:29 AM 0 comments
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Dinar - More Good Info
By DebTarHeelGirl

This weekend frustration was prominent on what is going on and all the different scenarios and it was affecting your trust in this investment. THIS IS GOD’s plan so please be patient as this plan unfolds…
Ali has a Tennessee website established in 2007 – it’s for a different company from that time frame and is a separate entity and non functional and Ali has sent emails telling them to please remove that website and shut it down as its old.… Ali is not selling any dinars.

Today we see posts from Steve L of People’s Dinar, Roger Wego of Dinar Daddy, Ali of Dinar Trade, and Adam Montana and maybe one more are leaving the internet intel scene….thanks for all your intel and rumors that you graciously shared with us in keeping us informed with this investment. We are not we will be here to the end…

Come sign up at Frankly Speaking http://www.frankvilladinar.com to become a member and so you can have access to our forum wealth of information… Massive email will be sent out to those signed up at Frankly Speaking when this RV occurs. I am in communication with Banks that will give us special rate for Frankly Speaking people…I will release a phone number to you to call to see exactly what rate they will offer to see if you would like to cash in there… Names of Banks, List of Dinar Daddy’s locations, I am working with Canada with Banks and rates to give to you, Puerto Rico information also….

Our Gov is working on taxing and the rate of same. The tax can’t be collected by a bank at cash in… Geitner spoke of a BIG windfall in taxes coming SOON to help lending – So Frank will offer you a menu of a smorgasbord for you to decide once the blessing comes… It’s a gift to guide you to make proper decisions on where to exchange…Our GOV is not ready for us as they do not know our tax rate yet….
Dinars – can you get some now – hard – Ali – nope not anymore – so now you can buy from Dinarbanker.com will give you a $10 discount if you put FRANK in the coupon code area – they will give me names only one person that wins the drawing for 50,000dinar contest – only of those that put FRANK in the coupon code when ordering.

Dame has set up a thread called Got Dinars, Now What – its being monitored by financial experts to answer our questions… http://www.frankvill...dinar-now-what/

Roy Strong Financial Advisor is with us tonight – He is hosting a Seminar which is being held this Saturday 5-14-11 in Toledo Ohio – at Frank’s church - Garden Park Christian Church, 8605 Salisbury Road, Monclova Ohio Reynolds Road has many hotels if you need to stay overnight. This seminar is to help explain what to do now about asset protection, minimize income taxes – capital gains tax info – teaching stewardship principles – how can you minimize or eliminate capital gains taxes… you can contact me at dinars@roymstrong.com or info@roymstrong.com 317-852-9774 is the office phone number – there is no capital gain for Frank for Frankly Speaking from this seminar. A Spanish translation will be researched for Spanish speaking people.

Delta is on the call -

1.0 Earlier this morning, Iraq was to have a major press conference. . . the conjecture was that this was the announcement that we have been waiting for. . . the meeting did happen today but it was the electorial committee meeting but not the investment per Delta was on TV .
2.0 This conference has been postponed until 5/11/11 according to a press release from Iraq.
Answer for 1.0 and 2.0 = They are not read to make this announcement- Delta states that yes that will happen then.

3.0 Geitner has gone on record stating that the debt ceiling does not need adjusting because of a “Major influx of revenue” into the US Treasury [taxes from this investment?]
It’s the only logical answer says Frank – there are quarterly taxes normally but this is the only logical answer that it’s the taxes from our cash in…. Chinese currency is held by US also so if it revals …so is it the Dinar- In Frank’s opinion I feel it’s the basket of currencies…

4.0 John McCain and Nancy Pelosi among others are in Iraq, as are all the major networks and newsies – not only the USA but Globally. . . and I don’t believe they are there for a picnic.
Let them all show up– FIND ME HILLARY then talk to me.

5.0 We have evidence of the fact that the remaining ministers HAVE been approved unanimously by parliament – in three separate articles from three separate sources.
Yes they were approved and that is rare in Iraq – in the GOI this is progress BIG – now vote on them – Delta says that last week the 3 names sent was NOT from the Iraqia list and now they say no voting on that cause of this list he was to get one from – good news is he could have passed this easy due to constitution need 50 + 1 to attend the parliament meeting and get 26 agreeing – but they are waiting – now with McCain there they are pressing to get this done – today 20 min ago Kurdistan coalition with National Coalition theu did settle EVERYTHING – met behind closed doors and they finished the list and Chief of CIA of Iraq will meet with the Kurdistan’s and Trade minister from Maliki’s list is supposed to give the Defense – one name was not from Iraqia list and that brought the frustration and today they met and did agree on this…and could vote on this tomorrow… as this has to happen as USA is there to say FINISH ASAP.

6.0 We have evidence that Basil, the Bank of International Settlements and the IMF have approved the Iraqi RI/RV
Frank said Our teams Evidence’s and I smile I understand what you are saying – Delta says all that is done even Shabibi said when he came here its all done and 6 banks are linked through CBI and linked International ready to go and waiting on the 3 zeros to be lifted to be recognized internationally. CBI has the rate…

7.0 We have three separate announcements from the CBI stating a “removal of 3 zeros” from circulation.
Frank says we have MORE than 3 articles and some are being recycled – the $3.33 article from yesterday was very confusing… all the rates levels are confusing… so we respect all the opinions of what each believe the rate could be…

8.0 We have CBI auctions in the last week or so, dwindle in amount to the point of ridiculous –the country cannot exist on the pittance of profit from the auctions. Rather they seem to be paving the way for Lower Denoms. . .
Country can’t exist on the auctions – Delta states – they are paving the way on lower denoms to come to life – the high auction today was because the sterilization has been completed and its ended – that brings on the high auction – the private banks in wire transfer rates were raised and 2 days ago from $10,000 to $50,000 per wire transfer with no requirement of who and from with no tax penalty there in Iraq…..and that is huge to go that high –
All we are now seeing and hearing is all GOOD GOOD GOOD…..

9.0 We know that oil contracts are being let, contractors are being paid and that the cards have been charged in-country.
Franks says right and also being paid in Kurdistan region also… Delta says that why Baghdad did not pay those company a long time ago – now they have the money- they have their hand in the DFI fund that’s why those people got paid now… that’s huge…
Everything is obvious not hiding no more – the article of lifting 3 zeros from the value today not from the rate – now they are telling everybody they are doing this – all the time now they do it all the time about the value –they are making it clear and waiting for the announcement to come out…

10.0 We know that in accordance with previous dictates, Maliki is out of time. . . he was given 100 days 100 days ago to sit a government and RV
Time is up Maliki -

11.0 We know that the US Treasury is pushing for this to conclude as is Shabibi
Yes he is and they are… they married themselves behind closed doors in February when they came out contracts were paid and auctions were sterilized for last two weeks… yes

12.0 We know that Globally, there are 57 immediate and over100 countries waiting or in the same basket to revaluate their currencies along with Iraq. . . waiting to fend off bankruptcy. . . that includes the USA.
That is a power statement above…

13.0 We know that Iraq has used the term “sterilization” heavily in the last week, when referring to their currency and economy. Sterilization is the process in which monetary authorities ensure that foreign exchange interventions do not affect the domestic monetary base, which is one component of the overall money supply… . Particularly when they are closing books on a failed or dying economy and opening a new economic chapter and want to preserve the sanctity of their economic balance. This is particularly so if issuance of the infamous lower denominations is forthcoming.
Part A they have arranged this to be able to cash us out….. Part B that is so brilliant the told us about the Sterilization – it ensures the domestic monetary base is not touched – this is what they are doing – this is great for us….

14.0 We have plenty of RUMOR that an experimental in-country RV has happened effective last week at a rate that we all would enjoy
NO comment says Frank

15.0 We know that there have been rolling blackouts on quite a few of the major forums, whether self imposed or imposed by “Others”.
Yes Ali has stopped, Roger Wego has stopped Steve L has stopped Adam Montana has Stopped – we can’t stop and we are not going to leave you hanging we will be here to tell you what’s going on – do not trust one place…

16.0 We know that Ali from Dinar Trade has ceased selling and buying both Iraqi Dinar and NV Dong in his California operation, effective middle of last week. His Tennessee operation, under a different name is still dealing though.
Frank says Ali said he has been asking this operation to be shut down – do not order from that website.

17.0 We know that the source of Dinar has all but dried up. . . most banks, including 5/3 have stopped selling Dinar and most of the small dealers have stopped selling.
That is true – today 5/3 updated Memo stated they WILL BE BUYING DINARS – when the exchange occurs- spread will occur

18.0 We know that there is a Major Arab/Muslim conference in Iraq starting on the 12th.

19.0 We know that at this point, President Obama has rescinded GWB’s Presidential Order 13303, allowing for the purchase of IQD effective the 12th of this month.
There are two of them one has nothing to do with buying dinars but investing in Iraq only – 13303 order does allow to purchase dinar –s not sure if its coming to an end and being reinacted by our current President – it ended at a perfect time – don’t you?

20.0 We suspect major issues with the Federal Reserve and a strengthening of the US Treasury, visible in the last couple of weeks.
Financial advisors left and right we offer to you thought our website.

21.0 We have seen the price of crude well over $100/bbl, Gold at $1550/oz and Silver in the same all time high and yet they are falling now.
As we get closer to the middle of this month they will not starting even yesterday and today they will jump back up – they are trying to help Iraq – they made over 7 billion dollars just due to the recent increase that was to help the country of Iraq…Frank said no wonder they opened up those two accounts in New York – to help protect all that money… 90% of that oil came from Basra and northern Iraq and that didn’t’ include the rest of the oil places – can you image what other profits they can make. Yes the oil will drop a bit – they only need $76-$80 per barrel to make money good money…
The DFI money was transferred and they were able to pay those company’s recently as the country has NO money and now the DFI fund is their to use…

22.0 Earlier this morning, one of the major gurus, Stevel, tended his “Last Post” citing a couple of reasons, but, in my opinion, it is HUGE that he has issued what amounts to be an emotional withdrawal.
We will still be here

24.0 We have fresh articles indicating that additional contracts are being let by the GOI [which still has not been formally announced] to oil contractors, utility contractors and the like.
Many are doing electricity oil etc good stuff going on yes

25.0 We have Shabibi stating again, that a recognized GOI would precipitate the release of the RI/RV and that seems to be done.
The GOI is about to be formed as they finally agreed on the cabinet ministers to be voted on this week – Delta said he posted the article that says they agreed to name the key security post…today…from the meeting behind closed doors – the pressure is on them to activate the 3 ministries and then the GOI as soon as he sees the GOI seated he will RV the money and the budget and the contracts… this is proper protocol to do this and wait for the GOI – this with dignity to be in harmony together …. Delta states that press conference that Shabibi said he needs security for the CBI so he needs this relationship between the GOI and CBI – then he will feel comfortable to release the rate… Shabibi cannot survive anymore they have to be Int’ by July 1st and vote before June 30th but he can’t ait till then as there is NO MORE EXTENSION till then they have to do this now…maybe 1-2 weeks only but waiting won’t work… GOI and CBI has to be woven together…

26.0 We have proof that the Kurds have received partial payment from Iraqi oil profits which indicates a resolution of the HCL and Resolution141 for the Kurds and that Kuwait is very happy.
Kuwait is very happy – the Kurds are in charge -

I do not want to prejudice my own thinking in this, nor do I wish to prejudice yours but it seems that there is something still missing in this long time puzzle that we have been dealing with. . . Either that, or Tuesday through Thursday of this week really seems to be it. . . What, if anything, am I missing. . . Because like you, I really want to see closure. . . Now!
Frank States – Geitner, Shabibi all are saying VERY SOON…….

[if it sounds like you read most of this yesterday, you have!]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:15 AM

zann said...
can you explain how the dinar RV is going to affect the current power structure especially the NWO.. I am confused with McCain and Pelosi, etc. being in Iraq
Please explain what that means for the US?

May 10, 2011 11:20 AM
Anonymous said...
Am I safe having my Iraqi bank account with $3 Million Iraqi Dinar in it, in Warka Bank in Iraq? Will they shift all my funds from my IQD account over to the minimal USD account I have to keep there? or should I purchase actual Dinar currency and close my current account at Warka Bank?

Jack Clark
May 10, 2011 8:22 PM
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'm not going to bother with pikers like the ones involved in the Dinar revaluation.

The voices inside my head tell me that The International Finance Cabal will announce, ANY DAY NOW, that the old pre-World War I Marks, and the 1923-48 Reichsmarks, are about to be revalued at the rate of 2 Euros per Mark/RM, because the Germans are disgusted with the problems Greece is causing for the Euro and want their own currency back.

Whoops -- gotta go. The nurses are coming with my meds....
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'm not going to bother with pikers like the ones involved in the Dinar revaluation.

The voices inside my head tell me that The International Finance Cabal will announce, ANY DAY NOW, that the old pre-World War I Marks, and the 1923-48 Reichsmarks, are about to be revalued at the rate of 2 Euros per Mark/RM, because the Germans are disgusted with the problems Greece is causing for the Euro and want their own currency back.

Whoops -- gotta go. The nurses are coming with my meds....
My father came back with a handfull of large denomination Weimar notes from the huge inflation era of the 20's as WWII souveniers. Seems that in the midst of a battle near Trier a shell hit a house where a huge amount of there were being stored and they came floating down like confetti, so people picked up a few just for grins. No doubt from someone who was convinced that someday they would be worth big money, I mean, they had big numbers on 'em. Crazy? Yes, but when you think about it, no crazier than letting Hitler take over your country.

No posting yes by MacHaffie on Dinars today, strange since it was supposed to have happened or be announced or whatever, the day before yesterday or today. And all those people waiting for their billions...
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by The Observer »

I can hardly wait until these folks get involved in investing in the RV of of Zimbwabe's currency...
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:I can hardly wait until these folks get involved in investing in the RV of of Zimbwabe's currency...
I can feel the start of a deliciously lucrative scam coming on. I'm sure that there is a MASSIVE gold mine in Zimbabwe that was recently discovered but has yet to be publicized. Maybe I can throw in a revualation of the old Hungarian pengo for good measure (on 1/1/27, i US dollar was worth 5 pengo. on 7/31/46, it was worth 460 octillion pengo). Time to get the rumors started....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Still no updates on Dinars (or anything else) today on the RAP-Nesara forum. Funny, it was Tuesday or Thursday this week FOR SURE. At least MacHaffie could have posted an explanation or apology...
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Awaiting the postint of the reply/apology until the event occurs...
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm really really disappointed, I would have thought they would have announced reval had happened for sure by now, after all, haven't Oakie and all his in the know cronies been promising on their very best, super duper secret, guaranteed for sure solid insider intel that it was gonna happen just any day now? I mean, at the very least they could have come up with the next round of excuses for why it didn't. I'm just really really disappointed.
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