I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

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I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by Demosthenes »

Ed Parenteau was sentenced to 21 months in federal prison for filing false property liens against police officers, an assistant county prosecutor and a town justice. The 53-year-old Chenango County resident said he regretted the scheme and promised to help federal authorities investigate other so-called "paper terrorists."
Parenteau said he learned to write fake legal papers at a seminar taught by Tim Turner, a popular sovereign-citizen guru based near Austin, Texas. Mark Pitcavage, a sovereign expert at the Anti-Defamation League, said Turner charges people to attend sessions where they learn about the movement and its tactics.

But Parenteau said he realizes the teachings got him in trouble. He even pledged to cooperate in investigations against Turner.

Read more: http://www.timesunion.com/default/artic ... z1ML36CUWM
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by Assessor »

Surely Tim Turner's status as the President of the Restored Republic will allow him to quash this investigation and pardon Parenteau. :lol:
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by fortinbras »

When last hard from, Tim Turner was keeping a low profile, being targetted for impeachment or a palace coup by other "Restorationists". Exactly why he's suddenly on the outs with them is unclear, it seems that at various points "Mr. President" dumped certain other officers even when they weren't presidential appointees, and some of the reasons given involve bits of the organization's mythology that don't make any sense to normal people. Anyway, there are rumors of him having resigned, having dug in, plotting, running, etc.

In a very recent missive to his subjects, Turner says that he has been accused of practicing witchcraft - although this accusation seems to violate the last sentence of Artice VI of the Constitution. He has also been accused of amassing money from his office, which might have been his goal but it certainly cannot be accomplished in view of the hardscrabble condition of his constituency.
http://www.republicoftheunitedstates.or ... 16RuSA.pdf
notorial dissent
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor poor Timmy!!!!

All his scheming and conniving falling apart already, and they haven’t even managed to make it to a year yet.

And we start with the critical point “They are also preventing us from
getting funding that all of us need. ” Say what?????????? From where?????

Again, say what???? “With a single ignorant and wrong action they
could undo almost twenty five years of planning for this Republic, ” We’re having some serious hallucinatory time here it would seem. As far as anyone can tell Timmy dreamed this up about a year and a half or so ago when his then current scam started to dry up, and Timmy doesn't strike me as the type to either share or have partners, so I don't see this as having been a collaboration of any kind.

I wonder which of his hand picked slate of officers and lackeys has suddenly changed their attitudes towards him or gotten a clue?

I love the laundry list of charges. No’s 2 and 13 are probably the only things there based of fact, reality, and criminality, 9 - 12 are also true but upset their not very carefully crafted fantasy world, and basically they are all defective so what is the point???

I wondered how long it would be before someone would figure out that Timmy was in it for the money. The problem being that there wasn’t any, or much to be gotten, and the fantasy is starting to fall apart as the various factions start to fight with each other over their imagined piece of the action as it were.
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by fortinbras »

One email on another website says that Turner was elected Prez for a six-month term -- and that was nearly a year ago. So it would seem that his term has already expired, but the Restorationists haven't elected another Prez. Instead they have embroiled themselves in internal intrigues, which seems resemble what went on in the RoT (or Mensa).
notorial dissent
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by notorial dissent »

So, in other words, the inmates are ignoring the fantasy rules of their fantasy republic, and then they wonder why everyone points and snickers when they are mentioned. this bunch is almost as entertaining as the NESARA wachadoos, and no where near as original, but then I guess that is what happens when you sleep through or skip civics and government in school.
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:So, in other words, the inmates are ignoring the fantasy rules of their fantasy republic, and then they wonder why everyone points and snickers when they are mentioned. this bunch is almost as entertaining as the NESARA wachadoos, and no where near as original, but then I guess that is what happens when you sleep through or skip civics and government in school.
It's also what happens when people look in the mirror and see an insignificant p*ssant looking back at them; and rather than putting in the hard work necessary to REALLY improve their status, they declare themselves President of some fantasy "real" United (oops -- united) States and go around from meeting hall to meeting hall pretending that they are Someone Very Important and that they are actually doing something of Great Significance. Of course, they don't make any serious attempts to take over or control the real seats of government, because they know that the response would burst their fantasy bubble beyond repair; and so they go on and on about how -- any day now -- they will Restore the True Republic. Funny how that day never seems to get any closer....
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Mon May 16, 2011 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by notorial dissent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:It's also what happens when people look in the mirror and see an insignificant p*ssant looking back at them; ......... any day now -- they will Restore the True Republic. Funny how that day never seems to get any closer....

I pretty much have to agree with you here all the way 'round. I will acknowledge one other thing Timmy said that was largely true, so far to date the vast majority of them haven't done anything to more than warrant a cursory looking over, and the aforementioned laughing and pointing, and until one of them starts issuing fantasy judgments or the like, they will probably be just looked at as the truly dim and bewildered that they are. Now our good friend Timmy on the other hand, has been issuing his spurious ID and their don't need a driver's license license and such, and I suspect that comes perilously close to if not in fact breaking any number of state and federal laws and since he is charging for them and they do on first glance appear to be official documents. I would suspect that is what he'll probably go down for about the time one of those yahoos is stopped at a traffic stop and makes a scene.
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by grixit »

This comes to mind a lot when i read about these groups.
Rudyard Kipling wrote:
Road-Song of the Bandar-Log
(From The Jungle Book)

Here we go in a flung festoon,
Half-way up to the jealous moon!
Don't you envy our pranceful bands?
Don't you wish you had extra hands?
Wouldn't you like if your tails were -- so --
Curved in the shape of a Cupid's bow?

Now you're angry, but -- never mind,
Brother, thy tail hangs down behind!

Here we sit in a branchy row,
Thinking of beautiful things we know;
Dreaming of deeds that we mean to do,
All complete, in a minute or two --
Something noble and grand and good,
Won by merely wishing we could.

Now we're going to -- never mind,
Brother, thy tail hangs down behind!

All the talk we ever have heard
Uttered by bat or beast or bird --
Hide or fin or scale or feather --
Jabber it quickly and all together!
Excellent! Wonderful! Once again!
Now we are talking just like men.

Let 's pretend we are... never mind,
Brother, thy tail hangs down behind!
This is the way of the Monkey-kind.

Then join our leaping lines that scumfish through the pines,
That rocket by where, light and high, the wild-grape swings,
By the rubbish in our wake, and the noble noise we make,
Be sure, be sure, we're going to do some splendid things!

What of the hunting, hunter bold?
Brother, the watch was long and cold.
What of the quarry ye went to kill?
Brother, he crops in the jungle still.
Where is the power that made your pride?
Brother, it ebbs from my flank and side.
Where is the haste that ye hurry by?
Brother, I go to my lair -- to die.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by Demosthenes »

MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2011 (202) 514-2007
WWW.JUSTICE.GOV TTY (866) 544-5309


WASHINGTON - Thomas E. Parenteau of Hilliard, Ohio, was sentenced today to 22 years in prison for conspiring with his wife, his mistress and their accountant, to commit tax fraud and money laundering, the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced. Parenteau was also sentenced for conspiring to obstruct justice and tamper with witnesses.

In addition to the prison term, U.S. District Court Judge Michael H. Watson ordered that Parenteau serve five years of supervised release and pay $1,100 in special assessments. Judge Watson also ordered Parenteau to pay restitution to the IRS and to the defrauded banks and that the amount would be determined in the next 90 days. The court further ordered Parenteau to forfeit to the United States an amount of nearly $15 million, consisting of his father’s life insurance policies and two money judgments.

According to court testimony and documents presented during the eight-week trial in the Southern District of Ohio, Parenteau and his co-conspirators defrauded the IRS out of nearly $1 million and defrauded banks into lending more than $40 million to Parenteau, his nominees and others. The evidence proved that Parenteau, who operated and controlled a number of Columbus, Ohio-area businesses, and Dennis G. Sartain, Parenteau’s accountant, prepared and filed with the IRS four false income tax returns for Parenteau’s mistress, Pamela McCarty, who is the mother of his two children. The false returns generated more than $850,000 in fraudulent refunds that she ultimately gave to Parenteau.

In addition, Parenteau, his wife Marsha Parenteau, Sartain and McCarty engaged in a scheme designed to defraud banks out of millions of dollars by falsely inflating the purchase prices of the homes that Parenteau built and sold. Parenteau paid large concealed or disguised kickbacks to the buyers after their purchases. The Parenteaus, along with McCarty, also fraudulently obtained $18 million in loans against a 27,000-square-foot home, by falsely representing their income and submitting other false documents regarding the renovation to the home. Parenteau used these funds to make more than $6 million in premium payments on four life insurance policies worth $23 million on the life of Thomas Parenteau’s father, who passed away on April 4, 2009.

Finally, after learning of the IRS investigation into the tax, bank fraud and money laundering schemes, Parenteau, McCarty, Sartain and others engaged in a scheme to obstruct justice by concealing computers, creating false documents, destroying or altering evidence, tampering with a witness, lying to federal and local investigators, and otherwise obstructing justice.

“Mr. Parenteau’s sentence, and those of his co-conspirators, serve as a reminder to the public that those who illegally seek to avoid their duties and responsibilities as taxpayers will face severe consequences,” John A. DiCicco, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Tax Division said. “The Justice Department and the IRS will continue to investigate and aggressively prosecute tax cheats.”

“Schemes like this one can undermine our financial institutions, siphon taxpayer dollars and weaken our housing markets,” Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio Mark T. D’Alessandro said. “The agents and prosecutors should be commended for their thorough investigation involving tens of thousands of documents and for following the paper trails that led to the unraveling of the fraud.”

“Today’s sentence marks the successful end of an investigation that uncovered a complicated fraudulent scheme that generated millions of dollars through a tangled financial web of lies,” said Tracey E. Warren, Acting Special Agent in Charge, IRS-Criminal Investigation, Cincinnati Field Office. “Investigating the financial aspects of the violations, hits criminals where it hurts the most - it deprives them of their profits and ultimately puts them out of business. Today's sentence is a direct result of the excellent partnership IRS, the Department of Justice Tax Division and the U.S. Attorney’s office has in combating violations of Federal law.”

Earlier this year, Sartain was sentenced to 131 months in prison for his conduct; Marsha Parenteau was sentenced to 33 months in prison; and McCarty was sentenced to up to 24 months in prison. The investigation led to the convictions of as many as 12 people in total.

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General DiCicco and Acting U.S. Attorney D’Alessandro commended the investigative efforts of the IRS agents involved in this case, as well as Tax Division Trial Attorneys Richard M. Rolwing and Sean O’Connell, who prosecuted the case. In addition, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General DiCicco thanked the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s Forfeiture Paralegal Michele Gwinn and the department’s Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section Legal Advisor Steve Schlesinger and Senior Trial Attorney Jean Weld for providing assistance on the forfeiture claims.

More information about the Tax Division and its enforcement efforts can be found at www.justice.gov/tax.
notorial dissent
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Re: I sorry I liened you, Mr. Judge

Post by notorial dissent »

Ouch, well, I guess that didn't work out to well for this sovrun entreeprenur.

So the got Parenteau, his wife, his mistress, and his accountant, my what strange bedfellows!!!

I wonder if they can get adjoining cells.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.