The Real Truth Comes Out

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

From MacHaffie's RAP-NESARA Forum. Don't it just figure that when the "real" truth comes out it's so poorly written and full of obscure references it don't make no sense?

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Submitted by Patriot - Thanks


For months now I have been attempting to bring the facts to light as to the real purpose behind Tim Turner’s Fantasy Republic. I exposed the connection between Turner and the international money launderer who works for the DOJ, Tama Puna, a citizen of New Zealand. I published the correspondence between Turner and Richard Murray which clearly establishes who is the guilty party regardless of Turner’s claims.
I uncovered and made public the “rescue mission” put together by Tim Turner, CW Wright and Carl Sedlak to snatch the two FBI fugitives, John Michael and Julianne Dimitrion aka “Little Brother”, out of Hawaii last July 3rd, with the unwitting help of some of the good people in the Hawaii assembly. I have shared with all of you the purpose both Puna and Dimitrion had in helping Turner to attempt the high jacking of the 5 Star Trust. I have shared conversations between me, the FBI and others on these issues.
There have been countless outrageous and inappropriate email conversations in which Turner has attacked every single person who has ever raised a legitimate or reasonable question or objection to his actions and many have been published here. Also published here have been court documents and testimony from those Turner has damaged. All of us know the classic tactics of the de facto, chief among them to always attack the messenger and never address this issue but the number one rule is to label the questioner and accuse them of the very crime you are committing against them.
Before I share the final piece of this nightmare puzzle let me point something out. The list of people who have questioned boldly and demanded truth and proof is now a long one and without exception they have been attacked, demonized and labeled with the same tired rhetoric. Exactly, not similarly, but exactly in the same way the extremists in the Obama Nation do every day. From me and Mike Higgins in the beginning to several governors, representatives, senators, justices and now Jim Wright and Terry Hubbard the accusations are always the same.
• Bush 41 plant
• CIA plant
• Satanic
• Luciferian
• Demon spirited
• Well Funded Organized Satanic Luciferian de facto Bush 41 Cabal (my personal favorite)

Turner has made the claim publicly that “God is in this only as long as he is president”. His minions spout his nonsense over and over with never a single shred of proof to any claim against the people being attacked. He has accused ministers, businessmen, community leaders, and ordinary honorable people and seems to have particular venom for intelligent women. He has used the people’s faith to manipulate them and hides behind God to carry out his plans.
While Nathan Peachey squeezes money out of innocent people for his own use in the name of the Republic, Turner looks the other way. While Kelby Smith runs his bogus mortgage frauds, Turner looks the other way. While Jim Fitzgerald topples state government structures when governors don’t tow the company line, Turner looks the other way. While CW tells the people that nobody who can’t prove with three witnessed documents they are born again Christians can ever vote or hold office in the Republic and shreds the first amendment, Turner looks the other way, always keeping himself shielded with plausible deniability.
Turner has claimed each time he attacked an honorable person that he is in possession of CIA evidence proving they are whatever label he is placing on them but nobody has ever seen it. Why? Because, it does not exist. Nobody can know that better than me, a flat broke Georgia grandmother living one day to the next not knowing if I will still have a roof over my head tomorrow. I know who I am and I know I am not on ANY PAYROLL from anybody. I know my beloved friend and ex Republic senator is an honorable man who devotes his time and energy on family and the study of God’s word and as far removed from the Bush Cabal as each of you are but as long as Turner keeps the people mesmerized with his fake claim to Christianity and just as fake claims to documentation, it is effective. Those who are most at risk are those who will not entertain even the possibility that he is lying. Therefore they have never been to this blog. They have never heard the words of those being attacked. They are insulating themselves against the truth and by doing so enabling Turner to complete his mission at their expense.
What I did not know until this week is how it all fits together. What that last piece of the puzzle which completes the picture is.
I shared with you when Carl Sedlak went to one of the original funders , J.B., claiming that Turner, CW and the rest of the California Vipers Nest had been removed from the Republic and he wanted a lunch meeting to discuss funding the Republic under new leadership. I also shared with you that we were able to prove to J.B that he was lying.
A few weeks ago I shared with you that Turner had publicly called J.B. a Reptilian Extraterrestrial when J.B. told him to take a hike after finding out how utterly unfit, uneducated and unable Turner was. Now Turner is so desperate for funding or any proof of it that he has gone begging to J.B. again, claiming once again that CW and the rest of the California Vipers Nest has been gotten rid of and national has been rebuilt. Of course my having a direct line to J.B. enabled me to provide him proof that Turner was once again lying. J.B. refused to speak with him or have a lunch meeting. The desperation must have finally sent Turner OFF THE RESERVATION because in the last two days he contacted J.B. yet again. This time he revealed that final piece of the puzzle.
A few nights ago Turner said on a senate call that all 50 states are seated. This of course is impossible without using the documents and signatures of hundreds of people who have left and rescinded theirs. Many have demanded their original paperwork returned to them. These demands have not been met. He further stated the funding was coming from the NESARA PACKAGES! Never mind that John MacHaffie would sooner see Turner six feet under than allow him to receive a red cent of NESARA money. What you need to understand here is that the money in the NESARA PACKAGES is also contained in one of the hundreds of accounts which make up the 5 Star Trust. Remember that as I share the rest.
What else is in those hundreds of accounts? Hmmmm let’s see;
• All the illicit drug money gleaned from Laos since 1967 by the Bush/Clinton cabal.
• The illicit drug money gleaned from U.S. DEA operations run by the CIA controlled by Bush 41 and Dick Cheney
• The illicit DTC accounts
• The stolen money from the stimulus bills, TARP and other sources from within the U.S. also stolen by Bush, Clinton and now Obama.
• Stolen in ground assets and gold from countries around the world.
• Stolen oil money.
• And much, much more.

This is where the final piece comes in. In the last few days Tim Turner called J.B. again to beg for money. He told J.B. that he had “TURNED OVER THE REPUBLIC TREASURY TO MARLIN McCALL”. Some of you may know who McCall is but for those of you who don’t:
Marlin McCall is a CIA operative who is also an international criminal and the signatory for General R., who runs the BIS Bank in Norway. General R. is none other than Bush 41’s BOSS! He is Cheney’s boss and ultimately Obama’s boss by extension. There is no doubt now as to who Turner’s boss is. There are no chips in his brain, there is has been no psy-ops performed on him. He is acutely aware of what he is and has been doing.
Aside from being CIA and working directly for the General, McCall is a very nasty individual with a homicidal vent. He has been directly responsible for death and destruction and seems to enjoy his job very much. He is a Singapore citizen at present operating under a visa when in the states. He is by marriage part of the Taiwanese Royal Family. Some of his handy work is in defrauding people. Some time ago he was charging people fifty thousand dollars apiece for an interest in the Taiwanese gold which was of course, never for sale. He is well known for stealing trade assets for his bosses and making it appear as though the trading platform owners are at fault. It is rumored that he is also an illegitimate offspring of General R. but I haven’t seen the proof of that. Even if he wasn’t a direct employee of the Bush 41 cabal, he is a foreigner and Turner has just admitted to turning over the Republic Treasury to him? How does that fit with de jure Republic?

General R. was put into his seat of power directly by the Rothschilde’s. Now that explains Turner’s association with the Rothschild nephew, (forget denying that Turner, too many witnesses now).
Now re-visit the list of labels above which Turner continually places on those with enough discernment to smell a rat. There are Luciferian Bush 41 plants alright and Turner is the King. Those of you still buying the “God sent me” routine go back to your bible and see what God says about Lucifer. He is charming. He is persuasive. He will appear as a shepherd to lead his flock. And you will follow him if you are not very careful!
Turner claims to be traveling on his own money but we know for certain he has no money left of his own. He has even gone through all the silver coins he bamboozled out of the people around the country at his seminars so where is this traveling money coming from? At the root of every effective lie is a shred of truth;
• He has foreign support…. True the Rothschild’s
• He has military support… CIA Airforce handlers (Dick Cheney).
• There are de facto plants in the Republic… He should know right?

Think hard on the history of RAP and the Republic. Go back and reverse engineer all that has taken place. It is as clear as the waters of the Caribbean that Turner was brought in to dismantle RAP and build the data base of patriots for his Satanic handlers. Read all my previous articles and then DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE and take those blinders off while you still can.
I received information earlier today that CBS 60 Minutes is going to do a hit piece on the Sovereign Citizen movement this Sunday May 15th featuring Jerry Kane and Alfred Adask. I am not an Adask follower so I won’t weigh in with opinion there but I remind those of you who know; I have owned for the past 18 years a mobile DJ company although I closed it when I moved to Georgia. As a result I am pretty darned good at analyzing and editing video. After very carefully doing so with the video released after the Kane shooting I discovered a few very interesting details.
• The camera was not one but two dash cams
• The footage was spliced from one dash cam to the other and back again
• There was no sound
• The door to the car in which Kane and his son were traveling was left open as the boy got out. The rather large dog that was up to that point jumping wildly around in the car did not move when the boy exited the car nor did it make any movement to go to his owner’s protection! It was a still shot superimposed behind the boy’s action.
Make what you will of what I have shared but for me it is proof that the video footage was falsified and that’s enough for me to dismiss every detail of the report which came out of Tennessee.
The point here is that the game is wrapping up. It’s quite obvious that Turner has been unable to deliver unto Caesar that which Caesar demands, hundreds of thousands of patriots. He has failed miserably on his mission. He has made an ass of himself in print and in voice and the handlers are done playing. I am not at all surprised that he is hiding out in California as it is just too hot around his home town now but I don’t think it takes much imagination to realize that the Rothschild’s, the CIA and the Bush cabal will not leave a witness to their crimes much less a pathetically inept operative like Turner to talk.
In any case, congratulations to those who have awakened even if not totally and taken steps to protect themselves from what is coming. THE FINAL PIECE OF THE PUZZLE REVEALS THE HIDDEN PICTURE!
Disclaimer; I have always and will continue to protect my sources unless given specific permission to divulge their identifications. So don’t ask.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:02 AM


Anonymous said...
what does this tell you about MR. TUNNERS people like GENE EXUM !!!!
May 15, 2011 9:11 AM

Anonymous said...
Yep it figures. John how can i rescind my signature with these people?
May 15, 2011 10:56 AM

John MacHaffie said...
Have you all noticed how the truth is finally coming out about these characters. How dare they try to destroy the TRUE REPUBLIC which has been restored by the military.
Per that commentary about me said by TT --- this is just another example of his delusional mindset. Never said that nor have that intention. For what he did to the people -- I am sure there are remedies in the common law court for Tim Turner.
And how about all those sheep that criticize and attacked me for telling the truth. Told you before and I tell you again ----

May 15, 2011 11:57 AM

Anonymous said...
Thanks, John. We love you and God bless you in every way!
May 15, 2011 12:34 PM

Exposing Tim Turner for the FRAUD HE IS said...
Congratulations for taking a stand against such delusional egomaniacs as Turner et al. He should be tarred and feathered!
May 15, 2011 3:42 PM

Anonymous said...
I NEVER FOLLOWED ANY OF TIM TUNER'S TEACHING - HIS ENERGY DIDN'T SINK RIGHT. Perhaps he detested women because women have a mother's six sense - we can smell rat miles away as we can also sense sincerity. I also noted - as one who specializes in analyzing safety-net policies, his paperwork and of a notary public who promoted Tim seemed really off. Next thing i know, the notary public filed false claims in secret into the court against my interest. I learned of it and filed counter suit for conspiracy against rights, fraud and the likes....
As John says - WAKE UP!
Tune up your senses, look for evidence and be the judge. It's time we stop being victims to flowery appearances/words. Let the value within speak louder than any mundane appearance - accept for value, return for value! We the people accept nothing but loving truth. No more fraud and conspiracy and or trespass therein against life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness!!!
by: Concerns4Us
May 15, 2011 9:04 PM

Anonymous said...
hey john,
do u have any more info on the true republic u spoke of?
May 15, 2011 9:48 PM

John MacHaffie said...
anon 9:48 - My military sources are keeping tight lipped for now.
May 16, 2011 3:43 AM

TLGA said...
For the papers to rescind signatures go to my blog and download "Let it be known" and the instructions for it and if you have held office in this dog and pony show, also use the "Affidavit of Fact" and instructions. These docs are on the right side.
I have now uncovered a cherry on top of the final piece of the puzzle and will make that known just as soon as I hear from a couple more people. There is a good reason many people are glassy eyed cool aid drinkers and can't seem to wake up.
As John says We The People do have honorable military working to restore this country. Unfortunately there is also a powerful faction working against us within the joint chiefs of staff. They are determined to cause a massive catastrophe in this nation which can be blamed on patriots or muslims they don't care which.
Caution, today starts a massive Homeland Security/FEMA so called training exercise in 8 states along the New Madrid Fault. Alabama,Arkansas,Mississippi,Missouri,Tennessee,Indiana,Illinois,Kentucky. Remember they have had more than 800 thousand DETAINEE HANDBOOKS printed and delivered to them on April 29th. They have purchased billions of dollars in dehydrated food. Training???? By placing a nuclear device at the base of one of those levee's being blown the New Madrid fault could easily be triggered. My information is that it was already tried once and thwarted. Don't panic and play into their hands. Do not forfeit your arms if you have them. Do not get on a bus or other conveyance to allow them to take you to a "safe facility" (FEMA CAMP).
May 16, 2011 6:25 AM

That's enough proof for me, if they used two dash cams at the Kane shooting then it follows them Reptilian Rothschilds are gonna blow the New Madrid fault! The sprinkles on top the whipped cream on top the cherry on top the last piece of the puzzle!
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by The Observer »

Holy cow! Tim Turner was really working for us, the Illuminati? I didn't see this coming!
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by fortinbras »

I am not clear on the internal workings/dysfunctions of the "Restorationists" but Turner himself still issues announcements on his website. It appears that at least some of the other Restorationist websites have fallen into the hands of the Anti-Turner crowd.

It sort of reminds me of little kids fighting over who gets to ride next on that dime-store airplane ride and make vroom-vroom sounds.

Fortunately, the Rapture comes on Saturday and then all this craziness will cease to bother us.
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by notorial dissent »

I take it all back, this may be even more entertaining than anything the NESARA psychos have come up with yet. I don't know what drugs this bunch ought to be on, but they need a whole lot more of it and a whole lot less free time, and their internet privileges cancelled. :roll:

I particularly like the Luciferian extraterrestrials. Now that is a good one. :twisted:

The one simple and overly obvious one that they all seem to miss is that Turner is a lying, SOS, petty conman and they all fell for it, and even better keep falling for it. Who says stupid doesn’t pay. Turner's only agenda is, and always has been, to keep this con going as long as he can squeeze something out of it, and they are stupid enough to let him, and I would say from current evidence that is going to be a while yet, and then he'll move on to something else, just like he always has, of course providing he's not in jail before that happens.

As fine a collection of paranoid or maybe paranoid psychotic delusion all in one place as I have seen in a very long time.
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:I am not clear on the internal workings/dysfunctions of the "Restorationists" but Turner himself still issues announcements on his website. It appears that at least some of the other Restorationist websites have fallen into the hands of the Anti-Turner crowd.

It sort of reminds me of little kids fighting over who gets to ride next on that dime-store airplane ride and make vroom-vroom sounds.

Fortunately, the Rapture comes on Saturday and then all this craziness will cease to bother us.
I would have thought that a lot of these crazies would have latched onto this "Rapture on May 21" theory big time, but no. Maybe they're too gun shy about naming dates, or maybe it a matter of "not invented here." At any rate, the only reference to this I can find came from Bellringer's forum way back on January 6 when he posted this:

End of Days in May? Believers enter final stretch

'A lot of people might think, 'The end's coming, let's go party.' But we're commanded by God to warn people'

RALEIGH, N.C. — If there had been time, Marie Exley would have liked to start a family. Instead, the 32-year-old Army veteran has less than six months left, which she'll spend spreading a stark warning: Judgment Day is almost here.

Exley is part of a movement of Christians loosely organized by radio broadcasts and websites, independent of churches and convinced by their reading of the Bible that the end of the world will begin on May 21, 2011. [I have heard this man on a radio station. For the sake of accurate reporting, He states that the Rapture will occur on May 23, 2011, not May 21. -- RM]

To get the word out, they're using billboards and bus stop benches, traveling caravans of RVs and volunteers passing out pamphlets on street corners. Cities from Bridgeport, Conn., to Little Rock, Ark., now have billboards with the ominous message, and mission groups are traveling in countries from Latin America to Africa to spread the news outside the U.S.

"A lot of people might think, 'The end's coming, let's go party,'" said Exley, a veteran of two deployments in Iraq. "But we're commanded by God to warn people. I wish I could just be like everybody else, but it's so much better to know that when the end comes, you'll be safe."

In August, Exley left her home in Colorado Springs, Colo., to work with Oakland, Calif.-based Family Radio Worldwide, the independent Christian ministry whose leader, Harold Camping, has calculated the May 21 date based on his reading of the Bible.

She is organizing traveling columns of RVs carrying the message from city to city, a logistics challenge that her military experience has helped solve. The vehicles are scheduled to be in five North Carolina cities between now and the second week of January, but Exley will shortly be gone: overseas, where she hopes to eventually make it back to Iraq.

"I don't really have plans to come back," she said. "Time is short."

'Definitely against the grain' Not everyone who's heard Camping's message is taking such a dramatic step. They're remaining in their day-to-day lives, but helping publicize the prophecy in other ways. Allison Warden, of Raleigh, has been helping organize a campaign using billboards, postcards and other media in cities across the U.S. through a website, We Can Know.

The 29-year-old payroll clerk laughs when asked about reactions to the message, which is plastered all over her car.

"It's definitely against the grain, I know that," she said. "We're hoping people won't take our word for it, or Harold Camping's word for it. We're hoping that people will search the scriptures for themselves."

Camping, 89, believes the Bible essentially functions as a cosmic calendar explaining exactly when various prophecies will be fulfilled.

The retired civil engineer said all his calculations come from close readings of the Bible, but that external events like the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948 are signs confirming the date.
"Beyond the shadow of a doubt, May 21 will be the date of the Rapture and the day of judgment," he said.

The doctrine known as the Rapture teaches that believers will be taken up to heaven, while everyone else will remain on earth for a period of torment, concluding with the end of time. Camping believes that will happen in October.

Past predictions that failed to come true don't have any bearing on the current calculation, believers maintain.

"It would be like telling the Wright Brothers that every other attempt to fly has failed, so you shouldn't even try," said Chris McCann, who works with eBible Fellowship, one of the groups spreading the message.

For believers like McCann, theirs is actually a message of hope and compassion: God's compassion for people, and the hope that there's still time to be saved.

That, ultimately, is what spurs on Exley, who said her beliefs have alienated her from most of her friends and family. Her hope is that not everyone who hears her message will mock it, and that even people who dismiss her now might still come to believe.

"If you still want to say we're crazy, go ahead," she said. "But it doesn't hurt to look into it."

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

The same website has some insightful and amusing responses...

Matthew 24 (NLT)

36 “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. 37 “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day. 38 In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. 39 People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes.


They are not "fools", just misguided. Camping is trying to use mathematical equations/natural means, to interpret Bible prophesies/scriptures; he needs the Holy Spirit in order to understand these things. The Bible cannot contradict itself, and if what Harold Camping is predicting is true, it would. Mat. 24: 36; Mk. 13:32 State that "No one knows the day or hour, not even Christ himself, only the Father". The only good I see in all this is, if it encourages people to read the Bible and some turn to God; may you too.

RiverDog 1572451:

God is coming......look busy.


For those who wonder why Jesus did not know the date: Has it not occurred to them that the Father had (has) not yet set a date? The Father, who is not constrained by time, is watching, waiting, and deciding what to do with us, who are encapsuled by time and imprisoned by our fallen nature. Those who have been set free by Jesus from the fear of death, have no need to worry about times and dates, for we eagerly await His return.


"I wonder if the department stores will have an "End of Days" sale in April? ...


Reecycled Hope:
Can they move up the date to April 14th so everyone can be spared tax filings before they leave? They did say that those "not saved" would remain ... why leave the money to the government before leaving. Those still left on 4/15 can go and file without being late. Then again, everyone can file a extension and wait to see who has been cursed to stay and pay those taxes.


Setting a date? Foolish. Expecting Christ's eventual return? Not foolish. Being ready for it? Wise. Very wise

Comments in blue by Rocky Montana
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by fortinbras »

A little note to those Christians who will be Raptured on May 21st:

Please leave your homes and cabinets unlocked to make things convenient for the Jews who will take over once you're swept up into the sky. And you might as well eat that ham in the fridge within the next three days so it doesn't go to waste.
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:A little note to those Christians who will be Raptured on May 21st:

Please leave your homes and cabinets unlocked to make things convenient for the Jews who will take over once you're swept up into the sky. And you might as well eat that ham in the fridge within the next three days so it doesn't go to waste.
And, don't forget to leave the keys in the ignitions of your fancy cars. While you're at it, you might even leave the title certificates in the cars, transferring ownership to the Bearer for the sum of one dollar (hey -- we'll do our best to find you).
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

One disaster theory these guys do get behind, or at least post, is that the New Madrid fault will got soon, either because the New World Order will trigger it with HAARP, atom bombs, or both, or because it's been 200 years (it was in 1812, but actually a series of intense earthquakes from Dec 1811 to Feb 1812). Their logic? Numerology.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
New Madrid Fault--Connecting the Dots

Remember doing dot to dot as a child. All you saw was a bunch of dots and numbers follow the numbers connect the dots and the picture appears. Recently I have become aware of several "dots" regarding the New Madrid Fault. Connecting the New Madrid "dots" has led to a "picture" that I want you to see.

Dot #1 The broken Macondo well still spewing hydrates into the Gilf of Mexico is setting off "abnormal occurrences of low magnitude shallow earthquakes adjacent to the New Madrid fault." Gulf of Mexico--Alarming Revelations

Dot #2 Fema was buying MREs for 7 million but has now cancled the order. Here is what the order said "The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations..."

Dot #3 The University of Illinois Earthquake game. "A new video game offers a fun way for young people to learn about emergency preparedness and earthquake safety. The video game, entitled "The Day the Earth Shook," helps players learn about items needed for a disaster preparedness kit, as well as safe and dangerous locations in a home when an earthquake occurs.

Dot #4 The numerics from the 2012 movie--11245--may point to something big relating to the New Madrid Fault. As explained in the video below 11245 can combine to form 5/6/2011 and 9/2/2011. The vid also explains that the numbers form four elevens. The 4 elevens may relate to the date on the dollar bill, here is what I wrote concerning that; "on 2/22/10 At 11:00 EST gold was at $1111/oz. At 1:11 PM EST the Dow was down 11.11. points, which was a drop of .11%. I believe that those occurrences were beyond chance and may have been a sign or signal of future events regarding the United States." 322, Healthcare, and the Dollar Code

Dot #5 NLE 2011 will take place in May and "will simulate a catostrophic earthquake in the central United States region called the New Madrid seismic zone"

Dot #6 Many believe that God will alow the New Madrid fault to literally split our country in half when the United States orchestrates the dividing of the land of Israel and creates the Palestinian state. This is scheduled to ocur in the summer of 2011. Palestinian State by 2011--USA Splits. (If you are not aware of how God has dealt with America in the past for our misdeeds toward Israel David Reagan has a great synopsis on the subject which is linked at Running From Babylon , there is a great info link about the New Madrid Fault)

Dot #7 In the post The Day the Earth Cracked I wrote; "So there it is; We tell Israel that we will force her to divide her land--the foreign minister of Israel announces this on October 3, 2010 and the next day the earth splits in the USA. Is this a coincidence or is God sending the USA a message?"

Dot #8 Mysterious bird and fish deaths. The most probable reason of all that I have heard is that they are the result of pockets of methane gas being released as a precursor to a major quake and or scalar waves bombarding the area which can be used to set off quakes.

Dot #9 The Masonic death tomb line originating in Washington D.C. (see The Next Big Event--The Road to Jericho) goes straight through the New Madrid seismic area.

So let's connect the dots--what picture do you see? I am not predicting anything, but there is a lot of information suggesting that the New Madrid Fault may once again cause a serious earthquake in the near future. When I do not know. What might some immediate precursors be? The USA forcing Israel to divide her land and create the Palestinian state--if you see that happen look out! Also, we know in the past there have been other immediate signs of earthquakes like birds leaving the area, erratic dog and animal behavior including great frog migrations and strange looking rainbows.

Again I am not predicting anything just wanted you to be aware of what I have found. I cannot tell you what to do but if I lived in that area I think I would do some serious fasting and praying asking God for guidance and wisdom in what to do.

Are you ready for the end times? Read The Coming Epiphany today for FREE!

Posted by William Frederick, M. Div. at 9:27 PM


Anonymous said...
Thank you, there are quite a few people predicting the Madrid Fault will erupt in May 5-4-2011, using Illuminati symbolism in their movies and using their ritual numbers: 5+4+2+1+1=13, very interesting. God Bless

April 19, 2011 3:46 PM
Joe said...
A novice at these occult numbers I am but don't see anything wrong with translating 11245 to 5/24/11.

May 11, 2011 8:43 AM
William Frederick, M. Div. said...

It is also interesting that there is a planetary alignment around 5/21--just posted a scientific report on how cellestial alignments can set off earthquakes. BTW there is also an alignment on 5/11/2011 that an Italian astronomer who died in 1979 has predicted a devestating earthquake for Rome on that date due to the nearness and alignment of Planet X. We will see.

May 11, 2011 8:58 AM
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Have none of these idiots ever read the story of the "Millerites" in 1843 and 1844?

Side note: the Millerite church, just outside of Scollay Square in Boston. later became the famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) "Old Howard" burlesque house, beloved of many visiting sailors and others, but closed down in 1963 and demolished in the early 60s before it could be rehabilitated as part of the redeveloment project that created Government Center.
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

Stike again? When was the first time, or did we all miss it? Darn.


New Madrid Fault Next!! Please prepare because these genocidal maniacs are going to strike again!!

Interesting to note is the United States Army announced last week that it is holding a rare training event involving the US Military, the CIA, Canadian officers, US Treasury and State departments, the US Agency for International Development, the Defense Threat Readiness Agency and the International Red Cross between March 21-25 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and which should the worst happen they will certainly be prepared for it.

When the New Madrid fault is triggered by HAARP there is also a branch fault zone that runs off it and that could be triggered as well. Due to HAARP, the destabilizing of the Gulf of Mexico seafloor bed, and what could result. If you destabilize the sea floor in the gulf (BP oil spill) then totally collapse the sea floor (with a nuke), and then use HAARP to activate weak areas of the New Madrid and its branch line the Wabash Valley.

Then you can create a dreaded double mega quake. Because the New Madrid and Wabash Valley can be activated by the Caribbean plate being disturbed. The Wabash Valley could be set off by HAARP targeting its parent fault zone the New Madrid. Wabash Valley could produce a 7.5 in Illinois with the same variables as New Madrid. Meaning that a 7.5 there is much stronger than a 7.5 anywhere else.

If the US military were to set off a nuke now, at the BP oil cap, and then were to put HAARP into kill mode at New Madrid, we are talking about something that is biblical in nature. We are talking about something equivalent to a 10.2 earthquake if it happened in California, Chile, Alaska, Cascadia, Indonesia.

We are talking about a quake cluster sequence that could destroy even the Great Lakes region and that could flood the entire center of the US and that could permanently split North America into two separate islands.


New Madrid fault is sitting on a failed rift valley! Mississippi River flows on this rift zone. A place where the North American continent almost split into two pieces. BP has been drilling, punctured a hole in the rift on the edge of the seismic zone in the Gulf. Convenient timing, they are starting up the stories again about the oil leaking from fractured sea floor. They will say that the only way to stop the oil from seeping out will be to nuke it. NOTE: There is more methane coming up instead of oil. What happens when you nuke methane on the edge of a unstable rift and use HAARP at the same time???? KABOOM!!! BIBLICAL EARTHQUAKE!!

HAARP Locations - [link to]

***UPDATE 5-11-11***

These sick bastards that run our Government are going to try and pull off the biggest depopulation murder event this world has ever seen and blame it on Judgment Day. I'm sure you have seen all the "Judgment Day May 21st" billboard signs popping up all over the country. Just in time for the Big Event!! They are planting the seed in people to make them believe it was God doing all of this.....YEH RIGHT!! Unfortunately, some people will fall for this shit!!

They will first place in the Gulf Salt Dome they drilled a nuke then one in Calhoun County near Battle Creek Michigan where the other supposed oil accident happened in July where the oil leaked into the Kalamazoo River. Unknown to most is that they drilled into another Salt Dome, NO PIPE BUSTED! Introducing water, into a vast amount of non-solidified salt will cause it to dissolve, and thus, will create a "vacuum" that nature just doesn't like. Something will need to fill that "void/vacuum". Now, think sinkhole, but instead of sinkhole, think "sink-whole". All gets sinked, sanked, sunk..... If a disruption occurs that introduces even one small vein of water (14 inches in diameter) to an area of concentrated salt, the underground salt deposits will liquefy, and the earth above will sink.

HAARP has been doing its part by keep the area along the New Madrid Fault and all along the Mississippi flooded. Blowing the levees is something that did not have to happen but they needed to liquefy the ground to help induce the earthquake that is coming May 21st.

Once the New Madrid zone ruptures they would then be able to trigger the movement of the Caribbean plate. The movement of the plate would be towards the East. It would slip from the sea of the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Great Lakes region. It would generally run along the path of the New Madrid fault and the Mississippi River.

Once the Caribbean plate has fully repositioned itself, the Mississippi River would then be about 100 miles wide in diameter and it would be emptied and flowing backwards in many places. The Great Lakes will begin to spill out and empty towards the South. They would flood all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico with a tsunami that would dwarf the 2004 Indonesian tsunami.

Cities like New Orleans, Memphis, Saint Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago, and Milwaukee would be destroyed through flooding and/or the damages caused by the earthquake. Even cities like Cleveland and Detroit would most likely be destroyed due to the massive scale of the earthquake that would be generated when the Caribbean plate would start moving, as well as the massive tsunamis that would be generated in the Great Lakes.

There would be at least one earthquake, and possibly 3 in the sequence. There could first be a massive earthquake at the Gulf of Mexico seabed, which would totally collapse the entire sea floor, and then another quake which would set off the New Madrid zone. This could then be followed by a final quake, which would cause the Caribbean plate to move. Or, it could happen in 2 stages, or it could happen all in one earthquake, that would contain 3 movements.

Either way, the movements that would cause these earthquakes would be registered at somewhere between 10.2-10.5 in magnitude. After this, the United States would be divided in half by the 100 mile wide Mississippi River and the Eastern and Western United States would basically effectively become two separate continents.

The flooding that would be caused in the delta areas of the Mississippi River and in the Great Lakes region, as well as any area that is south of the Great Lakes, would be biblical in proportion.
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

Millerites were disciples of William Miller. Miller, a farmer from New York, claimed to have discovered when Jesus Christ would return to Earth as stated in the Bible. Miller reached this belief in the 1820s but did not begin to share it with other people until the 1830s. By the early 1840s, approximately one million people had attended camp meetings and heard Miller's message. Perhaps ten percent of those people actually believed Miller.

Miller predicted that Christ's second coming would occur in April 1843 and that all worthy people would ascend to heaven on October 23, 1844. Thousands of people across the United States, including in Ohio, eagerly anticipated the event. Numerous people forsook their original religious beliefs and adopted Millerism, hoping that Jesus Christ would find no fault with them upon his return to Earth. Millerites consisted of all types of people. Many working-class people hoped that Christ's arrival would end their laborious lives. Other Americans believed that many people were sinners and that only the true believers, the Millerites, would escape punishment. God wanted the deserving to assist their unworthy neighbors through various reform movements, such as the temperance and abolition movements. Other people believed that citizens of the United States were God's chosen people and that Jesus Christ's arrival would prove this point.

As October 23, 1844 approached, many Millerites sold all of their earthly possessions. Many sources claim that the Millerites, dressed in white robes, climbed the highest mountains and hills that they could find so that they would be closer to heaven. Unfortunately for these people, they did not ascend to heaven on the appointed day. Miller claimed to have made an error and quickly issued a new date for the second coming, approximately six months later. Once again, this day came and went. In most cases, Miller's followers abandoned him. In 1845, some of Miller's followers joined the Adventist Church, which Miller helped establish. Adventists believe in the second coming of Christ, but they do not specify a day when this event will occur.
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by LaVidaRoja »

HEY!! Let all the faithful be transported ont Saturday!! The remaining balance will be ale to achieve full employment and genreal well-being. Reduce the population of Earth by 1/4 (without having to bury them) and a lot of our problems are resolved!!
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Gregg »

I say we all hide on the day after and let the nutjobs think we got raptured and they missed it!
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Maybe the rest of us can all have a good time, finally, after the nutjobs/party poopers are removed from our midst.... :twisted:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by littleroundman »

Deep Knight wrote:Then you can create a dreaded double mega quake.
Cool, I'll have two of those with extra pickles, easy on the onions and no mayo.


Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Nikki »

LaVidaRoja wrote:HEY!! Let all the faithful be transported ont Saturday!! The remaining balance will be ale to achieve full employment and genreal well-being. Reduce the population of Earth by 1/4 (without having to bury them) and a lot of our problems are resolved!!
No where NEAR 1/4. IIRC, there's some specific number who will be 'raptured' and that definitely doesn't include any of the followers of Allah, other non-Christian religions, agnostics, athiests, etc.
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Omne »

100 miles wide in diameter
Gibberish almost worthy of a Sovrun.....
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

Only one day to wait.

20 May 2011 Last updated at 07:50 ET
'Rapture' apocalypse prediction sparks atheist reaction

US atheists are to hold parties in response to an evangelical broadcaster's prediction that Saturday will be "judgement day".

The Rapture After Party in North Carolina - "the best damned party in NC" - is among the planned events.

Harold Camping, 89, predicts that Jesus Christ will return to earth on Saturday and true believers will be swept up, or "raptured", to heaven.

He has used broadcasts and billboards to publicise his ideas.

He says biblical texts indicate that a giant earthquake on Saturday will mark the start of the world's destruction, and that by 21 October all non-believers will be dead.

Mr Camping has predicted an apocalypse once before, in 1994, though followers now say that only referred to an intermediary stage.

"We learn from the Bible that Holy God plans to rescue about 200 million people," says a text on the website of Mr Camping's network, Family Radio Worldwide.

"On the first day of the Day of Judgment (May 21, 2011) they will be caught up (raptured) into Heaven because God had great mercy for them."

'Countdown to back-pedalling'

The Rapture After Party in Fayetteville, North Carolina, is a two-day event organised by the Central North Carolina Atheists and Humanists.

This prediction has been given an unusually high level of publicity

"Though the absurdity of this claim is obvious to the majority of the world, it's a great opportunity to highlight some of the most bizarre beliefs often put forth by religious fundamentalists and raise awareness of the need for reason," said a posting about the party on the group's website.

Atheists in Tacoma, Washington, have headed their celebration "countdown to back-pedalling".

Events are also planned in Houston, Florida and California.

An atheist and entrepreneur from North Hampshire, Bart Centre, is enjoying a boost in business for Eternal Earth-bound Pets, which he set up to look after the pets of those who believe they will be raptured.

He has more than 250 clients who are paying up to $135 (£83) to have their pets picked up and cared for after the rapture.

They would be disappointed twice, he told the Wall Street Journal. "Once because they weren't raptured and again because I don't do refunds."

'No Plan B'

Meanwhile Mr Camping, who has been criticised by more mainstream Christians, says he knows "without any shadow of a doubt" that "judgement day" is arriving.

He says he will spend Saturday with his wife, close to a TV or radio.

"I'll be interested in what's happening on the other side of the world as this begins," he told Reuters.

There is no "Plan B", he says.

His campaign has been unusually widely promoted - both in the US, and overseas, including in the Middle East.

In Vietnam, thousands of members of the Hmong ethnic minority gathered near the border with Laos earlier this month to await the 21 May event, the Associated Press reported.

Chris McCann of eBible Fellowship, one of the groups helping to spread the message, said it had been publicised in almost every country.

"The only countries I don't feel too good about are the "stans" - you know, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, those countries in Central Asia," he said.

Oh yeah? Well, Stan doesn't feel to good about you either!
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Omne »

Well, so far nothing. According to his predictions Japan should be in the process of sinking right now and China should be in ruins. The earthquakes were supposed to follow the Earth's rotation and hit each spot at 6:00pm local time.

Oh well, back to the drawing board..... :brickwall:
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by obadiah »

Well, so far nothing. According to his predictions Japan should be in the process of sinking right now and China should be in ruins. The earthquakes were supposed to follow the Earth's rotation and hit each spot at 6:00pm local time.
I must have missed it. Or I'm insensitive and earthquake proof. I guess I'll still go to the Tokyo National Museum today as planned.
1. There is a kind of law that I like, which are my own rules, which I call common law. It applies to me.
2. There are many other kinds of law but they don’t apply to me, because I say so."