The Real Truth Comes Out

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by LaVidaRoja »

OBVIOUSLY, Camping was an agent of the other side. The packies were going to be delivered at 6:30 pm, but Campings shenanagins messed it up!
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

I dunno, I believe we'll have our share of death and destruction here today, but from all the High School Senior Proms planned for tonight. A sure sign of the end of days, or at least mine was. And to back it up, Bellringer posts Sananda Panda saying we're on the brink of great destruction.


I Am Sananda and I come in Light and in Service to God. So, too, I come in Service unto The Creation.

Think not I am a false teacher, on sent to deceive thee--I come as Sananda that ye may know the true from the false for many are the false prophets and the false proclaimers who say they are me. I Am here on THE PHOENIX, a magnificent craft--I am not upon your place. Those for whom THE WORD is intended shall clearly hear the meaning of my words. There shall be no confusion. Ye ones, however, live in the times of chaos and confusion upon the planet and the chaos shall increase as the separation between the black road and the red road continues--between those choosing the life of evil and deceit and those choosing to follow God's Laws for man, God's Laws of Balance.

Balance and peace shall enter the lives of all who walk with me--and the offer is open to all who will hear. The sleep has been long and deep. Is it not time, beloved, to awaken unto REALITY and walk responsibly? It seems difficult, and for some indeed it is most difficult, and yet personal responsibility is the next step.

The time for spoon-feeding is past. The lessons have been given and await each who will respond. Those who refuse to catch-up with their lessons or who pass over THE WORD are not judged, they shall simply have no idea what has befallen them, both in their personal lives and with the world as a whole. Confusion and chaos will be their daily companions. Is it not indeed better to come into KNOWING and responsibility may be assumed and thereby works may reflect thoughtful redirection of energy toward the greater good within God's Creation? I speak not in New Age riddles, I speak of man's works.

Ye ones are in a critical period--and we of Command are overwhelmed in our monitoring of all that has and is taking place upon the surface of your planet. Ye have come so close to all-out nuclear war and destruction so many times that, if I were to tell you, ye would cast aside THE WORD and call me liar and heretic. I tell thee your world teeters on the very brink of great destruction. I tell ye this not to create fear, for fear only serves to further bind thee and make you powerless to create change or to prepare--I tell you this that ye may know to STAY ON ALERT. This is notification to ones of mine workers to be AT ALERT. What mean I, alert? I mean if ye are lost in the physical by drinking alcohol or are so preoccupied in your activity of the day, ye will not be attentive when the time comes for us to communicate. This is not to say, to those in the New Age realms who would twist my words to suit their own needs, that there will be some massive lift off on this or that day. There may be, at some point, an evacuation if things get bad enough. What I am saying to mine workers is to stay alert that preparations may be made and that ye will be given to know where to go that ye may be safe in the event of a critical situation, be it war, or riots, or earth upheaval.

I need mine workers attentive and alert, please!

Alert means to be ready to listen. Listen attentively, for if the bell rings and our own crew hear it not, what have we gained?

Go about your day to day activities but if ye hear a message, a tone, or are nudged to respond in a certain manner, please LISTEN--once ye have confirmed the message is of GOD and not your local military base! Ye ones in God's Service must become so attuned that ye KNOW. The LIGHT SHIELD of GOD is your only protection. I am reluctant to even speak in terms of alert--for such messages can be misconstrued and distorted and lose their original purpose. How else am I to reach mine beloved who need to hear the critical state of your world? How else may I let thee know that it is serious indeed! I do not tell thee to go to this mountain or that mountain for LIFT-OFF RAPTURE--what I am saying is that your world is in a critical state of affairs and, if God's people are lost to that density, then they shall not hear important instructions when the proper time comes.

Be most attentive in the days ahead, alert, that ye may hear.

Ye will be given to KNOW when the time comes--but if God's people are lost to the alcohol or the drugs or the loud music or whatever, how will anything be heard other than Satan's drum? Ponder it.

Be most kind within your family structure, for ye have entered a time where nerves are on the very edge. It is the time when man shall turn against man, brother against brother, daughter against mother, son against father, and so it goes. Such is the time of sorting. Hold firmly to the LIGHT of God that ye may see clearly the WAY and that ye not be lost to the darkened chaos which is planned for your world.

I honor mine crew in this location for they serve their fellow man with honor. To ye of mine crew, I salute you! Salu,

I Am Sananda In LIGHT

Oops, that was almost 18 years ago. I guess he doesn't mean the same things we earth-shan humans mean when we say "brink." Oh well, here's something a bit newer.

As hours tick by, "Judgment Day" looks a dud
By Gabrielle Saveri
Sat May 21, 2011 8:55pm EDT

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - With no sign of Judgment Day arriving on Saturday as forecast by an 89 year-old California evangelical broadcaster, followers were faced with trying to make sense of his failed pronouncement.

Harold Camping, the former civil engineer who heads the Family Radio Network of Christian stations, had been unwavering in his message that believers would be swept to heaven on May 21. His Oakland, California-based network broadcasts over 66 U.S. stations and through international affiliates. With the help of supporters it posted at least 2,000 billboards around the United States warning of the Judgment Day.

In New York, retired transportation agency worker Robert Fitzpatrick was inspired by Camping's message to spend over $140,000 of his savings on subway posters and outdoor advertisements warning of the May 21 Judgment Day. As he stood in Times Square in New York surrounded by onlookers, Fitzpatrick, 60, carried a Bible and handed out leaflets as he waited for Judgment Day to begin. By his own reading of Bible, which was slightly different than Camping's, Fitzgerald expected the great worldwide event to begin at 6 p.m. Eastern Time. When the hour came and went, he said: "I do not understand why ...," as his speech broke off and he looked at his watch. "I do not understand why nothing has happened." Camping, who previously made a failed prediction Jesus Christ would return to Earth in 1994, had said doomsday would begin at 6 p.m. in the various time zones around the globe.


That meant it would begin in Asia and Oceania, but with midnight local time having come and gone in those areas, taking them well into May 22, and no indication of an apocalypse, Camping seemed to have gone silent. During the day, his Family Radio played recorded church music, devotionals and life advice unrelated to Judgment Day. The headquarters of his network was shuttered on Friday and Saturday, with a sign in the door that read "This Office is Closed. Sorry we missed you!" Camping, whose deep sonorous voice is frequently heard on his radio network expounding the Bible, could not be reached for comment. The shades were drawn and no one answered the door at his house in Alameda, California.

Sheila Doan, 65, who has lived next door to Camping since 1971, said he is a good neighbor and she was concerned about Camping and his wife because of the attention his pronouncement has received. "I'm concerned for them, that somebody would possibly do something stupid, you just don't know in this world what's going to happen," she said. Tom Evans, a spokesman for Camping, said earlier this week that at least several tens of thousands of people listen to Family Radio's message. The network is heard in more than 30 languages through international affiliates, according to Family Radio. In recent weeks, dozens of Camping's followers had crossed the United States in recreational vehicles emblazoned with the May 21 warning. Volunteers also handed out pamphlets as far away as the Philippines, telling people God had left clear signs the world was coming to an end. In Camping's description of Judgment Day, the Earth would be wrenched in a great earthquake and many inhabitants would perish in the coming months, until the planet's total destruction on October 21.

On Saturday, some atheists in different parts of the country held celebrations and get-togethers to mark the failure of Camping's May 21 prediction to come true. In Oakland, the same city where Camping's network is based, over 200 people gathered at an atheist convention where speakers joked about the Judgment Day pronouncement and a vendor sold jewelry with the words "Good without God." Cara Lee Hickey, 32, a Christian turned atheist, said Camping's prediction got people talking. "I've heard a lot of name-calling, but most of it is from other Christians calling him a false prophet," she said.

And this more thoughtful piece.

Judgement day
A Bible study group was discussing the unforeseen possibility of their sudden death. The leader of the discussion said, " We will all die some day, and none of us really know when, but if we did we would all do a better job of preparing ourselves for that inevitable event."

"Everybody shook their heads in agreement with this comment."

Then the leader said to the group, "What would you do if you knew you
only had 4 weeks of life remaining before your death, and then the Great Judgment Day?"

A gentleman said, " I would go out into my community and minister the Gospel to those that have not yet accepted the Lord into their lives."

"Very good!" ,said the group leader, and all the group members agreed, that would be a very good thing to do.

One lady spoke up and said enthusiastically, "I would dedicate all of my remaining time to serving God, my family, my church, and my fellow man with a greater conviction."

"That"s wonderful!" the group leader commented, and all the group members agreed, that would be a very good thing to do.

But one gentleman in the back finally spoke up loudly and said, "I would go to my mother-in-laws house for the 4 weeks."

Everyone was puzzled by this answer, and the group leader ask, "Why your mother-in-law’s home?"

"Because that will make it the longest 4 weeks of my life!"
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by fortinbras »

Does anyone have RECENT news about Tim Turner and the Restorationists?? Even on the websites associated with the Restoration movement the "news" about Turner turns out to be several months old.

Evidently, by six months ago, his followers had mostly turned against him, but not because they had regained their sanity. These people not only resented the federal govt, they resented any sort of govt - even that of their fellow fanatics.
Deep Knight
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Does anyone have RECENT news about Tim Turner and the Restorationists?? Even on the websites associated with the Restoration movement the "news" about Turner turns out to be several months old.

Evidently, by six months ago, his followers had mostly turned against him, but not because they had regained their sanity. These people not only resented the federal govt, they resented any sort of govt - even that of their fellow fanatics.
MacHaffie posted this on his RAP-NESARA forum this week. I'm not sure any of this actually comes from President Turner, but they put his name at the beginning. Don't ask me exactly what the numerology means, these guys stuff is confusing at best.
At least I know what the anti-Semitism in the comments means, "we're angry, lazy, and looking for someone to blame."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What the Republic is all about w/ Tim Turner
John: This explains what The Republic is all about w/ Tim Turner:

Stephen was in attendance at the California Republic Meetings this last weekend -
Dr. Jones' Entry from 08/23/2011

The Republic of Israel--Part 1
In looking back to the year 2010 to see what happened on a prophetic level, there is one prime event that seems to fulfill all of our expectations.

It was the restoration of the Republic for the United States, which had come to an end in 1860 when the southern delegates walked out sine die (without setting a time to return). The original constitutional government of America that was set up in 1789 ended shortly after Lincoln was elected in 1860, and by the time he was inaugurated in March of 1861, he essentially had no lawful country to rule. So he ruled by martial law and by Executive Order in the only way that he was able under the circumstances. Then he was assassinated in 1865 before the original Republic could be lawfully re-established.

In 1871 a new government was incorporated in Washington D.C. called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, identified in legalese as a corporation with all capital letters. The previous Republic still existed on paper, but it was "uninhabited" by government officials. The officials in Washington D.C. were inhabiting the new government only.

The point is that in 2010 the Republic was restored lawfully by the citizens' grand jury, and new representatives were elected to reinhabit the original Republic. Hence, we now have two governments, one very large, and one very small.

For many years (at least since 1997) we had been wondering what would happen in 2010 in regard to the Kingdom of God.

In October of 1997 the Promise Keepers descended upon Washington D.C. to crown Jesus King. We had been watching for such an event already for some years, because 1997 was 390 years after the establishment of the Jamestown colony in Virginia in 1607. This was the first permanent British colony in North America.

The number 390 is the biblical number indicating "No King in Israel." (See chapter 13 of Secrets of Time.)

We also knew that there were two main colonies to watch. The first was the Jamestown colony in 1607, but the second was the Plymouth colony in 1620. Having seen the 390-year cycle completed from 1607-1997, culminating with the recognition of King Jesus, we then knew to watch the year 2010 for the second part of the prophecy to be fulfilled. It was 390 years from 1620-2010.

This second cycle was actually more significant in that it actually goes back to the fall of Samaria, the capital of Israel, in 721 B.C.

When Israel's last king was killed in 721 B.C. at the fall of Samaria, Hosea's prophecy in Hosea 3:4 began to be fulfilled: "For the sons of Israel will remain for many days without king or prince." A series of 7 periods of 390 years began at that time. The first 6 ended at Plymouth in 1620, and the 7th cycle ended in 2010.

Between the two colonies, we were able to observe two events that provided us with a double witness. Yet more than that, the two events were necessary to complete the prophecy. The first one gave us a King in 1997, the second in 2010 gave our King a Kingdom to rule--The Republic of Israel.

For the past year I had thought in terms of a mere double witness of proclaiming Christ as King. Hence, I had assumed that the Glenn Beck rally in late August of 2010 was the second witness of Christ's coronation. I still believe this, but now I am seeing that the restoration of the Republic is the second part--forming the actual Kingdom itself.

Now I do realize that there is a difference between the Republic and the Kingdom of God. But insofar as the earthly expression of the Kingdom is concerned, this Republic is the restoration of the Israel Kingdom that was destroyed in 721 B.C., or 7 x 390 years earlier. This new Republic is as much the Kingdom of God as the Kingdom of Israel was prior to its destruction in 721 B.C. Hopefully, however, this time it truly will express the laws and faith of the Kingdom as God intended.

In fact, if we go back to 1776, which was the date of the Declaration of Independence, by which authority the Republic was set up in 1789, we see further connections to the House of Israel.

Ancient Israel began to be deported to Assyria in 745 B.C. This was the early beginning of their great tribulation 24 years before the actual fall of Samaria. According to the laws of tribulation in Lev. 26, if Israel violated their covenant with God, He would judge them "seven times" (Lev. 26:18, 21, 28). A biblical "time" is 360 years. Seven times is therefore 7 x 360 = 2,520 years.

If we count the years from 745 B.C., we find that 2,520 years ended in 1776 A.D. This was the beginning of the end of Israel's long tribulation period. When it ended, God established a new nation, a new Republic of Israel here in North America. Whereas the tribes of Israel had been "lost" and scattered in the dispersion, this new nation brought the tribes back together, saying: "out of many, one."

Many do not know that the people founding this new nation were the descendants of those lost tribes of Israel, who were scattered into Assyria. (See chapter 4 of my book, Who is an Israelite?)

It was important to God that the connection between Israel and America remain hidden for a while longer. God knew that the original Republic would last only 70 years before being replaced by a new corporate government. It would take a second beginning for the new Israel nation to be established permanently.

This is what happened in the year 2010 with the reinhabiting of the Republic. Some men had studied the history and the law sufficiently to accomplish this legal work. To my knowledge, they were unaware of the significant TIMING of their work in Bible prophecy. God loves to use people unwittingly, because this is His way of proving His sovereignty. I have no doubt that these men and women had a strong sense of calling and felt compelled to restore the American Republic. However, they were unaware of the stream of prophecy in which they were flowing, and certainly, they did not understand the 390-year cycle from 1620. Neither did they fully understand how they were connected to the earlier work that the Promise Keepers did in 1997.

God uses everyone to accomplish His purposes. Most of the time, they do not fully comprehend how God orders all things according to His calendar. It is my purpose to encourage you as you see the hand of God at work. I believe it is also very important that the representatives of this Republic understand the prophetic importance of what they have accomplished, in order that they do not allow differences of opinion to divide them.

To all of those honorable officials of the Republic, I say: You are a part of one of the most important projects in the history of the Kingdom of God. While this Republic is not (yet) the Kingdom itself, it is certainly a re-appearance of the biblical Kingdom of Israel. I believe it is a transition toward the Kingdom of God itself. It is not perfect, but as the founders said, it is "a more perfect union."

Remember that disunion was the problem in 1860, and it destroyed the Republic after just 70 years. The Republic remained dormant for 150 years until the year 2010. Do not let any differences bring about another "Civil War." Now is the time and opportunity to unite under the headship of Jesus Christ.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:29 PM


Anonymous said...
Thanks for exposing more fraud with T.Turner. I am grateful you keep doing this. I found out T,Turner bunch believe in this antiquated version of the US Constitution 1787. In fact at least 4 were purposed yet never ratified BECAUSE "they did not include the BILL OF RIGHTS. Now we know what the TT bunch is up to. Denying our rights.The difference between Constitution "of" and "for" the US.
August 23, 2011 6:20 PM

Anonymous said...
what the hell, man this really makes me sick to my stomach, 1. if the tribes of israel are lost there is noway that you can claim today to be a jew. If lost you don't know who you are so to make such a claim makes you a liar. look in the book of mark where jesus says those you call themselves jews are a liar, jesus said it not me and he said it several times in other chapters too. He said they were the sons and daughters of the viper, and worshipped in the temples of the viper. The real lost tribes don't know who they are, so to claim you are of those tribes make you a liar. I'm sick to death of hearring how we have to support a parasite race of elitest who call us goyums (animals, they even have us listed in the usd of agriculture as animals). GO LOOK IT UP. These elitest are killing people all over the world to control the planet, so they can enslave us so they can sit on their useless butts andf live off of our labor, thats called usury and was illegal till thre jew run fed stole our country. Its not called being anti semite either because the jews never were semites they came from the mountains around russia. They claim to be people that they are not. For all we know we are the real hebrews, the american indians are related to the hebrews. When they dug into the mounds that sre all the usa they for books made of copper and gold, and the star of david and even the swatstik. They wore plaid and the kenninuk man may have been one and he is older than the clovis indians that lived here. Stop giving my country away to people that DO NOT have a right to it you brain washed idiots. The bible had been rewritten and had so much removed we don't know half of what we should. They removed the name of the real hebrews and replaced it with JEWS , the word jew is only a few hundred years old and was made up by the freemasons. Go look in the geneva bible. The hebrew language was a dead language until some mason claimed to have discovered how to read and speak it,he taught others. But is that what they are actually speaking. I know the masons worship lucifer, so what language are they really speaking. All the masonic symbols all over our country exspecially DC. Not hebrew at all but luciferian. The san hedrian that had christ killed where jews ( THE PHARASEES) the arogant ones who thought they where so perfect they looked down on everyone else as animals. Those are who the world rulers are all those who claim to be related are related to the pharasees. Wake up
August 23, 2011 7:07 PM

Anonymous said...
source is: ... LogID=2856
August 24, 2011 12:08 AM

Anonymous said...
The constitutional convention meeting in secrecy and terminating in 1787 had a solemn mandate only to modify the Articles of Confederation, not to write a new constitution. The so-called constitution, whether "of" or "for" is unlawful since the constitutional convention violated their mandate. The only lawful and organic documents that may lawfully be used today to govern are the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
By the way, Tim Turner was elected as President of "something" for a maximum of six months. Who is the present President of this something, since 6 months has long since run out !!!
August 24, 2011 2:11 AM

Anonymous said...
Tim Turner is doing this as he thinks this should be the Kingdom of Israel?
August 24, 2011 8:27 AM
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by texino »

Sananda said:

"I need mine workers attentive and alert, please!"

I would like to know if this applies to those guys down the mine in Chile? They seemed alert enough to get to safety, right? :thinking:
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David Merrill

Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by David Merrill »

The Observer wrote:Holy cow! Tim Turner was really working for us, the Illuminati? I didn't see this coming!

You remain unaware of our biggest Intelligence Mill?

No surprise.
Their name is Fred and Nina Gutierrez. We would have never found your post if it did not mention Kelby Smith. Guess who is Fred and Nina's right hand man - Kelby Smith.


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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by Gregg »

And you posted something obscure on a year old topic for what good reason?

I sometimes wonder who still approves your posts...
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Re: The Real Truth Comes Out

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:And you posted something obscure on a year old topic for what good reason?

I sometimes wonder who still approves your posts...
I think it shows that David is extremely bored...and that he doesn't have much activity on his own site to keep him occupied there.

By the way, as a moderator, you can check out the moderator log to see who is approving what posts.
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