Bailey's Lament

Donald Bailey

Bailey's Lament

Post by Donald Bailey »

If anyone "out there" can tell me how a "Federal Reserve Note" is a DOLLAR, maybe I can see/understand at least some things better. HELP!!!
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Donald Bailey wrote:If anyone "out there" can tell me how a "Federal Reserve Note" is a DOLLAR, maybe I can see/understand at least some things better. HELP!!!
If you don't like your FRNs, I'll be happy to take them off your hands.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Donald Bailey wrote:If anyone "out there" can tell me how a "Federal Reserve Note" is a DOLLAR, maybe I can see/understand at least some things better. HELP!!!
It's a deep, dark illuminati secret. 8)
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Famspear »

Donald Bailey wrote:If anyone "out there" can tell me how a "Federal Reserve Note" is a DOLLAR, maybe I can see/understand at least some things better. HELP!!!
Yes, if you send me one thousand of your one dollar Federal Reserve notes, I'll be glad to tell you how each of them is a dollar.
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote:
Donald Bailey wrote:If anyone "out there" can tell me how a "Federal Reserve Note" is a DOLLAR, maybe I can see/understand at least some things better. HELP!!!
Yes, if you send me one thousand of your one dollar Federal Reserve notes, I'll be glad to tell you how each of them is a dollar.
The simple answer is that a FRN is a dollar because Congress says it is. Congress has the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof (I think that it's Article I, Section 8); and the power to coin money necessarily implies the power to decide just what money is.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Tue May 24, 2011 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Donald Bailey

Re: Troy Beam

Post by Donald Bailey »

I did not know Federal Reserve Notes were COINED. At one time "Frns" were legal tender(just like they still are today) but they were redeemable in LAWFUL money. Huh?? There are LEGAL ways to steal, but there is no lawful way to do so. For the rest of you,i.e. answers above, seems like you are government agents.MIGHT MAKES RIGHT! Because Congress says so?? OK You're right BECAUSE--You say so.
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Famspear »

Donald Bailey wrote:I did not know Federal Reserve Notes were COINED. At one time "Frns" were legal tender(just like they still are today) but they were redeemable in LAWFUL money. Huh?? There are LEGAL ways to steal, but there is no lawful way to do so. For the rest of you,i.e. answers above, seems like you are government agents.MIGHT MAKES RIGHT! Because Congress says so?? OK You're right BECAUSE--You say so.
You have misread the text. Go back and read it again.

This is not rocket science.

The statement that "there are LEGAL ways to steal, but there is no lawful way to do so" is nonsense.

I am not a "government agent." And there is nothing wrong with being a "government agent."

Throwing out rhetoric like "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT" illustrates that you are bitter. You need to ask yourself why you are bitter.

Based on your rhetoric, I conclude that you are probably not here to ask legitimate questions, but rather that you are here because you are trying to pick a virtual "fight." You need to get hold of your emotions.

Calm down.

Breathe deeply.
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Donald Bailey wrote:I did not know Federal Reserve Notes were COINED. At one time "Frns" were legal tender(just like they still are today) but they were redeemable in LAWFUL money. Huh?? There are LEGAL ways to steal, but there is no lawful way to do so. For the rest of you,i.e. answers above, seems like you are government agents.MIGHT MAKES RIGHT! Because Congress says so?? OK You're right BECAUSE--You say so.
I never said that, Snarky; and like a true zealot, you snapped at my bait like a brook trout at a juicy fly. Your "LAWFUL money" remark shows that you have no idea of what constitutes lawful money; and the same Constitutional provision which gives Congress the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof empowers Congress to declare just what lawful money is. Yes, FRNs are "dollars" because Congress says so; but that's because the Constitution gives them the power to say so. I am right not because I say so; I'm right because I've read the ENTIRE Constitution.

Your problem is that you've located a phrase or two in the Constitution and ripped it out of context. You know that you're wrong; but you want so passionately to be right that the fervor of your belief translates, in your mind, to actually being right. I'm not going to waste any more of my time trying to reinvent the legal wheel and explain further; but if you use "lawful money" as your search term in the space provided at the top of this page, you'll find plenty of supporting authority for what I'm telling you -- and plenty of piffle from fools who think as you do.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
Donald Bailey

Re: Troy Beam

Post by Donald Bailey »

You must be an attorney!! Not a Lawyer, but, an attorney. If not, you have missed your calling. Reading the Constitution is one thing. Understanding it is another.
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Famspear »

Donald Bailey wrote:You must be an attorney!! Not a Lawyer, but, an attorney. If not, you have missed your calling. Reading the Constitution is one thing. Understanding it is another.
Using words like attorney and Lawyer as if you are erudite is still another.

Stating platitudes such as "Reading the Constitution is one thing" and "Understanding it is another" in a vain attempt to appear to be erudite is still another.

So far, Donald Bailey, your posts are evidence of shrill, emotional pretense, bordering on blowhardiness. Put a cork in the phony rhetoric.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Troy Beam

Post by Nikki »

And we have yet another candidate for the coveted title of Troll Of The Month

Note: All runners-up in the contest are automatically entered in the running for the second most coveted title: Quatloosian Village Idiot.

Bailey is (1) attempting to engage in a battle of wits and logic while totally unarmed, (2) trying to count coup so he can run back to his home forum and brag about how he went into the lion's den and tugged on the beard, or (3) a total maroon who thinks he can -- sans the benefit of education and/or experience -- debate constitutional law with experienced practitioners thereof.

BTW: Has anyone checked the IP address against that of the other visiting loonies -- such as GASE ?
Donald Bailey

Re: Troy Beam

Post by Donald Bailey »

Robert Bork and Ron Paul are two more Erudites you do not like,no doubt. I am becoming convinced that you might be a Judge,BAR Licensed of course. Why,"know it alls" were the founding fathers so against "paper money? " Does Paper money have any intrinsic value? I am not asking because I do not know, but I don't think you do. I bet you don't like what Andrew Jackson either. I am saddened that no one else has responded to your ignorance. That's what it is, at best.
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Famspear »

Donald Bailey wrote:Robert Bork and Ron Paul are two more Erudites you do not like,no doubt. I am becoming convinced that you might be a Judge,BAR Licensed of course.

Oooooh, how erudite of you to make such caustic remarks.
" Does Paper money have any intrinsic value? I am not asking because I do not know, but I don't think you do.
No, I'll bet, Mister Know It All, that you're pretty generally clueless about money; otherwise, you wouldn't ask stupid questions about the intrinsic value of money.
I bet you don't like what Andrew Jackson either.
Yeah, whatever that means.

I'll bet you don't "like what Millard Fillmore either." Whatever that means.
WhateverI am saddened that no one else has responded to your ignorance. That's what it is, at best.
No, you're not "saddened." You're befuddled. You're just another two-bit jerk-off troll who can't write -- or apparently, think coherently.

Tell you what: Do everyone a favor and try harder to write a coherent statement about something.
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by LaVidaRoja »

KCB - why are you attempting to teach a pig to whistle?
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
Donald Bailey

Re: Troy Beam

Post by Donald Bailey »

I'll ask it this way, then. Is the money of today a/k/a Fiat Money. I'm not saying that paper money is not a medium of exchange, for it is. What is your learned definition of "fiat?" Why do you not answer,directly, the questions I ask? Yes, you cannot, I don't think, teach a pig to whistle, then you probably could since you are so well learned. I would rather be a living pig than a dead horse and what is the sense/use in trying to beat a dead horse? You may throw that line at me too. I threw it to you, first,however.
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by LPC »

Donald Bailey wrote:Reading the Constitution is one thing. Understanding it is another.

Go forth and do....

Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Donald Bailey wrote:I'll ask it this way, then. Is the money of today a/k/a Fiat Money. ...
Yes. This is Fiat money: :roll:

The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by LPC »

Donald Bailey wrote:I would rather be a living pig than a dead horse and what is the sense/use in trying to beat a dead horse? You may throw that line at me too. I threw it to you, first,however.
Yes, verily I say to you, better to be a live whistling pig than a dead horse.

And let he who is without whistling throw the first dead horse.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Troy Beam

Post by Nikki »

1 - troll of the day is obviously blissfully unaware that only a small fraction of the current supply of dollars actually exists in paper form.

2 - troll of the day is also totally unaware that money need have no intrinsic value to be a legal, effective medium of exchange. For example, earlier forms of money included sea shells, feathers, large wheels of stone, and baked pieces of clay.

3 - neither of the above matters because he will not allow what passes for his mind to become clouded with facts.
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Re: Troy Beam

Post by Famspear »

Donald Bailey wrote:I'll ask it this way, then. Is the money of today a/k/a Fiat Money. I'm not saying that paper money is not a medium of exchange, for it is. What is your learned definition of "fiat?" Why do you not answer,directly, the questions I ask? Yes, you cannot, I don't think, teach a pig to whistle, then you probably could since you are so well learned. I would rather be a living pig than a dead horse and what is the sense/use in trying to beat a dead horse? You may throw that line at me too. I threw it to you, first,however.
No, no, no.

That is not haiku.
Do not tell me
I am source of your knockup.
The mud elephant
Wading through the sea
Leaves no tracks.
--by Ken Weaver and Ed Sanders
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet