Memorial Day, 2011

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Memorial Day, 2011

Post by Prof »

Rember, in your prayers or only in your hearts, that this is Memorial Day and young men and women continue to die in the service of our country in training, on active duy, and in two wars and are -- I think -- in harm's way in yet a third.

Bless them, one and all, from 1775 to 2011.
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Cpt Banjo
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Re: Memorial Day, 2011

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Amen to that.
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Re: Memorial Day, 2011

Post by Unidyne »

I almost wish they still had TV sign-offs so they could play bits like this more often.
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Re: Memorial Day, 2011

Post by JamesVincent »

I concur. I have a friend who is USMC and already knows hes going to Iraq here soon. All the friends I served with with and lost and all the others who were before me and will be after me I thank you for being with me and our other servicemen and women. We did what was asked of us and did what we could. "All gave something and some gave all" pretty much sums it up for me. /salute
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"

Re: Memorial Day, 2011

Post by Nikki »

One of the priviliges of working in Washington, DC, is being able to vicariously participate in the ceremonies when a pilot is interred at Arlington.

Timed down to the split second to coordinate with the playing of Taps at the grave side, a 'missing man' formation of fighters streaks down the Potomac and over the Cemetary.

As soon as they pass over the grave site, the fourth plane slips back into formation and they all go vertical on full afterburners.

To say the least, it is a moving experience -- although one that I would prefer to never see repeated.