
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Dinar Intel Update 5-20-11
I got this from dinarguru.com. Some of these comments were from the calls yesterday. Pretty good. We are still on an hourly watch. God bless! ~~s.

5-20-2011 Guru FranklySpeaking Something is going on with the rate of the Dinar but its being kept quiet…. I feel the RI-RV has been activated...they have not announced the 3 ministers yet… and we may never see it announced and they just blend into the background – the rate will just be released…the rate has been introduced to the GOI and activated in the budget and is paying bills –maybe they released the rate behind closed doors then make the real announcement when parliament comes back?...we are in FINAL BLUE alert we are looking at the 23rd to the 28th that something is going to happen with the RV…from incredible sources

5-20-2011 Guru TonyTNTWe heard from 3 different sources today [yesterday] in Iraq...each one had a different rate, but what was consistent with each of them was that the RV has occurred within Iraq...It's only a matter of time before it gets to us...Forget about the rate and date because I feel we are here...It's time to get ready and protect your wealth...

5-20-2011 Guru Tony TNT The guy in Dubai was given a cash receipt for his dinar. This simply means that they took his dinar and gave him a balance of $21,000,000 in his bank acct. He cannot actually withdraw the money until the RV becomes official.This should be exciting to you for 2 reasons:
1. They actually took the dinar and give him a balance in his acct.
2. The balance that they gave him lets you know that the rate is at least $4.41
The only reason a bank would do this is because we are close enough to the real thing.

5-19-201 Guru Poppy2 I feel we are right on top of this thing...I have no idea what is holding this up...with all of sources no one seems to know....but it's something.

5-19-2011 Guru Okie_oil_man Treasury source highest source possible on Monday said it can't go past midnight...Tuesday said it can't go past midnight...Wednesday said it can't go past midnight...heard the same thing today...this is where we are...$4.40 rate quoted to me from US senator...

5-19-2011 Guru TonyTNT Dubai cash in clarification/update---this is a man Tony and Check personally know...The gentleman says he went to the bank in Dubai, they said the rate is $4.21...the man gave the bank 5 million dinar and they gave him a receipt for $21 million dollars...the bank can't release the money until the RV is announced...The RV has been confirmed in Iraq by multiple sources now...

5-19-2011 Guru SteveI Steve was asked, "So it's [the RV] done???"...SteveI responds...I will say 95% sure [it's done] it needs to filter through the system now...I'm personally looking at Monday or maybe Tuesday at the latest...I've had too many people tell me this news...not one negative source yet...

5-19-2011 Guru Adam Montana Director of the IMF resigns...this could potentially be a very good thing for us...the old IMF director wasn’t moving very fast anyway...so let’s be on the lookout for some good news...this is a perfect opportunity for some GOOD movement...

5-19-2011 Guru TonyTNT Call yesterday about a man in Iraq--trusted...man called his wife in New Jersey and said get the Dinars together and meet me in Dubai...They cashed out 15 million dollars at a bank rate of $4.21...Contractor Paul spoke with 2 separate trusted Iraqis...both said it RVed 2 days ago in Iraq...one said rate of $1.50 and the other said $1.81...Obama would not have been that blatant in his speech if Iraq oil/money was not secured...The RV is eminent...our day is coming and our numbers are coming...

5-19-2011 Guru Checkmate President's speech sums it up--Iraq is done, which one is next...The Future of US is bound to the ME. We are on an hourly RV watch now...banking/forex boards were red...then turned amber waiting for green generally turns green within 72 hours of turning amber (we are at 72 hours today)

5-19-2011 Guru Tony Guidelines that must be fulfilled to RV are being done now...we are in the very final days...13303 only extended till the end of June...this is a good thing--UN and US deadlines are now matched. On a side note: No one called me to tell me not to say anything...other sites called and asked him to take down the site...being a good neighbor he did.

5-19-2011 Guru Ray I was talking to a guy from Iraq that I met a few months ago who told us at that time that the dinar will never revalue, he now says he is 99.9% sure that it is going to happen, CBI has everything done & people are excitedly talking about the revalue in multiple cities around Iraq.

5-19-2011 Guru SteveI This is my last reply on this forum [Peoplesdinar.com]. ; All future updates will be done thru a mod or qualified member I choose...
(going into semi-retirement this time)

5-19-2011 Guru Nighthk11 Full gov’t announced=RV...without directive from UNSC/Sec Gen-US Prez/Vice Prez- they would have been gone on vacation already...we should have a final decision before end of this week barring no more nonsense...

5-19-2011 Guru Adam Montana so here’s the truth about the extension [13303]: it’s not going to expire on June 30, regardless of what some are saying...President Obama’s intent to extend the Order for another year and that tells me that EVERYONE involved is willing to wait as long as it takes in order to make sure this is successful for all involved... – I haven’t experienced any kind of blackout...there was no legitimate blackout of any kind

5-19-2011 Guru SteveI I have to admit publicly that I was wrong...A couple months ago I stated I had a drop dead date of May 10th...The 2011 budget was built around a rate (the revaluation)...Our team felt that once it [budget] was published officially it would be set in stone...So guess what, they released part of it (THIS IS HUGE) and not officially published it in the Gazette. My very first error and not accurate prediction.

5-19-2011 Guru Nighthk11 The fact that they are still there without vacation or recess is an indication that they have taken certain directives from the UNSC/Moon in a very serious light...now we must see if IMF will relax their requirements and allow for Shabibi to release the RV...Absolute deadline is June 30 when all protection runs out – however mechanisms must be in place well before that date either 30-45 days...if 45 days – we are there NOW....Bottom line here folks – is they are not going anywhere without the foundation for the new govt which is the Erbil Agreement – alternative is to start over

5-19-2011 Guru Randy Koonce- I understand that everything is done, ministers picked, agreements signed, all we need is a vote, supposedly meeting today for the vote & RV will be shortly afterwards.

5-19-2011 Guru Checkmate I don't know, it should have happened this afternoon, they're still saying tonight, just hold on it is about to happen,.. I am right where you are, on pins and needles!...PS there are a few things that are speaking to the opening of the CBI in the morning, thats 3:00AM EDT. 5-6 more hours!

ryno bear rumor-5/19 (found on PTR)
« on: Today at 12:37:06 PM »

Reply with quote
I have been invested in dinar for over 6 years and have followed most of the dinar sites as a guest until today. I feel with all the disinformation swirling around as bad as it is, I needed to share what I know to be true. What I am going to share with you is first hand information that I received today.

(ryno bear) a female acquaintance of mine works for a 3-letter agency in Virginia, and her director just got out of 90 minute teleconference with officials from homeland security, the fbi, and the white house. A Big Part of the current hold-up with the RV has been tracking the many ex-cons, gang leaders, and terroists in and outside of the U.S. that are currently holding sizeable amounts of iqd. This tracking/location project has been ongoing for many months and is almost complete. I was told by my female acquaintance that once this project is finalized the RV will be initiated. She told me that her director was all smiles coming out of the meeting today as much progress has been made. No rates or dates here, just solid facts that we are close to this taking place. Rest easy, we are one day closer.

If I receive any future updates that pertain to our investment, I will be selective, but I will pass on what I can.

Pre-recorded CC call in # is 760-569-7699 - 387717 #
for late-night call May 19.

Short and to the point ...16 min.
Hope this helps all of you,
Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:26 AM 0 comments
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

He he he, the funny part is, the "inside, trusted source" for all the gurus is Harold Camping.
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.
notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

I personally think you could do just as well if not better than the gurus using a magic eightball, at least the answers would be more entertaining.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:I personally think you could do just as well if not better than the gurus using a magic eightball, at least the answers would be more entertaining.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Dinar Intel Update 5-20-11
I got this from dinar8ball.com. All of these responses were from the Magic 8 Ball. Pretty good. We are still on an hourly watch. God bless! ~~bs.

5-20-2011 Guru FranklySpeaking Something is going on with the rate of the Dinar but its being kept quiet…. I feel the RI-RV has been activated...the 8 ball said "It is decidedly so"...we are in FINAL BLUE BALL alert we are looking at the 23rd to the 28th that something is going to happen with the RV…"Signs point to yes"

5-20-2011 Guru TonyTNTWe heard from 3 different 8 balls today [yesterday]..."Outlook good," "It is decidedly so," "Reply hazy, try again" ...Forget about the rate and date because I feel we are here...It's time to get ready and protect your wealth...

5-20-2011 Guru Tony TNT The "Guy in Dubai" was given a cash receipt for his dinar. This simply means that they took his dinar and gave him a balance of $21,000,000 in his bank acct. He cannot actually withdraw the money until the RV becomes official, because that would be wrong.This should be exciting to you for 2 reasons:
1. "Reply hazy, try again," so I turned the 8 Ball over and tried again and it said
2. "Signs point to yes"
The only reason a bank would do this is because they consulted their Magic 8 Ball and it said the same thing.

5-19-201 Guru Poppy2 I feel we are right on top of this thing...I have no idea what is holding this up...perhaps the Magic 8 Balls said "Don't count on it"

5-19-2011 Guru Okie_oil_man Treasury source Highest Source Possible on Monday said it can't go past midnight...Tuesday said it can't go past midnight...Wednesday said it can't go past midnight...when I asked the Magic 8 Ball about Thursday night it said "It is certain"...this is where we are...$4.40 rate quoted to me from US senator who has his own Magic 8 Ball...

5-19-2011 Guru TonyTNT Dubai cash in clarification/update---this is a man Tony and Check personally know...The gentleman says he went to the bank in Dubai...the man a Magic 8 Ball...the bank can't release the money until the RV is announced...The RV has been confirmed in Iraq by multiple 8 Balls...

5-19-2011 Guru SteveI Steve was asked, "So it's [the RV] done???"...SteveI responds...I will say "It is decidedly so"...not one negative response yet...unless you count "Very doubtful," "My sources say no" and "Outlook not so good," but I don't.

5-19-2011 Guru Adam Montana Director of the IMF resigns...this could potentially be a very good thing for us...the old IMF director didn't have a Magic 8 Ball...so let’s be on the lookout for some good news...this is a perfect opportunity to "Concentrate and ask again"...

5-19-2011 Guru TonyTNT Call yesterday about a man in Iraq--trusted...man called his wife in New Jersey and said get our Magic 8 Ball and meet me in Dubai...They cashed out 15 million dollars at a bank rate of $4.21...Contractor Paul spoke with 2 separate snowbird retirees...both said they RVed in Arizona last winter...one said they had their Magic 8 Ball in their RV...our day is coming and our numbers are coming...

5-19-2011 Guru Checkmate My Magic 8 Ball sums it up--"It is certain"--The Magic 8 Ball is black, my balls were red...then turned amber waiting for green generally turns green within 72 hours of turning amber (we are at 72 hours today)

5-19-2011 Guru Tony Guidelines that must be "Signs point to yes"...we are in the very final days...UN and US deadlines are now matched, both begin with "U" (you). On a side note: No one called me to tell me not to say anything...but I told my neighbor to turn down the music...being a good neighbor he did.

5-19-2011 Guru SteveI This is my last reply on this forum [Peoplesdinar.com]. ; My Magic 8 Ball said "Very doubtful"

Reply with quote
I have been invested in dinar for over 6 years and have followed most of the dinar sites as a guest until today. I feel with all the disinformation swirling around as bad as it is, I needed to share what I know to be true. What I am going to share with you is first hand information that I received today.

(ryno bear) a female acquaintance of mine works for a 3-letter agency in Virginia, and her director just got out of 90 minute teleconference with officials from homeland security, the fbi, and the white house. She told me that her director was all smiles coming out of the meeting today and he was carrying a Magic 8 Ball. No rates or dates here, just solid facts that we are close to this taking place. Rest easy, we are one day closer.

If I receive any future updates that pertain to our investment, I will be selective, but I will pass on what I can.

Pre-recorded CC call in # is 123-555-1212 #5-19-2011
for late-night call May 19, 2011.

Short and to the point ...265 min.
Hope this helps all of you,
"Ask again later"
Not posted by John MacHaffie at 2:26 AM 0 comments
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by LaVidaRoja »

LAMO!!!! Did you post that on MacHaffie's site?
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

Somehow I don't bet he'd see the humor of it since it wasn't divinely inspired as are all the rest of his rants.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Dinar Update Intel - 5-24-11
Remember: All the sites have a contact in banking that have said "Bank screens for the IQD are flashing GREEN" right now. Our wonderful AngelQuest has a friend who personally saw this and i totally trust Darline to always tell it like it is!!! The rate just needs to be dropped in for it to happen similtaneously all over the world. the amazing guest on Franks conference call feels strongly that it will happen on May 29th at a rate of $3.89. This is a mere 4 days away. I feel this is the week. Keep praying and be grateful for this amazing blessing we are about to recieve. Have a great day.

KME, on 24 May 2011 - 07:25 AM, said:
Just to let some of you guys know, the CBI auction does not matter.

When Kuwait revalued, they had an auction at the old rate on the same day. As a matter of fact, they printed an article that day that said their government had failed and they were starting over. A few hours later, their currency revalued.

Stop paying attention to the auctions. My understanding is that the CBI site is putting up false numbers anyway.

To add, I believe Kuwait's RV showed up at around 10:30 AM EST. I don't believe it showed up on Forex, just at the banks at first.

Do you think it will happen today, KME, as we were told in last night's conference call?

I can't tell you what I've heard, but I will say a few things on the subject.

I'm not saying it will or won't happen today, but it is a good day for it to happen. I personally do not believe it will show up today.

I do know that the hard parts are done. You may ask- "What is left between the hard parts and 'announcement?'" I can not answer that question.

There have always been unforeseen steps pop up just before announcement. From what I've heard, there isn't much left to do. It could very well happen today, but in my honest opinion, I don't think it will.

**PLEASE, Oh dear God in Heaven, PROVE ME WRONG!!**


Any HINTS as to how much longer? What's your thoughts on a timeline?

Can I do this without giving too much away?

As of last week (a day that made me thirsty,(could it be thursday?) we were put on an hour by hour watch. As of a bright day this week, (Sunday?)we were put on a minute by minute watch.

As far as MY thoughts on a timeline-- Not today while the banks are open. I will start watching tomorrow morning.


My uncle was in that RV and he said it showed up at 430pm EST

Must have been watching at different times, or were in a different category.

I know a few people personally that saw it between 10:30 AM EST (earliest) and Noon EST (latest.)

I'm not combatting your uncle's story at all. Just telling what I was told.

Your story helps in the quest as well. A lot of people believe that if it doesn't happen before 8 AM EST, it won't happen. Truth is, it could show up at any time it wants to.


May 24 7:14 AM [Blaino] 1. Major Bank, South East, bulking on cash twice in the last 2 weeks, re-training on the DeLarue Machine (with IQD!) on Saturday, solving "IT" issues today.... now on watch.... (yes, for that!) 2. Second Major Bank (Different brand) in the land of the Lone Star... is in the early stages of "connection establishment" to the network of systems connecting all the significant Banks, prepping Staff (overtime $) and so on.... did you bring your glasses? The "read between the lines" glasses? 'Nuff Said! Blaino
From Planet Dinar site:

I would like to say, that if we are indeed there; be it tomorrow, or Wednesday, as so much of our intel has been suggesting, then there are many farewells due today. Obviously as so many of us will be cashing out, and becoming extremely busy with our new lives, it probably won't be very likely that I will be here on this, or any other site to make a final post. I believe that we are truly done; I believe the intel that some family members have given me through their sources, and the intel we have received from the generous people on this site, as well as PTR, (the two sites I frequent) is solid. I believe that this ride will be completely done no later than Wednesday of this week, so I will post my farewell, and a few parting thoughts.

Okie, Blaino, Dusty, Tony, Dan, Bluewolf, Poppy, Randy ,Frank, TerryK, Steve, and all of the mods that have kept these sites going, THANK YOU! Thank you for keeping faith that there were still people who wanted to hear what you had to say! This tangled web of political strife has delayed and held up this event at every turn by so many complications that it must have been disheartening to see the end of the road, and share the joy in that, only to have yet another hurdle put in place, and have to return to the community with bad news. You folks have made this journey an adventure that will never be forgotten by a multitude of us who would have become disheartened, and discouraged and possibly given up before reaching the finish line. This journey has felt so tiresome for the last stretch; and if we aren't there yet, I will still feel honored to walk the final lap with all of you.

I pray that the lord will guide you all to be a blessing to this world as long as you continue to walk on the face of it, you certainly have been a blessing to me.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:17 AM 0 comments
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote:Dinar Update Intel - 5-24-11

Stop paying attention to the auctions.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain....
Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

This proves it. After all, people's interpretation of Biblical prophecy is never wrong, just ask Harold Camping.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Modern Day Iraqi Dinar RV Biblical Prophecy
Posted By: kbcjedi [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 25-May-2011 18:30:22

This info is very well written and thought out. It links the Dinar RV to the largest transfer of wealth to the common people in the history of the world. The RV is the banker method to enslave the world. Make war, destroy the country, rebuild and RV the currency back to it's previous levels. Make a pile of money on the Revaluation and install your puppet dictators who just became massively wealthy. Leave the country and let it run on auto-pilot. Repeat process with the next country.
Having been studying the monetary system for 10 years, the insight about Iraq hit me like a ton of bricks about a month ago. Things are a bit more complex than they seem in the world, it is not quite as black and white as a David Icke conspiracy theory. There are good people in the world who are among the elite and they operate on principle and have a long term plan that is in opposition to the NWO.
They are making their move now. The dinar in my mind is the mechanism to take back the Republics of the World from the Fiat currency people.

First post and probably the last. I felt so impressed to write this, so here goes. I know no one on this site and have no reputation that you should believe me. But if my words are true you are going to want to consider.

When the news of the dinar came to me I began to pray concerning the opportunity. It was September 2010 when the the Lord clearly showed us to go forward. We had waited for that confirmation for several years. Afterwards, the Lord has spoken four things to me. 1) There will be the test of delay. 2) This dinar will reveal what is truly in your soul 3) There will be a short window of time in which to act after the revalue 4) If you seek to hold onto the windfall you will loose it.

The Lord told me in Sweetwater TN that the dinar would "test your soul". Since then I have seen all kinds of Christians arguing and fighting about certain things pertaining to the dinar. It should not be that way. I see people regularly engaging in name calling, especially against Maliki, I see the desperation for funds that seems to continually be present with all kinds of people. Others talk about spending wildly/foolishly on things that are extreme luxuries. It appears my word is coming to pass. Many many people are looking to the dinar as the provision, rather than Him who is the Provider. I really had to check my heart as well. He is asking me personally, where do I get my information? Selah.

I will share here what almost no one here will know or even understand. I give this to you so that you can consider and take the right actions if you choose. There is a prophetic people that has been seated across the land for the purpose of the Kingdom of God. Starting in around the beginning of 2009 the Lord told us that there would begin the emergence of the Elijah ministry in the earth. This was previsouly told to us in 1996, so it was no surprise when it came about 13 years later. What we did not realize that it would not only be Elijah, but Elisha as well. We did not see the big picture, and perhaps still do not.

When this Elisha ministry began we started to see the miracles of Elisha come to pass in a very public, national manner. The eigth sign was the poison in the pot. We learned from the news that the Gulf of Mexico was also called a cauldron on underwather charts. When the oil spill threatened all life in the gulf, we recognized it was the poison in the pot. A group of hidden intercessors went to the headwaters of the Mississippi and threw ground barley meal as instructed by the Lord into the river. Exactly 144 hours and 9 minutes later BP announced the plugging of the well; the approximate time it takes water to flow the river to the gulf. 144 is the number representing the elect that now stand among you.

The ninth sign to come is the multiplication of provsion. Many people have now comfirmed that this is linked to the dinar. The Lord has been quiet on this since last July, and we expect the final 8 signs (9-16) to begin to come to pass around this year's Passover.. We are very close, but do not know exactly how this will play out.

The Eurphrates flowed under the walls of Babylon. To overcome this city, the Medes and Persians diverted the flow of the water into a swampy area so that they might sneak into the city under the wall. The night before the attack a wild party was happening in Babylon and so the people we hung over the next morning. The armies took the city without much resistance and it still stands today. This story speaks of how the money system, represented by Babylon will fall.

If you can receive it, the Medes are the media. The Persians are Iran. The wall is Wall Street. The Eurphates is the substance (money) that keeps the city propped up. The orgy has been going on in Washington DC now for some time. We are looking for the time in which the handwriting on the wall will appear. That sign will tell us exactly when the money system will fail. To bring about this demise the Euphrates (bountiful) will be diverted. We believe this is the sign of the dinar revaluation. It will happen to bring about the fall of Mystery Babylon.

The dollar is the means by which money changers enslaved the world in debt. How much do you think the God will overthrow or kick over the tables of the SYSTEM that keeps people entrapped and the gospel from going forth? There is no way anyone can understand why this is happening to the dollar unless you first understand what is happening in world commerce. Since most Christians are comepletely ignorant, they view the coming crash as something terrible, but in reality the kingdoms of the world are becoming the kingdom of our God.

Mystery Babylon is mysterious. It was called this because of its hidden-ness. The Lord did not want to replace the yoke of wood He gave the earth with a yoke of iron, therefore, the world was sold into the rule of Babylon without most people knowing. Had they known what was happening, they would have rebelled as Israel did in the biblical account. This would have required the greater sentence thus a much worse world situation. The "Mystery" part of Babylon was much grace to us all as God kept us from understanding to keep us subject to His judgement that we might learn. That is wisdom.

Mystery Babylon for our time became manifest on December 23rd, 1913 with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act. This transferred the right to print money from the US Govern't to the string of privately owned banks that had been ruling Europe for many years. Over the last 98 years, we have seen the rise and fall of this world money power in which a defacto world currency was used to enslave most of the nations of the world.

In 1974 Kissinger made an agreement with OPEC that all oil would be sold in US dollars only. These states would use the money to buy US debt and allow the press to run ad infinitum ad nauseum. This then required all nations to go to the Federal Reserve to exchange the local currency for the US dollar with which to purchase energy. This is exactly what happened with the Money Changers in Jesus' day. Interest, which is unlawful according to Divine Law, was used to place these nations under control of the money system. Gradually all the nations' central banks fell to the banking system. It has been said that the greastest evil under the sun is not war or famine, but compound interest. At the time of 9/11 only seven publically held central banks existed in the world. Now after our two wars there are only 5. A publically held central bank gives a country the ability to get out of debt. When banks are privately held, the debt is never released but owed to those who print the money. That was the plan of this Babylonian system. This is well understood by anyone who understands money.

So in 1983, the seventy years of Babylonian rule had been completed, but the systematic church was not aware of the time it was in. It could not proclaim the release from Babylon since itself had become very much like the world system. God began to call out the overcomers at that time and form a people that would declare a spiritual jubilee and overthrow the Babylonian rule. Details of these years are comprehensive, but I will not write about it here. It has involved much transition and God raised up true intercessors in the nation to repair the breaches in our spiritual gates. Now the church, not being aware of its failure to proclaim the jubliee brought charge against the remnant in the divine court in heaven in 2001, but lost the case. This established God's remnant with the right to rule. They were then instructed then to overthrow the tables of the money changers, set free the captives from the Babylonian system, and produce the fruit of the kingdom.

Although many intercessions went out over those years, the financial system held on until October of 2008 for good reason, when we saw the signs of collapse manifest. The head of gold (Babylonian image) would soon be sacked, i.e. Goldman Sachs, and the symbols of Babylon would start to fall. The walled city Babylon was manifested as "Wall Street", which would receive the brunt of the change. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our God.

After WWII, Japan was set up as a satellite government of the US. It was run mainly by large money interests and policed by those same powers that were well established in the US government. After fighting such a costly war, there was no way the Allies would allow Japan to ever recover its strength outside their control. The Japanese government has for the most part been an extension of the Federal Reserve banking system. In the last 2 to 3 years, it has rebelled against the financial system electing outsiders to the government rejecting liberal democracy thwarting powers of the CIA which basically ruled it. Many key officials have died mysteriously. Those in the know are full aware of who is responsible for these attacks. As the dollar started its inevitable slide into oblivion because of massive fraud and printing for special interests, increasing pressure on Japanese banks has been applied to exchange dollars for yen, to keep it propped up. There has been much resistance to the west in Japan, seeking its separation from the money system. We have even seen this with Russia and China, who now trade oil in something other than dollars. What these people never knew was that God had called out the people that would have authority to overthrow the money system, and they would be caught in the transition unless the leadership calls the nation to repentance. When a people accept the ways of their corrupt lawless government, they become guilty of the same sins by way of complacency. We are seeing much of the same in America. That which is hidden will be revealed and we must be careful not to rebel against God by judging things that He may very well be sending to purge the nation of its rebellion.

This is where the facts get cloudy. There is strong evidence that these money changers, i.e. World Bankers, have used advanced weapons to target nations that were failing their obligations to the financial system (the love of money is the root of all evil). Reports are now coming out of Japan indicating that it was an attack on the fault line that borders Japan. We know there are several technologies that can activate a fault, we just don't know for sure it was used here or why at this time. Photos and video are starting to pop up. It appears that the system is breaking up from the inside as a result of the declaration of the jubilee by the overcomers last year. It is not going to get better for a while as the system struggles for its last breath, but it will not recover until the Kingdom comes.

So Mystery Babylon does fall into three parts as it states in Revelation. This will happen both in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. Right now, the banking system is seeking to flee the dollar for a new defacto world currency. Our best understanding will be the Iraqi Dinar, as they are preparing to loot Iraq of its natural resources through money changing. These resources, virtually untapped, are the underpinning of the new Iraqi Dinar. Most of the Babylonian nations are holding vast amounts of these dinar already in their treasuries, and will profit wildly when the Dinar revalues in a few days. Under contract they cannot sell the dinar for 6 months and during that time I believe you will see the events lead up to the splitting of Mystery Babylon. That may be a rumor, but I do think that they will hold their dinars on the balance sheet to make their own currencies more attractive.

Currently the Prime Minister of Iraq is Maliki, which means "king". The night Babylon was overthrown, the king of Babylon was killed. We are watching carefully for this sign which will signal the downfall of the world money system. When Maliki is killed or removed from office, the nation will split into three nations, the Kurds, the Shiites, and the Sunni's. It will make the Iraqi dinar worthless overnight and the plans of the world banking systems will collapse in almost an instant. Since all these nations are now HEAVILY invested in the dinar, they will then be sitting on piles of worthless fiat paper with nothing to underpin their own money. Any non-commodity backed currency will fail quickly because of the Babylonian debt system. If Japan was actually attacked with an advanced weapon as some say it was, then we truly understand that the system is failing and God is bringing forth the kingdom as promised.

You will never again make this kind of money this fast I think, but you must be wise. Not my intent to lecture, but we are entering an unprecedented time and this will be the largest transfer of wealth in world history as governments scramble to prop up their failing currencies through the revaluation of dinar.

First let's understand that the US dollar has been weakening. Although commodity prices have recently strengthened, more than half of that increase has been because of the failing dollar. This is important. We have said for a couple of years that oil insiders have been saying that the bankers are looking for a new world currency to go to since the USD has been spent into oblivion. Both the Euro and Yen have been growing showing signs that this change is close. I will explain..

As the printing press at the Fed is running day and night (actually it is electronically done now) the dollar suffers from excess spending. The more available the dollar becomes, the less value it has in general. However, until now, the banks have mopped up all the extra liquidity to pay for their gambling debts (derivatives) and that has kept the currency off of main street. If this money had gone into circulation, it would have resulted in high inflation and ultimately the loss of control over debts owed to the system. This is the reason why mom and pop never got a dime in the bail out.

The main issue now is that the cost of servicing the debt is so high. To have money to spend and keep things propped up, you have to cut spending, raise taxes, or sell off assets. None of these things are popular and that is the catch 22 the government is in. The time it would take to correct this situation is very long... longer than one term in office, therefore no politician will waste their time being a lame duck. So, they are looking for a quick fix... Thus enter the dinar.

The 000 on the notes you hold was put there on purpose... in fact for this purpose. The planners of this process knew that eventually they would revalue the dinar and be able to use the instant millions to write off debt. It was perfect because Iraq had so many resources to underpin the currency and with the help of the IMF and others, they could force this thing to happen in a quick way. The players have been put in place and we should see the announcement soon enough. How soon, I will not say, but the news is really good from what I understand now.

Ok, so the earthquake and tsunami is playing a role, probably to bring this process home sooner. The largest creditor to the US is China at like $2 Trillion cash (but whose counting?), and the second largest is Japan. Japan has a very high debt load. Some say a larger percentage than the US, but I think we are better at hiding it than they are. This is key. When the catastrophe happened, it forced Japan to start to sell their US treasury holdings which dumped the dollar and made the Yen high in demand. It has really shot up, so much that the FED stepped in this week to prevent a further slide of the dollar. On Friday, we saw some stop gap measures take place, but I see that the dollar is trading at 80.8 yen. The last time I was in Tokyo seveal years ago, the dollar was like 114 Yen... It is really weak. So Japan's debt is 192% of its gross domestic product. It will need to continue to sell US treasuries to finance its restructuring and rebuilding. The pressure on the dollar will cause them to move quickly on the dinar. They are coming to a point where they have to get this done.
http://dinarvets.com/forums/index.php?/ ... inar-long/

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:06 PM

Anonymous said...

// Written 20 March 2011 - 01:09 PM by TODO //
...(...) They are coming to a point where they have to get this done. When it revalues, there will be an opposite high demand for the dollar for a short time, because everyone will want US currency to spend. This will drive the price of the dollar upwards for a while. It will fool many economists into thinking the dollar is recovering, as a world currency. Commodity prices will correspondingly drop. For those of you thinking precious metal will be a good investment, timing will be critical. The price will soon drop because of the revalue, and then it will skyrocket,as many seek to protect their holdings. You know now it is coming, so plan accordingly. Intell is now saying that there will be a drop in commodity prices, in the next three weeks.. Hold on to your shorts... it is going to be a bumpy ride. To those who read this comment, know without a doubt that the Lord has placed people in the world, to carry out the transition to the kingdom. For this to happen, the dollar must be removed as the instrument that enslaves people. The kingdom economy is very close. Don't get caught in the trap of believing your money is safe in the US dollar. It is risky at best. If it is true that the treasury is holding much dinar, and why wouldn't it be, then it would not be surprising that they get caught holding the bag. We shall see. Folks this is going to happen, but making it to revalue, is only half the battle. You must secure your return afterwards. Could you spend a million dollars in a day? You may get the chance to find out..
http://dinarvets.com/forums/index.php?/ ... inar-long/
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/fo ... ead=205367 ...
May 25, 2011 5:46 PM

Clear as a bell. God will be able to eliminate fiat money by revaluing Iraqi currency with no backing, i.e. fiat money by definition. It's gotta be true, it's in the bible in black and white if you cherry pick the right words and read between the lines.
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

And don't forget squinting really really hard, you have to squint really really hard or it doesn't work.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

On Friday, we heard from MacHaffie that the RV had been announced!

Friday, May 27, 2011
Dinar News
The Iraq RV has been announced by M in Iraq.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:27 AM


Anonymous said...

why are they bobming libya?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O35_Ai6E ... ded#at=116
May 27, 2011 6:33 PM

Strange, there was nothing on the news... Must be them minions of the New World Order, like that Bob Ming (youngest son of Ming the Merciless). Then, on Saturday.

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Dinar Gurus Predictions
And The Dinar Guru Predicts...
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5-27-2011 Guru TonyTNT 3 calls straight from Bagdad parliement sources...we were within 2 to 3 hours from happening today--meeting in France said go go go...meeting in Iraq between 2 men said no no no...they now agreed...the new prime time best possible days is Wendsday or Thursday next week.

5-27-2011 Guru OKIE Oil Man – You all just need to relax and kick back until Tuesday. Very and I do mean very few details left and will be accompololished over the weekend. Remember me telling you about the political trap? Well – it is nearly completed—nuff said
As I understand it from credible sources it will be a race as to whether the bank of international settlements - - the goi - - the ministry of finance – the prime minister or the US treasury will be the delivery boy of the rate and release date. There were a lot accomplished in last night g-8 meeting in france. The details are private at this moment. Malikis speech can be interoperated 2 different ways - - we'll soon find out which.

5-27-2011 Guru Frankly Speaking (via sargeE8) he informed me that "NO MEETING OR ANNOUNCEMENT" took place that announced an RV...he said to look for the 29th of May to 1 June as your window.

5-27-2011 Guru DinarDaddy I need to emphasize that, IN MY MIND, there IS NO RV until their is absolute proof it has happened....Until I can verify on all the major boards, see it on the CBI website, AND hear from Ali that he as indeed been given verification it has happened, I can NOT believe it...until we see proof everyone needs to remain calm. For me, it’s best NOT to believe it until I can see and verify it.

5-27-2011 Guru TonyTNT The guy who "cashed in" in Dubai who got a receipt but couldn't get money until RV was official got a message from the bank saying his account will be credited with funds after hours today...is it possible? We got calls from banks all day yesterday saying something was supposed to happen...We're all across the board today...hearing things both ways...

5-27-2011 Guru Checkmate Last night was an antrocity to the dinar world...frustrating... Positively did not RV last night...Maliki did speak but did not mean or say that it RVed...Song sources in Iraq say no news on the street...person I personally know is buying billions of dinar today--same price...no change

5-27-2011 Guru Duo TonyTNT & Checkmate We have gotten it from multiple VERY high up "abc" sources and we are 99.9999% certain that Blanche from DinarGuru.com is NOT TonyTNT's mother...
**** Come on boys...me saying I'm your mom? -- and you believed it?-- too funny! I sure hope you both are using better common sense when it comes to the RV investigation :-) Tony you can enjoy your hot dog post RV, but Dan, you've been a naughty boy, You get a bar of LifeBoy to wash the sass and the taste of your foot out of your mouth...play nice kids and keep up the great work ---mom, I mean Blanche! :-) **** Click to read my open letter to TonyTNT

5-27-2011 Guru Okie_Oil_Man Maliki did officially announce the RV of the dinar at his speech last night, saying it would be one of the premier currencies of the world. Don't know the official rate yet...but said to be "substantially higher" than the Saddam rate...last day in the oil patch. CONGRATS TO US ALL.

5-27-2011 Guru Poppy2 Had to leave the call early last night & wasn't there when the text came in, ...spoke with blaino & I would have made that same call. Blaino is standing by the information...it is from a solid source....lets pray the source feeding the source is accurate.


5-27-2011 Guru Blaino Maliki has spoken. He has stated that today the IQD will be restored to a value higher than before the occupation, and be a frontrunner among all currencies in the world. No rate or value was given. He alluded to it (rate) coming out today, Friday in Iraq

5-27-2011 Guru Blaino We are getting some amazing intel...we are watching closely what the morning conference will address in Baghdad. Some quite remarkable stuff has come down...would love to spill every detail, but it might hold things up... Watch the news, examine the details...the truth will make itself known to you.

5-27-2011 Guru Longfellow Just off with Iraq. News conference scheduled for 8 am to announce rising value of dinar. Shabbi & Maliki and several other high ranking officials will be there. Just a little less than 5 hours from now.

5-27-2011 Guru TonyTNT From everything we are aware of that needs to be completed are completed--The systems are ready...lights turning green is all done...could take 5 minutes or 5 days...I don't know when it is going to happen...I was told a time (10 hours ago ) from multiple sources that it was to happen...guess what? It didn't happen...

5-27-2011 Guru Checkmate I'm excited...every Iraq and US source are saying same thing...we are waiting on the final word...all my same sources are saying its going live...but we've heard that all before...next week moving toward a Monday, Wednesday Friday conference call format...
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:17 AM


Anonymous said...

.................part1/2.............. Obama Vows War On Saudi Arabia, Orders Thousands Of US Troops, To Region. By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers, May 28, 2011.http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1487.htm
A stunning report from the G8 Summit, states that President Medvedev has been told that the American regime leader Barack Obama [photo top left] intends to unleash a “summer war” on Saudi Arabia, to capture their oil fields, .....and has ordered thousands more US Troops to the region, to launch it. According to this report, Obama this past week ordered his Defense Department to “pre-position” over 7,170 combat-hardened US Soldiers in southern Iraq, to prepare for the invasion of Saudi Arabia, in a blatant disregard of the American pledge, to withdrawal all of their, by January 2012.
So enraged were the Iraqi people when hearing of Obama’s betrayal, that tens-of-thousands of them began a mass protest demanding the Americans leave, but was met with US commander Major General Jeffrey Buchanan slamming the protest march, by calling this peaceful protest “an affront to Iraq’s democracy.” Even worse for the US, this report continues, was the powerful Iraqi cleric and militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr threatening to unleash his forces upon the Americans, unless they begin leaving his country, as soon as practical, but which, with Obama’s planned new war against Saudi Arabia, is now not going to happen. Unnerving Obama, this report says, is the new Arab Alliance the Saudi’s are creating to make war against Iran, and which includes the largest Muslim nation in the world Indonesia, and America’s newest enemy, Pakistan.The new Arab Alliance, all Sunni Muslim ruled nations, being created by Saudi Arabia through their Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) launched their first attack against their Persian Shiite foes in Bahrain, where Saudi and Pakistani troops, unleashed one of the most brutal crackdowns ever seen, in a region used to such actions, even to include the mass destruction of holy sites. Saudi Arabia’s anger at Obama, stems from the Americans refusal to support the deposed Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, who now languishes in prison with his two sons, under threat of death by firing squad, for his ordering the killing of unarmed protesters. As we have reported on many times, including our March 4th report “Obama Warned Is Preparing World For Return Of “The Moon God”, the Americas have vowed to protect Iran ‘at all costs’, and since 2001 have fought two wars to defeat .....the Persian Shiite’s nations most feared opponents, the Bathist led Iraq and Taliban led Afghanistan. Obama’s main strategy, this report continues, is to secure all of the Middle East’s vast oil reserves of which SaudiArabia has the most of, but which are now threatened, should the Saudi’s succeed in launching an attack on Iran with their GCC allies, which would turn the whole Gulf region, into an infernal of ‘unimaginable proportions’ and plunge the entire world, into an economic depression, the likes of which have never been seen. Fueling Obama’s fears even more, this report further says, are that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons would be used in this conflict, and which the Americans have now lost their ability to monitor, after being ordered out of the country, as tensions between these two former allies, escalate by the day. .....(....)
May 28, 2011 12:57 PM

Anonymous said...

..............part2..............To the American peoples ability to stop Obama’s new war against Saudi Arabia, there appears to be no hope, especially after his refusal yesterday, to allow a truce in the illegal Libyan war he started over two months ago, by lying to his own citizens, saying it would only last “days, not weeks.” Most ominous, for the American people at least, in this report further warning that the parallels between the United States today, and Nazi Germany of last century, are becoming too similar to ignore, especially when viewed in the light that both of these nations wars were started, because they lacked the oil resources, to sustain their global economic and military might. Evidence that America is fast falling into fascist tyranny could, literally, fill hundreds of volumes, and made even worse, this after Obama followed Bush in allowing the unlimited powers of surveillance of US citizens, and ordered his government lawyers to review all prayers said at the burial of US war veterans, to make sure the name of Jesus was removed.......//http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/met ... 83145.html //. To the worse horrors to come, and as we had warned about in our May 4th report “US Tells Russia That Time For “Apocalypse Equation” Is Now”, the American people remain blissfully ignorant, but one has no doubt that .....when these deluded people see that their “American Dream” is, in fact, an “American Nightmare”, .....the facing of their “new reality”, will be more, than they can bear. May God have mercy on them all. © May 28, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. FROM: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1487.htm //////////////////////////// **** 5-28-2011 Guru Nighthk11, Maliki gave out specific info concerning the revaluation of the dinar....info that had everyone in a feeding frenzy, is correct...however, the misinterpretation of "hours" was given...really means days...the value will be high...it will be quick, without warning & very deliberate...I am looking for something this weekend & early next week, but it is done, or Maliki would not have given those statements. 5-28-2011 Guru Blaino, It appears that that we will be seeing the rate, more like Sunday morning...the ability to begin some cash in stuff next Week, maybeTuesday! **** From: http://www.dinarguru.com/index.html ...
May 28, 2011 12:58 PM

An "he said, she said" sort of situation, or should I say, "he said, he didn't said" one. After this, the RAP-NESARA Forum cleared things up, or didn't clear things up, on Sunday.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Dinar RV - What did M say and Why
Posted in the Dinar Intel Skype Room

excellent analysis:

What did Maliki say and why did he say it.....
« on: Today at 06:54:15 PM »

It was reported by several individuals that the Prime Minister of Iraq - Maliki - announced the RV to his people on Friday morning....
what did Maliki really say and what did he really mean?
this is what was reported:

2:15 AM [Blaino] Maliki has spoken. He has stated that today (there) the IQD will be restored to a value higher than before the occupation, and be a frontrunner among all currencies in the world. No rate or value was given. He alluded to it (rate) coming out today, Friday in Iraq.

Maliki DID give a speech on Friday morning and he DID say that the Iraqi Dinar (IQD) would be restored to a value higher than before the occupation. Maliki DID state that the Iraqi Dinar would be a frontrunner among all currencies in the world. It was true that no rate or value was given.

Here is where the interpretation went downhill: when it was reported that "He alluded to it (rate) coming out today (Friday) he was actually being rhetorical in nature.
What he really said was: "It will happen before the sun goes down."
That statement was taken literally when again, it was rhetorical in nature
. Maliki was just letting his people know that the change was coming and it was coming soon.

Why did Maliki give the speech? Several reasons:
1. there was a LARGE rally in Baghdad on Thursday by the followers of Sadr who is anti-American and anti-Maliki http://www.newser.co...ps-staying.html
2. the 100 days are ticking on Maliki and coming to an end on June 7, 2011 - Maliki gave his cabinet 100 days to get things in order - it has also been written that the Iraqi people want a vote of no confidence against Maliki if things aren't finished by the end of the 100 days http://www.aknews.co...knews/4/240600/
3. Maliki was aware of the G-8 Summit and what it was going to do - the G-8 Summit this week in France is setting aside $40Billion for Egypt, Tunisia and other African and Middle East countries http://www.usatoday....ab-spring_n.htm

So what Maliki did, was he took things into his own hands!

He announced the RV not by announcing it, but by making his rhetorical statements. By doing so, he has backed the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the Central Bank of Iraq, and the US Treasury Dept into the position of having to RV the Iraqi currency ASAP as the people of Iraq will side with Sadr and riot now that they know the plan and now that they know other Middle Eastern countries are getting Billions in aid while they have little food and water and electricity is only on four hours per day..

Maliki also knows that the US does not like Sadr who, although Iraqi, spends most of his time in Iran. The US views Sadr as a ticking time bomb and if Sadr continues to stir the people of Iraq it will do damage to all the US efforts to make Iraq a democracy....and most importantly, it will interfere with the US desire to control the oil of Iraq for the benefit of the US....

In fact, the US is sending more troops to Iraq to provide security.... http://articles.dail...-christiansburg

Iraq cannot continue to operate with it's currency at the current valuation of $0.0008 to the US dollar.

The US cannot afford to allow Sadr to overtake Maliki's government.

The US is greedy and will not allow Sadr and Iran to get the oil of Iraq that the US so desperately wants and needs.

1 in 6 Iraqi citizens live in poverty. http://currencynewsh...lated-revenues/

They need the oil revenues NOW! The only way the oil is going to be drilled, pumped and shipped is for the Dinar to be revalued so the workers can be paid....

This summary shows what Maliki really said and what must happen and is about to happen for the global economic restructuring plan to work....

Hang in there!

Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!

John ... Eagle Has Landed ... johnnydinaro ... jpmorgan
Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:55 AM


Anonymous said...

Thanks John.

Here's the complete links to the post. . .

1. there was a LARGE rally in Baghdad on Thursday by the followers of Sadr who is anti-American and anti-Maliki http://www.newser.com/article/d9nf1avo0 ... aying.html

2. the 100 days are ticking on Maliki and coming to an end on June 7, 2011 - Maliki gave his cabinet 100 days to get things in order - it has also been written that the Iraqi people want a vote of no confidence against Maliki if things aren't finished by the end of the 100 days http://www.aknews.com/en/aknews/4/240600/

3. Maliki was aware of the G-8 Summit and what it was going to do - the G-8 Summit this week in France is setting aside $40Billion for Egypt, Tunisia and other African and Middle East countries http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2011 ... ring_n.htm
In fact, the US is sending more troops to Iraq to provide security.... http://articles.dailypress.com/2011-05- ... stiansburg
1 in 6 Iraqi citizens live in poverty. http://currencynewshound.wordpress.com/ ... -revenues/
May 29, 2011 7:25 AM

Clear as a bell, he did it by not doing it. And even if they revalue the Dinar, that doesn't mean what these idiots think it means, it just means that they'll bring out a new-new-Dinar that's worth 1000 old-new-Dinars, which still makes their Dinars nicely printed toilet paper. Simple, but that means they won't get rich quick, so they're not even considering it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Dinar - Good Advice from Oakie Oil Man!
Found in the Dinar Intel Skype Room --- And Johnnie Me is fully in agreement!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:03 AM

Remember, this Memorial Day is not about carnal things, it's about greed. And writing in all CAPS. GO RV!
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

No rates or dates here, just solid facts that we are close to this taking place.
Yep, no figures or dates, just solid facts. :lol:
All this waiting for it to go red or green or get out of amber is just so like that funding scam where you can get back 56 times (or is it 64 times?) your money because they will do all the work unlocking your treasury account and all you need to do is invest in their gold club or silver or bronze or whatever and when the counter on the website turns green you will get paid (next week/month).
This whole thing is like a religious twist on "Billion Dollar Brain" with the rules from the English radio game "Mornington Crescent" thrown in.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

Yep, its gonna happen RSN, just like it has been for what months now at this point, and yet it never seems to, and the clueless just don’t ever seem to get it. Optimistic is one thing, this goes beyond delusional as far as I am concerned. What I keep trying to figure out is are the so called “gurus” on some really good esoteric drugs of some kind that they aren’t sharing, or are they just plain old fashioned psycho or is it socio pathic liars, never can remember these days, or are they just so utterly reality challenged that they are making this all up in their own little minds? I really have no idea how this happens with these people, it just completely bemuses me.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:Yep, its gonna happen RSN, just like it has been for what months now at this point, and yet it never seems to, and the clueless just don’t ever seem to get it. Optimistic is one thing, this goes beyond delusional as far as I am concerned. What I keep trying to figure out is are the so called “gurus” on some really good esoteric drugs of some kind that they aren’t sharing, or are they just plain old fashioned psycho or is it socio pathic liars, never can remember these days, or are they just so utterly reality challenged that they are making this all up in their own little minds? I really have no idea how this happens with these people, it just completely bemuses me.
I'm not a psychologist, but I play one on TV, so let me give you my expertise. They start by quoting someone else whose blowing it out their behind, and then by degrees start making it up to get the same kind of attention and "respect" as a "person in the know." It all feeds on itself and the excitement of greed.

At the beginning of my association with the NESARA nonsense, I spoke with a real psychologist about the mindset and he suggested a bit of role playing. So, for a few hours I played a Dove of Oneness devotee who thought that NESARA’s announcement was imminent. When I got up in the morning I rushed to the TV and turned it on, listening for an announcement, and then went to my computer and checked the various boards and such that we frequented by believers. Even though I knew it to be simple role playing, I could feel a certain level of generated excitement. No fooling, and I’m a pretty grounded person when I’m not playing Deep Knight. I can see how people could get sucked into this and then start making up their own “insider news” to keep up the adrenalin and the “rush” one gets from playing and believing the game. As I understand it, Okie Oil Man is really some guy who works checkout at an A&P in Texas, but on these boards he’s talking to Senators and foreign diplomats who are spilling their guts to him because he’s so important.

You’ll have to excuse me now, there’s a line of supermodels at my door waiting to be serviced by Deep Knight – being the world’s sexiest man has its demands, believe you me.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
You’ll have to excuse me now, there’s a line of supermodels at my door waiting to be serviced by Deep Knight – being the world’s sexiest man has its demands, believe you me. [/color]
So YOU'RE the one who gets my leftovers!

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

One of the things I find fascinating are the “first hand” “for sure” reports these people come up with. I agree about the "respect", “excitement” and “greed” of being “in the know” aspects, it definitely shows in most of the participants. As you say, it is a self perpetuating, delusioning fantasy. And it is still scary, people who do that can talk themselves into doing all sorts of really stupid things.

And one mustn't forget the free amusement value as well.

Yes, do run along, mustn't keep you from more important matters.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Gregg »

As I understand it, Okie Oil Man is really some guy who works checkout at an A&P in Texas, but on these boards he’s talking to Senators and foreign diplomats who are spilling their guts to him because he’s so important.
Although I'm sure he'll deny it, I have it from a credible source that Okie Oil Man is a composite character who is written, directed and produced by none other than Tommy Styles, also known as Neno, late of GreenZap and a paid employee/pimp for at least one major online Dinar dealer. He has his own pumping forum "Neno's Place" kept seperate from the Okie stuff, which is mainly based on PlanetDinar.
The little tweeker who told me this does Tommy's coding, or did around GreenZap time, which by the way was something that my source lost his backside on but our boy Tommy came out with a fat payday (Tommy also at one time was drawing disability from his truck driving job while claiming on forums he was making tens of thousands of dollars a week in other scams he was pushing) And a little intuitiveness and investigation into what I wrote here would be enough to prove what I've said, if anyone is interested.

See, Tommy broke one of the scammers major rules, if you're not willing to kill the low level help, you have to be willing to pay them. If they're not dead or fat, they're gonna come after you and they have all the evidence.
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
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notorial dissent
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

Very good Gregg!!!! And quite true.

I have wondered how many of these gurus were actually shills, and betting on a fair number personally. Either that or they are all out there working without a net.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by Deep Knight »

Breaking news! WOW! A bunch of countries (not including Iraq) were shown to have their exchange rates changed (actually trimmed) June 1 on a non-official-but-provided-as-a-service-to-world-travelers-and-record-keepers UN exchange rate site. This PROVES that the Iraqi will go up thousands of times in value on June 1st and all those people waiting for this will be rich! WOW AGAIN! Oops, that was yesterday and nothing happened. NEVER MIND!

Monday, May 30, 2011
Dinar - UN rate screens??? WOW!

Sent: 5/28/2011 11:01:02 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: UN rate screens??? wow

Subject: UN rate screens??? wow

http://treasury.un.org/operationalrates ... Rates.aspx

If my count is correct 157 countries show a new UN Operational Rate of Exchange effective on June 01. Iraq is not showing but many major countries are.. Including Egypt and Russia. Something definitely is afoot!!!

I took this off the home page of this site.

The Operational Rates of Exchange listed herein are intended only for the internal record-keeping of the United Nations. No warranty of accuracy can be given and the United Nations shall not assume any responsibility in connection with the present publication of these rates. Generally, the rates are updated monthly, based on market conditions. Adjustments are also made following official government devaluations or revaluations.

This could just be a monthly update or a devaluation or revaluation, and like you stated the IQD is not on the list.

I agree with what you said to a degree. However, if you look at Iraq and many of these countries prior to these new RV and DV (devaluations) and the sort. Many of these countries have not changed their value according to the US dollar in many months and even YEARS. Some may change monthly according to the market. However, if last count is correct since May 01 about 230 countries have changed their monetary figures according to the USD value. Remember, there were to be BASKET RV's and it seems interesting that both times basket RV's occurred there was a major Economic summit that took place. The first being in England around the 1st of May and this most recent being in France. Still.. being hopeful and I may be reading too much into this but it seems pretty important and something is afoot.

My favorite part is "Publishing Date 27 May" (yesterday intel chaos day) "effective date" June 1st Wednesday!!!! Crossing our fingers

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:41 PM

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I viewed the history, and of the ones I looked at, Feb, April, May 2011 were also dates when the rate changed.

Hope this works out for those waiting.
May 30, 2011 3:57 PM
Anonymous said...

May 31, 2011 8:24 PM

The whole world is waiting for these folks to get rich! Mankind can't wait much longer for them to be rolling in wealth! Time to bring in divine intervention!

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Submitted by a P - a wonderful Sister In Christ

Please Distribute To All!


During Frank’s Conf Call tonight, Bro George Robinson suddenly came on to share that he had received calls from numerous ministers through out the world today, unbeknownst to each other, all saying the same word that God had shown them that the reason the dinar has not revalued now is that it has come down to spiritual warfare. A prayer was prayed and a request was asked of all born again Bible believers to begin a decreeing prayer and doing spiritual warfare regarding the RI-RV of the Dinar….God is calling His children to arise and take hold of their inheritance and remember before we ask the Lord to do anything on our behalf, we must give Him Thanks that this is already done.

Be reminded of this scripture reference in Eph 6:10- 12 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.


FATHER GOD, as we now put on the full armor of GOD and take our heavenly seated position we begin to decree and declare the Word of GOD and the finished works of the cross of Jesus Christ… We choose today to put the enemy of GOD and man in remembrance of God's promises and God’s word that IT IS WRITTEN in Math 11:12 “The kingdom suffers violence, but the violent take it by force”.
IN JESUS NAME, by the authority and power Jesus gave us as joint heirs, We decree and declare our rightful inheritance to come forth now and we call forth the Iraqi Dinar to be reinstated and manifest as an internationally recognized revalued currency so that we can begin to establish the works of the Kingdom of God here and now.

…they cried out to God in the battle. He heeded their prayer, because they put their trust in Him. (1 Chronicles 5:20 NKJV)

For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8-9 KJV)

James 5:16 …we have the surety that…"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."


Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:11 AM 0 comments

I suggest a few changes...


FATHER GOD, our servant, as we now put on the full armor and codpiece of GOD and take our heavenly seated position in the good box seats right above first base, we decree and declare the Word of Okie Oil Man. We choose today to put the enemies of GOD and man, starting with the Queen and that Obama fellow who was most certainly born in Kenya, in remembrance of God's promises and God’s word that IT IS WRITTEN in Math 11:12 “Those who invest in the currency of Babylon will prosper when it revalues”.
IN JESUS NAME, by the authority and power Jesus gave us as wise guys, We decree and declare our rightful inheritance we didn't earn to come forth now and we call forth the Iraqi Dinar to be reinstated and manifest as an internationally recognized revalued currency so that we can use the $millions we'll get to begin to establish the works of the Kingdom of God here and now, well after we get that new mansion, luxury cars, and trophy wife. So get off your divine butt and make it happen NOW if you know what's good for you.
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Dinarpaloosa

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, gee, here it is the end of the week, and all is as it was, in other words, the dinar still isn't worth a bean, and the stupid, just get stupider.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.