A&A are at it again!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

Moderator: Deep Knight


A&A are at it again!

Post by AAA31 »


This is their new website, where they are, again, independently of Trutwin or Huber, posting their A&A reports. Enjoy it. I know I did.
Deep Knight
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Re: A&A are at it again!

Post by Deep Knight »

Let the begging begin!

A Reminder to all members, Updated as of June 2, 2011

IF EACH OF US can give something NOW and/or each month---then we can continue to receive the most up the the minute cutting edge 5D information direct from THE COSMOS! It is so important we keep this vital channel of information available to all peoples and only YOU can do it!

It is up to us---WE THE PEOPLE---to do it! And ONLY WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

I am writing to ask you all to please, look inside your hearts, and ask yourself what it means to support the needs of Tara/Rama and BS Radio and keep THE INFORMATION FROM FACTION 3 ALIVE!!!

I have known Tara and Rama since 1990's and I have lived with them, loved them and watched them work side by side with The King of Swords, who is A REAL DEAL and the many other galactic sources and beings who check in with Rama each day to bring us the truth and I am the witness who has seen so many miracles!

I have never seen 2 people, so dedicated to the mission, work so hard each day to get the latest Galactic News out!
This has been no easy take and their lives have been on the line so many times and without the protection of Mother Sekhmet/Lord Michael and the information coming directly from source, we would not be where we are today!

We are far better informed and deeply blessed to be in such company.

Along the way there have been many thorns on the winding road and much to overcome and many who proved to be untrustworthy of the information---even taking advantage of them and the situation. However, they have persevered, always staying loving and neutral NO MATTER WHAT and here we are in the last few seconds of this great story and NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO THROW IN THE TOWEL and lose this valuable 'ONLY TRUE SOURCE' of 'DIRECT CONTACT' with our Star Nations, the Galactic Confederation of Worlds, the spiritual hierarchy who all provide Rama with REAL GALACTIC NEWS to inspire us and allow our paths to unfold. How blessed we are indeed to receive such GOOD NEWS!

I want you to know THESE last few minutes in 3D---is A TEST FOR US ALL! And we must step up to the plate and STAND TALL! If what you hear or read each week on this website and on the BS Radio calls means something to you---NOW IS THE TIME TO SUPPORT THIS SOURCE!

The dark ones have pulled out all the stops---and THEY WILL DO ANYTHING to stop the flow of TRUTH! [Yep, that's us!]

Now is the time......

In loving service to this work...I love you all.

Please TAKE THE PLEDGE and support THE SATYUGA OF TRUTH and the work of Tara/Rama and BS radio.
Call Marietta-Roberts at 1 317-XXX-XXXX or call Tara/Rama at 1-505-XXX-XXXX and [leave a message] they will CALL YOU BACK and take down your pledge information.
If we all do a little, a whole lot CAN GET DONE!
When we work together we can make miracles happen!

"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
Location: Washington DC

Re: A&A are at it again!

Post by Deep Knight »

Dear Ones,

Today we step closer to our beloved NESARA and the dawning Satyuga Age of Enlightenment and Truth as we launch this new blog and website. We wish to thank you all for your continuing loving support and for your good wishes as we begin again in this new way. Here we begin to setup the framework, structures, universities of new thought, new technologies and foundations for Fifth Dimensional New Earth with all its promise of love, peace, justice and Oneness!

Please look around your new Roundtable website and get acquainted with each other and the new features. We are just now becoming familiar with our new space.

Here we will post messages and updates, photos, and videos as they come forth from Rama/Tara, aka: A*A coming directly from the King of Swords, our ACIO Galactic contact who sits at the 38th level [and higher] of Intelligence above the President and other beings of great knowledge who will step forward to keep us informed with the latest transformations and developments as is necessary for our enlightenment.

We welcome back our longtime dear friend, Dyanna, who will be once again transcribing these messages which will hopefully appear several times or more each week.

We love you all from the bottom of our hearts and we thank you all FOR SHOWING UP!

In Loving Service,


Excuse me, how many years have you been saying it's just days away? Almost 10? Doesn't that seem a bit long for something that's immanent?
"Follow the Money"

Re: A&A are at it again!

Post by littleroundman »

we would not be where we are today!
Err, would that be "where we are today, as in "begging for donations on the internet" or some other "where we are today" ???

Rama ???

Is that the Rama-lama-ding-dong made so famous in the song ?

If so, what's he/she done with the bomp ???
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Re: A&A are at it again!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:.... and BS radio....
I'm trying to come up with possibilities for what BS stands for and I can't get past the first one.

Rama is obviously Harry Rama - one of the Beatles (Lennon?) mentions him in a song. :Axe:
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: A&A are at it again!

Post by texino »

I immediately dashed to the "quantum healing section" only to find "page not found" Oh well, that quantum stuff can be hard to see!
Siga el dinero
El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina
Deep Knight
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Location: Washington DC

Re: A&A are at it again!

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:.... and BS radio....
I'm trying to come up with possibilities for what BS stands for and I can't get past the first one.

Rama is obviously Harry Rama - one of the Beatles (Lennon?) mentions him in a song. :Axe:
OK, I admit it, I changed the phone numbers and name of the radio to avoid giving them too much publicity, the original was "BBS" which I believe originally stood for "Bulletin Board System" but has become nothing but initials. Here's what they say about themselves:

“If it’s not mainstream, it’s on BBS Radio.”
Interactive Talk Radio for the New Age!

A few compelling reasons why BBS Radio is the #1 World-wide Live Internet Talk Radio Network on the Planet, and why everyone everywhere is tuning into the higher frequencies on BBSRadio.com:

1. BBS Network provides original programming! We produce and broadcast more original live talk radio than most remotely engineered internet talk radio networks in the entire World. (Live!)
2. We play only the hottest new music from the best new indie artists on the planet. Sensational sounds from the unknown masters. (Best Music)
3. Hundreds of live and archived shows to discover. (Quality, Variety & Choice)
4. Two radio stations operating independently of each other. (24/7)
5. Dedicated and managed servers for reliability and functionality.
6. 90% of programming is live and interactive. (Audience Participation)
7. Same day automated archiving of programs. (Fast Turn-a-round)
8. Toll free call-in number and multitple call in lines (Multiple Call in Numbers)
9. Free readings and consultations from people that are the best in their field. (free readings & consultations)
10. Broadcast streams to all media types, “one click” Flash streams, Quicktime for Mac/Apple users, VideoLan, direct ports, etc. We also stream in multitple bit rates. (All Audio Player Types)
11. Listeners may also dial in to the conference lines and listen to our broadcasts on their phones. Any phone works. (Listen on the Phone & Net)
12. Internationally recognized list of show hosts & co-stars. (Amazing Hosts)
13. Interviews with more world-renowned guests in a week than most radio networks in a month. (Famous Guests)
14. One of the largest spiritually empowering and profoundly life changing talk radio networks in the World! We deliver change! (Dynamic & Profound)
15. Always in service to others! Always!

We Are Internet Talk Radio and BBS Network is the global medium defining it! A Leader in Live Talk Radio throughout the Internet. Thank you, The Listener!
Old Time Talk Radio is on, and thriving on the Internet. BBS Radio is Internet Talk Radio.
We would like to thank our regular radio show hosts below for their dedication and willingness to be a part of this dynamic interactive service:

Rama Arjuna Stargate Round Table with Mother Sekhmet | Hard News on Friday | The True History of our Galactic World & NESARA
Tara Green Stargate Round Table with Mother Sekhmet | Hard News on Friday | The True History of our Galactic World & NESARA

The "others" they are "always in service to" are new age scamsters like Lord Rama and Lady Tara who are too lazy to get a real job and live off the gullible. I've tried listening to their show, but it's a lively combination of boredom, droning on and on, and begging for money. Low fidelity too (no doubt called in from a cheep cell phone), with a handful of callers saying inane things. Check it out sometime when you need a dose of garbage.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
Posts: 5397
Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:42 am
Location: Washington DC

Re: A&A are at it again!

Post by Deep Knight »

A*A Report

2013 Rainbow Rose Roundtable

Thanksgiving Day 11-25-2010



Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Welcome to all of you and we love you.

Here we are! We made it once again to our new Blog space for which we are very grateful. We wish to thank our friends Debbie and CinZia: CinZia for creating this beautiful Header as the Crowning Jewel of this stage of our continuing Journey as Rainbow Hearts at one with the healed heart of our Earth Mother Terra Nova, TITALACORIA, The Diamond One; Debbie for creating this lovely new space for us and for all her hard work. As we have stated before, this space is a work in progress and we welcome input from all of you as you are a part of our family of light and we intend to grow together in spirit and truth, so please enjoy and be involved.

From this new space we will feature the daily breaking news along with stories that uplift us and the messages we receive each day from the KOS [King of Swords] and his merry messengers.

We also wish to welcome back our dear friend Dyanna who will be transcribing these messages for us several times each week and then posting them on this blog. [Yeah, "several times each week" means a single one since Thanksgiving 2010, just like "NESARA will manifest any second now" means "when it's a cold day in hell"]

Rama speaks:

I have a great story to share with you today.

This morning on a local rock station I heard about a group of 20 soldiers
who were just returning from their tour of duty in Iraq and they did something quite remarkable. They heard about the great need which is going on around our entire nation’s food banks which are challenged in these days to feed ALL people who are in need, due to multiples of circumstances.

In the spirit of giving, they got together and decided to pool all their bonuses, which they had just received, and together they came up with $3000 which they donated to the local food bank in Albuquerque. Thus these soldiers helped provide Thanksgiving meals to the homeless and for folks in need.


We wish to say to this returning battalion: 'What you did was very touching'. This story brought tears to our eyes and we send you a BIG "Thank You Guys"! What you did is totally awesome and a great example of ‘the spirit of thanksgiving’ that is coming forth into our planet right now in full force. We are all in this together---one family of the Rainbow Rose---and after what you have been through, to do such a loving thing and help your fellow humankind demonstrates to all of us the true spirit of love and the sharing! Wow!


And now about the characters in this Passion play called ‘The Healing of Dark and Light’---the BIG STORY: little picture!

What is happening here is that everything we are seeing in the news is telling us: NOW IS THE TIME! NOW IS THE PLACE FOR HEALING of all the issues and wounds and all the deeds that have taken place. There is no where else to go.

All the energies on all levels of this picture are pointing us toward the fact that LOVE IS THE ONLY ANSWER! NOW IS THE TIME FOR FULL ACCOUNTABILITY and JUSTICE SHALL BE SERVED.

I spoke with Mr. X today. He works with the KOS. We spoke for a few minutes and he told me: All the stories that are being revealed, all the ‘fear stuff’ you are seeing in the news and on the world stage, all of it, is being played out before our very eyes! Most recently, as an example of this, is the 99 count guilty verdict of Tom Delay for money laundering. You are SEEING IT ALL right now! The empire is in ruin and the only thing they have left to do is continue to play with their FEAR MACHINE in a futile attempt to convince the people that they are still in charge, which they, MOST CERTAINLY are not! They have come the end and they have no where to go except to ‘turn themselves in’ to the proper authorities because Beloved Mother Sekhmet IS COLLECTING ON THE DEBT THAT IS OWED!

The way Mr. X put it: The chaos going on between North and South Korea is really about ‘the changing of the guard’ or ‘the shifting of the power structure’ from the dark to the light. They are demonstrating their own fear of losing control by flexing their muscles in this unbalanced way thus testing the water to see how far they can push things! Have no doubt---the members of the White Dragon Society are stepping in beside ALL the members of the Ashtar Command and ALL the Inter-Galactic Councils of Light assigned at this time for the healing at hand on Mother Gaia. THEY ARE CALLING THE SHOTS and there WILL BE FULL DISCLOSURE/ FIRST CONTACT ANY SECOND!

Right now, even though this situation seems to be in chaos, there is an opportunity for energies, thought-forms and molecules to come together IN A NEW WAY which is facilitating the Spiritual Transition of Change throughout the planet and we are seeing it take place RIGHT NOW! Mother Sekhmet, The Galactic Federation of Worlds, the King of Swords and all the Galactic folks on the ground are working together RIGHT THIS MOMENT. There is a great opportunity FOR A GREAT HEALING TO OCCUR and everyone knows it!


In the BIG STORY, little picture, this past day or so, more crimes have been revealed by Tom Hartmann where over $1.7 Trillion dollars has been made by Wall Street and the Banking Industry---IN ONLY 3 MONTHS---while more people continue to loose their jobs and homes and are struggling to feed their families! This money is NOT BEING RECYCLED. Instead, this money is going into the pockets of the CEO’s and their co-conspirators. This is ECONOMIC HIGH TREASON! As Tom Hartmann has said, ‘there is a great yawning chasm something like the Grand Canyon where the middle class has fallen into the abyss and the rich get mega rich and the poor are poorer than ever'! We are now living as a 3rd World Nation and WE MUST TAKE BACK the Voodoo Reagan –economics and de-regulation that took place since 1979.

Its time to arrest these war criminals---immediately!

We the people must STAND UP AND DEMAND THIS! We must demand that the taxcuts for the rich, which are set to expire on December thirtieth, are not re-instated and we must contact our congressmen and senators and take NOTHING LESS! So, please people, we are being asked to ‘use our authority and power’ and to write letters, make phone calls and let’s get the job done!

Also seen in the news this past week, and this sent Wall Street reeling downwards for a few days, were the arrests of certain ‘Hedge Fund Monkey-Businessmen’ who are responsible for crimes of INSIDER TRADING and manipulation of the stock market. This entire story is set to come out shortly in more depth and this will further drive the nail in the coffins of these ones who believe they can keep the people ignorant and enslaved.

Also being revealed is the fact that these same ones are attacking Elizabeth Warren and her new Consumer Protection Agency. They think they can neuter her authority so they can continue their financial crimes. In the name of WE THE PEOPLE, we shall not be moved. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

Mr. X told me: It is up to us, WE THE PEOPLE, to speak up now and DEMAND THE TRUTH AND DEMAND NOTHING LESS THAN THE HIGHEST GOOD FOR EVERYONE CONCERNED. This is how it all gets done!

Last night’s Keith Olbermann with Chris Hayes once again brought up the big issues about the unemployed where people are still suffering because the senate still have not passed the ‘Unemployment Extension’. This is also criminal!

Also in the crosshairs we see the Start Treaty for Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Bombs which needs the people’s attention.

We cannot allow this treaty to be lost!

Also on the table---DON’T ASK DON’T TELL!

We also see that Michelle Bachman and the Tea Party have filed a brief regarding the repeal of ‘Obama Care’!

All these things are coming up on the table as we are in the final hours!




Remember this quote…..
Quote of the Day

“Everything we do is important.

Every little thing we do, every picket line we walk on, every letter we
write, every act of civil disobedience we engage in, any recruiter that
we talk to, any parent that we talk to, any GI that we talk to, any
young person that we talk to, anything we do in class, outside of class,
everything we do in the direction of a different world is important, even though at the moment they seem futile, because that’s how change comes about. Change comes about as millions of people do little things, which, at certain points in history come together and then something good and something important happens."

~the late Howard Zinn~




In Closing…..

Lastly, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson showed up today with a surprise phone call on the Stephanie Miller Show talking about their movie 'FAIR GAME' which is out now and tells the whole story preparing the way leading up the truth about 911!

Everyone---go see this movie! It is preparation for the TRUTH:


As we all know, NESARA was to be announced that day---instead we got a horror story which is only now about to be revealed.


So, dear ones---may we continue to usher in the New Age of Enlightenment and Truth in our world with our LOVE, health, wealth and welfare by continuing on the pathway with loving actions.

The best way we can do this is by not only keeping our spirits up with the Galactic News we receive in these report but by KEEPING OUR GLOBAL SPIRITS ALIVE.


So mote it be!

OUR Blessings and Thanksgiving go out to all of you.

In Loving Service,

"Follow the Money"