Tax Protester Protests Taxes

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Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by LPC »

This is a "real" tax protester, who is protesting the obligation to pay taxes to support a military to which he has moral objections.

His arguments are also considered frivolous, and he must show cause why he should not be sanctioned for a frivolous appeal.

William E. Ruhaak v. Commissioner, No. 10-3877 (7th Cir. 5/20/2011).

To be cited only in accordance with
Fed. R. App. P. 32.1


Submitted May 19, 2011
Decided May 20, 2011


William J. Bauer, Circuit Judge
Michael S. Kanne, Circuit Judge
Ann Claire Williams, Circuit Judge

Appeal from the United States Tax Court.

No. 27423-08L

Richard T. Morrison, Judge.


William E. Ruhaak appeals from the Tax Court's decision ordering him to pay federal income taxes for 2007. He argues that the Internal Revenue Service should have considered his argument that a conscience-based objection to military spending is a valid basis for refusing to pay taxes. We affirm.

Ruhaak refuses to pay federal taxes that would fund the military. Instead he wants to either donate this portion of his taxes to organizations fostering peace or have his taxes earmarked for nonmilitary purposes. When Ruhaak failed to pay a balance from his 2007 taxes, the IRS sent him a notice of intent to levy, warning him that his failure to pay $2,399 in taxes, interest, and penalties would result in seizure of his property to satisfy the overdue tax obligations. The IRS Appeals Office scheduled a conference with Ruhaak and explained that Treasury regulations did not permit it to consider challenges on moral, religious, political, constitutional, or conscientious grounds. Ruhaak appealed to the Tax Court, arguing that the IRS should have allowed him to show that he is exempt from paying taxes that support the military because he is a "victim of freedom of conscience" as defined by Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Tax Court found this claim frivolous, see I.R.C. §§ 6330(c)(4)(B), 6702(b)(2)(A)(i); I.R.S. Notice 08-14, 2008-4 I.R.B. 310, at (1)(h), and granted summary judgment to the commissioner.

On appeal, Ruhaak reiterates that the IRS and the Tax Court should have considered his conscience-based objection and argues that federal regulations barring appeals from tax liability on conscientious grounds, see Treas. Reg. § 601.106(b), violate Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ("ICCPR"), which provides for the right to freedom of conscience. Ruhaak argues that the United States, as a party to the covenant, must bring its regulations into compliance with the ICCPR and give him an opportunity to make his freedom-of-conscience argument.

The Tax Court properly granted summary judgment for the commissioner. Taxpayers have no constitutional or statutory right to withhold taxes based on moral or religious objections to government expenditures. See Jenkins v. Comm'r, 483 F.3d 90, 91-93 (2d Cir. 2007); Browne v. United States, 176 F.3d 25, 26 (2d Cir. 1999); First v. Comm'r, 547 F.2d 45, 45-46 (7th Cir. 1976). The tax system could not function if taxpayers could avoid taxes based on religious, moral, or conscientious objections, so any burden placed on Ruhaak's First Amendment rights is justified by the government's interest in maintaining a sound and efficient tax system. See Hernandez v. Comm'r, 490 U.S. 680, 699-700 (1989); United States v. Indianapolis Baptist Temple, 224 F.3d 627, 630 (7th Cir. 2000); McLaughlin v. Comm'r, 832 F.2d 986, 987-88 (7th Cir. 1987). Nor do the ICCPR or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights help Ruhaak's claim. The United States has ratified the ICCPR, but the substantive provisions are not self-executing and do not create enforceable obligations. See Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, 542 U.S. 692, 728, 734-35 (2004); Clancy v. Office of Foreign Assets Control, 559 F.3d 595, 604 (7th Cir. 2009). And the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a statement of principles and not a treaty or international agreement imposing legal obligations. See Sosa, 542 U.S. 692 at 734-35.

Because the arguments Ruhaak pursues on appeal are frivolous, we affirm the decision of the Tax Court. We also direct Ruhaak to show cause within 14 days why we should not impose a sanction of $4,000, the presumptive sanction for filing a frivolous appeal in a tax case. See Szopa v. United States, 460 F.3d 884, 887 (7th Cir. 2006).
Dan Evans
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Someone tried to bring a case like this in the UK, back in the 80s but purely on moral grounds i.e. they didn't want their taxes being spent on nuclear weapons or similar. They lost because they are obliged to pay taxes but it is up to the government to decide where they spend the revenue. (If you don't like what the government spends the money on, vote for a different government.)
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Quixote »

It would be simpler and cheaper to just tell Ruhaak that his taxes are being spent only on non-military government functions and entitlement benefits. There is no way to track where any one taxpayer's taxes are spent, so it might even be the truth.

At present one can make contributions to lower the public debt. It's a tax deductable contribution. But the public debt is not that sexy. The government could probably increase the contributions if people could earmark them for other purposes. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would sponser a cruise missle headed for Libya. Or an ammo fund for Seal Team 6.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by LPC »

Quixote wrote:It would be simpler and cheaper to just tell Ruhaak that his taxes are being spent only on non-military government functions and entitlement benefits.
There's a bill pending in Congress that would do just that, the "Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act of 2011," H.R. 1191.

The gist of the proposed act is the following:

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall establish an account in the Treasury of the United States to be known as the ‘‘Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund’’, for the deposit of income, gift, and estate taxes paid by or on behalf of taxpayers who are designated conscientious objectors. The method of deposit shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury in a manner that minimizes the cost to the Treasury and does not impose an undue burden on such taxpayers.

(b) USE OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM PEACE TAX FUND.—Monies deposited in the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund shall be allocated annually to any appropriation not for a military purpose.

I'm surprised at the number of pacifists whose moral objections to war can be satisfied through an accounting gimmick. No reduction in military spending is required, but "their" tax money is routed through a different channel, and that's good enough.
Dan Evans
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Quixote wrote:... The government could probably increase the contributions if people could earmark them for other purposes. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would sponser a cruise missle headed for Libya. Or an ammo fund for Seal Team 6.
There was a lot of that going on in WWII - people in cities or towns would get together and raise funds to "buy" an aircraft.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Gregg »

I have an idea. Let's let people who don't want their taxes going to defend their rights etc... pay taxes into a fund not used for defense purposes. With a catch.

First, add 10% for being a PITA.

Second, choose a part of the country that they have to move to, and tell everyone who hates America that we won't be doing anything to defend said area, except maybe imposing sanctions (with exceptions of course for food, medicine, small arms and smuggled anti tank weapons) and if you wanna kill Americans, this is your one stop shopping destination.

Third, make everyone who doesn't want to harm man nor beast by chipping in for the fighters move to the above area. They also have to forfeit any exercise of the Second Amendment within the "cull the lefties" zone.

Finally,Charge daytime talkshows, TMZ such exceedingly high fees to broadcast any "poor little XXXX" stories from inside the zone. Also, in the same vein, charge Oprah, Morry, and Jerry Springer a specail tax of $10,000 for every commercial they run for any personal injury attorney. This last provision will not only totally fund the military for generations, it may even balance the budget.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by webhick »

Gregg wrote:Finally,Charge daytime talkshows, TMZ such exceedingly high fees to broadcast any "poor little XXXX" stories from inside the zone.
What if the only goal is to point and laugh? I mean, isn't that the whole point of those shows anyway?
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

TP lefties like this are an old story. I remember encountering them in my college days. Most of my lefty friends found them tiresome, because they were (are) just as ideologically blinkered and hardheaded as their righty counterparts. They were essentially practicing what could be euphemistically called "political self-abuse"; and they craved Martyrdom For The Cause just as much as any other fanatic.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Number Six »

War tax protestors rely on an interesting theory, that by witholding taxes they can effectively protest and undermine war making. Alexander Haig is quoted: "Let them march all they want, just so long as they pay their taxes."

Paying income taxes actually strengthens your moral position against unjust government; the burden of accountability shifts onto the receiver of funds, off the shoulders of the tight wad. The IRS is blind to rationales anyway; all they see is someone who will not pay their debts to them.

Robert Higgs wrote this provocative article some years ago:

A good response would be an article on the political economy of ethics or morals.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by JamesVincent »

Quixote wrote:It would be simpler and cheaper to just tell Ruhaak that his taxes are being spent only on non-military government functions and entitlement benefits. There is no way to track where any one taxpayer's taxes are spent, so it might even be the truth.

At present one can make contributions to lower the public debt. It's a tax deductable contribution. But the public debt is not that sexy. The government could probably increase the contributions if people could earmark them for other purposes. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would sponser a cruise missle headed for Libya. Or an ammo fund for Seal Team 6.
lol... One of the things Marcinko talked about after founding Seal Team Six was that since it was true covert ("black") ops team back then that was they basically had to redirect ("steal") ammo and other supplies from other Navy units, including Seal Team Two which wasnt that far away. And he also talked about since he had his men doing round the clock, every day shooting exercises that when they were budgeted and funded, his ammunition budget was higher for his team then the entire Marine Corps ammo budget.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Quixote »

Calling bullsh*t on Marcinko? Gutsy.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Prof »

Quixote wrote:Calling bullsh*t on Marcinko? Gutsy.
Pretty easy to call bullsh*t; in 2008, the total budget for small arms ammo (just small arms) for the Navy and Corps was over $210 MILLION.

Also, from Wiki:
Red Cell

After leaving command at SEAL Team SIX, Marcinko was tasked by Vice Admiral James "Ace" Lyons, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, to design a unit to test the Navy's vulnerability to terrorism. The unit was Naval Security Coordination Team OP-06D, unofficially named Red Cell.[3] In 1984, Marcinko hand-picked twelve men from SEAL Team Six and one from Marine Force Recon.

This team tested the security of naval bases, nuclear submarines, ships, civilian airports and a U.S. embassy. Under Marcinko's leadership, the team was able to infiltrate seemingly impenetrable, highly-secured bases, nuclear submarines, ships and other purported "secure areas" (including the U.S. Presidential plane Air Force One) and to disappear without incident. These demonstrations showed that a vulnerable military resulted from the replacement of Marines and Air Force Security Police by contracted private security agencies often started by retired military personnel.

Marcinko has claimed, among other things, that Red Cell successfully captured nuclear devices from United States Navy facilities, and proved the viability of plans to:

penetrate and attack nuclear-powered submarines
destroy subs by using them as improvised dirty bombs, and
capture launch codes for nuclear weapons aboard the subs by using mild torture against personnel in custody of launch codes.
Former members of Red Cell, notably Steve Hartmann and Dennis Chalker, maintain that these exercises were a cover to move SPECWAR operators around the world for covert missions against real-world terrorists.[4]


Marcinko served time in federal prison under charges of defrauding the government over the price of contractor acquisitions for hand grenades. Marcinko maintains that he was the subject of a witch-hunt for his work with Red Cell and that the fraud committed revealed the weaknesses of military security. Marcinko has detailed his arrest and confinement in the last chapters of his autobiography.[1]
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by JamesVincent »

CaptainKickback wrote:
JamesVincent wrote: And he also talked about since he had his men doing round the clock, every day shooting exercises that when they were budgeted and funded, his ammunition budget was higher for his team then the entire Marine Corps ammo budget.
I am calling bullsh*t on this one. SEAL Team Six has 8 to 12 people, the USMC has 200,000 plus members and between those deployed in combat, those going through boot camp and those stateside whose MOS is Infantry, there are probably 50,000 Marines regularly shooting ammo.

Additionally, ammunition also includes 60mm, 82mm, 4.2" mortar rounds, 105mm and 155mm gun rounds, 30mm ammo, .50 caliber, grenades and such are all used by the USMC but not by SEAL Team Six. Not to mention ammo expended by Marine attack planes and attack helos.

So, until I see actual numbers, I am calling bullsh*t.
Seal Team Six at the time was I believe 48 people not including Marcinko himself and I believe his XO were not listed as actual so maybe 50 people. He required each of them to shoot 1,000 rounds per day, 7 days a week while they were gearing up. So looking at a minimum of of 48,000 rounds per day so, yeah, for the time period I could believe it. Dont know where you got 8-12, right now I believe it is somewhere in the area of several hundred since it is no longer the small covert ops unit it once was. An actual Alpha team might be 8-12 men but that doesnt mean the whole unit is. And the wiki you quoted was for Red Cell, an entirely different unit then Six. And as that was in the late 70s early 80s the Corps was nowhere near as large back then and the standards of training were not as high. There were no wars going on to be involved in.

For the actual numbers I dont know if they would be available anymore. We are talking about over 30 years ago when this was going on, but you can always ask him in person. He does traveling speaking tours on occasion and also teaches part-time at a couple of different colleges. Ive met him a couple of times for his speaking engagements and book signings and hes a very wonderful guy to speak to.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Prof »

Sorry, James, but IIRC (don't have time to look it up), the small arms ammo budget has been declining for a long, long time. Further, the two Marine Basic Training Schools and the PLC candidates would have fired a lot more rounds IN ONE DAY that a 50 person SEAL team could possibly have fired.

I served with, and was stationed with, the Special Forces at Ft Bragg, N.C.(I DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE BEEN IN SF OR THAT I ATTENDED SF SCHOOL; I held 12B, 35-D, and 39-B MOS's).

That said, I have served with/around special operations.

I still call bullsh*t.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Cpt Banjo »

LPC wrote:The Secretary of the Treasury shall establish an account in the Treasury of the United States to be known as the ‘‘Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund’’, for the deposit of income, gift, and estate taxes paid by or on behalf of taxpayers who are designated conscientious objectors.
Oh great. As if the short-handed IRS didn't have enough to do, under this bill it would need additional personnel to determine whether one is a conscientious objector as defined by the statute.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Cpt Banjo wrote:
LPC wrote:The Secretary of the Treasury shall establish an account in the Treasury of the United States to be known as the ‘‘Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund’’, for the deposit of income, gift, and estate taxes paid by or on behalf of taxpayers who are designated conscientious objectors.
Oh great. As if the short-handed IRS didn't have enough to do, under this bill it would need additional personnel to determine whether one is a conscientious objector as defined by the statute.
Not only that, this will also lead to a fustercluck as special interest after special interest troops up to Capitol Hill to demand that they be able to receive conscientious objection status for their pet cause (abortion, firearms, welfare, etc. ad infinitum).
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by rogfulton »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Not only that, this will also lead to a fustercluck as special interest after special interest troops up to Capitol Hill to demand that they be able to receive conscientious objection status for their pet cause (abortion, firearms, welfare, etc. ad infinitum).
Why let unintended consequences stand in the way?
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by . »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Not only that, this will also lead to a fustercluck as special interest after special interest troops up to Capitol Hill to demand that they be able to receive conscientious objection status for their pet cause (abortion, firearms, welfare, etc. ad infinitum).
Pet cause? You forgot PETA. Oh, wait. That's animals in general. How about the ASPCA? Surely mine-or-IED-sniffing dogs on the battlefield are being oppressed.


I totally agree with you. Pay your damned taxes. It's the law. End of story.

We hardly need, and certainly can't afford to be paying anyone to devote even one minute to determining whether or not someone qualifies as any kind of protester of anything.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Quixote »

Prof wrote:
Quixote wrote:Calling bullsh*t on Marcinko? Gutsy.
Pretty easy to call bullsh*t; in 2008, the total budget for small arms ammo (just small arms) for the Navy and Corps was over $210 MILLION.
I should have used the wink smiley on that post. I forget how poorly facetiousness comes across in text.
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Re: Tax Protester Protests Taxes

Post by Gregg »

I got to live fire a TOW missile once and recall hearing someone say they cost half a million a pop. In total we fired 10 over the course of a week. So one little aviation regiment in Kentucky was beating him for that week, anyhow. I can hardly imagine we were the only unit in the military who on occasion went out and blew up real expensive stuff for practice.
I also question the training value of one person firing 1,000 rounds in a single day, more less doing it every day.
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