Liberty Dollar Update

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

... paying by cash, coin, or promissory note does not meet the requirement or cancel the debt as some would pretend.
A small quibble: A promissory note does not pay a debt; at best it prolongs the indebtedness by substituting a new debt, with a new due date and possibly other new terms. A promissory note, therefore, is not a payment of a debt nor a valid tender of payment. Offering a promissory note instead of a valid payment does not operate to stop the accumulation of interent and penalties nor does it relieve co-signers. Moreover, a promissory note cannot be forced upon the creditor; the creditor may reject the promissory note completely or insist on different terms before he accepts it.

Under the UCC, specifically § 2-511(2), a creditor may refuse a tender of payment in the form of a check or some other instrument and instead insist on payment in legal tender. This means that when a debtor offers some sort of instrument that may be a problem to convert to cash, the creditor may insist on being paid in cash instead.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Cathulhu »

And let's not overlook the fact that discharge of indebtedness is taxable income, with few exceptions. A fact completely outside the Skankview.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Most facts are completely outside the Skankview. They often get in the way of good, unhinged rants.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Observer »

BVNH wrote:Conclusion: While the BitCoin is an interesting novel currency, as it lacks intrinsic value it does not provide the monetary discipline that is totally lacking in the current fiat government monetary scheme and is not the solution to our country's financial mess.
Translation: Since I can't figure out a way to cheat customers by manipulating BitCoin's value, I will badmouth it in the hopes of keeping my flock close by for future shearings.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Not sure if I have time to tease Bernie properly, but I definitely have time for this one:
As I left court on March 18, 2011 I remembered Martin Luther King, Jr. famous quote of March 22, 1956: "Ordinarily, a person leaving a courtroom with a conviction behind him would wear a somber face. But I left with a smile. I knew that I was a convicted criminal, but I was proud of my crime."
But you kept claiming that what you were doing was perfectly legal...
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

webhick wrote:Not sure if I have time to tease Bernie properly, but I definitely have time for this one:
As I left court on March 18, 2011 I remembered Martin Luther King, Jr. famous quote of March 22, 1956: "Ordinarily, a person leaving a courtroom with a conviction behind him would wear a somber face. But I left with a smile. I knew that I was a convicted criminal, but I was proud of my crime."
But you kept claiming that what you were doing was perfectly legal...
The thing is that teasing Bernie is like teasing our friend DMVP -- you can hit the target squarely between the eyes, but the target will be completely oblivious to the fact that you've done so.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

OK, GATA? So who are von Nutbert's new BFFL when they are to home, and why should they care about what happens to a counterfeiter?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Thule »

Nothing special, just that banks and what not conspire to keep the gold prize artificially low. And the gold standard, of course.
The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee was organized in January 1999 to advocate and undertake litigation against illegal collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial securities. The committee arose from essays by Bill Murphy, a financial commentator, and by Chris Powell, a newspaper editor in Connecticut, published at Murphy's Internet site,

Murphy's essays reported evidence of collusion among financial institutions to suppress the price of gold. Powell, whose newspaper had been involved in antitrust litigation, replied with an essay proposing that gold mining and investor interests should act on Murphy's essays by bringing suit against the financial institutions involved in the collusion against gold. ... _Committee
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by grixit »

Hey, i heard of a gas station that offered gas for 5 cents a gallon, the original price of a Micky Mantel baseball card, but only if you paid in Micky Mantel baseball cards.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Brandybuck »

Conclusion: While the BitCoin is an interesting novel currency, as it lacks intrinsic value it does not provide the monetary discipline that is totally lacking in the current fiat government monetary scheme and is not the solution to our country's financial mess.
There is no such thing as "intrinsic value". That idea was popular with some early (pre-18th century) philosophers, but the Marginal Revolution of Menger, Walras and Jevins put the final nails in that coffin. The value of a good is based on its marginal utility.

So not only does gold not have an instrinsic value, Bitcoin does have a subjective value and is a bona fide commodity suitable for use as money.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Burzmali »

Brandybuck wrote:There is no such thing as "intrinsic value". That idea was popular with some early (pre-18th century) philosophers, but the Marginal Revolution of Menger, Walras and Jevins put the final nails in that coffin. The value of a good is based on its marginal utility.

So not only does gold not have an instrinsic value, Bitcoin does have a subjective value and is a bona fide commodity suitable for use as money.
Too bad about half the Bitcion community thinks it's a HYIP ;)

A silly amount of posts over on their forums start with the phrase "Next year when bitcoins are worth more than $300..."
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:If the coins are, in the end, forfeited to the government, I hope that the Feds are bright enough to order the coins displayed somewhere, such as in the museums of the various mints, the Smithsonian, and the like. It would be a crime against numismatics (yes, I know -- there isn't really any such crime, but it would sure feel like one) if the coins were treated as so much bullion and melted down.

From the wiki article
The Mint has stated an intention to preserve the coins for display. Until the early 1970s (when President Nixon took the United States off the gold standard and President Ford signed legislation that again made it legal for the public to own gold bullion) any recovered 1933 Double Eagle, as gold bullion, was destined to be melted. Therefore, while Double Eagles recovered prior to 1974 were melted down, any Double Eagle recovered now can be spared this fate. Currently, with the exception of the one sold on July 30, 2002, 1933 Double Eagle coins cannot be the legal possession of any member of the public, as they were never issued and hence remain the property of the US government.
This just in:

The government wins, on a unanimous verdict. Essentially, they proved that the coins could not pssobly have left the mint legitimately and thus were stolen property. Appeals are promised; but given the unanimity and the other facts of the case I would not be optimistic about the verdict being overturned.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

July 2011 Vol. 13 No. 07

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. My Visit to Legal Disneyland
2. Utah Bill to Restore Sound Money
3. Government lying about debt crisis!
4. Bernie's Bombshell
5. Silver "Liberty Dollar" sets New Record…
6. Silver Perspective by the Numbers
7. Silver Article and Value in Roman coinage
8. Facebook is HOT for BVNH and the Liberty Dollar
9. Kevin's Interview and corrections for June Newsletter
10. Second Quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

1. My Visit to Legal Disneyland
Trust me, I mean no disrespect of our country's legal/court system with this article. And that is doubly true at this very sensitive time. But three legal events in one day gave me a moment to reflect on my situation and answer my two most asked questions: "How are you doing?" and "Why are you so damn happy?" These are usually asked with a terrible grimace to indicate awful pain. So it usually comes as a surprise when I reply that I feel GOOOOOOD! So just in case you might wonder why anybody could possibly feel GOOOOOOD when he has been wrongfully convicted of three federal felonies and is facing up to fifteen years in prison, here is one day of my life on Monday, July, 18, 2011.

So how could I possibly feel soo GOOOOOD? Because on this particular day I had a new insight, I realized that I was in Legal Disneyland!

Assuming that most everybody has been to Disneyland or one of the major theme parks, you know the drill. Pay lots of money (Disney World is now $85 per day!) and you have a choice of rides. With limited time, most arrive with a pre-set list of favorites, as there is only soo much time/energy available in one day.

Well Legal Disneyland is very much the same a regular Disneyland. In place of "rides" there are "events" and in place of $85, the price of admission is your life or a good number of years. And as I am 67, a 15-year prison sentence is pretty much a life sentence. And like Disneyland, time in Legal Disneyland is also limited. You can only fit so many "rides" i.e. legal "events" in one day.

Monday, July 18, 2011, was a banner day for my Legal Disneyland experience with three "rides" i.e. legal events.

The first "ride" started at 8:00 AM with a live, in-person interview with the probation officer for the all-important Pre-Sentencing Report. This report largely determines the number of years that the government recommends I serve for my heinous crime of trying to minimizing the hyperinflationary effects on as many people as possible. The interview was terrific. I was extremely glad I choose to do the interview in person, without my chief trial attorney who advised against it. This was a spectacular ride and highly recommended for any convicted felon.

The second "ride" was a court hearing before the same Judge who sent me to jail for supposedly violating the terms of my appearance bond. This time is it was equally serious as I sought the court's permission for my two trial attorneys to withdraw from my case. Such a hearing to remove one's court appointed attorneys is very difficult and seldom approved by the court. Voila, without all the boring details, my motion to can the attorneys was granted. I am now free to retain a real attorney as I prepare for the appeal part of my quest to return American to value - one court appearance at a time. This was a very good ride, but only recommended for dedicated adults.

The third "ride" was the initial meeting with my mother's attorney to recover her silver that was wrongfully seized when the gov confiscated the nine tons of gold, silver, copper and platinum associated with the Liberty Dollar operation on November 14 and 15, 2007. The meeting went extremely well as I answered questions and clarified issues that were germane to my mother's recovery efforts. This ride was over the top and not to be missed when anybody has the opportunity to testify regarding the government holding your silver that backs up the Liberty Dollar certificates!

So, now you know why am I happy and feel soo GOOOOOD? I just visited Legal Disneyland and had three terrific "rides" in one day.

2. Utah Bill to Restore Sound Money
Gold, silver coins are now legal currency in Utah

There is an increasing awaking of what NORFED professed and exemplified back in 1998 when it introduced the Liberty Dollar. Please check out these state and national initiatives.

Utah and other states push gold as legal tender, prepares for US dollar collapse
Utah Law Makes Coins Worth Their Weight in Gold (or Silver)

Utah just became the first US state to recognize gold as legal tender. Its Legal Tender Act of 2011 allows U.S. minted gold and silver coins to be recognized as legal tender in the value that reflects the market price for gold and silver.

FARR WEST, Utah - Most people who amass the pure gold and silver coins produced by the United States Mint do so for collections or investments, not to buy Slurpees at 7-Eleven.

"You'd be a fool," Tom Jurkowsky, a spokesman for the Mint, said of the Slurpee idea, "but you could do it."

After all, while the one-ounce American Eagle coin produced by the Mint says "One Dollar," it is actually worth more like $38 based on the current price of silver. (An ounce of gold is worth more than $1,500.)

Now, however, Utah has passed a law intended to encourage residents to use gold or silver coins made by the Mint as cash, but with their value based on the weight of the precious metals in them, not the face value - if, that is, they can find a merchant willing to accept the coins on that basis.

Chick HERE for the complete article.

Click HERE for more info on Utah's sound money project.

Three Senators quickly follow suit on the national stage.
Troubling trends currently hamper America's prosperity.

"As a final needed course correction in monetary policy, the DeMint/Lee/Paul bill could well guide the nation toward a sustainable monetary system. Having access to the full slate of constitutional currency choices -- gold, silver, and paper -- consumers will then be free, through their daily buying decisions, to participate in an organic, ongoing currency arbitrage -- one that may well guide our foundering dollar back to its original precious metal moorings through a de-facto, naturally occurring return to the gold standard."

Click HERE for the complete article.

3. Government lying about debt crisis!
Do you believe what government officials and experts are saying about the debt crisis? If so, you're taking your financial life into your hands. Just consider how many times they've been wrong, issued deliberately misleading statements, or simply lied:

In 2007, they swore on a stack of Bibles that the debt crisis was limited to sub prime mortgages.

But the crisis promptly spread to all kinds of mortgages, ripping through giant mortgage lenders like Countrywide, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.

In 2008, they admitted it had spread, but swore that it was strictly contained to the housing and mortgage sector.

Click HERE to read Martin Weiss' list of the government's five biggest lies and how they will impact your life and money.

4. Bernie's Bombshell
I greatly appreciate the info and show of support that I receive but rarely have time to reply to. Recently I received this most interesting article: How the Fed engineered $16 trillion to bail out not only US but also foreign banks based on the first major audit of the Federal Reserve by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Mind you that 16 trillion is way over the 14.3 trillion national debt BS limit that Congress and the American press is so consumed with right now.

Click HERE for Bernie Sanders' complete Fed Audit.

Click HERE for the current 266 page GAO Report. A much more detailed report on the investigation into potential conflicts of interest at the Fed is due on Oct. 18, but Sanders said one thing already is abundantly clear. "The Federal Reserve must be reformed to serve the needs of working families, not just CEOs on Wall Street."

Here is a lively discourse between two supporters:

From Bob S to Bob J:

In a paper money world, money is really the crystallized labor value of the people! That's what credit is all about. When an individual borrows a bank's credit money to buy a currently available widget he pledges either his own future labor or his own past labor that is now stored up in some other widget like a painting, a house or other land, or even gold coins, etc. The banking business is essentially about creating financial liquidity for assets that are not themselves "money."

Since the representatives of "WE THE PEOPLE..." authorized the creation of the credit money system I feel that "WE THE PEOPLE" should stand behind it in the same way that a parent who co-signs a note for his child to buy a car should pay-off that note if his kid fails to do so.

Yes, I agree that there were egregious abuses of the system by certain individuals who should be brought to justice but I doubt that we can afford the prison space or even the cost of the guillotine blades that might be used because WE can't afford to feed the guilty in prison.

Reply from Bob J to Bob S:

Indeed, it is sad that people like Clinton, Rubin and Greenspan who allegedly engineered the counterfeiting of 16,000 metric tons of gold bars supposedly to be substituted for at least a portion of those said to be held in Fort Knox, and are not even indicted, though this is alleged to have happened on their watch. Yet, a man like Bernard von NotHaus creates a few silver and gold medallions, say perhaps a paltry $20 Million or so over a 10 +/- year period, and he gets indicted and prosecuted for counterfeiting. It would seem that those who defraud America of Trillions are left to repeat their own vices while those who attempt to return America to value go to jail. It happened to me, as you well know, and it happened to many others similarly situated. There is something wrong with this picture. That is why I have sat in front of this damn punchboard for the past 19 years since my release trying to get the message to those who can read and have an IQ above room temperature.

Yes, boiled down to the lowest common denominator, money is a store of labor property. Give control over it to Banksters, and they will use it to control the World. And, pray tell, what is their avowed goal? - - that's right, World Government. Perhaps we are powerless to stop it, but those of us in the know had best figure out some alternative, and Bernard had it nailed. He came closest to the Lincoln and Kennedy plans, but was a step ahead of them in that he went back to using the true Money of Account of the United States of America. Sadly, the Constitution is nothing more than a fiction today, but most in the so-called Patriot Community have yet to figure that out.

Bob J

5. Silver "Liberty Dollar" sets New Record
I am pleased to inform you that the Liberty Dollar set a new record although I had nothing to do with it. Just last week a dealer of Liberty Dollar material disclosed to me that he had just accepted a $1375 bid for a one ounce Silver Liberty! The amazing part was that it was not the rare 1998 First Year of Issue, the 2000 Type I, the 2003 Ungodly or any of the other well know rarities. It was for a 2006 Puerto Rico Dollar.

Given my 39 years in the numismatic profession, this reconfirms my claim that the Liberty Dollar is the best performing modern collectible ever. Certainly, much better than the US Mint products that often go down in value after the gov rips off the unknowing collector. That is certainly not the case with the Liberty Dollar. In fact, everybody who ordered directly from the Liberty Dollar fulfillment office or a Regional Currency Office has profited… simply because the price of silver is up approx. 800% since 1998!

Please note that the US government has declared that dealing, trading, collecting and possession of Liberty Dollar is not illegal. Only using Liberty Dollars as "legal tender" has been declared illegal. Happy collecting!

6. Silver Perspective by the Numbers
While the market's reaction to the US government's counterfeiting the US dollar is the number one reason for cost of silver increasing in FRNs, there remains many reasons why silver is in short supply given all the uses for such a utilitarian metal.

Here are my top 21 reasons stated long ago:
1. Silver is finite. There is only so much silver on the planet
2. Physical deficit of 150,000 ounces per year for the past 10 years
3. Lowest inventory in history at the same time of greatest demand
4. Contrary to gold, much silver is actually consumed when used
5. Since WW II, government sold its 3 billion ounces below market value
6. Only 20% of the silver is new, 80% is recycled
7. Silver is ten times more scarce than gold
8. Infinitely more useful, new use patented every day, 360 new uses per year
9. Only 300 million ounces of silver exist. That's only $1.5 billion at $5 silver
10. Best electrical conductor and best reflector of light and heat
11. Fraudulently manipulated by the Silver Users Association since 1947
12. Small usage of silver per item will not greatly impact retail price
13. 80% of new silver is a byproduct of gold, copper, lead and zinc mining
14. There are 1.5 billion ounces of silver less today than 10 years ago
15. 600 million ounce short position is twice the amount of physical silver
16. Inelastic supply and long lead-time to bring new sources to market
17. 1.5 billion ounces of gold exist versus only 120 million ounce of silver
18. In 1979/80 gold doubled while the silver price went ten fold
19. $5/oz is the lowest inflation-adjusted price in 5000 years
20. Not viewed as a monetary metal, duh
21. Silver is the buy of your life

7. Anatomy of a silver manipulation
In this special report by Avery Goodman, he warned his readers on May 1, 2011, when silver had clawed its way back to about $48 per ounce: "We expect another massive price attack in the next few days."

We came to this conclusion based upon a number of factors, including the impending opening of the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange, which will be controlled by many of the same international players who control NYMEX. Like clockwork, a vicious attack, perhaps the most ferocious one ever mounted in the history of precious metals, began on Monday, May 2, 2011.

Click HERE for this terrific article that documents the silver manipulation.

Click HERE for a chart of the silver content in Roman coins.

8. Facebook is HOT for BVNH & Liberty Dollar
There is no doubt that Facebook is hot. With over 750,000,000 friends worldwide it is an awesome presence on the Net. Please send a "friend request" to me so I can add you as a friend and stay in touch with you via this URL:
Please note that I love reading you posts on my wall but I can't reply to all of them.

9. Kevin's Interview and correct links for June Newsletter
The land of the free imprisoned this advocate for promoting voluntary exchange. Learn more about Kevin Innes' experiences in this recent interview at the Porcupine Festival in Lancaster, NH.

The correct link to The Asheville Tribune article on Kevin Innes is: ... 28-129.htm

The correct link to the WND article on the Liberty Dollar by Bob Unrue is:

10. Second Quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the question: is it political? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor political, nor popular - but one must take it simply because it is right." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Closing Remarks:
Your prayers and good wishes are comfort for this battle warily warrior as I wait for Judge Voorhees' decision on my Motion for a new trial or dismissal. I will post an Alert as soon as I receive word.

Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

On August 29th, 2011, COIN WORLD reported that, due to the federal court determination that Von NotHaus's Liberty Dollars are counterfeit coins, the Treasury apparently has reversed its previous stand, and the govt might commence confiscating LDs wherever they are found. ... o-seizure/

As far as I know, no official govt statement yet.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

August 2011 Vol. 13 No. 08

Legal Bombshell Explodes

The government announced that Liberty Dollars may be subject to seizure. Meanwhile, Alan Greenscum said earlier this month, "Gold, unlike all other commodities, is a currency. And the major thrust in the demand for gold is not for jewelry. It's not for anything other than an escape from what is perceived to be a fiat money system, paper money, that seems to be deteriorating." This Newsletter chronicles the United States gov building a dictatorship to enforce their deteriorating fiat monetary regime and the risk that your Liberty Dollars may be seized.

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:

1. Legal Bombshell Explodes
2. 40th Anniversary: Death of the Gold Standard
3. US Raises the Debt Ceiling
4. S&P Downgrades U.S. Debt Rating
5. Currency Collapse and Hyperinflation
6. Block by Block the US Is Building a Dictatorship
7. The Case for $25,000 per Ounce Gold
8. NIA Sounds the Alarm with "End of Liberty"
9. Liberty Dollar to "Move Up" to $100 Silver Base?
10. Happily Swamped by Facebook:)

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

1. Legal Bombshell Explodes
WOW!!! Get ready! On Monday, August 29, 2011, literally while I was appearing in US District Court in Charlotte NC, Coin World issued a Front Page article, that covered three pages titled: "Liberty Dollars may be subject to seizure."

The shocking bombshell article, appears to reverse the gov's earlier statement that Coin World published on April 18, 2011: "Liberty Dollars legal to collect, official says - Private bullion pieces illegal to use as money." by senior staff writer Paul Gilkes.

The new article states: Liberty Dollars held by collectors may be subject to seizure as contraband by federal law enforcement, officials with the U.S. Attorney's Office and Secret Service said Aug. 24. It seems that new statements by those two federal law enforcement agencies reverse the position released from the United States Attorney's Office in Charlotte, N.C., and published by Coin World in April.

The new article quotes Jill Rose, chief of the criminal division for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Charlotte, N.C., and the prosecutor who convicted Bernard von NotHaus that the Liberty Dollar medallions are confiscable as contraband regardless if they are being exhibited for educational purposes only.

The most telling new statement in the article comes from the US Secret Service. On Aug. 24, in addition to speaking with Rose, Coin World talked separately with Glen Kessler, assistant special agent in charge in North Carolina for the U.S. Secret Service. Kessler subsequently conferred with his Secret Service superiors as to the potential confiscation and informed Coin World that because the publication has a worldwide audience, he had to defer additional comments to the U.S. Secret Service Office of Public Affairs. George Ogilvie, the public affairs officer for the U.S. Secret Service in Washington, D.C., said Aug. 25 the bureau had no comment on Liberty Dollar and indicated that Coin World would have to call back in a few weeks.

To many this sounds like the gov is very poorly prepared, does not know its ass from a hole in the ground and would like all of us to just forget about this matter. Are you going to forget about it? Hell NO! Are you going to forget that the gov confiscated your property?! Hell NO!. And I am certainly not going to forget about this either! Nobody can forget or forgive the gov for stealing their purchasing power every day! And nobody should allow the gov to continue with its corrupt, immoral fiat currency that is constantly losing value!

The complete shocking article that is full of gov fear-mongering is available HERE.

Will the conviction of BVNH/Liberty Dollar prove to be the cross that is too heavy for even the 500 pound gov gorilla to bear? Only time will tell how far the gov is prepared to carry this contemptible cross of illogical Biblical proportions.

How illogical?

The answer is as illogical as the current ONE DOLLAR US Silver Eagle that contains one ounce of silver. Currently, the one ounce Silver Eagle costs approx $45 but has a face value of one dollar. That is idiotic and makes no sense what so ever. Plus it confirms the stupidity of the US gov monetary policy and helps "free thinkers" realize the unique profitable solution that the Liberty Dollar presents to the current out-of-whack US dollar.


As a result of the gov scare tactics in the latest article, the prices of Liberty Dollar are already up dynamically! One collector reports that a one ounce copper is now $75 on eBay! In the past, a one ounce platinum Ron Paul Dollar went for $20,000!!! The gov is being stupid. No news there, right? But can they really go after ALL the Liberty Dollars? Not ALL, but unfortunately the gov have all the records from the Liberty Dollar office that includes all the orders so they could induce a new Reign of Terror. But can they get all? NO WAY. But they could certainly drive prices much higher.

The bottom line is that hundreds of thousands of Liberty Dollars have been used with merchants and third parties, given as gifts and many many are tucked away as trophies by the brave men and women who stood up for what was right in demanding the gov provide 'just weights and measures' for an honest means of exchange or they will do it themselves. Which is exactly what happened! I am very proud and honored by everyone who took a stand for a value base currency! God save the country because the gov can't!

So, please protect yourself and your money. And don't succumb to the fear that the gov is sowing. Hold on to your gold, silver and copper until a true value based medium of exchange is freely available in the marketplace. Until then, shun anything you know is false.

In regards to my case, nothing seems has happened and nothing may not happen until Judge Voorhees rules on my Motion for a new trial or dismissal. Federal District Court Judges have no time requirement when they must respond to a motion. Please be patient. Keep the faith! And please keep your prayers and good wishes focused for a positive outcome regardless of the odds against it. My case and the Liberty Dollar is in God's hands. I will issue an Alert as soon as the Judge rules on my motion.

2. 40th Anniversary: Death of the Gold Standard
It's been forty years since Nixon closed the Gold Window on August 15, 1971 and effectively killed the last vestige of the Gold Standard. I have saved more than 50 articles regarding the consequences of this action that breed floating exchanges rates and the current currency race to the bottom of the monetary pit. Certainly the worse is yet to come if the world follows the money into the rat hole of hyperinflation and a Nazi type future.

By Sunday morning on August 15, 1971, the 20,000 tons of the yellow metal deposited in Fort Knox in 1933 had decreased substantially due to the high military costs of the Vietnam War and foreign countries' abilities of exchanging gold backed dollars for actual metal. The United States, the once great leading global economic power, could no longer honor its financial commitments and President Richard Nixon declared the inconvertibility of the dollar into gold. As a result, the Bretton Woods system officially ended and the dollar became a fully fiat currency, backed only by the promise of the US government.

Nixon Ends Bretton Woods International Monetary System
Here is a video that shows Nixon announcing that the dollar will no longer be backed up by gold for international transactions. Gold had been outlawed for domestic use as money since 1933. This alarming event sparked the political career of a doctor named Ron Paul who participated in the only visit to Fort Knox on September 24, 1974.

The "Idiot of the Month" award goes to Alan Schram, Managing Partner of Wellcap Partners, a hedge fund based in Los Angeles, who wrote an article for the Huffington Post titled: Is Gold a Good Inflation Hedge? and states: "Gold does not generate cash flow, does not have any intrinsic value and therefore it is of dubious value as a long term investment." [Editor note: He must be paid by the gov…]

Certainly closing the Gold Window was a most offensive move against a value based dollar and the first building block towards a modern dictatorial government.

3. US Raises the Debt Ceiling
House Passes $2.1 Trillion U.S. Debt-Limit Increase

The House of Representatives approved legislation to raise the U.S. debt limit by at least $2.1 trillion and cut federal spending by $2.4 trillion or more, one day before a threatened default.

Senate easily passes bill to raise debt ceiling

US Raises Debt Ceiling But Jittery Markets Plummet

Did they do anything to Avert a Crisis? No. Any tax increase? No. Cut Defense Spending? No. Take any money out of pocket? No. Discuss a Constitutional Amendment? No. Make any Concessions? No. Cut any Spending? No. They did nothing more than vote for hyperinflation and add another block towards building a dictatorship.

As a result the Disapproval of Congress has hit an all time record high of 84% according to a Gallup poll released on August 16, 2011, barely a week after pollster Pat Caddell warned that a dramatic loss of confidence in the country's leadership meant Americans were now "pre-revolutionary."

The Gallup Report states: "Americans have usually not held Congress in high regard, but currently they have a more negative view of the institution than any other time that Gallup has measured it since 1975. The 84% rate is up sharply in less than a month when the disapproval figure stood at 77%. Click HERE for the full report.

Raising the Debt Ceiling was another building block towards a dictatorship.

4. S&P Downgrades U.S. Debt Rating
While many were shocked by S&P downgrading the US debt, I was very pleased that S&P had the balls to do what was obvious and correct. If anything they should have done it much sooner instead of warning the gov that it was about to happen. But what the heck, it finally happened and now it should be abundantly clear the gov has voted for hyperinflation. The government ruining it's credit rating was another building block towards a dictatorship.

U.S. Loses AAA Credit Rating as S&P Slams Debt, Politics by John Detrixhe - for Bloomberg News on Aug 6, 2011

U.S. loses prized AAA credit rating from S&P By Walter Brandimarte and Daniel Bases for Reuters on Saturday, August 6, 2011

NIA Shocked By S&P Downgrade of U.S. Debt Rating

Click HERE for some very useful charts from NIA.

5. Currency Collapse and Hyperinflation Nation
The next big building block towards a dictatorship is to destroy the US dollar with a currency collapse via hyperinflation. There are countless articles and video that confirm the gov is doing exactly that. Of course, nothing is confirmed until officially denied (by the government.)

Washington Chooses Hyperinflation by Patrick A. Heller

The Coming Hyperinflation by Jim Davidson

Currency Collapse: How the US government is destroying the dollar (video)

The Dollar Bubble and How to Prepare for the U.S. dollar collapse with Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers, and others. (video)

Hyperinflation Coming! (video)

6. Block by Block the US Is Building a Dictatorship
From removing gold and silver from the US currency, killing the gold standard, not reporting M3, lying about inflation, rising the debt ceiling and destroying the national credit rating, are steps towards setting the stage for currency collapse, hyperinflation, market crashes, national emergency, civil unrest, riots, marshal law, canceling elections and finally a dictatorship to bring order, all in the name of safeguarding our liberty, awaits us in the very near future.

To any ordinary person who questions this crazy situation it certainly appears that Washington is destroying America on purpose! In fact, Washington's !@#$#@! couldn't destroy the nation's economy faster - even if they WERE doing it on purpose! Just imagine, the very men and women that most people "think" should keep our economy strong - seem to be doing everything in their power to destroy the US dollar and turn America into a first class police state.

In reality, Congressmen and women do not think, are neither highly motivated to be patriotic nor is it their job to keep the economy or the dollar strong! It would be best if they just left the damn economy and our money alone and governed under the US Constitution. Actually it would be far better - if they just stayed home. Period!

And while the economic events are bad, the specter of terrorism and war far outweigh the monetary gamesmanship by the gov. From Ruby Ridge, to Waco, to Oklahoma City, to New York City on September 11, and then the PATRIOT Act and on to Iraq, to Afghanistan, and well over 100 military operations worldwide, the government has decimated our moral society. Not since the Opium Wars by the British in China has any government wrecked such long term damage on a single society. The US government is at war with the world and we will hell to pay for it.

Nothing confirms this more than a careful reading of the "The Budget Control Act Of 2011." Only the gov would give this garbage the perverse title of a "Budget Control Act."

What control? There is NO control! The gov is OUT OF CONTROL!!!

Did you notice how President Obama slickly and unconstitutionally inserted himself to take control of Congress' role over the federal purse strings? The lamestream media glossed over this detail in reporting the Obummer-Bonehead debt limit deal the President announced via TV on Sunday, July 31st.

Nobody has done a better job of exposing the insidious gov plan titled "Budget Control" and the alarming building blocks of a dictatorship than the Appellant Attorneys who came to my aid and filed the two Amicus Briefs on behalf of GATA and in defense of the Liberty Dollar. On August 4, 2011, Herbert W. Titus and William J. Olson distinguished themselves with their editorial: The Budget Control Act Of 2011 Violates Constitutional Order in The American Thinker.

Among the brilliant insights, Herb and Bill said, "By giving the President the authority to increase the debt ceiling and to determine that borrowing is necessary to meet the nation's commitments, this bill turns the legislative process on its head."

Heil Dictator! Hell, here we come.

The feedback was equally good: "Mr. Titus and Mr. Olson have done us all a service by pointing out the fundamental change this bill makes to our government's system of checks and balances. I hope that in the future they can expand on the possibility of this legislation being taken up and overturned by our courts."

Another very well written article by Mr. Titus and Mr. Olson is posted HERE.

Title IV of the Budget Control Act vests in a joint select committee the power to draft legislation to reduce the deficit by at least $1.5 trillion over the period of fiscal years 2012 to 2021. Here, members of Congress yield their individual legislative duties and responsibilities to a "Super Congress" selected not by the people -- but by the !@#$#@! Republican and Democratic leaders. Please read this article for more info about how Obama's "Super Congress" Dictatorship Usurps Congress

If you read the first four articles, it should be abundantly clear that the gov is deliberately building a dictatorship and your money, liberties, property, retirement funds, standard of living and the very lives of far too many Americans are about to be destroyed.

How bad can it get? Deadly. Recently, Ron Paul acknowledged that: "They're Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country"

So how does a country become a dictatorship? How did Hitler rise to power? The government did it. Block by block. And it is happening right now in America!

The first newspaper has already called for Obummer's impeachment. On July 22, 2011, Jeffrey T. Kuhner of The Washington Times wrote: President's socialist takeover must be stopped and called for Obummer's impeachment.

The alarm has been sounded. Only the government and the dumbest of the dumb are not taking action. As America moves toward a Nazi style hyperinflationary depression complete with an all-powerful dictator, don't be dumb. Use "dollar cost averaging" to accumulate more silver, regardless of the price until America's monetary system has returned to a value based currency that is fully convertible to gold and silver.

Please revisit the Declaration of Independence. And while the first sentence is quite familiar with: We hold these truths to be self-evident… The second sentence states the People's Right quite clearly: That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." Thomas Jefferson.

7. The Case for $25,000 per Ounce Gold
The most asked question I got while on tour for ten years was, "How high will the price of gold and silver go?" Of course nobody knows. But that has not stopped countless advisors and dealers from quoting a wide range of prices. Now the Economic Policy Journal has published their Paper: The Case for $25,000 per Ounce Gold.

And of course they are not the only one with an opinion. It seems like almost every day, somebody who should know better, pipes up with yet another wildasssed estimate as to high how high the price of gold and silver will go.

Given the odds that the !@#$#@! gov has now programmed America for massive hyperinflation, possibly the kind that ushered in Nazi Germany, that is a likely place to find an answer to how high will the metals go. Look at what happened in Germany during three years of hyperinflation.

In January 1919 one ounce of silver was 12 German marks (silver was $12 US dollar not long ago) and an ounce of gold was 170 German marks (gold was $252.50 in 1999).

Less than four years later, in November 1923, one ounce of silver was 543,750,000,000 (billion) German marks!! And one ounce of gold was 87,000,000,000,000 (trillion) German marks!!!

The price of precious metals is the barometer that measures people's fear index of their national currency in comparison to gold and silver. There is no doubt that the fear index and metals are rising as the national gov currencies lose their purchasing power. Hopefully you bought silver long ago. If not, please consider using "dollar cost averaging" to maximize your return and minimize your fear.

8. NIA Sounds the Alarm with "End of Liberty"
The National Inflation Association (NIA) specializes in publicizing the latest info on inflation with videos and making mining stock recommendations. While I don't recommend mining stocks unless you have the time and money to bet on the ponies… I like NIA's videos and particularly the "End of Liberty" that refers to the current economic situation as a criminal monetary system and thinks the U.S. is headed for a complete societal collapse! This may be one of the most important films to watch!

Click HERE for a complete list of 155 videos by NIA.

9. Liberty Dollar to "Move Up" to $100 Silver Base?
On August 31, the 30 day moving average (30DMA) for silver was $40.29. Now that the Liberty Dollar model may Move Up from its current $50 silver Base to the $100 Silver Base, it is time to theoretically examine the currency's unique time based econometric structural model.

As designed by BVNH, Monetary Architect of the Liberty Dollar, the free market currency model moves up in bracketed steps so the value based currency remains in sync with it base metal. Initially the Liberty Dollar was introduced in 1998 at the $10 Silver Base when silver was approx $5 per ounce. Over the period of ten years, the Liberty Dollar Moved Up to the $20 and then to is current base of $50. The world's first free market currency has a specific disciplined econometric structure that was designed to always be in sync with the underlying metals market.

As per that design, the Liberty Dollar will Move Up to the $100 Silver Base when the 30DMA stays over $41.50 for 60 consecutive calendar days. That means that the one ounce 999 silver Liberty Dollar would then feature a MSRP of $100. So if you wanted to exchange US dollars for $100 Liberty Dollar the exchange would be 100 USD for 100 American Liberty Dollars (ALD) with a $100 MSRP on a one ounce Liberty Dollar that could be used for $100 in a retail transaction. (Please note most of the Liberty Dollar currency was exchanged at a very steep volume discount pricing as bullion + premium that enabled supporters to 'get it at a discount and use it at a profit' with an even greater profits as the value based currency protected your purchasing power over time.)

Of course, all of this is only theoretical as the Monetary Architect has been convicted of counterfeiting and the Liberty Dollar is not available at this time. (Please note the Liberty Dollar was legal to be bought, sold, traded and collected as a numismatic item until the recent article on August 29, 2011.)

Here are four in depth explanations on how the Liberty Dollar - the world's first private free market currency - was specifically designed to remain in sync with the wild velocity of the gold and silver markets, regardless of the market value of the precious metals i.e. the lost of value of the US dollar.

Liberty Dollar Moves Up to $50 Base
Inflation Proof Currency Set to Double
Moves Up to the $20 Silver Base

10. Happily Swamped by Facebook:)
WOW the messages from supporters are very encouraging and greatly appreciated!!!

Here is a recent post on my wall by an unfamiliar friend: "I have some of those Liberty Dollars and after making over +3000% return on some of them --the rest are NOT for sale. And with silver (which is what Libertys are made of) climbing over 800% since FY 2000, --I've never made a better portfolio decision than the Liberty Dollar! Go Bernard! You Rock! If the world had more "terrorists" like you, -we'd all be much better off!"

My sincere thanks to all my Facebook friends for your posts and messages. Keep it UP!!! Just know that there is no way for me to reply to all the posts but I sure love every message and I trust you understand.

Closing Remarks:
As we near Liberty Dollar's 13th Anniversary, lets rejoice in our accomplishments. We took the Liberty Dollar further than any other alternate currency in monetary history. Plus we have had a lot of fun doing it! Sorry the raid, arrest and conviction have stalled the people's right to be free from of bad gov money that keeps depreciating.

Thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thanks again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

Demosthenes wrote:As a result of the gov scare tactics in the latest article, the prices of Liberty Dollar are already up dynamically! One collector reports that a one ounce copper is now $75 on eBay!
$2.85, actually. ... 35b49bd992

In the past, a one ounce platinum Ron Paul Dollar went for $20,000!!! The gov is being stupid. No news there, right? [/quote]

Someone's asking $1,900, but there are no bids.
Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

It's tough to get bids, especially high bids, on something that the govt says it may confiscate.
notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeah, all those sure fire guaranteed inflation proof wonderful Libbies aren't looking so good right with the possibility that they could be seized as counterfeit. I mean not only did you get cheated twice when you bought them, inflation has screwed you, and now you stand the likelihood of not only losing your great investment altogether, but possibly going to jail for possessing counterfeit coins. Really a smart investment there. And add to that the possibility of being nailed for passing counterfeit coins if you've tried to buy or trade for something with them just really adds luster to the bargain now doesn't it.

I think that if I had been dumb enough to have sunk any money in those things that I might just be thinking really seriously about melting them down or at least turning them into metal scrap real fast just on the off chance, but then if I was that dumb to start with, I probably wouldn't get to that part.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:I think that if I had been dumb enough to have sunk any money in those things that I might just be thinking really seriously about melting them down or at least turning them into metal scrap real fast just on the off chance, but then if I was that dumb to start with, I probably wouldn't get to that part
Along those lines, I wonder if the thought ever occurred to von Nothaus to offer to accept the Libbys back for meltdown and return to the owners the actual silver so as to stop the possibility of passing counterfeit money? Facing the amount of jail pending, I might asked the government for a reduction of sentence in exchange.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
Princeps Wooloosia
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

... or refund in full in FRNs. But the simple fact is that Von NotHaus can't afford to do that. He was selling these things at about twice the market value of the metal and the difference was pure profit and I don't doubt that he spent it (or has a doggy bag waiting in an offshore bank for when he gets out of the slammer). He simply cannot refund, much less spend extra money to smelter the LDs.

But yes, if he would, he probably could cut a better a deal with the prosecutors.