Skankbeat is back.

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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Cathulhu »

It's an obvious auto reply for an erroneous return, and Skanky is also obviously delusional. So what else is new?
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Is it my computer, or has the Lost Horizons Forum finally bitten the proverbial dust?
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by webhick »

Dr. Caligari wrote:Is it my computer, or has the Lost Horizons Forum finally bitten the proverbial dust?
phpBB : Critical Error

Error creating new session


SQL Error : 1016 Can't open file: 'phpbb_sessions.MYI' (errno: 145)

INSERT INTO phpbb_sessions (session_id, session_user_id, session_start, session_time, session_ip, session_page, session_logged_in, session_admin) VALUES ('fe9631f3864e34eee5c4b5d04baf9e21', -1, 1312496831, 1312496831, '18224086', 0, 0, 0)

Line : 189
File : sessions.php
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Dr. Caligari wrote:Is it my computer, or has the Lost Horizons Forum finally bitten the proverbial dust?
Just tried it and it seemed to be working. Should I be concerned about this bit though?
Last changed: September 30, 2006
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Thule »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Just tried it and it seemed to be working. Should I be concerned about this bit though?
Last changed: September 30, 2006
Can't enter myself, but isn't that one of the sticky threads?
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Famspear »

I just tried, as of about 11:33 am central time on Friday, August 5, and all I get when I click on the link to the losthorizons forum is this:
phpBB : Critical Error

Error creating new session


SQL Error : 1016 Can't open file: 'phpbb_sessions.MYI' (errno: 145)

INSERT INTO phpbb_sessions (session_id, session_user_id, session_start, session_time, session_ip, session_page, session_logged_in, session_admin) VALUES ('973934e0ccd8532031a72509d5a34aa2', -1, 1312561990, 1312561990, '459b9d2e', 0, 0, 0)

Line : 189
File : sessions.php
The rest of the losthorizons web site seems to be OK.

I hope this isn't a "permanent" failure. If it is permanent, the few remaining idiots (oops, I mean "CtC Warriors") will be scurrying like rats, infesting other places on the internet.....

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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Sort of sussed it now: works. falls in a heap. Problem was they are both titled Forum which confused me. So, looks like a BB issue or maybe someone forgot to pay a bill?
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by LaVidaRoja »

KCB - MASSIVE redundancy: "their forum is brain dead " That's been true for years. What is the problem now?
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by nikki2 »

Don't pounce on KCB so hard.

Everyone here, with the exception of the Hamster, has known that the collective IQ of LostHorizons is somewhere around 42 (think about it).

KCB was most likely referring to electronic brain death -- the failure of the forum software to survive after being stuffed with all that garbage.
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Gregg »

If I buy the domain, will someone with the right skills re-redirect it here?
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Thule »

Gregg wrote:If I buy the domain, will someone with the right skills re-redirect it here?
If you buy it, I'll pay the price for redirection.

One condition, I'd like a redirection-page that says;

"Prisoner 15406-039 is currently unaviable. "
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Thule wrote:
Gregg wrote:If I buy the domain, will someone with the right skills re-redirect it here?
If you buy it, I'll pay the price for redirection.

One condition, I'd like a redirection-page that says;

"Prisoner 15406-039 is currently unaviable. "
(unaviable? - you can't turn him into a bird?)
How about:
"Prisoner 15406-039 is currently unavailable.
Meanwhile, in the real world, you may be interested in...."
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Thule »

Spenk drulling:)
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Gregg »

I do like that, a 30 second transition page with a pic of Pete behind bars, a caption "We now invite you to return to reality... or something....
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Cathulhu »

It immediately makes me want to parody the opening and closing of The Outer Limits from the original series: There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image; make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.

I remember it ending with: We now return control of your television set to you...Change it from television set to your life, and it's workably close.

'Zat what you had in mind, Gregg?
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Harvester »

Sorry to hear y'all are missing LostHorizons. If you need a Hendrickson fix, here's the latest via email:

For the ninth year in a row, the accuracy of the liberating, people-empowering, Leviathan-restraining revelations about the real character of the income tax in 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America' (CtC) is being demonstrated in the most practical manner possible. Complete refund checks, closing notices, lien and levy releases and other concrete acknowledgements of that accuracy by federal and state tax agencies are flooding mailboxes across America, just as in all the previous years since the book was first published.

In light of these long years of unambiguous admissions by government agencies, now churning out in their tens of thousands, it shouldn't be necessary for me to write the commentary that follows. But sadly, even while reluctantly complying with the law when demanded by upstanding, well-educated readers of CtC, the same agencies harbor nests of specialists whose job is to do what they can to slow or even stop the spread of the liberating truth about the tax.

Like sweaty, bile-fueled little trolls lurking under cognitive cross-overs, these operatives crank out blog and news-group posts, and even entire websites, focused on undermining the CtC-educated community and stunting its growth. All of these feverish efforts are richly salted with frustration and hate against good Americans who have now read the law for themselves, found that it doesn't say what the hired help has been telling everyone it means since before any of us was born, and have stood up and stepped off the "Kool-Aid Express To Ruin and Despotism" on which ignorance about the law will guarantee you a seat. All of these efforts rely on lies and logical fallacies to discourage the liberated and frighten them back on the bus, and to keep others from learning the truth in the first place.

Happily, upon competent examination every mendacity cranked-out by troll-kind simply underscores the accuracy of CtC and the desperation of its enemies. So, while having to discuss this stuff is a chore, it is a fruitful one from which we can all take intellectual and spiritual nourishment. We can also enjoy a little welcome entertainment watching the slinky trolls take their richly-deserved tumbles."


A Critical Look at Selected Trolleries

(Click on the title above, or navigate your browser to

P. S. A Road Map to Winning the War of Truth v. Lies

It's this simple: When the New York Times or the Washington Post or USA Today or your hometown daily publishes or discusses or acknowledges what you read in this pamphlet (and especially what you read in the chapter 'Why All The Troll-Work Is Futile'), the truth will win. That will happen shortly after Lew Rockwell, Alex Jones, Justin Raimondo, Glenn Greenwald, Paul Craig Roberts, Jacob Hornberger, Ron Paul and other big voices on the side of liberty and the law publish, discuss and acknowledge this material.

Those good folks will only publish, discuss and acknowledge this material once enough of YOU good folks forward it to them, and insist that they read it carefully and react to it seriously and thoughtfully (rather than just skimming it quickly and adopting a dismissive, "What I THINK this says can't possibly be true..." attitude, which will be their reflexive inclination).

A CAREFUL reading of this material, and SERIOUS and THOUGHTFUL reaction to it by these folks will have the good effect desired because what they will read is, of course, completely and demonstrably true, even though it will turn much of what they have each long believed completely on its head. A thoughtful and honest reaction will necessarily be that of acknowledgement, astonishment, excitement, agitation and the moving of this liberating information onto the national stage and into the national consciousness.

Once on the national stage, the truth will be assaulted, smeared, laughed at, growled at, declared irrelevant, evaded and misrepresented, until ultimately it is universally acknowledged and accepted. Because again, it's nothing but the truth. Then the war will be over, and the good guys will have won.

So, each of you please do your best to see to it that Lew, and Ron, and Glenn, and Justin, and Paul Craig, and Will, and William, and Thomas E., and Thomas Di, and Karen K., and all the other good folks with big voices who are doing THEIR very best to uphold the law read this pamphlet and learn this liberating, law-sustaining, Leviathan-restraining truth.

Don't leave it to others to do, because if there's one thing you can be sure of, it's that those "others" are leaving it to you.

It's on you, and you can do it. And not long after you have, we'll all celebrate V-IT Day ("Victory over the Ignorance Tax Day") together."

If you are serious about the restoration of liberty and the rule of law in our lifetime, please forward this email to everyone you know!
Joey Smith
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Joey Smith »

The $11,000,000.00 or so's worth of evidence posted at so far (often
along with all the documents involved in the filing) represent about 750 instances of educated
Americans invoking the newly-revealed truth about the tax, evidence of which was sent to
Hendrickson for sharing with the world by the proud, upstanding men and women who had
risen to act on behalf of the law, sometimes to recover as little as a single dollar, and
sometimes involving a great deal more.
But no mention of the fact that about as quickly as the IRS figured out these people filed false returns they went after them and in most cases not only recovered the money but also hit for additional fines and penalties as well, i.e., nearly all these people ended up much worse off than if they had never heard of Pete the Convicted Felon?
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by LPC »

Joey Smith wrote:
The $11,000,000.00 or so's worth of evidence posted at so far (often
along with all the documents involved in the filing) represent about 750 instances of educated
Americans invoking the newly-revealed truth about the tax, evidence of which was sent to
Hendrickson for sharing with the world by the proud, upstanding men and women who had
risen to act on behalf of the law, sometimes to recover as little as a single dollar, and
sometimes involving a great deal more.
But no mention of the fact that about as quickly as the IRS figured out these people filed false returns they went after them and in most cases not only recovered the money but also hit for additional fines and penalties as well, i.e., nearly all these people ended up much worse off than if they had never heard of Pete the Convicted Felon?
Fortunately for Hendrickson, but unfortunately for the public, Hendrickson is free to publish any copies of refund checks or refund notices sent to him, but the IRS is barred from disclosing any taxpayer information about any "refunds" later negated, or any penalties imposed.

In the "Tax Protester Dossier" for Hendrickson, we've attempted to identify court cases that look like Hendrickson's scam and match them with the refunds posted on LH, and it's a long list (see the section at the end labeled "Students/Disciples/Associates"), but it's obviously not as long as Hendrickson's list.

(I think I should change "Students/Disciples/Associates" to "Disciples/Associates/Victims.")
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Famspear »

Whoopee! As of 8:14 pm central time, Sunday, August 7, the losthorizons forum is back up again, but I don't see any new posts yet.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Skankbeat is back.

Post by Harvester »