Pete has been busy in prison ....

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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

He's just like all the other guys in prison -- all of thenm are really innocent of the crimes for which they were convicted.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by grixit »

No, no, any convict in prison can be innocent. But when you're a sovereign in prison, you're WINNING!
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by LPC »

If you want to skip the preliminary blather and get to the real pontificating, the web page above is meant as a promotion for this "Tumbling Trolls" paper.

And he's really offended me now, because he quotes from my FAQ and never mentions my name. In fact, he goes so far as to suggest that I am posting anonymously or pseudonymously, stating that the "troll who makes this post .... has to be concerned that his real identity and affiliation might be discovered."

I thought perhaps someone had copied that section from my FAQ and posted it somewhere anonymously, but the section has some unusual phrasings, and a Google search shows only six places with that combination of words: my FAQ (which has my name on it), my Tax Protester Dossiers (which has my name on it), my posting of the district court's decision (which has those words in it) to Quatloos (which posting has my name on it), two copies of the district court opinion elsewhere on the Internet, and Hendrickson's own "tumbling trolls" screed.

What a dishonest moron.
Dan Evans
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by The Observer »

Not to mention that he has purloined our "kool-ade" analogy and is now applying it in reverse to smear us.
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by LPC »

The most remarkable example of delusional denial is Hendrickson's insistence that the opinions against him did not really say what they said.

After first explaining why the opinions in United States v. Latham, 754 F.2d 747 (7th Cir. 1985) and Sullivan v. United States, 788 F.2d 813 (1st Cir. 1986) don't really mean what they say (or don't really say what they mean, don't really say what people claim they say, or something), Hendrickson then provides this quote from my FAQ (this is the quote I referred to above):
"n denying [Hendrickson's] post-trial motion for a new trial (or acquittal) and rejecting his challenges to the instructions given to the jury on the meanings of "wages" and "employee," the court stated that Hendrickson "was not entitled to jury instructions reflecting his own views as to the purported meanings of the terms 'wages' and 'employee' under the Internal Revenue Code" because "the courts have uniformly held that the ordinary remuneration received by privately employed workers qualifies as taxable 'wages' under the Internal Revenue Code." The court also pointed out that the judgment against Hendrickson in the erroneous refund suit was an "explicit rejection" of his position."

After some semantic contortions, Hendrickson then comes up with these gems:
Peter Hendrickson wrote:As noted earlier when discussing Latham and Sullivan directly, the fact is no court has EVER said what Judge Rosen and the trolls pretend these rulings say. [...]

(Nor WILL any court say what Judge Rosen suggests "the courts" have "uniformly held." To treat ordinary remuneration received by privately-employed workers as federally taxable simply as such, would be to impose a capitation, and without apportionment, such an imposition would be illegal.)

Even assuming that Hendrickson was right, and that Judge Rosen was ruling on a question of first impression, didn't Judge Rosen say what Judge Rosen said?

Hendrickson is claiming that the ruling Judge Rosen has in fact already made (and which was upheld on appeal) is one that will NEVER be made.

Even by Hendricksonian standards, that's quite a delusion.
Dan Evans
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Cathulhu »

If any of his followers had the least tiny bit of common sense, the fact he's posting from prison would tell them to run like hell. Looks to me like he'll go like Simkanin--stubbornly insisting he's right, from his cell, until he dies in prison.
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Duke2Earl »

Cathulhu wrote: Looks to me like he'll go like Simkanin--stubbornly insisting he's right, from his cell, until he dies in prison.
This should be no surprise to anyone. It's a matter of emotional investment. A person who is voluntarily willing to go to jail for his beliefs is pretty much "all in." Such a person is actually unable to change without becoming a different person. The only people who actually can change are those who were not totally emotionally invested in their beliefs.
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

LPC wrote:The most remarkable example of delusional denial is Hendrickson's insistence that the opinions against him did not really say what they said.

After first explaining why the opinions in United States v. Latham, 754 F.2d 747 (7th Cir. 1985) and Sullivan v. United States, 788 F.2d 813 (1st Cir. 1986) don't really mean what they say (or don't really say what they mean, don't really say what people claim they say, or something), Hendrickson then provides this quote from my FAQ (this is the quote I referred to above):
"n denying [Hendrickson's] post-trial motion for a new trial (or acquittal) and rejecting his challenges to the instructions given to the jury on the meanings of "wages" and "employee," the court stated that Hendrickson "was not entitled to jury instructions reflecting his own views as to the purported meanings of the terms 'wages' and 'employee' under the Internal Revenue Code" because "the courts have uniformly held that the ordinary remuneration received by privately employed workers qualifies as taxable 'wages' under the Internal Revenue Code." The court also pointed out that the judgment against Hendrickson in the erroneous refund suit was an "explicit rejection" of his position."

After some semantic contortions, Hendrickson then comes up with these gems:
Peter Hendrickson wrote:As noted earlier when discussing Latham and Sullivan directly, the fact is no court has EVER said what Judge Rosen and the trolls pretend these rulings say. [...]

(Nor WILL any court say what Judge Rosen suggests "the courts" have "uniformly held." To treat ordinary remuneration received by privately-employed workers as federally taxable simply as such, would be to impose a capitation, and without apportionment, such an imposition would be illegal.)

Even assuming that Hendrickson was right, and that Judge Rosen was ruling on a question of first impression, didn't Judge Rosen say what Judge Rosen said?

Hendrickson is claiming that the ruling Judge Rosen has in fact already made (and which was upheld on appeal) is one that will NEVER be made.

Even by Hendricksonian standards, that's quite a delusion.

The explanation is very simple. Judge Rosen didn't say what Petey wanted said, in the phrases that Petey wanted used; and so Petey is claiming victory.

Some victory....
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Famspear »

Let's go back and recall what Hendrickson Himself has written about Himself and His Work:
At the risk of vulgarity, I will say as plainly as possible what I have by necessity said many times before, but usually with more circumspection (and can't seem to say often enough): Any and all notions concerning the nature of the "income" tax-- how it is applied, why it can be thus applied, how it interfaces with the legal system and so forth-- which are not taught in CtC [Hendrickson’s self-published book, “Cracking the Code”] or on this [losthorizons dot com web] site (exclusive of forum posts, of course) are just inherently wrong or are entirely irrelevant to the tax. They are raised or promoted either in ignorance or for ill purposes.
Such notions should not be debated or discussed -- doing either is a waste of valuable time and energy. There is one simple response that is appropriate when presented with "alternative" or "supplemental" notions of this sort: "You didn't find that in CtC or on, so put it out of your mind. Here is what is actually true about that aspect of the tax..."

Oh, Blowhard! We fall down on our knees and worship You!

Yes, Pete's self-published "Cracking the Code" crap is what He Himself describes as:
. . . . the most comprehensive and sophisticated research and analysis of the common, Constitutional, statutory and "case" law related to the American tax system in general and the "income" tax in particular ever conducted.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

“Blowhard” Hendrickson talks further about his “tax research":
The accuracy of that research and analysis is then incontrovertibly confirmed by an unending series of real-world, actual events, starting with my series of historic accomplishments as the first American to ever recover Social Security and Medicare "contributions", the first subject of both IRS summonses and IRS/DOJ injunction efforts to defeat each such assault (and not once, but three times), and the first to have forced the tax system into the choice of either watching its gravy-train be derailed by the truth I have revealed or abandoning all pretenses of legitimacy and law and trying to coerce me into undoing the bonds I have placed upon it.

Give us more, Pete!
Since the initial publication of CtC [Cracking the Code] ..... thousands of Americans who have gone to the trouble of putting aside their pre –conceptions and their skepticism and carefully read CtC have duplicated the first of my historic accomplishments . . . . EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE AMERICANS IS SIMPLY THE NEXT ONE ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING NEVER ACHIEVED IN THE HISTORY OF THE INCOME TAX UNTIL CtC REVEALED THE TRUTH.
Preposterously Pontificating Peter E. ("Blowhard") Hendrickson, inmate number 15406-039, former video arcade manager and apartment complex maintenance person, continues to be a legend in his own mind, a self-appointed "legal scholar" (as he describes himself on his web site).

He makes an excellent villain. He is narcissistic, self-absorbed, arrogant, pretentious, and felonious. He is currently right where he belongs: in Federal prison.
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Famspear »

More gems from the Haughty Hendrickson's web site:
Gee, Pete, wouldn't information to help you STAY OUT OF PRISON FOR USING YOUR OWN SCHEME ON YOUR OWN FEDERAL INCOME TAX RETURNS qualify as something that is "relevant" to the "income tax subject"? Why is it that you never addressed that topic in your web site? Why are you back in federal prison?

You are a bubbling, gurgling fountain of never ending bulls**t, aren't you Pete?
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Famspear wrote:He makes an excellent villain. He is narcissistic, self-absorbed, arrogant, pretentious, and felonious.
The best villains are those that have knowledge or power but use them for evil ends. Tragic villains are those who were once good but who turned bad for various reasons (Lucifer, Darth Vader, Saruman), Hendrickson is so pathetically wrong on the law you can scratch knowledge from his resume, and as far as I can tell he never fell from grace. His only power was to have used his writing skills to con a bunch of government-haters, tax deadbeats, and general malcontents.

As villains go, he's a bush league bunko artist who wouldn't rate a single panel in Marvel Comics.
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by The Observer »

Cpt Banjo wrote:As villains go, he's a bush league bunko artist who wouldn't rate a single panel in Marvel Comics.
But what if he grew a big black handlebar mustache and went, "Nyah-ha-haa" a lot? Would you promote him out of the bush league?
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by grixit »

He'd still have to do better than claim he's tied the IRS to the reailroad tracks when what actually happened is that he was kicked off the train for not having a ticket.
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Cpt Banjo »

The Observer wrote:
Cpt Banjo wrote:As villains go, he's a bush league bunko artist who wouldn't rate a single panel in Marvel Comics.
But what if he grew a big black handlebar mustache and went, "Nyah-ha-haa" a lot? Would you promote him out of the bush league?
You mean like Dishonest John, from the Beany & Cecil Show?*


Nah, DJ had a touch of class; Hendrickson has about as much class as an outhouse.

* I'm old enough to remember the original Dishonest John from the "Time for Beany" TV show, with Stan Freberg (who turned 85 last Saturday) as the puppeteer (DJ is on the left)

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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by LPC »

Famspear wrote:Let's go back and recall what Hendrickson Himself has written about Himself and His Work:
At the risk of vulgarity, I will say as plainly as possible what I have by necessity said many times before, but usually with more circumspection (and can't seem to say often enough): Any and all notions concerning the nature of the "income" tax-- how it is applied, why it can be thus applied, how it interfaces with the legal system and so forth-- which are not taught in CtC [Hendrickson’s self-published book, “Cracking the Code”] or on this [losthorizons dot com web] site (exclusive of forum posts, of course) are just inherently wrong or are entirely irrelevant to the tax.
I'm trying to think if I've ever seen anything on Hendrickson's web site that is not "inherently wrong" or "entirely irrelevant," and I'm drawing a blank.

I really can't think of anything I've ever seen on that site that would help someone correctly apply the tax laws to anything, or correctly understand the relationship between tax laws and the legal system.

Is it really that much of a cesspool of misinformation, or have I forgotten something or overlooked something?
Dan Evans
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Gregg »

He makes an excellent villain. He is narcissistic, self-absorbed, arrogant, pretentious, and felonious. He is currently right where he belongs: in Federal prison.
Not to mention, he looks like a crook. Seriously, with a bald head he has a Lex Luthar wannabe look. If I didn't know a thing about him, and was shown his picture in a crowd, I'd prolly pick him out as the loudmaouth know it all assh0le, currently unable to update his legal advice to the flock while he serves out his sentence.
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Cpt Banjo wrote:
The Observer wrote:
Cpt Banjo wrote:As villains go, he's a bush league bunko artist who wouldn't rate a single panel in Marvel Comics.
But what if he grew a big black handlebar mustache and went, "Nyah-ha-haa" a lot? Would you promote him out of the bush league?
You mean like Dishonest John, from the Beany & Cecil Show?*


Nah, DJ had a touch of class; Hendrickson has about as much class as an outhouse.

* I'm old enough to remember the original Dishonest John from the "Time for Beany" TV show, with Stan Freberg (who turned 85 last Saturday) as the puppeteer (DJ is on the left)


DJ, you dirty guy!
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:I'm trying to think if I've ever seen anything on Hendrickson's web site that is not "inherently wrong" or "entirely irrelevant," and I'm drawing a blank.
Found something for you:
It must also be understood that some opinions expressed here-- even some expressed forcefully, prolifically and with great confidence-- are COMPLETE NONSENSE, if not outright deliberate efforts to mislead or misinform (observation of which will lead to the revocation of posting privileges).

Some of the opinions posted there ARE complete nonsense (well, most of them, but his statement is not inherently wrong) and he does revoke posting privileges for exactly the reason he outlines.
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Re: Pete has been busy in prison ....

Post by Harvester »

My posting privileges have not been revoked. I've not paid income tax since 2007 and have no friv pen, no levies, no liens, no garnishments. Not a peep from the DoJ/IRS. Pete is correct, the income tax is an excise on federal privilege. He was selectively prosecuted for daring to show us the truth, that we could walk off the federal plantation at any time. Like I did. The govt never proved their case, never presented a valid assessment for the years in question, never proved Pete even owed the tax. Instead they relied on deception and the conditioned response of a jury of taxpayer slaves. It's no surprise they said "not so fast pal," found him guilty of escaping the same farm they're slaves on too. The jury didn't realize they're victims of the cabal too, free to go at any time!

[The Observer: Removed link to the Savings to Suitor Web site]:mrgreen: