Earthquake Watch

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Earthquake Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

WASHINGTON - A 5.9 magnitude earthquake centered northwest of Richmond, Va., shook much of Washington, DC, and was felt as far north as Rhode Island and New York City.
Time to put this forum on Earthquake Watch. No, not a watch for earthquakes, but for the use of this unusual eastcoast earthquake as an excuse for Dinar RV, prosperity deliveries, NESARA announcement, or first contact not happening. You know, the old "New World Order dusted off the earthquake machine they used in Japan to send a message to ..."
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

Colorado had its first quake of 5.8 in 40 years last night. Just waiting for David to claim responsibility next, with his magic powers.
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Cathulhu wrote:Colorado had its first quake of 5.8 in 40 years last night. Just waiting for Some Guy to claim responsibility next, with his magic powers.
It probably happened because the Governor's knees were shaking at the realization that he has to come up with $20 million dollars.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

It will have been the thud of $20,000,000 in coins being delivered to his shopping cart.
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by fortinbras »

Colorado last night, DC area (all the way up to NYC) this afternoon. God must be pissed.
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Unidyne »

I'm waiting for one of Alex Jones' tinfoil hat wearers to say this was intentional and created by HAARP to keep Libya off the headlines.
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

Wasn't that the Tesla worshiper we had last year?
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:Colorado had its first quake of 5.8 in 40 years last night. Just waiting for David to claim responsibility next, with his magic powers.
This was a 5.3 (downgraded from the initial report of 5.4) quake in a geologically active area (next to the Raton-Clayton Volcanic Field, over 100 volcanoes, active until about 50,000 years ago), so it's not particularly surprising. Then again, I suppose it could have been a trial run of the evil government's weather-modification earthquake-causing top-secret technology before its use on DC later in the day, after all, practice makes perfect!
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Cathulhu »

Actually, I was testing my incredible Tesla machine, powered by a white pigeon, trying to switch on my magic lights in the sky again (yeah, the newspapers say it's sunspots making northern lights up here, but I know better) and it got out of control. Really.

Sorry about that.
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:Actually, I was testing my incredible Tesla machine, powered by a white pigeon, trying to switch on my magic lights in the sky again (yeah, the newspapers say it's sunspots making northern lights up here, but I know better) and it got out of control. Really.

Sorry about that.
Well, STOP IT! I understand it made a lot of people in Washington mess their pants, and while this is is part of the normal legislative process, more of it isn't a good thing!

Watch Update. So far, most of the conspiracy-liked activity I've found has been on GodLikeProductions, once a very-NESARA-friendly site (I got banned a couple of times for ridiculing NESARA). Most are like this:

days between 9/11/01 and today's quake

9 years 11 months 11 days
Strange, I get 9 years, 11 months and 12 days. And besides, if someone wanted to send a coded message via dates, wouldn't there be many better choices, like Sept 11 itself? Anyway, some are more amusing and insulting, like this!
Because there are so many FAGGOTS on GLP. See, when somebody shakes a faggot's pee pee, they get all excited and jump and squeal and do stupid shit.
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Nothing yet on MacHaffie's RAP-NESARA forum (probably waiting for Sorcha Faal's inside poop, which for some reason is always a few days behind the events they "knew about beforehand") and all Muhlhausen's, er, Bellringer's Fourwinds10 has are 3 off-the-wire posts about it happening. GLP and a couple other conspiracy forums are buzzing though.
Do you blame Obama for the Virginia Earthquake that also rattled Washington DC?
by ConcordantMind Posted August 23, 2011

Less than two hours after the 6.0 or so earthquake rattled the evil regime's headquarters in Washington D.C. , rumors spread like wildfire over our nation's capital that Obama and his henchman had been planning the quake for months.

"Is it just a COINCIDENCE that Obama is out of town for this? This reeks of conspiracy to me!" - Random Transient Dude

What do YOU think?
I'm really concerned, sitting here on the San Andreas Fault during a high quake warning period this week, not good.

And I just had a thot - the quakes in Colorado, and Virginia - thinking they could possibly be HAARP attacks from an enemy country. I have heard a lot about how advanced Russia (and who knows what others?) have gotten their earthquake machines to be, and that they are constantly coming at us with them. Colorado is said to be the future seat of our government with the underground airport base, etc., and also Virginia/Pennsylvania, you have Washington DC, the Pentagon. Seems a bit strategic, to me anyway. I never could forget the Russian politician (seemingly drunk, they love their Vodka there - per capita consumption is huge) bragging about how they have these quake type weapons that can really take a place out, and Japan was an example. Not that the planetary alignments are not a valid possibility, also, but who knows if they coordinate things at these times to look like coincidences?
Actually, I'm gonna agree with who mentioned that the 5.8 not making sense. It was felt here in Ohio, and apparently down in Georgia too. While people are saying that it's only 5.8... there's still something not right here.

Plus it's also a supposedly very rare Earthquake... not to mention that apparently now they're concerned about the washington monument being tilted because of it.
It doesn't add up... what arn't they telling us?
It's not normal for one to be that strong or to be felt from those locations... plus it being a 5.8 only.

Might be something that we should be very concerned about, or it might be a one off thing. Either way I'd think we should be paying attention just incase.
The first thought that came to me when I heard of it happening was New Madrid but we also have dormant faultlines up here that could be waking up too.
This doesn't feel right...
Maybe it wasn't really an earthquake.
Maybe it was a massive explosion in the underground bunkers in that area. And it was felt so far away because of all the tunnels that were also affected.
The poster who is a sudden expert on how far away 5.8 quakes can be felt reminds me of a school board meeting in the 60's when they were discussing rock bands at school dances. One person claimed it was over the "legal sound limit" - being some number of decibels (dB). A school board member didn't know what dB were, and a science teacher who happened to be their gave a short (and somewhat incorrect) summary. Suddenly this board member was an expert about the sound level of a concert he wasn't at in units he hadn't heard of until just then, saying things like "it was obvioulsy greater than X dB." Everyone with an agenda has the tendency to become an instant expert in order to support their view.
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

Sorcha is a real case, er, on the case!

August 24, 2011
Russia Reports Nuclear Explosions Hit Vast US Military Tunnel Network
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A frightening foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that over the past nearly 36 hours the vast intercontinental military tunnel complex constructed by the United States Air force over the past nearly 45 years was hit with two powerful nuclear explosions at its main terminuses in Colorado and Virginia used nearly exclusively by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

According to this report, this unprecedented nuclear attack began on the evening of 22 August when one of the main air pressure relief tunnels for this CIA tunnel, located at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa Florida, was forced open allowing millions of cubic feet of air to rush suddenly into the atmosphere. The unique sound of this event was captured by video [1st video left] during a baseball game being played at Tropicana Field near MacDill, though US officials blamed the “mystery noise” on a faulty sound system.

This GRU report, however, points out that Russian engineers are well acquainted with this unique sound as they work feverishly to prepare an additional 5,000 bomb shelters ordered by Prime Minister Putin this past spring to be completed by the end of 2012.

Russian engineers were, also, able to duplicate this unique sound this past March when they were called into the Ukraine to vent a number of deep underground tunnels from poison gas that had killed three people near Kiev and which was, likewise, captured by video. [2nd video left]

Within a few hours of the venting of this vast tunnel complex, this report continues, a nuclear device was detonated at its western terminus located near Trinidad Colorado with the second blast occurring nearly 12 hours later at the eastern terminus near Culpeper Virginia, and both causing powerful earthquakes felt by tens of millions of Americans.

Unbeknownst to the vast majority of the American people is that the vast military tunnel network constructed since the early 1960’s under their country has cost an estimated $40 trillion and with the exception of this attack shows no sign of abating.

The only known photo of one of the massive US Air Force boring machines used to construct this vast tunnel complex was taken by Little Skull Mountain in Nevada in December 1982 [see bottom photo] and is similar in design to those used to construct the Chunnel between England and France.

Maps of these tunnels, and the underground bases associated with them, have been compiled over the years by many independent researchers along with lists of their probable locations.

The specific tunnel attacked by these nuclear devices, this GRU report says, was being used by the CIA during their moving of their headquarters and all of their assets out of their Langley Virginia location to their new base located in Denver Colorado that was begun in 2005 for reasons still not fully explained.

The GRU speculates that the timing of this attack in hitting the western terminus first, then the eastern one, was more than likely meant to “trap and destroy” whatever the CIA was currently moving through this tunnel from Langley to Denver.

Most interesting to note is that this attack comes nearly a decade to the day after the 11 September 2011 internal war between the CIA and the US military establishment that rained destruction upon America, and then the world, but whose final battle has yet to be fought, or won, by either side.

To what the final outcome of this titanic struggle will be it is not in our knowing, other than to note that when two powerful forces like these collide, and as they have done so many times in the past, the ultimate losers end up being the American people whose delight in total ignorance as to what is happening around them continues to astound the whole world.

August 24, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoItMean.Com.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

How is "nearly a decade to the day" meaningful when it was 18 days shy of a decade? I figure "nearly to the day" would be off by less than 2 1/2 weeks, but what do I know compared to an expert like Sorcha?
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:Sorcha is a real case, er, on the case!

August 24, 2011
Russia Reports Nuclear Explosions Hit Vast US Military Tunnel Network
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A frightening foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that over the past nearly 36 hours the vast intercontinental military tunnel complex constructed by the United States Air force over the past nearly 45 years was hit with two powerful nuclear explosions at its main terminuses in Colorado and Virginia used nearly exclusively by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

According to this report, this unprecedented nuclear attack began on the evening of 22 August when one of the main air pressure relief tunnels for this CIA tunnel, located at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa Florida, was forced open allowing millions of cubic feet of air to rush suddenly into the atmosphere. The unique sound of this event was captured by video [1st video left] during a baseball game being played at Tropicana Field near MacDill, though US officials blamed the “mystery noise” on a faulty sound system.

This GRU report, however, points out that Russian engineers are well acquainted with this unique sound as they work feverishly to prepare an additional 5,000 bomb shelters ordered by Prime Minister Putin this past spring to be completed by the end of 2012.
Correct me if Im wrong, but wasnt the GRU one of the first things dumped when the U.S.S.R. was broken like a clay pigeon? And if this tunnel complex extends to the point that they claim, which it doesnt, wouldnt Florida have broken off and sailed back to Cuba by now?
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

The original had a link to a bit of the game where you heard a feedback-like noise through the public address system at the Monday game. It stopped abruptly, just as one would expect if it was feedback from an open mike that got shut off. Stadium, not US, officials later confirmed feedback as the source.
Tropicana field is also not "near" MacDill, it's 19 miles by road (Google Maps) and looks to be at least 10 as the crow flies. Also, the sound happened when Joyce homered, which was in the first inning, and with the game starting at 7:10 PM Eastern time and the Colorado earthquake happening at 1:46 AM Eastern Time the "within a few hours" looks like more than 6 hours to me. Heck of a stretch, and I don't mean the one in the 7th inning.
As for the active-but-underfunded GRU, this "theory" was cribbed from a GLP thread which started with the notion that the noise was from pre-Virginia-earthquake ground stress and then moved to all kinds of speculation, including the underground tunnel notion. Then again, perhaps GLP is GRU, after all, they both have 3 letters and start with "G."

UPDATE ***** Late Thursday (7:10 PM) MacHaffie posted this on his RAP-NESARA site. No elaboration about how if would affect RV, deliveries, announcements, or restoration of the republics.
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

It takes these guys a week or so to get their conspiracy together, but once they do they hit the ground stumbling! From MacHaffie's RAP-NESARA Forum.

Monday, August 29, 2011
U S Air Force averts false flag attack against Washington DC
Categories: Politics
Friday, August 26th, 2011 by olddog

U S Air Force averts false flag attack against Washington DC Is the 2nd American Revolutionary War inevitable?

Posted by Paul W. Kincaid

Another iconic symbol of the American Independence has a crack in it. TheWashington Monument, built to commemorate the first president of the new United States Republic, General George Washington was damaged as the result of the August 23, 2011 5.8 magnitude earthquake that struck 84 miles southwest of the heart of the republic, Washington DC. The crack in the Washington Monument is one of many very symbolic signs that history may declare marked the beginning of the 2nd American Revolution.

A civil war appears to have begun between the American Eagle (U.S. Air Force) and British loyalists that have commandeered Washington DC and Wall Street. The two large earthquakes that struck the U.S. on August 23, 2011 may have literally drawn a line in the sand. Both earthquakes shook the very foundation of America. The entire nation may have felt the beginning of their 2nd war of Independence.

The Washington Monument was built as a dedication to the father of the United States of America. The leader who was “first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen”, George Washington was the dominant military and political leader of the new United States of America from 1775 to 1797, leading the American victory over Britain in the American Revolutionary War as commander in chief of the Continental Army, and presiding over the writing of the Constitution in 1787. As the unanimous choice to serve as the first President of the United States, he built a strong and financially secure nation that earned the respect of the world. On August 23, 2011 Americans were reminded with the shaking of the ground beneath them and the cracking of the Washington Monument that the time has come to reaffirm their Independence. A line has been drawn. The American Eagle has sent a clear warning to the British that Americans will not give up their Independence.

The link between the 2 earthquakes draws a line in the sand

It all began unfolding with the U.S. Air Force raid of the Citadel Gun and Safe shop in Las Vegas, NV on Friday August 19, 2011. That raid is linked to the 2 large earthquakes in the United States on August 23, 2011. Even though the raids have drawn nationwide media scrutiny and outrage from civil liberties groups, citing a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, the operation, led by heavily armed Special Agents of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI), was launched to recover nuclear warhead detonators that were stolen from Nellis Air Force Base by persons involved in another false flag attacks against the United States.

As of 1990 a significant number of nuclear weapons are stored at Area 2, a highly guarded part of Nellis AFB at the foot of Sunrise Mountain also known as Nellis Area II and Lake Mead Base. As of 2002 Nellis AFB ranks 4th in number of nuclear warheads deployed. Nellis AFB serves as one of two main Air Force nuclear weapons general depots in the United States. A portion of air-launched cruise missile warhead stock is estimated to be stationed at Nellis, made up of approximately 575 W80 ALCMs. On Friday, August 19, 2011, a group of heavily armed Special Agents of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) along with local and federal law enforcement agents swarmed in and served search warrants on Citadel Gun and Safe.

“They went in there and did in fact find stolen air force military property that was stolen from Nellis Air Force Base,” said Linda Card with the Air Force OSI. The OSI and local law enforcement officers were assisted in the raid by the FBI, ATF, and ICE. The recovered material would not have posed a danger to citizens, a spokesperson from the Air Force said. “It did not include weapons, guns, explosives of any kind, bombs, nothing like that. It was basic stolen military property,” Linda Card said. What did they mean by “basic stolen military property“? Detonators. Detonators on their own are not classified as a weapon, gun, explosive or bomb. They are basic military parts that become a weapon only after they are hard wired to a bomb or explosive device. The American people should be thankful that the United States Air Force took action to recover those detonators. They went in first only because they knew what to look for and how to handle an incident involving nuclear weapons. They have jurisdiction (as they are the nuclear weapons experts) in what was essentially a Broken Arrow incident. Broken Arrow refers to an event that involves nuclear weapons, warheads or components, but which does not create the risk of nuclear war. Detonators are a component of a nuclear warhead. Stolen or missing components of a nuclear warhead can only be recovered safely by those who are trained to safeguard, arm or disarm them.

After recovering the stolen nuclear warhead detonators from the Citadel Gun and Safe shop the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations proceeded with federal law enforcement agencies in joint operations to recover the nuclear bombs as they still posed a major threat, even without their detonators. On Tuesday morning, August 23, 2011 the United States Air Force tried to recover those nuclear bombs but something went wrong and at some point either some of those in possession of and transporting them, via the massive tunnels that links the deep underground military bases, detonated them using plastic explosives or the bombs were accidentally detonated during a firefight. In spite of the detonation no damage was reported on the surface, probably because without the recovered detonators the nuclear bombs don’t have any significant amount of explosive yield. The explosion was however, still violent enough to cause an earthquake but without the mushroom cloud or high intensity nuclear vaporing flash. The explosion essentially amounted to a dirty bomb – radiological weapon that combines radioactive material with conventional explosives. The purpose of a dirty bomb is to contaminate the area around the explosion with radioactive material, hence the attribute “dirty”. Because of this dirty bomb detonation underground the tunnels where the explosion occurred are now contaminated with radiation.

It would appear that the United States Air Force did not intercept and recover all of the nuclear explosive devices because at 1:51 PM EDT another underground nuclear detonation earthquake was recorded 84 miles SW of Washington DC.

What do these events have to do with triggering a 2nd American Revolutionary War? Had the nuclear warheads been detonated in Washington DC the federal constitutional republic of the United States of America would automatically cease to exist. Everything that symbolizes the Independence of the United States would have been destroyed. Obama would soon after call for reforming a new nation, with a brand new Constitution and a brand new name – The North American Union. But this Union will not represent the people of the United States as “we the people”, it will represent the new British North America. How does British fit in? Last week while Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was on a trade mission with countries of South America the Canadian Armed Forces was quietly renamed the Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Canadian Army and Royal Canadian Navy. Stephen Harper single handedly indefinitely suspended The Constitution Act, 1982 and put back Canada under British rule. Royal signifies the British Royal family’s authority over its colonies. Had the false flag nuclear attack against the United States occurred and Washington DC was destroyed Barack Hussein Obama was to (could still) call on the Royal (British) Canadian Air Force, Army and Navy to assist him in restoring order. Obama is forbidden from using the US own military on U.S. soil to police the nation – as per the Posse Comitatus Act. To get around this Obama and Prime Minister Harper signed a secret deal in February 2008 that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other’s borders during an emergency, With the nation’s capital destroyed and all symbols of American Independence from Britain no longer existing how long would it take for Barack Hussein Obama, a British subject (born in the British colony of Kenya), to return the United States people back to British rule?

Seismic evidence reveals underground nuclear detonation south of Washington DC.
Posted by PCWorld newsWednesday, August 24th, 2011

Seismology charts are now revealing that the 5.8 magnitude tremor that rattled the entire East Coast including Washington DC was not a natural earthquake but an earthquake that resulted from an underground nuclear detonation. The image above is a seismograph from Washington and Lee University, about 85 miles southwest of the earthquake’s epicenter in Mineral. The green lines indicates the tremor that was felt in Washington DC which caused damaged to the Washington Memorial and the Washington National Cathedral. The black lines is a transparent overlay of a seismograph from a pdf file from Virginia Division Mineral Resources on Earthquakes. That file describes a typical natural occurring earthquake as:

“When a fault ruptures, energy is released in the form of seismic waves. The first waves to reach the earth’s surface are primary or “P” waves (Figure 2). P waves are compressional waves that travel at a speed of about four miles per second near the surface – faster as depth increases. The next waves to reach the earth’s surface are secondary or “S” waves. S waves are shear waves that move at a speed of about 1.5 miles per second. P and S waves are body waves that travel through the earth much like sonar waves travel through water. Surface waves, which are slower than S waves, travel along the surface of the earth much like waves at the surface of the ocean. S waves and surface waves cause the most destruction at the earth’s surface.”

What is missing from the seismograph for the Washington DC area 5.8 magnitude earthquake are the primary or “P” waves. All earthquakes that are the direct result of fault rupture have these primary or “P” waves. Nuclear detonations do not. Underground nuclear detonations are very violent and immediate with no forewarnings whatsoever. An underground detonation would account for the missing “P” seismic waves for the Washington DC 5.8 magnitude earthquake. If you’ve ever witnessed a controlled demolition of a building you would no doubt describe the earth tremors as millions of people are now describing what it felt like on August 23, 2011 all along the East coast.

Air Force tunnel boring machine links deep underground military bases across U.S.

I was pointed to this overlooked piece of evidence by someone who claimed to be with the United States Air Force. The story submission appeared to be sent by mistake as nothing was visible in the body of the submission. Instead of sending it to the trash I thought I would apply an old intelligence trick I was taught back in 1989. I right clicked my mouse on the body of the submission and selected all, then copy. I then opened up the notepad and selected paste from the menu. You would expect nothing to be pasted as there was nothing in the body of the submission but, just as I thought, a paragraph was pasted into the notepad. What was revealed was 1 paragraph whereby who ever sent it stated he was a member of the United States Air Force. He stated that the Virginia 5.8 magnitude earth “wasn’t a natural earthquake and not a HAARP earthquake”. He told me to find a seismograph of the Washington DC area earthquake and compare it to a past earthquake. Then he stated that I should Google DUMB or Deep Underground Military Bases. He ended by stating “the ABC warnings are real”. I tried to trace the IP of the submission but they don’t exists.

Based on the discrepancy between a natural earthquake and an underground nuclear detonation (used seismographs from the North Korea underground nuclear detonation and past U.S. underground nuclear tests), it would appear that yes there was an earthquake but an earthquake created as a result of an underground nuclear detonation. It would also appear that the United States Air Force has intercepted a nuclear bomb that was being transported via the deep underground tunnel systems that links secret deep underground military bases across the United States, to Washington DC. It would appear that some people in the United States Air Force are taking action to prevent another false flag attack on US soil. It is good to know that there are still people in the United States military who are upholding their oath to defend the United States from all its enemies, both foreign and domestic.


You can bet your back-side I would not place a bet that this article is true. But they did run out of bandwidth and shut the site down. That’s when I decided to post it.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:47 PM


Anonymous said...
NEWS FLASH - The federal constitutional republic ceased to exist March 27, 1861 when the southern states left the Congress sine die (Latin w/o day). The remaining Congress did not have a quorum to close the Congress. At that time we were using "The Constitution for the united States of America" that contained 13 amendments (13 being the Titles of Nobility Act). Lincoln in his 1st Executive Order ordered the remaining Congress back into session on April 15, 1861. The Executive Branch has no such authority. Because the southern states walked out meant The Constitution for the united States of America ceased to exist. However, the existence of the country does not depend on whether or not D.C. exist at all. The united States of America is the people not the federal de facto government. Always has been, always will be. Go here to read more

August 29, 2011 8:39 PM

Anonymous said...
I am relieved to read that others know of the real status that currently exists today -
- Original united States of America Constitution did cease operating and is currently dormant for lack of office holders,
- A corporate UNITED STATES of AMERICA did come into existence and its ownership and control was not then and is not now setup for the benefit of the American people,
- Americans are NOT a FREE people, we are enslaved by external owners, we are controlled by externally owned media of all types, and nearly all Americans are asleep to their true bondage.
If you have any sense at all you need to petition your creator God daily or nightly for deliverance from these ruthless forces.
Divided, we the people have fallen, only in reuniting with our original purpose can we expect assistance by verbally requesting the direct intervention of spiritual help because those in control have no problem with mass murder, every war was engineered to bring them profits and to thin out their useless eaters. Various agreements call for the termination of over 5 billion plus people world-wide. Even if you think you know someone who will save you - how can you be so sure? I started asking for help a long time ago and I think something is working.

August 30, 2011 1:16 AM
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Re: Earthquake Watch

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie started as the ultimate RAP supported and glommed NESARA onto that as a "prosperity" bonus. Recently he's lost patience with RAP, or rather Tim Turner, see below. But the reason I put this here is the "earthquake" theory in the comments. Strange, because the first comment says he's still around and active. Maybe it's his clone...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Tim Turner & Kelby Smith - Where are they?

I have received many, many inquiries and need to ask -----
What happened to Tim Turner and Kelby Smith?
Rumors are saying he has been arrested and isolated. Others say he is our new Republic President.
Does anyone know for sure.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:36 AM

rpogue said...
You can hear Kelby Smith once a week at I heard Tim Turner speak about two weeks ago on the regular Wednesday night call for the Republic. I wonder what you mean by where are they. If you are looking for them try

September 20, 2011 5:38 AM

John MacHaffie said...
What I mean is --- They are suppose to be the self claimed leaders of our country.
And this is the best they can do? How about getting out to meet the people in the flesh.
Yea I know - too much to ask!

September 20, 2011 6:06 AM

Anonymous said...
Are you part of that group? Are you a People or Citizen?

September 20, 2011 6:47 AM

Anonymous said...
Who really cares? All lip-flippin' no action. Standard fare for those two.

September 20, 2011 7:13 AM

Dan said...
They have financial problems, as Sovereign People can not use Federal Reserve Notes, do not have a SSN, do not have bank accounts, do not have employment with a regular employer, and so on.

They can not get funding for the Republics as even the states that claim they have their own are not spreading the word and not giving it to the united States Republic.

Maybe it was Obama's crew that took action with kidnapping these 2 after the "earthquakes" in Colorado and Virginia in August.

September 20, 2011 8:19 AM

TLGA said...
At last count the majority of followers in 42 states have seen the light, smelled the roses and moved on. There are only a hand full of the most indoctrinated left. Turner can't show his face in person because he is being watched for. The FBI certainly are willing to go along with this government entrapment plan but they still DO WANT to nab the Dimitrions. Turner scooping them out of Hawaii from right under their noses has put the proverbial "egg" on some field agents faces. On top of that too many people have now connected, shared their personal stories of what was done to them by this guy and he is running scared on both fronts. I know of more than a few who would love to tar and feather him then hang him from the nearest tree. Not that they would but he is not quite sure they wouldn't.

Add to all that, the fact that he has failed in his Homeland Security (FEMA) mission abysmally, I don't imagine he even wants to report to his bosses. All in all he has painted himself into quite a corner and all he can do is continue to spout the same tired lies and claims, come up with a few more ridiculous schemes and scams like the dinar fiasco on national calls and hope a few more dummies will send him some money. LOL remember Bin Laden supposedly pulled off 911 from a cave without electricity while on Dialysis! Timmy is probably traveling around with Michael and Julianne in Jimmy Graham's motor home high jacking an open wi fi in a Wendy's parking lot and calling in by cell phone. In short... business as usual.

As for Kelby? Honestly who cares? He is a two bit con man who likes to bully women in private and blow smoke up their skirts in public and has the credibility of Snidely Whiplash. (some of you may be too young to get that). One look at his background check is all that is needed for anyone with an ounce of common sense to recognize a professional liar.

September 20, 2011 9:46 AM
"Follow the Money"