Cloning - Recent Times

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Cloning - Recent Times

Post by Deep Knight »

I understand that they quite possibly could clone a person, but how to make them adult and aged overnight might be a bit of a problem, and the "The mind is a liquid crystal so it can be downloaded" stuff is pure nonsense. Then again, it worked in Star Trek.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Cloning - Recent Times
John's Comments - I have a hard time with this topic. But I remain open minded.

Cloning - Recent Times

Jimmy Carter was the first U.S. President to be cloned. As you will read later on, it is important for world control that all the “leaders” be cloned, as they will then follow orders without thinking, and they have no emotions – no compassion, for instance, so they will carry out orders regardless of the moral implications of the action.

The mind is a liquid crystal so it can be downloaded into the new “clone.” It frequently requires refreshing, and as time goes on, the frequency increases. That frequency will go down to every two weeks before it is time to discard that model and bring in a fresh one.

If you are observant, you will find differences in facial characteristics. When George Bush Sr was giving his speech in Tokyo, he collapsed and had to be removed. When he was brought back about ten minutes later, how many people noted that he now had FRECKLES? Nobody in the press dared mention that!

He had been hit and killed by a Russian particle beam. On subsequent occasions a black box was seen positioned on both sides of him to counter these deadly weapons.

North of the border, Canadian Prime Minister Chrétien was known to speak out of the side of his mouth. One day he started speaking out of the OPPOSITE side of the mouth! Physicians will tell you that this is impossible. Of course, most of the time nobody really understood what he was saying, so nobody paid much attention to him at the best of times.

Russian Premier Gorbachev had a prominent scar on his forehead. That always remained, but you might recollect that he was “missing” for three weeks at one time, and the Russians had failed to concoct an adequate story to cover up that absence. This was the time when it took a full three weeks to create a new clone. A giveaway to those who understood.

To some this is a funny story
. It was early days when President Jimmy Carter was cloned. Clones are programmed, and he was programmed to give a certain speech at the United Nations. To the dismay of the Americans, President Carter gave a speech opposing rather than supporting the topic in question. They hurriedly took him away for examination. It was later revealed that the Russians had ‘ambushed’ and re-programmed him with their version of what he should say…. talk about one-upmanship! Security was increased…..

The most important personages have THREE clones at any one time – in case there is an accident, such as happened in Tokyo. This also explains why there is such a huge entourage around the U.S. President – it is easier to hide the clones that way. Then a secondary clone can come out as if nothing had happened – as in Tokyo.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:20 AM


Anonymous said...

Yep, you gotta watch those clones of clones of clones of clones. When you get down to a fifth generation clone you can always pick them out. Usually the right ear can be found in the socks. Internal organs are all over the place. A man's brain can almost always be found .. you know where. They are easy to spot in single's bars because they think all the women want them. All those with big ears are clones. There was a movie about this subject called "Multiplicity". Perfectly believable.

P.S. Hillary is an alien from a planet far far away. Don't confuse aliens with clones.
August 30, 2011 12:02 PM

Anonymous said...

May be true; but, humor always fits.
A rich man had a clone made of himself, a look alike "twin" that became obscene around ladies and children. He took him back to the mad scientist to "fix" him. Mad scientist said, "can't, I make em, can't fix em." O.K., says the man, I'm taking him to that 200' cliff outside town and I'm gonna push him over. "You can't, that'd be murder." Nope, I already checked, it's only a misdemeanor to make an Obscene Clone Fall.
And, that's my lesson for today.
August 30, 2011 12:49 PM

Anonymous said...

History and Purpose of CLONES and CLONING:
Part 2: The SCIENTISTS Report
Part 3: Commander Hatonn (ATON) Explains
Part 4: The View from JUPITER
Part 5 : NAZI Program to breed MASTER RACE

NESARA est une charte votée en mars 2000 par le Congrès des États-Unis et transformée officiellement en loi fédérale par le président Bill Clinton le 10 octobre 2000, trois mois avant son départ de la Maison Blanche. Il s’agit donc d’un document de caractère politique, mais d’orientation à la fois économique, sociale, éthique, et même spirituelle, conçu pour s’appliquer dans un premier temps à l’ Amérique et aux Américains, puis à l’ensemble des peuples de la Terre. Malgré les critiques dont il a été l'objet et les persécutions dont ont été victimes ses partisans, ce texte pourrait avoir été inspiré à ses co-rédacteurs par de grands Maîtres ascensionnés de la Fraternité de la Lumière (notamment le bien-aimé Saint -Germain), afin d’aider l’humanité à réussir sa transition vers l’ Ère Nouvelle. Il suscita en tous cas une vague d’enthousiasme parmi toutes les personnes ayant participé à son élaboration à partir de 1993, puis l’ayant soutenu devant le Congrès Américain lors du vote de mars 2000.
L'annonce de NESARA peut être faite à tout moment maintenant, en dépit des années d'attente ! La séquence d'opérations a été changée : d'abord l' Illuminati sera enlevé, PUIS l'annonce de NESARA, le déplacement des fonctionnaires de gouvernement frauduleux élus, remplacé par de nouveaux gouvernements bienveillants ; introduction d'un nouveau système monétaire ; le retour au droit coutoumier, aux survols, au Premier Contact et par la suite à l' Avènement .( National Économic Sécurity and Réformation Act )
In 2008, during the American presidential election campaign, US Senator Hillary Clinton's handlers began to get clumsy and she was seen in two different places at once on a number of separate occasions. And not just in Iowa and New Hampshire.
August 30, 2011 1:41 PM

Anonymous said...

hmm so when do presidential candidates find out they will be cloned... Is their original self killed off? If they knew this would they all be wanting the job?
August 30, 2011 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...

I've read all the Peter David Better tapes on this subject< and said that only "Key" people were never said Bush Sr. was cloned Bush Jr probably was though. Bush Sr. is so "Evil" he didn't need to be cloned...Both him and his wife are devowd Satanist.
But something is "Fishy" about this post.

August 30, 2011 6:31 PM

Anonymous said...

wow that sounds like the movie the prestige , We need to check the basement of the whitehouse for glass cases filled with water and dead clones.with clones are there rules on when to feed them and not to get them wet. Sure would not want to see 100's of obamas running around causing trouble, just because he got wet or they fed him after midnight.
August 30, 2011 6:59 PM

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter re-"appeared" at one point, after being in Walter Reed Hospital, I believe I recall, and thereafter had his part on the wrong side, compared to previously. Also, you can find pictures of him with "attached" earlobes, then later "unattached" earlobes (or visa versa). His voice is greatly different, and he doesn't really look like the same person - only from a certain angle, with a hat on. That's why you almost never see pics of him, practically since he was, in my opinion, killed and replaced, which was during his term, I had heard back then.

Why was Obama given the inauguration oath twice? I haven't ever heard a sensible explanation of that, and suspect that it has to do with something like this. He sure doesn't seem to be the same person who ran a candidacy.
August 30, 2011 9:03 PM

Anonymous said...

Know I do believe that Obama was cloned because this Obama thats in the WH now is acting like an "Idiot"..I believe the REAL Obama is currently not on this planet at the moment.
August 31, 2011 6:53 AM
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Re: Cloning - Recent Times

Post by Cathulhu »

Their minds may have done a little too much crystal (meth?).
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Re: Cloning - Recent Times

Post by JamesVincent »

Hey.... Multiplicity was an awesome movie. Especially the discussion about the clones sleeping with his wife and the "mentally challenged" one said, she touched my pee-pee Steve.
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Re: Cloning - Recent Times

Post by Deep Knight »

If you think clones are scary, just wait until you bump into an ontocyborgenergetic life form in a dark alley.

James Casbolt is a former MI6 agent who worked in 'Black ops' drug trafficking operations in London between 1995 and 1999. He comes from a line of intelligence people. His grandfather was naval intelligence, his father was MI6 who was also involved in 'Black ops' and his uncle was an MI5 officer in Logistics. From Cornwall England, James wishes to make amends for his part in these operations and blow the whistle on the crimes against Humanity that the intelligence agencies are involved in. MI6 and the CIA have cornered the global drugs trade (which is worth at least £500 billion a year, this is more than the global oil trade) and are now bringing the majority of illegal street drugs into America and Britain.

They are using this drug money to fund projects classified 'Above top secret' which include the building and maintaining of deep underground military bases (DUMBS). There are now over 4000 of these bases worldwide and the average depth of these bases is four and a quarter miles. Some are shallower and some are deeper. The bases are on average the size of a medium sized city and yes, he says there are aliens in them.

James is connected to ex intelligence people who have worked in these underground bases and on other ET related projects. There are vast numbers of children and adults disappearing around the world and ending up in these underground bases. As a former MI6 Agent that has seen aliens first hand and has inside information that will shock even the most disbelieving person. Every person alive on the planet today needs to be aware of this information for their futures.

I mentioned at the bottom of this article that all 33rd degree and above Masons have gone through certain genetic procedures and are not in control of their own actions. However I would like to make the statement now after being helped by good men in the intelligence community who are high level Masons, that all Masons are not pushing forward negative New World Agenda's.

As I am given more intelligence by insiders I realize that everything is not as black and white as I originally thought with much infighting occurring. I apologize for this as I am still young and learning myself. However the genetic procedures mentioned in this article are very real and certain Masonic factions embrace these things as an honor.

James Casbolt
St Ives, Cornwall 13/9/07

The last time I reported on the New World Order dictatorship and current ET events I mentioned that the Draco reptilians installed in various underground military facilities around the world keep themselves away from the main human areas in these bases.

They only work closely with 33rd and above 'Illuminated' Masons. I also talked about the fact that most if not all, Masonic members of the 33rd degrees and above have been replaced by Android/hybrids known by the higher levels of the global intelligence apparatus as 'Ontocyborgenergetic' life forms. These 'Draco-borgs' are patched into a collective computer like matrix, have no free will and are controlled by the Draco.

When I use the word android I am not talking about a robot with wires instead of veins. I mean a cloned genetically engineered being. Without going into too much detail and getting into complicated bio-genetics, the original human has their bio-plasmic body or 'information cloud' removed and put into a cloned body loaded with microchip implants and other genetic enhancements and forms of mind control.

A walk-in 'Ontocyborg-parasite' is also blended into the bio-plasmic body. These are multi-dimensional alien beings that are an artificial intelligence life form. These onto-parasites run from a microchip in the android and are connected to the lower two chakra points in the spine. They get their energy from the sexual kundalini energy in the spine and use that as a battery.

There are different types of walk-ins both good and bad.

A positive walk-in may be when a human has enough of earthy life and is close to suicide. There higher self may ask to leave and a benevolent ET may agree to do a 'soul exchange' and come into the human body. The higher consciousness rules are that only one information cloud or soul should inhabit a physical body at a time (as example, see 'The life and Work of T. Lobsang Rampa').

Onto-parasite walk-ins go against this as two information clouds are connected to 1 body and they both fight each other for control until one gives up. An artificial walk-in overshadows the clone and is usually a tall grey or Draco etheric/multi-dimensional bio-robot. This is similar to the ultimate spy handler and a perfect spy is one who not aware they are a spy. Gifted psychics can see them as dark shadows standing behind people that seem to follow them around and are blended into the bio-plasmic body. The bio-plasmic body is an information cloud that is basically our essence and can now be photographed on a digital camera.

The NSA has the technology to remove the aura but this is one of the Zetan Grey geneticist specialized areas. The Grey doctors surround the victim who is paralyzed on a table. They telepathically probe the mind and find out what the person's deepest fear is and then they project images of that fear greatly intensified into the person's mind. I have had personal experience with this through my life.

They also use electricity and radiation to increase pain and fear levels. The goal is to take the person to breaking point and once this happens the bio-plasmic body can be removed and put in the clone body. The original body is then destroyed to break any connections between that and the new body and also to try and sever the connection between consciousness levels at the freedom levels of 4th and 5th dimensional time/space.

The Greys gave this technology to the Nazi's in the second world war so the Nazi's could create their 'Ubermen' (supermen) genetically enhanced soldiers and spies in the super race projects. After British intelligence and the OSS brought the leading Nazi scientist to America and Britain after the war, the android geneticist Dr Joseph Mengela (The angel of death from Auschwitz) worked at the Tavistock Institute in London as well as other places.

This institute specializes in the art of torture and studies into the breaking point of humans. It is a MIEC (Military Industrial Extraterrestrial complex) facility and connected to Project Mannequin at the AL/499 NSA underground facility at Peasmore, Berkshire.

This is not a new phenomenon as high level Masonic fraternities which go back to ancient Babylon and Atlantis have been working with these ET's for a long time.

Regardless of whether we are talking about the Illuminated degrees of,
the Scottish Rite
The York Rite
The Nigerian Rite
the 33rd degree of Zion etc,
...they are all controlled by the Draco in alliance with the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki are the tall albino Nordic humanoid ET's who may be from the Sirius sector. There also are highly compassionate Anunnaki helping Humanity as well... I will resent the testimony in my book of NSA people who have met these being face to face in such places as Area 51 and Arizona.

These beings are codenames 'SAMS' by the NSA. Once again the ones I have information about appear to be cybernated life-forms as when they talk they have a metallic reverb voice and are also connected to a collective computer matrix.

Many of the major military/NSA underground facilities are built on top of ancient already existing ET bases.

I do not know whether this is real or not, however these beings are definitely real, as at least 4 men I know (and who I trust, one of which may have been murdered) in the global intelligence community have seen these beings in various underground NSA facilities in the past. They told me this is exactly what they look like.
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