The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

Moderator: Deep Knight

Deep Knight
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The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

Sheldan has been forecasting this (without firm dates) for years, but his most recent post has all sorts of “it’s imminent” language. I suppose if you’re crazy enough to believe him it doesn’t matter if his forecasts come true, after all there are all these evil types (like the friendly folks at Quatloos) out to thwart disclosure, first contact, and worldwide prosperity. Why? Just because! And it seems that they always win, which of course poses the question of why, when these Ascendant types and space gods are behind the good guys. Just because again! Another question, why do Siriusians speak Malay?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
3 Lamat, 1 Uo, 8 Manik

Selamat Jarin! We return with another report concerning your world! At present, we are tracking a number of individual unit commanders who are summarily defying the series of recent agreements, signed by a majority of your globe's nations, and a special amended codicil that was ratified by the American government only last week! These groups of the military are on the verge of being neutralized by our special defense force. The peace of your world is being temporarily threatened. We have sent warnings to these various rogue groups and given them a date for their deactivation. We expect full compliance and a swift return to the condition pro ante. Several major governments sent similar warnings to these groups once this situation was made known to them. When this state of affairs is resolved, we fully intend to begin the rapid distribution of your prosperity funds and formal announcements by your new governments. The road to disclosure has hit only a small bump. Your prosperity and your new economic system are still on target for completion by the divine schedule decreed by Heaven and Lord Surea.

We are watching our Earth allies and seeing to it that those selected for major cabinet appointments in the new "caretaker" governance are ready and fully apprised of what is expected of them. A number of special Agarthan envoys are now evaluating how these new governances are to function during the first week of their operation. Every chosen administration has a series of tasks to complete. These include: announcements, special orders and a series of procedures that are to pump monies quickly into the "starved" economies of your globe. The first authorized moves of this new governance are intended to relieve the immense debt pressure on your world and get under control the "casino-like" atmosphere that has produced an exponential yearly increase in global debt ratios. The debt needs to be dismissed and a sound series of budgetary rules put into place that can truly evaluate how well each aspect of your various national governments operates. The crucial point is to shift from a "bottom line" to a more humane "spiritual line".

Right now, conditions on your world favor change. Although the dark cabal has been in control of your limited consciousness realm for nearly 13 millennia, their unrelenting iron grip has greatly diminished. We are watching how well our Earth allies and their Inner Earth cousins work together to establish the world that your new growing consciousness deserves. We have, of course, used our vast technological superiority to move this along when necessary. It is important that most of this special "work" be done by those who were born on your planet and know the true and vital nature of what they are accomplishing. Removing the immense degree of negativity from your reality is best done by those who have experienced it in one way or another. Another point to be made is that it has been way too long since the peoples of Inner and surface Earth cooperated as one. We are overseeing this process and it brings great joy to our hearts. The joyful prophesies of Heaven are indeed coming true. The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Disclosure is the principal event that will formally change your world. When we appear on your screens and are heard all over your planet, the reality in which you have lived since childhood will become unalterably different. The many myths about who you are, together with the quasi-scientific beliefs about your origins, will be quickly put to rest. You then will discover your true spiritual origins and your magnificent place in the cosmos. First contact is about a massive transformation of your reality, and of you. This procedure will come about in a series of rapid shocks that we and the Agarthans have discussed long and hard with your Ascended Masters. These talks led us to plan a series of special broadcasts that we intend to begin once disclosure is public knowledge. These messages need to be given in a way that brings this shocking information to you clearly and comfortingly. You will experience a state of joy and some confusion when the vast governmental agenda is revealed. We need to be gentle and to use these moments to prepare you for first contact.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! At present, we have forced a series of rogue military groups to stand down as ordered by the heads of state of a number of affected nations. These military units were threatening not only to defy the various agreements that had set the stage for new governance, but also to delay and force a sudden change in the way this new governance was to be implemented. Our Agarthan brothers and sisters were able to obtain their surrender and end any possibilities posed by this event. We are now preparing to move swiftly to the delivery mode, and to set a date for the first new government announcements that will put an end to the current global debt crisis and introduce the new monetary system to your world. Once these economic and monetary reforms are under way, these governments intend to begin the formal disclosure process. This will start with a special news conference given by the new American President.

This news conference is extremely critical. It will introduce the Galactic Federation and Inner Earth to the people of your world. Evidence and top-secret files will be revealed at the beginning of this news conference. This opening will set the stage for similar news events to be held in other parts of your world. Disclosure will be announced with a general call for global cooperation and for the forthcoming release of a wealth of advanced technologies. The world is to go beyond conflict and prepare herself to welcome our Inner Earth and space families. Among these press events will be various spiritual phenomena that we, your Ascended Masters, fully intend to manifest on your world. This new reality is an experience of consciousness and of spirit: both need to be discussed equally. These educative programs will be only the beginning of events that lead up to first contact!

First contact is the next major watershed for your reality. It opens up the pathways that will lead to full consciousness and a full retrieval of information about your origins and your divine destiny. Our sacred task as your Ascended Masters is to be both provider and prototype for you. Heaven has set forth a process that is to return you to your full potential selves. This process is fundamentally divided into two stages: pre-first contact and post-first contact. These stages are also the times when the dark will begin to recede and no longer be viable in your reality. The moment in your history is coming when the old perceptions lose their power over you, and when our counseling and wisdom will at last become a strong and visible part of how you view your world. The Age of the Light and of enlightenment has arrived!

Today, we have continued our dialogue with you regarding consciousness and first contact. Your realm is in the process of shifting. The fading of the dark has begun in earnest. You are to be welcomed back into the fold of galactic humanity. At last, the moment for this grand celebration is upon us! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:33 PM 0 comments

Selamat Jalan! (Malay for "have a good trip")
"Follow the Money"
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
3 Lamat, 1 Uo, 8 Manik

...pump monies quickly into the "starved" economies of your globe.

After all, that worked so well for Zimbabwe and the Weimar Republic.....

( he writes while looking at the 100 trillion dollar bill from Zimbabwe on his desk )
notorial dissent
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Selamat Jalan! (Malay for "have a good trip")

What I want to know is what they/he is tripping on, must be some powerful good juju dust or something, or maybe just really old catbox, whatever it is must be powerful though.

Sheldan Nidle, now there is a name to conjure with, or at the very least make fun of, and after seeing the above piece, I am inclined to wards the later. Yeech!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

I'm not sure exactly what's supposed to be happening today, but it's going to be big, big, big! Or, if history is any indication, perhaps not...

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Poofness 8/21/11 The Fat Lady Just Walked On Stage!

Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 12:47 PM
Subject: The Fat Lady just Walked on Stage .......

Higher Love lyrics
Songwriters: Winwood, Steve; Jennings, Will;

Think about it, there must be higher love
Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above
Without it, life is wasted time
Look inside your heart, I'll look inside mine

Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love, oh
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love, I keep thinking of?

Worlds are turning and we're just hanging on
Facing our fear and standing out there alone
A yearning, and it's real to me
There must be someone who's feeling for me

Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love, oh
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love, I keep thinking of?

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love, oh
Bring me a higher love
I could rise above on a higher love

I will wait for it, I'm not too late for it
Until then, I'll sing my song
To cheer the night along

I could light the night up with my soul on fire
I could make the sun shine from pure desire
Let me feel that love come over me
Let me feel how strong it could be

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love, oh
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love, I keep thinking of?

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love, oh
Bring me a higher love

Greetings and Salutations:

Fasten your seat belts, make sure your trays are up, all we need is clearance from traffic control. I've done all I could to advise you thru the years, now the responsibility is on you, how you handle this, entry into a brave new world. You've never been here before so, leave the assumptions where you got them. Destination, 21st century.

As Captain Picard always said...Number 1...Engage!

C'est Le Vie

Love and Kisses,

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:34 PM


Anonymous said...
MAKE IT SO! Engage MAKE IT SO! Get it done! ... r_embedded
August 21, 2011 4:37 PM

Anonymous said...
As they say: "it ain't over till the fat lady SINGS! Monday will tell the tale whether it is the same old song or a new song of hope and jublilation. In any case it is time! And to Poofness it is not c'est la vie - it is c'est la guerre! On avant, mes enfants! La jour de guerre est arrive!
August 21, 2011 4:50 PM

Anonymous said...
Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band - C'Est la Vie. Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail] Date: Sunday, 21-Aug-2011 17:06:01
Bob Seger version. Old Chuck Berry tune, some may remember this song in the movie 'Pulp Fiction'. hahaha, get it, pulp fiction...oh never mind. ... ead=213505
August 21, 2011 5:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Come on now .. we all know that the fat lady will be knocked off the stage and right on her fat butt tomorrow morning.
Watch oil. That is a good sign that he bad guys are still in total control.
August 21, 2011 5:42 PM

Anonymous said...
The bad guys are falling in ever increasing numbers. It doesn't matter if they join the ranks of the good or are arrested. All you have to do is watch the market down-slide, look up and see chem trails not working or any number of signs including what your PBS stations are showing these days. Moody's and other corporate businesses with government ties not far from being investigated openly. Look at how many local politico's are being charged with corruption these days. All you need to do is "see" the changes occurring to know POOF is doing his best by all of us. Just like he has these many years.NESERA isn't just about the Prosperity Programs - it's about the freedom of mankind.
August 21, 2011 6:31 PM

Anonymous said...
pfft Poofness is full of it, I'll believe it when I see it.
August 21, 2011 6:43 PM

Anonymous said...
MONDAY MORNING AT 4:44AM HOUSTON TIME, THE CHANGE HAPPENS 08.22.2011 Posted By: Rayelan, Date: Sunday, 21-Aug-2011 21:00:35
I have just had an amazing telephone conversation with a woman I have not spoken with, for ten years. I recorded it. She wants me to upload the recording... but she mentioned her name and friends' names, and she wants me to edit it out, because she does not want to be known for what she has done. I will soon post the two hour... edited,recording here in this thread... keep checking back... I am not an expert at editing... so It will take me a bit... and it will take me a bit to explain to you how I met her... but I wanted to post this piece of information so you can know that 4:44am Houston time, is the beginning of the change in all aspects... banking... financial, religious... and historical also. She said there is a hurricane coming... I was not able to follow her thinking as she told me about this... but evidently the hurricane is going to uncover many civilizations that existed in the south before the United States. I have to go, if I am going to get this interview edited before 4:44AM tomorrow morning. Send Angels my direction, so I don't lose this interview, as I upload it.
Articles In This Thread:
MONDAY MORNING AT 4:44AM HOUSTON TIME THE CHANGE HAPPENS 08.22.2011 4:44AM (views: 1862) Rayelan -- Sunday, 21-Aug-2011 21:00:35
Mamas and Papas "Monday, Monday" (views: 242) Lion -- Sunday, 21-Aug-2011 21:47:39
Cass Elliot - "New World Coming" (views: 293) Lion -- Sunday, 21-Aug-2011 22:13:18
Hurricane Storm Map (views: 424) Mr.Ed -- Sunday, 21-Aug-2011 22:44:41
FROM ... ead=213515
August 21, 2011 9:18 PM

Anonymous said...
Mayan Secrets to Be Revealed by Mexican Government in ’2012′ Documentary
2011 AUGUST 21 by Ryan Patridge //Calakmul ...pix...// The Mexican government is releasing state-held secrets about the end of the Mayan calendar to the makers of a documentary, “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond,” TheWrap has learned. The information — protected for 80 years — is expected to reveal Mayan beliefs in future catastrophes and wisdom characterized as “shocking,” producer Raul Julia-Levy, son of actor Raul Julia, told TheWrap. The end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 has long given rise to theories and speculation about the end of the world.
The agreement will allow Julia-Levy to film in never-before-seen locations.
“The Mayans used to construct one pyramid over another,” tourism minister for the Mexican state of Campeche Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado, told TheWrap. “In the site at Calakmul, workers for INAH [the National Institute of Anthropology and History] have discovered rooms inside the pyramid, that have never been seen or explored before. “And we’re letting this documentary film there, to see what has been discovered inside the pyramid.” // Raul Julia-Levy...pix....// Julia-Levy said he’d been made aware of the secret Mayan information by former Mexican president Vicente Fox – a friend of his family — and that it took four years of phone calls, to finally get the OK from current president Felipe Calderon. “This is very important for humanity, not just for Mexico,” said Julia-Levy. ”This information has been protected for 80 years, and now it’s important for people to un-
derstand the series of events that are coming, and the consequences for all of us......(....)
Asked if the movie will involve aliens, mystical elements or doomsday scenarios that have fueled the popular imagination, Julia-Levy declined to elaborate. “I’m not allowed to speak about that,” he said. “Everything is going to come out in time, but I can’t comment on aliens or on 2012. “I can just say that the Mexican government is preparing to tell humanity and the world things that are critical for us, for the way we live, for the way we’ve been handling the planet.” ... i?page=0,0
*** ***
FROM ... cumentary/ ... ..... For More.
August 21, 2011 9:36 PM
"Follow the Money"
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by texino »

How many times has Pouf-ta bid us the same basic bye bye? It seems he never comes back with an excuse as to why the magic did not happen. How odd.
Siga el dinero
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Deep Knight
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

Yet another comment on this post on MacHaffie's RAP-NESARA forum:

Anonymous said...
We heard the big change was 11:30am Paris time tomorrow. There is 6 hours difference between Paris and eastern time zone in US so that 4:44am Houston time is nearly the same.

Watching the news, I still see no changes coming.

August 22, 2011 10:56 AM

Houston is on Central Time, but given the time that's gone by, I don't think it makes much difference. Lord Rama used to say "No Dates, No Nukes" (as if they were somehow linked) after being embarassed over and over and over by firm deadlines that always passed.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Update by Sheldan Nidle 8-23-11
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 23-Aug-2011 19:12:0

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
10 Men, 8 Uo, 8 Manik Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Dratzo! We return! The last stages of the delivery process are beginning! The various packages are being readied for distribution. It is expected that a full bank holiday will be implemented after the first formal announcements by the new caretaker governments, and that this legal holiday will be used to change over the entire American banking system to the new rules and regulations which are to take effect after the demise of the Federal Reserve System. At this time the new hard currency will be introduced. This is the first part of a larger series of reforms that is to take effect concurrently throughout the rest of the globe. This new worldwide financial system will be facilitated by global debt forgiveness; taxation will be applied to goods and services but not individual and corporate income; and a wealth of secret trust funds will be launched in order to replace the financial resources normally used by your governments. The people will be liberated from their onerous burdens and encouraged to use various tax refunds to jumpstart your national economies.

This new financial world will become the foundation for a growing prosperity that will be boosted by the release of a whole host of now-secret technologies. Then comes the major disclosure announcement that puts an end to the global 'UFO' cover-up. This revelation will support the cessation of global violence as well as misguided foreign military adventurism. It is time for your world to reclaim the many pieces that make up many nations' territorial sovereignty, and for negotiations to formally settle the issue of many national boundaries. We intend to participate in these discussions and bring an end, finally, to any form of discord. The criterion here is a swift and forthright win-win situation for all, bearing in mind that this form of sovereignty is largely anachronistic within the context of your global awakening. Nevertheless, quickly resolving boundary issues constitutes another step toward this goal, which is to create a world where peace, prosperity and cooperation are a given. This quickly leads to the next step.

This next step is hugely significant! Here, you begin to interact freely with your Inner Earth cousins. This experience allows you to view your planet in an entirely different way: you begin to see her as your living host, and as such she has a claim on your respect. The old dark perspective can swiftly be discarded and a truer way of regarding Gaia can take its place. At this time you will have the opportunity to watch the Moon being 'terraformed'; then you will be able to travel to and explore this transformed, artificial object. It will be the first time that most of you have left the Earth to go to another sphere in the heavens. We wish you to feel great Love for your home and to see how your original two-moon system can easily be re-established in the very near future. We wish you to begin to comprehend the sort of wonders that are about to become your new reality because, after all, most of you are to become future citizens of Mars, Venus, and of course Pax.

Disclosure and first contact will change tremendously the world you now live in. You are about to meet your spiritual and space families. This one act alone transforms all the information that the dark cabalists have fed you for the past 13 millennia. All at once you will be thrust into a new reality; the many mysteries that surround your origins will be resolved, and a new history that extends all the way back to ancient Lemuria will be given to you. This is just the start of what you are to learn about the true nature of physicality, and with this knowledge comes a science as well as a spiritual philosophy to prepare you for the wonder that is full consciousness. We come to teach, to mentor, and then later, to accept you as our equals. You have great contributions that you are destined to make as you once again interact with us and with other sentient Beings who make up this galaxy and the tens of thousands of other galaxies that are a vital part of an ever-expanding Intergalactic Union.

Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! We come in joy. The time arrives for a new Golden Age to lift up humanity in its grace-laden arms and embrace you with a profound wisdom and the gift of full consciousness! Your world has wandered in the realm of darkness for nearly 13 millennia. Now the Light returns to show you the divine path to your destiny. The vast span of amnesia is ending. Prepare for a huge download of forgotten information provided graciously by Heaven and with the assistance of the Galactic Federation of Light. All the secret societies dedicated to the Light in Asia, Europe, India, and the Middle East are preparing for what is to happen presently. A great change in your world is beginning and through its full manifestation will prepare you for the mass arrival of your spiritual and space brothers and sisters. Rejoice in your heart, knowing that a great day in your lives arrives at long last!

This new realm of golden Light is to extend throughout the length and breadth of this solar system. Everywhere, your blessed Beingness will send energies that will sustain life. You are to meet many different types of life forms. You will overcome your present limitations and will be renowned not only in this galaxy but in every corner of Creation. For many millennia we have seen this in our visions of you and have known just how important our mission among you really is. Our primary purpose is to keep the great Light that resides in all of us burning brightly despite the manifold schemes and contrivances of the dark. This we do gladly. At times in the past, many succumbed to the corrupting enticements of the dark, and some of these souls have been wrested triumphantly from their dark paths and returned to the Light! Blessings to you all.

This coming environment of prosperity, joy, and full consciousness is the gracious gift of the Creator. All of us welcome this time and are elated that this new reality is starting to manifest. It is vital that you open your hearts to those whose Love, Light, and divine service have helped make this wondrous reality possible. It is easy to discount all that was required or how long it took to bring it about. Our purpose is to be divine intermediaries. We have taken on the dark and used our collective abilities to assist in completing the remaining tasks. We have heartfelt salutations and thanks for the liaisons from Agartha who used their great skills to fashion the final agreements that culminated in our joint success. We look forward to assisting your Galactic Federation mentors in quickly returning you to fully conscious Beings of Light. Namaste!

Today, we brought you another message about what is happening on your world. A new reality is dawning. It is bringing you full consciousness and an opportunity to rejoin your brethren who reside throughout this broad galaxy and all Creation. The time comes to expand your consciousness and, once again, fully embrace the Divine! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Supply of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:49 PM


Anonymous said...
"new caretaker governments, and that this legal holiday will be used to change over the entire American banking system to the new rules and regulations which are to take effect after the demise of the Federal Reserve System"
Does it look like Washington is getting ready for changes ?
It would be a dream come true but it SOUNDS LIKE WISHFUL THINKING
August 24, 2011 8:08 AM

Anonymous said...
"Ascended Masters"? I have only one master and that is the King of Kings aka God Almighty! I hope this isn't just a diabolical variation of the New World Order...
August 24, 2011 8:32 AM

Anonymous said...
Where does Jesus fit into all these plans?????
No Jesus..........No thank you!!!!!

August 24, 2011 9:16 AM
"Follow the Money"
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by texino »

Siga el dinero
El camino continúa por siempre, pero el partido nunca termina
Deep Knight
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

It seems that Poof's inside information doesn't even convince true believers. And I had plans to use my prosperity delivery to buy a mansion over Labor Day weekend. Dratzo!

Thursday, September 1, 2011
"So Poof Are We Still Imminent?"
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Reader BS: "So Poof Are We Still Imminent?"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Sep-2011 15:25:00

Hi, Folks -
Right now, 'Cosmic Awareness' is on Radio RMN with Rayelan, and among other things they're discussing how the Powers That Were have controlled the world by creating and inducing fear in the hearts and minds of the people.
Week after week, the messenger we know as Poof has written to us of the certainty and assuredness of victory, of changes-for-the-better in the world we share. This has served as a steady pulse, a heartbeat, helpful in dispelling that fear.

[So let me get this straight, what's preventing these guys from getting huge amounts of money for nothing is fear that it's not going to happen, so Poof, who's never been right about this, is lying but through that lie dispelling fear and this will make deliveries happen?]

Reader BS writes to express:
So Poof Are We Still Imminent?
Exactly a year ago your Sunday update proclaimed that deliveries were imminent and now, one year later they are no where to be found. For years now you have supplied us with our weekly and many times daily hopium to no avail. What happened Poof, were you being fed misinformation or just making this up as you went along?
If deliveries were imminent a year ago, then why didn’t you know that first some French person had to swipe some card several times, or that some big man had to travel someplace with a suitcase chained to his wrist with body guards in attendance? But yet you know through your myriad of contacts that all was done at the end of last August?
I know Poof, its way above your pay grade and your only given certain information for the mushrooms to consume at the appropriate time. How many years have you been at this? Two weeks ago it was your last update for sure and yet last week it was Irene that held back all those wonderful delivery people. Let me guess Poof, this week it’s the clean up after Irene. After all you can’t make those deliveries with bridges and roads out and houses under water can you?
Way back in June of 2010 I had mentioned that this wouldn’t happen for quite a while, but each week your sources as mysterious as they are, were certain it was time to fasten out seat belts and place the trays in the upright position as this was really, really, really the moment we had long awaited. Six months ago I told you it could well be another Christmas that comes and goes without resolution and the clock continues to tick away.
No doubt the world’s economy is in turmoil and something will have to be done. Which do you think will happen first Poof? The RV of the Dinar or the release of the WGS and Prosperity Programs, as we as a society race to financial oblivion?
When those that control all things on this planet want something done, it gets done Poof. Would you agree? So one might wonder Poof, why was it imminent a year ago? Why do you continue to tell us week after week that what we have all waited for is ready when obviously it was not? There always seems to be just one more item to be taken care of and then just our dumb luck an earthquake, Hurricane or some other disaster seems to stall all the progress you told us about just the Sunday before.
Since your fond of telling us that you were a hand picked messenger to get us though all of this and get us to the promised land, do you have any idea Poof where these elusive deliveries are? Oh well Poof, some day you will guess it right and sadly as mentioned before, a broken clock has had a better track record than the information you have provided. Only 116 days to Christmas shoppers. It’s going to be a very interesting run to the end of yet another year with stockings stuffed with printed Sunday Hopium updates to re-read as we ring in the New Year.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:24 PM


Anonymous said...

This is the first truthful thing you have posted here. Bravo! We are all taking Hopium!
September 1, 2011 4:41 PM

Anonymous said...

Great article.

But....Hobie has to get his bias in there.....Oh yes,,,Poof is so groovy with his LDS utopian fantasy....

He knows nothing.


A donations hustler and nothing more.
September 1, 2011 4:45 PM

Marcus said...

He hasn't asked for donations in months.
September 1, 2011 6:23 PM

Anonymous said...


It is good to see that there is "balance" on this site. I have been reading for years, when I bought into FREEDOM, I was told deliveries would be "soon", again that was years ago....credibility is everything. I guess if I had made that many posts, there would be a question as to the validity to the "source(s)", if it were me, I would stand-by and let things unfold, as it appears Poof's Crystal ball is clouded/broken!
September 1, 2011 7:57 PM
"Follow the Money"

Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Nikki »

Although it is extremely stupid to ask this (since it involves some reasoning ability on their part):

What do they think will happen when every single person on earth has a begrillion dollars? Do they expect the prices of everything to remain unchanged? Do they expect their favorite bartender or waiter to show up and work for minumum wage plus tips?

What is the difference between a massive, global NESARA cash distribution and a massive currency inflation by allowing everyone to grab a sharpie and scrawl four more zeros on the currency in their pockets?

If it weren't for some people taking this nonsense (like the scheduled rapture nonsense) seriously, this whole thing would be nothing more than a joke.
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

Nikki wrote:Although it is extremely stupid to ask this (since it involves some reasoning ability on their part):

What do they think will happen when every single person on earth has a begrillion dollars? Do they expect the prices of everything to remain unchanged? Do they expect their favorite bartender or waiter to show up and work for minumum wage plus tips?

What is the difference between a massive, global NESARA cash distribution and a massive currency inflation by allowing everyone to grab a sharpie and scrawl four more zeros on the currency in their pockets?

If it weren't for some people taking this nonsense (like the scheduled rapture nonsense) seriously, this whole thing would be nothing more than a joke.
Not only will everyone in the US get huge deliveries for some period of months (Dove used to talk about $100,000 a month for two years).
About 18 months after NESARA's announcement, U.S. citizens/sovereigns/natural persons will begin receiving funds from the "new prosperity" program based on "financial redress" for past government and banking frauds. The "new prosperity program" based on financial redress will be publicly announced after NESARA is announced. Eventually all people worldwide will have access to new prosperity programs. It's time the world's people were lifted out of "survival". Some experts state there has been enough money in the world for the last 30 years that if the money were evenly distributed, every person would be a millionaire.
But prices will go down.
A month or two after the true NESARA law is announced, all items and services we buy will be repriced to correct for the massive inflation in prices of things that the Federal Reserve banking system has caused. Right now we pay for things with basically worthless Federal Reserve "fiat" money. But after the true NESARA law, we will change over to our new U.S. Treasury bank system and currency and our Treasury currency is backed by gold, silver, and platinum. Consequently, under the new U.S. Treasury bank and currency system, there must be an adjustment in the current prices on items and services to squeeze out the inflation in current prices that is totally due to our using worthless Federal Reserve fiat money.

In the month or two after NESARA is announced, people in the U.S. will be paid at their current rates until the new price reductions go into effect. During this month or two, people can plan to save their disposable cash to accumulate a nest egg of funds which might be enough to use as a down payment on a house or to buy a vehicle after the price reductions go into effect. Whatever cash funds people have on hand at the end of the 30-60 days when the reduced prices are instituted, the cash on hand people have will be like a big bonus and will buy 90% more when the lower prices are instituted.

In the month after the price reductions take effect, people's wages, salaries, and other compensation will be repriced and will have the same purchasing power as now because all prices of products and services will already be adjusted downward in exactly the same proportion as people's wages, salaries, etc.

Let me give an example so you understand. After NESARA's announcement in March 2004, it's likely that merchants and service providers will be given two months (about 60 days) to be ready to implement the 90% price reductions. In most cases this means simply moving the decimal point to the left one position in the merchant's computerized databases of prices for products and services and posting new price labels where appropriate when the changeover date arrives.

Although I expect NESARA to be announced before the end of March 2004, I will use March 31st in the following explanation to simplify matters. IF NESARA were THEORETICALLY announced on March 31, 2004, then all merchants and providers of products and services would have 61 days (April and May) to get ready to implement the new reduced prices by June 1, 2004. On June 1, the new reduced prices of everything would take effect. If your income is $3,000 a month, in April and May, you would continue to be paid $3,000 a month.

Let's say that you normally pay $600 for food and other routine supplies a month.

On June 1st when prices would be decreased by 90%, you would have earned $3,000 in the month of May, however you would only have to pay $60 for your food and routine supplies. You would have $540 you can use for other things. In addition, you would have NO income tax taken from your paycheck as of NESARA's announcement in March 2004 and you would have saved disposable cash from your income for April and May due to no credit card, mortgage, car loan, education loan or other bank debt payments to make. You would pay social security taxes & Medicare (FICA taxes - 7.4%) but with all the debt forgiveness and no income tax deductions or other deductions, you could have as much as $2,778 of your $3,000 a month income available to you to spend or save.

The point I'm making is that after NESARA is announced, you can save your increased disposable cash and much of your current income PRIOR to the price reductions; then the cash-in-hand you accumulate will buy you much more after the price reductions go into effect. If you've been wanting to accumulate enough cash for a down payment for a house, or a new vehicle, or some other expensive thing, the time to do this is during the 60 days after NESARA is announced. The cash you have on hand when the price reductions go into effect will buy you 90% more at that time.

Because all prices must be adjusted to 10% of the current prices 60 days after NESARA is announced, your income and salary must also be adjusted to 10% on June 1st. Your new income WILL STILL BUY THE SAME AMOUNT as now because the prices of everything will also be repriced to 10% of today's prices. The repricing of everything at the same time means that no one loses any money. In fact, at the end of the two months AFTER NESARA's announcement, people could have saved a big bonus amount of disposable income which they may use for something special.
How does this work given supply and demand economics? Magic, off course! And it's people like you through your doubt that are preventing this from happening! If everyone believed it would become a reality and everyone could have mansions filled with servants to do your every bidding! You just gotta believe!
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by texino »

It would have been so easy. But wait! Dove and others announced NESARA 100s of times. How come that didn't float the boat? Plus, I see Fiats driving all over the place. What's up with that?

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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:And people like you through your doubt who are preventing this from happening! If everyone believed it would become a reality and everyone could have mansions filled with servants to do your every bidding! You just gotta believe!
Or at the very least they can have adjoining suits at the funny farm with the nice white rubber walls.
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie is quoting Sheldan yet again, this time about the prosperity deliveries from St. Germain's fabulous trust fund!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Prosperity Programs Status --- GREEN LIGHT HAS BEEN GIVEN!
Quote: “Saint Germaine and his foundation have given the green light to begin distributing the vast wealth accrued after nearly four centuries in his World Trust. These sums are truly astounding!”

(Sheldan PAO link)

Saint Germaine and his foundation have given the green light to begin distributing the vast wealth accrued after nearly four centuries in his World Trust. These sums are truly astounding! Conjoined with this disbursal is the mandated change of governance to be carried out in a judicious and legal manner.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:32 PM

Anonymous said...

for sure john?? no more teasing us!! :) we are hurting so bad and so many of us!!
September 21, 2011 1:03 PM

Anonymous said...

Sure, everybody is hurting but don't you know that Obama is not going to let it happen. He wants all of us to be beggars at his knees. Don't you know he is laughing when he gets a quiet moment to himself and thinking he is well on his way to accomplishing what he planned. The closed military bases are being converted to FEMA camps so he can at least have a place to put all the hungry people.

I, along with the rest of you have been waiting many years for our blessing. Wouldn't it be a blessing if this is true. How many years have we been reading all this BS?

Maybe, just maybe, one of these days some of the BS will come true.
September 21, 2011 1:35 PM

The quote is from this:

12 Akbal, 16 Zip, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues in its transition mode. ... At the heart of this dramatic changeover lie the ambitious programs of our Earth allies and these are nearly ready to manifest a new economic and political world for all your global societies. We are very pleased that these things are happening on such a grand scale but we dearly desire them to roll out at a much quicker rate! We have asked the Agarthans to put the pressure on their fellow Earth humans to step up the pace of the many changes to the societies of the surface dwellers. In response, the Agarthans have decided to ask the Ascended Masters to intervene and to request that the sacred, secret societies of your world come forward to put their weight behind the Earth allies' many global agreements. The time has seriously come to instigate new governments and a new economic system. These actions are essential to enable us, under the banner of disclosure, to reveal our technologies and ourselves to you. Heaven has set forth a series of decrees giving us the mandate to carry out a full first contact with you, and this event needs the full assistance of our Earth allies and especially the magnificent energies of your Ascended Masters. The dark is faltering and its once-mighty stranglehold on your world is slipping. What remains is the final push in which the forces of Light now remove the remnants of the dark. ... Saint Germaine and his foundation have given the green light to begin distributing the vast wealth accrued after nearly four centuries in his World Trust. These sums are truly astounding! Conjoined with this disbursal is the mandated change of governance to be carried out in a judicious and legal manner. These elements will come together and permanently alter the very nature of your reality. At present, we sit on the brink of this new era. Heaven has brought forth solemn decrees that sent an immense fleet of ships from the Galactic Federation to this solar system, charged with affecting a first contact with us. ... Our fleet and your Ascended Masters are ready to transform your reality 'in the twinkling of an eye!' Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

But Sheldan, you've been saying this for years (or rather, relaying what the Ascendant Guys have been telling you) but it never happens. Why exactly is that? Could you give us a list of possible reasons why, well, besides that it's the Dark Forces' fault? I mean, if they Ascended Dudes are so powerful, surely the good guys have to win once and a while!
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by texino »

You know, "Dratzo!" just doesn't sound like a positive salutation. In fact, it really carries a negative vibe like "rats!" or "drat" Perhaps it would be a good name for a product that was good for cleaning up embarrassing stains i.e.the famous dress belonging to former WH intern, Ms Lewinsky. Maybe, Mr. Clinton could be the spokesman: "Hi! I'm Bill Clinton, and if I had Dratzo back when I was President, maybe I would have remembered to announce NESARA! Or something
like that.
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I've always thought "Dratzo" sounded like the name of a third world currency. e.g. "I take you to airport for 50 Dratzos." "I give 400 Dratzos for 10 American Dollars"
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

Cleans drains fast!
Eliminates unsightly razor stubble!
Removes urine stains from fine china!
Delivers prosperity program packies fast!
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by The Observer »

I too thought that Dratzo sounded like a currency. I wonder what the exchange rate is for converting Dratzos to Quatloos.
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Dratzo" sounds like Orkan slang from the old "Mork and Mindy" TV show.
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Re: The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!

Post by Deep Knight »

According to Sheldan Nidle, "Dratzo!" is Sirian for "Beloved Souls!"

Searchng for "Dratzo" and removing Sheldan Nidle references, I found it to be a last name (in what language I could only guess), a place in a role playing game, used as a few internet aliases, and this very strange post - whether it is a parody or someone trying to be like Sheldan I can't say:

ernesto djedAshtar Command – Spiritual Commassemblagey Netplan,Update by Scaptivatedan Nabandoned for the Spiritual Hieraccomplishedy and the Galactic Fedearrangementn 5 Cib, 9 Zip, 8 Manik Dratzo!

His burnt is alarming! Eactualone can use it. This burnt is alarming! Eactualone can use it. Plaffluence canyon it on to otchastening.

Update by Scaptivatedan Nabandoned for the Spiritual Hieraccomplishedy and the Galactic Fedearrangementn 5 Cib,Moncler Gueran 9 Zip, 8 Manik Dratzo!

SaLuSa to me &nbirr; The Part of You Living in Duality is Only the Tip of the Iceberg &nbirr; 13th Sept 2011

Part II – Andromeda Council: Updates on Comet Elenin, countenancen dwarf, Nibiru, apple cadherees & 4 D Earth

November 30, 2010 toNovember 6, 2011 Your Uniballad, Madded Earth Gaia Moncler Quincy, Earthshan, Earth II, Galactic Fedearrangementn

January 15, 2011 at 1message toJanuary 5, 2014 at 7message Webinar – Lectures Tannihilation in absolute time internet chicallowance – Reabuttong humans from all over the apple

Welappear to

Ashtar Command – Spiritual Commassemblagey Netplan

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