Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Khedive Ismail Quatoosia
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Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Dezcad »

Continuing from the thread, Barringer on the verge of trouble again, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has indefinitely suspended Barringer from the practice of law in the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.

They specifically cite three prior monetary sanctions and conclude that monetary sanctions are insufficient.

In re: JEROLD W. BARRINGER No. 11-816
Before BRISCOE, Chief Judge, KELLY and GORSUCH, Circuit Judges.
Per Curiam.

The panel that decided a federal tax lien foreclosure appeal also determined that the appellant’s counsel, Jerold W. Barringer, made statements and arguments to the court that were frivolous. United States v. Springer, No. 10-5037 (10th Cir. Orders: Dec. 15, 2010, June 23, 2011, July 28, 2011). The panel directed that an attorney disciplinary proceeding be initiated. See Plan for Attorney Disciplinary Enforcement ("Plan") §§ 4.3, 6.2; No. 10-5037 (Order, July 28, 2011).
Accordingly, this proceeding was opened and a show cause order was issued to Mr. Barringer. See Plan § 4.2. The show cause order allowed him an opportunity to explain why he should not be sanctioned for advancing frivolous arguments. Mr. Barringer filed a response to the show cause order.
As a preliminary matter, he asks in his response for a hearing wherein he might present evidence. The court’s Plan permits a hearing, but does not require it. (If requested by the respondent, "the disciplinary panel may set the matter for a hearing before a special master." Plan § 8.1 (emphasis added)). In this instance, the court finds no need for a hearing. That request is therefore denied.
We need not repeat the various frivolous statements and arguments made by Mr. Barringer, as they can be found in the briefs and motions he has filed and are noted in the above-referenced orders entered in the Springer proceeding. Two examples of Mr. Barringer’s statements will suffice and are illustrative of the nature of his arguments to the court:

"Appellees cannot justifiably dispute the ‘IRS’ no longer legally exists." No.
10-5037 (Motion p. 4, Dec. 14, 2011).

"It should be clear by now there is no lawfully established Internal Revenue
Service with jurisdiction outside the District of Columbia or among the several
States." No. 10-5037 (Motion p. 7, Dec. 14, 2011).

As to whether or not he should be sanctioned, Mr. Barringer asserts in his response that his prior arguments to the court were either based on existing law or that they were based on a good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law. Therefore, asserts Mr. Barringer, they are not frivolous and he should not be sanctioned. See Model Rule of Professional Conduct 3.1.

However, the question of whether Mr. Barringer breached his ethical duties to the court by repeatedly asserting frivolous arguments has already been decided and this panel will not relitigate it.

We are guided by In re Smith, 10 F.3d 723 (10th Cir. 1993). In Smith, as here, an attorney was ordered to show cause why he should not be sanctioned for filing frivolous pleadings. Id. at 724. There, as here, the attorney argued in the disciplinary action that his pleadings in prior appeals "were not frivolous." Id. But the disciplinary panel declined to address that contention, stating: "The appeals were found to be frivolous by the panels who decided them. We cannot overrule the judgment of another panel of this court. We are bound by the precedent of prior panels absent en banc reconsideration or a superseding decision by the Supreme Court." Id. (citations omitted).
The Springer panel has already made a legal determination that Mr. Barringer filed frivolous pleadings in this court. We "cannot overrule" that judgment. Id. Our decision not to revisit the previous determination is further bolstered by the fact that the Springer panel allowed Mr. Barringer the opportunity to respond to the panel's concern about his frivolous arguments. See, e.g., Selling v. Radford, 243 U.S. 46, 51 (1917) (stating that a court may recognize and follow a disciplinary sanction imposed by another court so long as the attorney was afforded due process in the prior disciplinary action). At the same time the panel issued its Order and Judgment on the merits of the appeal, it issued a separate order affording Mr. Barringer the chance to show cause why his conduct should not be referred for possible discipline. No. 10-5037 (Order, June 23, 2011). Mr. Barringer took that opportunity to reiterate his prior arguments and insist that "[t]here is nothing Counsel has said that was frivolous . . ." No. 10-5037 (Response p. 22, July 13, 2011). The Springer panel considered this response, and then issued the order directing that this disciplinary proceeding be commenced. No. 10-5037 (Order, July 28, 2011).

In summary, the question of whether Mr. Barringer advanced frivolous arguments to this court has already been answered in the affirmative.

Having determined that Mr. Barringer committed ethical misconduct by filing frivolous pleadings, the only remaining question before the court is what sanction, if any, is appropriate to the circumstances.

To assist the court in answering that question, Mr. Barringer was required in his response to the show cause order issued in this proceeding to identify any prior instances where a court has imposed a sanction on him or where an argument he raised was found
to be frivolous by a tribunal.

In response to the show cause order, Mr. Barringer states that in 2001, he was publicly censured in Illinois for filing an improper motion to recuse a state trial judge; that in 2007, he was required to pay a $10,000 sanction by the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit for, among other things, making frivolous arguments in a tax related case; and that in the past two years he was required by the United States Tax Court to pay a $1,200 sanction for misconduct in one case and another $4,725 sanction for misconduct in another. Response, pp. 51-54.

These prior instances demonstrate that monetary sanctions have not proven effective in deterring Mr. Barringer from unethical conduct. We also note that Mr. Barringer is unapologetic about his consumption of court time with meritless contentions. Significantly, he offers no assurances that he will not continue to make frivolous arguments regarding the authority of the Internal Revenue Service if given the chance.

We are mindful that courts should exercise care in imposing sanctions for raising meritless arguments. See, e.g., Cooter & Gell v. Hartmarx Corp., 496 U.S. 384, 393 (1990) (noting that Fed. R. Civ. P. 11 must be read in light of concerns that the imposition of sanctions may spawn satellite litigation and chill vigorous advocacy). However, asserting frivolous legal arguments is simply ethical misconduct masquerading as advocacy.

For all the foregoing reasons, we find that a suspension from practicing before this
court is warranted.

Jerold W. Barringer is accordingly indefinitely suspended from the practice of law in the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. After one year from the date of this order, Mr. Barringer may petition for reinstatement. Any petition to reinstate must be filed in this case and must: (1) demonstrate good cause why Mr. Barringer should be reinstated; (2) identify any other discipline or sanctions to which he has been subject since this court’s suspension; (3) identify all bars to which he is a member in good standing and those bars from which he has been suspended, disbarred, or has otherwise been deemed not in good standing; and (4) otherwise comply with the applicable provisions of Plan § 10.

Entered for the Court
Douglas E. Cressler
Chief Deputy Clerk
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by notorial dissent »

Saying "Barringer on the verge of trouble again", is rather like saying the sun is going to come up tomorrow.

The fact that they gave him an "indefinite" suspension, is, I think, the judicial equivalent of saying he is permanently suspended, since I don't think he ever will, or ever will be able to demonstrate that he has mended his ways.

It is obvious that monetary fines don't phase him, and short of the old two by four up the side of the head routine, I don't think anything will ever get through to him.

And do I not correctly remember that otherwise he is rather more of a trainwreck as an attorney, so it is not like he is going to be a tragic loss to the community, any community either.
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Lambkin »

The train-wreck can go on and on, with UPL as the next stop.
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by notorial dissent »

Which could and should come about when his local licensing authority gets this handed to them.
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Nikki »

Next step, he attempts to represent someone in another Circuit, but forgets to tell the Court that he has been suspended in his home jurisdiction.

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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Gregg »

Can he still practice in state courts?
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by LPC »

10th Circuit wrote:in the past two years he was required by the United States Tax Court to pay a $1,200 sanction for misconduct in one case and another $4,725 sanction for misconduct in another.
I was aware of the second Tax Court sanction, but not the first.

The $1,200 sanction came in Denny and Judy Patridge v. Commissioner, No. 027746-07L (U.S.T.C. 9/29/2010). That's the same Denny Patridge that Barringer represented in an appeal of a criminal conviction in 2007, which resulted in $10,000 in sanctions against Barringer.

From the Decision and Order in the Tax Court:
Tax Court wrote:In response to our request, respondent's counsel submitted a declaration setting forth respondent's position regarding the excess costs that allegedly resulted from Mr. Barringer's conduct in this case. The declaration stated, among other things, that (1) respondent warned Mr. Barringer that his arguments were frivolous; (2) respondent intended to file a motion for summary judgment; and (3) petitioners should concede this case. The declaration also stated that respondent incurred excess costs as set forth in the declaration as a result of Mr. Barringer's frivolous arguments. With respect to the excess costs, the declaration asserts that respondent's counsel spent 6 hours reviewing the file, writing a letter to Mr. Barringer, preparing the motion for summary judgment, and preparing his declaration and that the time should be valued at $200 per hour. Respondent's counsel relies on our opinions in Takaba v. Commissioner, 119 T.C. 285 (2002) and Gillespie v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2007-202, in support of respondent's calculation of excess costs.

Mr. Barringer submitted a declaration in response, which was filed on May 28, 2008. Mr. Barringer states in the declaration that he is admitted to both the 7th Circuit and the 10th Circuit Courts of Appeals and that he was forced to decide which Court to follow in evaluating possible PRA 1995 arguments. Although his position is not clear, he seems to be claiming in effect that the opinions in Patridge and Chisum were in conflict and that he had to choose the most appropriate opinion to rely on in this case. Mr. Barringer also claims that "No harm appears to have occurred to the IRS" by his conduct, that "The PRA was raised in good faith", and that "the Lewis decision makes clear the Form 1040 itself does not contain all necessary information pursuant to * * * [Pæt 1995]." Mr. Barringer does not contest the number of excess hours claimed by respondent or the hourly rate that respondent asserts should be used to value the excess hours spent, but he argues that an award of excess costs under I.R.C. section 6673(a) (2) is not warranted. We disagree.

Mr. Barringer repeatedly asserted frivolous arguments on the basis of PRA 1995 throughout these proceedings. Even after the Court of Appeals issued its opinion in United States v. Patridge, supra, on November 14, 2007, Mr. Barringer persisted in asserting his position under PRA 1995, which he derived from a tortured misreading of Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit opinions. Respondent warned Mr. Barringer that his position was frivolous and that respondent intended to file a motion for summary judgment if petitioners and Mr. Barringer did not abandon their positions. Petitioners, acting through Mr. Barringer, continued with their frivolous arguments and actually used them as a basis for filing a frivolous motion for summary judgment, which we promptly denied.

The behavior described above belies Mr. Barringer's claim of good faith. In fact, the behavior demonstrates more effectively than words that Mr. Barringer acted in bad faith in an effort to prevent the collection of petitioners' unpaid tax liabilities for 2000 and 2001. In addition, we are mindful that Mr. Barringer has been sanctioned by this Court and by the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit for unreasonable and vexatious conduct on behalf of his clients in other tax cases. See United States v. Patridge, supra at 1096-1097 (describing Barringer as a "recidivist" who ignored the Court's instructions and rules and made frivolous arguments); Powell v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2009-174 (imposing personal liability for excess costs under I.R.C. sec. 6673(a) (2) for actions taken in bad faith). Although the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit has declined in two tax cases involving arguments under the PRA to impose sanctions at the appellate level the Court of Appeals nevertheless affirmed the imposition of an I.R.C. section 6673(a) (1) penalty on the taxpayer by this Court in both cases. See Springer v. Commissioner, 580 F.3d 1142 (10th Cir. 2009) (Barringer represented taxpayer); Lewis v. Commissioner, supra.

Because the language of 28 U.S.C.. sec. 1927 (1988) "is substantially identical" to that of I.R.C. section 6673(a) (2), we examined and relied upon caselaw under 28 U.S.C. sec. 1927 "to ascertain the level of misconduct justifying sanctions" during the early development of our jurisprudence regarding the proper interpretation of I.R.C. section 6673(a) (2). See Takaba v. Commissioner, supra at 296-297 (citing Harper v. Commissioner, 99 T.C. 533,. 545-546 (1992). In Takaba and Harper, we noted that most Courts of Appeals require a finding of bad faith as a condition for imposing sanctions under 28 U.S.C. sec. 1927 (1988), although a few have adopted a lower threshold of recklessness. See Takaba v. Commissioner, supra at 297; Harper v. Commissioner, supra at 545-546. While it is not clear which Court of Appeals would have appellate venue over an appeal from an order and decision imposing liability under I.R.C. section 6673(a) (2) in this case, the most likely appellate venue, absent a stipulation to the contrary, would be either the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, see I.R.C. section 7482 (b) (1) (second sentence), or the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, see I.R.C. section 7482(b) (1) (A). In Johnson v. Commissioner, 289 F.3d 452, 456 (7th Cir. 2002), affg. 116 T.C. 111 (2001), the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held that a finding of bad faith was required before an attorney may be sanctioned under I.R.C. section 6673(a) (2) and that reckless or extremely negligent conduct will satisfy the bad faith requirement. Because we have found that Mr. Barringer acted in bad faith by persisting in making frivolous arguments under PRA 1995 after he had reason to believe that his arguments were meritless and after he had been warned, we conclude that a sanction under I.R.C. section 6673(a) (2) is appropriate. We shall impose personal liability on Mr. Barringer to pay to respondent excess costs of $1,200 (6 hours @ $200 per hour).
Dan Evans
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by LPC »

Gregg wrote:Can he still practice in state courts?
Yes, the 10th Circuit order only applies to federal courts in the 10th Circuit.

However, he is almost certainly required to report the disciplinary action to his home state (Illinois), which could decide to impose reciprocal discipline and suspend him in those courts as well.
Dan Evans
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by LPC »

About Barringer's state license: His response to the 10th Circuit panel included the following:
Jerold W. Barringer wrote:The $10,000 sanction [imposed by the 7th Circuit as a result of the appeal in Patridge] was paid. The Illinois Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission
opened an investigation, which was pending from January, 2008 until August, 2009, when
the Tenth Circuit issued its opinion in Springer v. Commissioner, 580 F.3d 1142 (10th Cir.
2009), decided on August 31, 2009. Upon seeing that opinion, the Disciplinary Commission
closed its investigation.
I don't understand the last sentence. The Illinois commission closed an investigation because Barringer was able to file a brief that was not "sufficiently frivolous" to warrant sanctions? (That's what the 10th Circuit ruled in that case.)

Regardless, it certainly appears to be more than merely possible that the Illinois commission will open an investigation, given the suspension by the 10th Circuit and Barringer's history.
Dan Evans
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by notorial dissent »

LPC wrote:
Gregg wrote:Can he still practice in state courts?
Yes, the 10th Circuit order only applies to federal courts in the 10th Circuit.

However, he is almost certainly required to report the disciplinary action to his home state (Illinois), which could decide to impose reciprocal discipline and suspend him in those courts as well.

Which could only be seen as a boon to the few remaining fools who don't know what a disaster waiting to happen that he is.
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Gregg »

I was pretty sure it went something like that. I had known that if you are suspended in a State court, the Federal Court in that district suspends you as well, just wasn't certain it went both ways.
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by wserra »

I split the posts about Menachem Youlus into their own thread.
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Paths of the Sea »

So, how does Barringer's situation affect his being able to represent Dr. Dino (aka Kent Hovind) in his pending Tax Court case (Florida)?

I just checked and Barringer is still shown as the counsel of record.

The case is currently pending a rescheduling of the trial.

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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Paths of the Sea wrote:So, how does Barringer's situation affect his being able to represent Dr. Dino (aka Kent Hovind) in his pending Tax Court case (Florida)?
For the moment, it doesn't. The Tax Court hasn't suspended Barringer from practice, and probably won't until his home state (Illinois?) does.
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I also noticed that Hovind (aka Dr. Dino) has some anti-government videos still available on-line in which he appears with a fellow called John D'Arcy.


I wonder if there isn't a direct connection between the D'Arcy family of the recent Court decision, recently referenced here, and Hovind who has made similarly frivolous arguments recently.

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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Paths of the Sea »

For instance, there's a John (middle name) D'Arcy listed as one of the officers at the same Florida company where Merrit D'Arcy is shown as an officer.

One of the anti-government videos featuring Hovind (Dr. Dino) and John D'Arcy is found at:

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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Dezcad »

Barringer filed a "Petition for Reconsideration, Rehearing, and En Banc Rehearing".

He still doesn't get it!
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dezcad wrote:Barringer filed a "Petition for Reconsideration, Rehearing, and En Banc Rehearing".

He still doesn't get it!
I'm shocked. Shocked! :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by LPC »

Dezcad wrote:Barringer filed a "Petition for Reconsideration, Rehearing, and En Banc Rehearing".

He still doesn't get it!
Next up: The petition for a writ of mandumbass to the Supreme Court, asking them to order the 10th Circuit to reconsider his case.

Then the petition to the Supreme Court asking them to reconsider the denial of the writ of mandumbass.

Then the actual appeal to the Supreme Court.

Then the petition to ask the Supreme Court to reconsider the denial of cert.

Then the appeal from the suspension from the practice of law in Illinois.

Etc., etc., etc.
Dan Evans
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Re: Barringer indefinitely suspended by 10th Circuit

Post by wserra »

Barringer wrote:Clearly, there is a legal difference between "FRIVOLOUS STATEMENTS" and
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