... 26b1c53f1eTruth Attack collects money organizes people and works to build a powerful icepick in the brain of income tax. Tom [presumably Tommy Cryer] and Larry [presumably Lowell "Larry" Becraft] support this and push it.
They cannot eat air. They have to receive money for their work, or their families and other obligations die.
It will cost $50,000 to fund the litigation they will do as a MODEL to BUILD CASE LAW in vulnerable areas against income tax.
People will be able to use this case law in years to come.
Instead of working with a real broke patriot with a family suffering from real torturous oppression by the IRS (the typical idiot client who didn't think before bucking against income tax), we set up a dummy situation with real but shell corporation having no purpose other than this lawsuit, hiring one employee for the purpose of this lawsuit, who then files suit against the corporation and uses this lawsuit to hammer the IRS in a way where the win or loss does not cost anybody JAIL TIME and loss of a FORTUNE and FAMILY. The plaintiff works for summary judgment without opposition by the defendant, and it has to do with a crappy income tax issue. The defendant then appeals the ruling and of course the plaintiff wins.
THIS IS A FRIENDLY lawsuit where the parties do it as friendly adversaries to create case law, not out of necessary hostility.
Get it? So HELP ME GET THE MONEY TOGETHER. This is not some bullshit project. It matters. It means something, and it will set the stage for more and more projects like it that can (may, might, possibly) win against the income tax.
It makes more sense to do it this way than to stand aside and watch the IRS and DOJ rape and destroy the lives of one patriot after another, at immense loss of money, liberty, family, reputation, and so on.
We have no other practical way to band together. It's a lot cheaper to pay for litigation than to get out in the street with guns, knives, hoes, and broken whiskey bottles, isn't it?
So, Bob Hurt has discovered the concept of a collusive action -- and now he wants to tell everyone about it?
Somebody alert the media.....