Remember Larken Rose?

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Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Demosthenes »


Larken Rose
Website: Larken Rose
More About: Police State

• •
A Farewell from Fascists

Well, the day before I'll be hitting the road to head to Libertopia, a half dozen federal fascists showed up at my house to wish me a happy journey.

Well, not quite.

Driving down the road toward our house, Tessa and I observed half a dozen jackbooted swine--in their usual blue flack jackets with "POLICE" written on them--milling about on the road. I didn't know if it was about me or not, but I decided to casually drive past, to at least go get a camera before coming back. (Yes, I committed the sin of driving in the USSA without a camera handy. Shame on me.) However, the jackboots obviously recognized me, and since our house is right on the corner, we had to stop at the traffic light. A fascist came up to each front window and knocked. I rolled down my window just a bit, and a gray-haired, veteran fascist informed me that I was not being arrested. That's nice. Instead, there were "tax matters" that some other federal pig wanted to discuss. Only when he was right there could I read the Treasury logo on his state mercenary uniform. I asked if they were all IRS, and they were, except one local cop, standing off to the side.

I said I had no interest in talking to them, and then the veteran jackboot handed me a card, which I recognized as the card of Kerry Martin, the local IRS extortionist crook who has been trying to rob me for a while, based on something the IRS completely made up. (It's not even anything exciting; just a bogus claim about "subcontractor" versus "employee" status.) So these half dozen jackboots were there to "ask" me to have a talk about "tax matters." I said, "No, thanks." Well, I delivered that basic message, but using rather more colorful verbiage, which I won't repeat here.

Now, this story will be familiar to a lot of you, since it's routine federal Gestapo tactics. Just like the private Mafia, the IRS often uses impromptu visits by armed goons to harass and terrorize people, in an effort to help with the IRS' extortion efforts. What made this example a little strange is that these jackboots were there to tell me that I needed to meet with the IRS, after I had spent years asking to meet with them about their bogus allegations, and after they had spent a couple years ignoring my requests.

What they really wanted was for me to talk to them off the record, with a bunch of fascists standing around, instead of in an office and on the record. I told them I don't deal with them on the phone, or in person unless there is a recorder running. As always, I told them whatever they want, they have to do it by mail, because I know those fascist bastards constantly lie through their teeth when they're not on the record (and I said so). He asked me, if the IRS sent me a letter setting a time for a meeting, would I be there the next day? Nope. Not only won't I be around, but I need to give them 30 days notice, under 26 USC 7521, that I will be recording the meeting. He seemed to run out of stupid things to say, and knew he couldn't "demand" anything. He also seemed a little taken aback when I told him I wanted a meeting, and had been requesting one for years. So their huffing and puffing sort of fizzled into a great big nothing.

I thought that was that, but then something rather interesting happened. Out of the blue, the veteran fascist commented about the fact that I've posted things on my web site talking about killing cops. For anyone who doesn't know, here is what he was talking about: ... oot-a-cop/

I "informed" the guy that he was a Nazi bastard, and asked for his badge number. After I asked a couple times, he said "1161." (Is that even enough digits for an IRS CID badge number?) I got out my cell phone, to make a recording. I asked for his name, and suddenly he looked a little troubled, and walked away quickly without answering me. I yelled again, asking him for his name. Suddenly none of them wanted to talk to me. I shouted to the local cop, to ask him if he knew the head IRS goon's name, since he had obviously just tried to intimidate and harass me for something I said on a web site. The local cop said to take it up with the IRS.

My wife and I drove around the block (we couldn't back up), and when we got back to our driveway, the fascists had cleared out. Well, there was one who had parked farther up the street. I waved goodbye to him--with one finger--as he drove past.

In case anyone is wondering why the jackboot suddenly got quiet, and decided to leave, it has to do with that pesky First Amendment. "Legally" speaking (as if that matters), not only can't "government" jackboots openly punish someone for speaking his mind, but they're not supposed to do anything that might have a "chilling effect" on people speaking their minds. Like, for example, having half a dozen thugs show up at someone's house to "discuss" something he wrote on a web site. Whether it's worth the effort of a "1983" (section of law, not year) lawsuit, I'll have to consider.

Well, as you can tell by this message, their little "visit" didn't make me decide to shut up. In fact, it gave me something to write about today. So thanks, you brain-dead, extortionist terrorist Nazi bastards!
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Judge Roy Bean »


I got pulled over near my house and the local cop told me to get my taillight fixed.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by wserra »

Alternate translation:

I am in serious need of a conversation with a Holocaust survivor so that I might learn what a "fascist police state" really is. Hint: "jackboots" don't knock, they don't ask and, if you give them the one-finger salute, they remove that finger from the rest of your hand.

What a fucking weenie.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by webhick »

wserra wrote:What a fucking weenie.
If Larken Rose ever comes here to post, I would like to nominate this for his user title.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Famspear »

webhick wrote:
wserra wrote:What a fucking weenie.
If Larken Rose ever comes here to post, I would like to nominate this for his user title.
Poor widdle Warkin..... Wet's have a widdle weespect for him! He's just a widdle touchy abowt his pweevious stint in a Feduwahl prwizzon for faiwling to fiwle his Feduhwahl income tax weeturns....

Those mean ol', bad ol' waskly Feduhwahl Department of duh Tweasurwee agents! Why don't dey weave him awonnnnne?

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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Thule »

wserra wrote: I am in serious need of a conversation with a Holocaust survivor so that I might learn what a "fascist police state" really is. Hint: "jackboots" don't knock, they don't ask and, if you give them the one-finger salute, they remove that finger from the rest of your hand.
Not to mention that real fascist wouldn't give him the chance to whine about it in public later.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Famspear »

Thule wrote:
wserra wrote: I am in serious need of a conversation with a Holocaust survivor so that I might learn what a "fascist police state" really is. Hint: "jackboots" don't knock, they don't ask and, if you give them the one-finger salute, they remove that finger from the rest of your hand.
Not to mention that real fascist wouldn't give him the chance to whine about it in public later.
Some tax protesters claim to be students of history. Yet some of them (such as Larken Rose) throw words around -- words like "fascist" and "police state" -- in a way that illustrates that they don't really know history, or that they just don't care. This is a childish, "I'm gonna throw a tantrum and call people names and that'll show 'em, because I can't have my way" ranting. Larken Rose is practically a leading poster boy for this kind of thing. Larken Rose should thank his lucky stars that he lives here, instead of in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote:
Thule wrote:
wserra wrote: I am in serious need of a conversation with a Holocaust survivor so that I might learn what a "fascist police state" really is. Hint: "jackboots" don't knock, they don't ask and, if you give them the one-finger salute, they remove that finger from the rest of your hand.
Not to mention that real fascist wouldn't give him the chance to whine about it in public later.
Some tax protesters claim to be students of history. Yet some of them (such as Larken Rose) throw words around -- words like "fascist" and "police state" -- in a way that illustrates that they don't really know history, or that they just don't care. This is a childish, "I'm gonna throw a tantrum and call people names and that'll show 'em, because I can't have my way" ranting. Larken Rose is practically a leading poster boy for this kind of thing. Larken Rose should thank his lucky stars that he lives here, instead of in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
To take the childish angle a bit further -- these people remind me of a child who learns a Bad Word. The child doesn't fully understand -- if at all -- how to use the word properly; but the child knows that the Bad Word will prompt a reaction in anyone who hears/reads it, so the word will be loaded into the child's metal arsenal for eventual use.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by LPC »

Larken Rose wrote:Out of the blue, the veteran fascist commented about the fact that I've posted things on my web site talking about killing cops. For anyone who doesn't know, here is what he was talking about: ... oot-a-cop/

I "informed" the guy that he was a Nazi bastard, and asked for his badge number. After I asked a couple times, he said "1161." (Is that even enough digits for an IRS CID badge number?) I got out my cell phone, to make a recording. I asked for his name, and suddenly he looked a little troubled, and walked away quickly without answering me.....

In case anyone is wondering why the jackboot suddenly got quiet, and decided to leave, it has to do with that pesky First Amendment.
That's possible.

It's also possible that the officer in question suddenly realized that he was talking to someone who writes about shooting cops, owns guns, is really very seriously batshit crazy, and now wants to know the officer's name, which he can probably use to find out where the officer lives.

I think it was the officer's self-preservation instinct that kicked in, not his insights into constitutional law.
Dan Evans
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by jkeeb »

Remember Larken Rose?


Could we send him back til we can answer that with a no?
Remember that CtC is about the rule of law.

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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by AndyK »

Rosie made all that crap up.

He didn't want to admit that he was just pulled over for driving under the influence of a mullet.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Tax Man »

jkeeb wrote:Remember Larken Rose?


Could we send him back til we can answer that with a no?

Yeah, I remember him, but its getting a lot more difficult to recognize him these days.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by notorial dissent »

And he still wonders why we called him Barkin' Larken... Woof!!!
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I had nearly forgotten about MulletBoy until his name was brought up.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Imalawman »

wserra wrote:What a fucking weenie.
Not that I mind in the least your pithy reply, however, since when can we write "fucking" without it being censored? Just curious.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Lambkin »

Tax Man wrote:Yeah, I remember him, but its getting a lot more difficult to recognize him these days.
Wow! Same guy? That is really sad but not terribly surprising. Anyone with that much anger is going to end up with major health problems.
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Re: Remember Larken Rose?

Post by Gregg »

Imalawman wrote:
wserra wrote:What a fucking weenie.
Not that I mind in the least your pithy reply, however, since when can we write "fucking" without it being censored? Just curious.
I didn't know it was ever censored, FWIW.
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