Sign the Petition!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

Heard about this on a couple of NESARA-friendly sites (one MacHaffie's, where for some strange reason he's not talking about the imminent Dinar RV any more).! ... a/GrQ0cm26

I encourage you to sign this petition (requires registration but you can use a silly phony name like "Dove of Oneness") for two reasons:

1. They only have 881 signatures out of a projected 5000, and 5000 signatures is like 100 monkeys. This will undoubtedly FORCE the government to announce this secret law that nobody has ever seen and can't talk about except certain people on the Internet because there's this non-disclosure law for everyone else. That will allow the investors in the Omega Program to get their $billions from the St. Germain trust.

2. Things have been going badly for the White House recently and they need a lift. If the people behind this send it to them, someone is sure to have a laugh. They might even pass it around before tossing it, bringing joy to even more federal employees.

Wikipedia wrote:The hundredth monkey effect is a supposed phenomenon in which a learned behavior spreads instantaneously from one group of monkeys to all related monkeys once a critical number is reached. By generalization it means the instantaneous, paranormal spreading of an idea or ability to the remainder of a population once a certain portion of that population has heard of the new idea or learned the new ability. The story behind this supposed phenomenon originated with Lawrence Blair and Lyall Watson in the mid-to-late 1970s, who claimed that it was the observation of Japanese scientists. One of the primary factors in the promulgation of the story is that many authors quote secondary, tertiary or post-tertiary sources who have themselves misrepresented the original observations
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

There are those who believe that NESARA is real but part of a satanic conspiracy. My favorite is Sherry Shriner, who used to update this stuff daily but recently has been quite sporadic (her Blog was last updated on Jan 3, 2011, in a post that includes a promise of daily updates and a message from God, who she talks to, telling of the coming famine in September 2011). Here's a taste of one of her websites.

The Beast Economic Program
By Sherry Shriner

What is NESARA?

An excuse to plunder and pillage America under the false pretense of peace and prosperity and an imaginary return to constitutional law.

NESARA is the economic and political program of the Antichrist. Known as the National Economic Security And Reformation Act it is better described as a
National Evil Snake, Annunaki (and) Reptilian Association or simply,
Neo-logical Excrement Spread Artfully Round America

They promote it as a Restoration of our Constitutional freedoms, cures for illnesses and new energy sources, financial and banking improvements, removal of corrupt government officials, and the beginning of more peace on Earth and more -- all alleged improvements to begin with NESARA’s announcement.

Sounds good but we know it's a lie!
Deceit - Deception - Lies!
They will use this platform to get their feet on the earth and then once they are here they will blame their failures on not being able to implement their program on true believers of the Most High and begin a cleansing program on earth!

Others refer to it as "First Contact."

Our first official publicized contact with Space Aliens will involve a treaty that implements NESARA here in America. This will be enforced on the entire world as well. These aliens will not look like little green men. They are Anuk, tall, angelic humanoid creatures coming as Ascended Masters, Space ship Commanders, Messiahs, those who have reached Godhood, angels etc...Maitreya, Al Gore, and Obama are part of this clan as well.

These Tall Greys, Lizards and Anuk are fallen angels, kicked out of heaven with Lucifer when he rebelled against the Most High God. There is nothing new about NESARA. It is the same program Lucifer implemented as a high ranking cherub before he rebelled against the Most High God.

In Revelation chapter 13 the Bible describes the second beast, the False Prophet, who will enforce a worldwide economic program. NESARA fulfills this prophecy.

Will Obama step into the role as the False Prophet?
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (verses 16-18).

NESARA is a foot in the door for Satan's alien forces. If they can get people to buy this "peace and prosperity" agenda then they are getting acceptance to come on earth and implement it. Once these Reptiles and Lizards are in control they will ratify parts 2&3 of NESARA that nullify part 1 and begin their own agenda of cannibalism and murdering the inhabitants of America.

Check out their main leader, "Christ Michael" who goes by the Name Hatonn ( a close resemblance to Satan, SA TONN) who admits he's a tall Grey Alien

Are the NESARA leaders the Ashtar Command? (see their humanoid pics)

Sananda Immanuel claims/admits Sanat Kumera is his father - Sanat Kumera is another name for Satan..

NESARA sounds good until you realize you're selling your soul to the devil to save a few bucks. It's just exchanging one global agenda for another. NESARA vs.Illuminati with Satan playing both sides.

Yes, we would all like everything NESARA promises to give, but on OUR TERMS, not THEIRS, and without mocking the depiction and resemblence of our Lord Jesus Christ with their Germaine and Sananda.

How many will be deceived by Sananda when they realize he "looks" and "sounds" just like the Jesus of the Bible? Will they know this is a DECEPTION?

"For many shall come in My Name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many" Matt. 24:5

Sanat Kumara - Also known as Satan, Lucifer

Some Facts About NESARA

- Created and will be implemented by Lucifer's fallen angels to enslave the entire world under a global economic system fulfilling the second half of Revelation 13.

- Proposes peace and prosperity under the guise of wealth and prosperity eventually requiring all those who want to participate to be marked, chipped or "sealed."

- the two leaders, Germaine and Sananda Jesus will be followed by other "Sanandas" such as Maitreya, Muhammad, and others. These Sanandas will fulfill the roles of various religions who expect the return of the central figure of their religion as a Messiah or Messenger.

- these leaders are not angels, or ascended masters, or anything but Annunaki fallen angels here to deceive mankind in the last days and lead them into worldwide Satanism, the worship of Lucifer as God.

- all those who refuse to participate in the beast global economy will be cleansed from the earth. This means they will be killed. The Anuk claim these people are sent to another planet to rethink their attitudes but they aren't sent anywhere but their graves.

- these Omegans claim they are White Knights, here to protect earth from a hostile takeover by the Illuminati, but what they offer is nothing more than a hostile takeover themselves. Agree with them or be killed.

Their plan is to overtake the US government, implement Alien Disclosure resulting in First Contact, and then finish off their staged productions with a grand finally: THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS.

Their Jesus.

Their charades will deceive many. The pastors in the churches will support them and lead many people into the pit of hell for following this false Jesus.

We Can Annihilate Them

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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

I had known that the chickens had left Dove & Co.'s old coop a while back, but it still comes-up as the #3 Google find for a "Nesara" search. Now you get an "Ad Sense" page, which turns out to be Google Ads. When the website opened up the service stuck an advertisement "engine" at the address to catch a few hits from people led there by old links. It comes up high on Google, well, 'cause it's still got a lot of web-document links and probably because it's one of the Google family.

The search's site summary promises "Find Cash Advance, Debt Consolidation and more at Get the best of Insurance or Free Credit Report, browse our section on Cell Phones or learn ..." My browser cut the end off. Surprisingly, given this, the page has no ads (!? less maintenance? oversight?) but it does have "related" searches for you to click on:

* Flyers
* 2012 Predictions
* Surviving 2012
* Channeling 2012
* Healing Magnets
* Light Treatment for Acne
* Healing Angels
* Blue Light Acne Therapy
* Intense Pulse Light Treatment
* Infrared Therapy Light
* DPL Light
* Receitas Light
* LED Light Treatment
* Healing Training
* Light Massage Tables

Each brings you to a search page with lots of "service" hits that are basically short ads. I wonder if this is how they make their $$$.

A fitting end to one thread of Dove's once mighty empire.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

MacHaffie, people posting at Rumor Mill News, and others were all agog about "CNN Reporting NESARA." Turns out to have been a Wednesday post by Beth Trutwin, former associate of Lord Rama and Lady Tara, on CNN iReports, where anyone can post most anything. Mostly it was a recycling of Dove's NESARA claims and this:

Why Sign The NESARA Petition?

Now that NESARA has been signed into law, The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA including all those in government and the courts who will go to jail for crimes of High Treason. If giving 16 Trillion to the banks for their recovery is not a sign that this is real, I do not know how else to show you. Many White Knights working to enact NESARA have been assassinated. Using the Petition and obtaining 5,000 signatures by October 28, 2011 may be the only way to get a comment from President Obama about NESARA Law. This may be our last chance after ten years, don't you think we deserve to know the truth?

How Do I Sign The NESARA Petition?

One may go to the White House We The People website to sign the petition.
Create an Account, Confirm your email address, Sign. Two minutes. Done.
Click on this link and do it now!

This an stuff on Ms. Tushwind's site indicates that she was the one who posted this petition in the first place (see the bottom of this post). This post has a handful of comments:

October 15, 2011
This is great. What I want to know, seeing as we all live in a global community, why this voting is restricted to US citizens!

October 15, 2011
According to Wikipedia, the NESARA story is a total fabrication. Community Guidelines require that the story be true. This story is not true.

October 16, 2011
Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the internet. Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation.
Anyone living on Planet Earth in ANY country may sign.

October 16, 2011
Lincould, GF33 is right! There are web sites that exist solely for the purpose of deception and there are sites that can be USED to perpetuate it with disinformation such as Wikipedia. That web site even states: "Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit." so how can you trust it?
Big Brother has looooooong arms.

October 16, 2011
Try to find the true supporting documentation for yourself, like the real Library of Congress 1933 Congressional Record all these people claim exists. You can't do it. The only thing you'll find is a lot of allegations and assertions. Then take a look at the GalacticRoundTable web site this author points you to. If anyone can read through that stuff and still contend that the analysis on Wikipedia that debunks it is disinformation then no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise.

19 hours ago
This is one of the silliest things I've ever read. Come on, people. There are too many Real conspiracies to work on, don't waste time fabricating fantasies to chase. Forgiving all debt... abolishing all war... free energy... anti-gravity... Dang! What are ya smokin, there cowboy? Oh, wait, I see at the end there is a plea for money... oh, okay. If all debt is abolished and energy is free why does he need money?

My best guess is that Beth is a "she," but given the picture she uses it's hard to say. Here's a sample of a post on her blog.

What More Can I Do To Help Raise Needed Signatures for the NESARA Petition?Posted by Ҩelizabeth trutwin₪ on October 14, 2011 at 11:30amView Blog.Greetings Everybody!

This morning we have almost 500 more signatures than 3 days ago. It is not nearly enough! We need a minimum of 3,551 more by October 28, 2011. I have received many emails saying the White House website does not work ~ there are issues with captcha, issues with creating an account, issues with the petition page being inaccessible. Thank you for your emails, please stop sending them, I am aware. This situation with the website is like waiting at the DMV or the post office or the gas station. One must simply smile, calmly wait your turn, keep trying and don't stop until you are complete. This is a spiritual test to see the level of your maturity as a Sentient Being. Even if you have to wait a whole day or two its OK ~ be patient and just keep trying. Please let the folks you are asking to sign know they may need to try many times before they will have success. Please don't let it stop you. No one can sign the petition for you. Anyone in Any Country over 13 can sign. Ask kids over 13 if they want to be a millionaire? Ask them to make it viral on Facebook.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by JamesVincent »

Sometimes I worry about you Knight. I dont see how long any one person can actually go through all of this crap and come out with the stuff you come out with without going bat-shit crazy.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

JamesVincent wrote:Sometimes I worry about you Knight. I dont see how long any one person can actually go through all of this crap and come out with the stuff you come out with without going bat-shit crazy.
It's simple, I'm protected by the Mushroom beings of Planet Zonthar from the conspiracies of the evil Mouse King and his minions here on earth.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

Somehow the CNN posting got picked up by Dr. Jones at God's Kingdom Ministries (Serious Bible Study). Jones posted the bulk of Beth Truthwink's post and then this later the same day.

Dr. Jones' Entry from 10/15/2011
More thoughts on the NESARA article

This report on NESARA is not a main CNN news report. It is a spinoff from CNN called ireport.cnn.

Nonetheless, it is posted using the CNN site, and after 3 days the article is still posted. Certainly, the main CNN branch must know of it by now, and the fact that they have not deleted it should count for something.

Having said that, CNN says of all these iReports, iReport is a user-generated section of The stories here come from users. CNN has vetted only the stories marked with the "CNN" badge.

This is a disclaimer so that they don't get sued.

Another fact is that the article was written by someone affiliated with That's a pretty far-out site.

My theory: It looks like someone in a position of power behind the scenes has forced the outing of the NESARA law into the public arena. CNN was picked to do this, and insofar as they objected to this, they posted an article from a far-out site that few would find credible.

I cannot vouch for all that is in the article, because I am not privy to such secret things. Nonethteless, from what I have heard from my own credible sources, most (if not all) of the article is true. The few items from the article that I can vouch for, I would not do so anyway, because knowing such things can be detrimental to one's vital signs.

Meanwhile, I am doing some of my own investigation to see what I can learn about this.

So much for "serious" study. "Doctor" Jones has many other posts that are fairly far-out, for example, he's a strong supporter of the "Dinar RV" and suggests you buy them from "Brother Vinnie." Here's a taste.

Iraq, dinars, and Spiritual Warfare

I notice today that someone has posted a slightly modified version of my Jan. 8, 2011 web log on the Dinar Daddy site.

(Scroll down to the "Members" section. It is entitled: What is really behind this dinar revaluation?) My only criticism is that they forgot to include my disclaimer at the end:

"The opinions expressed in this weblog are not necessarily the opinions of God or His angelic staff."

Even so, a lot of people must be reading that post and also checking out my web site, because the number of hits on my site are going a little crazy today. I have noticed that a lot of dinarians are also Christians, so chances are good that they have an interest in hearing how Iraq's situation fits into biblical prophecy.

They might even find other topics that would be of interest to those who have been looking for more indepth Bible study as a means to understand what is happening in the world today. What I have to offer is somewhat different from the mainstream and may provide some alternate views that they have not been aware of previously.

Expectations are quite high right now that the dinar will revalue by the end of June. From the standpoint of prophetic patterns, I see the real possibility of June 28 to July 1st as well. However, these patterns are based on prophetic events and revelation from 1989, 1997, and 2001, with June 19 being the key start point and running to the first of July.

But in 1997 we also saw a PART 2 in the sequence of prophetic events, occurring two months later from August 19 - 31, culminating with the death of Princess Diana.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

Those who support signing the NESARA petition to the White House have some good news and bad news. The good news is they're finally more than half way there! Only 2328 signatures needed out of 5000. Even math-challenged prosperity program believers can see that's less than half. The bad news is they need these by October 28, less than 10 days away. At the current rate of signing, they'll be short (not to mention that most of their "low hanging fruit" has already been picked, and no, in neither of these am I talking about their private parts).

Beth Trutwin ("Truth Wind," no doubt her real name), Lord Rama and Lady Tara's old ally, is the one behind this and she's counting on all the "Occupy Wall Street" supporters to become NESARAites. I went through a few hundred of the most recent signing, and didn't see any from New York. The last 3 were from other countries, and I noted Utah was well represented (old members of the Salt Lake City NESARA cult featured in "Waiting for NESARA?").

If you haven't signed yet, you have no excuse! Well, besides not wanting to waste your time and being relatively sane. NESARA NOW WON!
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Beth Trutwin ("Truth Wind," no doubt her real name), Lord Rama and Lady Tara's old ally, is the one behind this and she's counting on all the "Occupy Wall Street" supporters to become NESARAites
I wondered when these noodniks were going to try to tap into the OWS movement for support. What is the over/under for when the first "NESARA Now!" sign shows up at a OWS protest?
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Beth Trutwin ("Truth Wind," no doubt her real name), Lord Rama and Lady Tara's old ally, is the one behind this and she's counting on all the "Occupy Wall Street" supporters to become NESARAites
I wondered when these noodniks were going to try to tap into the OWS movement for support. What is the over/under for when the first "NESARA Now!" sign shows up at a OWS protest?
I think it's only a matter of time. As I've said before, protests like these always attract their share of people who want publicity for their pet cause and want to co-opt the goals of the protest if at all possible.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
The Observer wrote:I wondered when these noodniks were going to try to tap into the OWS movement for support. What is the over/under for when the first "NESARA Now!" sign shows up at a OWS protest?
I think it's only a matter of time. As I've said before, protests like these always attract their share of people who want publicity for their pet cause and want to co-opt the goals of the protest if at all possible.
Ms. Trutwin has been excited about this for a couple of week, urging people to go to the one closest to them and spread the word of NESARA, 9-11 "truth," and first contact. She even posted a "sign/flyer" to print out and take along to display or pass out last Satruday.


Both MacHaffie and Bellringer post both pro and con articles depending on the point the writer is trying to make (being anti-government, anti-bank and anti-Liberal at the same time). Bellringer is mostly con but MacHaffie is more even, though they tend to come in bunches. I figure he gets enamored by one perspective or the other for a day or two, then switches.
News From The Revolution
Occupy Wall Street protesters have begun publishing their own newspaper!
A volunteer group runs the paper, called "Occupied Wall Street Journal" at a secret location.
50,000 copies of the first issue of the paper were gone within two days. So were 100,000 of the second issue.
Two main organizers of the Occupied Wall Street Journal newspaper are Arun Gupta and Jed Brandt, who also work on The Indypendent.
Jed Brandt explains: " What most Americans believe is not allowed on television. They have the same commentators, telling us the same issues over and over, pointing fingers, telling us who to hate and fear. We need to provide something for people all across the country that encourages them to directly participate."
The material ranges from quotes from Chris Hedges, Naomi Klein's speech, "5 Things You Can Do Now", as well as an introduction to the protest called “Occupation for Dummies".
“People reading this in subways, in parks, on streets, older people, people who are curious, who heard – there's a lot of noise being heard at Wall Street, what's this all about? You need words that are in print that shock and make the reader think,” says managing editor Michael Levitin.
Imagine: there is no website for this paper yet, because the urgency to go to print and get in into people's hands was played out in real time, old school 3D, down on Wall Street in October of 2011.

--Bibi Farber
I had been looking at CNN videos of the rambunctious protestors in both LA and NY and they had one thing in common. They were manned by predominantly early 20's males who all dressed about the same style and hair. Then after wondering about that and whether they were real protestors, I came across this blog we did about Egypts rebellion that we all know now was a controlled rebellion and now the militry in Egypt is killing Egyptian citizens, because they did not provide to the people what they promised..... and look below who is involved in that rebellion???? LOOKS LIKE ITS SOROS' JOB INTERNATIONALLY to forment those rebellions and over throw governments so they can take direct control of them without spending all that money buying the politicians. Must be expensive to do.
Remember, we also found out Libya was also a controlled rebellion. It was for Rothschild and we know this because the first thing the rebels did when they gained control was to create a whole different and separate banking system that coincidentially was right in line with Rothschild style banking.... FIAT CURRENCY, WORTH NOTHING. The second thing they did was to set up negotiations with British and American oil companies to take over Egypts oil drilling and distribution. Yup, that was a bogus rebellion too. Now read this below and see if you see any similarity. Remember ITS ARROGANT OF US TO BELIEVE THEY COULD NOT DO THIS TO US. Do I believe there are good honest rebels, yes, I do, but not in leadership positions. The control of it is firmly in Soros hands. NOT ONE SINGLE SIGN ABOUT AUDITING THE FED OR DOING AWAY WITH IT. NOT ONE. Don't you find that odd??? Do I think the real protestors could take it over? Yes, I do, but then no more Soros's donation of free food and drinks. Its when you pay out of your pocket and aren't working, that rebellion becomes a very different animal.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

From Beth Tushwind, er, Trutwin, posted a few places including MacHaffie's RAP NESARA site.

NESARA Petition signatures needed NOW!!!!!!
The Galactic roundtable
A message to all members of The Galactic roundtable
2220 More signatures Needed by October 28, 2011

Greetings Everybody!

The momentum behind the Occupy Wall Street movement is just incredible. We're showing a lot of power, both in the media and in the streets, and I'm excited to see what we can do together. There are 72 Cities across America which are joining with Countries around the World to take their Cries For Freedom into the streets. This is the Collective Conscious Energy which One would expect to see NESARA Announced with Full Galactic Disclosure. We Create Our own world. The Politicians, the Corporations and Bankers have all created a world of Illusion, and world of Sorrow. We have happily participated in the Illusion for the past few decades. The inside Trading and illusionary Real Estate bubble are being revealed to their fullest now. We are the creators of our World and as we ask for Freedom, we will have it.

NESARA Law has been hidden by Congress and the Supreme Court since it was signed into law, October 10, 2000 by President Bill Clinton. The authors of NESARA Law including, Dennis Kucinich, Barney Frank, Ron Paul, Charlie Rangle, Bernie Sanders, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are under a gag order and must not speak about NESARA for fear of their lives. Paul Wellstone, another author of NESARA Law was killed as was his wife and daughter, when he was going to break his gag order. Many white knoghts working in the public eye who have the means and popularity to spread the word cannot because they too are under gag orders. I am one of the few invited to speak about NESARA Law. I have sacrificed much over the years to do so.

The meaning of generosity is doing whatever is needed, no matter how challenging, for as long as it takes to get it done. This must be done continuously in the presence of joy. Real discipline cannot be imposed by anyone else. Real discipline comes form the heart by a motivation to do the right thing. Discipline comes when One desires to be their best and give their best to All That Is and they refuse to do less that be disciplined to not only take care of themselves, their family and their community, but indeed the world.

Yesterday we had around 100 signatures added to the NESARA Petition. This morning we still need 2200 more by October 28, 2011. That is about 170 less than the daily average we need to complete the Petition on time. Two years ago to the day we started GalacticRoundTable to promote NESARA news, Disclosure Truth and Ascension related information. A month after we sarted we posted the Community Statement on the site and it has been there since.

I have prepared a document (several) which show how you can help. I am running it again today.

We have until OCTOBER 28, 2011 to click on this link:
and sign our name to a petition to get NESARA reviewed by the Obama Administration. Do you think it’s any ACCIDENT that the ending date is also the end date for the Mayan Long Form calendar (according to Calleman)?

Before October 28, 2011, we need 5,000 signatures as that is CRITICAL to the review process. As of today, we need another 3,239 signatures. If we don’t get these signatures then we are going to be waiting THAT MUCH LONGER for things to change. I want change. YOU want change. So take 2 minutes and click that link. Pass it on to your friends and family. This is on the Obama Administration GOVERNMENT PAGE. They are ASKING us, PLEADING with us to sign this. So let’s make a difference and get this party started!!

Below this line, I am going to be giving some more information in regards to NESARA and what else you can do to get other people to sign this petition. Continue reading if you want, but PLEASE – go and sign this petition NOW and let’s get this New Earth rolling the way we want it! Read on after you click here:

P.S. When you sign the petition, comment below. I would like to know how many sign and maybe we can get some good dialogue going here about it!

NESARA Fact Sheet:
NESARA PDF (more pics, less words, and the whole history explained): CLICK HERE
TWITTER: When I twitter the Petition I type into the search the names of the authors of NESARA Law, one by one...Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Ron Paul, Paul Wellstone, Maxine Waters, Charlie Rangle, Dennis Kucinich. I tweet their supporters and their critics. By hitting “reply” to what they tweeted. This will land in their email box and they will see it. I also search by reporter and news agency: Chuck Todd, Nicholas Kristof, Ariana Huffington, SultonAlQussemi, Lawrence O’Donnell, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Politico, Grudge Report, DailyKOS, BoldProgressive (there are many others) You do not need to know their tweet account if you search their complete name it will pop for you- @chucktodd, @arianahuff, @nickkristof, @maddow, @BarackObama, @AP, @AJEnglish, @BBCWorld, @wikileaks
FACEBOOK: It is what it is so we may as well use it. Go to your “Update Status” box and drop a link in and submit. Use one link per day to keep the message posting out there. Same for MySpace. SAME FOR YOUTUBE.
OCCUPYWALLSTREET.ORG: Make an account to make comments. In the List of Demands for Occupy Wall Street kindly ask they add “Enact NESARA Law” and then add a link “What is NESARA” is best. If many many people comment there we will have ALL the Occupy Wall Street Protestors supported by a Law passed in 2000. We can teach them there is an alternative out there, we just need to ENACT THE LAW. When we do this the MEDIA is FORCED to report on it.
EMAIL: Subject Line: Have You Signed The NESARA Petition?
Subject Line: Cure for Occupy Wall Street Subject Line: The REAL REASON for 911 Subject Line: Emergency! We Can Arrest The Bankers You Must Sign This Petition!!! (you get the idea) People are more likely to open emails with idiotic subjects (because our egos are motivated by fear) like READ THIS!!!!!!!!!! or *******ABSOULTE MUST READ!!!!!! or

Use your own inspiration and sensibility.
In the body of the email ask folks to please suspend all disbelief and add one of the links. Let them know, we have nothing to lose by signing and we must sign to hear the truth from the President. If you worry about their reaction, pretend you are not sure~ “Who Knows?” or “Sounded Interesting?” “Check it out, see what you think.......” Be sure to let folks know that all of the issues the Occupy Wall Street/Occupy America Protestors are worried about will be cured with the Enactment of NESARA Law. What is required for Enactment? President Obama MUST ANNOUNCE NESARA LAW. He is poised to do so only if we ask by signing the Petition.
ATTEND PROTESTS: Please Bring the NESARA FACT SHEET and hand it out.
Sign the petition and let’s get going! Let’s have our New Earth that we want! Let’s get this party started!!

I invite you to share this information widely. If we cannot pull it together to complete the Petition, then we no longer have a need for a place like GalacticRoundTable There is no reason to come here each day to look at the Illusion and wonder together how to change it. The change you have been hoping for is right in front of your eyes this morning. This is it, we are out of time.

More than two and a half years ago I left a very good paying job as an intensive care unit nurse to work on NESARA full time, to channel and bring information for Starseeds about Home. I have posted articles here everyday for two years. With no job I have paid all the bills generated by this website and more. I have asked my three children to live a difficult Path in order to get this done. Right now my utilities are all facing shut off and my house payment is short again. If we do not finish the Petition then there is no reason for us to continue to live in poverty this way. It simply is not healthy. We have been disciplined and been generous without fault. I have begun to work at home on other projects and I am preparing to shift my focus. No matter what happens I am prepared to do my Mission as I have stated many times before. I have been contacted by folks in Africa who are in war ravaged worlds and need this kind of generosity poured on them. No matter what happens I am changing my focus away from this platform. You may always find me at CosmicAscension for new information on developing your Inner World. I look forward to seeing you in a more intimate way at a workshop.

If we do not complete the Petition then I will be pulling down GalacticRoundTable and we will have to find our news other places. If we do complete the Petition then I owe it to the Collective to leave GalacticRoundTable in place as a hub to discuss What's Next? on our Collective Role as we step into our New Missions for developing New Earth. You are in control. You are the creator of your world. Please set aside all ego distraction pursuits for just 8-9 days and be the change for freedom in this world today.

Now that we have been successful in requesting President Obama, after 11 years, to please Announce and Enact NESARA Law through Petition, we have a rare opportunity to be disciplined and share generosity with our world, with the protestors and all the new ones waking up. If we do not join together and complete this Petition with the required 5000 signatures, then we have passed on our greatest hope. No one can hold us back but ourselves. You are the Master, the controller, the one who creates your own world. This is all in your control. You are the ultimate reality. Supreme Success requires Supreme Effort. I invite you today to go inside and consider the importance this holds with you and what you can do about it. You can go down the list of suggestions and do the ones which feel comfortable to you. If everybody does it as a disciplined approach, we will make it. All the Highest Forces of Light stand by and are assisting you in every way possible, as long as your thoughts remain positive. Be Love In Action.

Thank you for This. I will keep a count at the top of the page and I am hopeful we will be successful. We have a rare opportunity to change things together.

All My Love,
p.s please donate as you feel inspired to do so.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:25 AM 0 comments
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by The Observer »

Are they seriously trying to tell us that Saint Germain is blocked from using his purple powergun merely because they are lacking enough signatures? This just boggles the mind. Omipotent extraterrestials stymied because people are refusing to sign petitions? I can just see a dialogue from "Star Wars:"

GOVERNOR TARKIN: Ok, Vader. Time to open up on Organia. I want that planet disentegrated in 30 seconds.

DARTH VADER: Actually, that is not going to happen.

G.T.: Huh? Why not?

D.V.: Well, I just checked the petition we passed around and we are lacking a couple of thousand signatures.

G.T.: What are you babbling about? What does a petition have to do with my decision?

D.V.: Standard omnipotent alien policy for intergalactic space. No one is allowed to use their special powers to implement state or governmental policy or other decisions unless they get a petition signed by 5,000 or more galactic citizens.

G.T.: Who in the hell made that decision? It's ridiculous! Just push the frickin' button and get this over with!

D.V.: Can't push the button. The system has a governor that prevents operation until you scan in the petition with the 5,000 signatures.

G.T: I can't believe this! You gotta be kidding me. What is the point of having a Death Star if you can't use it? How many more signatures do we need? Just get them and get the system operational.

D.V.: That is going to be a problem. It seems that a large part of our crew is from Organia itself and aren't really happy to see it blown up. So they aren't going to sign the petition. Even if they did, we have a critical blockage with the Gunnery Crew Union. They're still miffed at you for cancelling shore leave. So they are on strike and the other unions representing the rest of the staff are respecting the strike line.

G.T.: Oh Dratzo!

D.V.: If it makes you feel any better, there is a Captain Kirk a couple of galaxies away who has been venting on Twitter about the policy. He claims he is being prevented from seducing any of the native life forms on his 5 year mission and wants out. Seems he lacks jsut one signature on his petition and it is his first officer that is holding out.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

We have until OCTOBER 28, 2011 to click on this link:
and sign our name to a petition to get NESARA reviewed by the Obama Administration. Do you think it’s any ACCIDENT that the ending date is also the end date for the Mayan Long Form calendar (according to Calleman)?
Amazingly too, it's exactly one week after the world ends.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by notorial dissent »

So we have a law that doesn’t and can’t exist, which would be totally and wholly unconstitutional let alone illegal if it were a fact, that no one involved in the gov’t can talk about, but “Beth Tushwind” seems to be under no such restriction, and that has been a total and complete fantasy for the last several years, and YOU’RE complaining that “Saint Germain is blocked from using his purple powergun merely because they are lacking enough signatures”, signatures mind you on a petition that will never be paid one minutes worth of attention, even on the fantasy that they will ever get any where near enough signatures to make it happen. I mean really, where is your willing suspension of disbelief, let alone intellect!!!!

Next thing you'll be expecting these reality challenged wasteoids to be making sense.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:Sometimes I worry about you Knight. I dont see how long any one person can actually go through all of this crap and come out with the stuff you come out with without going bat-shit crazy.
It's simple, I'm protected by the Mushroom beings of Planet Zonthar from the conspiracies of the evil Mouse King and his minions here on earth.
These Mushroom people?
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

JamesVincent wrote: These Mushroom people?
This System of the Down video of the song "Sugar" brought down my system. I was referring to beings who were both 6' tall mushrooms and humanoid, you know, walking, talking, funny-colored, super-intelligent fungi with arms, legs, and faces who hang their hat on the Planet Zonthar. This world is easy to find, go to Alpha Centauri, turn left, down 2 suns, up 3 suns, past the red giant, and it's the 4th planet in the next system to the right. They bestow their protection upon and send important astral messages to me and me alone! That is, when at least 5,000 of my avid readers sign a petition allowing them to. My latest message from the moldy masters, "Tell the people of your planet that until they stop eating mushrooms we'll continue abducting and anally probing them." Anyway, the mushroom people in the video/song are "the kombucha mushroom people," (kombucha is a fermented tea drink) who are, "sitting around all day." Definitely not the active, fun-loving, omnipotent-and-able-to-brew-good-tasting-drinks mushroom-people I know. Sorry.

About the petition, bad news, they have 4900 signatures. I find it strange that it increased to this point from less than 3000 yesterday, that so many of them have the same format, and there's a repetition to the names used, but hey, it's no doubt one of those cosmic law things. So congratulations Beth Tushwink, you get to keep promoting NESARA, which is sure to get announced now that there are 100 monkeys.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

It's official, with 2 days to spare the petition has more than 5000 signatures! I want to thank all those people with the last names of "T" and "K" and no location for their effort!
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, I'm confused. On one NESARA site they posted this late Sunday:
NESARA Petition – We’re Almost There!
October 23, 2011

As of right now, and this is changing by the minute, we only need 359 more signatures and the White House will have to look at our petition to bring NESARA into our reality!

If you haven’t signed the petition, please click here and sign it! You don’t need to be an American citizen – anyone in the world can sign this!

Also, if by the time you are reading this, we’ve hit the first mark of 5,000 signatures, please still pass this along because having 20,000 signatures would totally take this to the next level! We only have til this Friday October 28, 2011 to make this happen!
But today on Beth Trutwin's site (which I visited to see if she was crowing about her statistically-unlikely victory).
A RESET: we need 15,000 more Sign here: in 19 days to 11.11.11 AN AVERAGE OF 793/ DAY~with 20,000 the GOAL!. click on the pic to sign the petition

This New Push Has The White House Site Down~KEEP TRYING BACK! ty

The White House Website is iffie ~ I have received multiple emails asking me to do something or sign it for them....C'mon People!!! No one said this would be easy. Stick In There and GET IT DONE! Make Accounts for Your Children's Emails and ask them to Sign if Over 13 In order to get the MEDIA to PAY ATTENTION we need BIG NUMBERS with 20,000 as a goal. Get out there and get going! This is our moment in the Sun and God Invites You to Shine!!!
What the !@#$%&? Fear of success? Fear of somebody calling Beth on her assertions that this "would do it" so the goalline has changed? Personally, I'm upset. Things haven't been going well for the White House and those guys and gals need something to brighten their day and bring a little laughter into their lives. Then again, if someone found a way of stuffing the petion list (which seems likely given the recent surge and structure of the entries) then they just might get 20,000! NESARA NOW WON!

P.S. When I click the picture/link at Beth's site I get redirected to "She Knows' Dares" a style website for young women heavy on ads. WTF?
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

Update: It seems that the White House was the one moving the goal post!!! Then again, it doesn't seem to apply to the one put up by Beth. Still, here's the straight poop.

The original ground rules (Beth put up her NESARA petition on Sept 28).

Petition the White House with We the People
Posted by Katelyn Sabochik on September 22, 2011 at 10:25 AM EDT

Update: The signatures threshold for petitions on the We the People platform to receive an official response from the White House has changed since this blog post was published. See the latest signature thresholds.

Today, we launched We the People on– a new platform that gives all Americans a way to create and sign petitions on a range of issues affecting our nation. And if a petition gathers enough online signatures, it will be reviewed by policy experts and you’ll receive an official response.

Throughout our history, Americans have used petitions as a way to join together around issues they care about. We the People brings that uniquely American tradition into the 21st century.

Here’s how it works:

1. Create or Sign a Petition: Anyone 13 or older can create a account and create or sign a petition on asking the Obama Administration to take action on a range issues.
2.Build Support and Gather Signatures for your Petition: It’s up to you to build support for a petition. Use email, Facebook, Twitter and word of mouth to tell your friends, family and coworkers about the petitions you care about.
3.The White House Reviews and Responds: If a petition reaches a certain threshold (initially 5,000 signatures within 30 days), it will be reviewed by policy officials in the Administration and an official response will be issued.

Here's the update (I had to search for it, clicking the link gave me endless "errors on page.").

The White House Blog
A good problem to have: Raising the signature threshold for White House petitions
Posted by Macon Phillips on October 03, 2011 at 03:13 PM EDT

Planning for the new We the People platform, we were confident the system would ultimately get a lot of use, but we expected it would take a little longer to get out into the ether and pick up speed.

Let's just say our estimates were ... ahem ... a wee bit on the low side! In one week, more than 7,800 petitions have been created, more than 600,000 signatures have been logged and more than 375,000 people have created an account to participate in this platform. It's by far the biggest online engagement event ever for the White House - and we're just getting started.

That's what you call a good problem to have. Here's one thing we're doing to address it:

The massive participation on We the People means that in the first week over 30 petitions reached 5,000 signatures, the initial threshold to generate an official response from the White House. At our first internal review meeting Friday, two things were clear: (a) everyone is thrilled about this new challenge and excited to process the first batch, but (b) this many petitions challenges our ability to offer timely and meaningful responses to petitions in the long term.

So starting now, the threshold a petition has to reach in order to generate an official response is 25,000 signatures in 30 days. This change only affects petitions created from this point forward, and will not be applied to petitions of any signature count already in the system.

This may not be the last time we change the thresholds, both in terms of signatures and amount of time. And we're also evaluating a number of other ways to improve the system, many based on ideas we've received from you.
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