For Real This Time

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

After a few tries, the "Prosperity Delivery" believers stop giving firm dates. But Harold Camping isn't of that ilk, he never learns his lesson.

Harold Camping says Judgment Day will occur Oct. 21 (for real this time)
Published: Tuesday, October 04, 2011, 4:14 PM Updated: Tuesday, October 04, 2011, 4:14 PM

Yes, this again.

There are fewer billboards this time, but the people who brought you the popular Rapture "scare" of May 2011 are back with a more subdued sequel titled "Wait, Wait, We Meant October."

You may recall the excitement earlier this year when Grand Rapids received a visit from the followers of Family Radio Worldwide, a California-based Christian group led by 89-year-old Harold Camping, who were traveling the country to loudly and colorfully proclaim Judgment Day's imminence.

It didn't happen. OR DID IT!? The conspicuous lack of a world-ending earthquake left Camping and his followers scrambling to explain why life somehow continued as normal after May 21. Here, according to Family Radio's website, is what they've settled on:

What really happened this past May 21st? What really happened is that God accomplished exactly what He wanted to happen. That was to warn the whole world that on May 21 God’s salvation program would be finished on that day. For the next five months, except for the elect (the true believers), the whole world is under God’s final judgment. To accomplish this goal God withheld from the true believers the way in which two phrases were to be understood. Had He not done so, the world would never have been shaken in fear as it was.

What does that mean? The statement goes on:

Thus we can be sure that the whole world, with the exception of those who are presently saved (the elect), are under the judgment of God, and will be annihilated together with the whole physical world on October 21, 2011, on the last day of the present five months period. On that day the true believers (the elect) will be raptured. We must remember that only God knows who His elect are that He saved prior to May 21.

In the months since the non-Rapture, Camping turned 90, suffered a stroke, and was awarded an Ig Nobel prize for his dubious contributions to human knowledge.

As his revised date approaches, Camping seems less confident -- the Christian Post notes Camping's proclamations about Oct. 21 have been heavy on the probablys. So if you find yourself unable to muster the same enthusiasm for Rapture 2011 this time around, you're definitely not alone.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by fortinbras »

October 21st is Simhas Torah. I wouldn't mind the world ending on an upward note.

But I doubt that Camping issued any recent statement. His Oct 21st prediction goes back more than 6 months and was part of his prediction for May. Since then he's had a crippling stroke and I don't think he's composed any new messages for the world.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Cathulhu »

If my terminally ill sister is still alive on the 21st, it'll be her birthday. She says the world can't end without her.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by fortinbras »

I will pray for your sister, and I hope that she, and all my Quatloos friends, survive until the world ends.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Cathulhu »

Thanks, Fortinbras. I'm still an atheist, but I'll take good vibes any which way they come. Pray your ass off!
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, we have 10/21/11 as a proposed end-o-the-world date, but others are proposing 11/11/11 (at 1:11) ‘cause it’s scientific and has a lot of "ones" in it! If you don’t believe me, certainly you’ll believe MacHaffie!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11
The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Wednesday, 12-Oct-2011 14:39:25

Breaking Astral News:
The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11
Steve's Numerological Proof.
How the Huge Changes of Gaia and Humanity will occur in the "No-Time" at the Stargate 11.11.11.
by Dr. Georgi Stankov, October 12, 2011, Copyright 2011
The Ultimate Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11 - Stankov`s Universal Law Press
* NOTE: Stand by for upcoming history making information next!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:03 PM

I removed the links, but here’s the “proof” in “Steve’s” long and rambling post at Stankoff's site.

Steve`s Numerological Proof for the Accuracy of the Ascension Scenario at the Stargate 11.11.11

"With regard to Calleman's interpretation of the Mayan calendar, I had a small revelation the other day that I posted over on Kauilapele's Blog that I think is worth passing along to RMN's readers.

In Calleman's research, the ninth and final wave completes this 16 billion year cycle on October 28th.
Each wave proceeds its 7 "days" and 6 "nights" 20 times faster than the wave before it.
The current wave has days/nights which are ~20 days in length.
The previous eighth wave had days/night of ~1 year, and the seventh wave had days/nights of ~20 years each. OK.
If the ninth wave ends on October 28th, a theoretical "10th wave" would start on October 29th.
Its days and nights proceed 20 times faster than those of the ninth wave.
That would be about 1 calendar-day per wave-day or wave-night.
7 wave-days and 6 wave-nights would be 13 calendar days, thus ending a theoretical 10th wave on November 10th.
A theoretical "11th Wave" would start (and complete) the following day - November 11th.
Yes, at the stargate 11/11/11.
Wave-days and wave-nights proceed 20 times faster than in the 10th wave.
1/20th of a calendar day is one hour and twelve minutes, which is as if the 10th-wave-days were actually just a "hair" shorter,
Easily becomes: one hour and eleven minutes. 1:11.
"11th Wave" -- 11/11/11. 1:11 wave-days/nights.
That's a whole lot of one's falling on the same day.
The numerological significance is kind of exciting, especially since much of the channeled material we see here also points to 11/11/11."

I hope that my readers do not need more proofs than this one. I have been announcing the role of the stargate 11.11.11 for the transformation of humanity for the last several months, and have given up counting the many doubtful Thomases, who have asked me in their emails how have I come to this fixed date. I tell you now - by pure intuition, which is true direct knowledge, coming directly from my soul, just as Steve has developed his scientific proof for the validity of my forecast through pure intuitive inspiration of his soul. This is how Tesla invented the alternating current aggregate and helped humanity implement electricity. This is how Edison made his inventions. This is how anyone of you can begin to make inventions or scientific discoveries, in the very near future, if you only firmly believe that this is possible.

What does this mean? Well, besides saying that the 13.7 billion year old universe has 16 billion year cycles (this may seem contradictory, but this age is no doubt Reptilian misinformation designed to make us doubt solid science like this), it means some guy can pick a 16 billion year old date “by pure intuition” and then add 16 billion years to get any “end date” he wants! It's how Tesla done it! Now, that’s what I call scientific!
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

Turns out there's a movie 11-11-11 coming out! "A horror-thriller set on 11:11 on the 11th day of the 11th month and concerning a entity from another world that enters the earthly realm through Heaven's 11th gate." Warning from the powers that be in Hollywood?
A few more details have emerged from 11-11-11, the new film from SAW II-IV/MOTHER’S DAY director Darren Lynn Bousman. Produced by Wayne Allan Rice’s Capacity Pictures and Spain’s Canónigo Films (ROJO SANGRE, I WANT TO BE A SOLDIER).

11-11-11 is based on the 11:11 phenomenon (new to us too!), whereby on the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 2011 at the 11th hour at the 11th minute (!), the 11th door will open and supernatural entities will enter the Earth through heaven’s 11th gate. According to arcane numerological theories, the number 11 is a warning from celestial guardian angels who throughout history have tried to communicate with us mortals. In the Bousman-scripted film, the lives of three people in Barcelona are affected by this strange event: Joseph, a successful best-selling writer devastated after losing his wife and son under tragic circumstances and who regularly attends therapy; Richard, his father and the priest of a small rural congregation who suffers from a terminal illness that keeps him at death’s door; and Samuel, his brother, also a priest, who’s confined to a wheelchair. The estranged family finally reunites when Joseph decides to travel to his home village to visit the dying patriarch. The plot thickens when Joseph begins to undergo a series of nightmares and visions all related to the 11:11 happening, as well as a flurry of peculiar paranormal occurrences that have been unfolding in the church adjacent to his home.

Bousman tells Fango. “I want this film to be very real and authentic. This is not SAW or REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA. I want 11-11-11 to be truly terrifying, not due to its gore and violence, but through atmosphere and story. I have never made a scary movie. I have made violent films. I have made disturbing films. This, I want to make scary and unnerving.”

Besides Rice, who produced KILLER PAD, DUDE, WHERE’S MY CAR?, VALENTINE’S DAY and the upcoming NEW YEAR’S EVE (and wrote for TV’s FREDDY’S NIGHTMARES), ROJO SANGRE director Christian Molina and former Fango scribe Loris Curci (NIGHT OF THE SINNER, ZONE OF THE DEAD, etc.) serve as executive producers on 11-11-11, with Sitges programmer Mike Hostench as associate producer. Arturo Balceiro’s Dharma Studio from Madrid will be handling 11-11-11’s special FX; the company previously contributed to Spanish productions PAN’S LABYRINTH, SHIVER and THE KOVAK BOX, as well as the WOLFMAN remake. 11-11-11 opens worldwide on November 11, 2011 (11/11/11, natch).
Of course, if the world ends (or we all ascend, which I take it to be the same thing) on 11-11-11 at 1:11 or 11:11, it seems an 11-11-11 release date would be a bit late to be a timely warning. It would really cut into the film's revenues. And this also begs the question, 1:11 (or 11:11) 11-11-11 in which time zone?

11:11 or 11:11:11 has also been a internet wacko phenominon for years. There's a website that says that if you look at a digital clock and see 11:11 it means you've been cued to do this, which means you're a special spiritual being meant to lead the lesser humans &tc.

How often have you noticed the numbers 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, 22:22, 12:34, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55 popping up all over the place? These number sequences are not necessarily only time prompts. They can also be number sequences, like 333, 1111 etc. To your mind, is this a coincidence, or are they too frequent to be random? Perhaps you are puzzled or amused by this phenomenon? Possibly even a little bit nervous? The question everyone is asking is "What does 11:11 mean?" and "Is there a reason for this?" And there certainly is.

Millions of folks all around the world are now seeing these amazing 11:11 prompts. They are folks of all colours, all religions, all beliefs. It's spreading, and becoming far more common; it's become a major phenomenon. Someone or something is causing all these folks to look at clocks, number plates, phone numbers or any source of numbers even when they make no effort themselves to look for these things. You can even change your clocks in the house, and you will still be prompted, at the "wrong" time. You can't stop it, because YOU aren't doing it. Sometimes you will even see these numbers flashing after a power outage, even though digital clocks are supposed to reset to 12:00, not 11:11 or 12:12!

These 11:11 Wake-Up Calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the "trademark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels, and the 11:11 prompt is their way of using our innate ability for pattern recognition to let us know that they are here. Once they have your attention, they will use other digits, like 12:34, or 2:22 to remind you of their presence. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real.

11:11 is a number activation sequence. When you see the numbers 11, 111, or 1111 on your digital clock you are given that moment to focus your energy and drop into a space of manifestation. It acts like a doorway, a gateway or a portal into the higher realms of manifestation. It is good to just stop what you are doing and take that minute to hold higher thoughts on what it is you want to bring forth in your life, as the intent you put forth will be amplified. Eleven is a number of Ascended Masters.
So, eleven is the number of the twelve Ascendant Masters?
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by rogfulton »

It sure was nice of the folks that came up with our calendar, all those centuries ago, to think far enough ahead to have 11-11-11 fall on the right day. And a Friday to boot.

Also considerate of whoever came up with our time system (different century) to arrange for 1:11 or 11:11 to occur at the right time on the right day.

Coincidence? :thinking:
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

rogfulton wrote:It sure was nice of the folks that came up with our calendar, all those centuries ago, to think far enough ahead to have 11-11-11 fall on the right day. And a Friday to boot.

Also considerate of whoever came up with our time system (different century) to arrange for 1:11 or 11:11 to occur at the right time on the right day.

Coincidence? :thinking:
New Agers would tell you that the calendar date (number) affects the collective mind of man, and that since we're co-creators of our universe, this affects reality. You know, sort of like when you're sure the Cubs are going to win the World Series this year, you put money down on this in June, and since your belief is so strong they always do.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

I was busy on Friday Oct 21 so I didn't notice if the world ended or not (please let me know if I missed this). However, 11-11-11 is still coming up and Beth Tushwind posted this on her Galactic Roundtable site. It's so full of gobblygook that I'm not sure what it means, but I don't think the world is ending. Here are some excerpts for your amusement.

11/11/11 The Second Triple Stargate & The Codes of Renewal
October 25, 2011 at 6:37pm

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
The New Earth Energies

Beloved family of Light, this is a great moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth and the establishment of the New Earth and the Golden Age of Peace and Love. You have reached the Time Portal, or Stargate, that is called 11/11/11, on the 11th of November 2011. It represents a "Cosmic Moment" of Global Awakening and Unity, and the Moment when the "Light Codes" or "Cosmic Codes" of Renewal are received into the Crystalline grids of the Earth. The Reception of the Codes of Renewal will again accelerate the frequencies of the Earth Hologram, allowing for Reconnection with the Seventh Dimension of Consciousness, as the Planet continues on her Journey into the Divine Heart of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.

It is indeed a Moment of Joy and Celebration. ...

Beloved Family of Light, we celebrate with you this Great Moment of Transformation. At the end of 2010 we were overjoyed when the Earth made her "Ascension" leap from the Old Third-dimensional Timeline and into the New Fifth-dimensional Timeline. At that point, all the "End Time" scenarios were rendered invalid as the Earth and all her Living beings aligned with the Reality of Re-Birth and the New Earth. Then, in August of 2011, at the time of the Lion's Gate, you took another Great Step forward as you connected with the Sixth Dimension and the Flows of Abundance and MManifestation that will unlock the New Earth. Those of you who were ready anchored these energies into the "Rose Lines" of the Crystalline grids, those energetic meridians that carry the Cosmic Christ Consciousness from the Divine Heart into the Heart Grid of the Planet.

Now, at the 11/11/11, those of you who are entering into Multi-Dimensional Consciousness as Wayshowers, will anchor the Seventh Dimension, the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters of Light. You will become not only Masters of the Earth Plane reality, but you will integrate also the Spiritual Mastery and Wisdom that will prepare you for your New Roles as Stewards and Guardians of the New Earth and Keepers of the New Earth reality. This connection will mean the "end" of "religion" as an organized means of control, and the recognition finally of Individual Spiritual Connection with the Divine Heart. At the Seventh Dimension of Light, there is a Clear Understanding of the Divine Light in all things and the Joy of celebrating the Divine Light and Heart in Ceremonies of Sacred Communion and Love.
The Codes of Renewal
Beloved Ones, as you approach the 11/11/11 you are already beginning to receive the Codes of Renewal. These are Light Codes that will activater and energize the processes of Renewal on the Earth. The "Codes of Renewal" are Cosmic Light Information "packages" or downloads that carry the instructions from the Divine Heart for the Renewal of All Creation at this New Cycle of Cosmic Birthing. The "End" is is truly the Time of Birthing and Beginning.

The "Codes of Renewal" are activating your Light Body annd your DNA, both to align with the Original Blueprint for Divine Multi-Dimensional Human Life Forms, and to receive New Information for developing the Human Form is new ways. This means that there will be strong "electrical" energies that will be sending electrical "charges" through the Light Body and into the Physical Body, where the physical DNA will also receive the information of Renewal and Regeneration.

The Effect of this New Energy will be to accelerate the Frequency of the Light Body and the Physical Body, making for a Higher and Finer experience of Reality in those who are ready to embrace the new frequecnies and embody them as masters of the New Reality on the New Earth.
Beloved Ones, as the "Codes of Renewal" are streaming inward to the Earth from the Divine Cosmic Heart, it is a good time to consider how you may align yourself more fully with your Soul Purpose and the new incoming energies.

The Rainbow Bridge and the Role of the Indigo/Crystals between 11/11/11 and 12/12/12
There is a Soul Group or Soul Family whose specific Soul Purpose is now undergoing a major Shift. This is the Indigo-Crystal Soul Family. Initially their work was to provide the impetus for the Great Awakening and Transformation of the Planet, by challenging systems and empowering themselves by Remembering their Divine Heritage as Human Angels and activating the DNA Light Codes necessary for the Awakening and Transformation.

Now, however, many of this group are moving forward into new roles that will enable the establishment of the New Earth. The Indigo-Crystal Soul Family are the "Rainbow Bridge" into the New Reality.
This New Soul Purpose will align fully with the New Earth and by the 12/12/12 Homecoming Celebration in 2012, this Group of Soul Leaders will have seeded the new structures and communities that will take the Earth across the Rainbow bridge and into the Final Triple Stargate of Time gate. This will be the period from 12/12/12 to 21/12/12, a period of 9 days in which the final integrations and alignments with the Cosmic Heart will be achieved, and the earth will be "re-set" for her next Grand Cycle of Evolution into Peace, Harmony and Love.
The Indigo-Rose Stargate 11/11/11
Beloved New Earth Family, in November of 2009, at the first 11/11/11 event, we guided you into the opening of the Cosmic Rose Stargate and the opening of your own Personal "Ascension Stargates". This was the activation of the Crown Chakra, with the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Centers, allowing you to begin to experience the full connection of Multidimensionalty. ... At this second 11/11/11 Stargate, the Earth herself aligns and connects with her Cosmic Destiny. Just as you became the Golden Chalice of Light at the first 11/11/11 Stargate, now the Earth becomes a Chalice of Light and is filled with the Cosmic Christ Energy!

Beloveds, this means that the Ascended Earth has become Sacred and filled with the Christ Light and Divine Unconditional love. It means that those who seek to exploit the Earth and her People will no longer succeed. The Divine Plan will no longer allow this kind of behaviour or support these kinds of actions. Only those who use Free Will to choose Love, Peace and Harmony will flourish in the New Reality. It is indeed Time for the Peace Makers to inherit the Earth!

We Celebrate with you at the 11/11/11!

So there will be two 11/11/11 dates? Not only are these people's minds messed up, their calendars are too.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

Now, this from "Spore" ("The Sporum - The Official Spore Forum") makes a lot more sense.

Subject: November 11, 2011, Scientist Prove to be End of the World

Joined: 10/25/2009 15:58:05
Location: Just in your imagination, right near your toe Rank: Master Baiter

Now, we have all heard about December 21, 2012, right? Well, scientists Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein on a scientific trip together, went to a popular Mayan spot. Together, they decoded the Mayan calander again, noting how it ended in Nevember 11, 2011, not Decmber 21, 2012.They, they took a trip to a Christian Church in France, where they found a new bible, per say buried in a crypt with a strange metal, glowing box inside.

The bible, called NeoBible in english, had pages with a strange metallic ink, said to be made in a lab, and not natural, though the tries to replicate it has failed. It described how strange lizards, called Ikannuna, made humans, Earth, and the galaxy. It used such a profound use of words that were unknown in the time, such as dimension, black holes, Nibiru, and multiverse.

Also, the box was opened, and inside was a Gray, a steller map with planets marked as Nibiru, and farther away, a planet, fourth planet from a star, labeled 'Test Planet' in perfect, modern English. Also, was a Gray, with the words: 'Not as smart.' Also, was an Ikannuna, with the word: 'Smartest' on it. Also was a human, with the words: 'Even worse than the Grays' on it, and a strange animal wearing what seemed to be power armor with the words: 'Enemy' on it.

A tablet was found by Einstein while on his summer trip to Mars a week later, on Olympus Mons was the tablet. It showed a great battle between the newly found alien in power army in the strange box and the Ikannuna. It was shown in what seemed to be surrounded by dead dinosaurs, such as the T-Rex, Utahraptors, and Woolly Mammoth. It showed the two species duking it out, with humans armed with laser guns. Next to it, a tablet showed the Ikannuna handing the humans, which were now only wearing lionclothes, fire. Above, UFO's are seen. Then, a last tablet is shown, showing a planet, labeled Nibiru, hitting a modern day Earth, which were both shown as cylinders. Earth had the numbers: 2011, 11, 11 on it, and it showed the two letters: DD on it, smaller words under it said Dooms Day.

A website was published by the two explaining everything, and pictures. Today, about three hours ago, the site was shut down, with the words: 'Don't do this again, this is secret' instead of the usual thing saying Site link not found. One hour ago, the usual error occurred.

The site holding the box was vaporized into thin air, and Olympus Mons is now gone, totally gone.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

Even more illucid explanation from "Above Top Secret!" This one has October 28, 2011 as the end of the Mayan calendar (I wish those Mayans would make up their mind), but 11-11-11 as the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, which I believe means we will be forced to listen to songs from the musican "Hair" until our heads explode.

End of Mayan Calendar, Oktobar 28, 2011, November 11, 2011, Age of Aquarius, page 1

Topic started on 24-5-2011 @ 08:58 AM by Dalke07

Mods are delete my thread for end of Mayan Calendar ..
I try to reopen thread end i hope i don't make mistake this time ..
I'm concerned for this dates end some very interesting events, November 11, 2011

1. EVENT: Leonid Meteor Shower
November 11 and 12, 2011
North Taurids
This shower is long-lasting (October 12 – December 2) but modest, and the peak number is forecast at about 7 meteors per hour. Typically, you see the maximum numbers at around midnight to 1 a.m., when Taurus the Bull moves nearly overhead. This year, the bright waning gibbous moon shines right in front of the constellation Taurus, making 2011 an unfavorable year for watching these rather slow-moving but sometimes bright North Taurid meteors. The greatest numbers of North Taurid meteors come at late night and after midnight on the nights of November 11 and 12, but you might want to write off this year’s North Taurids because of the strong moonlit glare.

November 09-12, 2011
We entering Elenin orbit, so by more shower of rocks end dust ...

November 08-09, 2011
Asteroid 2005 YU55 pass closest to Earth ..
The Largest Asteroid to Ever Pass Closest to Earth ...

11.11.2011 - (11.11.11)
Yogi Bhajan says
“We are entering the Age of Aquarius on November 11, 2011. It will be a new time. The entire psyche is changing. You must purify the mind, body and soul to be real, innocent, and sattvic (pure). Elevate yourself to be angelic. This age which you will serve is an age of awareness and experience.” He also said, “I did not come here to create students, but teachers.” Yet another great sage who has left us within the last 7 years.


Why the Creation Cycles do not end
December 21 2012, but October 28, 2011

Calleman theory, end of Mayan calendar

Another spooky coincidence is that Oct. 28, 2011 is a day the Mayans have numbered: The entire Mayan calendar is built on the 13 architecture. What’s amazing about this number is that it is the most significant number in the bible. It represents ‘Super Perfection’. Like the 12 apostles plus Christ. It also represents judgment
Octobar 28 + 13 days = November 11, 2011

Peace to you all and peace to Earth ..

For the October 28th information, I had to switch from those above top secret to those who were god like.

NOT december 21/23, 2012!! It's october 28, 2011!!
Why the Creation Cycles do not end
December 21 2012, but October 28, 2011

What’s interesting about this is that the same time cycles appear in the calendars of the early Vedic Culture and they lived at least half a planet away from the Mayans. Similarities and synchronicities abound between the yogi’s and the mayans.

Whose calendar do you follow?

Whats interesting about the Mayan calender ending on October 28, 2011 is that it is in line with biblical predictions of the end of time on October 21, 2011.

The basis for this date called “Judgement Day” is as follows:

1) It will be exactly 13,023 years from the creation of Adam and Eve to Oct 21, 2011. The number 23 in the bible has always represented ‘Judgement’. These 23 years of Judgement is the true length of time called the ‘Tribulation Period’ which started in 1988.

2) It wll be exactly 7,000 years from the day of the flood to Oct 21, 2011. Even God said himself in the old testament “A day is to a thousand years and a thousand years is to a day and in seven days I will destroy this world with water”. so as to suggest in 7,000 years he will destroy the world again except with fire.

3) It will be exactly 2,000 years from the true birth of christ to Oct 21, 2011.

The bibles mentions a global earthquake that will occur on May 21, 2011 which is when the rapture is suppose to occur. For 5 months after this earthquake, God is suppose to unleash terrible global catastrophes that will end on Oct 21, 2011. On this date God will destroy this universe with “fervent heat”. It turns out that scientists say due to the alignment of the sun, earth and milky way in that year will cause the shifting of the magnetic poles that can result in a global earthquake , amungst other disasters, to occur.

God has always used natural disasters to carry out his judgement against mankind for some reason. I couldnt figure out the seven day time difference though between the Maynas and the bible. The only thing I could speculate is that if it took God seven days to create the universe it will take seven days to destroy it. Another spooky coincidence is that Oct. 21, 2011 is a day the Mayans have numbered: Whats amazing about this number is that it is the most significant number in the bible. It represents ‘Super Perfection’. Like the 12 apostles plus Christ.

The number 10 in the bible always represents completeness. So the Mayans number 13 ten times would represent “Super Perfection in all its completeness” or you could simply say “It is finished”. The Mayans had no understanding of these biblical meanings. Why is God doing all this? Because man was created in His image and likeness and in so doing has held us responsible for ‘ALL’ our actions. The penalty of sin is death. The only way one can attain eternal life is to cry to the Lord for mercy. To repent and accept Jesus Christ for the atonement of your sins. It doesn’t mean he will save you but it puts you in a good predicament in the eyes of the Lord where he might find compasion for you.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

3 or maybe 4 dates for the end of the world? Confused? Don't be, this explains it all!

In some ways the exact dates are not so important,as when an event is close to manifesting you will be aware of it anyway.
Posted by RAY on October 14, 2011 at 11:34pm

You may wonder at times why different sources of channeling sometimes
come up with their own dates for expected events, and yet do not dispute those
that are given by others that are different to theirs. Although there is
generally a reluctance to give dates anyway, occasionally circumstances dictate
that a firm date can be acknowledged, say such as one that has been divinely
given. The reason for this is that there are different time lines that exist for
most events, meaning that more than one outcome is possible, so the ultimate
"correct" date for you is partly dependent upon your choice. Therefore we would
be reluctant to deny someone else's choice, as we could affect the outcome by
doing so and that would be deemed interference. So as many dates are being given
for almost all important events, we would suggest you focus on the one that
satisfies your understanding.
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notorial dissent
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't know which is worse, the gohd awful delusional poetry, the execrable grammar, or the mind numbing gibbering prose, or the fact that they can‘t even be consistent within the same piece of drivel. This doesn’t even qualify as bad fiction.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

Today's the 28th and one of the ends of the world. I'm not exactly sure if this means enlightened people will be beamed up to the cloudships (have your boarding passes and IDs ready), or the earth explodes or gets hit by some dark planet or comet. However, it is the day that this happened:
Nazi naming parents acquitted of child abuse charges
October 28th, 2011 by Jessica King
Adolph Hitler's parents fighting to regrain custody of two sisters, Aryan Nation & Honszlynn Hinler

A NJ couple, Heath and Deborah Campbell, are fighting to get their Nazi-named children back. Social services investigated the couple after a ShopRite store reported them for a birthday cake order they placed with the bakery. While in and of itself, not unusual, the name of the birthday boy was. The store’s bakery refused to sell them a cake with his name which they found highly offensive. The boy’s name? — Adolph Hitler.

But the shocking names didn’t stop at Adolph. Adolph has two sisters named Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler.

DYFS (Department of Youth and Family Services) contend that while they originally took the children on the suspicion (and ultimate charge) of parenting incompetence and abuse, they were further kept in DYFS custody because because of domestic abuse. While the case is protected by a gag order, the domestic abuse is thought to be between the parents themselves.

The Campbells deny that any kind of domestic violence took place in their house and claim their children were taken away because of their namesakes, which is illegal. Today, a judge cleared the couple of any child abuse charges, a large victory they thought in their efforts to get their children back. The Campbells say they should get immediate custody back.

According to, they say their children miss their parents and ask to come home on a daily basis.

It is uncertain whether the Campbells will have to wait for the domestic violence allegations to be decided upon in court before they can regain custody or if DYFS will release the children later this year.

Both Heath and Deborah are unemployed and ‘disabled’. They are said to suffer from an undisclosed physical disability and mental health problems. Go figure.
I agree, you should be able to impose any name on your children, no matter how offensive. Just ask my daughter, The Scarlet Whore of Babylon Knight.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

October 28th has passed and we dodged the big one. I can't tell you how many nights I didn't sleep from concern, well, that and having to see to the pleasures of about a dozen supermodels. Anyway, it appears the "end of the world" didn't mean "end of the world" after all!!!
In5d at GodLikeProductions wrote:Was Calleman’s October 28, 2011 Mayan Calendar End Date a Failed Prediction?

October 28, 2011 - TAMPA, FL - The end date of the Mayan calendar has remained ambiguous with one school of thought saying the calendar ended on October 28, 2011 while the other on December 21, 2012. Carl Johan Calleman and the late Ian Lungold both subscribed to the October 28, 2011 end date. So was this a failed prediction?

If we look at the core of Calleman’s teachings, he constantly stated that October 28, 2011 would usher in a unity consciousness. With the global Occupy protests going on around the world, one could make an argument that Calleman was correct.

Calleman and Lungold also stated that October 28, 2011 would be the beginning of conscious co-creation. It is at this juncture when people are able to co-create a society that is most amicable to their individual and group belief systems. In other words, the Occupy movement would be the main impetus for the foundation of a peaceful, coexisting society.

Others on that thread were less generous.

Anonymous Coward at GodLikeProductions wrote:Re: Was Calleman’s October 28, 2011 Mayan Calendar End Date a Failed Prediction?

There is a special suit made for you and the likes of you, a body suit that sustain eternal torment..and you will find what the word "isolation" means, as it will be isolation for and into etenity, ie.never,ever ending..Isolated for GOD for ever. You maight say " Why, I never knew you ! But you will know him at that moment, and will know what you missed for all of eternity. You really are an abomination...!
Anonymous Coward at GodLikeProductions wrote:Re: Was Calleman’s October 28, 2011 Mayan Calendar End Date a Failed Prediction?

The OCCUPY protests = humanity achieving unity consciousness??? You have got to be %($* kidding me. Delusional new age morans..
Anonymous Coward at GodLikeProductions wrote:Re: Was Calleman’s October 28, 2011 Mayan Calendar End Date a Failed Prediction?

Tihs stie is ladoed wtih ntnohig but wrdeios. Dons't tkae a ginesus to raed or witre msot mbyae hlaf are siptud and wno't be albe to mkae ayn ssnee of tihs at all slday.
Next thing you know they'll be expressing disbelief about 11-11-11 and whatever is 100% sure to happen then!
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

Revising the Mayan End Date
(from Dec 21st 2012 to Oct.28, 2011)

According to researchers like Ian Xel Lungold and Dr. Carl Johan Callerman, the true Mayan end date is not Dec.21st, 2012, but Oct.28, 2011. That's a difference of 13 months and three weeks earlier than the more modern or commonly accepted date. Why the difference? The researchers claim that the Dreamspell or 13 lunar-month calender upon which Arguelles and others based their calculations does not take into account the quarterly leap day(Feb.29) introduced into the Gregorian calendar by Pope Gregory in 1582, whereas the true Mayan calendar does. This pushes the end date almost 14 months ahead of schedule to Dec.21st, 2012(as calculated from Aug.of 3115 BC).

If this revision is valid, and it appears to be so, then we have even less time to absorb the inpending switch to a more enlightened state or level of being. As the channeler Bashar would put, it a slightly more positive than negative vibration in our cosmos, and that initial tipping over to the positve side will continuously gather momentum as the years roll by. The cosmos will help us make this transition through earthquakes, pole shifts, and other astronomical/astrologiical alignments which are merely the outer symptoms of the great changes also occurring inside of us.

Fifth dimensional reality filtered through the fourth will begin to seriously transform our current three-dimensional world or reality. The cause and effect factor will will increase substantially so that what you think or wish for will become reality in almost no time. In fact, our sense of linear time will start to disappear as we learn to let go of our male-dominated thinking mode and balance it with the more feminine intuitive mode. The emphasis on mind and intellect which dominates our modern society will continue to falter in the face of our exponentially increasing vibratory rate and ultimately break down along with the institutions it upholds as it gives way to our more natural and adaptive intuitive mode.

Throughout the ensuing Uranus in Aries transit(2010-2017) the power will switch from the organization or collective to the individual. Governments, companies, institutions, and organizations will crumble and individual sovereignity will take flight as we reclaim our rightful divine power and identity which we have been robbed of for the last 6000 years. Neptune transiting its own sign of Pisces(2012-2024) will fuel our intuitions and open up the previously hidden or invisible dimensions to our view. Our scope or understanding of the time and place we occupy in this solar system, galaxy, and universe will finally be clear.

Below is a pyramidal structure of the true Mayan calendar from the beginning of this current creation to its proposed end in Oct.28, 2011. After this date humanity will begin the the earnest process of co-creating the next Fifth world, first by imagining or envisioning it and then by bringing it into actual realization. The New World Order elite will try to do this as well but we must beat them to it. Political, climatory, and dietary changes now sweeping the world are all part of this process.


What garbage. The Julian calendar has leap days, just like the Gregorian, but it had a few too many. The later calendar corrected for this - dates were moving too far backwards, it's 13 days now not "almost 14 months." Today (Oct 31) would be October 18 in the Julian Calendar - earlier not later which is opposite in direction of what these idiots are saying. But, of course, none of this makes any difference because the Mayan calendar doesn't care about any other calendars' histories, there is a day that restarts their counting cycles and that day doesn't change just because some other calendar was corrected hundreds of years ago. What matters is what date we call it using today's calendar. Nor did the Mayans believe any of this meant the end of time. But why spoil the fun of all of those itching for the end of the world?
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Deep Knight »

I had my doubts, but if the Sisters of Sorcha "The Scorcher" Faal says it's almost the end of the world, it must be!

Friday, November 4, 2011
Soldiers “End Of The World” Email Sends US Into Panic
November 3, 2011
Soldiers “End Of The World” Email Sends US Into Panic
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting Federal Security Services (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the United States was thrown into a “panic” last week after one of its soldiers emailed his mother warning her to “prepare for the end of the world.”
According to this report, American Army Specialist William Millay [photo 2nd left], a 22-year-old military policeman from Owensboro, Kentucky, stationed at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska had “growing concerns” over the massive military buildup by the US Northern Command (NORTHCOM) of troops and equipment being secreted through his base from Afghanistan, Japan and South Korea headed towards “staging areas” throughout America.
The US Northern Command is a Unified Combatant Command of the United States military. Created on 1 October 2002 in the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 attacks whose mission is to protect the United States homeland and support local, state, and federal authorities. The support that NORTHCOM provides to civil authorities is limited by the Posse Comitatus Act which limits the role of the US Military in civil law enforcement.
However, in the case of national emergencies, natural or man-made, the US Air Forces Northern National Security Emergency Preparedness Directorate (AFNORTH) would take charge of the situation or event.
US military, intelligence and political “flash traffic” intercepted by the FSB relating to this event show, according to this report, that Specialist Millay believed that the redeployment of these tens of thousands of US troops to the American Homeland was “somehow” related to the 9 November nationwide testing of the United States Emergency Alert System (EAS) that is occurring “coincidentally” with a vast number of disaster drills and exercises being planned for the same time period.
In a series of emails and phone calls to his mother, and other family members living in Kentucky, this report continues, Specialist Millay relayed his concerns and when asked by them of what preparations they should make he replied, “Prepare for the end of the world.”
The FSB notes in their report that the Kentucky region where Specialist Millay comes from is “heavily populated” by staunchly religious Christian conservatives who believe we are living in the “last days” and that President Obama is a “secret Muslim” whose goal is to destroy the United States so that a New World Order can be established ushering in the age of the “anti-Christ” foretold about in the Bible’s Book of Revelations.
What brings Specialist Millay’s email exchanges to his mother and family to the attention of the FSB, which according to this report detail nothing specific about US troop movements or potential actions, was the “heightened response” it elicited from the highest branches of the US government.
The FSB states in their report that Specialist Millay first came to the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after email and phone intercepts were turned over to them by the National Security Agency (NSA) detailing the exchanges between him and his mother.
After reading the transcripts of the emails and phone calls made by Specialist Millay an FBI strike team assembled in Alaska to apprehend him…and then it gets strange.
According to FSB “initial contact” sources in [deleted], this report says, a “standoff” between the FBI strike team sent to apprehend Specialist Millay and US Army personal ensued with the Army winning out and keeping him from being taken by Obama regime authorities.
In the Monday edition of the US Army Times it was reported that Specialist Millay, who was arrested for “espionage” and was still being held by the US Army and would not be allowed to be charged by the Obama regimes Department of Justice for whatever crimes he’s alleged to have committed. It’s interesting to note, also, that neither the US Army nor the Obama regime has yet to publically state exactly what Specialist Millay was arrested for.
The US Army Times in further commenting on Specialist Millay’s arrest wrote:
“Friends from Millay’s hometown were “shocked” to hear of his arrest and said the charges were uncharacteristic of Millay. One friend, Janssen Payne, said Millay is “as loyal to his country as he is to his best friends.” “I just don’t see it,” Payne, 25, said of the Army’s accusations. “I just don’t see the motivation for him to do it.” Payne said Millay’s brother was a soldier and that Millay was a supporter of the wars and then-President George W. Bush when the two of them were in high school. “He was really patriotic and really loved his country,” Payne said.”
To what is now occurring, or maybe set to occur, in the United States this FSB report doesn’t say other than to mention that with the US Officers’ Christian Fellowship Corp having 15,000 members active at 80 percent of American military bases and an annual growth rate, in recent years, of 3 percent, it is not beyond the possibility that a coup may be planned against Obama.
Likewise, the FSB notes, it must, also, be considered that Obama may be preparing to establish martial law in the United States and rule under the existing Executive Orders he has granting him unlimited power to do anything he wants.
Whatever the outcome to this most strange of stories may be it is not in our knowing, other than note, and as always, that American may very well be the most dangerous country in the world to be in right now.
November 3, 2011 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:32 AM


Anonymous said...
by Christopher Rudy / 11-3-2011
The global economic 'house of cards" (derivative bubble) is collapsing. The global elite are pushing for WWIII, with plans for an attack on Iran. Obama's advisors see this as an opportunity to divert mass dissent as a War President, just as Bush did with 9-11, when opinion polls were as low as Obama's now.
Wall Street sees more profit-taking, with a giant 'War Bubble', as followed 9-11. Obama's top economic advisors we're also top Wall Street executives, holding much stock in the biggest 'players' there, making a fortune after 9-11. They see war as a 'solution'. HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: Read the following article at 'PREVENTING WORLD WAR III' It's in four parts:
If you understand and agree that this 'nails it' -- the Big Lie and Whole Truth -- then PLEASE forward this e-mail far and wide.
For the Vision, Virtue, Valor and Victory of Freedom, THANKS, Christopher
"This is a test to see if your mission on Earth is over. If you are still alive, it's not." ~ Sir Francis Bacon
[Foulwinds10 links removed]
November 4, 2011 12:24 PM

Anonymous said...
I remember the last few times this kind of F.E.A.R. was posted here. I said it would not happen and it DID not happen. People were saying I was wrong and it would be happening almost over night. Oh, I was so scared. LOL! I do not know why you keep posting this negative energy stuff John. That's what the cabal want's is for you to post this kind of garbage, so they can continue to put fear in all of you who will get nervous and listen. What a joke. We are not going to be put in FEMA camps(They are broke, as I said before), rounded up and shot, put under martial law or any other ignorant things they may dream up. Are you that naive? Last time I was criticized, so I waited and nothing happened. Just as I knew. It will be the same this time too. F.E.A.R. spreads faster than electricity. You all go worry all week end, I'll relax. I invite a good challenge, just bring a lot of intellectual Ammo. I study Eschatology and I am a 10 Veteran of the U.S. Army. Seven of those years were with special operations. The illuminate are trying to bring the end times scenario to pass. Guess what? It isn't going to happen!!
November 4, 2011 3:17 PM

Eschatology - The branch of theology that is concerned with the end of the world or of humankind.
Escherology - The branch of theology that is concerned with woodblock prints showing physically impossible constructions or optical illusions.

John MacHaffie said...
This is an AWARENESS Blog to inform what are the possibilities.
November 4, 2011 3:54 PM
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Lambkin »

This sounds more like e-scatology, the search for meaning in the droppings of Internet wildlife.
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Re: For Real This Time

Post by Gregg »

Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.