Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

Are you a LIGHTWORKER? ----- Description of Psychological Characteristics
Psychological Characteristics of Lightworkers:

- From early on in their life, they feel they are different. More often than not they feel isolated from others, lonely and misunderstood. They will often become individualists who will have to find their own unique ways in life.

- They have trouble feeling at home within traditional jobs and/or organization structures. Lightworkers are naturally anti-authoritarian which means that they naturally resist decisions or values based solely on power or hierarchy. This anti-authoritarian trait is present even if they seem timid and shy. It is connected to the very essence of their mission here on earth.

- Lightworkers feel drawn to helping people as a therapist or as a teacher. They may be psychologists, healers, teachers, nurses, etc. Even if their profession is not about helping people in a direct manner, the intent to contribute to the higher good of humanity is clearly present.

- Their vision of life is colored by a spiritual sense of how all things are related together. They consciously or subconsciously carry memories within them of non-earthly spheres of light. They may occasionally feel homesick for these spheres and feel like a stranger on earth.

- They deeply honor and respect life which often manifests as a fondness for animals and a concern for the environment. The destruction of parts of the animal and vegetable kingdoms on earth by human doing invokes deep feelings of loss and grief in them.

- They are kind-hearted, sensitive and empathic. They may have trouble dealing with aggressive behavior and they generally experience difficulties in standing up for themselves. They can be dreamy, naive or highly idealistic, as well as insufficiently grounded; i.e., down-to-earth. Because they easily pick up negative feelings and moods of people around them, it is important for them to spend time alone on a regular basis. This enables them to distinguish between their own feelings and those of others. They need solitary time to touch base with themselves and with mother earth.

- They have lived many lives on earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and/or religion. They were present in overwhelming numbers in the old religious orders of your past as monks, nuns, hermits, psychics, witches, shamans, priests, priestesses, etc. They were the ones providing a bridge between the visible and the invisible, between the daily context of earth life and the mysterious realms of the afterlife, realms of God and the spirits of good and evil.

For fulfilling this role, they were often rejected and persecuted. Many of you were sentenced to the stake for the gifts you possessed. The traumas of persecution left deep traces within your soul’s memory. This may presently manifest as a fear of being fully grounded; i.e., a fear to be really present, because you remember being brutally attacked for who you were.

When lightworkers have made their way through their karmic burden, which means to release the need for power in any way, they will realize that they are essentially beings of light. This will enable them to help others in finding their own true selves. But first they have to go through that process themselves. This generally demands great determination and perseverance on the inner level. Because society feeds them values and judgments which often go against their own natural impulses, many lightworkers have gotten lost, ending up in states of self-doubt, self-denial and even depression and hopelessness. This is because they cannot fit into the established order of things and they conclude there must be something terribly wrong with them.

What lightworkers have to do at this point is to stop looking for validation from the outside – from parents, friends or society. At some point in time, you who are reading this will have to take the momentous leap to true empowerment, which means to really believe in yourself and to truly honor and act upon your natural inclinations and your inner knowing.
We invite you to do so and we assure you that we will be with you every step of the way – just like you will be there for others on their way in the not too distant future.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:36 AM 0 comments

Are you unemployed, confused, and spend your time home alone looking up strange things on the Internet? Lightworker fer sure! And what exactly is this "work" you need to do? As far as I can tell from other postings, it's changing the earth by daydreaming.
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by texino »

Sounds like classic neurosis-
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:Sounds like classic neurosis-
MacHaffie moves from neurosis to psychosis with this abbreviated post about chemtrails by a whistleblowing lightworker who's full of parasites, toxins and self-assembling microchips and likes to give him/herself coffee enemas outside in the woods.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The ruling elite have devised chemtrails as a means of covertly microchipping us all in order to create antennas inside of us via nanotechnology so as to make us totally controllable via a “psychocivilized” (electronically mind controlled) society. Using HAARP microwave antennas, the National Security Agency (NSA) can establish a seamless computer link direct to our brains, but first they’re using chemtrails to get the nanoparticles into us which are reassembling in our bodies to form the antennas. WE CAN STOP THIS OUTRAGEOUS INVASION OF OUR BODIES & MINDS!

When people got angry and complained about the name and highly sinister logo of DARPA’s “Information Awareness Office”, the name of the office was “sanitized” by changing it to the “Terrorist Information Awareness Office”…. (Guess who the supposed “terrorists” are? (All of US….) We are sick of this covert Nazi crap, and we’re putting an END to the New World Order’s little game right NOW via detailed derailment instructions provided in this email so that you can cleanse the chemtrail garbage from your body along with a plea for assistance from a whistleblower:

…They’re trying to kill off 90% of us and control everyone else remaining, but we don’t have to allow it, and we sure don’t have to play this game. As explained in my last post, chemtrails contain a nasty mix of parasites, pathogens, toxic heavy metals including barium and aluminum, and worst of all- high tech nano engineered particles designed in a lab to assemble themselves inside our bodies into nanomachines which will microchip us from the inside unless we do cleanses to remove the particles to keep them from assembling inside our bodies.

Below you’ll see instructions on how to do a simple test that will prove to you that you have these nano particles in your body right now, and you’ll find information on how to detox this garbage and get it out of your body- this is very serious and is not a joke. All of us will need to begin a process of herbal cleanses to detox this stuff, and in this message you’ll find complete information on how to protect yourself. I have already begun the process, and strongly urge all of you to as well and that you alert everyone you know to follow suit unless you don’t mind living in a psychocivilized society in which everyone is being totally controlled by electronic mind control and there is no more privacy whatsoever, of any kind.

Lest you scoff at this, and take the view that this is “not possible”, please know that I was just contacted annonymously by a whistleblower going by the name “Dr.Ian Revson” operating from inside a major defense contractor where he works as a pharmacologist in bioinformatics who posts on Curezone under the name “sunver”. …

1) ‘Chemtrails’ are presently in operation for weather modification (disaster induction).
2) ‘Chemtrails’ contain nano-engineered biologics. This is a weaponized parasite. Host saturation is 99%+ . This means we are all infected. Infection includes intracellular anomalies in both human macrophage and RBC (red blood cell), apparent soft tissue fungal infection, and ‘de novo’ synthesis of novel foreign protein crystals.”

Because he is not a pathologist, he wants our help to contact pathologists and microbiologists who can help piece the puzzle together. I have already put him in touch with one person who has a darkfield microcscope…

There is a simple diagnostic test for the infection (the biologics nanotechnology) which can be performed for approximately $10 in materials. This is not a joke, this is extremely serious.
Using a simple red-wine mouth rinse, you can yield complex nanofibers from your gums which appear to be of fungal form containing complex internal sub-micron filament structure. EVERYONE TO DATE IS POSITIVE FOR THIS TEST. THIS COULD POTENTIALLY INCLUDE BILLIONS OF PEOPLE. I REPEAT THIS IS A HIGHLY ADVANCED GOVERNMENT BIOLOGICAL AND ATMOSPHERIC WEAPONS SYSTEM IN USE AGAINST THE GENERAL PUBLIC
No one can be excluded from infection. Brush your teeth well. Rinse with water. Then Rinse your mouth vigorously for 5 minutes with 1 tsp peroxide, 2 tsp Merlot red wine. Prepare to be shocked and upset that the nanotechnology you spit out, and you may want to send a thank you note to Lockheed-Martin and their fellow war criminals. This is not a joke.

To keep the nano particles in the chemtrails from being able to assemble in the body so that you can’t be microchipped from the inside and thereby mind controlled- and to protect from the parasites and heavy metals in the chemtrails, it is necessary to do the following herbal cleanses:

1. Parasite/Bowel Cleanse-
You’ll need to get 4oz of an herbal tincture called “Clarkia” which is a combination of Black Walnut Green Hull, Cloves & Wormwood leaves and flowers! Those 3 herbs have been traditionally used as a herbal remedy against human parasitic animals, parasitic bacteria, parasitic viruses and fungi. Beside herbs, Clarkia contains purified water and 30% grain alcohol.
Instructions for doing Parasite/Bowel Cleanse:
Colon Cleanse via vegetable juice fast for 48 hours in beginning of parasite cleanse. Suggest drinking organic pineapple juice, also plenty of water, and add garlic which is an antifungal, anti parasitic agent.
You must maintain regular bowel movements throughout cleanse very important: at least one per day if not use coffee enema. 4 oz of Clarkia tincture will cover one person for full cleanse. Wormwood can cause headaches. If this happens when following the program below, back off by a few drops til headache stops and complete program at that dose.
The dose is 10 drops (not dropper full) 3 times daily diluted in small amount of water (bad taste) increasing up to 20 drops 3 times daily if no negative reaction. 7 day break after every 14 days of usage – 2 weeks – 1 week break, another 2 weeks then 1 week break, 2 weeks – 1 week break then last 2 weeks. (11 weeks total 8 active weeks) keep diet clean absolutely no added sugar, sugar substitutes or caffeine.
If you see any rice looking things or round worms that look like long pasta in toilet etc that continue to appear in each bowel movement through mid way point of cleanse then I would tell you to add 10 drops of Clarkia into Coffee and perform enema.
You can purchase enema bags at most pharmacy’s they allow for adding own ingredients. Yes you are able to self administer but wear gloves it is messy. Actually performed this task in the woods. Don’t laugh did not want mess in house carried bag for trashing gloves, bucket of fresh water and clean disposable cloth (baby wipes). If someone did see me going into woods would not think anything since I am avid hiker. Again, I do not think you are a chronic parasite case one enema is probably enough unless constipation begins.

2. Kidney Cleanse: Take 2 quarts of distilled water and a bunch of parsley. Simmer the parsley in the water and allow to cool. Drink two glasses per day until gone.

3. Liver Cleanse: Purpose is to loosen up and remove gallstones and remove intestinal parasites.
First one must complete steps 1 and 2 do preliminary parasite killing and cleanse your kidneys. Your liver can get infested with intestinal parasites. If you not kill these first liver purge will not be as effective.
Next, must soften liver stones before the purge. A week before liver purge drink as much apple juice as possible. Apple juice contains phosphoric acid that will soften stones helping them to clear during purge.
Choose a day when you do not have to be anywhere. Be warned——purging the liver releases lots of toxins. You will probably feel very sick. It will go away as soon as your body expels toxins.
You will need:
Epsom salt, 6 to 8 tablespoons
2 or 3 fresh pink grapefruits
Unrefined sesame, walnut or flax oil (1/2 to ? cup)
On the day of liver purge take no medications, herbs or vitamins- anything that will have to go through liver. Eat no fat of any kind that increases EFAs. In order for the purge to work you must build bile pressure. If you eat fat the liver and gallbladder will rebile to digest the fat lowering the bile pressure.
For breakfast have some fresh fruit or raw vegetables. Same for lunch.
Mix the Epsom Salt into 5 cups of water. Refrigerate improves taste.
6:00 pm It is time for first dose. Take 1 cup of Epson Salt. Drink some fresh water and a little taste of honey to get the bad taste out of your mouth.
7:00 pm Take your second dose of Epsom Salt 1 cup
8:00 pm Take another dose 1 cup
9:45pm Poor ? to ? cup of unrefined sesame, walnut or flax oil into jar. Squeeze the pink grapefruit by hand into cup should be ? to ? cup. Add to oil. Close and shake hard until watery.
Now go to bathroom. Finish anything you need to do before bed. Timing is critical.
10:00 pm the big moment has arrived. Plug your nose and down as quickly as possible the grapefruit mixture. Follow with plain water and a little bit of honey to remove bad taste. Down in 5 minutes or sooner.
Oil causes the liver to release a surge of bile. This is what forces the stones out. You will probably feel very nauseous shortly afterward. Just think about the way you feel now the next time you are tempted to eat a liver clogging food.
Lie down immediately. The sooner you lie down the better. Do ten very deep breaths will create a suction-type action in your abdomen.
You may be feeling stones roll down your bile duct. Now it is time to blast the little buggers out of the park. Need to create pressure on the liver located middle to right side of body in the top of your abdomen. Just below lungs & diaphragm. It should be completely full of bile right now.
Place both left and right palms down on your upper abdomen slightly to the right below ribcage. Press down with the fingers and palms like you?re pumping something should hear squishing sound. This is the sound of the bile being forced out of liver.
Note if you do not hear this sound do ten more deep breaths and wait fifteen minutes.
Now little more forcefully press down again. Continue this pumping action slowly to the left.
Continue to do this until you?ve forced all the bile out. You will be able to feel and hear when the bile has been forced into GI tract.
Time for bed. Sleep flat on your back. The next morning drink last cup of Epsom Salts. Wait a few hours then eat.
If everything worked you will find toilet bowl full of liver stones. Vary in size and color. Benefit with one purge but will see additional benefits of purging every 2 weeks until liver is completely clear. Then do this purge at least once a year for maintenance.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:06 AM 0 comments

If this catches on, I suggest you carefully watch where you step when hiking in the woods.
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by Parvati »

Deep Knight wrote:...this abbreviated post about chemtrails by a whistleblowing lightworker who's full of parasites, toxins and self-assembling microchips and likes to give him/herself coffee enemas outside in the woods.
Yeah. That was all I needed to read, right there. You should post this (or a link to it) in the Other Scams & Medical Quackery forum, too. Certainly fits the bill.
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by Omne »

Deep Knight wrote: absolutely no added sugar, sugar substitutes or caffeine.
I think the coffee enemas kind of torpedo that part of it......... :roll:
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by JamesVincent »

And its 60 proof too. Woohoo!
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote: Because he is not a pathologist, he wants our help to contact pathologists and microbiologists who can help piece the puzzle together. I have already put him in touch with one person who has a darkfield microcscope…
I'm not interested enough to research it myself --- anyone know what a darkfield microscope is supposed to be?
Deep Knight wrote: 3. Liver Cleanse: Purpose is to loosen up and remove gallstones and remove intestinal parasites.
First one must complete steps 1 and 2 do preliminary parasite killing and cleanse your kidneys. Your liver can get infested with intestinal parasites. If you not kill these first liver purge will not be as effective.
Next, must soften liver stones before the purge. A week before liver purge drink as much apple juice as possible. Apple juice contains phosphoric acid that will soften stones helping them to clear during purge.
I've heard of kidney stones and gall stones but never heard of liver stones. Not entirely sure how formation would be possible. Anyone else?
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by texino »

A patient might present with "stones" in the common bile duct, but the liver is not a hollow organ, it's "liver" just like you get at a butcher- Now the liver does lots of stuff but in the main, it's a great filter; sort of makes you wonder about eating it- anyway the stuff that needs to exit your body will do so, unless you happen to be seriously ill, however; new-agers are always coming up with odd cleansing tech like that cone they stick in the ear and set alight- It leaves a
a nasty residue which might lead a person to infer his or her ear canal was full of trash-it's not and neither is your colon, unless you never go to the bathroom, OK? Fine
Last edited by texino on Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by Deep Knight »

rogfulton wrote:I'm not interested enough to research it myself --- anyone know what a darkfield microscope is supposed to be?
Too lazy, er, uninterested to research this yourself? Are you sure you're not a lightworker? Anyway, there are many types of darkfield microscopes:

1. Those designed for to find microbes in a baseball stadium's field at night after the lights have been turned off.
2. Those used by our friends in the Dark Agenda on Sally Fields to find her brain after making the movie "Smokey and the Bandit."
3. A microscope which excludes the unscattered light from the image. As a result, the field around the specimen (i.e. where there is no specimen to scatter the beam) is generally dark. Not only does this make certain things "easier" to see (not actually more senstive, but technicians can pick out things faster, allowing higher throughput for certain diagnostics), the pictures taken with them are much cooler when published in journals.

rogfulton wrote:I've heard of kidney stones and gall stones but never heard of liver stones. Not entirely sure how formation would be possible. Anyone else?
The liver is one of the less appreciated organs and quite frankly tired of the lack of recognition and being fried with onions. Since the gall bladder and kidneys have stones, the liver wanted them too, so there you are. Essentially the same as gall stones (excess dietary cholesterol crystallized into small, pebble-shaped masses) they are quite pretty when cut and mounted in jewelry.
texino wrote:however; new-agers are always coming up with odd cleansing tech like that cone they stick in the earth and set alight- It leaves a nasty residue which might lead a person to infer his or her ear canal was full of trash-it's not and neither is your colon, unless you never go to the bathroom, OK? Fine
According to Lady Tara, once we ascend to 5D we'll never have to use the toilet again (and no, I don't believe she meant going in the woods instead - although I'm not saying she doesn't while Lord Rama watches from behind the bushes - everyone needs a hobby).

A local hot spirngs resort used to have a lady who did "ear wax removal" who I spoke to for a few minutes. It turned out that there wasn't any disease that WASN'T caused by too much ear wax. She was positively obsessed with it. I also remember a guy who got linked to by Bellringer who believed all diseases were caused by tiny parasitic worms, and you could only get rid of these by buying his eletrical frequency generator. He believed that with this perfect frequency the worms would actually leave your body through your various orifices, which would not only be disgusting, but a bad idea as part of sexual foreplay (except, perhaps, for Lord Rama and Lady Tara).
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Re: Are you a LIGHTWORKER?

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote: Too lazy, er, uninterested to research this yourself? Are you sure you're not a lightworker?
Caught me :oops:
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