Georgia militia arrests

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Georgia militia arrests

Post by Lambkin »

I'm surprised this hasn't been posted already. My apologies if I missed it. I'm not sure if these guys are really sovereign citizens but this seems like the right forum for it. Acknowledgement of the illegality of their plans would seem to imply they are not sovereign citizens. ... 14918.html
Four North Georgia men, alleged members of a fringe militia group, on Tuesday were charged with trying to buy explosives and make a deadly toxin to use in attacks against federal law enforcement agencies and unidentified officials.

Federal authorities said the men had held clandestine militia meetings, beginning in March, in which they discussed using toxic agents and assassinations to undermine federal and state government.

The four men taken into federal custody were: Frederick Thomas, 73, of Cleveland; and Toccoa residents Dan Roberts, 67; Ray H. Adams, 65; and Samuel J. Crump, 68.
Thomas was described in affidavits as a leading speaker at the meetings. He discussed having a “bucket list” of government officials, business leaders and members of the media who needed to be “taken out” to “make the country right again,” the affidavit said.

Thomas also said he was a military veteran who had been to war and had taken a life, and said he could do it again, the affidavit said.

“There’s no way for us, as militiamen, to save this country, to save Georgia, without doing something that’s highly illegal: murder,” Thomas said during a meeting in March, according to the affidavit. "...When it comes to saving the Constitution, that means some people gotta die."
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like a real peach of a guy!!

I think that is the first time I have heard of a pack of senile delinquents being rounded up for felonious mischief.

How much you want to be they are all off their meds, or at should be on them?
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by wserra »

Lambkin wrote:The four men taken into federal custody were: Frederick Thomas, 73, of Cleveland; and Toccoa residents Dan Roberts, 67; Ray H. Adams, 65; and Samuel J. Crump, 68.
This is gonna cost 'em their Medicare.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by fortinbras »

It turns out that these geezers were inspired by an online novel, "Absolved", which seems a tad similar to "The Turner Diaries". ... d-in-plot/

This novel is the work of a Fox News person, who is otherwise known for seriously suggesting that citizens with complaints smash the windows of Democratic Party offices.

Links to the novel: ... -rebellion
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by JamesVincent »

Nice! Another "If you dont like the gubmint destroy all the workers" book huh?
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Brandybuck »

fortinbras wrote:This novel is the work of a Fox News person...
What exactly do you mean by "Fox News person"? As far as I can tell he is not an employee or significant shareholder. And why try to drag FOX News into this? I understand a lot of people do not like that they're not liberal, but trying to implicate a news organization in a terrorist plot is taking things too far.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Brandybuck wrote:
fortinbras wrote:This novel is the work of a Fox News person...
What exactly do you mean by "Fox News person"? As far as I can tell he is not an employee or significant shareholder. And why try to drag FOX News into this? I understand a lot of people do not like that they're not liberal, but trying to implicate a news organization in a terrorist plot is taking things too far.
Well, take a look at what the rest of what fortinbras said:

"...who is otherwise known for seriously suggesting that citizens with complaints smash the windows of Democratic Party offices."

There was no claim that Fox News was behind the novel; but mentioning the author's Fox news connection, if that is significant to his identity, is appropriate. Certainly, if someone from, say, MSNBC was found to be involved in some sort of similar anti-Republican effort, I doubt strongly that Fox News would shrink from making the connection.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by JamesVincent »

Brandybuck wrote:
fortinbras wrote:This novel is the work of a Fox News person...
What exactly do you mean by "Fox News person"? As far as I can tell he is not an employee or significant shareholder. And why try to drag FOX News into this? I understand a lot of people do not like that they're not liberal, but trying to implicate a news organization in a terrorist plot is taking things too far.
Looks like they use him as an "expert" Brandy. So. no. not an employee as such but the Fox tag is on him unfortunately.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by The Observer »

JamesVincent wrote:Looks like they use him as an "expert" Brandy. So. no. not an employee as such but the Fox tag is on him unfortunately.
Yeah, but to describe him as a "Fox News Person" is misleading and gives the impression that the person is an anchor, reporter, editor, etc. instead of just being an outside person that they use for "expert" advice or commentary.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by JamesVincent »

The Observer wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:Looks like they use him as an "expert" Brandy. So. no. not an employee as such but the Fox tag is on him unfortunately.
Yeah, but to describe him as a "Fox News Person" is misleading and gives the impression that the person is an anchor, reporter, editor, etc. instead of just being an outside person that they use for "expert" advice or commentary.
Agreed, but when did stupid have to make sense?
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Demosthenes »

The definition of "person" is not limited to anchor, reporter, or editor. The guy is a regular on Fox News.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Demosthenes »

Been combing through Frederick Thomas' many posts online. He posted almost 100 comments on the "absolved" writer's blog.
Ahab said...
Straight Arrow, I fervently pray you are right. I'd feel really badly about having to shoot American servicemen/women in self defense; but, make no mistake, I WILL shoot. I'm a 30 year veteran of the U.S. Navy, have sworn the oath many times, consider the U.S. Constitution to be a holy document, and I will not take another step backward. Take note, you statists: a lifetime of service to the nation has honed this fighting man into a weapon that yes, you really should fear.

Whoever said that attempts by Marxist and leftist liberals in our government and those behind them to subjugate the American people do so at their own peril knew whereof he spoke. Always, I cautioned restraint, but no longer. It's past the time for restraint. It's now the time to start manufacturing home made claymores. The gun grabbers never stop, nor will I and many, many, others like me.

Yup, I'm a "threeper," and what's even better is that we outnumber them by an order of magnitude. We are veterans, trained in the use of tactics and weapons. Even simple arithmetic should make them aware that 9,000,000 armed and angry citizens aren't to be trifled with lightly. Those of us that have seen the carnage up close have a deep and abiding respect for human life, yet we went in harms way willingly. Not a lot of libs in the bunch of men I served with. They libs were well hidden, protected by us.

Do they think we will simply roll over and idly watch as they destroy this finest example of excellence in history? When push comes to shove, they have no idea what's in store for them; because, if they did, they wouldn't be so cavalier in their disdain of "oathkeepers" and "three percenters.".
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Demosthenes »

Ahab said...
My Dear Mike,

Namesake of my father, I have read many works of a similar nature, those on the side of government and those against. Those who choose government to exhalt always do so under the best of terms and examples, and then castigate and demonizing those who view government as the problem. Americans who disagree with our government are not always demonized, it is true; however, this process of diminishing one's opponents with equivocations, outright lies, and subterfuge has increased in the last three decades to the point where a government established of, by, and for the people has apparently declared war on "we the people."

I understand, indeed, that what you've written is a fictional account; however, it is far from fantasy. The likelihood a scenario like you've presented would come to pass is extremely high. The hero here, Phil Gordon, has nothing left to lose, his life is forfeit to cancer, his spouse deceased and his family dispersed as is normal. Nothing left to lose except his dignity and his life, and he will not take another step backward. There are more agencies that are thuggish in our government now than ever before, not just the ATF. How about the IRS? Are they not just as destructive of Americans and our prosperity as is the ATF destructive of our God given rights to life itself?

The First Law of Nature is "self preservation." The Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights to U.S. Constitution is the guarantor of all the other rights espoused to in the bill. Shall we permit our government to nullify the First Law of Nature and eliminate our rights to self defense? I think not. How will we resist further the government's attempts to disarm America? Shall we wait for the thugs to come for us one at a time, imprison us at the least, kill us at the most, as with your Phil Gordon; or, shall we rise up as one and revolt against their tyranny? What shall trigger this uprising? Will it be a "Phil Gordon" like incident, a series of such incidents that finally pushes us over the edge?

Another consideration is our Armed Forces. Will this administration hesitate to turn the might of our military against Americans? I don't think so! A poster on Red, a retired combat LTC, insists the OathKeepers are looney tunes. Whether he is right, or wrong, is of no consequence; however, he insists the U.S. Army will follow their orders, they will fire, and I concur. Not enough of our servicemen and women even know what the Constitution says, let alone will stop to think about whether an order is lawful. You know what the outcome will be, in that case. Our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, and neighbors will fire when ordered. If it begins and the military is called, there will be casualties uncounted on both sides before it is over?

What will other nations do while Americans are in the throes of another civil war? Will they, seeing critical weakness, attack our nation's interests and holdings with impunity? Who will stand for America during a bloody revolution within? Our Armed Forces? Will there be anyone watching outward from the porch while a bloody conflict rages inside?

There is no question that this Congress and this administration need replaced, en masse! If we rebell against them outside the ballot box, and we are successful, they will be hung from lamp posts up and down Constitution Avenue, which is proper for the wrongs they've committed against the people; but, who will guarantee we can roll back all the damage they've done, restore America to the Constitutional Republic that was founded with the signing in 1787? Will there be an America left when the blood stops running?

Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Brandybuck »

I don't watch FOX News, so I didn't know that this author was a "FOX News person". But regardless, there is no reason to inject "FOX News" into the story other than to conflate those militia wackos in with the mainstream right.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Demosthenes »

Brandybuck wrote:I don't watch FOX News, so I didn't know that this author was a "FOX News person". But regardless, there is no reason to inject "FOX News" into the story other than to conflate those militia wackos in with the mainstream right.
If Fox News doesn't want to be associated with violence-inciting wackos, Fox News shouldn't give violence-inciting wackos a voice as an "expert."
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Demosthenes »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
Brandybuck wrote:I don't watch FOX News, so I didn't know that this author was a "FOX News person". But regardless, there is no reason to inject "FOX News" into the story other than to conflate those militia wackos in with the mainstream right.
If Fox News doesn't want to be associated with violence-inciting wackos, Fox News shouldn't give violence-inciting wackos a voice as an "expert."
Well, who would be more of an expert on violence-inciting wackos than a violence-inciting wacko? I mean they are "living the dream" as it were. :thinking:
They don't use him as an expert on the wacko movement. They use him as an expert on the ATF.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by JamesVincent »

Well, looks like the left got their wish of getting a right wing violent wacko to take a little spotlight off of their left wing violent wackos.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by fortinbras »

A news report about the court hearing: ... ?hpt=ju_c2
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by wserra »

JamesVincent wrote:Well, looks like the left got their wish of getting a right wing violent wacko to take a little spotlight off of their left wing violent wackos.
Sorry, but I really don't wish for any violent wackos.
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Re: Georgia militia arrests

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

wserra wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:Well, looks like the left got their wish of getting a right wing violent wacko to take a little spotlight off of their left wing violent wackos.
Sorry, but I really don't wish for any violent wackos.
Neither do I; but in the last twenty or so years the violent wackos I hear about are mostly on the right. I have no use for violent wackos, of whatever political stripe.
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