Sign the Petition!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Gregg »

Rule #1, change it so an IP address can only have one signature originate at it. ***POOF*** there goes, what, 4,400 of Dingbats' signatures.

Rule #2 register today, eligible to participate in 24 hours. Really, takes the impulse out of it, and I dare anyone to name a longstanding successful political move that was done on an impulse.

And finally, Rule #3, new mandatory punishment for people who can not adequately explain how they are exempt fro the NESARA Gag Order, and continue to post details in public. I say turn them over to Webhick, the interns and those new Taser she got to beta test.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »


5,631 signatures this morning (funny how there were more than 2 thousand in one day, and then it went back to about a hundred, as if ...). Beth Tushwind has this on her Galactic Roundtable site.

A RESET: we need 14,384 more Sign here: in 8 days to 11.11.11 AN AVERAGE OF 1600/ DAY~with 20,000 the GOAL! WE CAN ACHIEVE THIS~its Up To YOU!

Thank You for Occupying America - Enacting NESARA Law is the Answer To Occupy Wall Street.

We are one of 77 out of 12,513 Petitions which will get a response, but WHEN? AS WE GAIN SIGNATURES WE BUMP UP THE LIST TO THE TOP AND WE WILL BE THE VERY NEXT REVIEWED when we top the list ~ Thank You!

Only one week to go! Get out there and hump! Be assured that Deep Knight will be in the bedroom of his luxury apartment humping 24/7 - and if only half of the supermodels who receive the ultimate in pleasure sign the petition, that will be over 10,000 more signatures right there!
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »


This morning there was an amazing 5,659 signatures on the petition, 28 more than 3 days ago! At this rate the new goal of 20,000 signatures will be reached in only 1537 days - that's Sept. 25th 2015! NESARA NOW WON!

Yay, We Made it!
2011 October 25
Posted by Steve Beckow

On Oct. 24 at 10:00 p.m., the NESARA Petition reached the needed 5,000 petitions to require the White House to reply to it. Not sure what that will look like exactly, but our petitioning them is one more source of pressure applied to expedite the announcement of NESARA.

It used to be that you could be jailed for simply speaking out about NESARA and now we are petitioning the government to reveal it to us and act on the NESARA promise. Let’s see what comes next. Thank you to all 5,000 who added their names to it.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:Update!

This morning there was an amazing 5,659 signatures on the petition, 28 more than 3 days ago! At this rate the new goal of 20,000 signatures will be reached in only 1537 days - that's Sept. 25th 2015! NESARA NOW WON!

Yay, We Made it!
2011 October 25
Posted by Steve Beckow

On Oct. 24 at 10:00 p.m., the NESARA Petition reached the needed 5,000 petitions to require the White House to reply to it. Not sure what that will look like exactly, but our petitioning them is one more source of pressure applied to expedite the announcement of NESARA.

It used to be that you could be jailed for simply speaking out about NESARA and now we are petitioning the government to reveal it to us and act on the NESARA promise. Let’s see what comes next. Thank you to all 5,000 who added their names to it.

Thank you to all 4,999 clones of me and the 40 bums on the street corner ! Yay me !
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

5728 signatures today, well after Beth Tushwink's self-imposed 20,000 goal deadline. Still, on the petition site is says it will be considered by the White House since it was over 5,000 on Nov. 28th - wonder when their response will come back. There are now 10 on their site!/responses and I'll keep checking back.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

No response to the NESARA petition yet, but there has been a response to 2 petitions demanding that the White House acknowledge flying saucers and extraterrestrials. Beth Trutwin (short for TruthWind, TruthWink, or TruthWino, I'm not sure which) comments on this.

BETH TRUTWIN-White House Response to the Disclosure Petition
Posted by RANDALL SMART on November 12, 2011 at 7:21pm in News TopicsView Discussions.On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Paradigm Research Group wrote:\

Press Release
November 8, 2011

White House Response to the Disclosure Petition

Washington, DC - Sixty-four years after flying disks became a worldwide phenomenon, a formal position on this phenomenon has been issued in print by the executive branch of the United States government for the first time. On Friday, November 4 the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) responded to two petitions submitted to the We the People section of the White House website. One of these, the Disclosure Petition, was submitted by Paradigm Research Group. The White House response gave the administration's assessment of the assertion by a growing number of researchers and activists that flying disks and other related phenomena confirm an extraterrestrial, non-human intelligence engaging the human race.

OSTP researcher Phil Larson wrote, "The fact is we have no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth." Unfortunately for the OSTP and the Obama administration, that assertion is false. Furthermore, given that approximately 50% of the American people are now convinced of an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not telling the truth about the phenomenon, it is an embarrassment.

There are only four possible explanations for this statement from the OSTP:

1) It is a political lie. Whatever the executive branch personnel may know about extraterrestrial evidence, the administration cannot acknowledge any such awareness in order to protect the President's political prospects in the next election.

2) It is a national security lie. The administration cannot acknowledge any such awareness of the evidence as a matter of national security. Which is to say the people cannot handle such truths.

3) It demonstrates the present executive branch of the United States government, including a substantial collection of military, science and intelligence advisors, is completely unaware of the massive evidence for an extraterrestrial presence that has been accumulated over six decades by an extraordinary citizen science/truth movement. Which is to say the administration is both ignorant and incompetent.

4) The statement is correct and the aforementioned accumulation of evidence is just a sixty year, worldwide misunderstanding.

There are no other possible explanations, and in due course administration officials will have to defend their formal statement on one of these bases.

Paradigm Research Group invites the political media to give the evidentiary matrix behind the extraterrestrial reality a modest examination and consider challenging the Obama administration's position on what is easily the most important issue in the world today. Such an examination might include:

1) Reviewing quotes by persons of high rank and station over many decades.
2) Reviewing a database of thousands of sightings by pilots in flight.
3) Reviewing the following books: UFOs and the National Security State - Vols. 1 and 2 (Dolan), UFOs and Nukes (Hastings), Witness to Roswell (Carey/Schmitt), UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record (Kean), Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up (Hansen), Above Top Secret (Good), Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens (Mack), Top Secret/Majic (Friedman).
4) Reviewing the following documentaries: Out of the Blue (Fox/Coleman) UFOs: 50 Years of Denial (Fox) The Day Before Disclosure (Toftenes)
5) Reviewing the public statements of two astronaut legends: Col. Gordon Cooper and Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
6) Reviewing the government witness testimonies amassed by the Disclosure Project.

The above represent but a small fraction of the evidence the White House now formally claims is either not credible or does not exist, and there is one more area of enquiry the political media might engage - one with an ironic aspect.

From early 1993 to late 1996 billionaire Laurance Rockefeller engaged the Clinton administration through the Office of Science and Technology Policy to convince President Clinton to release all files regarding the UFO/ET issue and end the truth embargo. Why is this relevant to the current administration? Those persons who at the time were either directly involved with or knew about what has come to be called the "Rockefeller Initiative" include: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State), John Podesta (Obama transition co-chair), Webster Hubbell, Leon Panetta (CIA Director/Secretary of Defense), Dr. John Gibbons - involved; Albert Gore, Bill Richardson (Governor of New Mexico) - knew.

None of these high level officials have ever spoken publicly about the Rockefeller Initiative or been asked a single question about the Initiative in public by the political media. Perhaps it is time for that to change.

PRG executive director Stephen Bassett will soon submit more extensive op-ed commentary on the OSTP position statement to the appropriate newspapers for consideration.

November 7, 2011 at 11:43pm
Greetings Everybody,

When we created the social space at NING we never expected we would be in this position. We did not know the Universe would afford the opportunity to invite President Obama to Announce NESARA by petition.

We have seen the White House reply to Steve Bassett’s Disclosure Petition. A low level research assistant wrote a bogus reply which was not a respectable reply. Steve Bassett has put out a note that he intends on writing a new petition which will require 25,000 signatures with new wording which will be a joint effort. Truly, it is not about the petition, it is that in pursuing the petition collective consciousness is raised.

I have found out from NING that I owe $154. This amount has been coming off my credit card every month. When I cancelled the credit card, the payments stopped and I was not aware. The readership at GalacticRoundTable, except for the same small few, no longer send donations. I cannot make up the difference myself.

Likewise, once we received the 5,000 signatures for the NESARA Petition folks gave up. I made graphics, I made hyperlinks I made youtubes and reports, pdfs and posts and took all my extra time to make sure it happened. There are a same small few that always give their best and have continued to make videos, write emails, occupy jail and bring flyers, make websites, post to FB and twitter. A very small few. We have around 5600 signatures now because the readership at GalacticRoundTable gave up at 5,000 signatures.

How do we know that we will lose our chance at the petition reply because no one cared enough to continue the thought past 5,000 signatures. We do not deserve a thoughtful reply at this moment, we don’t. Truly its pathetic. If this happens to the NESARA petition I will throw up my hands and say, well...maybe in another 1000 years we’ll get another chance. I will be here then and I’ll help out again. No outcome will effect my happiness. I am always in joy loving all that is. I can exist in the most horrific conditions or in New Earth. I am not willing to sit here over the next hours and days to wait and see, Maybe A Magical Portal Opening Will Make It ALL OK? That is not how it works in 3D. That is a terribly immature outlook.

Everything you can see, hear, touch, taste, smell or think about is not real. The ONLY thing that is real is your CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness is what makes it possible for you to be alive. Why are you alive? To help Earth Ascend by waking up Collective Consciousness. How to obtain this? Ask others to have faith in something that is hard to believe, break off the crust of what is programmed and raise consciousness. Signing the NESARA Petition is like telling the Universe you are ready for New Earth. Signing the Disclosure petition shows your Galactic Family you have faith in them landing here on Earth. We do not need 1 million signatures, we just need 1 million people aware that NESARA is for all on Earth and will bring New Earth immediately.

I would not be too surprised if the NESARA Petition was blown off and we were required to begin anew. The wording of the petition is not well thought out. There was no unity inclusiveness set as its intention. In the end the 5000 minimum effort was reached and the momentum essentially ended.

We have the ability to effect the outcome of Co-Creating New Earth tonight. We CAN set and Intention that this NESARA Petition be replied to in the form of Enactment of NESARA Law and Announcements with Full Galactic Disclosure. We can call out to our Guides and follow the Path they light for us and take action steps to Co-Create Consciousness Raising. We can Free Awareness. We can Be Bliss. We can increase the signatures with the intention that New Earth needs Warriors of Love to take action steps to change things form 3D. This was why you were born, if you are reading this now.

No one in the GRT family has shouldered more than me in being ignored, being laughed at or fighting against that which has wanted to stop NESARA. Now that the readership is not supporting the collective endeavor on the physical on a level that makes it self-supporting, I have decided to take it down.

I will still post everyday at galacticroundtable I will blog and have a podcast about spiritual enlightenment at cosmicascension I will continue to add more each day than I ever have. I will be posting about NESARA at WhatIsNESARA and Jared will share insights at WhatIsNESARA I will post about spirituality and our Star Origins at cosmicascension I will continue to do Star Attunements, Study Sacred Texts and Learn new Jedi Gifts at cosmicascension. All of our GalacticRoundTable family can socially interact in these new places and that will not cost money. I need the shackles of NING thrown off. In these new places there are thousands more people of like minds who we can join with us. I open to, invite and invoke your Mighty I Am to feel safe in journeying down this new Path of expansion. The most wonderful thing about growth is the physical disruption and responses which come at the fear of the unknown. In taking this step we Co-Create a space where we can expand the Petition, we can schedule mass meditations, we can discuss the news, we can support Occupy Everything, we can Co-Create New Earth. We can set an Intention that the NESARA Petition will be replied to as an Announcement and Enactment for the greatest good of All That Is. Please join me in calling out to the 1 million hearts as we flow in the goodness of the days leading up to 11.11.11. Twenty-seven universes lining up with twenty-seven galaxies all lining up over Galactic Center as the giant pulses of Love beam down form trillions of MotherShips all at the same time will bring the change. Now we must BE the CHANGE.

We have evolved past the old format and the new is coming. Please come out and join your Galactic Family in these new places.

All My Love,

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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by JamesVincent »

*note to self*
Find more bums, the ones around here are getting more suspicious. Their thinking the Mad Dog tastes more like Thunderbird more and more. Have to try a different street corner.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

JamesVincent wrote:*note to self*
Find more bums, the ones around here are getting more suspicious. Their thinking the Mad Dog tastes more like Thunderbird more and more. Have to try a different street corner.
I was amazed to find they still make these - but they're not the same as in the good old days.

Low-end fortified wine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MD 20/20 is an American fortified wine. MD 20/20 has an alcohol content that varies by flavor from 13% to 18% (with most of the 18% varieties discontinued, although Red Grape is still available in 18% ABV). The MD actually stands for its producer, Mogen David, however, it is widely known as "Mad Dog." Originally, 20/20 stood for 20 oz @ 20% alcohol. Currently, MD 20/20 is not sold in 20 oz bottles nor at 20% alcohol by volume. A slogan was made about it by U.S.S. Brumby sailors in 1988: "20 twice aint nothing nice, put in my hand my friend."

Thunderbird (The American Classic), between 13% and 18% ABV. Popular since the 1950s, when a popular rhythm and blues song went: "What's the word? Thunderbird / How's it sold? Good and cold / What's the jive? Bird's alive / What's the price? Thirty twice." Once marketed in the United Kingdom as "The California Aperitif." There is now a sister version, Thunderbird ESQ. It has also been the subject of many songs, three of which by ZZ Top, Seasick Steve and They Might Be Giants, with songs aptly named 'Thunderbird'. Influential Detroit garage rock band The Gories had a song entitled "Thunderbird ESQ." Rock band Clutch mentions the beverage in their song "Worm Drink." Townes Van Zandt sings a Talking blues song reflecting on his experiences with Thunderbird entitled "Talking Thunderbird Blues".

True Story - When in High School I had my drinking cheap substances phase (mostly high-test 8% "A1 Beer" in 40 oz "quarts" and Schlitz Malt Liquor - the taste was poor but the price was right!) By the time I was in college other substances attracted me more, but then I became friends with the guy across the hall. He had never been drunk before (very religious family) and wanted to try, so I decided he needed the full initiation treatment. There was a liquor store out of this old guy's house named "Docs" that was both noted for selling to bums and to the underaged without carding, so we went there and by coincidence picked up a bottle of red MD 20/20 and Thunderbird. I told him both had high alcohol/price ratios and could be drunk by neophytes (I had tried the later and disliked it, but this was my first taste of the former). We put them in paper bags and took them to a local park in the low-rent district, it had a place to sit and bushes to throw up in (my friend used the bushes more than once for this). He later gained a taste for beer, but never tried cheap wine again, success from my standpoint!
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote: It has also been the subject of many songs, three of which by ZZ Top, Seasick Steve and They Might Be Giants, with songs aptly named 'Thunderbird'. Influential Detroit garage rock band The Gories had a song entitled "Thunderbird ESQ." Rock band Clutch mentions the beverage in their song "Worm Drink." Townes Van Zandt sings a Talking blues song reflecting on his experiences with Thunderbird entitled "Talking Thunderbird Blues".
"Shall I mourn your decline
with some Thunderbird wine
and a black handkerchief?"
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

As of tonight, still no response from the White House about this petition. One possibility is that every time they read it they end up scratching their heads. Another is that they looked at the signatures vs. dates and saw that it was suspicious. Or maybe they thought it was just the carryover from a couple bottles of Thunderbird and Mad Dog 20-20 they had drunk the night before...
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Contemplation of this sort of thing makes me feel sorry for the poor clerks or interns who have the job of sorting out the White House mail.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Gregg »

LaVidaRoja wrote:Contemplation of this sort of thing makes me feel sorry for the poor clerks or interns who have the job of sorting out the White House mail.

Don't. For the most part they're naive ass kissers in training who think they're making an important contribution to policy, and in a few years they'll putting on their CV how they had a "mid level policy position" at the White House when they go to work on K Street.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

It's been 73 days since this petition reached its requirement, and even though the White House has seen fit to give 32 responses (some for more than 1 petition) so far, they haven't responded to this. Wonder why...
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

77 days and still nothing. I'm astonished, after all 7 is the number of completion, and 77 the number of even more completion! It HAD to be responded to today. After all, Beth Tushwind told us the Obama administration was waiting for this, but they seem to be ignoring it.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:77 days and still nothing. I'm astonished, after all 7 is the number of completion, and 77 the number of even more completion! It HAD to be responded to today.
Ah, but you are forgetting that 666 is bigger than 77. It is obvious that the White House is waiting until day 777 so that they can claim the trifecta.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

108 days and still no response from the White House. Not even a "we can't comment" response like they gave many others. One would think that they're ignoring it because it sounds crazy, but that couldn't be, now could it?
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Deep Knight »

Believe it of not, the White House actually responded to Beth Truthwind's petition.

Official White House Response to Announce and Implement the NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND REFORMATION ACT - NESARA
What We Have to Say About the "National Economic Security and Reformation Act"

By Jon Carson

Thank you for signing this petition. We appreciate your participation in the We the People platform on

The proposals in the "National Economic Security and Reformation Act" have not been introduced in Congress, and the Obama Administration cannot implement a law that has not been passed.

Moreover, many of the proposals referenced in the petition are not consistent with President Obama's blueprint for an American economy built to last. For example, a previous petition response from Jason Furman of the National Economic Council explains that the Obama Administration does not support a national sales tax because it would burden middle class families while slashing taxes for the wealthiest Americans. That response also describes President Obama's plan for a fundamental reform of our tax system that lowers tax rates and eliminates inefficient and unfair tax breaks. Finally, you can learn more about the President's policies to improve the economy and put America back to work on the White House website.

Thank you once again for participating in We the People. We appreciate hearing your opinions and look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Jon Carson is Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Public Engagement
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

But... but... but... the law was already passed by Congress, because the SEALS, the Delta Force, the YMCA and the Cub Scouts forced Congress to summon a quorum to get NESARA passed by both houses, but the Supreme Court put a gag order in place, violations being considered treason and punishable by death, to prevent NESARA being announced, and the Dark Forces of the Illuminati are seeing to it that the gag order is not overturned by Righteous American De Jure citizens or until the Chicago Cubs are baseball's World Champions....

<much later>

Nurse brought me my medication, and I'm all better now. :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by notorial dissent »

I thought the WH was considerably kinder and more restrained in their response than that nonsense warranted. Of course I don't suppose it would be possible to just flat out tell them they are freakin' nuts and to go peddle their delusions elsewhere? I'm also making the assumption, possibly/probably quite erroneous that they could even make enough sense out of the whole thing to tell what they were going on about, since NESARA only exists in their fevered imagination.
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Re: Sign the Petition!

Post by Gregg »

notorial dissent wrote:I thought the WH was considerably kinder and more restrained in their response than that nonsense warranted. Of course I don't suppose it would be possible to just flat out tell them they are freakin' nuts and to go peddle their delusions elsewhere? I'm also making the assumption, possibly/probably quite erroneous that they could even make enough sense out of the whole thing to tell what they were going on about, since NESARA only exists in their fevered imagination.
I believe that Jon Carson posts here. Not sure it's the same person, though.
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