Liberty Dollar Update


Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Nikki »


Nuthouse won his trial -- all charges dismissed.
Treasury didn't declare thejLiberty slugs to be counterfeit.

Now. Nutcake has just announced that the one ounce 999 silver Liberty Dollar may "Move Up to the $100 Silver Base"

Does this mean that he would buy back these slugs (which he originally sold for 10 FRNs a pop) for 100 FRNs each (less shipping, handling, and ...) :?:

notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:Along those lines, I wonder if the thought ever occurred to von Nothaus to offer to accept the Libbys back for meltdown and return to the owners the actual silver so as to stop the possibility of passing counterfeit money? Facing the amount of jail pending, I might asked the government for a reduction of sentence in exchange.
I somehow doubt that. It order for that unlikely(aw let’s be realistic here flat out impossible) event to take place batty Bernie would have to first actually be concerned about someone other than himself and that isn’t within the realm of possibility. Not to mention that he would have to admit that he wasn’t the innocent party here, or that he had been out to cheat his customers to begin with, or that he was basically full of it, again not going to happen. The really bad news in all of this is that ALL of the metal that had been minted will almost certainly be forfeit now since they did nail him on the counterfeiting charge, and I would suspect that the unminted metal is going to go as part of the criminal enterprise. So they lose three times now.

All of the above about as likely to happen as him buying any of them back for anything even close to what his customers/suckers paid for it.

I will go out on a limb here(not much of one actually) and posit that a lot of this happened because von Nutbert is such a complete and total d.b and probably went out of his way to irritate the prosecution to the point they had no incentive to not “throw the book” at him, and did.

At least at this point he will still be able to sit and whine from his jail cell about how awfully he is being treated.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

September 2011 Vol. 13 No. 09

13th Anniversary of Liberty Dollar

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:

1. Legal Update
2. 13th Anniversary of Liberty Dollar & 5th of US Mint warning
3. September 23: Turmoil in the Markets
4. Fear trumps Fed's move
5. World Calling for a Global Currency
6. Monetary Conferences Galore
7. Three Dumbest Ways a Gold Standard Can't Work
8. Alex Jones interviews the "Rosa Parks of Constitutional Money"
9. Ron Paul Hearing mentions the Liberty Dollar - Again
10. GATA Speaks at CLSA Investors' Forum on Gold suppression
11. Pending Copper and Silver Orders

1. Legal Update
There have been no new developments in my case or my post-trial motions and the two Amicus Briefs for a new trial or dismissal. As it has been over six months since I was convicted on March 18, 2011, I take comfort in the Hitchhikers Philosophy that I "coined" on a very cold Sunday morning in Terra Haute, Indiana in 1969: "The longer the wait - the better the ride." Please keep your prayers focused on the court and hope that all turns out well. I will post an Alert announcing the Judge's ruling asap.

2. 13th Anniversary of Liberty Dollar & 5th of US Mint warning
Just imagine. THIRTEEN YEARS ago, one lone monetary architect and a handful of patriots lead by Jim Thomas of Media Bypass Magazine launched the Liberty Dollar. FYI, long before the currency was introduced in 1998 it was named the "Petition," then the "Patriot," then "Constitutional Currency" and "American Liberty Currency" when it was launched on October 1, 1998. Later, it was renamed the New American Dollar but when the government complained about that name it was renamed again to American Liberty Dollar.

Finally the little currency that could change the country was renamed yet again to "Liberty Dollar." Once that name was introduced, the Liberty Dollar took on a life of its own. Why? Maybe, it was because the "Liberty Dollar" had been in circulation long enough to achieve a certain critical mass, maybe it was all the good press the new currency generated but most likely it was the results of all the good efforts that so many supporters brought to the public forum.

So on this auspicious Thirteenth Anniversary, I salute the hundreds of thousands of supporters of the Liberty Dollar. The quality and determination that you have brought to the monetary forum is a testament to your determination that our country needs and will be blessed with an honest value based currency… sooner or later. Thank you for all your continued support, for without it the Liberty Dollar would not have made the impact that it has to date. Stay tune for more exciting times! The best is yet to come!!

Just look at what has happened to the USD and precious metals in a few years. In comparison, on October 1, 1998, the day Liberty Dollar was first issued, the spot price of silver was $5.36 and hit $4.80 on October 14, the low for the year. Just this past month, on September 23, 2011, silver lost $4.91 in a single day! It is a well-known phenomenon that markets become more volatile as commodity prices increase in fiat currency. This is particularly true for precious metal markets. So I designed the Liberty Dollar with a series of disciplined Brackets and Move Ups Points to facilitate and protect the Liberty Dollar Standard from the future erratic and wild price of gold and silver, regardless of their prices in fiat currency. I explored the well-known phenomenon of wild free markets in my first economic research paper, To Know Value, dated September 11, 1974.

The beleaguered Liberty Dollar problems officially started FIVE YEARS AGO on September 14, 2006 with the Warning from the US Mint. I say again, stay tune for more exciting times! The best is yet to come!!

3. September 23: Turmoil in the Markets
Gold drops $79 and silver drops almost $5 in one day! At press time, metals are still down and present an enormous buying opportunity. What the hell is going on? This might be called the perfect storm of metals. An overlapping of market manipulations, correction after a stellar rise if metal prices and a huge sell-off by people who need to raise funds from the only sector that had any profits. While this might be seen as a "large" move in the market, percentage-wise it is nothing out of its historical context. The higher the markets - the larger the corrections.

The 10-year gold chart illustrates eight major gold price corrections in this bull market since 2003:
1. 2003 - Gold at $382 dropped to $319 (-16%)
2. 2004 - Gold at $425 dropped to $375 (-13%)
3. 2005 - Gold at $536 dropped to $489 (-9%)
4. 2006 - Gold at $725 dropped to $560 (-22%)
5. 2007 - Gold at $841 dropped to $778 (-8%)
6. 2008 - Gold hit $1002 on Mar 17 then dropped to $746 on 9-11-08 15 (-25%)
7. 2009-10 - Gold hit $1215 on Dec 7th then dropped to $1,060 on 2-4-10 (-14.6%)
8. 2010-11 - Gold hit $1,425 in Dec. 2010, then dropped to $1,315 on 1-27-11. (-8%)

Keep your eyes on the facts and your focus on the fundamentals. I liken this to cocking the catapult. The response will be equally dynamic. Stay tuned for much higher, wilder and crazier markets! The metals market is the new Disneyland for adults. This is all in keeping with a free market turbo-charged by years of gov manipulation that will do almost anything to retain its monetary power as it tries to stay in power. The gov is losing to the free market. Join the party. Buy more silver.

4. Fear trumps Fed's move
Thank God, businesspeople are not yet ready to borrow. Remember when President Bush urged people to borrow money and spend for the betterment of the country! Again the gov whores are finding that Americans are not as controlled as they wish and even they can't push on a string and get results. Click HERE for an interesting article: Fear trumps Fed's move.

5. World Calling for a Global Currency
From almost every corner of the world, somebody, some government, is crying out for a new "Global Currency." Nobody knows what it will be. But with such universal discontent and lack of agreement, the free market may well be the best answer and it may come about via "spontaneous order" as envisioned by Fredrick von Hayek, the noble laureate in economics. Meanwhile, HERE is an interesting article, World Calling for a Global Currency, as the world tries to sort out its crumbling monetary order and morph it into something better that the current morally corrupt fiat system.

6. Monetary Conferences Galore
No shortage of people who want to talk about money! No shortage of opinions either. Here are a dozen conferences and dinners that may be of interest to monetary activists. Unfortunately, I can't attend due to my little legal problem so please let me know if you attend any of these events:

Utah Monetary Conference on September 26, 2011

Atlas Liberty Forum & Freedom Dinner on November 8-9, 2011

Independent Institute's 25th Anniversary Dinner on November 15, 2011

Cato Institute 29th Annual Monetary Conference on November 16, 2011

Casey Research/Sprott Inc. Summit on October 1 - 3, 2011

World Gold Conference on October 3, 2011

Heritage Foundation Conference on a Stable Dollar on October 5 and 6, 2011

Silver Summit on October 20 - 21, 2011

Committee for Monetary Research & Education Dinner on October 20, 2011

The Global Financial Debate on October 26-27, 2011

New Orleans (Gold) Conference on October 26-29, 2011

7. Three Dumbest Ways a Gold Standard Can't Work
If you have signed up for a Google Alert on "Gold Standard" you would be inundated with literally hundreds of links for the 'gold standard' as it is an often-used phrase for food, services, companies and almost anything! I can't think of anything that has not been compared to or referred as the Gold Standard. I have received over a hundred Google Alerts in just a few months!

Fortunately, every once in a while, an article appears that refers to the Gold Standard in monetary terms. Many Google Alerts of note come from Lewis E. Lehrman of The Lehrman Institute, who wrote The Case for Gold with Ron Paul in 1981 and now operates The Gold Standard Now. Most of the Google Alerts are weak at best and a few are so disturbing that they cry out for comment. One such post was 3 Ways a Gold Standard Can Work posted by Jimmy Mengel - Tuesday, September 13th, 2011 on the Wealth Wire.

Editor Notes: I will keep my comments brief.

As the U.S. dollar continues to dive, and more and more investors flock to gold, the gold standard is getting another look. Here are the three possible ways that the gold standard could become a viable money system:

1) Follow Utah
Utah now recognizes gold and silver as legal tender.
In a move designed to undermine the Fed's monetary policy, a new law allows Utah's citizens to store their gold and silver in a vault and use a "debit-like card" to conduct financial transactions. Since businesses will not be required to accept coins either at face or market value, going through a vault would be way the only way to take advantage of the new law.
Peter Schiff is planning a similar operation overseas with his EuroPacific bank, so people can store gold and silver in a Caribbean bank, and uses a linked debit card for transaction.

Editor Notes: 1) "legal tender" is nothing short of gov theft. 2) "In a move designed to undermine the Fed's monetary policy" better be careful when you say that… you could be declared "a unique domestic terrorist" like me:)

2) Follow Ron Paul
Mr. Paul wants to legalize the trading in gold and silver alongside the U.S. dollar to give consumers more choices in how they spend. The metals would be exempt from sales and capital gains taxes.
And he wants to do it soon...
"The gold standard would keep you from printing money and destroying the middle class. Every country where you have runaway inflation, there's no middle class. Mexico, there's no middle class, you have a huge poor class, and a lot of wealthy people. Today we have a growing poor class, and we have more billionaires than ever before. So we're moving into third world status..." Paul noted.

Editor Notes: 1) It is already legal to trade "in gold and silver alongside the U.S. dollar to give consumers more choices in how they spend." 2) Many states do not charge any sales tax on gold and silver. 3) What "capital gains"? 4) True: "The gold standard would keep you from printing money and destroying the middle class." 5) Ditto, true on other comments but what does that have to do with gold or Ron Paul?

3) Follow Steve Forbes
Forbes has predicted that the U.S. would be on the gold standard within 5 years.
In Forbes plan, we would fix the price of gold to the dollar to somewhere around $1500 an ounce: "If it goes much above $1500, the Fed tightens -- in open market operations. If it goes much below $1500, everyone knows its going to ease, to bring it back up. So you just keep it within a narrow range, you don't have to own an ounce of gold."

Editor Notes: 1) "Forbes has predicted that the U.S. would be on the gold standard within 5 years." Wishful thinking by a political mouthpiece. 2) The whole second statement is hogwash. $1500 or any figure will NOT work. Only the free market can ascertain the fair price value that gold should be. The "Forbes Plan" is so utterly ridiculous it defies comment and solicits contempt by anybody but another gov whore.

8. Alex Jones interviews the "Rosa Parks of Constitutional Money"
An increasing number of articles, now almost 200, have been written since BVNH was wrongfully convicted on March 18, 2011. Only five, gov inspired articles, have been anti Liberty Dollar. In addition to the articles, several notable interviews have been recorded. One of the best interviews was by Alex Jones of www.PrisonPlanet.TV and At the end of the interview, Alex labels Bernard, who had previously been labeled a "domestic terrorist" by the Department of Injustice, as the "Rosa Parks of Constitutional Money." This was quite an interesting and pleasant surprise as Judy Shelton, PhD economist and head of Sound Money at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation and one of the many defense witnesses that my attorneys refused to call at my trial, referred to me as the "Rosa Parks of honest money." Regardless of either reference, I am honored by the comparison.

Click HERE for the BVNH/Alex Jones video interview on Prison Planet TV.

9. Ron Paul Hearing mentions the Liberty Dollar - Again
On June 1, 2011 Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who chairs the House Committee on Financial Services' Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, introduced H.R. 1098. The bill seeks to repeal legal tender laws, prohibit taxation on certain coins and bullion and repeal certain anti-counterfeiting statutes.

On September 13, 2011, Congressman Paul held hearing regarding House Bill H.R. 1098: Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011. The purpose of H.R. 1098 is to legalize competition in currencies and may legalize the Liberty Dollar with the repeal of Title 18, Section 486 of which BVNH was convicted.

While I appreciate the Congressman's good intentions, I continue to sincerely feel they are very misguided i.e. wrong. The Liberty Dollar is not ILLEGAL! And it does not need any !@#$#@! government Congressman trying to legalize it And Ron Paul, of all people, should know that.

In fact, if he really wanted to do something for liberty in general and the Liberty Dollar in particular, he should have taken action 11 years ago at our ill-fated meeting in his office on the Hill when he shunned me from testifying. He failed to take action then and failed to draw only two people to testify at his "Congressional Hearing" that drew only two people in the audience.

Dr. Lawrence H. White, a professor of economics at George Mason University, discussed the benefits of currency competition, stating that the bill "would not remove the Federal Reserve from the currency market, but it would give the Fed a stronger incentive to deliver the kind of trustworthy money that consumers want." He mentioned the Liberty Dollar and suggested that it could provide a useful alternative in a high-inflation environment. Larry is a very gifted economist who is not afraid to look outside the box and has been a real help and comfort to my development of the Liberty Dollar.

Unfortunately the other witness, Dr. Lawrence Parks, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education (FAME), did not mention the Liberty Dollar as he well could as he was featured in my 2003 book: The Liberty Dollar SOLUTION to the Federal Reserve.

I am quite pleased that Liberty Dollar issued the top selling Ron Paul Dollar in gold, silver, platinum, copper and chocolate. One supporter even did a Ron Paul sticker nickel. I still support Ron Paul for president as he is certainly the best of the pack and hope he follows the suggestion that a friend posted on my Facebook wall and names me his Secretary of the Treasury:)! Good luck Ron! I hope you get your head on straight regarding the Liberty Dollar and we both win!

Please click HERE for the Hearing.
The full text of the legislation is available HERE.
Paul holds hearing on legalizing competition in currencies by GATA is available HERE.
Written version of Professor White's testimony is available HERE.

10. GATA Speaks at CLSA Investors' Forum on Gold suppression
Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) spoke on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at the 18th CLSA Investors' Forum at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Hong Kong. The title of his speech was: As gold price suppression grows more brazen, maybe Asia will defeat it. It remains to be seen what will defeat the gov manipulation of the gold and silver market but I would bet on the free market. GATA certainly deserves its recent praise for drawing so much attention to the government's obviously illegal and immoral corruption of the free market. There is every indication that the free market will win and I trust that outcome will be sooner vs. later. Lets hope it is sooner. Please click HERE for Chris' well-articulated and very informative speech.

11. Pending Copper and Silver Orders
In response to several emails requesting info on pending orders, quite frankly, I wish I had better news. As I have posted several times before, the gov confiscated "everything." And I mean everything! That means all the orders, all the stock and all the computers. Unfortunately, we cannot even contact people regarding their order. Eventually this sorted mess will be sorted out. But that is going to be some time in the future. I sincerely apologize for this gross and wrongful inconvenience to you and your property. Sooner or later your order will be filled, your money will be returned or the value of your property will be refunded. Please don't give up and never let the government steal your property!!! Please stay tuned to this Newsletter for more info when it's available.

Closing Remarks:
HAPPY 13TH ANNIVERSARY!!! Congratulations on developing such a successful model currency and being a part of the Liberty Dollar!! We have taken the Liberty Dollar further than any other alternate currency in monetary history. Plus we have had a lot of fun and some profits doing it! Stay tuned - the best is yet to come!

My sincere appreciation to the approx 250,000 monetary individuals who support the Liberty Dollar and the ideals it stands for. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you for all your efforts to return America to value - one Liberty Dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

This clown mentions the volatility of gold and silver in his latest missive; and yet he still deludes himself into thinking that precious metals can be the basis for a stable currency! He obviously forgot to attend the history and economics classes in which the abandonment of the gold standard by all of the world's industrialized nations, and the greater economic suffering of those nations which tried to defend the gold value of their money as the Great Depression took hold (as opposed to those which cut loose early), were discussed.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

When was metal backed currency ever "stable"? It has always been subject to what amounts to the market whim, as witness the depressions in the middle and late 19th C, and then really charming crash of ‘93 which wiped out whole segments of the economy, or the equally charming market manipulations of the 1870's in an effort to corner the market on precious metals that ended so well for all concerned.

My recollection is also that there isn’t enough actual gold and / or silver to back what we would need for a “global currency” unless said metal was artificially priced at some really ridiculous amount to begin with, which to my mind sort of defeats the whole purpose of the currency being backed by precious metal.

Bernie is first, last, and foremost and idiot!!!
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by . »

VonNutBall screed wrote:Editor Notes: I will keep my comments brief.
If only.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
The Operative
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Operative »

notorial dissent wrote:When was metal backed currency ever "stable"?
Don't forget that Benjamin Franklin wrote about the instability of gold and silver based currency in 1729.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Amazingly as spot on then as it is now. Some things just don't change.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

October 2011 Vol. 13 No. 10

BVNH facing 14 to 17.5 years!

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. BVNH facing 14 - 17.5 years!
2. Government Files for More Years!!
3. Would you help defend BVNH and Your Property?
4. Government brands YOU as a Victim or a Co-conspirator
5. Your Property is at risk too! Immediate Action Please!
6. The Inflationary Explosion and Secret Bailouts
7. President Obummer and the National Debt
8. The Price of Silver
9. Banks and Gov to Restrict Personal Gold Purchases
10. In Memory of 911: The Empire is Eating Itself
11. Facebook Continues to Zoom along

1. BVNH facing 14 - 17.5 years!
As if losing the Liberty Dollar case was not bad enough, my recommended sentence is 14 to 17.5 years. Of course, this is all done according to federal regulations and "sentencing guidelines." And while everybody acts very professionally, and some may even care about my particular case, everybody still does their job and makes sure it is all done as specified by the "law." Regardless, 17.5 years in prison is sick.

2. Government Files for More Years!!
Do you think sentencing BVNH to 14 - 17.5 years in prison is wildly unjust, even without knowing that first time real "counterfeiters" are usually not imprisoned? Well the US Attorney office was not happy with the recommendation and immediately filed an opposition stating that the federal guidelines demand a much longer sentence for a "ringleader" with such a large and damaging criminal operation as the Liberty Dollar. Simply put, I was too successful of protecting soo many people's money and must be imprisoned longer. The DOJ motion asks the judge to sentence me to 17.5 - 22 years - a life sentence even with the standard 15% reduction for "good time."

3. Would you help defend BVNH and Your Property?
Bernard von NotHaus (BVNH), the convicted monetary architect of the Liberty Dollar now faces sentencing. This is a very dangerous time. If the report prepared before sentencing is uncontested or poorly contested (as per the trail) BVNH could very likely spend the rest of his life in prison for introducing a value based currency, protecting the people's purchasing power and trying to return America to a sound and honest monetary system. Please don't let that happen. BVNH as secured a short term $20,000 loan and retained a sentencing attorney to defend him at the sentencing. But he needs to repay that loan very quickly. Would you please help?

Currently, there are approx 20,000 people who receive this Newsletter. Who knows how many people actually read it, post it elsewhere or might send it to a friend. Regardless of number of readers, a buck per person is not a viable model. Two bucks from half the subscribers is not very likely either. A lot of good people just don't take action. Would you please buck the trend and send a buck or two, maybe $5 or how about a whooping $10 or anything of value would be greatly appreciated to keep me out of jail and working to recover for your property? I sincerely hope so.

The $20,000 was a personal loan so I must repay it personally.
Please click HERE to make an anonymous donation. Please note that although is set up for monthly donations, you can make a one-time donation of any amount.

Or send any donation of value, your check, money order made out to BERNARD and mailed to:
Bernard von NotHaus
527 N. Green River Road
Suite 158
Evansville. IN. 47715

Thank you for your kind attention to this urgent call for your support.

4. Government brands YOU as a Victim or a Co-conspirator
And it only gets worse! Now the government wants to brand you as a victim or a co-conspirator! If your property was confiscated and you have emailed Tom Ascik, the DOJ forfeiture attorney as per my request, and identified yourself as an "interested party" well guess what? Now the government says that you are not an interested party, you are either a victim or a co-conspirator! First the gov is using the list of "interested parties" to justification the size of the criminal organization to increase my sentence. Nice eh? Second, the government intends to convert you from an interested party who wants their wrongfully seized property back into a co-conspirator, so they can keep your property!! The evil ways of this !@#$#@! government are truly amazing and disgusting!

PLEASE don't allow this to happen! Please take immediate action to protect your property and immediately email Tom Ascik and CC me so there is a record of your email. Please Copy and Paste this sample email below with your name and address to Tom Ascik <> and CC me <>:

Dear Mr. Ascik,

I am appalled that you would try to convert me from an "interested party" to a "victim" or a "co-conspirator" as a means to bar me from recovery of my wrongfully seized property and enhance the prison sentence for Bernard von NotHaus. I am utterly disgusted with you and the DOJ!

Please note, I did my own independent due diligence regarding the Liberty Dollar. I read dozens of articles that quoted many official government officials from the US Treasury, Secret Service, Federal Reserve and many law enforcement officers that the Liberty Dollar was legal. I investigated the NORFED organization, Bernard von NotHaus the monetary architect, talked to the office and asked many questions. (more personal details if you wish but not needed) I did everything possible to make sure the Liberty Dollar was legal before becoming involved because I did not want to violate any federal, state or local law. It was only then did I become involved with the Liberty Dollar. It was only then did I get some Liberty Dollars. Now, for you to even consider that I am a co-conspirator in a criminal organization that had such high intentions and noble ideals of sound money and returning American to a value based monetary system is wrong and personally offensive!

I hereby certify that I am NOT a "co-conspirator" or a "victim" of the Liberty Dollar. I am an innocent third party and I demand the immediate return of my wrongfully seized property! What you and the DOJ are trying to do to Bernard von NotHaus, the Liberty Dollar and me is disgusting and an insult to the ideals that this country was founded upon and the US Constitution! Shame on you and the DOJ!

Mr. Asick, an immediate reply to my affirmation is requested.

(Please add your name and address. You info MUST be included as it was on your earlier email to Mr. Asick)

And please remember to CC me so there is a record of your action.

Thank you for taking prompt action in your own interest to protect your property.

5. And Your Property is a risk too! Immediate Action Please!
Please don't forget Article #4 above: If you sent a statement to Tom Ascik identifying yourself as an "interested party" for your seized property of Liberty Dollars, it is MOST urgent to send another email immediately as noted above. The gov is now trying to make you a "victim" or a "co-conspirator" of the Liberty Dollar as a means to justify the maximum sentence for BVNH and deny returning your seized property. Please take immediate action and email Tom Ascik to clarify these points and demand the prompt return of your wrongfully seized property. A donation HERE would be greatly appreciated too.

6. The Inflationary Explosion and Secret Bailouts
The inflationary explosion is unprecedented in any era. Between December 2007 and July 2010, the Fed parceled out $US 16.1 TRILLION in emergency loans to financial entities all over the world. Almost half of this - a total of $7.75 TRILLION - was loaned to four US banks: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and the Bank of America. The other half went to foreign banks!!! In July 2010, while the total US stock market capitalization was only $15 TRILLION. The Fed provided about half that amount as bailouts while Congress haggled over a few billion or a hundred million is nothing short of ridiculous. Click HERE for the article from Zero Hedge Fund.

Think that is bad? Now about the recent audit of the Federal Reserve that revealed $16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts?! Click HERE for more info.

7. President Obummer and the National Debt
Of course the inflationary explosion and secret bailouts are fueling the national debt. And while, there is no doubt that President Obummer is not solely responsibly for the national debt and he has had a lot of help from those other 435 idiots in Washington, his is the President and under his reign the national debt has accumulated at a rate more than 27 times as fast than during the rest of our entire nation's history. What does 27 times faster mean? Well, metaphorically speaking, if you are driving at 65 MPH and a car rockets past you 27 times faster, it would be doing 1,755 MPH! To put it another way, it took 88 years for a $6 Trillion nation debt, its taken only 12 years to TRIPLE IT!!! This should alarm anybody and the accelerating national debt should be your call to action!!!

Click HERE for a complete list of Obummer's changes.

8. The Price of Silver
Click HERE is an interesting video on the price of silver.

9. Banks and Gov To Restrict Personal Gold Purchases
Get ready, foreign banks, governments have already moved to restrict personal gold bullion purchases. Click HERE for more info.

10. In memory of 9/11: The Empire is Eating Itself
In memory of 9/11 by Ralph Nader at CounterPunch:

The commemorative ceremonies that are planned for the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 massacre are those of pathos for the victims and their families, of praise for both the pursuit of the supporters of the attackers and the performance of first responders and our soldiers abroad.

Flags and martial music will punctuate the combined atmosphere of sorrow and aggressive defiance to those terrorists who would threaten us. These events will be moments of respectful silence and some expressions of rage and ferocity.

But many Americans might also want to pause to recognize - or unlearn - those reactions and overreactions to 9/11 that have harmed our country. How, in this forward-looking manner, can we respect the day of 9/11?

Click HERE for Ralph Nader's full comments that are well worth reading.

11. Facebook Continues to Zoom along
BVNH personal page on Facebook is nearing the maximum number of friends of 5000 and will soon start growing on the "Liberty Dollar" Facebook page. Please stay in touch with your favorite currency and the wrongful seizure of your property via Facebook and this newsletter.

Closing Remarks:
These are crazy times. Our country is at war on foreign soil, at home and with the Liberty Dollar. All the battles are important. Let us hope and pray we win ala George Washington, who won very few battles but won the war for America's freedom.

Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by AndyK »

Poor baby. I'm going to send a contribution today.

$20.00 in in Libbies.

I hate to give away a kind of collector's item, but the irony is too good to pass up.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

Instead of sending him an LD, which, as you said, may have value (someday) as a collector's item, send him Dave van Pelt's favorite form of payment, a homemade Bonded Promissory Note. Be generous, make it for a Trillion dollars.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

As if losing the Liberty Dollar case was not bad enough, my recommended sentence is 14 to 17.5 years.
Wait, the punishment for committing white collar crimes isn't losing? What do you mean there's jail time involved?!
And while everybody acts very professionally, and some may even care about my particular case, everybody still does their job and makes sure it is all done as specified by the "law."
So, by your phrasing, it would be professional for them to not do their job and not follow the law. Or are those sarcastic quoties?
Regardless, 17.5 years in prison is sick.
No, those first few weeks without pot won't make you sick. You may experience anxiety, irritability and sleep problems but by that time you may be able to find a new supplier on the inside. Just keep in mind that inmates also use a private barter currency - cigarettes.
Do you think sentencing BVNH to 14 - 17.5 years in prison is wildly unjust, even without knowing that first time real "counterfeiters" are usually not imprisoned?
But you weren't just convicted for counterfeiting one little thing. Also, those first-timers are usually given leniency because they cooperate with authorities and aren't the top of the food chain. Or they're some idiot that forges a signature on a bill of sale (I'm looking at you, brother-in-law).
Well the US Attorney office was not happy with the recommendation and immediately filed an opposition stating that the federal guidelines demand a much longer sentence for a "ringleader" with such a large and damaging criminal operation as the Liberty Dollar. Simply put, I was too successful of protecting soo many people's money and must be imprisoned longer.
No, simply put, you were in charge of a national counterfeiting and money laundering operation so you should be held more accountable than some dumb cluck who keeps photocopying money.
The DOJ motion asks the judge to sentence me to 17.5 - 22 years - a life sentence even with the standard 15% reduction for "good time."
I guess you should have thought about going into jail in your late sixties when you decided to create a counterfeiting and money laundering operation.
BVNH as secured a short term $20,000 loan and retained a sentencing attorney to defend him at the sentencing. But he needs to repay that loan very quickly.
How does a person facing nearly 20 years in prison secure a $20k loan? And stop talking about yourself in third person.
Would you please help?
I'm going to prison - send money.
Currently, there are approx 20,000 people who receive this Newsletter. Who knows how many people actually read it, post it elsewhere or might send it to a friend. Regardless of number of readers, a buck per person is not a viable model. Two bucks from half the subscribers is not very likely either. A lot of good people just don't take action. Would you please buck the trend and send a buck or two, maybe $5 or how about a whooping $10 or anything of value would be greatly appreciated to keep me out of jail and working to recover for your property?
1. At $5 per person, you would need 4000 people to send you that. I highly doubt it's going to happen.
2. When begging for money, always stay positive. Don't say, $1 per person isn't viable. Announce in a positive way that if everyone gave just $1, then you could meet your goals!
The $20,000 was a personal loan so I must repay it personally.
Yes, I heard that loan sharks don't lend to businesses. I mean, a restaurant doesn't have kneecaps, but the owner sure as shit does.
Please click HERE to make an anonymous donation. Please note that although is set up for monthly donations, you can make a one-time donation of any amount.
I like that the site shows that you're not a verified 501. Oh, and it looks like you're doing fantastic. 8 people have donated.
Or send any donation of value, your check, money order made out to BERNARD
Strange how you take that funny money you railed against for so long.
4. Government brands YOU as a Victim or a Co-conspirator
And it only gets worse!
Funny, I didn't notice a branding iron anywhere in the vicinity of my ass.
Now the government wants to brand you as a victim or a co-conspirator!
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll keep an eye out for the branding iron.
If your property was confiscated and you have emailed Tom Ascik, the DOJ forfeiture attorney as per my request, and identified yourself as an "interested party" well guess what?

The government now knows that you're an interested party?
Now the government says that you are not an interested party, you are either a victim or a co-conspirator!

Well, duh. Because either they believed you when you said it was legal and were therefore scammed, or because they knew it wasn't legal and were not only utilizing your services to get away with illegal or underhanded activities but were also helping you maintain the facade on some level.
First the gov is using the list of "interested parties" to justification the size of the criminal organization to increase my sentence. Nice eh?
Well, it was real nice of you to encourage people to contact them so that the government could figure out the size of your criminal enterprise more easily.
Second, the government intends to convert you from an interested party who wants their wrongfully seized property back into a co-conspirator, so they can keep your property!!
News flash: It wasn't wrongfully seized and the fact that you were found guilty pretty much confirms that. Also, I don't think everyone's going to get converted. I mean, if your victims weren't using LD to do anything illegal or passing it off when they knew it wasn't legal then they'll likely be branded as victims, no co-conspirators. Perhaps once it's all sorted out, the victims will see something. I'm not sure how that works, though. On the other hand, all the money they've given to you after the raid is probably gone for good.
The evil ways of this !@#$#@! government are truly amazing and disgusting!
And to think, you were the one who encouraged your victims to identify themselves to the government. You're so evil.
PLEASE don't allow this to happen! Please take immediate action to protect your property and immediately email Tom Ascik and CC me so there is a record of your email. Please Copy and Paste this sample email below with your name and address to Tom Ascik <>
YES! Make yourselves more known! BTW, I know that this isn't how you pronounce the guy's name, but I can't stop the voice in my head from pronouncing it Ass-kick. I hope if he sees this, he is flattered because he should be. That is an awesome name for someone at the DOJ.

I will now rewrite Bernie's letter.
I am appalled that you would try to convert me from an "interested party" to a "victim" or a "co-conspirator" as a means to bar me from recovery of my wrongfully seized property and enhance the prison sentence for Bernard von NotHaus. I am utterly disgusted with you and the DOJ!
I am very happy that you may try to convert me to from an "interested party" to a "victim." I was royally screwed by Bernie and if there's a chance I can recoup some of the loss I suffered at his hands, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please note, I did my own independent due diligence regarding the Liberty Dollar. I read dozens of articles that quoted many official government officials from the US Treasury, Secret Service, Federal Reserve and many law enforcement officers that the Liberty Dollar was legal.
I thought I did my independent due diligence regarding the Liberty Dollar. Unfortunately, I didn't realize at the time that "independent due diligence" meant more than reading articles on the Liberty Dollar site that quoted legitimate law enforcement agencies.
I investigated the NORFED organization, Bernard von NotHaus the monetary architect, talked to the office and asked many questions. (more personal details if you wish but not needed) I did everything possible to make sure the Liberty Dollar was legal before becoming involved because I did not want to violate any federal, state or local law. It was only then did I become involved with the Liberty Dollar. It was only then did I get some Liberty Dollars.
I investigated NORFED by calling the office and talking to them. They seemed like really cool people so I thought everything was on the up-and-up. So I ordered some Liberty Dollars.
Now, for you to even consider that I am a co-conspirator in a criminal organization that had such high intentions and noble ideals of sound money and returning American to a value based monetary system is wrong and personally offensive!
I'd like to say that I honestly didn't know that Bernie was breaking the law, but I was pretty taken in by what I thought was the noble ideal of sound money and returning America to a value based monetary system and was blinded to the criticism on sites like Quatloos who went to great lengths to explain how and why it was a scam. If only I had googled it instead of believing Bernie!
I hereby certify that I am NOT a "co-conspirator" or a "victim" of the Liberty Dollar. I am an innocent third party and I demand the immediate return of my wrongfully seized property! What you and the DOJ are trying to do to Bernard von NotHaus, the Liberty Dollar and me is disgusting and an insult to the ideals that this country was founded upon and the US Constitution! Shame on you and the DOJ!
I hereby certify that I am indeed a victim of Bernard von NotHaus and hope that there will be some way to recover the money I've sunk into this scam. I, unfortunately, sunk far more into him after the raid in exchange for promises that I would at least receive the product I ordered shortly before the raid. That was my only hope at the time because it didn't seem like Bernie was offering any refunds. I was hoping to sell the product on eBay as a collectors item.

I'm not doing the rest.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

I really like the part about the lawyer helping to keep Bernie out of prison, like that is going to happen. He is either going down for the 17 on the recommendation, or the 22 years the DOJ is asking for, and as I am sure than any sympathy he might have had with the judge evaporated the minute he opened his mouth i am betting on the longer sentence.

I'm kind of curious about who would be dumb enough to lend him any money, let alone $20k when there is not one iota of a chance of his ever being able to repay it.

I would suspect that most of his customers can get by with claiming they were victims of his line of BS, his retailers on the other hand could be in serious trouble if the gov't feels like going after them as accomplices.

Way to go Bernie!!!
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Operative »

To Von Nutso,

When you have soap, remember to "do the drop". :twisted:
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

oldnikki wrote:Poor baby. I'm going to send a contribution today.

$20.00 in in Libbies.

I hate to give away a kind of collector's item, but the irony is too good to pass up.
I'd send him $20 in monopoly money, which is the real inflation-proof private barter currency.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Cathulhu »

Hey, a trick-or-treater gave me a million dollar bill...perhaps I'll send it to him and end his money woes.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Gregg »

I think that the best chance his suckers have of getting any money back is by stating they are victims. The Federal Government often takes the proceeds of seized funds and makes them available to victims who complete the proper paperwork. In the ASD case, the victims were also encouraged to not to apply for the restitution program and is the only case I know of where the amount seized was less than was later claimed by victims, and the ones who did fill out the paperwork got 100% of their money back. It may have helped that a lot of the "victims" in that autosurf ponzi scheme may have had a few things they'd rather not explain in order to get a refund.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by LPC »

BVNH wrote:Please click HERE to make an anonymous donation. Please note that although is set up for monthly donations, you can make a one-time donation of any amount.

Or send any donation of value, your check, money order made out to BERNARD and mailed to:
I would *never* insult BVNH by sending him any of the phony fiat currency he has been railing against for years. Instead, as an homage to him, I'm going to design my own currency, backed by a large pile of farm by-products, and send him some. (Of the currency, not the farm by-products.)
BVNH wrote:6. The Inflationary Explosion and Secret Bailouts
The inflationary explosion is unprecedented in any era.
What inflation? There's been no significant rise in consumer prices.

Unless he's one of those who believe that "inflation" is any increase in the money supply, regardless of whether the increase causes any change in the price of labor or commodities.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

I think you are giving Bernie far more credit than is due. I doubt seriously if he really even has a clue as to what inflation is let alone what it entails, since he clearly does not have a clue about intrinsic value, and no grip on reality whatsoever.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Lambkin »

Despite all of his lunacy and denial, I agree that 14-17 years is excessive. Not for the reasons he says: because it's not worth the price.