Liberty Dollar Update

notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Perhaps, but Bernie has made a career out of this sort of thing, and obviously hasn't twigged to it not being legit, still claims he is being persecuted, and has done nothing wrong, so if they go lower he will just start over once he is out, so I really have no sympathy for him.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Lambkin »

I also have no sympathy. He is a criminal idiot. He deserves a smack-down, but kids deserve schools even more.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by JamesVincent »

I wish they would invent a way to squeeze 20 years worth of prison suffering into 10 years so we only had to pay for half.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

JamesVincent wrote:I wish they would invent a way to squeeze 20 years worth of prison suffering into 10 years so we only had to pay for half.
I'll gladly pay for the full 20, if only to make Bernie wake up, for each day that he serves, knowing that like a child, others are in control of his life decisions.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

Von Nuthous is 68. Realistically, he won't be in prison more than 10 years.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

As if losing the Liberty Dollar case was not bad enough, my recommended sentence is 14 to 17.5 years.
Why do I get the feeling that even after 17.5 years this guy will still think he is right?

As to the investors, it seems they may be in the situation of either join BVNH or get a refund. What we call a "no-brainer". Although in the case of tax protesters, sovereigns and the like, that may be the wrong expression.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by grixit »

Please note, I did my own independent due diligence regarding the Liberty Dollar. I read dozens of articles that quoted many official government officials from the US Treasury, Secret Service, Federal Reserve and many law enforcement officers that the Liberty Dollar was legal. I investigated the NORFED organization, Bernard von NotHaus the monetary architect, talked to the office and asked many questions.
Nothing says independent thinking like sending in the same premade letter as everybody else.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

November 2011 Vol. 13 No. 11

Thanks for the $upport… And more

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. Legal Update
2. Thanks for the $upport…
3. Petition CBS "News" for Shafting Ron Paul
4. Economic Problems in Europe… Soon to be Here
5. How Icelanders Bashed the Banksters
6. U.S. Headed Towards Utter Financial Collapse
7. Hyperinflation article by Steve Hanke
8. Is a New US Dollar Underway?
9. Interview: Terrorist or Hero? The "Rosa Parks of Monetary Liberty"
10. Thrive - The Movie!

1. Legal Update
There is no doubt that my sentencing is critical to moving forward to recover your wrongfully seized property. So I wish I had some news. This "unique terrorist" is waiting for the sentencing hearing to be scheduled. Given the Holidays and the usual slow federal machinery, I don't think I will be sentenced until January or February. The next Newsletter should have more info. Please keep your prayers and good wishes coming, as the sentencing may be worst than the trial. Please note the recent interview detailed in article #8 below for more info.

2. Thanks for the $upport… One time donations now possible on line
Many thanks for your show of support for our common cause. Knowing that there is still a solid base of supporters, provides the moral courage to stand for what we both know and believe - that the government has no right to rip us off with a depreciating currency. Money must hold its value and anything less is theft.

A special thanks for those who answered my call for donations. As much as I greatly appreciate the moral support, the monetary support equally appreciated. The best part are the notes of support send with the checks mailed to Evansville. Thank you very much for your kind and supportive comments. I wish I had the time to reply to every one.

While only a small percentage of readers responded, as expected, every donation to repay the sentencing attorney loan is greatly appreciated and will greatly impact recovery of the seized property. If you did not send a few dollars please consider it. The only thing worse than the conviction is having everything confiscated.

The good news is that you can now make "one time donations" on line. While the site has not been changed, Jason has offered to edit any "monthly donation" to a one time donation. Simply go to, open an account, make a donation and email Jason with ONE TIME DONATION in the subject field. Jason will make sure you will be charged only once. Please let me know if you have any further problems, as I am very grateful for your support.

I also had several inquiries regarding accepting PayPal. Unfortunately, after PayPal seized $37,000 in customer orders and would not return the money to the faithful Liberty Dollar supporters for months, there is no love or usage between Liberty Dollar and PayPal.

Quite the opposite and much to my pleasant surprise, quite a few people chose to send cash or a check made out to BERNARD. Many thanks for your show of support. And as privacy is soo important, I received a few anonymous cash donations. Many thanks to everyone. I love you too:)!

So if you wish to send a check:
Please make it payable to BERNARD and mail to:
Bernard von NotHaus
527 N. Green River Road
Suite 158
Evansville. IN 47715

Thanks for your show of support. A successful sentencing is critical to keeping the Liberty Dollar cause alive and getting your wrongfully seized property returned. Thanks again!

3. Petition CBS "News" for Shafting Ron Paul
On November 12, 2011, the CBS "News" Network gave Ron Paul a MERE 90 SECONDS speaking time out of an hour GOP/Foreign Policy debate in Spartanburg, SC. This is an obvious attempt to marginalize the message of Ron Paul and points to CBS's incompetence as a reliable news network for three reasons:

1. Ron Paul has received more military campaign contributions than any other Republican candidate therefore, it is only logical that he receive a substantial amount of airtime during a debate on foreign policy. This not only shows an outrageous bias against Ron Paul but outright disregard for the opinion of the brave individuals serving in our military.

2. Ron Paul has been consistently ranked in the top or won the majority of straw polls this primary cycle. This shows a lack of journalistic competency by CBS considering it is only proper to give coverage to a candidate who is clearly showing mainstream electability.

3. Ron Paul was one of the few veterans on stage for this foreign policy debate during Veteran's Day weekend. It is disgraceful that he received so little airtime given the specific circumstances. Sign the petition. Help defeat the media blackout.

Click HERE to sign the petition to CBS News to publicly apologize to Ron Paul.

Ron Paul interview with Bob Schieffer for CBS Face the Nation on November 20, 2011 was equally bad and stilted against Ron Paul. Chick HERE to check it out.

Remember CBS in New York City ran the lying "newscast" for the government about the Liberty Dollar following BVNH's inflammatory speech in front of the New York Federal Reserve Bank in 2006, just a month before the US Mint issued their warning that the "use" of Liberty Dollars were illegal. Maybe not just a coincidence?

4. Economic Problems in Europe… Soon to be Here!
Credit Suisse Goes For Broke: Predicts End Of Euro, Bank Runs

Italy Sparks Market Bloodbath: Financial Stocks Collapse

A Financial Nightmare For Italy: The Yield Curve For Italian Bonds Is Turning Upside Down

French and Germans explore idea of smaller euro zone

The European Disaster Is Far Larger Than Greece

How Protesters Become Terrorists

This Is How Protesters Are Dealt With In America: Pepper Spray To The Face, Rubber Bullets At Point Blank Range And Brutally Dragging Women By Their Hair

Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create Bioweapon

If Chemtrails And HAARP Didn't Disturb You Enough, Wait Until You Hear About Morgellons

Halliburton Charged With Selling Nuclear Technology To Iran HERE and HERE

Central bank gold purchases soar

Lloyd's Abandons European Banks!

The European Bail-Out and MF Global Bankrupt

5. How Icelanders Bashed the Banksters
While one European country after another fails or risks failing, bankrupting the people, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland' solution to become a model for other countries. Please read this extraordinary story of how Icelanders refused to be burdened with the private debt of the criminal banking system, threw out the banksters and wrote a new Constitution so it will never happen again! Please click HERE for this truly amazing story of the people taking control and protecting their right not be conned by the government empowered banks.

6. U.S. Headed Towards Utter Financial Collapse
The U.S. is Headed Toward a Complete and Utter Collapse of its Financial System

Gerald Celente : we look at a Global Meltdown

20 Signs That America Is Going Crazy

Pregnant Seattle protester miscarries after being kicked, pepper sprayed

50 Best Bartering Sites For The Frugal

Report: Dozens of U.S. spies captured in Lebanon and Iran

Hizbullah busts Zionists' 'Pizza Hut spy ring'

The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11

17 Quotes About The Coming Global Financial Collapse That Will Make Your Hair Stand Up

Poorest poor in US hits new record: 1 in 15 people

Unfortunately, America's financial problems will be not solved via the Icelandic model. Our government's handlers prefer the much more diabolical and perverse model of hyperinflation and overthrow of the sovereign American and our God given rights.

7. Hyperinflation article by Steve Hanke
Dr. Steve Hanke, the distinguished professor of applied economics at the Johns Hopkins University just issued his "definitive" article on Zimbabwe's hyperinflation. If time permits, I encourage you to click HERE for Measurement of Zimbabwe's Hyperinflation. (link to:

Steve also wrote "Fed Up" - an amazingly well written paper on "the zero interest-rate trap," distortions created by the Fed and hot money flows with supporting graphs. Click HERE for the paper.

8. Is a New US Dollar Underway?
Bob Chapman thinks so according to an article in the Charleston Voice - "the editorial repository for unflinching Americanism." Click HERE for an interesting spin on what may lie ahead for America's monetary system.

9. Interview: Terrorist or Hero? The "Rosa Parks of Monetary Liberty"
Recently, I did an interview with Scott Ledd from Scuttledd who quickly identified me as the "Rosa Parks of Monetary Liberty." Please click HERE for a newsy interview about what happened between the trial and now.

10. Thrive - The Movie!
Have you seen Thrive - The Movie? Foster and Kimberly Gamble had gifted truth seekers the keys to an amazing vehicle to stop humanity from failing. The Gambles have done an outstanding job of exposing and verifying the negative forces that many people allow to control their lives and asks 'What on Earth will it Take' to stop the human misery. Thrive is a must see move asap. Available at

Misery Index Drives Gold Demand

Closing Remarks:
As Sinclair Lewis said many years ago, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."

Special thanks to Makana from Hawaii for: Occupy: We Are The Many

Thank you for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Demosthenes wrote:LIBERTY DOLLAR NEWS:
November 2011 Vol. 13 No. 11

5. How Icelanders Bashed the Banksters
While one European country after another fails or risks failing, bankrupting the people, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland' solution to become a model for other countries. Please read this extraordinary story of how Icelanders refused to be burdened with the private debt of the criminal banking system, threw out the banksters and wrote a new Constitution so it will never happen again! Please click HERE for this truly amazing story of the people taking control and protecting their right not be conned by the government empowered banks.
Is this related to Iceland's recognition of (a) Palestinian State. (I said "a" Palestinian State, because it's not clear all the countries recognizing the State of Palestine recognize the same state. Wikipedia suggests that some states recognizing "Palestine" recognized the British Mandate of Palestine less the original state of Israel, leaving Jordan as part of it.)
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Yogi Bear »

A special thanks for those who answered my call for donations. As much as I greatly appreciate the moral support, the monetary support equally appreciated. The best part are the notes of support send with the checks mailed to Evansville. Thank you very much for your kind and supportive comments. I wish I had the time to reply to every one.
My guess is he will have a lot of free time on his hands to reply.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

December 2011 Vol. 13 No. 12

Waiting, Murder & Corruption

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. Legal Update
2. Liberty Dollar - "the most viewed story"
3. Problem with Donating
4. Money in America
5. President Murders Two Americans and Other Threatening Actions
6. Corruption in high places: "Replacing Michelle"
7. How Iceland Bashed the Banksters and Won Their Freedom
8. Making the Transition to a New Gold Standard
9. China Outlaws Gold Exchanges
10. The Old Man and the Sea and Ron Paul

1. Legal Update
I regret to report that there is really no news regarding my sentencing. My best guess is that I will not be sentenced until after the middle of February… at the earliest. Your continued support and prayers are greatly appreciated during this nerve-racking wait. Meanwhile, I continue to rely on the Hitchhiker's Philosophy: The longer the wait - the better the ride.

2. Liberty Dollar - "the most viewed story"
In addition to the Liberty Dollar being America's second most popular currency and the largest and best "alternate currency," the Asheville Citizen-Times' story announcing my conviction was their most-viewed story in 2011. In fact, the CT report of my conviction was viewed more than twice the second article. Click HERE for the CT article.

3. Problem with Donating
I must confess that the letters and notes of support included with the donations mean more to me than the $$$. But I am sure the attorney likes the money more. Both your moral and financial support is very endearing and greatly appreciated.

Unfortunately, my earlier assumption of few donations has proven accurate. And while $20 is the most popular donation, please don't hesitate to send $5 or $10. Even a buck is greatly appreciates as a show of support for the ideals that the Liberty Dollar embodied.

I apologize for the confusion regarding donating to legal defense of my sentencing. To keep it simple, it is best to send a check or money order made out to BERNARD and mailed to: Bernard von NotHaus, 527 N. Green River Road, Suite 158, Evansville, IN 47715 with any words of support you wish:).

Online donations are also available via that accepts only PayPal. And while it says that it is for "monthly donations" you can make a "one time" donation by setting up your donation for monthly and then email Jason Pratt <> who will change your donation to a just once.

Many, many thanks for your show of support and help in keeping the Liberty Dollar alive. And remember, while I was convicted, the Liberty Dollar was not on trial and it was not convicted. It remains to be seen what the future holds for the world's first private voluntary barter currency.

4. Money in America
Last year Jim Quinn of the Burning Platform fame published his mega series of four articles, "The Good, Bad and Ugly" etc on the monetary system and the power behind it. It is still available online.

Now Jim has distinguished himself once again with a new outstanding series of articles. Quinn has already published Money in America, Part One and Money in America, Part Two

There is no doubt that these are long articles but if you are serious about understanding Money in America, they are well written and not to be missed. Happy reading.

Quinn is an American radio talk show host based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His program, The War Room with Quinn and Rose, is aired on 12 stations across the U.S. and is also heard on XM Satellite Radio Channel 166 from 6-9 a.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. He is a proponent of a constitutional government that adheres to the guiding principles of the nation's founders and is a champion for a smaller federal government and free markets. He regularly equates modern Left Liberalism (not classical liberalism) with Marxism. He commonly refers to "Quinn's Laws," a collection of statements that sum up his world view, such as "Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent" (i.e., the War on Poverty has led to even greater poverty)." [3] He also has many personal clichés he is fond of saying, such as "liberty is the solution to the human condition".

Please note Article #10 for an analogy of Ron Paul and The Old Man and the Sea that is also by Jim Quinn.

5. President Murders Two Americans and Other Threatening Actions
President Murders Two Americans - Dangerous Precedent - by Ron Paul
Last week's assassination of 2 American citizens, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, is an outrage and a criminal act carried out by the President and his administration.

Govt. Says It Can Assassinate/Indefinitely Detain Americans on American Soil Without Due Process
You've now got a president who says that he can kill you at his own discretion. He can jail you indefinitely at his own discretion. Great to live in the USSR.

Holder: Obama Will Issue Signing Statement With NDAA Detention Rules
Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed speculation Wednesday that President Barack Obama would issue a signing statement when he makes the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and its controversial detention provisions law.

Obama pledges to exempt Americans from indefinite detention law
On New Year's Eve, sneaky President Barack Obama signed the NDAA bill that gives the military authority to detain American citizens indefinitely and without criminal charge. Editor Note: When you start believing the government - you should start questioning your beliefs.

National Lawyers Guild Condemns NDAA on Indefinite Detention

The National Defense Authorization Act Explained

Montanans Launch Recall of Senators Who Approved NDAA Military Detention. Merry Christmas, US Senate

Moving quickly on Christmas Day after the US Senate voted 93 to 7 to pass the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011 (NDAA) which allows for the indefinite military detention of American citizens without charge or trial, Montanans have announced the launch of recall campaigns against Senators Max Baucus and Jonathan Tester, who voted for the bill.

Montana is one of nine states with provisions that say that the right of recall extends to recalling members of its federal congressional delegation, pursuant to Montana Code 2-16-603, on the grounds of physical or mental lack of fitness, incompetence, and violation of oath of office, official misconduct, or conviction of certain felony offenses. Section 2 of Montana Code 2-16-603 reads: "(2) A public officer holding an elective office may be recalled by the qualified electors entitled to vote for the elective officer's successor."

Let's hear it for Montana who is not happy with the federal gang of un-Americans!!!

Local Cops Ready for War With Homeland Security-Funded Military Weapons
A decade of billions in spending in the name of homeland security has armed local police departments with military-style equipment and a new commando mentality. But has it gone too far?

6. Corruption in high places: "Replacing Michelle"
On January 24, 2009 the New York Post ran a column entitled, "Replacing Michelle."

Some employees are simply irreplaceable. Take Michelle Obama: The University of Chicago Medical Center hired her in 2002 to run 'programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting.'

In 2005 the hospital raised her salary from $120,000 to $317,000 - nearly twice what her husband made as a Senator.

Her husband, Barak Obama, had just become a U.S. Senator. He requested a $1 million "Earmark" for the UC Medical Center. Way to network, Michelle!

From 2006 to 2008 as Obummer's presidential campaign took off, her salary was reduced by the hours she worked to $273,618 to $103,633 but Obama still earned $4.2 million in 2007. In 2008 her salary was reduced for "unpaid leave of absence to work on her husband's presidential campaign" to $62,709 according to (link to ... as-salary/) and Bloomberg.

Now that Mrs. Obama has resigned, the hospital says her position will remain unfilled. How can that be, if the work she did was vital enough to be worth $317,000?

How did this bit of "quid pro quo" (scratch my back - I'll scratch yours) corruption escape the sharp reporters that dug through Sarah Palin's garbage and kindergarten files?

Recession is when your neighbor loses his job.
Depression is when you lose your job.
Recovery is when Obummer loses his.

7. How Iceland Bashed the Banksters and Won Their Freedom
As one European country after another fails or risks failing, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland to become an example.

Very succinctly: When Iceland stumbled into the huge debt hole created by their three big banks who tried to hold the citizens responsible for their monetary crimes of gross thief that would have bankrupt Iceland, the people revolted and refused to be held responsible for the banksters crimes. Just before the monetary criminals were to be arrested, they fled the country and Iceland sidestepped becoming another Greece.

This is a must read article because this is what America should have done with its current batch of monetary criminals in Washington and New York!

A second article describes how protests and riots eventually forced the government to resign. In the March 2010 referendum, 93% voted against repayment of the debt. But Icelanders didn't stop there: they decided to draft a new constitution that would free the country from the exaggerated power of international finance and virtual money.

Today, Iceland is recovering from its financial collapse in ways just the opposite of those generally considered unavoidable. The people of Greece have been told that the privatization of their public sector is the only solution. And those of Italy, Spain and Portugal are facing the same threat. They should look to Iceland. Refusing to bow to foreign interests, that small country stated loud and clearly that the people are sovereign!

Click HERE for Iceland Should Be in the News, But Is Not

8. Making the Transition to a New Gold Standard
The recent 29th Annual Monetary Conference: Monetary Reform in the Wake of Crisis was hosted by Cato in Washington and featured many outstanding speakers. The overall tone of the presenters, who were mostly PhDs, were in support of free market economics and free banking as the means to resolve the financial problems that currently engulf the US economic system. The main speakers: Rep. Ron Paul gave the keynote address, followed by Benn Steil of the CFR, Gerry O'Driscoll of Cato, Jeffrey Lacker of the Federal Reserve of Richmond, George Selgin, Roger Garrison, Robert Zoellick, Steve Hanke, Larry White, Judy Shelton, Richard Timberlake, Jim Grant, Kevin Dowd and Kurt Schuler with the closing address by John Allison, the former Chairman and CEO for BB&T bank that was particularly outstanding.

A couple speakers offered actual solutions to the current financial problem including Dr. Judy Shelton and Dr. Lawrence H. White. Larry's presentation is available HERE on the Free Banking website. I was pleased to learn that many speakers are personal friends and supporters of the Liberty Dollar solution and referenced my work in their presentations, including Ron Paul, to return American to a free market currency before our financial problem becomes a real crisis.

9. China Outlaws Gold Exchanges
BEIJING -- Gold exchanges in China outside of two in Shanghai are to be banned, authorities said in a statement released on December 20.

Gold exchanges have mushroomed across China, from the northern port city of Tianjin to Guangxi bordering Vietnam, as spot prices in the precious metal have soared to record highs and speculation has boomed.

"No local authority, institution, or individual is allowed to set up gold exchanges," said the notice dated December 20 and jointly issued by the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Public Security, and other regulators.

The notice -- published on the central bank website (link to - said the Shanghai Gold Exchange and the Shanghai Futures Exchange are enough to meet domestic investor demand for spot gold and futures trading.

Existing exchanges or "platforms" were told to stop offering new services.

If China can do this, what is to stop the totalitarian US government from closing all the coin dealers and metal brokers in the US? Click HERE for the complete article.

10. The Old Man and the Sea and Ron Paul
"The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists." - Ernest Hemingway

Sadness, resignation and the inevitability of death permeate the pages of Hemingway's brilliant novel, The Old Man and the Sea. But it is grace under pressure in the face of overwhelming odds that is the true message Hemingway leaves with the reader. There is no avoiding death, but the critical test of mankind is how you live your life and how you endure the suffering and pain that are inflicted upon you.

Life is a journey. At the end of every worldly journey, death awaits. That is a certainty. The ending will be the same for everyone who walks this earth. What matters is the course chosen on the voyage through life. The vast sea represents life's journey, with its ebbs, flows, and storms that must be navigated. In Hemingway's portrait of the world, death is inevitable, but the finest men will nonetheless refuse to give in to its power. In both the sea and in life, there are a number of possibilities that lie hidden from the common eye; some are gifts to be treasured and some are problems to be defeated. Neither will be found unless man embarks upon the journey. If man is lucky enough to discover a treasure he must fight until death to retain it; if man is unlucky enough to discover an evil lurking underneath the surface of the sea, he must fight it bravely and nobly until the end. In either case, it is the struggle that is all-important, and a man obtains the status of hero if he battles the sea (life) with grace under pressure. The only way to obtain the status of hero is to set sail on the uncertain sea of life.

"But man is not made for defeat; a man can be destroyed but not defeated." - Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea.

Click HERE to read this inspiring comparison between The Old Man and the Sea and Ron Paul by Jim Quinn of the Burning Platform.

Closing Remarks:
John Wayne defined "courage" as being scared-to-death but saddling up anyway." That pretty well sums up waiting to be sentenced. There is just nothing else to do by saddle up as there is no way to walk away from the commitment for a value based currency.

Many thanks for your donations and continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

BvN wrote: 2. Liberty Dollar - "the most viewed story"
In addition to the Liberty Dollar being America's second most popular currency and the largest and best "alternate currency," the Asheville Citizen-Times' story announcing my conviction was their most-viewed story in 2011. In fact, the CT report of my conviction was viewed more than twice the second article. Click HERE for the CT article.
The top five stories:

1) Liberty Dollar creator convicted
2) Man jailed for tortilla dough
3) Kindle Fire vs. Nook Tablet
4) Jan. 10 snow blog
5) Topless rally
notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, he has to be a legend in someone's mind, it might as well be his since no one else cares.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Observer »

I am just shocked that he got more hits than the topless rally story. But then again, a story on someone jailed for tortilla dough as the #2 story indicates a strange readership.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

January 2012 Vol. 14 No. 01

Countdown to Sentencing

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

Table of Contents:
1. Please Write Judge Voorhees
2. Donations Are Still Needed
3. U.S. debt now equals the economy!
4. Local Currencies 'In the U.S. we don't trust'
5. Visualize: All The World's Gold
6. Forty Economists pan new gold standard for US
7. What's Wrong with a Gold Standard?
8. Who Rules America
9. The Good Wife debuted with "Bitcoin for Dummies"
10. In the broadband race, USA is not No. 1

1. Please Write Judge Voorhees
WOW!!! Thank you, for the kind words of support copied to me from some of your letters to Judge Voorhees. As I am relying on your good judgment to be respectful to my trial judge, you are not required to send a copy of your letter to me but it is very endearing to read your comments in support of the historic work we did with the Liberty Dollar. Thank you for taking the time to write Judge Voorhees regarding my upcoming sentencing hearing - whose date has not yet been set.

Have you written a particularly good and respectful letter? Would you like to have your letter read in court and become part of the Liberty Dollar case history? Now is your opportunity. Please email a scan of your signed letter to me or fax it to me 775.473.9929 and I will forward it to my attorney. Be a part of monetary history. Please send your letter to me. Thanks.

If you are an attorney and have not yet sent your letter to me, please do so asap.

NOW… In case you did not receive the Alert of January 18, 2012, please write to Judge Voorhees ASAP - the timing is critically important.

Now that I am simply waiting for my sentencing date, the time has come for your direct participation in the legal process that will help define your seized property, the future of the Liberty Dollar and possibly the rest of my life.

I know you have been wronged and suffered in many ways due to the government raid and court actions. I know you have been damaged emotionally and economically because of your stand for value and because you have been alienated from your seized property. And I know you have suffered politically over the loss that the Liberty Dollar could have provided to our great country.

Now is the time for you to speak up with a personal letter addressed to: The Honorable Richard L. Voorhees who was my trial judge and the judge who will sentence me very shortly. It is my opinion that the jury erred and the judge was fair and impartial so please address Judge Voorhees respectfully.

Please simply mention that you know me, heard me speak at an event, was a supporter, an associate, RCO or merchant or simply a part of the Liberty Dollar organization, used Liberty Dollars or supported the moral cause for a honest value based currency. And then explain why I should not go to prison because the Liberty Dollar was good for you and our country or that you don't know of any victims or that I am a good person or that you know I had no criminal intent.

FYI: Your letter need not be long. The sheer number of letters speaks much louder than the size of any one letter. So please share this request with your family and friends. I need individual letters from as many people as possible.

Please send a brief letter ASAP with your NAME and ADDRESS to:
The Honorable Richard L. Voorhees
U.S. District Judge
United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina
250 Charles R. Jonas Federal Bldg.
401 West Trade Street
Charlotte NC 28202
And add: PLEASE FREE BVNH to the bottom left hand corner of your envelope.

Please click HERE for a sample letter that is very long but equally outstanding.

After sentencing, the case regarding the seized material will begin the long process that will ultimately conclude with the return of your wrongfully seized property.

2. Donations Are Still Needed
Many thanks for the donations too! I wish I had time to reply to all the wonderful notes that often accompany the donations. The notes are truly priceless.

Donations are still needed and happily accepted to pay for the sentencing attorney. If you have not sent a few dollars, please consider making a donation. And while $20 is the most popular donation, please don't hesitate to send $5 or $10. Even a buck is greatly appreciated as a show of support for the ideals that the Liberty Dollar embodied.

While those dreaded depreciating non-Federal non-Reserve notes are still OK, it is best to send a check or money order made out to BERNARD and mailed to: Bernard von NotHaus, 527 N. Green River Road, Suite 158, Evansville, IN 47715 with words of support that are more cherished than the money.

Online donations are also available via that only accepts PayPal. And while it says that it is for "monthly donations" you can make a "one time" donation by sending your donation and then email Jason Pratt <> who will change your donation to just once.

Many, many thanks to everyone who have made a donation. Again, I wish I had time to reply but being a federal criminal it is a full time job plus many donations are anonymous with no name or return address.

3. U.S. debt now equals the economy!
This is a dangerous tipping point and one I had hoped we would never experience when Liberty Dollar was first issued on October 1, 1998. But the truth is that the national debt is actually accelerating and the social, economic and political consequences are sure to follow. My heart aches for the country. Please click HERE for the whole story.

4. Local Currencies 'In the U.S. we don't trust'
With the rise of the national debt and the corresponding loss of value (purchasing power) of the once mighty US dollar, people are beginning to take matters into their own hands and issuing their own currencies because they simply do not trust the US dollar.

Click HERE for the complete "Local Currencies 'In the U.S. we don't trust'" article by Blake Ellis for

Concurrent to the 'In the U.S. we don't trust' article was: "Funny money?" that documented 11 local currencies: Unfortunately, none of the well intending currencies listed in the article on January 18, 2012 are value based, all are fiat so they don't provide any protection from inflation for the users or their community and do nothing to return their communities or the country to economic sustainability. Nor was the largest and most successful currency that was 100% based on gold and silver, even listed.
The eleven local fiat currencies listed were:
BerkShares: Southern Berkshire, MA Started: 2006
Equal Dollars: Philadelphia, PA Started: 1996
Ithaca Hours: Ithaca, NY Started: 1991
Bay Bucks: Traverse City, MI Started: 2006
Cascadia Hour Exchange: Portland, OR Started: 1993
Life Dollars: Bellingham and Seattle, WA Started: 2004
Downtown Dollars: Ardmore, PA Started: 2010
Potomacs: Washington, D.C. and suburbs Started: 2009
Local Trade Partners: Fayetteville, AK Started: 2009
Crescents: New Orleans, LA Started: 2004
Brooklyn Torches: Brooklyn, NY Started: Still forming

Please click HERE for the complete article of "Funny money?"

5. Visualize: All The World's Gold
Got a question re the size of the gold market, major mining countries or how it is used? Want a quick reference with snappy charts and graphics re all the fact and statistics on gold? Click HERE for "All the World's Gold."

6. Forty Economists pan new gold standard for US
As you may know, because of brainwashing and indoctrination, I have very little love for academia. This ridiculous article simply confirms my contempt.

A poll of nearly 40 bipartisan economists showed no support for the idea that pegging the currency to the price of gold would lead to a more stable US jobs market or keep prices in check.

"A gold standard regime would be a disaster for any large advanced economy. Love of the (gold standard) implies macroeconomic illiteracy," said Chicago Booth's Anil Kashyap.

Click HERE for the complete ridiculous article.

7. What's Wrong with a Gold Standard?
Here is another brain-dead loser of an article from a sales engineer, technology enthusiast, radio host and amateur economist (no less!) whose radio program broadcast is on WHO (AM) in Des Moines, Iowa Saturdays from 12:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. CST and hosted by Dan Adams and Brian Gongol.

Click HERE for What's Wrong with a Gold Standard?

8. Who Rules America
Wealth, Income, and Power by G. William Domhoff documents the details on the wealth and income distributions in the United States and explains how these two distributions are used as power indicators.

Some of the information may come as a surprise to many people. In fact, I know it will be a surprise and then some, because of a recent study (Norton & Ariely, 2010) showing that most Americans (high income or low income, female or male, young or old, Republican or Democrat) have no idea just how concentrated the wealth distribution actually is.

The images graphically display how financial wealth is currently distributed throughout the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

Please click HERE for this amazing article on who rules America.

9. The Good Wife debuted with "Bitcoin for Dummies"
Prime time television, widely known for fiction, has no duty to truth, or reality. It is therefore a perfect platform in which to insert outright lies, which as we know, if repeated enough, will be construed as the truth. For those of us with the insight, a backroom closed-door visit to Hollywood by agents of the District comes quickly to mind, and with little further contemplation, an outlandish attempt at jury tampering.

Recently, while NBC aired the hottest-trending-award-show-comic Ricky Gervais hosting the Golden Globe Awards, a new episode of CBS's The Good Wife debuted, entitled Bitcoin for Dummies. Here are two notable quotes from the first segment:

Defendant Dylan Stack: "According to the FBI it is a violation of federal law for individuals to create private coin or currency systems."

Treasury agent Higgs: "The penalty for creating a currency is ten to thirty years"

It is just me, but isn't this strikingly close to the DOJ arguments in my Liberty Dollar case? Is the gov now ghosting scripts for their subliminal messages?
Synopsis: The show's legal heavyweights quickly accede to a law that doesn't exist, and try instead to convince the judge first, that Bitcoin is not a currency, and failing that, that their client is... not the culprit.

Click HERE for Bitcoin for Dummies while it is still available.

10. In the broadband race, USA is not No. 1
The nation that invented the personal computer, television, the cellphone, the smart phone and - oh yes - the Internet, lags in creatively using all these things. In both landline and mobile broadband, America is, at best, mediocre when measured on a variety of metrics such as penetration rates, Internet speeds and price.

Why? The simple answer is that other countries have policies that promote competition and innovation. In contrast, policies here have allowed a few dominant players that control the least interesting parts of the broadband landscape (the cables and the wireless spectrum) to dominate.

Click HERE to read this important article.

Closing Remarks:
I sincerely hope you will send Judge a brief and respectful letter in my behalf. It is very important that this case does not become case law.

While I wish I could thank everybody individually for your support, many thanks to all who have taken the time to write Judge Voorhees and a special thanks for the donations. It is good people like you steadfast Liberty Dollar supporters who are leading the way towards a new value based monetary system for America.

Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Kestrel »

January 2012 Vol. 14 No. 01
2. Donations Are Still Needed
Many thanks for the donations too! I wish I had time to reply to all the wonderful notes that often accompany the donations. The notes are truly priceless.

Donations are still needed and happily accepted to pay for the sentencing attorney. If you have not sent a few dollars, please consider making a donation. And while $20 is the most popular donation, please don't hesitate to send $5 or $10. Even a buck is greatly appreciated as a show of support for the ideals that the Liberty Dollar embodied.

While those dreaded depreciating non-Federal non-Reserve notes are still OK, it is best to send a check or money order ... Online donations are also available via that only accepts PayPal.
So he's conceding that US dollars have some kind of value. Either that, or it's because Paypal and his attorney don't accept Liberty Dollars.

Hey - if he really doesn't like having to ask for US dollars, I have a boxful of assorted European coins from pre-Euro days. I also have some bills that say USSR. And I'm sure I've got some genuine replicated Confederate currency in a drawer somewhere...
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Imalawman »

I've been AWOL lately, due to a busy schedule, but I can't believe that the LIberty Dollar is still limping along. Are there really any supporters left for this lunacy?
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Demosthenes wrote:
January 2012 Vol. 14 No. 01


1. Please Write Judge Voorhees
WOW!!! Thank you, for the kind words of support copied to me from some of your letters to Judge Voorhees. As I am relying on your good judgment to be respectful to my trial judge, you are not required to send a copy of your letter to me but it is very endearing to read your comments in support of the historic work we did with the Liberty Dollar. Thank you for taking the time to write Judge Voorhees regarding my upcoming sentencing hearing - whose date has not yet been set.
Can we write Jodge Voorhees urging that he throw the book at BVNH?
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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notorial dissent
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Isn't this all rather an exercise in pointlessness? Aside from it being the usual von Nutburt nonsense. My understanding was that a sitting judge while still on an active case DOES NOT ever look at correspondence or anything coming in from outside that might be construed as prejudicing or biasing them one way or the other on the matter, and so, would never see any of this nonsense.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

Hon. Richard L. Voorhees
U.S. District Court
Western District of North Carolina
200 West Broad Street
Statesville, NC 28677

reference: U.S. v. Bernard Von NotHaus, 5:09cr27-RLV

I suggest that you caption or begin your letter with the comment that this is intended to express an opinion on the sentencing.